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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 636-640, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005682


Socrates understood the significance of health and disease to humans from the dimensions of body and soul, and advocated that humans should live a life consistent with nature. Socrates’ virtue of temperance, which is most closely related to health, emphasizes that self-control is the foundation of training a healthy body and mind, and having temperance is the premise for constructing healthy city-state. Faced with the problems of unhealthy lifestyle, infinite expansion of consuming desires, and materialization of interpersonal relations in modern society, Socrates’ health ethics thought has certain practical significance in transforming medical model and reconstructing positive health concept.

Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 13-15, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519106


Samuel Hahnemann usa seu poder intelectual e de observação para fazer um relato minucioso, e de certa minuciosa, sobre as características da mão humana. Suas analogias e conhecimento das percepções filosóficas impressionam, menos por sua erudição mas pela idade com que ele escreveu o texto. "O que mais eu poderia dizer sobre a carne que está em torno de cada dedo? Ela está disposta de tal modo que aí ainda reconhecemos a Sabedoria divina. Dado que as próprias falanges são muito irregulares ­ pois as articulações e a espécie compreendida entre elas apresentam uma grande diferença de volume ­ esses espaços e essas irregularidades foram recobertas pelo Criador com uma camada carnuda suficiente para pegar tão vigorosamente os objetos e sustentá- -los. Isso para o interior dos dedos, pois exteriormente, por outro lado, não encontramos quase nada de carne e nossos dedos são recobertos apenas por pele, para não se tornarem muito pesados e desajeitados."

Samuel Hahnemann uses his intellectual powers and of observation to give a detailed, and somewhat minute, account of the characteristics of the human hand. His analogies and knowledge of philosophical insights are impressive, less because of his erudition but because of the age at which he wrote the text. "What more could I say about the flesh that is around each finger? It is arranged in such a way that there we still recognize divine Wisdom. Since the phalanges themselves are very irregular ­ because the joints and the species included between them present a great difference in volume ­ these spaces and these irregularities were covered by the Creator with a fleshy layer sufficient to grasp the objects so vigorously and support them. This goes for the inside of the fingers, because externally, on the other hand, we find almost nothing of flesh and our fingers are covered only by skin, so as not to become too heavy and clumsy."

History, 20th Century , Translating , Classical Author Books on Homeopathy
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 22(1): 44653, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526260


O objetivo deste artigo é o de chamar atenção para uma série de questionamentos que podem e, a nosso ver, ainda devem ser feitos, acerca de uma suposta, exclusiva e definitiva doutrina política de Platão. Para tanto, inicialmente, é levantada a seguinte pergunta: A República, um dos mais célebres e comentados diálogos escritos por Platão, seria, de fato, o único momento de "sua" obra em que este autor expressaria a "sua" teoria política (comunista)? Amparados na leitura e interpretação imanentista de Hector Benoit a respeito dos diálogos platônicos, partimos da hipótese de que Platão, não sendo Sócrates, expôs ­ através de um personagem denominado Ateniense ­ em seu último diálogo na temporalidade da léxis, As Leis, um projeto de cidade radicalmente distinto daquele d'A República. Tal projeto se baseia na unidade dos contraditórios para a formação educacional dos habitantes de uma cidade composta por amigos que tivessem todas as coisas realmente em comum; cidade que deveria ser realizada na prática, e não apenas na metafísica alma do filósofo, como Sócrates haveria proposto idealisticamente n'A República. Assim, longe de ter abandonado os seus posicionamentos comunistas da juventude, como defendem alguns intérpretes, Platão, ao final da vida, teria, na realidade, os encontrado de modo mais rigorosamente determinado. No final do artigo, Marx e Lênin assumem o protagonismo, o que sugere ser a teoria política um dos fios condutores da milenar tradição dialética

This article aims at drawing attention to a series of inquiries that may and, in our view, still should be asked about a supposed, unique and definitive political doctrine of Plato. Then, initially, the following question is raised: The Re-public, one of the most famous and commented dialogues written by Plato, would be in fact the only moment of "his" work in which this author would express "his" political theory (communist)? Supported by Hector Benoit's immanentist reading and interpretation of the Platonic dialogues, we hypothetize that Plato, not being Socrates, exposed ­ through a character called Athenian ­ in his last dialogue, TheLaws, in the temporality of the lexis, a project of city radically different from that on The Republic. Such a project is based on the unity of contradictories for the educational formation of the inhabitants of a city composed of friends who really had all things in common; city that should be put into practice, and not just in the metaphysical soul of the philosopher, as Socrates idealistically proposed in The Republic. Thus, far from having abandoned, as some interpreters argue, his youthful communist positions, Plato would have in fact found them, at the end of his life, in a more rigorously determined way. At the end of our article, Marx and Lenin take on the leading role, which suggests that political theory is one of the guiding threads of the millennial dialectical tradition

Philosophy , Politics , Communism
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(3): 225-237, sep.-dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406727


Resumen Este artículo se propone retomar el problema de la muerte propia, aquella que Freud consideró como imposible de representar. Este trabajo apunta a mostrar que, aunque sea irrepresentable, el análisis puede y debe producir un cierto saber sobre la muerte. Se toma como base la idea lacaniana de que una ética del deseo obliga al sujeto a entrar en ese lugar que el autor llamó "entre dos muertes" y que hace de la muerte simbólica un dato previo a la muerte real. Se revisan los aportes de Sócrates y Heidegger sobre la posición ética frente a la muerte propia, con el propósito de mostrar las convergencias y divergencias entre estos autores y Lacan. Finalmente, con el objetivo de mostrar que existen observables clínicos de que el análisis produce un cambio de posición a este respecto, se examinan los sueños de varios psicoanalistas que han publicado el relato de su experiencia de análisis. Se concluye que los indicadores de este cambio de posición son principalmente el planteo del tema de los asuntos pendientes y la necesidad de los actos resolutivos.

Abstract This article approaches the issue of one's own death, the one considered by Freud as something impossible to represent. This paper has as a purpose to show that, although unrepresentable, analysis can and should generate certain knowledge about death. The Lacanian idea is taken as a basis that an ethic of desire forces the subject to enter that place called by the author "between two deaths" that turns symbolic death a prior data to real death. The contributions of Socrates and Heidegger on the ethical position towards one's own death are reviewed, in order to show the convergences and divergences between these authors and Lacan. Finally, aiming at showing there are clinical facts that indicate that the analysis produces a change of position in this regard, the dreams of several psychoanalysts who have published their experience of analysis are examined. It is concluded that the indicators for this change of position are mainly the issue statement of unresolved matters and the need for resolutive acts.

Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 12: 169-179, nov. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-707713


En el presente trabajo, se intentará reconstruir la historia de seducción entre Sócrates y Alcibíades para dar cuenta de la teoría erótica de Platón y su influencia en el pensamiento de Lacan a la altura de El Seminario 8. Para comprender la erótica de Sócrates, será necesario reconstruir como telón de fondo la misión de Sócrates tal como se presenta en la Apología. Asimismo, se intentará mostrar cómo opera Sócrates-amante en el diálogo Alcibiades I para generar una falta en Alcibíades. También, se señalará elementos en el Banquete que nos permitirían entender a Sócrates como sujeto de deseo. Finalmente, se considerará el modo en que la teoría erótica de Platón es funcional a los fines de Lacan para describir la transferencia.

In the present work, it will be try to reconstruct Socrates and Alcibiades history of seduction in order to explain Plato´s erotic theory and its influence in Lacan´s thinking at the VIII Seminar. In order to understand Socrates erotic, it will be necessary to give an account, as a background, of the Socratic mission as it appears in Apology. At the same time, it will be show how Socrates-lover operates in Alcibiades I to generate a lack in Alcibiades. Also, it will be show some elements in the Symposium that will give us an understanding of Socrates as a subject of desire. Finally, it will be consider the way that Plato´s erotic theory is functional to Lacan´s description of the transference.

Humans , Love , Psychoanalytic Theory , Transference, Psychology , Philosophy , Psychoanalysis
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 223-228, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-119426


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to develop the Korean version of the Stage of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale for Smoking Cessation (K-SOCRATES-S) based on the Korean version of the Stages of Readiness for Change and Eagerness for Treatment scale (K-SOCRATES). This paper also demonstrates its reliability and validity among patients with nicotine dependence in South Korea. METHODS: At seven healthcare promotion centers in Gyeonggi-do, 333 male smokers aged 20 to 70 who visited smoking cessation clinic were recruited for this study and the K-SOCRATES-S was administered. After three months, the number of respondents who successfully stopped smoking was assessed by testing their urine cotinine level. Subsequently, exploratory factor analysis was performed to verify the reliability and validity of the K-SOCRATES-S. Also, a logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the variables that can predict the successful cessation of smoking on subscales of the K-SOCRATES-S. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis of the K-SOCRATES-S showed that the scale consisted of three factors: Taking Steps, Recognition, and Ambivalence. The scales measuring Taking Steps and Recognition in this scale had a significantly positive correlation with the scores observed on Kim's smoking cessation motivation scale. The scales measuring Taking Steps and Recognition had a significantly negative correlation with Ambivalence. Overall, the results indicate that the K-SOCRATES-K scale showed high validity. CONCLUSION: The K-SOCRATES-S developed in the present study is highly reliable and valid for predicting a patient's likelihood of success in quitting smoking among patients who want to cease smoking.

Aged , Humans , Male , Cotinine , Surveys and Questionnaires , Delivery of Health Care , Logistic Models , Motivation , Reproducibility of Results , Smoke , Smoking , Smoking Cessation , Tobacco Use Disorder , Weights and Measures
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 12(3): 539-552, set. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-527349


Neste texto realiza-se uma introdução à leitura de O banquete, de Platão, em especial de seu último trecho, ao qual corresponde o encontro de Alcibíades e Sócrates. Procurou-se ainda, indicar algumas discussões despertadas por esse diálogo platônico; principalmente aquelas que fazem referência às relações entre a filosofia, a literatura e a psicanálise.

En este texto se realiza una introducción a la lectura de El Banquete, de Platón; especialmente del último trecho, que corresponde al encuentro de Alcibíades y Sócrates. Se procuró señalar algunas de las discusiones que este diálogo platónico suscita; principalmente aquellas que hacen referencia a las relaciones entre la filosofía, la literatura y el psicoanálisis.

Ce texte est une introduction à la lecture du Banquet de Platon mettant l'accent sur la dernière partie qui décrit la rencontre entre Alcibiade et Socrate. Nous y exposons quelques réflexions inspirées par ce dialogue de Platon, notamment au sujet des liens entre la philosophie, la littérature et la psychanalyse.

This essay is meant as an introduction to Plato's Banquet and, more specifically, to the last part, concerned with the encounter between Alcibiades and Socrates. The essay also explores a few thoughts brought up by this Platonic dialogue, especially those that point toward the relationships among philosophy, literature and psychoanalysis.

Medicine in Literature , Philosophy , Psychoanalysis