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Perspect. nutr. hum ; 23(1): 15-26, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375974


Resumen Antecedentes: la asociación del alto consumo de carnes rojas procesadas con el cáncer colorrectal hace que los consumidores empiecen a demandar productos cárnicos con un perfil nutricional mejorado. Objetivo: diseñar una carne de hamburguesa comercializable, a base de pechuga de pollo, fuente de fibra y baja en grasa con buena aceptación por los consumidores. Materiales y métodos: con base en una formulación estándar de hamburguesa, se hicieron tres formulaciones con adición de fibra como reemplazante de grasa: F1 contenía fibra de cidra (Sechium edule); F2, de zanahoria (Daucus carota); y F3, de inulina. Se calculó la composición nutricional teórica y se realizó una prueba de aceptación por consumidores con una escala de nueve puntos. Resultados: la formulación más aceptada y con mayor contenido de fibra fue la que contenía inulina, con un puntaje de 7,7±1,4 y diferencias significativas, según la prueba T3 de Dunett, con las formulaciones F2 (p=0,001) y F1 (p=0,000), cuyos promedios de aceptación fueron similares: 6,0±2,5 puntos para F2 y 5,9±2,2 para F1 (p=0,931). Las formulaciones con fibra contenían menos grasa y calorías que la formulación control. Conclusión: es posible lograr derivados cárnicos con reducción del contenido de grasa y aporte de fibra sensorialmente aceptados.

Abstract Background: The association between increased consumption of processed red meat and colorectal cancer has driven the demand for meat products with improved nutritional profiles. Objective: To design commercialized hamburger meat that contains chicken breast as the base, fiber, reduced fat, and is accepted by consumers. Materials and Methods: Three formulations were created with a standard hamburger base and additional fiber as a fat replacement: F1 contained fiber from citron (Sechium edule); F2, from carrots (Daucus carota); and F3 from inulin. The theoretical nutritional composition was calculated and a consumer acceptance test was performed on a scale of nine points. Results: The most accepted formulation by consumers with the highest fiber content was the hamburger containing inulin, rated at 7.7±1.4 points. According to the Dunett T3 test, significant differences were reached by F1 (p=0.000) and F2 (p=0.001). They also had similar acceptance averages: F1 (5.9±2.2 points; p=0,000) and F2 (6.0±2.5 points; p=0.001) (p=0.931). The formulations containing added fiber were lowest in fat and calories when compared to the control formulation. Conclusion: It is possible to achieve meat derivatives with reduced fat and added fiber that are sensorily accepted by consumers.

Daucus carota
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(1): 182-189, jan.-fev. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-541470


Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do tempo de armazenamento sobre a qualidade de produto minimamente processado à base de hortaliças: abóbora (Cucurbita moschata Duch), cenoura (Daucus carota L.), chuchu (Sechium edule Swartz) e mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft). As hortaliças foram sanificadas em hipoclorito de sódio 200 mg.L-1, por 5 minutos, descascadas, manualmente, e cortadas utilizando-se processador. O produto processado foi sanificado em hipoclorito de sódio 50 mg.L-1, por 3 minutos, e apenas as mandioquinhas-salsa foram imersas em solução de ácido ascórbico 1 por cento, por 2 minutos. As embalagens flexíveis de polietileno de baixa densidade linear (25 x 20 cm), contendo 400 g do "mix", foram armazenadas a 5ºC e 99 por cento UR, por 8 dias. A firmeza e o valor L* das hortaliças estudadas não alteraram com o tempo de armazenamento. Os valores a* e b* da abóbora não oscilaram durante o armazenamento. O valor a* da mandioquinha-salsa e do chuchu aumentou e o da cenoura diminuiu com o armazenamento, enquanto o valor b* da cenoura, do chuchu e da mandioquinha-salsa reduziu. O "mix" apresentou taxa de perda de massa muito baixa e ascensão respiratória até o oitavo dia. A atmosfera de equilíbrio, em torno de 2,93 por cento de O2 e 7,06 por cento de CO2, foi alcançada no interior da embalagem, contendo o "mix", a partir do segundo dia. Não foi detectada a presença de coliformes a 45ºC e Salmonella sp. em nenhuma amostra. Os coliformes a 35ºC aumentaram durante o armazenamento. Conclui-se que, o produto minimamente processado, à base de hortaliças mantém a sua qualidade por 8 dias a 5ºC.

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of storage time on the quality of fresh-cut product made up of four vegetables: pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch), carrot (Daucus carota L.), chayote (Sechium edule Swartz), and peruvian carrot (Arracaia xanthorrhiza Bancroft). The vegetables were sanitized in sodium hypochlorite solution (200 mg.L-1) for 5 minutes, manually peeled, and then cut by using a processor. The processed product was sanitized in sodium hypochlorite solution (50 mg.L-1) for 3 minutes; and only the peruvian carrot was immersed in solution of ascorbic acid (1 percent) for 2 minutes. The flexible packages of low-density polyethylene (25 x 20 cm), containing 400 g of the mix, were stored at 5ºC and RH 99 percent, for 8 days. The firmness and the L* value of the studied vegetables did not change during the storage time. The a* and b* values of the pumpkin did not oscillate during storage. The a* value of the peruvian carrot and the chayote increased. But the carrot value decreased during the storage period. The b* value of the carrot, chayote, and the peruvian carrot decreased during storage. The mix presented a very low rate of mass loss and respiratory ascension to the eighth day. The steady state atmosphere, around 2,93 percent of O2 and 7.06 percent of CO2, was reached in the package containing the "mix", from the second day. Presence of coliforms at 45ºC and Salmonella sp. was not detected in any sample. During the storage period at 35ºC, coliform count increased. It was concluded that fresh-cut product made up of vegetables keeps its quality for 8 days at 5ºC.

Neotrop. entomol ; 30(3): 475-477, Sept. 2001. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-514385


The simultaneous occurrence of Adetus analis (Haldeman), Adetus fuscoapicalis Breuning and Plerodia syrinx (Bates) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) is reported boring the stems of chayote, Sechium edule. A. analis is the same species as Adetus muticus (Thomson) been wich was referred before by several authors in Brazil. A. analis and A. fuscoapicalis are similar in morphologic and ethologic aspects. This paper presents a detailed description and illustrations of both species in order to help in the identification of these species. P. syrinx, which shows the same attacking behavior of these species of Adetus, also had its morphological characters described, in pupal and adult stages.

A ocorrência simultânea de Adetus analis (Haldeman), Adetus fuscoapicalis Breuning e Plerodia syrinx (Bates) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), broqueando ramos de chuchuzeiro Sechium edule (Jaqc.) Sw., é relatada. A. analis é sinônima de A. muticus (Thomson), que foi referida por diversos autores no Brasil. A. analis e A. fuscoapicalis são muito semelhantes quanto aos aspectos morfológicos e etológicos. Assim foi realizada uma descrição detalhada e ilustrações de ambas espécies a fim de promover uma identificação segura. P. syrinx, que apresenta comportamento de ataque semelhante ao das espécies de Adetus, também foi descrita em seus caracteres morfológicos nas fases de pupa e adulto.