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Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507108


Dada la emergencia de políticas transnacionales que establecen diseños programáticos, metas y objetivos para guiar a los contextos locales en la construcción políticas nacionales orientadas a la disminución de las brechas sociales para fomentar el desarrollo económico, se hace necesario analizar cómo se construye discursivamente la sexualidad juvenil como un objeto a ser gestionado en el marco de las políticas transnacionales. Para ello se realizó un estudio cualitativo empleando un Análisis Crítico del Discurso de un corpus de documentos que establecen directrices y orientaciones técnicas para el desarrollo de una problematización e intervención sobre la sexualidad juvenil desde la educación chilena. Los resultados abordan la configuración de una superficie textual como continuo material por el cual transcurre un modo de acción; una dimensión discursiva que expone tres problematizaciones; a) bienestar para el fomento económico, b) población estratégica para le potencial humano y c) temática estratégica para le potencial humano; y finalmente, el anudamiento de dichos componentes en un dispositivo identificado como Educación Integral de la Sexualidad. Se discuten las implicancias políticas y sociales de la perspectiva desde la cual se establen lineamientos de focalización sobre la sexualidad juvenil, así como el establecimiento de políticas neoliberales que apelan a la capacitación temprana como una forma de gobierno de las poblaciones en base al desarrollo de habilidades, conocimientos y hábitos para una prevención individual de los riesgos contextuales como modelo para evitar barreras al desarrollo económico de los países.

Considering the emergence of transnational policies that establish programmatic designs, goals and objectives to guide local contexts in the construction of national policies aimed at reducing social gaps in order to promote economic development, it is necessary to analyze how youth sexuality is discursively constructed as an object to be managed within the framework of transnational policies. A qualitative study was carried out using a Critical Discourse Analysis of a corpus of documents that establish guidelines and technical orientations for the development of a problematization and intervention on youth sexuality from Chilean education. The results address the configuration of a textual surface as a material continuum through which a mode of action takes place; a discursive dimension that exposes three problematizations; a) welfare for economic development, b) strategic population for human potential and c) strategic thematic for human potential; and finally, the knotting of these components in a device identified as Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The political and social implications of the perspective from which focalization guidelines on youth sexuality are established are discussed, as well as the establishment of neoliberal policies that appeal to early training as a way of governing populations based on the development of skills, knowledge and habits for individual prevention of contextual risks as a model to avoid barriers to the economic development of countries.

Dado o surgimento de políticas transnacionais que estabelecem desenhos programáticos, metas e objetivos para orientar os contextos locais na construção de políticas nacionais destinadas a reduzir as brechas sociais a fim de promover o desenvolvimento econômico, é necessário analisar como a sexualidade juvenil é construída de forma discursiva como um objeto a ser administrado no âmbito das políticas transnacionais. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo utilizando uma Análise do Discurso Crítico de um corpus de documentos que estabelecem diretrizes e orientações técnicas para o desenvolvimento de uma problematização e intervenção sobre a sexualidade juvenil na educação chilena. Os resultados abordam a configuração de uma superfície textual como um continuum material através do qual ocorre um modo de ação; uma dimensão discursiva que expõe três problemáticas; a) bem-estar para a promoção econômica, b) população estratégica para o potencial humano e c) temática estratégica para o potencial humano; e finalmente, o nó desses componentes em um dispositivo identificado como Educação Sexual Integral para a Sexualidade. São discutidas as implicações políticas e sociais da perspectiva a partir da qual são estabelecidas diretrizes de focalização da sexualidade juvenil, bem como o estabelecimento de políticas neoliberais que apelam ao treinamento precoce como forma de governar populações com base no desenvolvimento de habilidades, conhecimentos e hábitos para a prevenção individual de riscos contextuais como um modelo para evitar barreiras ao desenvolvimento econômico dos países.

Curationis ; 46(1): 1-9, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427008


A conversation about sexuality is most likely to encourage healthy and positive sexual practices while reducing risky sexual behaviour among adolescents. Traditionally, sexuality is discussed in hushed tones in proverbs and is reserved for adults. On the other hand, adolescents must be well informed about their sexuality to assist them to make informed decisions about their sexual behaviour.Objectives: The study determined parents' views regarding challenges of sexual health communication among secondary school learners in the Limpopo province.Method: A qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and contextual approach was employed for the study. Fifty-six parents were purposively selected, resulting in five focus group discussions that had 8­12 members. One central question was asked, and based on the participants' responses, probing questions followed. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Trustworthiness and ethical considerations were ensured.Results: Three themes, namely communication concerns, role shifting in imparting sexuality education and poor parent­child relationships, and eight subthemes emerged from the data.Conclusion: This study identified that communication concerns influence parent­child dialogue on sexuality education. Therefore, there is a need to address factors hindering communication such as cultural barriers, role shifting in imparting sexuality education and poor parent­child relationships. This study suggests that parents should be empowered in dealing with children's sexuality.Contribution: Parents should be equipped with reproductive knowledge to enable them to talk freely about sexuality with their children. This should be complemented with broader programmes aimed at promoting sexual health education within the traditional family institution

Humans , Parent-Child Relations , Parents , Sex Education , Health Risk Behaviors
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221910


Introduction: Adolescence is very dynamic phase in life and if child is not able to cope up with the changes then the effects on health are lifelong. Evidence supporting role of holistic/ comprehensive sexuality education empowering children in this coping process is present. But still the controversies exists in all countries about either acceptance, content or delivery of the sexuality education. To make curriculum more acceptable, engaging and effective, it is very important to take into consideration adolescent’s perspective. In present study, we tried to understand felt need of adolescents about sexuality education. Objective: To understand need for sexuality education. Methods: The methods used were question box, selfadministered questionnaire, and name the organs in blank human figure activity all in different set of students. Results: 48% questions were to seek scientific information but extent was up to enquiring about sex toys.12% about emotional changes, 11% about cultural norms,9% about romantic relationship and 6% to clear myths. The basic knowledge about human body, pubertal changes was poor, more so in girls. The attitude towards pubertal changes was mostly negative in girls, curious in boys. The inhibition in mentioning reproductive system organs was significant in both, indicating attitude. 98% were willing to have correct knowledge about the pubertal changes and effects on life. Conclusion: The comprehensive sexuality education is unmet need in India. Taking into consideration perspective of adolescents, it should contain scientific knowledge and other relevant topics.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207484


Background: Menarche is the most dramatic manifestation of puberty in girls; unlike the biometric developmental changes that occur at puberty, menarche requires the personal adjustment and response of an affected girl in order to attain good menstrual hygiene. This study was designed to evaluate how boarding secondary school girls manage their menstruation in school, away from the guidance of their parents.Methods: A cross sectional survey was performed in four public boarding secondary schools in the study area with the aid of structured questionnaires to evaluate how such girls manage their menstruation while in school.Results: The study population was 975 girls whose survey revealed the mean age at menarche of 12.5±1.4 years.  Seven hundred and two (72.0%) respondents had received sexuality education before onset of menarche. Respondents who attained good menstrual hygiene were 775(79.5%). Such respondents were those who had received sexuality education (p<0.001) and those who had access to synthetic sanitary pad (p=0.005). Duration of the menstrual period and the volume of menstrual blood loss did not affect (p=0.219) the ability of respondents to attain good menstrual hygiene. Respondents who received sexuality education had about 605 chances of attaining good menstrual hygiene than those who did not receive such education.Conclusions: A vast majority of the respondents had received sexuality education before onset of menarche and a larger proportion attained good menstrual hygiene. Major factors that positively influenced the girls’ capacity to attained good menstrual hygiene were prior sexuality education and access to synthetic sanitary pad.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825292


@#This study aims to assess knowledge, attitude and behavior in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) among 439 first year students; 213 sciences and 226 arts students from 5 Faculties of University Malaysia Sabah (2016-2017). Exposure of Malaysian students to sexual education is limited to science subjects which are only being taught at upper elementary and secondary high school levels. Arts students are less exposed to sexual education across Malaysia as it is delivered in Basic Science subject only. It was a university-based, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Pretested self- administered questionnaire was anonymously completed by all participants and was conducted from November 2016 to January 2017. Students’ demographic characteristics from Science and Arts streams were same except females, Sabah ethnics and Malays were more in Arts. Awareness of HIV/AIDS, Condom, Wet dream, COC pills and abortion services were more in Science students and statistically significant. 34.3 % and 81.2% of Science students agreed that CSE should be introduced in primary and secondary school but not statistically significant. 22 out of 439 students were sexually active. Science students had more knowledge about SRH and favourable attitude towards sexuality education but less favourable behaviour of watching and reading pornographic materials. It was concluded that there were gaps in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of SRH and need to remedy these by giving appropriate CSE classes to first-year university students in an elective module according to their culture and religious beliefs in accord with International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE).

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (24): 157-171, sept.-dic. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-846238


Resumo: O artigo aborda a temática da educação em sexualidade a partir das falas e das discussões apresentadas por profissionais da educação, tendo em vista o debate político e a necessidade de se pensar a distância entre o que é proposto nos documentos normativos sobre a educação em sexualidade no país, a realidade dos estudantes nos seus espaços sociais e os posicionamentos dos profissionais em relação ao tema.

Abstract: The article discusses sexuality education based on the discourses presented by education professionals, given the Brazilian political debate on this topic, and the strategical importance of thinking about the gap between what is proposed by normative documents on education, the reality of the students in their social space, and the professionals’ point of view.

Resumen: El artículo aborda el tema de la Educación en Sexualidad a través de discusiones presentadas por los profesionales de la educación, teniendo en cuenta el debate político y la necesidad de pensar la diferencia entre lo que se propone en los documentos normativos sobre la educación en Brasil, la realidad de estudiantes en su espacio social y el posicionamiento de los profesionales.

Humans , Politics , Public Policy , Schools , Sex Education , School Teachers , Morale , Brazil
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152628


Aims: To explore the knowledge of STI, HIV/AIDS and condom use behaviour among men and women who have been medically treated and not treated for STIs in relation to socio-demographic factors. Furthermore, the study will explore the perceptions of adolescent sexual health education at school in the aforementioned group. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in all Indian member states during 2005-2006. Methodology: Using nationally representative samples, a cross sectional study of 8924 women and 1644 men (2948 women & 745 men received medical treatment for STIs) were used to examine their knowledge, condom use behaviour and perception of adolescent sexual health education at school. Chi-square analysis was performed. Results: Gher proportions of respondents who were urban residents, higher educated and more affluent received medical treatment for STIs compared to their rural, less educated and poorer peers. More women (43%) who reported condom use during their last sexual intercourse received treatment vs. the group not using condoms (32%). Proportionally, more women and men who had heard about STIs and HIV/AIDS answered in favor of girl’s and boy’s sexual health education, condom use and HIV/AIDS education compared to their peers who did not hear about STIs and HIV/AIDS. Even after receiving treatment respondents reported not having enough information about STIs, or HIV/AIDS. STI patients suggested that sexuality education should be added to school curriculum for a better understanding of the diseases in the general population. Conclusion: Indian policy makers should place emphasis on providing necessary preventive information about STIs through different channels such as treatment centers, school curriculums and awareness campaigns.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-38363


PURPOSE: To develop a tool to evaluate middle school sex education programs. METHOD: An evaluation tool was developed in 4 stages: first, preliminary items were developed based on the sex education guidebook for teachers published by the Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development; second, a panel of specialists reduced the number of preliminary items by 3 validity tests on the contents; third, final items were selected from the results of pre-test. Finally, reliability and validity were tested by a sample of 601 middle school students of both genders attending all three grades. RESULTS: The developed evaluation tool contained 31 items on the sexual knowledge and 22 items on the sexual attitude. The results of reliability tests were as follows: Cronbachs alpha for sexual knowledge was .84; and for sexual attitude was .88. CONCLUSION: This study suggested the developed evaluation tool for sex education programs for middle school students had a high degree of reliability and validity.Therefore, it can be utilized to effectively evaluate Korean middle school sex education programs.

Humans , Education , Reproducibility of Results , Sex Education , Specialization , Staff Development , Child Health
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-46830


This paper addresses the issue of adolescent sexuality education as one component of school health education. Health education is a key element in comprehensive health care. The purpose of school health education is to develop the motivation and skills required by students to cope with challenges to health and to build the foundation of knowledge required to comprehend the further health learning scheduled for their future. Same principle applies to sexuality education. Today's sexuality education is about the facts of living, and that education continues throughout the life cycle. Sexuality education is a life-long process. Also knowledge and information about sexuality and family planning are essential for everyone. By sexuality education, young students would realize that each sexual decision has an effect or consequence and sexual decisions should support the dignity, equality and worth of each individual and they should take into account the medical, psychological and social effects of sexual activity and concept of sexuality. Values of sexuality education are thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, several models including online and offline services of sexuality education which would be performed by physicians are suggested and discussed in this paper.

Adolescent , Humans , Comprehensive Health Care , Education , Family Planning Services , Health Education , Learning , Life Cycle Stages , Motivation , School Health Services , Sexual Behavior , Sexuality
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-114499


This study was aimed at primarily to develop a tool to evaluate sexuality education and secondarily to test effectiveness through application of developed evaluation tools in elementary school. The results from this study were summarized below: 1. On the basis of targeting the lower grades (1st- 3th year) and the higher grades (4th-6th year) elementary school students' sexuality education guidebooks published by Korea Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, 71 preliminary items targeting the lower grades, 90 preliminary items targeting the higher grades were developed. 2. Through the validity test about the contents of the preliminary items three times, the items were regulated to 65 items targeting the lower grads and 57 items targeting the higher grades. And then, the preliminary items were re-regulated to 40 items separately. Then, pre-test which targeting each 30 students was enforced. 3.Finally, the evaluation tools for sexuality education that consisted of 40 items targeting the lower grades and the higher grades were developed. 4.Reliability test of the developed tools, sexuality education evaluation tools showed alpha coefficient of internal consistency were 0.8355 (for the use of the lower grades) and 0.8881 (for the use of the higher grades). 5.To apply the developed sexuality education evaluation tools, 10-times sexuality education were carried out class unit and pre-post test were done using same questionnaire, which contains developed tool, there were significant difference in low grade (t=16.548, p=0.000), high grade (t=14.773, p=0.000). The results of this study suggest that the evaluation tool for sexuality education in elementary school may be a useful tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. In this sense, the evaluation tool for sexuality education developed by this study can be effectively utilized in Korea elementary schools.

Humans , Education , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Korea , Reproducibility of Results , Sexuality , Staff Development , Child Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-149961


Sexuality education in the period of adolescents need much care and attention. The programs of sexual education through the Internet are excellent resources for adolescents to gain the information related to their sexual health. And systematic program which is necessary for adolescents to manage their sexual health has been rarely found in Korea. The purpose of this study was to offer valuable database for program design and evaluation on sexual education of middle school students through the Internet. Needs assessment for the information of sexual education on the internet among middle school students were carried out. A questionnaire survey was conducted with respondents of 602 middle school students from January to March in 2002. In the sexual counseling center for middle school students, counseling cases through internet were analyzed and evaluated from October, 2001 to September, 2002, We have selected 16 Sexual educational websites in Seoul confirmed Korean Educational Human Resource. Contents which was illustrated in 16 sexual educational websites were analyzed and evaluated by 12 sexual counselors. Design and evaluation of the program on the internet for sexuality education of adolescences was conducted on the basis of this study results by middle school expert teachers, sexual counselors, sexuality education professionals. Data was statistically analyzed using dBSTAT 4.0 for Windows.The extent and phase of the teaching-learning program of the sexuality education on the internet was seen as follows :1. We evaluated to need for sexuality education on the internet by middle school student.2. We assessed the properness of sexuality education curriculum on the internet frequently used by middle school students.3. We designed teaching strategy and learning program for sexuality education of the middle school students. 4. We developed the assessment method for the teaching-learning program of the sexuality education in adolescences on the internet.Middle school students responded that sexual education through Internet is needed in the order of programs related to acquaintances with opposite sex, Sexual culture and ethics, Sexual health, Reproductive health structure and development, Marriage and family, Psychology of Sexuality, Pregnancy and birth. In the internet counseling, cases on the 'reproductive health structure and development' was ranked as the top. In short we have found the most needs as follows; Meaning of the marriage life and having family, Sexes and Love, Human relation, Sexual Culture.We recommend as follows on the basis of this study results: 1. It is necessary for sexuality education program on the internet to specify acccording to age and target the specific individual needs. 2. Sexual educators have to employ various educational materials such as flash, cartoon, multimedia in order to provide effective sexuality education. 3. Internet based sex education need to be evaluated regularly through reassessment of the effectiveness of sexuality education for content quality and richness.

Adolescent , Humans , Pregnancy , Counseling , Curriculum , Education , Ethics , Friends , Internet , Korea , Learning , Love , Marriage , Multimedia , Needs Assessment , Parturition , Psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproductive Health , Seoul , Sex Education , Sexuality