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Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 17(2): 245-262, maio-ago. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602204


O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as condições do mobiliário escolar disponibilizado aos alunos com paralisia cerebral nas escolas estaduais da cidade do Natal/RN em 2008 e a participação do fisioterapeuta na prescrição deste mobiliário. Os dados foram coletados através de um protocolo de avaliação junto a cinco alunos com paralisia cerebral e formulário aplicado aos diretores das instituições de ensino, sendo analisados por meio das categorias suscitadas. Os resultados apontaram a presença de mobiliário escolar que não atende as necessidades específicas de posicionamento dos alunos avaliados e a ausência do fisioterapeuta na prescrição desse mobiliário. Constata-se a necessidade dos órgãos gestores no âmbito da educação de Natal/RN em cumprir o que determina a lei e disponibilizar mobiliário escolar adequado aos alunos pesquisados. Assim, procurou-se garantir os recursos necessários para promover um ensino de qualidade para os educandos com paralisia cerebral no contexto da escola regular.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the conditions of school furniture available for students with cerebral palsy in public schools in the city Natal, Rio Grande do Norte in 2008, looking at how physical therapists participated in the process of prescribing such furniture. The data was collected using an evaluation protocol with students with cerebral palsy and with school principals who filled out forms. The analysis was undertaken according to the categories that arose from the data. The results indicated that: 1) school furniture doesn’t meet the specific positioning needs of the students that were evaluated and 2) physical therapists do not participate in prescribing appropriate furniture. The study showed that in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, educational administrators need to carry out the policies that have been determined by law in order to make proper school furniture available to students with cerebral palsy. The necessary resources must be ensured in order to guarantee optimum educational conditions for students with cerebral palsy in the regular school context.

Comunidad salud ; 9(1): 61-70, jun. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-690923


Con el objetivo de evaluar los problemas disergonómicos asociados al mobiliario escolar, a las características dimensionales del aula, y el peso del morral en relación a las dimensiones antropométricas de los escolares, se realizaron mediciones antropométricos a 413 niños de tres planteles públicos y tres privados. Se consideraron las variables: edad, peso, estatura, altura poplítea y distancia sacro poplítea. Estas mediciones permitieron caracterizar a los niños de la muestra y realizar una comparación con los resultados de una investigación realizada durante la década de los años 80, encontrando que los niños de la presente investigación son más altos y con más peso hasta un 3,10% y un 23,3% respectivamente. También se encontró que los niños de los planteles privados presentaron mayor peso y talla que los niños de los planteles públicos. Se registró igualmente la información dimensional del mobiliario escolar para compararlo con los requisitos de las Normas Covenin 1650-89 y con los requerimientos antropométricos de los niños del estudio, encontrándose que los pupitres usados no cumplen con dichas normas Covenin ni son ergonómicamente confortables con los requerimientos dimensionales de los niños estudiados. Respecto al peso del morral, 67% de los niños cargan un peso superior al 10% de su peso corporal según lo sugerido por la Asociación Pediátrica Americana.

The investigation pursues the objective of evaluating the disergonomic problems associated to the school furniture, to the dimensional characteristics of the classroom, and the weight of the school bag in relation to the anthropometric dimensions of the students in public and private schools. For this purpose, anthropometric measurements were taken to 413 children from three public schools and three private schools. Among the variables taken, we can find the following ones: age, weight, height, popliteal height, popliteal sacrum distance, among others. These measurements allowed to characterize the children of the sample and to make a comparison with the results of other investigation during the decade of the eighties, finding that the children of the present investigation are higher and heavier to a 3,10% and a 23.3% respectively. It was also found that the children of the private schools had a higher weight and size than the children of the public schools. The dimensional information of the school furniture was also recorded to compare it with the requirements of the Covenin Norms 1650-89 and with the anthropometric requirements of the children of the study, finding that the used writing desks do not fulfil the requirements of the Covenin norms mentioned, nor are ergonomically comfortable with the dimensional requirements of the children of the sample. It was also found that 67% of the evaluated classrooms there are children who carry a weight higher than 10% of their corporal weight suggested by the American Pediatric Association.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 14(1): 141-154, jan.-abr. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-484558


Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade da superfície de assento da cadeira na velocidade e no tempo despendido por alunos com paralisia cerebral espástica durante a execução de uma tarefa de manuseio de um objeto na posição sentada. Participaram do estudo 11 alunos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral espástica, que tinham algum controle de tronco e membros superiores. A quantificação da análise cinemática foi realizada em duas situações experimentais: 1) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o indivíduo posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de lona; 2) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o participante posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de madeira. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica por meio do teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) a velocidade média de execução das tarefas não foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado 2) o tempo de execução da tarefa foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado. A utilização do assento de lona aumentou o tempo de realização da tarefa. Conclui-se que o assento de um mobiliário escolar para um aluno com paralisia cerebral espástica não deve ser confeccionado com um material muito flexível. Este tipo de assento fornecerá uma base instável que dificultará o desempenho do aluno durante atividades realizadas com os membros superiores.

The objective of this study was to verify the influence of the flexibility of the seat surface of a chair on the speed and time expended by students with spastic cerebral palsy during the performance of a task involving the manipulation an object while in a seated position. Eleven students of both genders participated in the study; all were diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy, and all had some control of trunk and upper limbs. The quantification of the kinematics analysis was done through two experimental situations: 1) performance of an academic task involving fitting blocks into matching holes, with the individual seated in an adapted seat with canvas seat surface; 2) performance of an academic task involving fitting blocks into matching holes, with the participant seated in an adapted seat with wooden seat surface. The data collected was submitted to descriptive analysis and non-parametric statistics using the Wilcoxon test. The results indicated that: 1) the average speed of performance of the tasks was not influenced by the type of seat surface 2) performance time for the task was influenced by the type of seat surface. The use of the canvas seat surface increased the accomplishment time for the task. This study concluded that the seat surface of school furniture for students with spastic cerebral palsy should not to be made from very flexible materials. This type of seat surface does not offer the necessary stability, and will be detrimental to the student's performance during activities involving the upper limbs.

Child , Adolescent , Adult , Cerebral Palsy , Education, Special , Interior Design and Furnishings , Self-Help Devices