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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217106


Ratol is a rodenticide (rat killer paste) that contains yellow phosphorus, a dangerous toxin that harms the gastrointestinal, hepatic, cardiovascular, and renal systems both locally and systemically. The liver is one of these that is most frequently injured, and the most terrifying result is acute liver failure with coagulopathy. A 25-year-old male who is a known case of epilepsy and was on medication was brought to the Emergency Department by his mother with an alleged history of consuming approximately 15 g of Ratol paste mixed in water 5 days before presentation to our hospital at around 5 pm at his residence. The patient sustained nausea and vomiting during the following day of consumption and was treated for the same in a nearby hospital. The main element in lowering morbidity and death is the provision of effective and timely supportive care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222216


Yellow phosphorus (YP) containing rodenticides is a readily available poison that may be accidentally or deliberately ingested, leading to symptoms ranging from simple gastrointestinal symptoms to fulminant hepatic failure, depending on the amount ingested. As there is no specific antidote, the treatment requires early gastric lavage and institution of supportive measures such as acetyl cysteine infusion and Vitamin K. Progression to fulminant hepatic failure is characterized by rapid deterioration of liver function tests, worsening coagulopathy, and sensorium. The only definitive treatment at this stage is a liver transplant and therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) can serve as a bridge therapy until a compatible liver donor is found. We present a case of YP-containing rodenticide poisoning, in which the patient progressed to fulminant hepatic failure despite aggressive supportive therapy and was successfully managed with TPE until liver transplantation.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386303


Resumen En la industria agrícola se ha implementado el uso de plaguicidas lo que ha aumentado la cantidad y calidad de los productos agrícolas en varios países en desarrollo, su objetivo es mejorar la calidad de vida y sustento de los consumidores, sin embargo, el uso inadecuado puede causar graves intoxicaciones tanto por ingestión accidental, ocupacional o ingestión con fines suicidas u homicidas, lo cual los hace un tema de relevancia médico legal. El fosfuro de aluminio es un rodenticida, insecticida y fumigante sólido usado como una sustancia ideal para la conservación de los granos, ya que es altamente tóxico contra los insectos que invaden los granos en todos sus estadios sin afectar como tal las semillas y su germinación, es un compuesto accesible y económico lo que hace que su uso con fines suicidas y homicidas sea elevado, ante la intoxicación con fosfuro de aluminio se han descritos síntomas bastante inespecíficos como lo son dolor en el epigastrio, vómitos, diarrea, mareos, disnea y en algunos casos acompañado de un olor a ajo que es característico de ésta intoxicación lo que aumenta la sospecha clínica. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, de los artículos publicados referentes al tema de los últimos doce años, con el objetivo de profundizar en las características del fosfuro de aluminio, su mecanismo de acción y toxicidad. Se concluye que es fundamental conocer los diferentes plaguicidas y sus efectos en la salud, principalmente de aquellos con una alta letalidad, que se podrían estar utilizando clandestinamente y que al ser sumamente económicos son de fácil acceso para emplearse con fines delictivos.

Abstract The agricultural industry has implemented the use of pesticides, which has increased the quantity and quality of agricultural products in several developing countries, its objective is to improve the quality of life and livelihood of consumers, however, improper use can cause serious intoxications both by accidental ingestion, occupational or ingestion for suicidal or homicidal purposes, which makes them an issue of medico-legal relevance. Aluminum phosphide is a rodenticide, insecticide and solid fumigant used as an ideal substance for the preservation of grains, since it is highly toxic against insects that invade the grains in all their stages without affecting the seeds and their germination, it is an accessible and economic compound which makes its use for suicidal and homicidal purposes high, In the face of aluminum phosphide poisoning, quite unspecific symptoms have been described, such as pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, dyspnea and in some cases accompanied by a garlic odor which is characteristic of this poisoning, which increases clinical suspicion. A bibliographic review was conducted in different databases, of the articles published on the subject in the last twelve years, with the aim of deepening in the characteristics of aluminum phosphide, its mechanism of action and toxicity. It is concluded that it is essential to know the different pesticides and their effects on health, those with a high lethality, which could be used clandestinely and which, being extremely cheap, are easily accessible to be used for criminal purposes

Rodenticides/toxicity , Aluminum Compounds/toxicity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960539


Background Bromadiolone is the second-generation anticoagulant rodenticide widely used all over the world. Exposure to bromadiolone in early life stage can lead to neurodevelopmental toxicity, but its toxic mechanism of neurodevelopment is not clear so far. Objective To investigate the developmental neurotoxicity and mechanism of bromadiolone to zebrafish embryos. Methods Zebrafish embryos were randomly divided into four groups: a solvent control group (dimethylsulphoxide) and three bromadiolone exposure groups (0.39, 0.78, and 1.18 mg·L−1). The exposure period was from 4 h to 120 h post-fertilization. The number of spontaneous movement per minute was recorded at 24 h post-treatment. The locomotor ability of zebrafish larvae and the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were tested at 120 h post-treatment. The relative expression levels of neurodevelopment-related genes (elavl3, gap43, mbp, and syn2a) were measured by fluorescence quantitative PCR. Results Compared with the control group, the number of spontaneous movement per minute at 24 h decreased significantly in the 1.18 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the total distance travelled of the zebrafish larvae in the 0.78 and 1.18 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure groups decreased by 60% and 69% respectively (P<0.05, P<0.01), and the total movement time decreased by 34% and 65% respectively (P<0.05, P<0.01). The AChE activity in the 1.18 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure group increased by 36% when compared with the control group (P<0.05). The fluorescence quantitative PCR results showed that compared with the control group, the expression levels of neurodevelopment-related genes elavl3, syn2a, and mbp were significantly down-regulated by 66%, 69%, and 65% in the 1.18 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure group respectively (P<0.01), the expression level of gap43 was up-regulated by 56% in the 0.78 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure group (P<0.01) and down-regulated by 34% in the 1.18 mg·L−1 bromadiolone exposure group (P<0.05). Conclusion Bromadiolone exposure could inhibit spontaneous movement and locomotive behavior, down-regulate the expression levels of neurodevelopment-related genes, hinder the release of neurotransmitters, and result in neurodevelopmental toxicity in the early-staged zebrafish.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194625


Background: Poisoning is the major health problem in developing countries like India. Rodenticides are one of the commonest substances used for poisoning in India. Rodenticides are the substances used to kill rats. They differs from chemical composition and toxicity profile. Prognosis mainly depends on chemical content of poison.Methods: This retrospective record-based study was conducted between October 2018 to September 2019 at MIMS tertiary care teaching hospital, Mandya, Karnataka, India. Data regarding age, sex, marital status, occupation, socioeconomic status, type of poison, route of exposure, clinical presentation, complications and outcome of poisoning and associated comorbid conditions were collected from the hospital records and documented in the pre-structured proforma. Descriptive analysis was carried out by the mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, frequency and proportion for categorical variables.Results: Out of 126 study subjects, 77 (61.11%) were female, 49 (38.89%) were male. Most common age group was 21 to 30 years (45.23%), followed by 31 to 40 years (26.19%) group. Most common poison was zinc phosphide (52.39%), followed by yellow phosphorous (30.16%). Mode of poisoning was suicidal (94.4%) followed by accidental (5.6%).Most common symptom at presentation was nausea, vomiting (62.6%) followed by pain abdomen (52.4%).Most common complication was hepatitis 34 (26.98%) patients, followed by hepatic encephalopathy in 6 (4.76%) and cardiogenic shock in 6 (4.76%) patients. Total mortality was 8 (6.3%).Conclusions: Among rodenticides zinc phosphide was most common consumed poison in present study. Yellow phosphorous was most toxic poison and Aluminium phosphide was most lethal poison. Even though there is no specific antidote, early symptomatic treatment is the key in reducing the mortality.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 36(2): 76-81, sep.-dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040447


Resumen Los rodenticidas son sustancias de venta libre ampliamente utilizadas a nivel agrícola y a nivel doméstico para el control de roedores. Los rodenticidas anticoagulantes de larga duración tienen un mecanismo de acción similar al de la warfarina, pero con mayor potencia de acción. El espectro de manifestaciones clínicas de la intoxicación por rodenticidas anticoagulantes es muy amplio, que se puede presentar de manera asintomática hasta con sangrados que comprometan la vida del paciente. El tratamiento se basa en el control del sangrado y la reposición con su antídoto lógico que corresponde a la vitamina K para restablecer la hemostasis.

Abstract Rodenticides are agriculturally and domestically used substances used for the control of rats and other rodents, easily available on the market. Anticoagulant rodenticides have a similar mechanism of action than that of warfarin, but their potency is bigger. The spectrum of clinical manifestations of rodenticide intoxications is broad; and it varies from asymptomatic cases to hemorrhages that compromise the patient's life. Treatment is based on active bleeding control and reposition of its logical antidote Vitamin K in order to restore hemostasis.

Humans , Poisoning , Rodenticides , Anticoagulants
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211513


Background: Yellow phosphorus containing rodenticide poisoning are common in Adult critical care. They cause coagulopathy and liver cell failure in humans. Till date, only liver transplants had been advocated as the final treatment of fulminant liver failure occurring as a complication of rodenticide poisoning. In this study, an innovative Treatment approach was given to liver cell failure cases who had consumed yellow phosphorus paste.Methods: Retrospective analysis of case records of liver cell failure cases due to the consumption of phosphorus containing Rodenticide poisonings, were analysed for a period of 1 year from January 2018 to January 2019 in a public hospital. Medical case records were obtained from records department and Postmortem registers. Symptoms, signs, investigations, treatments, complications, and outcomes were tabulated.Results: Total 11 cases were studied. 8 cases of liver cell failure and coagulopathy in whom therapeutic heparin free plasmapheresis was given, recovered completely from liver cell failure. A significant drop in Haemoglobin, platelet count, PT INR Ratio and rise in serum alkaline phosphatase, were the predictable factors used for the intervention of therapy with 5 cycles of heparin free plasmapheresis to eliminate toxic effects of phosphorus on liver cells and in the blood. A comparative analysis of untreated cases (n=3) vs treated with plasmapheresis (n=8), showed a significant statistical difference (P <0.005) in outcomes with a degree of freedom=2.Conclusions: Plasmapheresis can be a therapeutic treatment for liver cell failure caused due to the consumption of yellow phosphorus.  Predictable factors for impending liver cell failure in whom plasmapheresis will be of benefit are dependent upon prothrombin time, INR ratio, Liver enzymes and time interval between consumption and onset of liver cell failure.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194325


Background: Poisoning is the major health problem in India. Rodenticides are the commonest poisoning in Asian countries like India. Rodenticides are the substance used to kill rats. Prognosis mainly depends on chemical content of poison.Methods: This retrospective record-based study was conducted between January 2017 to December 2017 at government hospital department of general medicine, MIMS, Mandya, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Data regarding age, sex, marital status, occupation, type of poison, route of exposure, and outcome of poisoning and associated co-morbid conditions were collected from the hospital records and documented in the pre-structured proforma. Descriptive analysis was carried out by the mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, frequency and proportion for categorical variables.Results: Out of 56 patients 33 (59%) were female 23 (41%) were male. Most common age group was 20 to 30 years, followed by 31 to 40 years group. Most common poison was yellow phosphorous (41%), followed by aluminium phosphide (29%). Most common complication was hepatitis (20%),followed by cardiogenic shock (9%).Total mortality was 3 (5%).Conclusions: Among rodenticides yellow phosphorous was most common consumed poison in present study. Aluminium phosphorus was most lethal poison. Even though there is no specific antidote, early symptomatic treatment is the key in reducing the mortality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194218


Background: In developing countries, the substances most commonly used for self-poisoning are agricultural pesticides including rodenticides. Authors aimed to assess the clinical status and outcomes of patients with rodenticide poisoning in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: This retrospective record-based study was carried over three years. Apart from demographic details, information regarding the time of ingestion, nature and amount of the compound. Other details included clinical features, complications, treatment and outcome of the patient. Descriptive analysis was carried out by the mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, frequency and proportion for categorical variables.Results: Of the 120 study subjects, 85 (93.40%) participants self-harmed, 2 (2.20%) were homicidal, and 4 (4.40%) had accidentally consumed the rodenticide. About 52 (32.70%) participants had vomiting, 34 (21.38%) had giddiness, 32 (20.13%) participants had abdominal pain. On the whole, 85 (73.28%) participants recovered, 23 (19.83%) participants had absconded, 6 (5.17%) participants had referred and 2 (1.72%) of them expired.Conclusions: Phosphorous compounds, particularly yellow phosphorous are the most lethal rodenticides followed by Coumadin. Symptomatic management of the patients at the earliest possible time is the mainstay, as there are no specific antidotes for any of the compounds.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 92-97, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881765


OBJECTIVE: To establish an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(HPLC-MS) method for simultaneous detection of 12 kinds of rodenticides such as tetramine, warfarin and rodenticide in suspected poisoning patients' residual food, vomit, gastric lavage, serum and urine. METHODS: The residual food, vomit, gastric lavage, serum and urine of patients with suspected rodenticide poisoning were collected. The food, vomit, gastric lavage and urine samples were added with ammonium acetate at a concentration of 2 mol/L, and than were repeatedly extracted twice by ethyl acetate. The serum sample was extracted by adding acetonitrile. After the sample was dried by nitrogen, it was dissolved in methanol ∶ammonium acetate(60 ∶40, V/V), and the supernatant was centrifuged and separated by a C18 column, and quantified by a standard curve method. Samples were detected by HPLC-MS. RESULTS: The linearity of the 12 kinds of rodenticides in the quantitative range of residual food, vomit, gastric lavage, serum and urine in patients with suspected rodenticide poisoning was good, and the correlation coefficient was 0.992 3-0.999 9. The detection limit of food, vomit or gastric lavage was 0.03-0.14 μg/kg, and that in serum and urine were 0.10-0.30 and 0.02-0.04 μg/L, respectively. The standard recovery rate was 84.4%-114.0%, and the within-run and between-run relative standard deviations were 2.7%-6.2% and 2.4%-9.5%, respectively.CONCLUSION: The method has advantages of simple operation, high efficiency and good accuracy. This method is suitable for emergency treatment of poisoning events caused by rodent drugs or poisoning.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802792


Objective@#To explore the recovery time and risk factors of coagulopathy caused by rodenticide poisoning through analyzing and following up the confirmed cases, and to provide more useful guidance information for the clinic practice.@*Methods@#A total of 96 cases with coagulation dysfunction caused by anticoagulant rodenticide poiso-ning in Children′s Hospital, Chongqing Medical University from January 2014 to December 2016, were analyzed retrospectively.The recovery time of coagulation function and the relationship between recovery time and drug involved way, dysfunction organs and poison concentration were studied respectively.@*Results@#(1) A total of 96 patients were hospitalized because of severe coagulopathy caused by the poisoning of second generation anticoagulant rodenticide.Brodifacoum was detected from 33 blood samples and the median concentration was 364 μg/L (55-4 654 μg/L). Bromadiolone was detected from 7 blood samples and the median concentration was 130 μg/L (18-652 μg/L). Brodifacoum and Bromadiolone were both detected from 8 cases and the median concentration was 741 μg/L (63-6 000 μg/L) and 11 μg/L (3-3 694 μg/L), respectively.(2) A total of 57 cases of the patients were successfully followed up.A total of 18 cases were confirmed with oral poisoning, 16 cases with dermal poisoning, while 23 cases denied any involved ways of poisoning, and 7 cases had organs dysfunction.The follow-up time was 12-54 months.All the hospitalized patients were given specific antidote Vitamin K treatment and recovered successfully without any sequelae.(3) The median recovery time of coagulopathy caused by rodenticide poisoning was 2.5 months.(4) The recovery time of coagulation function was positively correlated with the plasma concentration of Brodifacoum(r=0.619, P<0.01). (5) There was no significant correlation between recovery time and organ dysfunction or drug involved ways of poisoning involvement (all P>0.05).@*Conclusions@#The recovery time of coagulation dysfunction caused by anticoagulant rodenticide in children is much longer.The higher the concentration of Brodifacoum poison is, the longer the recovery time.Enough supplementation course of Vitamin K should be given according to the follow-up of coagulation function.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-808609


Objective@#To investigate a mass incident of bromadiolone poisoning and analyze related clinical data.@*Methods@#An investigation was performed for a mass incident of bromadiolone poisoning in a place in Shandong, China in December 2015, and related clinical data were analyzed and summarized.@*Results@#This incident was a mass incident of bromadiolone poisoning caused by spreading poison. The poisoned patients had major clinical manifestations of bleeding and coagulation disorder and all of them were cured after comprehensive rescue, especially after intravenous drip of vitamin K1.@*Conclusion@#Bromadiolone poisoning can cause severe visceral hemorrhage and coagulation disorder, and intravenous drip of vitamin K1 has a good therapeutic effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667130


Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics,diagnosis and treatments of 50 chil-dren with no history of anti-coagulation rodenticide poisoning.Methods Fifty children lacking of poisoning history were admitted to our hospital from Feb 2011 to Dec 2015,who were due to hemorrhage and finally di-agnosed as rodenticide poisoning.The clinical manifestation,characteristics of blood coagulation dysfunction, toxicology screening results and treatments of 50 cases were retrospectively analyzed.Results All 50 cases were from rural area,and denied the history of taking rodenticide by mistake.The time from the onset to ad-mission to the hospital was from 1 d to 120 d,with an average of 11.66 d.Major clinical manifestations in-cluded:34 cases(68%)of skin ecchymosis,26 cases(52%)of epistaxis,10 cases(20%)of bleeding gums and 4 cases(8%)of hematoma at the injection site,with PT 20 to over 200 s and APTT 31 to over 200 s (maximal detection value).The children were diagnosed as rodenticide poisoning when one of brodifacoum, bromadiolone,and diphacinone-sodium or combination of brodifacoum and bromadiolone were detected from their blood specimens,with an concentration of 5 to 3 270 μg/L.The diagnosed children were intravenous dripped with specific antagonist vitamin K1 and the critically ill children were added fresh frozen plasma.All children recovered from hemorrhage within 24 hours after treatment.The level of PT,APTT was close to nor-mal after 3 to 7 days of treatment,and the using of vitamin K1 was accumulated about 30 to 70 mg.The chil-dren were given maintenance treatment of vitamin K1 for three months after discharge until the condition was stable.Conclusion Commonly used rodenticide has the characteristics of fat soluble, easy to accumulate, long incubation period,and long treatment period and so on.Children with no bleeding performance have the clinical tendency of acute bleeding,prolonged PT and APTT should be considered the possibility of rodenti-cide poisoning.Blood or urine samples should be screened for toxicology as soon as possible,and meanwhile children should be given antagonist treatment with special antidote vitamin K1 until the coagulation function is stable in normal range to avoid recurrence of the illness.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 814-815,816, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-671120


Objective:To share the experience of clinical cooperation of physicians and clinical pharmacists in the treatment of one case of rodenticide poisoning. Methods: One case of rodenticide poisoning was early diagnosed by physicians according to the con-sciousness disorder and coagulation dysfunction. Clinical pharmacists participated in the drug treatment actively through providing vita-min K1 at the dose of 30 mg·d-1 as the treatment dose and monitoring the effectiveness. Toxicology analysis was recommended, and 718 ng·ml-1 bromadiolone was found out in the blood samples. According to the long half-life of bromadiolone, the initial duration of treatment was set at 2-3 months, while follow-up plan and final duration of treatment were defined based on coagulation parameters and poison concentration monitoring results. Results:The patient recovered rapidly after hospitalization due to the cooperation of physicians and clinical pharmacists through quickly correcting diagnosis of physicians and actively participating in medication of clinical pharma-cists. After the 3-month treatment, the coagulation parameters of the patient were normal and the patient was discharged with follow-up. Conclusion:The collaboration of physicians and clinical pharmacists leads to the optimal regimen with early, full dose and long course of vitamin K1 therapy.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-343256


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To compare the acceptance and efficacy of cereal bait containing different concentrations of poultry egg components in laboratory and poultry farms to control house rat, Rattus rattus (R. rattus).</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Acceptance of cereal bait containing different concentrations (2%, 5% and 10%) of poultry egg components such as egg shell powder (ESP), egg albumin (EA) and crushed egg shell as bait additives were studied after exposing them to different groups of rats in bi-choice with bait without additive. Behaviour of rats towards cereal bait containing 2% concentration of different egg components was recorded in no-choice conditions through Food Scale Consumption Monitor. In poultry farm predominantly infested with R. rattus, acceptance and efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide bait containing 2% EA and ESP was evaluated. Trap success of single rat traps containing chapatti pieces smeared with 2% EA and 2% ESP was also evaluated in poultry farm.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>In bi-choice tests, significantly (P<0.05) higher preference was observed for baits containing 2% and 5% ESP and all the three concentrations of EA compared to plain bait by female rats and that of baits containing 5% and 10% EA by male rats. In no-choice test, non-significantly higher consumption, number of bouts made and time spent towards bait containing 2% EA was found by rats of both sexes. In poultry farm, acceptance and efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide bait containing 2% EA and ESP was significantly (P<0.05) more than 2% zinc phosphide bait without additive. No significant difference was, however, found in trap success of single rat traps containing chapatti pieces smeared with 2% concentration of EA and ESP placed in the poultry farm.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Present data support the use of 2% egg albumin and egg shell powder in cereal bait to enhance acceptance and efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide bait against R. rattus. This may further help in checking the spread of rodent borne diseases to animals and humans.</p>

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498934


Objective: To compare the acceptance and efficacy of cereal bait containing different concentrations of poultry egg components in laboratory and poultry farms to control house rat,Rattus rattus Methods: Acceptance of cereal bait containing different concentrations (2%, 5% and 10%) of poultry egg components such as egg shell powder (ESP), egg albumin (EA) and crushed egg shell as bait additives were studied after exposing them to different groups of rats in bi-choice with bait without additive. Behaviour of rats towards cereal bait containing 2% concentration of different egg components was recorded in no-choice conditions through Food Scale Consumption Monitor. In poultry farm predominantly infested with R. rattus, acceptance and efficacy of 2%zinc phosphide bait containing 2% EA and ESP was evaluated. Trap success of single rat traps containing chapatti pieces smeared with 2% EA and 2% ESP was also evaluated in poultry farm.Results:(R. rattus). containing 2% and 5% ESP and all the three concentrations of EA compared to plain bait by female rats and that of baits containing 5% and 10% EA by male rats. In no-choice test, non-significantly higher consumption, number of bouts made and time spent towards bait containing 2% EA was found by rats of both sexes. In poultry farm, acceptance and efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide bait containing 2% EA and ESP was significantly (P<0.05) more than 2% zinc phosphide bait without additive. No significant difference was, however, found in trap success of single rat traps containing chapatti pieces smeared with 2% concentration of EA and ESP placed in the poultry farm.Conclusions:Present data support the use of 2% egg albumin and egg shell powder in cereal bait In bi-choice tests, significantly (P<0.05) higher preference was observed for baits to enhance acceptance and efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide bait against R. rattus. This may further help in checking the spread of rodent borne diseases to animals and humans.

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 12(Especial): 67-68, junho 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488026


Um cão adulto, fêmea, SRD e 5,0 kg foi atendido no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul com sinais de choque. A anamnese não revelou nenhuma informação consistente. No exame clínico, o paciente apresentava estado de estupor, midríase, hipotermia (36,5oC), bradicardia (50 b.p.m), cianose e presença de hemorragia contínua em região digital. O animal foi imediatamente colocado em oxigênio e submetido à fluidoterapia intensiva com fluido cristalóide (90ml/kg/hora).

Female , Animals , Adult , Dogs , Shock, Hemorrhagic/veterinary , Coumarins/adverse effects , Hypovolemia/veterinary , Rodenticides/poisoning , Anticoagulants/adverse effects , Anticoagulants/poisoning
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 43(2): 51-56, dic. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: lil-702801


El fluoroacetato de sodio, es un raticida prohibido en algunos países y permitido en otros, que causa severas intoxicaciones humanas y animales. Actúa por inhibición del ciclo de Krebs e interfiere con la producción de energía, lo cual conduce a disfunción celular irreversible, especialmente en sistema nervioso central y corazón. El alcohol etílico, debido a su oxidación a acido acético y a su amplia disponibilidad, es uno de los fármacos usados en esta intoxicación, lo que podría causar controversias éticas y legales. La biotransformación del hidrato de cloral a tricloroetanol y a ácido tricloroacético, el efecto anticonvulsivante y su amplio uso en Pediatría, fueron las razones para su evaluación en la intoxicación por fluoroacetato. Se realizó un estudio experimental, para comparar los efectos de hidrato de cloral y alcohol en ratas intoxicadas con fluoroacetato de sodio. El análisis estadístico aplicado fue la prueba de chi cuadrado. Los resultados mostraron que el hidrato de cloral a dosis bajas, permite la sobrevivencia en 100% de los animales expuestos. Se confirmó igualmente la efectividad del alcohol etílico a dosis altas. Este resultado sugiere que el hidrato de cloral puede ser una opción tan útil como el etanol y que podría ser el fármaco de elección en aquellos pacientes que no puedan recibir monoacetin o etanol o porque haya mayor accesibilidad al hidrato de cloral.

Sodium fluoroacetate is a banned rodenticide in some countries and allowed in others, which causes severe human and animal poisonings. It acts for inhibition of Krebs's cycle and interferes with energy production leading to irreversible cellular dysfunction, specially in nervous central system and heart. Ethyl alcohol, because oxidation to acetic acid and to its wide availability, is one of the drugs used in this poisoning, which should can cause ethical and legal controversies. Biotransformation of chloral hydrate to trichloroethanol and trichloroacetic acid, the anticonvulsant effect and its widespread use in Pediatrics, were the reasons for its evaluation in fluoroacetate poisoning. An experimental study was conducted, to compare effects of chloral hydrate and ethanol in poisoned rats with sodium fluoroacetate. The statistical analysis applied was the chi square test. The results showed that chloral hydrate in low doses allows survival in 100 % of the exposed animals. It also confirms the effectiveness of ethyl alcohol at high doses. This result suggests that chIoral hydrate may be an option as useful as ethanol and could be the choice drug in those patients who could not receive monoacetin or ethanol or because there is greater accessibility to chloral hydrate.

Humans , Male , Female , Rats , Poisoning/complications , Rodenticides/adverse effects , Pharmaceutical Preparations/classification , Fluoroacetates/toxicity , Chloral Hydrate/chemical synthesis , Public Health , Ethanol/chemical synthesis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-424065


Objective:To explore the clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment of occult poisoning caused by long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides.Method:Records of 12 patients from July 2008 to April 2011 diagnosed as anticoagulant rodenticide occult poisoning,who had been misdiagnosed initially at other hospitals were analyzed retrospectively.Elements from the records included clinical symptoms and signs,laboratory findings for prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial prothrombin time (APTT),and initial misdiagnosis and treatment outcome at our hospital.Results:The clinical presentations of patients were insidious and serious,often presented as skin ecchymose,hematuria,menorrhagia and gastrointestine bleeding.Laboratory examinations showed prolonged PT and APTT; bleeding was controlled effectively by administoring vitamin K1 daily.There were statistical difference between PT and APTT before and after the treatment (P<0.01).Conclusion:Coagulation disorders might be caused by the reduced acquisition in vitamin K dependent coagulation factors,which tends to be neglected due to a hidden medical history,delayed signs of poisoning,and various organs involved.A detailed patient history and systematic review may improve the diagnostic accuracy.Once diagnosed is made,vitamin K1 should be given as soon as possible.