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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 433-450, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430609


Resumen Las atribuciones de los niños y las niñas hacia los comportamientos de retraimiento social suelen estar determinadas por el entorno sociocultural particular en el que se desarrollan e influyen en la forma en que reaccionan a las conductas de sus pares durante las interacciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar dichas atribuciones hacia dos subtipos de retraimiento social (timidez y preferencia por la soledad) referidas por niños y niñas de tres contextos diferentes de Mendoza (Argentina): urbano, urbano-marginado y rural. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con 221 niños y niñas abordando jardines de infantes estatales de cada ámbito (urbano: . = 82, Mmeses= 62.33; urbano-marginado: . = 72, Mmeses= 60.47; rural: . = 67, Mmeses= 63.07). Los escolares fueron entrevistados individualmente con una serie de viñetas gráficas con personajes hipotéticos desplegando conductas sociables, tímidas, solitarias y agresivas frente a las cuales respondieron preguntas sobre sus atribuciones y percepciones en distintos aspectos. Las diferentes pruebas no paramétricas realizadas señalaron que el personaje tímido fue percibido con mayor motivación social y menor intencionalidad en su conducta que el personaje solitario en todos los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias entre los contextos en la atribución de consecuencias sociales negativas para estas conductas, aunque el grupo de escolares rurales reportó mayor preferencia afiliativa y compasión por el personaje tímido en comparación con el grupo urbano. Se discuten estos resultados considerando cómo las expectativas de socialización de cada contexto podrían influir en las percepciones de los escolares hacia el retraimiento social.

Abstract Children's attributions towards withdrawn behaviors are usually determined by the particular social milieu in which they develop and tend to influence their behaviors and reactions. The aim of this work was to compare the attributions towards two subtypes of social withdrawal (shyness and unsociability) referred by children from three different contexts in Mendoza, Argentina: urban, urban-marginalized and rural. Participants were 221 kindergarten children from these contexts (urban: n = 82, Mmonths = 62.33; urban-marginalized: n = 72, Mmonths = 60.47; rural: n = 67, Mmonths = 63.07). Children were individually interviewed with a series of graphic vignettes with hypothetical characters displaying shy and unsociable behaviors, and for comparison purposes were also assessed aggressive and socially competent behaviors. After each vignette, children were asked a series of questions designed to assess their attributions toward each behavior in six dimensions: intentionality, social motivation, affiliative preference, social status, negative impact and sympathy. The results of this study showed that young children in the three contexts were able to distinguish social withdrawal from other types of behaviors (i.e., aggressiveness and sociability). Overall, withdrawn behaviors received more positive attributions (greater affiliative preference, better social position and less negative impact) than aggressive behaviors, although they were also perceived negatively in relation to more socially competent behaviors (the latter were attributed greater affiliative preference and best position within the peer group). Furthermore, it was observed that children from the three contexts made clearly distinctions among the different forms of social withdrawal in terms of intentionality and social motivation. Specifically, they reported that compared with unsociable characters, shy ones are more socially motivated and less intentional in their behavior, evocating greater feelings of compassion. However, some peculiarities can be appreciated in each context. The results indicated that children in the urban group reported greater feelings of sympathy for the shy character in relation to the unsociable, which was not evidenced in the other groups. In addition, children from the rural sample showed a greater preference for interact with the hypothetical shy peer than with the unsociable character and this inclination was also greater when compared with the urban sample. Taken together, these results may suggest that different socialization norms and expectations would evoke different meanings and implications to the socially withdrawn manifestations. It might be possible that in urban contexts children's socialization expectations highlight extraversion and self-affirming behaviors which generate more empathetic reactions in front of passive or fearful manifestations as shyness. On the other hand, rural children may prefer peers who display shy behaviors possibly because it is in line with expectations of social cohesion and modesty that are value in this milieu. Nevertheless, no differences were found between shy and unsociable behaviors in any of the contexts in terms of social position and negative impact that they anticipated for the peer group. These results could provide some support for the idea that social withdrawal tends to be globally perceived as benign at an early age, and especially in the rural context, where it is a frequent and valued behavior. Although it is not possible with the limited variables included in this study to know which are the specific contextual aspects that affect some attributions and through what mechanisms they do so, these findings are an important starting point to continue deepening the socialization processes in urban, urban-marginalized and rural young children. This study is also one of the first to evaluate the knowledge and attributions of Argentinean children from different social context toward social withdrawal and provides new evidence on the differences in the cultural meaning and implications of withdrawn behaviors in early childhood.

Estilos clín ; 28(1)2023.
Article in Portuguese, French | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435345


Esta reflexão antropológica baseia-se em pesquisas realizadas com jovens de 13 a 25 anos de idade, que permanecem isolados no seu quarto. Sua imobilidade, que não se justifica por nenhuma deficiência física ou psicológica, questiona o lugar do corpo no momento da passagem para a vida adulta. Estes jovens expressam uma ausência de apetite do outro, que vai de mãos dadas com a abstinência sexual forçada pelo seu isolamento. A hipótese é que eles experimentam uma relação com seu corpo, sua identidade sexual -e sua sexualidade -assim como com a alimentação, comparável às adolescentes que sofrem de anorexia nervosa, mas ao contrário. Estes comportamentos questionam as relações de gênero e a distribuição de papéis dentro da família. Com base em entrevistas e observações, tanto em casa como nos centros de cuidados, este artigo mostra que estes corpos adolescentes, tornados invisíveis por confinamento ou magreza extrema, são paradoxalmente uma expressão ostensiva de despossessão de si. Um novo apetite é possível quando surge o desejo de diferenciação e permite-se novos encontros

Esta reflexión antropológica se basa en una investigación realizada con jóvenes, de 13 a 25 añosde edad, que están enclaustrados en su habitación. Su inmovilidad, que no se justifica por ningúna discapacidad física o psicológica, cuestiona el lugar del cuerpo en el momento del paso a la edad adulta. Estos jóvenes manifiestan una ausencia de apetito por los demás que va unida a la abstinencia sexual a la que les obliga su aislamiento. La hipótesis es que experimentan una relación con su cuerpo, su identidad sexual -y su sexualidad-así como con la comida, comparable a la de las adolescentes que sufren anorexia nerviosa, pero a la inversa. Estos comportamientos cuestionan las relaciones de género y el reparto de roles en la familia. Basándose en entrevistas y observaciones, tanto en el hogar como en los centros de atención, este artículo muestra que estos cuerpos adolescentes, invisibilizados por el confinamiento o la extrema delgadez, son paradójicamente una ostentosa expresión del desposeimieto de si. Un nuevo apetito es posible cuando surge el deseo de diferenciación y se permite nuevos encuentros

This anthropological reflection is based on research carried out with young boys, aged 13 to 25, who are cloistered in their room. Their immobility, which cannot be explained by any kind of physical or psychological disability, raises questions about the body's place at the time they are passing into adulthood. These young people express an absence of appetite for others that goes hand in hand with the sexual abstinence that their withdrawal forces them to have. The hypothesis is that they experience a relationship with their body, their sexual identity -and their sexuality -as well as with food, comparable to young girls suffering from anorexia nervosa but in reverse. These behaviours question gender relations and the distribution of roles within the family. Based on interviews and observations, both at home and in care facilities, this article shows that these adolescent bodies, made invisible by confinement or extreme thinness, are paradoxically an ostentatious expression of self-dispossession. A new appetite is possible when the desire for differentiation emerges and allows new encounters

Cette réflexion anthropologique s'appuie sur une recherche menée auprès de jeunes garçons, de 13 à 25 ans, cloîtrés dans leur chambre. Leur immobilité, que ne justifie aucun handicap physique ou psychique, interroge la place du corps au moment du passage à l'âge adulte. Ces jeunes expriment une absence d'appétit de l'autre qui va de pair avec l'abstinence sexuelle que leur retrait oblige. L'hypothèse émiseest qu'ils vivent un rapport au corps, à leur identité sexuelle -et à leur sexualité-ainsi qu'à l'alimentation, comparable aux jeunes filles souffrant d'anorexie mentale mais de manière inversée. Ces conduites interrogent les rapports de genre et la distribution des rôles au sein de la famille. À partir d'entretiens et d'observations, à domicile et dans des structures de soin, cet article montre que ces corps adolescents invisibilisés par l'enfermement ou l'extrême maigreur sont paradoxalement une expression ostentatoire d'une dépossession de soi. Un appétit nouveau est possible lorsque le désir de différenciation émerge et permet de nouvelles rencontres

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Social Isolation/psychology , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Sexuality , Sexism , Gender Identity , Body Image/psychology , Family Characteristics , Adolescent , Family Relations
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1912-1915, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004918


Abstract@#Social withdrawal is a kind of behavioral inhibition in social situations, which may increase the risk for maladjustment, internalizing and externalizing problems, interfering with psychological development and healthy growth. With the deepening understanding in sociology of development, child social withdrawal has gradually received extensive attention from scholars across the world. Understanding the phenomenon of child social withdrawal is important for in depth follow up research. Based on the literature review, the paper aims to summarize the types, mechanisms and influencing factors of social withdrawal in children, in order to provide scientific basis for formulating prevention strategies and early intervention programs in the future.

Saúde debate ; 46(spe5): 148-163, out.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424547


RESUMO A saúde mental infantil no contexto da pandemia precisa ser observada com atenção devido a maior vulnerabilidade emocional dessa população. Objetivou-se conhecer as questões emocionais e comportamentais vivenciadas pelas crianças durante o período da pandemia da Covid-19, conforme a percepção dos pais. Buscou-se identificar as necessidades emocionais e psicológicas das crianças em idade escolar, matriculadas no Ensino Fundamental I, com idades entre seis e dez anos, de duas escolas privadas de um município do Vale do Caí/RS. Estudo qualitativo, cujas entrevistas foram realizadas por meio da plataforma Google Meet. Os dados foram gravados e transcritos, submetidos à análise de conteúdo qualitativa de Bardin, com auxílio do QRS NVivo. Os resultados foram organizados em duas categorias: percepção dos pais acerca das necessidades emocionais infantis; e aspectos promotores da saúde mental para as crianças durante o período de distanciamento social da pandemia da Covid-19. As crianças estiveram sujeitas a desenvolver ansiedade, entre outros comportamentos acionados pelo distanciamento social, tais como tristeza, agressividade e medo. Porém, estratégias de promoção da saúde, brincadeiras, passeios ao ar livre, em áreas verdes aos quais as famílias tinham acesso, e o diálogo adotado por parte dos pais colaboraram para a promoção da saúde mental das crianças.

ABSTRACT Children's mental health in the context of the pandemic needs to be carefully observed due to the emotional vulnerability of this population. This study aimed to know the emotional and behavioral issues experienced by children during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, as perceived by their parents. We sought to identify the emotional and psychological needs of school-age children, enrolled in elementary school I, aged 6 to 10 years, from two private schools in a city in Vale do Caí/RS. This is a qualitative study, whose interviews were conducted through the Google Meet platform. The data were recorded and transcribed, submitted to Bardin's qualitative content analysis, with the aid of QRS NVivo. The results were organized into two categories: Perception of parents about children's emotional needs; and aspects promoting of mental health for children during the period of social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic. Children were prone to developing anxiety, among other behaviors triggered by social withdrawal, such as sadness, aggression, and fear. However, health promotion strategies, playing, outdoor strolls in green areas to which families had access, and the dialogue adopted by the parents collaborated to promote the children's mental health.

Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 438-443, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931960


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of core self-evaluation and social withdrawal on the relationship between peer relationship and depression symptoms of adolescents.Methods:From September 2020 to October 2020, a sample of 1 936 students from grade 4 to grade 9 of different schools completed a cross-section questionnaire survey including the inventory of parent and peer attachment, core self-evaluation scale, child social preference scale-R and depression self-rating scale for children.SPSS 21.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro program were used for data statistics.The statistical methods included analysis of variance, correlation analysis and intermediary effect test.Results:(1) Peer relationship (94.78±17.27) was positively correlated with core self-evaluation (34.14±7.52) ( r=0.50, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with depression (12.21±6.02) and social withdrawal (32.34±11.45) ( r=-0.55, -0.58, both P<0.01). Core self-evaluation was negatively associated with social withdrawal and depression symptoms ( r=-0.48, -0.67, both P<0.01), while social withdrawal and depression was positively correlated ( r=0.54, P<0.01). (2) Peer relationship had a significant direct effect on depression symptoms (the effect value=-0.205, P<0.01). Core self-evaluation and social withdrawal respectively separate mediated the effect of peer relationship on depression symptoms (the effect value=-0.231, -0.088, 95% CI=-0.261--0.202, -0.110--0.068), while the chain mediating effect of the two was significant, and the effect value was -0.025(95% CI=-0.033--0.019). Conclusion:Good peer relationship can lead to higher core self-evaluation and less social withdrawal behaviors in adolescents that serves as buffer from depression.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 68(3): 177-180, jul.-set. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040313


RESUMO O fenómeno hikikomori, forma de isolamento social grave e prolongado, constitui um desafio diagnóstico. A nível conceptual, alguns autores diferenciam o hikikomori em primário e secundário. Este último conceito é utilizado quando está presente comorbilidade que, pelo menos parcialmente, explique a síndrome, enquanto na ausência de diagnóstico psiquiátrico denomina- se "hikikomori primário". Os autores apresentam um caso clínico português com as mesmas características sociodemográficas e clínicas descritas no Japão. Esse caso ilustra que o hikikomori pode potencialmente ser explicado por uma perturbação psiquiátrica subjacente, nem sempre clara à apresentação, e a importância da avaliação cuidadosa e continuada no tempo, por forma a conseguir o esclarecimento diagnóstico e intervenção terapêutica adequada.

ABSTRACT Diagnosing hikikomori, a form of severe and prolonged social withdrawal, is challenging. Conceptually speaking, some authors differentiate "primary" and "secondary" hikikomori. The latter term has been used when there is co-morbidity that at least partially explains the syndrome, whereas in the absence of a psychiatric diagnosis it is called "primary hikikomori". The authors present a Portuguese case report with the same sociodemographic and clinical characteristics described in Japan. This case illustrates that hikikomori can potentially be explained by an underlying psychiatric disorder that is not always clear at the presentation and the importance of careful and continuous assessment, in order to achieve diagnostic clarification and adequate therapeutic intervention.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 67(4): 264-272, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975957


RESUMO Objetivos Expandir os conhecimentos sobre o fenômeno de isolamento social prolongado, voluntário e grave denominado hikikomori e facilitar a identificação e o acompanhamento terapêutico desses indivíduos. Métodos Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura de 2000 a 2017, sendo utilizadas várias bases de dados como instrumentos de busca usando as palavras-chave: "hikikomori", "youth social withdrawal" e "isolamento social prolongado". Resultados O hikikomori foi descrito inicialmente no Japão, sendo considerado uma síndrome ligada à cultura nipônica. Porém, nos últimos anos foi descrito em diversos países, inclusive no ocidente. Afeta principalmente adolescentes e adultos jovens do sexo masculino, os quais vivem espontaneamente reclusos em seus quartos por pelo menos seis meses. São pessoas solitárias, tímidas, com um suporte social deficiente e que, frequentemente, tiveram alguma experiência traumática na infância. A maioria dos indivíduos apresenta algum transtorno psiquiátrico associado. O fenômeno acarreta terríveis prejuízos para o indivíduo, familiares e para a sociedade como um todo. Conclusão O hikikomori é subdiagnosticado e subtratado fora do Japão, pelo desconhecimento dos profissionais da saúde e pela recusa dos portadores em buscar ajuda. O fenômeno ainda não foi incluído numa categoria de diagnóstico psiquiátrico, o que dificulta a padronização e a realização de pesquisas ao redor do mundo.

ABSTRACT Objectives To expand the current knowledge on the phenomenon of severe, voluntary and prolonged social withdrawal called hikikomori, and to facilitate the identification and treatment of these individuals. Methods A comprehensive review of the literature from 2000 to 2017 has been conducted, using several data bases as search instruments using the keywords "hikikomori", "youth social withdrawal" and "prolonged social isolation". Results Hikikomori was firstly described in Japan and was considered a culture-bound syndrome. However, in the last years, it has been described in several other countries, including western countries. It affects mainly male adolescents and young adults, who spontaneously live recluse in their rooms, for at least six months. They are lonely and shy people, with insufficient social support, who frequently had some traumatic experience in childhood. Most of them present some associated psychiatric disorder. The phenomenon leads to terrible losses to the individuals, their families and to society. Conclusion Hikikomori is an underdiagnosed and undertreated condition outside Japan, due to the lack of knowledge of health professionals, and for the sufferers' refusal to seek help. The phenomenon was not yet included as a psychiatric disorder in the classifications, what difficults the standardization and conduction of research around the world.

Korean Journal of Family Medicine ; : 276-283, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-46523


BACKGROUND: Children who have experienced negative rearing behaviors show a lack of self-confidence due to emotional instability and are reserved in interpersonal relationships. This can lead to failure in social adaptation and a high risk of depression, suicide, criminal acts, and anti-social behaviors. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effects of experiencing negative parental rearing behaviors, such as neglect and abuse, on adolescents' social withdrawal and aggression, by utilizing multivariate latent growth models. METHODS: Data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Study (KCYPS), a survey conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute targeting a cohort of three different age groups (grade 1, grade 4, and grade 7), from 2010 to 2016 was used. Multi-stage stratified sampling methods were used in the KCYPS, which surveyed the students and parents of the selected grade levels. This study analyzed the data for grade 7, from second year (grade 8) to fourth year (grade 10). RESULTS: Negative rearing experiences had a significant effect on social withdrawal and aggression, and this influence was shown to persist over the long term. CONCLUSION: This study examined the long-term developmental trajectory in the relationship between risk factors for adolescent development. Furthermore, the relationship between risk factors was shown to have not only short term but long-term effects as well, which reinforces the limitations of previous studies.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Adolescent Development , Aggression , Cohort Studies , Criminals , Depression , Longitudinal Studies , Parents , Risk Factors , Suicide
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association ; : 549-555, 2015.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39336


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the social withdrawal tendency in Korean adolescents using the Hikikomori Behavior Checklist and to compare the psychopathological differences between the high risk group of social withdrawal (HRSW) and the low risk group of social withdrawal (LRSW). METHODS: Participants included 300 high school students from Daegu, Korea. Each participant completed several questionnaires including the demographic questionnaire, Korean-Version of the Hikikomori Behavior Checklist (K-HBCL), the Parental Screening Questionnaire for Hidden Youth (HYQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory (ASI), Social Avoidance and Distress scale (SAD), the Scale for Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE), and Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI). The subjects were divided into two groups, the HRSW and LRSW, depending on the mean value of their total HBCL score, and their BDI, ASI, SAD, FNE, and MOCI scores were compared between HRSW and LRSW. RESULTS: The scales affecting the high-risk group were BDI, ASI, and SAD. The total score of K-HBCL showed positive correlation with the total score of BDI, ASI, SAD, FNE, and MOCI. CONCLUSION: The socially withdrawn adolescents had more problematic issues of their psychopathology. Several emotional factors would be useful in assessing the high-risk group of socially withdrawn adolescents.

Adolescent , Humans , Anxiety , Checklist , Depression , Korea , Mass Screening , Parents , Psychopathology , Weights and Measures
Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 64(1): 122-138, abr. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647448


O retraimento social na infância é desafiador para a clínica e para a pesquisa do desenvolvimento infantil, em função de suas consequências para o bem-estar psicológico e a adaptação psicossocial da criança. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma síntese da produção científica sobre o tema a partir da revisão sistemática da literatura em bases de dados nacionais e internacional. Espera-se, com esse trabalho, contribuir para a fundamentação teórica de pesquisas que busquem compreender a complexa rede de influências que leva as primeiras inibições comportamentais a evoluírem para o retraimento social na infância e, possivelmente, culminarem nos problemas internalizantes na adolescência:

Social withdrawal in childhood is a challenge for child development research and clinic due to its implications for child psychological well-being and psychosocial development. The goal of this article is to present a synthesis of the scientific literature on the subject based on a systematic review of national and international databases.It is expected that this work will add one step forward in the theoretical support for empirical research on the understanding of the complex interwoven factors that lead the first signs of inhibited behavior to evolve into shy and social withdrawal during childhood and, eventually, culminate in internalizing problems during adolescence:

El aislamiento social en la infancia es un desafío para la clínica y la investigación del desarrollo infantil, por sus implicaciones para el bienestar psicológico y el ajuste psicosocial de los niños. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una síntesis de la literatura científica sobre el tema a partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre las bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Se espera, con este trabajo, contribuir a la investigación que busca entender la compleja red de influencias que conducen a las primeras inhibiciones conductuales para evolucionar hacia el aislamiento social en la infancia, y, finalmente, culminar en problemas de internalización en la adolescencia:

Adolescent , Child Development , Loneliness , Shyness