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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 679-684, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564629


El desarrollo craneofacial es un proceso complejo con diversos factores involucrados. Cuando las maloclusiones son de origen esqueletal pueden generar una relación ortognática (clase I), retrognática (clase II) o prognática (clase III) de la mandíbula respecto de la maxila. Esta configuración está estrechamente relacionada con la base del cráneo donde la silla turca ha sido estudiada con este fin debido a su origen ectomesenquimático (Dasgupta et al., 2018) y sus relaciones anatómicas. Diversos estudios se han realizado para dilucidar esta relación y este trabajo busca aportar a la discusión comparando las características de la silla turca entre las maloclusiones esqueletales a través de telerradiografías laterales. El estudio se realizó mediante 52 placas radiográficas de individuos de entre 18 a 24 años con igual número de sujetos masculinos y femeninos, 15 de clase I, 7 de clase II y 30 de clase III. Se realizó la medición digital del área radiográfica de la silla turca y se clasificó morfológicamente mediante las categorías de Axelsson et al. (2004). Se utilizó coeficiente de correlación intraclase con un 95 % de confianza arrojando un valor de 0,88 para el área de la silla turca, 0,89 para el ángulo ANB y de 0,70 para el valor Wits demostrando una excelente fiabilidad del observador. Con un 95 % de confianza la prueba exacta de Fisher evidenció una asociación significativa (p = 0,029) entre las variaciones morfológicas de la ST y la clase esqueletal siendo más frecuentes en clase III. La prueba H de Kruskal Wallis no arrojó diferencias significativas (p=0,550) en las medianas del área selar entre las clases esqueletales. Las variaciones morfológicas parecen ser más relevantes que las variaciones anatómicas en esta asociación. Se requieren nuevos estudios en población chilena con un mayor número de casos.

SUMMARY: Craniofacial development is a complex process with several factors involved. When malocclusions have a skeletal origin, they can generate an orthognathic (class I), retrognathic (class II) or prognathic (class III) relationship of the mandibular bone respect to the maxilla. This configuration is closely related to the base of the skull where the sella turcica has been studied for this purpose due to its ectomesenchymal origin (Dasgupta et al., 2018) and its anatomical relationships. Several studies have been conducted to elucidate this relationship and this work seeks to contribute to the discussion by comparing the characteristics of the sella turcica among skeletal malocclusions through lateral teleradiographies. The study was conducted using 52 radiographic plates of individuals between 18 and 24 years old with an equal number of male and female subjects, 15 class I, 7 class II and 30 class III. The radiographic area of the sella turcica was digitally measured and morphologically classified using the categories of Axelsson et al. (2004). An intraclass correlation coefficient was obtained with 95 % confidence, yielding a value of 0.88 for the sella turcica area, 0.89 for the ANB angle and 0.70 for the Wits value, demonstrating excellent observer reliability. With 95 % confidence, Fisher's exact test showed a significant association (p = 0.029) between the morphological variations of the ST and the skeletal class, being more frequent in class III. The Kruskal Wallis H test did not show significant differences (p=0.550) in median sellar area between skeletal classes. Morphological variations seem to be more relevant than anatomical variations in this association. New studies are required in the Chilean population with a greater number of cases.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Sella Turcica/anatomy & histology , Sella Turcica/diagnostic imaging , Malocclusion , Cross-Sectional Studies
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 858-862, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514304


SUMMARY: This study evaluated the effects of ethnicity, sex, and age on the linear dimensions of the sella turcica (ST) and the pneumatization patterns of the sphenoid sinus (SS). In this cross-sectional retrospective study, we examined digitally standardized computed tomography scans of 100 Jordanians. These study participants comprised 50 men and 50 women, and their age ranged from 23 years to 77 years. We assessed linear ST dimensions and SS pneumatization patterns and correlated this data to age and sex. Furthermore, we compared the data with different ethnic groups from previous studies. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) length, diameter, width, and depth of the ST were 9.98 (1.89) mm, 12.45 (2) mm, 11.96 (1.76) mm, and 8.38 (1.63) mm, respectively. The mean (SD) interclinoid diameter was 8.84 (2.03) mm. These measurements were not significantly correlated with sex or age. With regards to pneumatization patterns of the sphenoid sinus, the conchal type was observed in 2 % of the study participants. Presellar involvement was observed in 30 % of the patients. The sellar and postsellar type was observed in 66 % and 2 % of patients, respectively. In our study, ST measurements did not differ significantly between the sexes. Pneumatization patterns of the SS differed from the patterns reported for other races. The findings of this study could assist neurosurgeons, orthodontists, and forensic medical investigators in diagnosing and planning treatment for pituitary gland pathologies.

Este estudio evaluó los efectos de la etnia, el sexo y la edad sobre las dimensiones lineales de la silla turca y los patrones de neumatización del seno esfenoidal (SE). En este estudio retrospectivo transversal, examinamos tomografías computarizadas estandarizadas digitalmente de 100 jordanos. Los participantes del estudio comprendían 50 hombres y 50 mujeres entre los 23 y los 77 años de edad. Evaluamos las dimensiones lineales del SE y los patrones de neumatización del SE y correlacionamos estos datos con la edad y el sexo. Además, comparamos los datos con diferentes grupos étnicos de estudios previos. La media (desviación estándar) de la longitud, el diámetro, el ancho y la profundidad del SE fueron 9,98 (1,89) mm, 12,45 (2) mm, 11,96 (1,76) mm y 8,38 (1,63) mm, respectivamente. El diámetro interclinoideo medio era de 8,84 (2,03) mm. Estas medidas no se correlacionaron significativamente con el sexo o la edad. Con respecto a los patrones de neumatización del seno esfenoidal, el tipo conchal se observó en el 2 % de los participantes del estudio. Se observó afectación preselar en el 30 % de los pacientes. El tipo selar y postsillar se observó en el 66 % y el 2 % de los pacientes, respectivamente. En nuestro estudio, las medidas del SE no difirieron significativamente entre los sexos. Los patrones de neumatización de la silla turca diferían de los patrones informados para otras razas. Los hallazgos de este estudio podrían ayudar a los neurocirujanos, ortodoncistas e investigadores médicos forenses en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las patologías de la hipófisis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Sella Turcica/anatomy & histology , Sphenoid Sinus/anatomy & histology , Sella Turcica/diagnostic imaging , Sphenoid Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(8): e20230402, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507312


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the relationship between skeletal patterns and the frequency of sella turcica bridging in a sample of young Turkish adults in order to provide a better understanding of the relationship between craniofacial morphology and sella turcica abnormalities. METHODS: A total of 90 individuals aged between 18 and 25 years were examined in this study. The individuals were classified according to their skeletal pattern, specifically Class I, Class II, and Class III. Each group consisted of 15 males and 15 females. The length, depth, and anteroposterior diameter of sella turcica were calculated. The shape and bridging of sella turcica were estimated using lateral cephalometric images. All data were correlated and statistically analyzed according to skeletal patterns, genders, and age. RESULTS: The mean length, depth, and anteroposterior diameter of sella turcica were 7.02±2.13, 7.56±1.38, and 10.54±1.3 mm in Classes I-III, respectively. There was no significant difference between the dimensions of sella turcica according to gender and age (p˃0.05). The length of sella turcica was larger in Class III, and the depth of sella turcica was larger in Class II individuals (p<0.05). A total of 44.4% of the individuals had normal sella turcica, while the remaining 56.6% had other types of sella turcica. It was determined that 31.1% of the individuals have no calcification, 62.2% had partial calcification, and 6.7% had total calcification. CONCLUSION: The normal dimensions, shape, and bridging of the sella turcica can be used by the orthodontist for diagnosis, treatment planning, and evaluation of various pathological conditions associated with the sella turcica.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225508


Introduction: Sella turcica (ST) is a saddle-shaped structure located on the intracranial surface of the sphenoid bone in the middle cranial fossa. The sella turcica serves as an important anatomical reference in orthodontics partly because the s-point, placed centrally in the sella region, is a central fix point in cephalometric analysis and partly because the contour of the anterior wall is used in evaluation of craniofacial growth. Morphologically, three basic types - oval, round, and flat - have been classified, the oval and round types being the most common. Aim and objectives: To describe the predominant morphological shape of sella turcica. Materials and methods: Prospective clinical study which was conducted in the Postgraduate Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of Government Dental College and Hospital Srinagar. This prospective study included total of digital lateral cephalometric radiographs of 180 patients (90 males and 90 females) between 12-65 years of age, Digital lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken by using CARESTREAM SC8100 machine Results: Morphology of sella turcica was found to be typical in just 33.9% of cases. Within the atypical sellae most had oblique anterior wall (27.2%), followed by double contour of the floor (15%), pyramidal shape (14.4%), irregular dorsum sella (6.7%) and bridging (2.8%). Conclusion: Morphological types of sella turcica in this study can be used as reference for additional investigators such as radiologists, orthodontists, maxillofacial surgeons, and neurosurgeons to interpret and plan surgical procedures involving the sellar region

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216945


Background: Sella turcica is an important structure of middle cranial fossa and is bounded by dura of cavernous sinuses bilaterally, the lamina dura and dorsum sellae posteriorly and the tuberculum sellae and planum sphenoidale anteriorly. Precise anatomical knowledge of sella turcica is of utmost importance for radiologists to interpret well for the sellar region pathologies. Aim: The present study was undertaken to study the normal shapes of sella turcica and to determine difference between the shapes of sella turcica and the age groups. Material and methods: One thousand six hundred and fifty computed tomographic images (male and female) of healthy Indians of North Karnataka region aged 21-70 years were collected. Radiant dicom viewer software was used to determine shapes of sella turcica in different age groups. Results: In the present study, oval type was the commonest (82%), followed by round shape (10%), and flat shape was the least common shape (8%). There was no statistical significant difference observed between the shapes and the age groups. Conclusion: The results of the present study provide morphology of sella turcica with respect to shapes in this geographic area, which may be useful for further research and for management of sella turcica and pituitary diseases.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 64(1): 32-36, ene.-feb. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250770


Resumen: El síndrome de interrupción del tallo pituitario es una anomalía congénita que se caracteriza por la demostración neurorradiológica de un tallo pituitario ausente, interrumpido o hipoplásico, adenohipófisis aplásica/hipoplásica y neurohipófisis ectópica. Este síndrome se ha relacionado con formas severas de hipopituitarismo congénito, asociado a múltiples deficiencias de hormonas pituitarias. Los signos y los síntomas perinatales que presentan los pacientes incluyen hipoglucemia hasta en un 61%, ictericia en un 38%, micropene en un 77% y colestasis en un 19%, las convulsiones neonatales se dieron en el 75% de los niños. Durante la infancia suelen tener talla baja y disminución en la velocidad del crecimiento, así mismo pueden presentar retardo en la expresión de los caracteres sexuales secundarios (1). En nuestro caso clínico se trata de un paciente adolescente el cual tenía como manifestaciones clínicas principales, retardo en los caracteres sexuales secundarios, los hallazgos principales que se encontraron en la resonancia magnética nuclear, incluyeron ausencia del tallo hipofisario, neurohipófisis ectópica, localizada adyacente al túber cinereum y adenohipofisis hipoplásica.

Abstract: Pituitary stalk disruption syndrome is a congenital anomaly characterized by neuroradiologic demonstration of an absent, interrupted, or hypoplastic pituitary stalk, aplastic/ hypoplastic adenohypophysis, and ectopic neurohypophysis. This syndrome has been related to severe forms of congenital hypopituitarism, associated with multiple deficiencies of pitu- itary hormones. Perinatal signs and symptoms presented by patients include hypoglycemia in up to 61%, jaundice in 38%, micropenis in 77% and cholestasis in 19%, neonatal seizures occurred in 75% of children. During childhood, they tend to have short stature and a decrease in growth speed, as well as a delay in the expression of secondary sexual characteristics. In our clinical case, an adolescent patient was presented whose main clinical manifestations were delayed secondary sexual characteristics, the main findings were found in nuclear magnetic resonance, including absence of the pituitary stalk, ectopic neurohypophysis, located adjacent to the tuber cinereum and hypoplastic adenohypophys.

Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 879-888, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094095


RESUMEN Introducción: diversos autores reflejan que la morfología de la silla turca constituye un factor predisponente para algunas enfermedades. Por ejemplo, se considera que existe correlación entre la morfología de esta estructura anatómica y varias patologías; como el síndrome de la silla turca vacía, síndrome de Williams, paladar hendido, entre otras. Objetivo: describir las variaciones anatómicas de la silla turca que se observan en las radiografías laterales de cráneo del Hospital Universitario "Faustino Pérez" de la ciudad de Matanzas, en el período de enero del 2017 a enero del 2018. Materiales y métodos: el universo fue 140 radiografías laterales de cráneo, de estas 85 pertenecieron al sexo femenino y 55 al masculino. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo y variaciones anatómicas de la silla turca. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Resultados: se observó un predominio de la variación anatómica de la silla turca en forma de U, en ambos sexos. Seguido de la forma de J, predominando la variación en forma de U en el grupo etario de 41 a 50 años y la forma de J en los pacientes mayores de 60 años. Conclusiones: es imprescindible el conocimiento de la anatomía normal de la silla turca y de sus variaciones anatómicas, tanto para las especialidades quirúrgicas como para las no quirúrgicas. Un análisis exhaustivo de la morfología de esta estructura es necesario para establecer parámetros que excluyan determinadas patologías.

ABSTRACT Introduction: several authors declare that sella turcica morphology is a predisposing factor to several diseases. For example, it is considered that there is a correlation between the morphology of this anatomical structure and several pathologies like empty sella turcica syndrome, Williams syndrome, cleft palate and others. Objective: to describe the anatomical variants of sella turcica observed in side cranial radiographies of the University Hospital ¨Faustino Perez¨ of Matanzas, in the period January 2017-January 2018. Materials and methods: the universe was 140 side cranial radiography: 85 belonged to female patients and 55 to male patients. The studied variables were age, sex and sella turcica anatomical variables. Theoretic and empirical methods were used. Results: it was observed a predominance of the U-shaped sella turcica anatomical variant in both sexes, followed by the J-shaped one. The U-shaped form predominated in the 41-50-years-old age-group and the J-shaped form in patients elder than 60 years. Conclusions: it is essential to know sella turcica normal anatomy and its anatomical variables, both for the surgical specialties and for the non-surgical ones. It is necessary the exhaustive analysis of this structure to establish parameters excluding several pathologies.

Humans , Adult , Aged , Sella Turcica/abnormalities , Sella Turcica/pathology , Sella Turcica/diagnostic imaging , Stomatognathic Diseases/diagnosis , Stomatognathic Diseases/epidemiology , Williams Syndrome/epidemiology , Williams Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Empty Sella Syndrome/epidemiology , Empty Sella Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Endocrine System Diseases/diagnosis , Endocrine System Diseases/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Causality , Anatomy, Cross-Sectional , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Observational Study
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(1): 51-55, 15/03/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362658


Introduction Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) are pseudotumoral bone lesions of unknown etiology that are also hypervascularized, benign, and locally destructive. They are rare in the base of the skull. The present case report describes a case of aneurysmal bone cyst in the sella turcica. Case Report The present study was developed at the department of neurosurgery of the Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (HUPAA-AL, in the Portuguese acronym), Maceió, state of Alagoas, Brazil, and is accompanied by a review of the literature from the PubMed database. A 17-year-old female patient with bitemporal hemianopia and intense left hemicranial headache associated with symptoms from the cranial nerves contained in the cavernous sinus. Neuroimaging evidenced a large lesion in the suprasellar region with calcification foci, sellar erosion, and extension to the cavernous sinus. The patient was submitted to a partial lesion resection and the histopathological analysis showed an aneurysmal bone cyst. Conclusion A rare case of intracranial aneurysmal bone cyst, with the important differential diagnosis from pituitary adenoma.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Sella Turcica/abnormalities , Sella Turcica/injuries , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/diagnostic imaging , Skull Base Neoplasms/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739663


Idiopathic granulomatous hypophysitis (IGH), a rare disease, requires differentiation from more common mass lesions of the sella such as pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, Rathke's cleft cyst, or pituitary tuberculoma. IGH usually presents with an insidious onset of visual defects and headaches. On the other hand, rapid onset of neurologic and visual symptoms in an IGH patient is exceptionally rare. Here, we present a biopsy-proven case of IGH with rapid onset and satisfactory outcome after high dose steroid treatment.

Adult , Humans , Autoimmune Hypophysitis , Craniopharyngioma , Endoscopy , Glucocorticoids , Hand , Headache , Pituitary Gland , Pituitary Neoplasms , Rare Diseases , Sella Turcica , Tuberculoma
Radiol. bras ; 51(1): 45-51, Jan.-Feb. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-896158


Resumo A região selar/justasselar abrange o componente ósseo da sela turca, a glândula hipofisária, o seio cavernoso e a cisterna suprasselar. As alterações dessa região podem se manifestar por consequência de hipoprodução ou hiperprodução hormonal ou por sinais e sintomas neurológicos decorrentes da compressão de estruturas adjacentes. A ressonância magnética (RM) é, atualmente, o método de avaliação por imagem de eleição para o estudo dessa região, tendo suplantado a tomografia computadorizada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar aspectos comuns e incomuns de imagem dessas alterações selares/justasselares que auxiliem no diagnóstico diferencial. Avaliamos, retrospectivamente, as imagens de RM de 70 pacientes com anormalidades selares/justasselares do arquivo didático e relatamos os casos com alterações mais incomuns, em que a RM teve papel importante no diagnóstico. Todos os casos foram confirmados histopatologicamente ou clinicolaboratorialmente.

Abstract The sellar/juxtasellar region comprises the bone component of the sella turcica, pituitary gland, cavernous sinus, and suprasellar cistern. Abnormalities in this region can be attributed to underproduction or overproduction of hormones or to the neurological signs and symptoms resulting from the compression of adjacent structures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently the imaging method of choice, having supplanted computed tomography. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the common and uncommon imaging aspects of sellar and juxtasellar changes, which could facilitate the differential diagnosis. We retrospectively evaluated the MRI scans of 70 patients with sellar/juxtasellar abnormalities from didactic files, and report those with more unusual changes, where MRI played an important role in diagnosis. All cases were confirmed histologically or clinical laboratory.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-695507


Objective To investigate the related influence factors of the main extended direction of the pituitary macroadenoma in the vertical direction.Methods Clinical data of 184 pituitary macroadenoma patients were collected and analyzed retrospectively.The main extended direction in the vertical direction of the tumor was taken as the dependent variables.Patients were divided into two groups according to the suprasellar extension value of each tumor,(ie:suprasellar extension value>0 and suprasellar extension value≤0).10 selected indicators (age,sex,tumor type,diameter of diaphragmatic opening,sphenoid sinus type,sella type morphology,main sphenoid sinus septum bias,maximum width of sphenoid sinus septum,tumor cyst,number of longitudinal sphenoid sinus septum) were taken as independent variables and the factors which may influence the main extended direction were analyzed and selected by logistic regression method.Results Among the 184 patients,there were 121 cases extending mainly to the suprasellar direction,while the left cases extending mainly to the opposite direction.Statistical analysis showed the tumor type (P=0.026),sphenoid sinus type (P=0.003),sella type morphology (P=0.046),diameter of diaphragmatic opening (P=0.003) and maximum width of the sphenoid sinus septum (P=0.009) were the independent predictors influencing the main expansion direction of pituitary macroadenomas in the vertical direction.Conclusions The pituitary macroadenoma is more likely to expand infrasellar in patients with sellar or sellaoccipital sphenoid sinus,sac sella turcica morphology,GH adenoma,smaller diaphragmatic opening diameter and narrower width of sphenoid sinus septum.The pituitary macroadenoma is more likely to expand suprasellar in patients with presellar sphenoid sinus,wok and cylinder sella turcica morphology,nonGH adenoma,larger diaphragmatic opening diameter and wider width of sphenoid sinus septum.

Rev. colomb. radiol ; 29(2): 4908-4914, 2018. tab, ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-986306


Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de silla turca vacía (STV), evaluada por resonancia magnética (RM), en una población colombiana y su asociación con el número de gestaciones, la edad y el sexo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal y estudio analítico de casos y controles pareado. Resultados: La prevalencia del hallazgo de silla turca vacía es mayor en el sexo femenino, adicionalmente, se encontró la edad como factor de riesgo, que se conoce como un gradiente biológico, y que existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa con el número de gestaciones, lo cual se resume en que a mayor cantidad de hijos, mayor es el hallazgo de STV. Conclusión: La prevalencia de silla turca vacía en la población estudiada es del 24 %, lo cual concuerda con datos de la literatura mundial en la que se describe su prevalencia en el sexo femenino y la relación directamente proporcional con la edad como factor de riesgo para STV.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of empty sella syndrome (ESS), evaluated by magnetic resonance (MR), in a Colombian population and its association with the number of pregnancies, age and gender. Materials and methods: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study and paired case-control analytical study. Results: The prevalence of the finding of empty sella is greater in females, in addition, age was found as a risk factor, which is known as a biological gradient, and there is a statistically significant association with the number of pregnancies, which is summarized in that the greater the number of children, the higher the ESS finding. Conclusion: The prevalence of empty sella in the studied population is 24%, which agrees with data from the world literature in which its prevalence in females is described and the relationship is directly proportional with age as a risk factor for ESS.

Sella Turcica , Parity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Groups
Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 337-344, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840975


The ponticulus posticus (PP) is a bridge of bone sometimes found on the atlas vertebra surrounding the vertebral artery and the first cervical nerve root. Sella turcica bridging (STB) is the fusion of anterior and posterior clinoid processes. The objective of this study was to find out the association between STB and PP. For the study, 752 digital lateral cephalograms were retrieved from the archived records of Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Dentistry, Konya, Turkey. There was a significant relationship between the presence of STB and PP (p=0.000, p<0.001). This study indicates that there is a significant correlation between the presence of STB and PP.

El Ponticulus Posticus (PP) es un puente de hueso que se encuentra, a veces, en el atlas y rodea la arteria vertebral y la primera raíz del nervio cervical. El puente de la silla turca (PST) es la fusión de los procesos clinoides anteriores y posteriores. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la asociación entre PST y PP. Para el estudio, fueron utilizados 752 cefalogramas digitales laterales, obtenidos de los registros archivados de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Necmettin Erbakan, Konya, Turquía. Hubo una relación significativa entre la presencia de PST y PP (p = 0,000, p <0,001). Este estudio indica que existe una correlación significativa entre la presencia de PST y PP.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cervical Atlas/anatomy & histology , Cervical Atlas/diagnostic imaging , Sella Turcica/anatomy & histology , Sella Turcica/diagnostic imaging , Cephalometry , Sex Factors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63838


Although chordomas are midline tumors, primarily intrasellar chordomas are extremely rare. In this report, the authors describe the case of a 68-year-old female with partial abducens nerve palsy in the right eye due to the intrasellar cystic tumor. After endonasal trans-sphenoidal surgery, intraoperative and histopathological findings confirmed the co-occurrence of an entirely intrasellar chordoma and pituitary adenoma. To our knowledge, the present case is the third reported case of an intrasellar chordoma with a pituitary adenoma.

Aged , Female , Humans , Abducens Nerve Diseases , Chordoma , Pathology , Pituitary Neoplasms , Sella Turcica
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 758-759,763, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606304


Objective To explore the effect of neuroendoscopic surgery for the removal of medium and large sized tuberculum sellae meningiomas through supraorbital keyhole approach.Methods A retrospective research was performed on 7 case of patients with tuberculum sellae meningioma who underwent endoscopic surgery through supraorbital keyhole approach.The main performance of patients as tumor diameter were 2.8-4.7 cm and the skin incision located at superciliary aich which size of intra-frontal bone window was 3.5 cm× 2.0 cm.Results Total removal was achieved in 7 cases(simpson Ⅰ grade in 2 patients,sirnpson 1Ⅱ grade in 5 patients).Postoperative,the visual outcomes of eyes were showed improvement in 9 eyes,remained steady in 3 eyes,and deterioration in 2 eyes.All patients were followed up for 6-13 months and no recurrence was found.Conclusion Neuroendoscopic surgery through supraorbital keyhole approach is an effective method for the resection of medium and large sized tuberculum sellae meningiomas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607223


[Objective]To study the dental status,the development of jaw and the size of sella turcica of children with ectoder-mal dysplasia(ED).[Methods]Panaramic radiography and lateral cephalograms of six ED individuals(age range of 6~7 years,five males and one female)were obtained. The dental status was record. 17 measurements about the jaws and the sella turcica were mea-sured and compare them to Chinese children without ED syndrome.[Results]The mean number of missing teeth was 22.3 in perma-nent dentition and 16.2 in primary dentition;The teeth that most likely to absent were permanent lateral incisor ,maxillary first premo-lar,maxillary primary lateral incisor and mandibular primary central incisor,and all remaining teeth are in conical shape. Lateral cephalometric measurements showed that all ED subjects had lower ANS-Ptm,which suggested a short maxilla. Low Co-Po,ANB, NA-PA,N-Me,N-ANS and ANS-Me values that were found in all subjects,as well as low SNA,Y-axis,MP-FH,S-Co,and high SNB,NP-FH,NP-FH that were noted in some subjects showed counterclockwise rotation and protrusion of mandible with short-er length in ED subjects. Some subjects had low ANS-Me/N-Me × 100%and high N-ANS/N-Me × 100%,representing a short facial height. Five cases represented lower length and diameter of sella turcica;two cases showed lower depth of sella turcica ,indicating the abnormal development of sella turcica.[Conclusion]The results of this study suggest that the dentition ,jaws and sella turcica in ED children differs when compared to individuals without this syndrome.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-511045


Objective This study was conducted to analyze the clinical characteristics and pituitary function of patients with primary empty sella (PES).Methods The clinical data from 123 hospitalized adult patients with PES from January 2010 to May 2016 were retrospectively studied.Results (1) The average age of the 123 (male 43,female 80) PES patients was (59.2 ± 13.6) years (ranging 24-92 years),among whom 61% patients were in the age group between 50-69 years.(2) The symptoms of the patients included fatigue (56.1%),headache (34.1%),nausea and vomiting (17.9%),gonadal dysfunction (17.1%),visual disturbance (5.7%) and hypopituitarism crisis (3.3%).(3) Hypopituitarism was found in 66 of the 123 patients.Among them,36.6%,31.7% and 17.1% were central hypoadrenalism,hypogonadism,and hypothyroidism,respectively.The percentage of hypopituitarism in complete PES was significantly higher than that in partial PES (P < 0.05).(4) Sixteen patients were concomitant with other autoimmune diseases including 11 patients with Graves' disease and 2 with Cushing's syndrome due to adrenal adenoma.Conclusions The incidence of hypopituitarism in PES was 53.7%,in which the pituitary-adrenal axis hypofunction was more common.An overall evaluation of the pituitary function was essential for the patients who had headache and fatigue,or with suspected PES.The patients with hypopituitarism should be given hormone replacement therapy in time and followed up afterword.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667108


Objective To explore the surgical techniques of transsphenoidal approach neuroendoscope-assisted sella turcica tumor resection. Methods The clinical data of 71 patients who had underwent transsphenoidal approach neuroendoscope-assisted sella turcica tumor resection were retrospectively analyzed. Results Among the 71 patients, pituitary tumors was in 67 cases (including recurrent pituitary tumors 4 cases), and Rathke cysts in 4 cases. A total of 54 cases had gross total resection, 10 cases had near total resection, and 7 cases had subtotal resection. Some patients had postoperative complications, including transient diabetes insipidus in 16 cases, refractory hyponatremia in 2 cases,cerebrospinal rhinorrhea in 1 case,hypothyroidism in 1 case,rhinorrhagia and synechia nasal in 1 case, hyposmia in 4 cases, and perioperative cerebral infarction in 1 case. There was no surgery related death. After 3 months' follow- up, 12 cases were found to have nasal mucosa atrophy. Conclusions The transsphenoidal approach neuroendoscope-assisted sella turcica tumor resection is safe and effective, with less serious complications, but the complications of nasal cavity should not be ignored.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 35(2): 128-134, jun.2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-846738


The Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Transtuberculum / Transplanum (EEETT) approach emerged as an amenable option to remove midline lesions, such as giant pituitary tumors, craniopharyngiomas, and tuberculum sellae meningiomas. Herein, the author's aim is to show a stepwise approach to the suprasellar area by EEETT and a case illustration.

A abordagem endoscópica endonasal expandida (AEEE) trans- tubérculo/ trans-plano têm se mostrado uma opção favorável para lesões da linha média para lateral, como tumores da hipófise, craniofaringiomas gigantes e meningiomas selares. O objetivo do autor é demonstrar os passos desta abordagem para a região suprasellar, por AEEE e um caso de ilustração.

Humans , Female , Aged , Skull Base/surgery , Endoscopy/methods , Skull Base Neoplasms
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 74(5): 396-404, May 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-782025


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the intercarotid distance (ICD) of patients with pituitary macroadenoma and compare to heatlhy controls. Method We retrospectively reviewed contrast-enhanced MRI images from twenty consecutive patients diagnosed with non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma, measured the ICD at two different levels (petrous segment – ICD1 and horizontal cavernous segment – ICD2) and compared to twenty paired controls. Results There was no statistically significant difference of the mean ICD1 between the groups and subgroups. For the ICD2 there was statistically significant difference between the case and controls. However, there was no significant difference between the patients with smaller adenomas and the controls. In contrast, the patients with giant adenomas showed statistically significantly higher ICD2 than the controls. Conclusion The ICD at the horizontal segment of the cavernous carotid tends to be wider in patients with giant pituitary adenomas than in healthy individuals or patients with smaller adenomas.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a distância intercarotídea (DIC) de pacientes com macroadenoma de hipófise e comparar com controles saudáveis. Método Foram analisados retrospectivamente imagens de ressonância magnética com contraste de vinte pacientes consecutivos com diagnóstico de macroadenoma hipofisário não-funcionante, medidas as DIC em dois níveis diferentes (segmento petroso – DIC1 e segmento cavernoso horizontal – DIC2) e comparados com vinte controles pareados. Resultados Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa da DIC1 média entre os grupos e subgrupos. Para a DIC2 houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os casos e controles. No entanto, não houve diferença significativa entre os doentes com adenomas menores e os controles. Entretanto, os pacientes com adenomas gigantes tiveram estatisticamente significativamente DIC2 que os controlos. Conclusão A DIC no segmento horizontal da carótida cavernoso, tende a ser mais larga em doentes com adenomas hipofisários gigantes do que em indivíduos saudáveis ou de pacientes com adenomas menores.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Pituitary Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carotid Artery, Internal/diagnostic imaging , Adenoma/diagnostic imaging , Pituitary Neoplasms/pathology , Sphenoid Sinus/pathology , Sphenoid Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Carotid Artery, Internal/pathology , Adenoma/pathology , Case-Control Studies , Cavernous Sinus/pathology , Cavernous Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies