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Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 819-825, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957973


Objective:To explore the electro-clinical characteristics of sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (SHE) in rapid eye movement (REM) stage.Methods:Five patients of SHE in REM stage were studied and followed up in the Electroencephalogram Monitoring Center, Department of Neurology, Xijing Hospital, the Air Force Military Medical University, from January 2016 to August 2021.Results:Among the 5 patients, there are 3 male patients, aged 21 to 46 years. A total of 23 seizures were monitored in 5 patients, of which 22 occurred in REM sleep and 1 occurred in non-REM Ⅲ sleep. Each attack lasted from 30 seconds to 1 minute, and was manifested as "hyperkinetic attack" during sleep, with or without disturbance of consciousness. There were no obvious abnormalities in electroencephalography during 13 attacks, with the focal sharp slow waves or slow waves during 9 attacks, and the focal slow waves occurrence at the end of the 10 attacks.Conclusion:Most of the hypermotor epileptic seizures in REM stage started from awakening reaction, and the interictal discharges occured in waking and non-REM sleep stage, which is necessary to distinguish from the REM sleep behavior disorder.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 665-669, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911774


Objective:To discuss the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of neck myoclonus during sleep.Methods:The clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of 31 patients in the Electroencephalography Monitoring Center of Xijing Hospital from January 2020 to August 2020 were studied retrospectively. All the patients received video-polysomnography and video-electroencephalography.Results:There were 22 males (71%) and nine females (29%) in the 31 patients. The mean age of the patients at the time of inclusion in the study was 27.8 years. Neck myoclonus was most common in patients with narcolepsy ( n=8), followed by epilepsy ( n=4), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( n=4), anxiety and depression ( n=3), snoring ( n=3), etc. A total of 555 motor events were considered and analyzed, 89.5% (497/555) of which occurred during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The mean neck myoclonus index in REM sleep (5.8) was significantly higher than that in non-rapid eye movement sleep (0.2). Totally 48.3% (268/555) of neck myoclonus were accompanied by an arousal, 0.7% (4/555) by a full awakening, and 2.7% (15/555) by limb movements. Conclusions:Neck myoclonus is common during REM sleep, which can occur in patients with sleep disorders and epilepsy. Physiological or pathological significance of neck myoclonus has to be investigated in further studies.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 576-579, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-710987


Objective To investigate the characteristics of sleep structures in patients with multiple dreams through the retrospective analysis of polysomnography in patients with multiple dreams,and to provide a theoretical basis for the treatment of multiple dreams.Methods Twenty-two cases with multiple dreams in Department of Neurology,the People's Hospital of Zhengzhou University from July 2015 to Ferbuary 2018 were included in multi-dream group and 12 healthy people in control group.The sleep parameters related to polysomnography during the visit were collected and recorded,and the differences between the two groups were compared.Resluts There was no statistically significant difference in apneahypopnea index,sleep latency,rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency,slow-wave sleep ratio,and REM-arousal index between the two groups.Compared with the control group,sleep efficiency (73.46% ± 12.41% vs 90.43% ± 4.42%,t=-4.555,P=0.000),REM period ratio (16.28% ± 5.59% vs 21.59% ± 2.70%,t =-3.727,P =0.001) decreased in the multi-dream group;whereas ratio of light sleep (66.49% ±9.97% vs 59.85% ±3.01%,t =2.966,P =0.006),awakening numbers (13.4 ±6.98 vs 6.08 ± 3.34,t =3.411,P =0.002),arousal index (20.11 ± 10.69 vs 11.82 ± 8.09,t =2.338,P =0.026),non-REM arousal index (20.22 ± 10.53 vs 12.08 ± 8.69,t =2.283,P =0.029) increased.Conclusion The sleep efficiency of patients with multiple dreams is reduced,and their perceived dreams may originate from light sleep periods.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 580-585, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-710988


Objective To investigate the abnormal functional connectivity (FC) between the cores (including sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD) and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter (vlPAG)) and the whole brain in rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) by resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rfMRI).Methods A total of 41 subjects recruited in the Department of Neurology,the People's Hospital of Zhengzhou University were enrolled in this study according to international diagnosis criteria,including 20 with idiopathic RBD (iRBD group) and 21 age,sex-matched normal controls (control group).All subjects were examined by Hoehn-Yahr Staging,cognitive tests and rfMRI.Resluts HoehnYahr staging score was 0(0,0) in the iRBD group,which showed no significant difference from that in the control group (0 (0,0),Z =-1.820,P =0.069).The scores of Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) N1,AVLT N2,Symbol Digital Modalities Test,Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test-Copy were 3.80 ± 1.67,5.10 ± 1.77,33.00(31.25,34.00) and 22.00(20.25,26.00) respectively in the iRBD group,which were significantly lower than that in the control group (4.95 ± 1.28,t =2.482,P =0.017;6.43±1.16,t =2.848,P=0.007;33.00(29.50,35.50),Z=-3.792,P=0.000;35.00(33.00,36.00),Z =-2.351,P =0.019) respectively.The scores of Trail Making Test 1 (86.5 (70.0,100.0))and Trail Making Test 2 (197.0(180.5,211.5)) in the iRBD group were significantly higher than that in the control group (66.0(49.0,91.5),112.0(99.5,173.0) respectively,Z=-2.373,P=0.018;Z =-3.105,P =0.002).Compared with the control group,the FC analysis showed reduced connections from the right SLD to the bilateral cingnlate gyrus (t =-4.173) and bilateral frontal gyrus (t =-2.965(left),-3.662(right)),from the vlPAG to the left precentral-postcentral gyrus(t =3.930),and from the vlPAG to the right frontal gyrus (t =4.141) in the iRBD.There was no statistically significant difference from the left SLD to the whole brain.Conclusion There were abnormal FCs from the SLD and vlPAG to cognitive and motor areas in RBD patients,perhaps leading to clinical RBD symptoms such as cognitive deterioration and movement disorder.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 46(2): 52-57, agosto-septiembre 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-848279


Resumen Un motivo frecuente de consulta, en la práctica pediátrica, son los trastornos del sueño que pueden afectar hasta al 30% de la población infantil, con repercusiones negativas tanto en el aspecto cognitivo como conductual y físico (Meijer et al. 2000). Dentro de estas manifestaciones se encuadran las denominadas parasomnias que son fenómenos o manifestaciones anormales, molestas o displacenteras, que se presentan durante las etapas del sueño y se pueden acompañar de cambios siológicos cardiovasculares y/o motores. Constituyen un tercio de todos los trastornos del sueño con causas relacionadas al neurodesarrollo o a patrones familiares y desencadenantes similares (medicamentos, ebre, trastornos respiratorios y stress). Particularmente cuando coexisten con trastornos neurológicos o del neurodesarrollo, pudiendo confundirse con otras patologías tal como la epilepsia, lo que conlleva un desafío diagnóstico para el Neuropediatra. Corresponden a la tercera causa de alteraciones de sueño en la infancia con origen tanto en factores genéticos con patrones ligados a la herencia y otras se asociadas al neurodesarrollo del SNC. Se las clasifica, según en qué etapa del sueño se presentan en: Trastornos del Alertamiento, Trastornos de la Transición sueño/vigilia, Trastornos asociados al sueño REM y otras parasomnias. Existen cada vez más evidencias acerca de los efectos de la inadecuada higiene se sueño y problemas del neurodesarrollo que nos obligan a echar más luz sobre esta problemática para corregir y evitar problemas futuros asociadas a ello, siendo el propósito de este trabajo el realizar una revisión sobre los conocimientos actuales sobre el tema en cuestión.

Abstract A frequent chief complaint in pediatric practice are sleep disorders, which may affect up to 30% of the pediatric population. These may have harmful e ects on cognition, behavior and physical development (Meijer et al. 2000). These sleep disorders include parasomnias, unpleasant abnormal phenomena that occur during sleep and may be accompanied by cardiovascular and/or motor manifestations. These make up one third of all sleep disorders caused by disturbances of neural development or family patterns, with similar triggering factors, such as medication, fever, respiratory disorders and stress. When they coincide with neurological or neural development disorders they may be confused with other disease conditions, such as epilepsy, and be a diagnostic challenge for the pediatric neurologist. Parasomnias are the third cause of sleep disorders of childhood, originating in both hereditary genetic factors and others pertaining to neural development of the CNS. They are classified according to the stage of sleep they affect: disorders of waking, disorders of the sleep/waking transition, REM sleep associated disorders and other parasomnias. A growing body of evidence points to the effects of inadequate sleep hygiene and disorders of neural development, requiring, therefore, further research. This paper reviews current knowledge on the subject.

Infant , Sleep Wake Disorders , REM Sleep Parasomnias
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(1): 9-14, Jan. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838848


ABSTRACT Objective: The nasal cycle, which is present in a significant number of people, is an ultradian side-to-side rhythm of nasal engorgement associated with cyclic autonomic activity. We studied the nasal cycle during REM/non-REM sleep stages and examined the potentially confounding influence of body position on lateralized nasal airflow. Methods: Left- and right-side nasal airflow was measured in six subjects during an eight-hour sleep period using nasal thermistors. Polysomnography was performed. Simultaneously, body positions were monitored using a video camera in conjunction with infrared lighting. Results: Significantly greater airflow occurred through the right nasal chamber (relative to the left) during periods of REM sleep than during periods of non-REM sleep (p<0.001). Both body position (p < 0.001) and sleep stage (p < 0.001) influenced nasal airflow lateralization. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the lateralization of nasal airflow and sleep stage are related. Some types of asymmetrical somatosensory stimulation can alter this relationship.

RESUMO Objetivo: O ciclo nasal é um ritmo ultradiano de lado a lado de ingurgitamento associado com o ciclo da atividade autônoma. O objetivo deste estudo foi abordar a questão assim como a relação presente entre o ciclo nasal e os estágios de sono REM/não-REM. Também analisamos a confusão potencial da influência da posição corporal no fluxo de ar nasal. Métodos: Mensuramos o ciclo nasal em seis sujeitos durante um sono de oito horas usando um termistor nasal. Foi realizada uma polissonografia. Simultaneamente, nós monitoramos a posição corporal usando uma câmera de vídeo juntamente com luzes infravermelhas. Resultados: Um fluxo de ar maior ocorreu através da cavidade nasal direita durante as fases de sono REM do que nos períodos de sono não-REM (p < 0,001). Assim como a posição corporal [F(2.2340) = 86,99, p < 0,001] e o estágio de sono [F(1.2340) = 234.82, p < 0,001] influenciaram a lateralização do fluxo de ar nasal. Conclusões: Este estudo evidencia que a lateralização do fluxo de ar nasal e o estágio do sono estão relacionados. Alguns tipos de estimulação somatosensitiva assimétrica podem alterar esta relação.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Posture/physiology , Sleep Stages/physiology , Ultradian Rhythm/physiology , Nasal Cavity/physiology , Respiratory Mechanics/physiology , Polysomnography
Fractal rev. psicol ; 28(1): 146-152, jan.-abr. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-779059


Resumo Os sonhos lúcidos são descritos como a consciência de estar sonhando durante o sonho e a capacidade de alterá-lo narrativamente. Uma breve introdução sobre tema será desdobrada, seguida pela análise de uma das características marcantes desse fenômeno: os personagens que habitam esse estado onírico, possuidores de um grau de autonomia e facilidade de comunicação surpreendente se comparados aos sonhos comuns. Na intenção de averiguar substrato psíquico dessas entidades autônomas será conduzida uma investigação sob a ótica da psicologia analítica, privilegiando o conceito Junguiano de "sombra" e a teoria dos complexos. Por fim, será destacada a importância dessa análise para o processo de individuação.(AU)

Abstract Experts describe lucid dreams as the awareness of being in a state of dreaming during the dream itself and the ability to change its narrative. A brief introduction to this theme will be detailed, followed by an analysis of the striking features of this phenomenon: the presence of the characters that inhabit the dream state, which have a surprising degree of autonomy and ease of communication when compared to ordinary dreams. Intending to investigate the psychic substrate of autonomous entities, an investigation will be performed from the perspective of analytical psychology, emphasizing the Jungian concept of "shadow" and the theory of complexes. Finally, the importance of this analysis to the process of individuation will be highlighted.(AU)

Humans , Dreams , Jungian Theory , Sleep , Unconscious, Psychology
J. bras. pneumol ; 42(1): 48-54, Jan.-Feb. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-776483


Objective : To determine whether there are significant differences between rapid-eye-movement (REM)-related obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and non-REM (NREM)-related OSA, in terms of the demographic, anthropometric, and polysomnographic characteristics of the subjects. Methods : This was a retrospective study of 110 patients (75 males) with either REM-related OSA (n = 58) or NREM-related OSA (n = 52). To define REM-related and NREM-related OSA, we used a previously established criterion, based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI): AHI-REM/AHI-NREM ratio > 2 and ≤ 2, respectively. Results : The mean age of the patients with REM-related OSA was 49.5 ± 11.9 years, whereas that of the patients with NREM-related OSA was 49.2 ± 12.6 years. The overall mean AHI (all sleep stages combined) was significantly higher in the NREM-related OSA group than in the REM-related OSA group (38.6 ± 28.2 vs. 14.8 ± 9.2; p < 0.05). The mean AHI in the supine position (s-AHI) was also significantly higher in the NREM-related OSA group than in the REM-related OSA group (49.0 ± 34.3 vs. 18.8 ± 14.9; p < 0.0001). In the NREM-related OSA group, the s-AHI was higher among the men. In both groups, oxygen desaturation was more severe among the women. We found that REM-related OSA was more common among the patients with mild-to-moderate OSA, whereas NREM-related OSA was more common among those with severe OSA. Conclusions : We found that the severity of NREM-related OSA was associated mainly with s-AHI. Our findings suggest that the s-AHI has a more significant effect on the severity of OSA than does the AHI-REM. When interpreting OSA severity and choosing among treatment modalities, physicians should take into consideration the sleep stage and the sleep posture.

Objetivo : Determinar se há diferenças significativas entre apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) relacionada a sono rapid eye movement (REM) e a sono non rapid eye movement (NREM), em termos de características demográficas, antropométricas e polissonográficas dos indivíduos. Métodos : Estudo retrospectivo com 110 pacientes (75 homens) com AOS relacionada a sono REM (AOS-REM; n = 58) ou a sono NREM (AOS-NREM; n = 52). Para a definição de AOS-REM e AOS-NREM, utilizamos um critério previamente estabelecido, baseado no índice de apneia-hipopneia (IAH): razão IAH-REM/IAH-NREM > 2 e ≤ 2, respectivamente. Resultados : A média de idade dos pacientes com AOS-REM foi de 49,5 ± 11,9 anos, ao passo que a dos pacientes com AOS-NREM foi de 49,2 ± 12,6 anos. A média geral de IAH (todos os estágios de sono combinados) foi significativamente maior no grupo AOS-NREM do que no grupo AOS-REM (38,6 ± 38,2 vs. 14,8 ± 9,2; p < 0,05). A média de IAH na posição supina (IAH-s) foi também significativamente maior no grupo AOS-NREM que no grupo AOS-REM (49,0 ± 34,3 vs. 18,8 ± 14,9; p < 0,0001). No grupo AOS-NREM, o IAH-s foi maior nos homens. Nos dois grupos, a dessaturação de oxigênio foi mais grave nas mulheres. Observou-se que AOS-REM foi mais comum nos pacientes com AOS de moderada a grave, enquanto AOS-NREM foi mais comum nos pacientes com AOS grave. Conclusões : Observou-se que a gravidade de AOS-NREM estava associada principalmente a IAH-s. Nossos achados sugerem que o IAH-s tem um efeito mais significativo na gravidade de AOS do que o IAH-REM. Ao interpretar a gravidade da AOS e selecionar as modalidades de tratamento, os médicos devem levar em consideração o estágio do sono e a postura durante o sono.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/physiopathology , Sleep, REM/physiology , Anthropometry , Oxygen/blood , Polysomnography , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index , Sex Factors
Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 572-576, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-388297


Objective To investigate the incidence rate, onset time and electrophysiological characteristics of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and the relationship between RBD and synucleinopathies as well as the electrophysiological diagnostic criteria of RBD in Parkinson' s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). Methods Sleep survey and night video-polysomnography (NPSG)were used to study sleep disturbance of PD and MSA. (1) Subjective sleep assessments: All subjects,including 66 PD patients, 65 age and sex matched healthy controls and 30 MSA patients, completed the sleep questionnaires, and the RBD incidence rate and onset time were got. (2) Objective sleep assessments: 8 PD patients, 13 MSA patients, and 15 age and sex matched healthy controls underwent video-NPSG recording on two consecutive nights. Sleep architect were analyzed. The NPSG characteristics of RBD accompany with PD and MSA were analyzed, and the electrophysiological diagnostic varameters of it were determined. Results Patients with PD or MSA had a higher prevalence of RBD. RBD was found in 59. 1% (39/66) PD patients and 86. 6% (26/30) MSA patients, among those, 46. 2% ( 18/39 ) and 84.6% (22/26) had the waking symptoms of MSA and PD. The main NPSG characteristics of RBD of PD or MSA were chin REM without atonia (RWA) and increased movement. Conclusions The relatively higher RBD prevalence in MSA and PD patients indicates that RBD has close relationship with PD and MSA.Part of patients with RBD preceding neurology disease indicates that RBD may be the early marker of PD and MSA. The main NPSG characteristics of RBD accompany with PD and MSA are chin RWA and the motor manifestations. RWA and phasic EMG activity density are supposed to be the NPSG diagnostic parameters.

J. bras. pneumol ; 35(6): 507-514, jun. 2009. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-519302


OBJECTIVE: There are many ways of assessing sleepiness, which has many dimensions. In patients presenting a borderline apnea-hypopnea index (AHI, expressed as events/hour of sleep), the mechanisms of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) remain only partially understood. In the initial stages of sleep-disordered breathing, the AHI might be related to as-yet-unexplored EDS dimensions. METHODS: We reviewed the polysomnography results of 331 patients (52 percent males). The mean age was 40 ± 13 years, and the mean AHI was 4 ± 2 (range, 0-9). We assessed ten potential dimensions of sleepiness based on polysomnography results and medical histories. RESULTS: The AHI in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage 1 sleep (AHI-N1), in NREM stage 2 sleep (AHI-N2), and in REM sleep (AHI-REM) were, respectively, 6 ± 7, 3 ± 3 and 10 ± 4. The AHI-N2 correlated significantly with the greatest number of EDS dimensions (5/10), including the Epworth sleepiness scale score (r = 0.216, p < 0.001). Factor analysis, using Cronbach's alpha, reduced the variables to three relevant factors: QUESTIONNAIRE (α = 0.7); POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (α = 0.68); and COMPLAINTS (α = 0.55). We used these factors as dependent variables in a stepwise multiple regression analysis, adjusting for age, gender, and body mass index. The AHI-N1 correlated significantly with POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (β = -0.173, p = 0.003), and the AHI-N2 correlated significantly with COMPLAINTS (β = -0.152, p = 0.017). The AHI-REM did not correlate with any factor. CONCLUSIONS: Our results underscore the multidimensionality of EDS in mild sleep apnea.

OBJETIVO: Há muitas formas de avaliação da sonolência, a qual possui diversas dimensões. Em pacientes com um índice de apneia-hipopneia (IAH, expresso em eventos/hora de sono) limítrofe, os mecanismos da sonolência excessiva diurna (SED) permanecem apenas parcialmente esclarecidos. Nos estágios iniciais do transtorno respiratório do sono, o IAH pode estar relacionado a outras dimensões da SED ainda não exploradas. MÉTODOS: Revisamos os resultados de polissonografia de 331 pacientes (52 por cento do sexo masculino). A idade média foi de 40 ± 13 anos e o IAH médio de 4 ± 2 (variação, 0-9). Avaliamos dez dimensões potenciais de sonolência com base nos resultados da polissonografia e da história médica. RESULTADOS: O IAH em sono non-rapid eye movement (NREM) estágio 1 (IAH-N1), em sono NREM estágio 2 (IAH-N2), e em sono REM (IAH-REM) foram, respectivamente, 6 ± 7, 3 ± 3 e 10 ± 4. O IAH-N2 se correlacionou significantemente com o maior número de dimensões de SED (5/10), incluindo o escore da escala de sonolência de Epworth (r = 0,216, p < 0,001). Análise de fatores, utilizando-se o alfa de Cronbach, reduziu as variáveis a três fatores relevantes: QUESTIONÁRIO (α = 0,7); POLISSONOGRAFIA (α = 0,68); e QUEIXAS (α = 0,55). Usando esses fatores como variáveis dependentes na regressão múltipla, ajustando para idade, gênero e índice de massa corporal, o IAH-N1 se correlacionou significantemente com POLISSONOGRAFIA (β = -0,173, p = 0,003) e o IAH-N2, com QUEIXAS (β = -0,152, p = 0,017). O IAH-REM não se correlacionou com nenhum fator. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados confirmam a multidimensionalidade da SED na apneia do sono leve.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/etiology , Sleep Apnea Syndromes/complications , Sleep, REM/physiology , Body Mass Index , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/physiopathology , Polysomnography , Retrospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index , Sleep Apnea Syndromes/physiopathology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-538099


Objective To determine whether sleep structures,the waveform components of NREM and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and the relationship between sleep variables and mental status are altered. Methods Totally 16 Alzheimer's disease(AD) patients and 16 age-matched controls were studied for two consecutive nights.All cases were video-monitored during the recordings of electroencephalography,electro-oculography,electrocardiography,electromyography in chin,and nasal airflow. Results (1) Compared with normal controls,duration of total sleep ( F =6.30, P =0.017 9),stage Ⅱ sleep ( F =16.03, P =0.000 4),and REM sleep ( F =9.84, P =0.002 1) were remarkably decreased,but waveform components of slow-wave (stage Ⅲ-IV) sleep ( F =11.50, P =0.004) were increased in AD patients.(2) Sleep spindle duration and density,and its relative and absolute power,and K complex density ( F =13.64~79.11, P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-677671


Objective: To study the effects of rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) deprivation on active behavior and the expression of mRNA coding for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) of hypothalamus in rats. Methods: The flower pot technique was adopted to deprive the REMS of Sprague Dawley rats for 24 h, 48 h and 72 h respectively. The active behavior of rats were examined by the open field test (OFT). The expression of mRNA coding for iNOS of hypothalamus in rats was assayed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR). Results: The OFT scores were significantly increased in rats subjected to 24 h and 48 h REMS deprivation ( P 0.05). There was no difference in the expression of iNOS mRNA among 24 h, 48 h REMS deprivation and the control groups, but the expression was significantly increased in 72 h REMS deprivation group ( P