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Acta bioeth ; 27(2): 161-172, oct. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383262


1. Bernhard von Gudden diagnosticó el trastorno del Rey Ludwig II de Baviera como "paranoia" (locura), aunque Ludwig nunca fue personalmente evaluado por este experto psiquiatra, diagnóstico que usó el gobierno bávaro para justificar la remoción de Ludwig del poder. 2. Su conducta progresivamente anormal; sus proyectos múltiples de construcción, por los cuales incurrió en fuertes deudas; su convicción de descender directamente de los Borbones gracias al "bautismo"; su desenfrenada vida homosexual, todo constituyó la base para el diagnóstico psiquiátrico. 3. De acuerdo con los criterios actuales de la psiquiatría, Ludwig mostró rasgos de un trastorno de personalidad esquizotípico, unido a un sindrome orbitofrontal, y un modo de existencia extravagante. 4. Bernhard von Gudden fundamentó su diagnóstico y peritaje psiquiátricos siguiendo los principios éticos de beneficencia y primum non nocere, "ayudar, al menos no dañar".

Abstract: Bernhard von Guden diagnosed the Bavarian King Ludwig II with "paranoia" (madness), although Ludwig was not personally evaluated by this expert psychiatrist, a diagnosis that the Bavarian government used to justify removing Ludwig from power. 2. His increasingly abnormal behavior, his multiply building projects, for which he incurred much debt, his conviction that he descended from the Bourbons through "baptism", his unbridled homosexual life, together formed the basis for the psychiatrist´s diagnosis. 3. According to modern criteria of psychiatry Ludwig displayed traits for schizotypal personality disorder together with an orbitofrontal syndrome, and an extravagance way of existence. 4.Bernhard von Gudden based his psychiatric diagnosis and expertise following the ethical principles of beneficence and primum non nocere, "to help, at least not to harm"

Resumo: 1. Bernhard von Gudden diagnosticou o transtorno do Rei Ludwig II da Baviera como "paranoia" (loucura), ainda que Ludwig nunca tenha sido pessoalmente avaliado por este especialista psiquiatra, diagnóstico que o governo bávaro usou para justificar a remoção de Ludwig do poder. 2. Sua conduta progressivamente anormal; seus projetos múltiplos de construção, pelos quais incorreu em fortes dívidas; sua convicção de descender diretamente dos Bourbons graças ao "batismo"; sua desenfreada vida homossexual, tudo constituiu a base para o diagnóstico psiquiátrico. 3. De acordo com os critérios atuais da psiquiatria, Ludwig mostrou traços de um transtorno de personalidade esquizotípico, unido a uma síndrome órbito-frontal e um modo de existência extravagante. 4. Bernhard von Gudden fundamentou seu diagnóstico e perícia psiquiátrica seguindo os princípios éticos de beneficência e primum non nocere, "ajudar, ao menos não prejudicar".

Humans , Paranoid Disorders , Psychiatry/history , Psychiatry/ethics , Schizotypal Personality Disorder , Professionalism
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 36(2): 75-88, Apr-Jun/2014. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-715731


Introduction: Disorders of thought are psychopathological phenomena commonly present in schizophrenia and seem to result from deficits of semantic processing. Schizotypal personality traits consist of tendencies to think and behave that are qualitatively similar to schizophrenia, with greater vulnerability to such disorder. This study reviewed the literature about semantic processing deficits in samples of individuals with schizotypal traits and discussed the impact of current knowledge upon the comprehension of schizophrenic thought disorders. Studies about the cognitive performance of healthy individuals with schizotypal traits help understand the semantic deficits underlying psychotic thought disorders with the advantage of avoiding confounding factors usually found in samples of individuals with schizophrenia, such as the use of antipsychotics and hospitalizations. Methods: A search for articles published in Portuguese or English within the last 10 years on the databases MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycInfo, LILACS and Biological Abstracts was conducted, using the keywords semantic processing, schizotypy and schizotypal personality disorder. Results: The search retrieved 44 manuscripts, out of which 11 were firstly chosen. Seven manuscripts were additionally included after reading these papers. Conclusion: The great majority of the included studies showed that schizotypal subjects might exhibit semantic processing deficits. They help clarify about the interfaces between cognitive, neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms underlying not only thought disorders, but also healthy human mind's creativity (AU)

Introdução: Transtornos do pensamento são fenômenos psicopatológicos comumente presentes na esquizofrenia e parecem resultar de déficits do processamento semântico. Traços esquizotípicos de personalidade consistem de tendências de pensamento e comportamento qualitativamente semelhantes às observadas na esquizofrenia, além de uma maior vulnerabilidade para esse transtorno. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo revisar a literatura sobre déficits de processamento semântico em amostras de indivíduos com traços esquizotípicos, discutindo o impacto desse conjunto de conhecimentos sobre a compreensão dos transtornos de pensamento na esquizofrenia. Estudos sobre o desempenho cognitivo de indivíduos saudáveis que apresentam traços esquizotípicos são úteis na elucidação dos déficits semânticos subjacentes aos transtornos psicóticos do pensamento, com a vantagem adicional de evitar fatores confundidores normalmente presentes em amostras clínicas de indivíduos esquizofrênicos, tais como uso de antipsicóticos e hospitalizações. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca por artigos publicados em português ou inglês nos últimos 10 anos nas bases de dados MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycINFO, LILACS e Biological Abstracts, utilizando-se as palavras-chave semantic processing, schizotypy e schizotypal personality disorder. Resultados: A pesquisa resultou em 44 manuscritos, dos quais 11 foram inicialmente selecionados. A partir da leitura desses artigos, outros sete foram adicionalmente incluídos. Conclusão: A grande maioria dos estudos incluídos mostrou que indivíduos esquizotípicos podem apresentar déficits de processamento semântico, auxiliando a compreender as interfaces cognitiva, neurofisiológica e neuroquímica subjacentes não só aos distúrbios pensamento, mas também à criatividade na mente humana saudável (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Schizotypal Personality Disorder/physiopathology , Semantics , Schizophrenia/pathology , Speech Perception , Thinking , Dopamine/metabolism , Cognition Disorders/physiopathology , Cerebrum/physiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-220879


In order to product and develop questionnaire which can assess the schizotypal personality by model of criteria in DSM-III-R it was presented 1311owing questions in this study. First, far the validation and manufacture of scale and sub-subscale that assess overall feature, nine characteristics of the schizotypal personality disorder, this study was concerned with validity, reliability and factor-analysis results of schizotypal personality questionnaire. Second, we would be present how schizotypal personality disorder trend is connected with trait-anxiety, hopelessness and self-concept. Also the difference Is compared with. Finally, 396(male 216 Ss/53,8%, female 180 Ss/45.5%) college students with mean age 21.2 years were sampled. Raine's schizotypal personality questionnaire(SOQ) which assess nine characterisitics of schizotypal personality disorder in DSM-III-R was translated and used. In this results, Raine's schizotypal personality questionnaire was appeared to have high internal validity, split-half reliability and test-retest reliability Also, 6 factors were affirmed by empirical confirmation through factor-analysis. 6 factors have been very reliable internal validity that ranges from .78 to .83. In these 6 factors, idea of reference, odd or eccentric behavior and odd speech were corresponded to the category model after DSM-III-B in Raine's scale. 'Cognitive, perceptive' dimension was centered of factor 1, 'Emotive, affective' dimension was centered of factor 2, social anxiety and constricted affect were constituted to 2nd factor. No close friends, schizoid trend and suspiciousness of schizotypal characteristics were constituted to 3rd factor by' interpersonal relationship' dimension. These empirical outcomes which confirmed through factor-analysis were very valid and connected much to Raine's scale which assessed schizotypal personality disorder, thus possibility of development and manufacture of schizotypal personality disorder scale through item revision was lighten. In 2nd study the higher schizotypal personality disorder trend, trait-anxiety and hoplessness were higher. But on the contrary, self-concept was lower. The group of high score in schizotypal personality questionnaire had more trait-anxiety and hopelessness than the group of low score in schizotypal personality questionnaire. Contrastly, positive self-concept was high in the group of low score. Also, the most predictable variable to the trait-anxiety was factor 2, predictable power R2 of factor 2 was 29.1%. To the hopelessness, factor 2 was the most powerful predictable variable. Predictable power of factor 2 was 11.2%, also. In self-concept, factor 2 explained 20.8% of self-concept, thus it was presented that factor 2 had the most powerful explanatory quantity. In these consequences, the factors which have meaningful connection to the trait-anxiety, hopelessness and low self-concept within 6 factors were really factor 2, 3, 1. Among these factors, 'Emotive' feature of factor 2 including social anxiety and constricted affect have the most effect on trait-anxiety, hopelessness and serf-concept. And next to factor 2, the isolated interpersonal relation which include no close friends and schizoid trend was some influential variable. Also peculiar, unusual perceptual experience, eccentric belief and magical thinking had some effect though small. The college students who had strong schizotypal personality trend had more social anxiety and more constricted emotional empathic ability, less self-expression, less social skill than common college students. These elements threaten, interrupt and retard identity establishment and intimacy-seeking which are important developmental tasks within this period. These experiences is accepted to ego-dystonic to schizotypal college students who have some or moderate reality testing, adaptive ability. Moreover, These peoples would feel locus of control externally, not internally and would have more control-failure experiences. All these elements elevate anxiety level, give rise to low self-concept and low expectation to the future. These outcomes all confirmed questions which presented in this study.

Female , Humans , Anxiety , Friends , Internal-External Control , Interpersonal Relations , Magic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reality Testing , Schizotypal Personality Disorder , Thinking