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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 59(3): 6-16, may.-jun. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-957088


Resumen México es un país endémico para la enfermedad de Chagas, donde dos terceras partes del territorio pueden ser consideradas en riesgo de transmisión vectorial, es decir que 1'100,000 individuos podrían estar infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi y 29'500,000 en riesgo de contraer la infección. En la morbimortalidad del padecimiento son importantes las características de la vivienda, condiciones biológicas, ambientales y factores socioculturales. El tamizaje en bancos de sangre, a la fecha, es de observancia obligatoria con una cobertura mayor al 92%. El diagnóstico no se establece frecuentemente debido al desconocimiento de la enfermedad por parte del personal de salud y de la población. La fase aguda generalmente pasa desapercibida y en la crónica, la patología se presenta principalmente en el corazón, con evolución lenta. La patogénesis de la miocardiopatía crónica es muy compleja y se presentan lesiones con mayor frecuencia en el sistema nervioso autónomo y miocardio, lo que genera trastornos en la conductibilidad y contractilidad del órgano. Se describen los principales mecanismos patogénicos implicados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad.

Abstract Mexico is a country endemic for Chagas disease in which two thirds of the territory can be considered at risk of vector-borne infection. This means that 1.1 million people could be infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and 29.5 million at risk of infection. Dwelling characteristics of poverty in these rural areas linked with biological conditions, lifestyle, environmental and sociocultural factors are important in the morbidity and mortality of the disease. Nowadays, the screening for the parasite is mandatory and at least 92% of blood banks are covered. The inadequate knowledge of the disease by the health personnel and the population limits the possibility of the diagnosis. The acute phase of the disease courses undetected. The main affected organ in Chagas disease is the heart, with a slow evolution; the pathogenesis of chronic cardiomyopathy is complex and lesions occur mainly in the autonomic nervous system and myocardium leading to disturbances in the conductivity and contractility of the organ. The main pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of the disease are described.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 30(5): 407-413, set.-out. 1997. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-464351


Recentemente falecido em Barcelona, Cecílio Romaña foi um importante tropicologista argentino com muitas contribuições à clínica, ao controle e à patologia da doença de Chagas entre 1930 e 1960. Em 1935, Romaña tornou-se famoso por sua precisa descrição do complexo oftalmo-ganglionar, o mais típico dos sinais de porta de entrada da doença de Chagas humana, sinal este que logo ficou conhecido em toda a América Latina com o nome de "sinal de Romaña", por proposição de dois pesquisadores brasileiros, Emmanuel Dias e Evandro Chagas. O achado de Romaña causou enorme polêmica com o grande Salvador Mazza, que não reconheceu a especificidade do sinal e, muito menos, aceitou a proposta nomenclatura. Estes fatos são relatados no presente artigo, que homenageia Cecílio Romaña e destaca o enorme impacto de sua descoberta para o conhecimento da doença de Chagas aguda em toda sua área endêmica

Cecílio Romaña was an important Argentinean researcher dedicated to tropical diseases in the period 1930-1960, recently died in Barcelona. Working mainly on the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of American trypanosomiasis, Romaña became very famous in 1935 when he accurately described the most typical portal recognized in all the endemic area with the cognomen of [quot ]Romaña sign[quot ]. This description caused an enormous polemic with Romaña's then director, the great Salvador Mazza, who never accepted the specificity of the sign and, much less, its popular name (which was proposed by the Brazilian researchers Emmanuel Dias and Evandro Chagas). This history is briefly summarized in the present article, as well as the great impact of Romaña's discovery in the recognition of the acute Chagas' disease in all the endemic area.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Chagas Disease/history , Argentina , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Tropical Medicine/history , Portrait