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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1561816


Neste artigo, analisamos as temáticas, os posicionamentos, as formas expressivas, os atores legitimados e os recursos visuais e sonoros empregados na produção de 482 vídeos sobre vacinas, publicados de 2020 a 2022 na plataforma de vídeos curtos Kwai. A partir de análise temática e de análise de conteúdo, identificamos que os vídeos apresentaram, em sua maioria, posicionamento favorável ou neutro em relação às vacinas e que ressaltaram as experiências pessoais com a vacinação. Não obstante, utilizaram sobretudo um tom hu-morístico no tratamento do assunto, com potencial desinformativo quanto aos efeitos colaterais das vacinas. Concluímos assim que, por um lado, o Kwai tem sido utilizado para expressão de experiências positivas com a vacinação, que podem estimular a adesão aos imunizantes, mas, por outro, tem sido também espaço para a circulação de percepções negativas e temores que podem suscitar dúvidas quanto à segurança das vacinas.

In this article, we analyze the themes, positions, expressive forms, legitimized actors, and both visual and sound resources used in the production of 482 videos about vaccines, published from 2020 to 2022 on the short video platform Kwai. Based on thematic analysis and content analysis, we identified that the videos predominantly presented a favorable or neutral stance toward vaccines and that they highlighted personal experiences with immunization. However, they mainly used a humorous tone when dealing with the subject, thereby potentially disseminating misinformation regarding the adverse effects of vaccines. We thus conclude that, on the one hand, Kwai has been used to express positive experiences with vaccination, which can stimulate adherence to vaccinations, but, on the other hand, it has also been a space for the circulation of negative perceptions and fears that can raise doubts regarding the safety of vaccines.

En este artículo, analizamos los temas, posiciones, formas expresivas, actores legitimados y recursos visuales y sonoros utilizados en la producción de 482 videos sobre vacunas publicados de 2020 a 2022 en la plataforma de videos cortos Kwai. A partir del análisis temático y de contenido, identificamos que los videos presentaban, en su mayoría, una posición favorable o neutral con relación a las vacunas y que destacaban experiencias per-sonales con la vacunación. Sin embargo, al abordar el tema, utilizaron, principalmente, un tono humorístico, con potencial desinformativo sobre los efectos secundarios de las vacunas. De ese modo, concluimos que, por un lado, el Kwai tiene sido utilizado para expresar experiencias positivas con la vacunación que pueden estimular la adhesión a las vacunas, pero, por otro lado, también tiene sido un espacio para la circulación de percepciones negativas y miedos que pueden plantear dudas sobre la seguridad de las vacunas.

Vaccines , Information Dissemination , Online Social Networking , COVID-19 , Disinformation , Brazil , Immunization , Computer Security , Communication , Webcasts as Topic , Webcast , Social Networking , Social Network Analysis
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 17(1): 45-47, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558096


La displasia dentinaria tipo I (DD-I) corresponde a una alteración dentinaria de heterogeneidad genética y penetrancia completa, en donde se presenta un defecto en el desarrollo de las raíces de los dientes tanto temporales como definitivos. Clínicamente se observan dientes con extrema movilidad junto con antecedentes de exfoliación prematura o espontánea. Los defectos estructurales de los tejidos dentarios, tales como DD-I; implican un desafío ya que son pocos los casos documentados en la literatura que hablan de esta condición. Además implican un tratamiento multidisciplinario y altamente invasivo. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar dos casos de DD-I, enfatizando en su tratamiento y características histopatológicas.

Dentin Dysplasia Type I (DD-I) consists of a pathological dentinary alteration with genetic heterogeneity that results in a defectuous development of dental roots both in primary and secondary dentition. Clinically we can appreciate teeth with extreme pathological mobility and premature or spontaneous exfoliation. Alterations within normal dental structure, such as DD-I imply a challenge for the common practitioner, because of the scarce number of case reports with in the scientific literature regarding this condition and also, because of the need for a highly invasive and multidisciplinary approach they require. The aim of this article is to present two DD-I cases, emphasizing on their treatment and histopathological features.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Penetrance , Dentin Dysplasia
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 430-440, 2024-04-24. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554114


Introducción. El intestino primitivo rota durante la vida embrionaria. Cuando ocurre de forma inadecuada aparece la malrotación intestinal que puede llevar a la obstrucción o al vólvulo del intestino medio. La incidencia disminuye con el aumento de la edad. La malrotación intestinal es una de las principales causas de complicaciones del tracto gastrointestinal en la edad pediátrica. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, transversal y analítico, de la experiencia durante 10 años en pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico de malrotación intestinal, tratados en el Hospital Infantil de San Vicente Fundación, en Medellín, Colombia. Se buscó la asociación entre variables demográficas, clínicas e imagenológicas con los desenlaces. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 58 pacientes con malrotación intestinal, 65 % menores de 1 año. En 29,3 % de los pacientes se hizo el diagnóstico con la presentación clínica; los síntomas predominantes fueron distensión abdominal y emesis. En el 24,1 % se confirmó el diagnóstico con imágenes. Las variables con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de encontrar una malrotación complicada fueron choque séptico (OR=11,7), síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (OR=8,4) y deshidratación (OR=5,18). Conclusiones. La malrotación intestinal tiene complicaciones como perforación, peritonitis, vólvulo e intestino corto. El vólvulo se acompaña de shock y sepsis, con mortalidad hasta del 50 %. Las imágenes diagnósticas son una ayuda, pero no se puede basar la conducta médica en estas porque ninguna imagen garantiza el diagnóstico definitivo. Los signos de alarma son poco específicos. En menores de un año con emesis, distensión y dolor abdominal se debe sospechar malrotación intestinal.

Introduction. The primitive intestine rotates during embryonic life. When it occurs inappropriately, intestinal malrotation appears, which can lead to obstruction or midgut volvulus. The incidence decreases when age increases. Intestinal malrotation is one of the main causes of complications of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric age. Method. Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional and analytical study of the experience over 10 years in patients under 15 years of age with a diagnosis of intestinal malrotation, treated at Hospital Infantil of San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia. The association between demographic, clinical and imaging variables with the outcomes was sought. Results. There were 58 patients with intestinal malrotation, 65% under one year of age. In 29.3% of patients, intestinal malrotation was diagnosed clinically. The predominant symptoms were abdominal distension and emesis. In 24.1% the diagnosis was confirmed with imaging. The variables with a statistically significant difference in favor of finding a complicated malrotation were septic shock (OR=11.7), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (OR-8.4), and dehydration (OR=5.18). Conclusions. Malrotation has complications such as perforation, peritonitis, volvulus, and short bowel. Volvulus is accompanied by shock and sepsis, with mortality of up to 50%. Diagnostic images are helpful, but medical conduct cannot be based on them because no image guarantees a definitive diagnosis. The warning signs are not very specific. In children under one year of age with emesis, distension and abdominal pain, intestinal malrotation should be suspected.

Humans , Gastrointestinal Tract , Intestinal Volvulus , Intestinal Diseases , Short Bowel Syndrome , Intestinal Obstruction , Intestinal Perforation
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(2): 180-198, mar. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538281


India's commercial advancement and development depend heavily on agriculture. A common fruit grown in tropical settings is citrus. A professional judgment is required while analyzing an illness because different diseases have slight variati ons in their symptoms. In order to recognize and classify diseases in citrus fruits and leaves, a customized CNN - based approach that links CNN with LSTM was developed in this research. By using a CNN - based method, it is possible to automatically differenti ate from healthier fruits and leaves and those that have diseases such fruit blight, fruit greening, fruit scab, and melanoses. In terms of performance, the proposed approach achieves 96% accuracy, 98% sensitivity, 96% Recall, and an F1 - score of 92% for ci trus fruit and leave identification and classification and the proposed method was compared with KNN, SVM, and CNN and concluded that the proposed CNN - based model is more accurate and effective at identifying illnesses in citrus fruits and leaves.

El avance y desarrollo comercial de India dependen en gran medida de la agricultura. Un tipo de fruta comunmente cultivada en en tornos tropicales es el cítrico. Se requiere un juicio profesional al analizar una enfermedad porque diferentes enfermedades tienen ligeras variaciones en sus síntomas. Para reconocer y clasificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos, se desarrolló e n esta investigación un enfoque personalizado basado en CNN que vincula CNN con LSTM. Al utilizar un método basado en CNN, es posible diferenciar automáticamente entre frutas y hojas más saludables y aquellas que tienen enfermedades como la plaga de frutas , el verdor de frutas, la sarna de frutas y las melanosis. En términos de desempeño, el enfoque propuesto alcanza una precisión del 96%, una sensibilidad del 98%, una recuperación del 96% y una puntuación F1 del 92% para la identificación y clasificación d e frutas y hojas de cítricos, y el método propuesto se comparó con KNN, SVM y CNN y se concluyó que el modelo basado en CNN propuesto es más preciso y efectivo para identificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos.

Plant Diseases/classification , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted , Citrus , Neural Networks, Computer , Plant Leaves
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e59013, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559343


Abstract Introduction: Short-term gametes storage is an inexpensive and simple technique that allows the use of the same batch of eggs or sperm at different times, maximizing the application of research protocols and the use of gametes in production. Arbacia dufresnii is a sea urchin species with proven aquaculture potential and already used in the nutraceutical industry. Aging of its gametes is unknown and is a needed information to scale up the production. Objective: Determine the effect of male and female gamete aging on the fertilization success of Arbacia dufresnii. This will allow optimizing the use of gametes after collection decoupling spawning from fertilization. Methods: A. dufresnii individuals were induced to spawn and gametes were kept at 12 ± 1 °C throughout each bioassay. Sperm was separated into two treatments: activated sperm in seawater (AS), and dry sperm (DS). Two bioassays were made: Bioassay 1 evaluated the effect of time on fertility by performing fertilization tests at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h after spawning. Bioassay 2 evaluated the contribution of each type of aged gamete on fertility, combining aged gametes (96 h) with fresh gametes (0 h). Results: Bioassay 1: the fertilization success obtained by combining eggs (E) with AS or DS presented important differences. While the fertilization success remained acceptable (greater than 50 %) for up to 72 h using ExDS, it only remained acceptable for up to 48 h using ExAS. Bioassay 2: acceptable fertilization success was found by combining aged E (96 h) with fresh sperm, or aged DS (96 h) with fresh E, but not using aged AS with fresh E. Conclusions: The findings of this work show that fertilization success in A. dufresnii gametes remains relatively unchanged for up to 48 h after spawning when combining ExAS, and for up to 72 h when combining ExDS. However, when combining aged E or aged DS with a fresh gamete, post-collection fertilization can be extended up to 96 h. In this work, the first steps have been taken to understand the conservation time of A. dufresnii gametes with minimum intervention.

Resumen Introducción: El almacenamiento de gametos a corto plazo es una técnica económica y sencilla que permite utilizar el mismo lote de óvulos o espermatozoides en diferentes momentos, maximizando la aplicación de protocolos de investigación y el uso de gametos en la producción. Arbacia dufresnii es una especie con probado potencial acuícola como fuente de gametos para la industria nutracéutica. Sin embargo, se desconoce el envejecimiento de sus gametos y es una información necesaria para escalar la producción. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del envejecimiento de los gametos masculinos y femeninos en el éxito de la fecundación de Arbacia dufresnii con el fin de optimizar el aprovechamiento de los gametos después de la recolecta desincronizando el desove de la fecundación. Métodos: Se indujo el desove de individuos de A. dufresnii y los gametos se mantuvieron a 12 ± 1 °C durante cada bioensayo. El esperma se separó en dos tratamientos: esperma activado en agua de mar (AS) y esperma seco (DS). Se realizaron dos bioensayos: El Bioensayo 1 evaluó el efecto del tiempo sobre la fertilidad realizando pruebas de fecundación a las 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h y 96 h después del desove. El bioensayo 2 evaluó la contribución de cada tipo de gameta envejecida (96 h) sobre la fertilidad, combinando gametos envejecidas (96 h) con gametos frescas (0 h). Resultados: Bioensayo 1: el éxito de fecundación obtenido combinando huevos (E) con AS o DS presentó diferencias importantes. Si bien el éxito de la fecundación se mantuvo aceptable (más del 50 %) durante un máximo de 72 h con ExDS, solo permaneció aceptable hasta 48 h con ExAS. Bioensayo 2: se encontró un éxito de fecundación aceptable combinando E envejecidos (96 h) con esperma fresco, o DS envejecido (96 h) con E fresco (0 h), pero no usando AS envejecido con E fresco (0 h). Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este trabajo muestran que el éxito de la fecundación en los gametos de A. dufresnii permanece relativamente sin cambios hasta 48 h después del desove cuando se combina ExAS, y hasta 72 h cuando se combina ExDS. Sin embargo, cuando se combina E envejecido o DS envejecido con un gameto fresco, el tiempo entre la recolección y la fecundación puede extenderse hasta 96 h. En este trabajo se han dado los primeros pasos para entender el tiempo de conservación de los gametos de A. dufresnii con mínima intervención.

Animals , Reproduction , Sea Urchins/embryology , Biological Assay , Echinodermata/growth & development , Germ Cells/growth & development
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(1): 23-30, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557185


Abstract Background: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is one of the most frequent causes of intestinal failure, needing parenteral nutrition to maintain an energy-protein and water-electrolyte balance. At the Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG), the formation of two stomas is a technique used for intestinal rehabilitation, where the use of residue through the bypass technique (BT) helps to maintain gastrointestinal functionality, water-electrolyte, and nutritional stability. This study aimed to describe the technique of using intestinal residue through BT as a treatment strategy in intestinal rehabilitation and its effect on the biochemical and nutritional status of pediatric patients with SBS. Methods: An analytical and retrospective cross-sectional study was performed in patients hospitalized at HIMFG with SBS who underwent BT during their hospital stay between 2019 and 2020 and then followed up for 8 weeks. Results: A total of 10 patients were included in this study, with a mean age of 24 months; 50% were female. BT was able to reduce the inflammatory process in the liver caused by the continuous use of parenteral nutrition; enteral caloric intake increased from 25.32 kcal/kg/day to 72.94 kcal/kg/day, but it was insufficient to improve their nutritional status. Conclusions: BT is a safe and effective alternative in intestinal rehabilitation in patients with SBS to stimulate trophism and intestinal functionality, allowing a progression of enteral feeding and a decrease in the hepatic inflammatory process that occurs in these patients with prolonged parenteral nutrition.

Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de intestino corto (SIC) es una de las causas más frecuentes de insuficiencia intestinal que requiere del uso de nutrición parenteral para mantener un balance energético-proteico e hidroelectrolítico. En el Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG) la formación de dos estomas es una técnica empleada para la rehabilitación intestinal, donde con el aprovechamiento de residuo mediante la técnica de puenteo (TP) se ayuda a mantener la funcionalidad gastrointestinal, equilibrio hidro-electrolítico y estabilidad nutricional. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la técnica del aprovechamiento de residuo intestinal mediante TP como estrategia de tratamiento en la rehabilitación intestinal y su efecto en el estado bioquímico y nutricional de pacientes pediátricos con SIC. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal analítico y retrospectivo en pacientes hospitalizados en el HIMFG con SIC en quienes se realizó la TP durante su estancia intrahospitalaria entre 2019 y 2020. Resultados: Se incluyeron 10 pacientes en este estudio, con una edad promedio de 24 meses, y el 50% de sexo femenino. La TP logró disminuir el proceso inflamatorio hepático ocasionado por el uso continuo de nutrición parenteral; la ingesta calórica por vía enteral incrementó de 25.32 kcal/kg/día a 72.94 kcal/kg/día, pero fue insuficiente para mejorar el estado nutricional. Conclusiones: La TP es una alternativa segura y efectiva en la rehabilitación intestinal en pacientes con SIC para estimular el trofismo y funcionalidad intestinal, permitiendo una progresión de la alimentación enteral y disminución del proceso inflamatorio hepático que se presentan en estos pacientes con nutrición parenteral prolongada.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 160(1): 81-91, ene.-feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557807


Resumen Antecedentes: Las alteraciones cromosómicas están presentes en 50 a 60 % de los abortos espontáneos y en 6 a 19 % de los mortinatos. Aunque se prefieren los microarreglos para estudiarlos, numerosos hospitales no pueden ofrecerlos. Objetivo: Presentar los resultados del estudio citogenético de 303 productos de la concepción (POC), 184 se obtuvieron de abortos espontáneos, 49 fueron mortinatos y en 17 no se identificó la de edad gestacional. Material y métodos: Se empleó cariotipo, hibridación in situ con fluorescencia, secuencias cortas repetidas en tándem y microarreglos, según el tipo de pérdida y la muestra disponible. Resultados: En 29 POC se encontró tejido materno, por lo que fueron eliminados de los análisis. En 250 (91.2 %)/274 casos se obtuvieron resultados informativos; la tasa de éxito del cariotipo fue de 80.7 %; la de los microarreglos de SNP, de 94.5 %; y la de la hibridación fluorescente in situ y la repetición corta en tándem, de 100 %. Se observaron anomalías citogenéticas en 57.6 % de los abortos espontáneos y en 24.5 % de los mortinatos; 94 % de las anomalías fueron numéricas y 6 %, submicroscópicas. Conclusiones: El cariotipo en conjunto con el estudio de secuencias cortas repetidas en tándem para descartar contaminación de células maternas es efectivo para estudiar abortos espontáneos; los microarreglos se recomiendan en los mortinatos.

Abstract Background: Chromosomal abnormalities are present in 50 to 60 % of miscarriages and in 6 to 19 % of stillbirths. Although microarrays are preferred for studying chromosomal abnormalities, many hospitals cannot offer this methodology. Objective: To present the results of the cytogenetic analysis of 303 products of conception (POC), which included 184 miscarriages, 49 stillbirths and 17 cases of undefined age. Material and methods: Karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization, short tandem repeats and microarrays were used, depending on the type of loss and available sample. Results: In 29 POCs we found maternal tissue and were eliminated from the analyses. Informative results were obtained in 250 (91.2 %)/274 cases; the karyotyping success rate was 80.7 %; that of single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays, 94.5 %; and that of fluorescence in situ hybridization and short tandem repeat, 100 %. Cytogenetic abnormalities were observed in 57.6 % of miscarriages and in 24.5 % of stillbirths; 94 % of total anomalies were numerical and 6 % were submicroscopic. Conclusions: Karyotyping with simultaneous short tandem repeat study to rule out contamination of maternal cells is effective for studying miscarriages; in stillbirths, microarrays are recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006556


ObjectiveTo investigate the mechanism of Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma(AMR) in the treatment of slow-transmission constipation(STC) by observing the effects of AMR on short-chain fatty acids and intestinal barries in STC mice. MethodForty-eight male KM mice were randomly divided into blank group, model group, AMR low-, medium-, high-dose groups(2.5, 5, 10 g·kg-1) and mosapride group(2.5 mg·kg-1). Except for the blank group, all groups were gavaged with loperamide suspension(5 mg·kg-1) twice daily for 14 d to construct the STC mouse model. At the same time, each drug administration group was given the corresponding drug by gavage for consecutive 14 d, the blank and model groups were gavaged with equal volume of distilled water. The effects of the treatment of AMR on body mass, defecation frequency, fecal water content and intestinal propulsion rate of mice were observed, the pathological changes of mouse colon were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining and periodic acid-Schiff(PAS) staining, the levels of gastrin(GAS) and motilin(MTL) in serum were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) was used to detect the contents of short-chain fatty acids(SCFAs) in mouse feces, real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(Real-time PCR) and Western blot were used to determine the mRNA and protein expression levels of zonula occludens-1(ZO-1), Occludin, and Claudin-1 in the colon of mice. ResultCompared with the blank group, the body mass, defecation frequency, fecal water content and intestinal propulsion rate of mice in the model group were significantly decreased(P<0.05, P<0.01), the arrangement of colonic tissues was disordered, and the number of goblet cells was reduced, the levels of GAS and MTL in serum were significantly decreased(P<0.01), and the levels of SCFAs in the feces were on a decreasing trend, with the contents of acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, isobutyric acid and valeric acid were significantly decreased(P<0.05, P<0.01), the mRNA and protein expression levels of ZO-1, Occludin and Claudin-1 in the colonic tissues were significantly decreased(P<0.01). The above results suggested that STC mouse model was successfully constructed. Compared with the model group, the body mass, defecation frequency, fecal water content and intestinal propulsion rate of mice in AMP administration groups all increased significantly(P<0.05, P<0.01), the mucosal layer of the colonic tissues was structurally intact without obvious damage, and the number of goblet cells increased, serum levels of GAS and MTL were significantly increased(P<0.01), the contents of SCFAs in the feces were all on a rising trend, with the contents of acetic, propionic, butyric and isobutyric acids rising significantly(P<0.05, P<0.01), the mRNA and protein expression levels of ZO-1, Occludin and Claudin-1 in the colonic tissues were significantly increased(P<0.05, P<0.01). ConclusionAMR is able to improve the constipation symptoms in STC mice, and its mechanism may be related to increasing the contents of SCFAs in the intestine as well as promoting the mRNA and protein expression levels of ZO-1, Occludin and Claudin-1 in the colon.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017128


@#Abstract: To explore the mechanism of the intestinal microecology regulation by polysaccharide prebiotics, ELISA, histopathologic analysis, immunohistochemical analysis, 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were applied to investigate the effects of fermented polysaccharides on changes in the intestinal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in mice with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis model and their relationship with the level of intestinal inflammation and barrier protein expression. It was found that fermented Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (FLBP) significantly reduced intestinal inflammation level, improved colonic tissue structure, up-regulated the expression of tight junction proteins Claudin-1 and ZO-1, and significantly increased the content of intestinal SCFAs in mice. Gut bacteria analyses showed that FLBP enriched intestinal Dubosiella and Akkermansia in mice and decreased the abundance of Turicibacter, Faecalibaculum, and Escherichia-Shigella. Results showed that remodeled Dubosiella activated by FLBP played a dominant role in ameliorating colitis by significantly increasing SCFAs content, improving intestinal barrier and reducing intestinal inflammation. The study aimed to provide a safer and better option for the amelioration of colitis and to provide a theoretical basis for the development of functional foods with FLBP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017305


Objective:To analyze the concentration of formic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid in gingival crevicular fluid(GCF)of patients with stages Ⅲ and Ⅳ periodontitis,and their relationship with periodontitis.Methods:The study enrolled 37 systemically healthy patients with periodontitis and 19 healthy controls who visited Department of Periodontology,Peking University School and Hospital of Sto-matology from February 2008 to May 2011.Their GCFs were collected from the mesial-buccal site of one molar or incisor in each quadrant.Periodontal clinical parameters,including plaque index(PLI),probing depth(PD),bleeding index(BI),and attachment loss(AL).Concentrations of formic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid in the supernatant of the GCFs were analyzed by high-performance capil-lary electrophoresis(HPCE).The prediction ability of formic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid with the risk of periodontitis and the differences between grade B and grade C periodontitis were analyzed.Results:In this study,32 patients with stage Ⅲ and 5 patients with stage Ⅳ were enrolled,including 9 patients with grade B and 28 patients with grade C.Clinical periodontal variables in the patients with pe-riodontitis were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.001).Formic acid was signifi-cantly lower in periodontitis than that in the control group[5.37(3.39,8.49)mmol/L vs.12.29(8.35,16.57)mmol/L,P<0.001].Propionic acid and butyric acid in periodontitis were significantly higher than those in the control group:Propionic acid,10.23(4.28,14.90)mmol/L vs.2.71(0.00,4.25)mmol/L,P<0.001;butyric acid,2.63(0.47,3.81)mmol/L vs.0.00(0.00,0.24)mmol/L,P<0.001.There was no significant difference in formic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid concentrations between grade B and grade C periodontitis(P>0.05).Propionic acid and butyric acid in the deep pocket were significantly higher than in the shallow pocket,while the concentration of formic acid decreased with the increase of PD.Propionic acid(OR=1.51,95%CI:1.29-1.75)and butyric acid(OR=3.72,95%CI:1.93-7.17)were risk factors for periodontitis,while formic acid(OR=0.87,95%CI:0.81-0.93)might be a protective factor for periodontitis.Propionic acid(AUC=0.852,95%CI:0.805-0.900),butyric acid(AUC=0.889,95%CI:0.841-0.937),f(formic acid,AUC=0.844,95%CI:0.793-0.895)demonstrated a good predictive capacity for the risk of periodontitis.Conclusion:The concentration of formic acid decrease in the GCF of periodontitis patients,which is a protective factor for periodontitis,its reciprocal have good predictive capacity.However,propionic acid and butyric acid increase,which are risk factors for periodontitis and have good predictive capacity.The concentration of formic acid,propionic acid,and butyric acid vary with probing depth,but there is no significant difference between grade B and grade C periodontitis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017752


The etiology of short stature is multifaceted and influenced by various potential factors including genetics,nutrition,endocrine and psychology. Research has shown that psychological factors can contribute to growth disorders,impacting the behavioral,emotional,and neuropsychological well-being of children with short stature. These growth disorders may lead to language problems,social disorders,etc. Additionally,physical limitations and environmental barriers can pose practical challenges in the daily lives of children with short stature,potentially leading to a decrease in their health-related quality of life(HrQoL). Moreover,growth disorders can increase parental care burden,further impacting their HrQoL. This article offers a literature review on the challenges faced by children with short stature and the neuropsychological implications of various types of short stature.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017787


Objective To investigate the relationship between vitamin K2,insulin-like growth factor bind-ing protein 3(IGFBP-3),Omentin-1 and the therapeutic effect on children with idiopathic short stature(ISS),and to build a prediction model.Methods A total of 242 ISS children in Jinan Second Maternal and Child Health Hospital from 2019 to 2021 were selected.All of them received recombinant human growth hormone(rhGH)treatment and were divided into effective group and ineffective group according to the therapeutic effect after 12 months of treatment.The general data,vitamin K2,IGFBP-3 and Omentin-1 in the two groups were analyzed.The influencing factors of ISS children's therapeutic effect were analyzed by Logistic regression model and decision tree model.The predictive performance of two models was analyzed by using receiver oper-ating characteristic(ROC)curve.Results There were statistically significant differences in 25-hydroxy vita-min D[25(OH)D],parathyroid hormone(PTH),thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH),vitamin K2,IGFBP-3,Omentin-1,rhGH dosage and weekly outdoor exercise time between the two groups(P<0.05).Logistic re-gression showed that PTH(OR=7.011,95%CI:2.456-20.014),vitamin K2(OR=0.605,95%CI:.0.465-0.788),IGFBP-3(OR=0.458,95%CI:0.321-0.654),Omentin-1(OR=0.514,95%CI:0.389-0.679)and rhGH dose(OR=0.563,95%CI:0.445-0.712)]were the influential factors for treatment ineffectiveness in ISS children(P<0.05).The decision tree model showed that vitamin K2,IGFBP-3 and Omentin-1 were the factors influencing the therapeutic effect of ISS,and IGFBP-3 had the most significant impact.ROC curve re-sults showed that the area under the curve of decision tree model and Logistic regression model were 0.922 and 0.908,respectively,with good classification effect.Conclusion The therapeutic effect of ISS children is in-fluenced by factors such as vitamin K2,IGFBP-3,Omentin-1,and so on,and IGFBP-3 has the most significant impact.Logistic regression model and decision tree model could complement each other so as to provide refer-ence for improving the therapeutic effect of ISS children from different aspects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019548


Objective·To analyze the differences and classify hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)patients and healthy controls(HC)using short-axis cine cardiac magnetic resonance(CMR)images-derived radiomics features.Methods·One hundred HCM subjects were included,and fifty HC were randomly selected at 2∶1 ratio during January 2018 to December 2021 in the Department of Cardiology,Renji Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.The CMR examinations were performed by experienced radiologists on these subjects.CVI 42 post-processing software was used to obtain left ventricular morphology and function measurements,including left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left ventricular end-diastolic volume(LVEDV)and left ventricular end-diastolic mass(LVEDM).The 3D radiomic features of the end-diastolic myocardial region were extracted from short-axis images CMR cine.The distribution of the radiomic features in the two groups was analysed and machine learning models were constructed to classify the two groups.Results·One hundred and seven 3D radiomic features were selected and extracted.After exclusion of highly correlated features,least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO)was used,and a 5-fold cross-validation was performed.There were still 11 characteristics with non-zero coefficients.The K-best method was used to decide the top 8 features for subsequent analysis.Among them,four features were significantly different between the two groups(all P<0.05).Support vector machine(SVM)and random forest(RF)models were constructed to discriminate the two groups.The results showed that the maximum area under the curve(AUC)for the single-feature model(first order grayscale:entropy)was 0.833(95%CI 0.685?0.968)and the maximum accuracy for the multi-feature model was 83.3%with an AUC of 0.882(95%CI 0.705?0.980).Conclusion·There are significant differences in both left ventricular function and left ventricular morphology between HCM and HC.The 3D myocardial radiomic features of the two groups are also significantly different.Although single feature is able to distinguish the two groups,the combination of multi-features show better classification performance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019921


Objective To explore the expression level of visceral adipose tissue-derived serine protease inhibitor(Vaspin)and secreted frizzled-related protein5(SFRP5)in the serum of children with idiopathic short stature(ISS)and its diagnostic value.Methods 70 children with ISS diagnosed in the First Hospital of Zhangjiakou from December 2021 to February 2023 were selected as the disease group,while 72 healthy volunteer children who underwent physical examination were collected as the control group.Immunoluminescence was applied to detect the expression level of VASPIN,Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was applied to detect the expression level of SFRP5 the clinical data of children in two groups were analyzed.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was applied to analyze the diagnostic value of serum Vaspin and SFRP5 for ISS,multivariate Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of ISS.Results Compared with the control group,the serum Vaspin level in the disease group was obviously increased(2.89±0.92 ng/ml vs 1.81±0.42 ng/ml),while the SFRP5 level was obviously reduced(10.22±2.84 pg/ml vs 13.21±3.53 pg/ml),the differences were statistically significant(t=9.040,5.552,all P<0.05).The weight,height,body mass index(BMI)and proportion of sexual development stage II~V of children in the disease group were obviously lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(t=7.687,6.330,5.559,7.024,all P<0.05).The area under ROC curve showed that the AUC of Vaspin and SFRP5 and their combined detection in the diagnosis of ISS were 0.768,0.849 and 0.925,respectively,the combined diagnosis efficacy of Vaspin and SFRP5 was better than that of serum Vaspin and SFRP5 alone(Z =3.829,P<0.001;Z =2.141,P=0.032).Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that BMI(OR=0.508,95%CI:0.260~0.991),Vaspin(OR=3.458,95%CI:1.125~10.631)and SFRP5(OR=0.378,95%CI:0.153~0.935)were the influencing factors for ISS(all P<0.05).Conclusion The expression level of Vaspin in the serum of children with ISS is obviously increased,while the expression level of SFRP5 is obviously reduced.The two are influencing factors of ISS,and the combined detection of their expression levels has certain value in the diagnosis of ISS.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020025


Objective:To validate and compare the value of the Status Epilepticus in Pediatric Severity Score (STEPSS) versus PEDSS in assessing the short-term prognosis of children with status epilepticus (SE).Methods:Clinical data of 152 children with SE hospitalized at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2020 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.According to the STEPSS and PEDSS scores, children with SE were scored and their prognosis was predicted.Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the 2 scales in assessing the short-term prognosis of SE in children were plotted, and the area under the curve (AUC), optimal cut-off, sensitivity and specificity were calculated, thus validating and comparing the value of the STEPSS versus PEDSS in assessing the short-term prognosis of children with SE.Results:Of the 152 children with SE, 90 were male and 62 were female, with the age of (5.8±3.9) years (1 month to 15 years). There were 112 cases with good prognosis and 40 cases with poor prognosis, involving 13 deaths.The AUC of STEPSS and PEDSS scores in predicting the death in children with SE were 0.908(95% CI: 0.848-0.967) and 0.887(95% CI: 0.831-0.942), respectively, both with the optimal cut-off value of 4.The sensitivity of STEPSS and PEDSS scores in predicting the death in children with SE were 0.740 and 0.846, respectively, and the specificity were 0.745 and 0.835, respectively.There was no significant difference in predicting the death in children with SE between the 2 scales ( P>0.05). In predicting adverse outcomes, the AUC of the STEPSS and PEDSS scores were 0.869(95% CI: 0.800-0.937) and 0.926(95% CI: 0.873-0.979), respectively, both with the optimal cut-off value of 3.The sensitivity of STEPSS and PEDSS scores in predicting adverse outcomes in children with SE were 0.827 and 0.900, respectively, and the specificity were 0.732 and 0.866, respectively.There was significant difference in predicting the adverse outcomes in children with SE between the 2 scales ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared with the STEPSS, the PEDSS has a higher application in predicting the short-term treatment outcome of children with SE, which can be used as a routine method to assess the prognosis of children with SE.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020159


Objective To investigate the value of short diameter of lymph nodes combined with neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio(NLR)in evaluating lymph node metastasis of cervical cancer by enhanced CT.Methods A total of 82 patients with cervical cancer were selected and divided into metastatic group(n=13)and non-metastatic group(n=69)according to whether lymph node metas-tasis occurred.The clinicopathological features of the two groups were compared,and the relationship between NLR and clinicopath-ology was analyzed.Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of lymph node metastasis of cervical cancer.The short diameter of lymph nodes and serum NLR were compared between the two groups.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,DeLong test and compare the area under the curve(AUC)analysis was used to evaluate the value of lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer.The diagnostic efficacy of the above indexes were compared between the two groups.Results The short diameter of lymph nodes and NLR in the metastatic group were(0.686±0.120)cm and 2.23±0.41 respectively,while thosein the non-metastatic group were(0.602±0.106)cm and 1.76±0.30 respectively.The difference between the two groups was statistically signifi-cant(P<0.05);There was no significant difference in age,growth pattern and vascular infiltration between the metastatic group and the non-metastatic group(P>0.05).There were significant differences in clinical stage,maximum diameter of tumor,NLR and short diameter of enhanced CT lymph nodes(P<0.05);The NLR was related to clinical stage,pelvic lymph node metastasis,and the short diameter of lymph nodes on enhanced CT scan(P<0.05);Clinical stage Ⅲ,maximum diameter of tumor≥4 cm,NLR>1.80 and short diameter of enhanced CT lymph nodes≥0.632 cm were independent risk factors for cervical cancer lymph node metastasis(P<0.05);The ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of the combined detection of cervical cancer was 0.871,higher than that of the enhanced CT lymph nodes short diameter and serum NLR(0.645,0.795),and its specificity was better than that of the independent detection.The best cutoff values of the enhanced CT lymph nodes short diameter and serum NLR were 0.630 cm and 1.91,respectively.Conclusion The short diameter of lymph nodes and the serum NLR can predict lymph node metastasis of cervical cancer,and the combined detection can improve the evaluation efficiency.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 124-128, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020983


Objective To investigate the effect and mechanism of microRNA-10b(miR-10b)on idiopathic short stature(ISS).Methods A total of 54 children with ISS and 54 healthy children were collected.The serum expression of miR-10b was detected by RT-qPCR,and the relationship between serum miR-10b expression and clinical data of children with ISS was analyzed.miR-10b inhibitor,si-TGFBR1 and their negative control transfection C28/I2 cells were used.CCK-8 experimental detection was used to detect C28/I2 cell proliferation.Western blot assay was used to detect gnome related transcription factor 2(RUNX2),collagen type X alpha 1 chain(COL10A1),transforming growth factor beta receptor 1(TGFBR1),SMAD3 and pSMAD3 protein expression.The target of miR-10b was screened in StarBase database,and the targeting relationship between miR-10b and TGFBR1 was verified by dual luciferase reporter gene assay.Results The serum expression of miR-10b was higher in the ISS group than that of the healthy control group,and the higher the miR-10b expression,the more obvious the decrease of child height,IGF-1 and alkaline phosphatase(P<0.05).Compared with the NC group,the cell proliferation ability and RUNX2,COL10A1,TGFBR1,and pSMAD3 protein expression were up-regulated in the miR-10b inhibitor group(P<0.05).StarBase database suggested that miR-10b had a binding site of TGFBR1,and dual luciferase reporter gene assay confirmed that TGFBR1 interacted with miR-10b(P<0.05).Compared with the si-NC group,the expression of TGFBR1 was down-regulated and the cell proliferation ability was decreased in the si-TGFBR1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion miR-10b inhibits chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy in idiopathic short stature by targeting TGFBR1/SMAD3 pathway.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021233


BACKGROUND:Gut microbiota is closely related to host energy balance and metabolism.The metabolites of intestinal flora can regulate the occurrence and development of obesity and can be a new target for the prevention and treatment of obesity. OBJECTIVE:To summarize the interaction between the intestinal flora and obesity,as well as the specific mechanism underlying regulation of obesity by metabolites of intestinal flora,thereby providing a new reference and basis for the prevention and treatment of obesity. METHODS:"Intestinal microbiota,intestinal bacteria,intestinal microbiota metabolites,short-chain fatty acids,bile acids,ipopolysaccharide,trimethylamine N-oxide,medium-chain fatty acids,tryptophan derivatives,obesity"were used as search terms in Chinese and English.Literature related to obesity from 1990 to 2022 was retrieved in PubMed and CNKI databases.According to inclusion and exclusion criteria,88 articles were finally selected. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Intestinal flora is closely related to the occurrence and development of obesity.For example,changes in the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio can be used as a biomarker for the diagnosis of obesity,and the occurrence of obesity can be delayed by the colonization of probiotics such as Bifidobacterium breve,Lactobacillus and Akkermansia.Intestinal flora is mainly mediated by the metabolites of intestinal flora to participate in the regulation of obesity.For example,short-chain fatty acid can regulate adipogenesis by regulating signaling pathways such as G protein-coupled receptors 41,43 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ,thus delaying the occurrence and development of obesity.Bile acids can increase insulin sensitivity and body energy expenditure by promoting the activation of G protein-coupled receptor 5 and farnesol X receptor.In addition,lipopolysaccharide,trimethylamine oxide,medium-chain fatty acids and tryptophan derivatives are also widely involved in the occurrence and development of obesity through various signaling pathways.Further studies have found that metabolites of the same bacterial community exert heterogeneous effects in the specific process of regulating obesity via different signaling pathways.For example,under the influence of high-fat diet,acetic acids can activate the parasympathetic nervous system,leading to hyperphagia and liver insulin resistance and thus accelerating the physiological course of obesity.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021249


BACKGROUND:In the treatment of edentulous maxillary implants supported fixed repair,the selection of upper scaffold structure materials and the design of different distal implant implantation methods have a close influence on the long-term stability of the whole mouth implant repair. OBJECTIVE:To comprehensively explore the influence of three different materials of upper scaffold and two implant fixation designs on the biomechanics of the fixed maxillary implant repair based on the three-dimensional finite element method. METHODS:Based on the conical beam CT data of a healthy adult with normal jaws,the Mimics software was used to separate the maxillary and maxillary dentin three-dimensional solid models,and the Geomagic Studio software was used to construct the three-dimensional finite element model of denture with denture implant and fixed maxillary arch combined with specific model parameters.According to the different designs of distal implants in the maxillary posterior region,two scheme models were established.Scheme 1(Design 1)was designed in accordance with the"All-on-4"design used in clinical practice.Two implants were vertically implanted in the bilateral incisor region of the maxilla,and the other two implants were implanted in the bilateral second premolar region at a 30° angle.In scheme 2(Design 2),two implants were vertically implanted in the lateral incisor region of the maxilla,and two short implants were vertically implanted in the posterior region of the maxilla in the bilateral second premolar region.Three materials(titanium,zirconia and polyether ether ketone)were used to assign values to the upper scaffold structure in the two designs,and six different models were obtained.The biomechanical effects of the implant,surrounding bone tissue and the upper scaffold structure were compared and analyzed in the oblique loading direction. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The maximum stress peaks of all models were distributed in the neck region around the posterior implant and the cortical bone under the two edentulous implant fixed restoration schemes,regardless of the material of the upper scaffold.(2)Compared with the alternative design of Design 2,which adopted vertical implantation of short implants,Design 1 showed a more ideal stress distribution on the maxilla.(3)The scaffold model constructed by polyether ether ketone material transferred higher stress to the implant and surrounding bone tissue close to the loading zone of the upper jaw bone,followed by titanium and zirconia.As for the support itself,the peak stress of the upper scaffold of polyether ether ketone was significantly lower than that of the zirconia and titanium scaffolds.Zirconia scaffolds were used among the three upper scaffolds to disperse the stress distribution of implant and bone tissue.(4)The results suggest that both designs can be applied to clinical practice.However,from the perspective of biomechanics,the stress distribution of the implant,surrounding bone tissue and upper scaffold in Design 1 is more rational,which is more conducive to the long-term prognosis of fixed implant repair in patients with edentulous jaws.The upper scaffold material has a certain influence on the stress distribution of the implant-bone interface.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021430


BACKGROUND:For teeth with normal dental crown height,pulp cavity retention crown restoration with different depths of the pulp cavity and different repair materials affects the stress and flexural strength of tooth tissue.For short crown molar defects,the research on pulp cavity repair mainly focuses on clinical observation and in vitro flexural strength experiments. OBJECTIVE:To establish a three-dimensional finite element model for short crown molar restored by the endocrown after root canal treatment to analyze the effects of different pulp cavity retention depths and different repair materials on the distribution and size of dentin equivalent stress. METHODS:Based on establishing the complete model of the short crown mandible first molar,a three-dimensional finite element model was established for repairing the distal adjacent defect of the short crown molar with different pulp cavity retention depths(h=2,3,4 mm)and different repair materials(zirconia,lithium disilicate).Under the oblique loading,the equivalent stress distribution was observed.The peak value of dentin equivalent stress and the mean value of equivalent stress near the bottom of the mesial pulp cavity wall were calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Equivalent stress concentration areas:The stress of complete short crown molar and restored models mainly concentrated in the mesial root mesial neck and mesial root lingual neck.The stress concentration area was found in the mesial pulp cavity wall corresponding to the bottom layer of restored models,and the stress concentration was obvious in the 4 mm retention depth group.(2)Under the same repair material,the peak value of dentin equivalent stress was the lowest at 3 mm for all models after repair.The average value of equivalent stress near the bottom of the mesial pulp cavity wall was lowest at 3 mm.(3)Under the same retention depth,there was no significant difference between the two materials in the dentin equivalent stress peak and the mean value near the bottom of the mesial pulp cavity.(4)The results showed that under the conditions of this experiment,the endocrown was used to repair the defect of the short crown molar and the retention depth was 3 mm,which was more beneficial to protect the remaining dental tissue.The selection of zirconia or lithium disilicate as the repair material had little effect on the dentin stress.