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Psicol. USP ; 35: e210086, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558731


Resumo O reconhecimento se apresenta como via pela qual o psiquismo poderá se desenvolver e complexificar a partir de seu encontro com o outro e as afetações que este irá suscitar. Da mesma forma, o reconhecimento se apresenta enquanto movimento de afirmação de si por um elemento do meio externo com o qual o indivíduo se relaciona. Nesse contexto, vemo-nos diante de modalidades de interação da personalidade por meio de vias não-verbais, o que confere grande relevância ao corpo em nosso estudo, apresentando-se enquanto palco que torna possível a expressão e reconhecimento de determinados conteúdos psíquicos que de outra forma não poderiam ser postos em cena nas relações.

Abstract Recognition is presented as a way the psyche can develop and complexify from its encounter with the other and the affects this will arouse. Likewise, recognition is presented as a movement of affirming oneself by an element of the external environment the individual relates to. In this context, we are faced with modalities of personality interaction via non-verbal means, giving the body great relevance in our study, which presents itself as a stage that makes it possible to express and recognize certain psychic contents that could not otherwise be brought into play in relationships.

Resumen El reconocimiento se presenta como una vía por la cual la psique puede desarrollarse y complejizarse a partir de su encuentro con el otro y los afectos que este generará. Asimismo, el reconocimiento manifiesta como un movimiento de afirmación por parte de un elemento del entorno externo con el que se relaciona el individuo. En este contexto, nos encontramos ante modalidades de interacción de la personalidad a través de vías no verbales, lo que otorga gran importancia al cuerpo en nuestro estudio, presentándose como una etapa que posibilita la expresión y reconocimiento de ciertos contenidos psíquicos que de otra manera no podrían ser puestos en juego en las relaciones.

Résumé La reconnaissance est présentée comme un moyen par lequel le psychisme peut se développer et se complexifier en fonction de sa rencontre avec l'autre et des affectations que cela va susciter. De même, la reconnaissance est présentée comme un mouvement d'affirmation de soi par un élément de l'environnement extérieur avec lequel l'individu est en relation. Dans ce contexte, nous sommes confrontés à des modalités d'interaction de la personnalité par des voies non verbales, ce qui donne une grande importance au corps dans notre étude, se présentant comme une étape qui rend possible l'expression et la reconnaissance de certains contenus psychiques qui, autrement, ne pourrait pas être joué dans les relations.

Personality Development , Recognition, Psychology , Nonverbal Communication/psychology , Object Attachment , Individuality , Mother-Child Relations
Fractal rev. psicol ; 33(2): 84-90, maio-ago. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1346085


O presente Relato de Experiência Profissional pretende investigar um encontro formativo integrando professores/as de Artes com professores/as de Ciências na rede municipal de São José dos Campos/SP. Foi utilizado o longa-metragem "Nise - o coração da loucura" como sustentação para debater e refletir sobre as práticas realizadas nas escolas e salas de aula. O objetivo foi registrar a experiência desse encontro de professores/as, apresentando algumas falas que denotam deslocamentos na maneira como professoras e professores enxergam a relação professor-estudante e as diversas possibilidades pedagógicas de intervenção. O pensamento de Jorge Larrosa, Romualdo Dias, Gilles Deleuze e Nise da Silveira funciona como lente para nossa observação. Música e cinema como território comum para o movimento de pensamento do grupo e abertura de possíveis. Entre pincéis e picadores de gelo, a tentativa de um texto-fluxo permite perceber pontos de contatos entre hospital e escola; a vida entre forças de interdição e forças de expansão; estar em horário de trabalho coletivo na perspectiva do encontro e da experiência.

The present Professional Experience Report intends to investigate a formative meeting integrating Arts teachers with Science teachers in the municipal network of São José dos Campos / SP that used the feature film Nise - the heart of madness as a support to debate and reflect on the practices carried out in schools and classrooms. It aims to record the experience of this meeting of teachers, presenting some speeches that present shifts in the way teachers and teachers see the teacher-student relationship and the various pedagogical possibilities of intervention. The thought of Jorge Larrosa, Romualdo Dias, Gilles Deleuze and Nise da Silveira works as a lens for our observation. Music and cinema as a common territory for the group's movement of thought and opening up possibilities. Between brushes and ice picks, the attempt of a flow text allows to perceive points of contact between hospital and school; Life between forces of interdiction and forces of expansion; Be in collective work hours in the perspective of the encounter and the experience.

El presente Informe de Experiencia Profesional pretende investigar un encuentro formativo que integra a profesores de Artes con profesores de Ciencias en la red municipal de São José dos Campos / SP que utilizó el largometraje Nise - el corazón de la locura como soporte para debatir y reflexionar sobre las prácticas realizadas en escuelas y aulas. Tiene como objetivo registrar la experiencia de este encuentro de docentes, presentando algunos discursos que presentan cambios en la forma en que docentes y docentes ven la relación docente-alumno y las diversas posibilidades pedagógicas de intervención. El pensamiento de Jorge Larrosa, Romualdo Dias, Gilles Deleuze y Nise da Silveira funciona como lente de nuestra observación. La música y el cine como territorio común para el movimiento de pensamiento del grupo y la apertura de posibilidades. Entre pinceles y picahielos, el intento de un texto fluído permite percibir puntos de contacto entre el hospital y la escuela; vida entre fuerzas de interdicción y fuerzas de expansión; estar en horas de trabajo colectivo en la perspectiva del encuentro y la experiencia.

Humans , Male , Female , Art , Schools , Science/education , Faculty
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 28-30, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156142


ABSTRACT In the environment of rapid social and economic development, the reform of medical informatization is constantly advancing, and the residents pay more and more attention to their own health status while improving their living standards. The traditional medical service system has some disadvantages in providing real-time, cross regional, long-term and easy-to-operate health services, which has become increasingly inadequate to meet the health needs of users. In order to solve the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor caused by limited medical resources, and to carry out real-time health monitoring for a large number of groups suffering from chronic diseases and sub-health groups, this study conducted in-depth analysis and experimental exploration on the human remote mobile medical information collection method based on the Internet of things and intelligent algorithm. It established the information collection section by using KbaC clustering algorithm based on ant colony point system which, combined with a comparative study on the health indicators of related groups, has successfully proved that the Internet of things technology and intelligent algorithm for medical information collection and follow-up medical services are of certain positive significance, based on the Internet of things and other related technologies of human remote medical information collection system that can accurately and timely detect the patient's blood pressure, blood sugar and other health data, and then provide corresponding medical services.

RESUMO No ambiente de rápido desenvolvimento do nível social e econômico, a reforma da informatização médica está constantemente avançando, e os residentes prestam cada vez mais atenção ao seu próprio estado de saúde, melhorando ao Mesmo tempo seu padrão de vida. O sistema tradicional de serviços médicos tem algumas desvantagens em fornecer serviços de saúde em tempo real, transfronteiriços, de longo prazo e fáceis de operar, o que vem se tornando cada vez mais inadequado para satisfazer as necessidades de saúde dos usuários. A fim de resolver o problema a da dificuldade em consultar um médico por devido a recursos médicos limitados, e para realizar a monitorização da saúde em tempo real para um grande número de grupos que sofrem de doenças crônicas e subgrupos de saúde, este estudo conduziu uma análise aprofundada e uma exploração experimental sobre o método de coleta de informações médicas móvel à distância humana baseado na Internet das coisas e algoritmo inteligente. Estabeleceu a seção de coleta de informações utilizando o algoritmo de clustering KbaC baseado no sistema de pontos de colônias de formigas que, juntamente com um estudo comparativo sobre os indicadores de saúde dos Grupos conexos, conseguiu provar que a tecnologia da Internet das coisas e o algoritmo inteligente para a coleta de informações médicas e acompanhamento dos serviços médicos têm certa relevância positiva baseada na Internet das coisas e outras tecnologias relacionadas ao sistema de coleta de informações médicas remotas humanas, podendo detectar com precisão e tempo hábil a pressão arterial do paciente, a glicose e outros dados de saúde, e, em seguida, fornecer o serviço médico correspondente.

RESUMEN En un entorno de rápido desarrollo social y económico, la reforma de la informatización médica avanza constantemente y las personas prestan cada vez más atención a su estado de salud mientras mejoran su nivel de vida. El sistema de servicio médico tradicional tiene deficiencias en la prestación de servicios de salud en tiempo real, transregionales, a largo plazo y fáciles de operar, los que se han vuelto cada vez más inadecuados para satisfacer las necesidades de salud de los usuarios. Este estudio realizó un análisis con el objetivo de resolver la dificultad para consultar al médico debido a la limitación de los recursos, y de realizar un seguimiento de la salud en tiempo real de un gran número de grupos que padecen enfermedades crónicas. Dicho trabajo realizó un análisis en profundidad y de exploración experimental acerca del método de recopilación de información médica humana móvil remoto basado en Internet de las cosas y el algoritmo inteligente. Estableció la sección de recopilación de información utilizando el algoritmo de agrupación KbaC basado en el sistema de puntos de colonia de hormigas. Esto, combinado con un estudio comparativo sobre los indicadores de salud de grupos relacionados, ha demostrado con éxito que la tecnología de Internet de las cosas y el algoritmo inteligente para la recopilación y seguimiento de información médica son de importancia positiva, y que pueden detectar de manera precisa y oportuna la presión arterial, el azúcar en sangre y otros datos de salud del paciente, para luego proporcionar la atención médica correspondiente.

Humans , Blood Pressure Determination/methods , Medical Informatics Applications , Telemedicine/methods , Glucose/analysis , Algorithms
J. psicanal ; 52(96): 119-125, jan.-jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1020005


Discute-se a identidade do psicanalista por meio do paradoxo de se necessitar seguir a tradição, com respectivos ideais, mantendo ao mesmo tempo a individualidade e a criatividade. Usam-se os conceitos de desconstrução e hospitalidade desenvolvidos por J. Derrida para refletir sobre a postura afetiva do analista, bem como as ideias de Mário de Andrade para a diferenciação entre o artista e o artesão, fazendo paralelos com a formação do ideal de psicanalista.

The psychoanalyst's identity is discussed through the paradox of having to follow tradition, with its ideals, while maintaining individuality and creativity. The concepts of deconstruction and hospitality developed by J. Derrida are used to reflect on the analyst's affective posture; as well as the ideas of Mário de Andrade for the differentiation between the artist and the artisan, paralleling the formation of the psychoanalyst ideal.

Se discute la identidad del psicoanalista a través de la paradoja de si se necesita seguir la tradición, con respectivos ideales, manteniendo al mismo tiempo la individualidad y la creatividad. Se utilizan los conceptos de desconstrucción y hospitalidad desarrollados por J. Derrida para reflexionar sobre la postura afectiva del analista; así como las ideas de Mário de Andrade para la diferenciación entre el artista y el artesano, haciendo paralelos con la formación del ideal de psicoanalista.

L'identité du psychanalyste est discutée à travers le paradoxe de devoir suivre la tradition, avec ses idéaux, tout en maintenant l'individualité et la créativité. Les concepts de déconstruction et d'hospitalité développés par J. Derrida sont utilisés pour réfléchir sur la posture affective de l'analyste; ainsi que les idées de Mário de Andrade pour la différenciation entre l'artiste et l'artisan, parallèlement à la formation de l'idéal du psychanalyste.

Educ. med. super ; 32(2)abr.-jun. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1506143


La reunión clínico radiológica es una actividad académica influenciada y desarrollada las técnicas de la comunicación e información, así como por el advenimiento de nuevos recursos imagenológicos, por lo que su estructura como función asistencial y docente necesita de un nuevo modelo de actuación que mejore su utilidad asistencial, docente e investigativa a través de la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Se realizó revisión de las prácticas clínicas y radiológicas reportadas en los últimos diez años en los sitios ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Google escolar, Dialnet, Redalyc y Educateca a través de las palabras claves: servicio de radiología en hospital, educación, educación basado en competencias, y medios de comunicación. Se establecen elementos pedagógicos para crear un modelo que involucre las nueva tecnologías de la comunicación, interdisciplinaria y multidisciplinaria, donde el estudiante como centro del proceso educativo desarrolle los procesos de producción del conocimiento y aprendizaje profesional. El modelo estructurado propuesto permite su aplicabilidad en universidades y hospitales universitarios para la realización de las clínicas radiológicas a través de un proceso constructivista, utilizando las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación con fundamentos integradores en la docencia medica(AU)

The radiological clinical meeting is an academic activity influenced and developed the techniques of communication and information, as well as the advent of new imaging resources, so that its structure as a care and teaching function needs a new model of action that improves its usefulness Assistance, teaching and research through the incorporation of new information and communication technologies. A review of the clinical and radiological practices reported in the last ten years in the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), Google scholar, Dialnet, Redalyc and Educateca sites was carried out through the keywords: radiology service in hospital, education, education Based on skills, and media. Pedagogical elements are established to create a model that involves the new communication technologies, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, where the students as the center of the educational process develop the processes of knowledge production and professional learning. The proposed structured model allows its applicability in universities and university hospitals for the realization of radiological clinics through a constructivist process, using the new information and communication technologies with integrative foundations in medical teaching(AU)

Humans , Radiology/education , Teaching/education , Competency-Based Education/methods , Scholarly Communication , Learning , Radiology/ethics , Students, Medical , Molecular Imaging
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020154


Abstract Cultural foundations, beliefs and associated ritual practices delimit the relation to and the representation and lived experience of the body in specific ways. Language is the means through which the cultural specificity of both individual and shared mental content can be explored and worked with in therapy. This article presents beliefs about the body in a patient's religion of origin and takes up the question of the role of the cultural dimension in psychosomatic phenomena. A case report gives indications of a novel therapeutic approach to this theme and highlights the intrinsic connection between cultural belonging and embodiment. Both the two-year long clinical intervention and analysis are grounded in transcultural and psychodynamic theories. The analysis shows how important it is to be aware of the patients' cultural background and the resonance of history in the patients' civilization.

Resumo Bases culturais, crenças e práticas rituais associadas delimitam a relação, a representação e a experiência vivida do corpo de formas específicas. A linguagem é o meio através do qual a especificidade cultural dos conteúdos mentais individuais e partilhados podem ser explorados e trabalhados em terapia. Este artigo apresenta as crenças sobre o corpo segundo a religião de origem de um paciente e levanta a questão do papel da dimensão cultural no fenômeno psicossomático. Um relato de caso dá indicações de uma nova abordagem terapêutica para esse tema e destaca a conexão intrínseca entre pertencimento cultural e corporificação. Tanto a intervenção clínica, que durou dois anos, como a análise fundamentaram-se nas teorias transcultural e psicodinâmica. A análise demonstra como é importante estar ciente sobre o contexto cultural dos pacientes e sobre a ressonância da história na civilização dos pacientes.

Educ. med. super ; 31(3): 232-243, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-953101


La educación en el trabajo es la forma fundamental de la organización del proceso docente educativo en los años de estudios superiores de las carreras de la Educación Médica Superior. El pase de visita docente asistencial es la modalidad por excelencia de educación en el trabajo, que por lo general culmina con la reunión de alta convocada para los pacientes cuyo egreso hospitalario se ha decidido con vistas a su seguimiento a través del nivel primario de atención sanitaria. Esta actividad es importante en la evaluación de la calidad de la asistencia brindada a los enfermos y su grado de satisfacción,por lo que se considera un doble vínculo entre la asistencia y la docencia y entre los niveles primario y secundario de atención, sobre la base bidireccional de la relación médico paciente y los principios éticos que la sustentan y en la cual el médico cumple su papel de educador, de ahí la necesidad de profundizar en los diferentes aspectos cognoscitivos sobre el tema a fin de incrementar la ejecución adecuada de esta imprescindible actividad docente asistencial(AU)

Education at work is the fundamental form of the organization of educational process in the years of higher education of the career of Higher Education. The teaching assistance pass is the most important form of education at work, which usually culminates with the high-level meeting convened for patients in which the hospital discharge has been decided with a view to follow-up through the primary level of education health care. This activity is important in assessing the quality of care provided to patients and their level of satisfaction, so a double link between care and teaching and between the primary and secondary levels of care is considered, based on Bidirectional relationship of the patient medical relationship and the ethical principles that underpin it and in which the physician fulfills his role as educator, hence the need to deepen the different cognitive aspects on the subject in order to increase the adequate execution of this essential activity Teaching assistant(AU)

Humans , Patient Discharge , Quality of Health Care , Education, Medical/methods , Teaching Rounds/methods
Educ. med. super ; 29(1): 5-13, ene.-mar. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-751749


Objetivo: caracterizar algunos aspectos de la reunión metodológica en la asignatura de Morfofisiopatología Humana I (MFPHI). Métodos: investigación descriptiva en el marco de la educación médica, en el área de Salud Integral Comunitaria "Dr. Leonidas Ramos", Guanare, Estado Portuguesa, Venezuela. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 15 profesores, se entrevistó a 3 informantes clave y se observaron 7 reuniones de preparación metodológica. Se hizo revisión documental y bibliográfica. Resultados: el 100 % de los profesores respondió que siempre en las reuniones de preparación metodológica de la asignatura de MFPHI, se analizaba el cumplimiento y planificación de las actividades docentes de la semana anterior y próxima semana, también el cumplimiento del plan calendario, los resultados de las evaluaciones de los estudiantes, la disciplina y la autopreparación profesoral. Conclusiones: se identificaron aspectos positivos y algunas insuficiencias en las reuniones de preparación metodológica de la asignatura de Morfofisiopatología Humana I.

Objective: to characterize some aspects of the methodological meeting for Human Morphophysiology subject. Methods: descriptive research in the field of medical education carried out in "Dr Leonidas Ramos" comprehensive community health area in Guarare, Portuguesa state, Venezuela. Fifteen professors were asked to answer a questionnaire, three key informants were interviewed and seven methodological preparation meetings were monitored. A documentary and literature review was made. Results: all the professors answered that this type of meeting always analyzed the carrying out and planning of the teaching activities of the previous week and the following week as well as the fulfillment of the calendar schedule, the results of the evaluations of students, discipline and professor's self-preparation. Conclusions: positive and negative aspects of the methodological preparation meetings in Human Morphophysiology I subject were identified.

Education, Medical/standards , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Faculty, Medical
Educ. med. super ; 28(3): 446-455, jul.-set. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743953


Introducción: la necesidad actual de una adecuada preparación metodológica de los profesores para lograr dirigir el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, con un enfoque integral y sistémico, sobre la base de los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de la didáctica, se debe corresponder con las tendencias actuales y las necesidades de la educación médica, elementos que se comienzan a desarrollar desde la reuniones metodológicas. Objetivo: caracterizar algunos aspectos de la reunión metodológica en la asignatura de Morfofisiopatología Humana I (MFPHI). Métodos: investigación descriptiva en el marco de la educación médica, en el área de Salud Integral Comunitaria Dr. Leonidas Ramos, Guanare, Estado Portuguesa, Venezuela. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 15 profesores, se entrevistó a 3 informantes clave y se observaron 7 reuniones de preparación metodológica. Se hizo revisión documental y bibliográfica. Resultados: el 100 por ciento de los profesores respondió que siempre en las reuniones de preparación metodológica de la asignatura de MFPHI, se analizaba el cumplimiento y planificación de las actividades docentes de la semana anterior y próxima semana, también el cumplimiento del plan calendario, los resultados de las evaluaciones de los estudiantes, la disciplina y la autopreparación profesoral. Conclusión: se identificaron aspectos positivos y algunas insuficiencias en las reuniones de preparación metodológica de la asignatura de Morfofisiopatología Humana I.

Introduction: The current need for adequate methodological training of teachers to achieve direct the teaching-learning process, with a comprehensive and systemic approach, based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching, must correspond with current trends and needs of medical education, elements begin to develop from the methodological meetings. Objective: to characterize some aspects of the methodological meeting for Human Morphophysiology I subject. Methods: descriptive research study on medical education in the community health area called Dr Leonidas Ramos in Guanare, Portuguesa state, Venezuela. Fifteen professors answered a questionnaire, 3 key informants were interviewed and 7 methodological meetings were supervised. A documentary and literature review was also made. Results: all the professors stated that in the methodological meetings of Human Morphophysiology I subject, the participants always analyzed the fulfillment and planning of the teaching activities carried out the week before and those that would be performed the following week, in addition to the compliance with the calendar program, the results of the evaluations of students, the general discipline and the professor's self-preparation. Conclusion: some positive aspects and deficiencies were identified in the methodological meetings of Human Morphophysiopathology I subject.

Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Teaching/methods , Faculty , Methodology as a Subject
Hosp. Aeronáut. Cent ; 9(2): 92-101, 2014. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776838


El origen de la reunión de morbilidad y mortalidad se remonta a principios del siglo pasado. Es un entorno ideal para la enseñanza/aprendizaje, en el que médicos residentes y médicos especialistas se reúnen para discutir un juicio quirúrgico, técnicas y cuestiones de gestión de pacientes. Antiguamente la documentación de los ateneos no existía, sólo se hacía una lista de los enfermos y una lista de las personas que habían participado. Actualmente se debe documentar todo, ya que existen Comisiones de Calidad que lo exigen. Material y métodos: Encuesta anónima a 23 médicos residentes de Cirugía General, en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Aeronáutico Central, entre Junio/2013-Diciembre/2014. Resultados: Todos mencionaron que se realizan ateneos de morbimortalidad en forma semanal. 17 (73.91%) consideraron que son multidisciplinarios. 17 (73.91%) tuvieron en cuenta dentro de los objetivos aprender a manejar las complicaciones; 18 (78.26%) disminuir ocurrencia de errores; 13 (56.52%) para mejorar la atención; 9 (39.13%) como seguro de calidad; y 2 (8.69%) que no están claros los objetivos. En todos los casos respondieron que se documentan; pero no cuentan con un sistema de reporte. Conclusiones: A través del ateneo de morbi-mortalidad se pueden identificar los eventos adversos, promover su discusión, identificar y propagar información e ideas para enfrentar los riesgos, siendo a beneficio de los médicos como de los pacientes, y brindar así, una atención segura de los pacientes mediante un debate orientado al auto-análisis y el pensamiento crítico constructivo. Tiene un destacado papel en el entrenamiento y la educación médica continua...

The origin of the morbidity and mortality meeting goes back to the beginning of the last century. It is an ideal teaching/learning environment during which residents and specialists meet to discuss a surgical and technical judgment, as well as patients management. Back in the day, there were no documentation of the meeting but only a list of patients and people who had participated. Nowadays, everything must be recorded as this is required by the Quality Commissions.Material and methods: Anonymous survey to 23 surgery residents of the Hospital Aeronáutico Central, betweenJune/2013-December/2014. Results: Everyone mentioned that meetings of morbidity and mortality were made weekly. Seventeen (73.91%) said that they were multidisciplinary. Seventeen (73.91%) said their objective was to learn how to deal with complications, eighteen (78.26%) decrease occurrence of errors; thirteen (56.52%) to improve care; nine (39.13%) as quality assurance and two (8.69%) that their objectives were not clear. All cases informed the meetings weredocumented, but they do not have a reporting system. Conclusions: Thanks to the morbidity and mortality meeting,adverse events can be identified, information and ideas to face the risks can be divulged thus benefiting doctors and patients, providing safe patient care, using an auto-oriented analysis and constructive critical thinking debate. It has an important role intraining and constant medical education...

Humans , Education, Medical , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Internship and Residency
West Indian med. j ; 60(4): 384-386, June 2011.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-672800


The United Nations High Level Meeting (UNHLM) on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will take place in New York on September 19 and 20, 2011. This historic event will focus world attention on the chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) for the first time. In 2008, CNCDs, principally cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabetes, accounted for 63% (or 36 million) of the 57 million deaths occurring worldwide. Many of these deaths may be considered premature (involving 9.1 million persons aged less than 60 years), and around 80% of overall deaths occurred in low and middle income countries. Chronic non-communicable diseases are therefore a major cause of premature death, with resulting enormous negative impact on national economies and global development, while continuing to increase at worrying rates particularly in the developing world. Without successful interventions, NCDrelated deaths are projected to reach 52 million by 2030.

La Reunión de Alto de Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre las enfermedades no comunicables crónicas, tendrá lugar en Nueva York el 19 de septiembre de 2011, Este acontecimiento histórico centrará por primera vez la atención mundial sobre las enfermedades no comunicables (ENCs). En el año 2008, las enfermedades no comunicables crónicas - principalmente las enfermedades cardiovasculares, el cáncer, las enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, y la diabetes - representaron el 63% (o 36 millones) de los 57 millones de muertes ocurridas a nivel mundial. Muchas de estas muertes pueden ser consideradas prematuras (abarcando 9.1 millones de personas con menos de 60 años), y alrededor del 80% de las muertes en general ocurrieron en países de ingreso bajo o medio. Por lo tanto, en la actualidad, las enfermedades no comunicables crónicas constituyen una de las principales causas de muertes prematuras. Estas tienen como resultado un impacto negativo en las economías nacionales y el desarrollo global, mientras que continúan aumentado a un ritmo alarmante, especialmente en los países en vías de desarrollo. A menos que se produzcan intervenciones exitosas, las muertes por ENC se estima que alcanzarán la cifra de 52 millones para el año 2030.

Humans , Chronic Disease/epidemiology , Global Health , Chronic Disease/mortality , Chronic Disease/prevention & control , Congresses as Topic , Health Behavior , Mortality, Premature , United Nations
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 38(supl.1): 35-65, oct. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636451


Introducción: Los primeros algoritmos latinoamericanos de tratamiento farmacológico para el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) se publicaron en 2007. Desde entonces han surgido nuevos estudios, no sólo sobre tratamientos farmacológicos, sino sobre estrategias de manejo psicosociales. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre el manejo psicosocial y farmacológico del TDAH a través de la vida: preescolares, escolares, adolescentes y adultos. Método: Un grupo de clínicos latinoamericanos, expertos en TDAH, actualizaron los cuatro algoritmos de tratamiento y construyeron los árboles de decisiones a partir de la literatura mas reciente. Resultados: Existe suficiente evidencia científica para proponer dos brazos en cada árbol de decisiones, uno con el manejo psicosocial y otro con el tratamiento farmacológico. El primer brazo está encabezado por la psicoeducación, seguida de medidas como terapia de manejo para padres, intervenciones en el aula de clase o terapia cognitivo-conductual, que se utilizan según la edad de cada paciente. El segundo brazo está encabezado generalmente por el metilfenidato, seguido de anfetaminas o atomoxetina. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones psicosociales y farmacológicas fueron distribuidas en los árboles de decisiones de acuerdo con el nivel de evidencia. El tratamiento del TDAH debe ser multimodal y se recomienda el uso conjunto y racional de tratamientos farmacológicos y psicosociales.

Introduction: The first Latin-American Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) pharmacological treatment algorithms were published in 2007. Since then, new studies have appeared, not only on drug therapy, but also on psychosocial management strategies. Objective: To review the literature on ADHD psychosocial and pharmacological treatment throughout: pre-school children, school children, adolescents and adults. Method: A team of Latin-American ADHD expert clinicians updated the four treatment algorithms and constructed the decision trees, based on the most recent literature. Results: There is enough scientific evidence to propose two branches for each decision tree, one with the psychosocial management and the other with the drug treatment. The first branch is headed by psycho-education followed by other measures such as: management training for parents, behavioral intervention in classroom, and cognitive behavioral therapy; depending on the patient's age. The second branch is generally headed by methylphenidate, followed by amphetamines or atomoxetine. Conclusions: Psychosocial and pharmacological interventions were distributed on the decisions trees according to the level of scientific evidence. ADHD treatment should be multimodal, and the concurrent and rational use of psychosocial and drug therapies is recommended.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 104(4): 632-635, July 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-523732


Aedes albopictus was responsible for transmission in the first outbreak of chikungunya (CHIK) on La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, in 2005-2006. The magnitude of the outbreak on this island, which had been free of arboviral diseases for over 30 years, as well as the efficiency of Ae. albopictus as the main vector, raises questions about the maintenance of the CHIK virus (CHIKV) through vertical transmission mechanisms. Few specimens collected from the field as larvae were found to be infected. In this study, Ae. albopictus originating from La Réunion were orally infected with a blood-meal containing 10(8) pfu/mL of the CHIKV epidemic strain (CHIKV 06.21). Eggs from the first and second gonotrophic cycles were collected and raised to the adult stage. The infectious status of the progeny was checked (i) by immunofluorescence on head squashes of individual mosquitoes to detect the presence of viral particles or (ii) by quantitative RT-PCR on mosquito pools to detect viral RNA. We analysed a total of 1,675 specimens from the first gonotrophic cycle and 1,709 from the second gonotrophic cycle without detecting any viral particles or viral RNA. These laboratory results are compared to field records.

Animals , Aedes/virology , Chikungunya virus/pathogenicity , Insect Vectors/virology , Alphavirus Infections/transmission , Chikungunya virus/physiology , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Indian Ocean , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , RNA, Viral/analysis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-210144


PURPOSE: To investigate the degree of reunion in rabbit eyes of the superior oblique tendon after several surgical weakening procedures. METHODS: A total of 32 rabbits (64 eyes) were used in this study. The rabbits were randomly assigned to four groups, eight rabbits (16 eyes) in the tenotomy group, eight rabbits (16 eyes) in the tenectomy group, eight rabbits (16 eyes) in the disinsertion group and eight rabbits (16 eyes) in the recession group. The degree of reunion or reattachment of the superior oblique tendon on the globe were examined on four eyes in each group at postoperative weeks two, four, six and eight. RESULTS: At eight weeks, the newly created insertion site remained at the same site in all eyes in the recession group, and the distal end of the superior oblique tendon was reattached at the medial border of the superior rectus muscle in all four eyes in the tenotomy and disinsertion groups, and in three of four eyes in the tenectomy group. CONCLUSIONS: From this experimental study, it was speculated that superior oblique recession is more effective than other superior oblique weakening procedures. This result could be helpful in the prediction of time of recurrence for superior oblique overaction after superior oblique weakening procedures.

Animals , Rabbits , Oculomotor Muscles/physiopathology , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures , Prostheses and Implants , Silicones , Tendons/physiopathology , Wound Healing
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-83430


OBJECTIVES: Separation and reunion is common experiences in our life but enduring unwanted early-life separation from family members may be a distressful event. This study was executed to observe emotional resolution in the subjects who eagerly desire and experience reunion with their families after long-lasting separation. METHODS: Thirty subjects who have participated in the reunion program of the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) from April 2005 to July 2005 were interviewed to assess their demographic characteristics and memories about separation. Their anxiety and depressive mood were assessed using Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale before the family reunion. At the time of the reunion, psychological states of 14 participants who were able to meet their family members were assessed again using the same assessment tools and the follow-up assessment was performed for one possible case at 7 months after the reunion. RESULTS: The depression and anxiety levels of most subjects were significantly decreased after the reunion. Standardized T scores of their state-anxiety were mostly in abnormal range before the reunion but most of their anxiety levels were reduced within normal range after the reunion. Duration of education was negatively correlated with trait-anxiety level and duration of separation respectively even though trait-anxiety levels were not directly correlated with duration of separation. Emotional acceptability about childhood separation tended to contribute to the increased anxiety level. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to assess psychological distresses of the Korean people who have suffered from longlasting separation with their families. The results in this study suggest that the eagerly desired reunion after long-lasting separation from family may have a resolutive effect for emotional distress. Further study will be needed for larger population suffering from early-life separation.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Follow-Up Studies , Reference Values , Reunion , Stress, Psychological
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-559679


To discuss the essence of six meridians,the key point is the comprehension of three yin and three yang.Three yin and three yang describes the six natural states of re-division and reunion of yin and yang.The opening,closing and pivot of three yin and three yang determine the property and characteristic of each Meridian.It is necessary to understand three yin and three yang by the theory of five movements and six qi as the comprehension of different states in space-time,azimuth and yin-yang qi.If we discuss six meridians from the view of the theory of five movements and six qi,most of the previous puzzles could be solved reasonably.The dynamic space-time variations among three yin and three yang is well-ordered.Syndrome-differentiation according to the theory of three yin and three yang could well reflex the dynamic space-time characteristics of the whole changes of internal and external environments when disease happens.The theory of six meridians must be mentioned as lecturing Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases(Shanhan Lun),and the syndrome-differentiation of the six meridians can not be abolished.

Neotrop. entomol ; 31(1): 149-151, Jan.-Mar. 2002.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-513759


A formiga exótica Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger), principalmente conhecida do Hemisfério Norte, é registrada pela primeira vez na América do Sul, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (22°43'S 44°08'W; 22°24'S 47°49'W) e na Ilha da Reunião no Oceano Índico (20°10'S 55°3'E). H. puntatissima possui a maior distribuição geográfica dos Formicidae, sendo presente em muitas ilhas continentais e oceânicas e em todas as regiões continentais com a exceção da Antártida e do Oriente. As razões do sucesso ecológico de H. puntatissima são discutidas.

The tramp ant Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger), mostly known from the Northern Hemisphere, is reported for the first time from South America in the state of São Paulo, Brazil (22°43'S 44°08'W; 22°24'S 47°49'W), and Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean (20°10'S 55°3'E). H. punctatissima has the widest distribution within Formicidae, being present on many oceanic and continental islands and in all continental regions except Antarctica and the Orient. Reasons for the ecological success of H. punctatissima are discussed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-540329


Objective To improve the prevention and treatment level of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture. Methods This series included 22 male children (mean age 9 years) with pelvic fracture complicated by posterior urethral disruption.A medical nylon string was indwelled after uretheral reunion operation.Urethral stricture recurred in 9 patients 3 months after the operation,and they were all cured by performance of urethra dilatation with self-designed single J tube under the guidance of the medical nylon string. Results All of the 9 were doing well during the operation.The medical nylon string was not taken out until dysuria disappeared completely.The cure rate was 100%.All the cases were followed up for a mean period of 15 months(range,3 to 24 months).All had normal urination. Conclusions Application of self-designed single J tube and medical nylon string is effective,simple and economical for the treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture.It is easy both for the doctors' training and for the children's cooperation.Thus,it provides a new approach for the prevention and treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture.