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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430835


Las serotecas son espacios destinados para el resguardo de Muestras Biológicas (MB) de procesos diagnósticos y científicos. El Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (IICS) cuenta con ocho congeladores de Ultra Baja Temperatura (UBT) distribuidos en dos serotecas. El sistema de monitoreo diseñado se evaluó durante cuatro meses, mientras registraba y enviaba alertas de tres UBT instalados en una de las serotecas y de su temperatura ambiente. Se recabó información de los usuarios respecto al rango de las temperaturas de cada UBT, tipo de MB almacenadas y su criterio de conservación. Se emplearon controladores de temperatura con sensores PT 100 conectados a un convertidor RS485/Ethernet en cada congelador. El sistema monitoreó, registró y alertó vía correo electrónico a los usuarios y técnicos biomédicos sobre los incidentes por temperaturas fuera del rango y falla de comunicación. En total se registraron 25 incidentes, 17 referentes al tiempo de apertura de puerta, 5 por temperatura elevada del ambiente y 3 por problemas en la conexión de red. La aplicación de la telemática fue determinante para monitorear en tiempo real las temperaturas de los congeladores UBT y del ambiente para garantizar que la cadena de frío no se vea afectada. De esta forma se cuenta con una herramienta que notifica a los usuarios de serotecas y biobancos los incidentes eléctricos o eventos que afecten el rango de temperatura necesario para la preservación de los materiales biológicos, permitiéndoles realizar una intervención oportuna y así garantizar la correcta preservación de las MB.

The serum banks are spaces used for the protection of Biological Samples (BS) of diagnostic and scientific processes. The Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (IICS) has eight Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) freezers distributed in two serum banks. The designed monitoring system was evaluated for four months, while recording and sending alerts of three ULTs installed in one of the serum banks and their ambient temperature. Information was collected from users regarding the temperature range of each ULT, type of stored BS and their conservation criteria. Temperature controllers with PT 100 sensors connected to an RS485/Ethernet converter were used in each freezer. The system monitored, recorded and alerted users and biomedical technicians via email about incidents due to temperatures outside the range and communication failure. In total, 25 incidents were recorded, 17 related to door opening time, 5 due to high ambient temperature and 3 due to network connection problems. The application of telematics was decisive in monitoring the temperatures of the ULT freezers and the environment in real time to ensure that the cold chain was not affected. In this way, there is a tool that notifies users of serum banks and biobanks of electrical incidents or events that affect the temperature range necessary for the preservation of biological materials, allowing them to perform a timely intervention and thus guaranteeing the correct preservation of the BS.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789308


Objective ] With a view to promoting the development of medical science and biological medicine industry in Suzhou , a serum bank as part of Biobank project was initiated by city hall and led by Suzhou Health Bureau . [ Methods] The construction of the serum bank was concerned with 4 aspects: 1 ) house building , 2 ) equipment purchasing , 3 ) organization construction , and 4 ) the collecting, processing and preservation of blood sample and information . [Results] The work of house, equipment and organization met the demands of the project .We collected 60 980 blood samples , with 367 837 specimens produced and saved .The plan was completed in the predetermined time . [ Conclusion] We achieved the goal in the first term of the project which we promised to the government , and obtained some good experience from both the methods and working mode .However , we found some problems in op-eration which would be the foundation for further and future development .

J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 50(4): 272-277, Jul-Aug/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723972


Introduction: The antibodies have an important role in the serodiagnosis, constituting the most widely used biomarkers to detect and confirm various diseases. Objective: To investigate the reproducibility of anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies reactivity, to assess the stability of the sera samples stored at -20ºC for two to eighteen years. Method: Sera were collected in the period 1988-2004 for routine anti-HIV antibodies diagnostic testing. The remaining samples stored at -20ºC, were analyzed in this study. Serum sample stability was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/enzyme immunoassay (ELISA/EIA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and Western blot (WB) for detecting anti-HIV antibodies. The previously found results (1988-2004) and those obtained in 2006 were subjected to Kappa index analysis. Result: In the period 1988-to 2004, the degree of concordance of the ELISA/EIA, IFA and WB results were considered, good (k = 0.80), regular (k = 0.35), and good (k = 0.63), respectively. Conclusion: Regarding HIV serologic test, the serum samples were stable for 18 years in ELISA/EIA and for 4 years in IFA technique, however, for the WB methodology it was not possible to determine the time of stability of the anti-HIV antibodies...

Introdução: Os anticorpos possuem papel fundamental no sorodiagnóstico e constituem os mais difundidos biomarcadores empregados na detecção e na confirmação de diversas doenças. Objetivo: Verificar a reprodutibilidade dos resultados de anticorpos contra o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) para avaliar a estabilidade dos soros armazenados a -20ºC durante período de dois a dezoito anos. Método: Os soros utilizados foram provenientes de amostras remanescentes da rotina diagnóstica para detecção de anticorpos anti-HIV, no período de 1988 a 2004, os quais estavam armazenados em freezer a -20ºC. A estabilidade das amostras de soro foi avaliada por meio de enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/enzyme immunoassay (ELISA/EIA), imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) e Western blot (WB) para detecção de anticorpos anti-HIV, e os resultados dos testes realizados anteriormente (1988-2004) e os obtidos em 2006 foram submetidos à análise do índice Kappa. Resultado: No período de 1988-2004, os graus de concordância dos resultados do ELISA/EIA, IFI e WB foram considerados, respectivamente, bom (k = 0,80), regular (k = 0,35) e bom (k = 0,63). Conclusão: No que diz respeito à sorologia para HIV, as amostras de soro foram estáveis por 18 anos no ELISA/EIA e por quatro anos na técnica de IFI, no entanto, para a metodologia de WB, não foi possível determinar o tempo de estabilidade dos anticorpos anti-HIV...

Humans , Blood Banks , HIV Antibodies , Reactivity-Stability , Serum , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Time Factors