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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008772


The growth environment of medicinal plants plays an important role in the formation of their medicinal quality. However, there is a lack of combined analysis studying the close relationship between the growth environment, chemical components, and related biological activities of medicinal plants. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of different soil moisture treatments on the efficacy to eliminate dampness and relieve jaundice and the flavonoid content of Sedum sarmentosum, and explored their correlation. The flavonoid content in the decoction of S. sarmentosum growing under field conditions with soil moisture levels of 35%-40%(T1), 55%-60%(T2), 75%-80%(T3), and 95%-100%(T4) was compared. The effects of these treatments on liver function parameters, liver inflammation, and oxidative damage in mice with dampness-heat jaundice were evaluated, and the correlation between pharmacological indicators and flavonoid content was analyzed. The results showed that the total flavonoid and total phenolic acid content in the decoction of S. sarmentosum were highest in the T1 treatment, followed by the T3 treatment. The content of quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin was highest in the T2, T1, and T3 treatments, respectively. Among the different moisture treatments, the T3 group of S. sarmentosum effectively reduced the levels of serum ALT, AKP, TBIL, DBIL, TBA, as well as hepatic TNF-α and IL-6 in mice with jaundice, followed by T2 treatment, especially in reducing AST level. The T4 treatment had the poorest effect. Correlation analysis showed a significant negative correlation between AST, ALT, AKP levels in mice and the total content of quercetin and the three flavonoids. MDA showed a significant negative correlation with the total flavonoid content and kaempferol. TNF-α exhibited a significant negative correlation with the content of isorhamnetin. In conclusion, S. sarmentosum growing under field conditions with a soil moisture level of 75%-80% exhibited the best efficacy to eliminate dampness and relieve jaundice. This study provides insights for optimizing the cultivation mode of medicinal plants guided by pharmacological experiments.

Mice , Animals , Flavonoids/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Quercetin , Sedum/chemistry , Kaempferols , Soil , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Jaundice/drug therapy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187956


The study deals with the interaction between some soil physicochemical properties and weather variables on sub-humid tropical rainforest soils of Cross River State, Southeastern Nigeria. The study aims to determine the interactions between soil properties and weather variables of three land uses occurring on the tropical sandy soils. Soil samples were obtained from 10,000 m2 of UNICAL Teaching and Research farm (Arable farm), Oil palm plantation and Forestry Teaching and Research farm (Forest and wetland land use) respectively. A total of twenty-seven (27) soil samples were collected with nine (9) samples from each land use at 20 cm depth and at an interval of 50 m with the aid a soil auger and core sampler. The weather variable data from 2012 to 2015 was obtained from NIMET. The result revealed that the sandy soils of Calabar are characterised with coarse, predominantly sandy loam and loamy sand texture with particle size ranging 610-850 g/kg for sand 80 to 240 g/kg for clay and 30-150 g/kg for silt; generally acidic with low to medium organic matter content, low ECEC, low nitrogen, medium available P (15.04 mg/kg, 8.65 mg/kg and 2.78 mg/kg for arable farm, oil palm plantation and forestry land uses respectively). The study showed the correlation coefficient analysis between the high and low impact of weather variables on some soil properties and also recommended a proper management practice such as mulching to avoid direct impact of sunlight on the soil thereby ensuring maximum utilisation of tropical sandy soils of Calabar.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6 Supplement 1): 177-188, nov./dec. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-968916


Considering the importance of soil water retention for agricultural and environmental purposes, the objective of this study was to assess three pedotransfer functions (PTFs) used to estimate the soil moisture at field capacity (FC) based on soil attributes easily determined. A collection of 17 soils from the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes, including surface and subsurface horizons, was used. PTF-1 considers clay, organic matter, coarse sand, and microporosity; PTF-2 clay, total sand, and organic matter; and PTF-3 only microporosity. The estimated FC values were correlated to soil moisture values measured at different soil water potentials (0, 6, 10, 33, 100, 300, and 1500 kPa) to verify which potential corresponded to estimated FC. The data were subjected to regression analysis and Mann-Whitney rank-sum test to compare predicted and measured values and to principal component analysis (PCA). The analysis of the full dataset indicated that there was a strong correlation (R 0.84­0.91; R2 0.71­0.82; RMSE 0.07­0.09) between estimated FC and soil water retention measured at potentials of 10 kPa and 33 kPa. FC estimated by PTF-3 correlated better with water holding capacity at 6 kPa. When the PTFs were reapplied to homogeneous soil groups (identified by PCA analysis), the correlation between predicted and measured FC was decreased.

Considerando a importância da retenção de água no solo para fins agronômicos e ambientais, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar três funções de pedotransferência (FP) para estimativa da capacidade de campo (CC) com base em atributos de solo facilmente determinados. Uma coleção de 17 solos dos biomas Cerrado e Pantanal, incluindo amostras superficiais e subsuperficiais, foram utilizadas. FP 1 considera o conteúdo de argila, matéria orgânica, areia grossa e microporosidade. FP 2 considera argila, areia total e matéria orgânica. A FP 3 leva em consideração apenas microporosidade. Os valores estimados de CC foram correlacionados aos valores de umidade obtidos em diferentes potenciais (0, 6, 10, 33, 100, 300, and 1500 kPa) com o intuito de verificar qual potencial corresponde à CC estimada. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão, ao teste Mann-Whitney rank-sum para comparar valores medidos e estimados e realizada análise de componentes principais (PCA). Considerando todo o conjunto de dados, foi obtida uma forte correlação (R 0.84­0.91; R2 0.71­0.82; RMSE 0.07­0.09) entre CC estimada e a umidade do solo obtida nos potenciais de 10 kPa e 33 kPa. A CC estimada pela FP 3 correlacionou melhor com a retenção de água no potencial de 6 kPa. Quando as FP's foram reaplicadas em grupos de solos homogêneos (identificados pela PCA), a correlação entre valores estimados e medidos diminuiu.

Soil , Water , Soil Moisture , Principal Component Analysis , Grassland , Wetlands
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 42(1): 93-103, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-890668


ABSTRACT Knowledge of the wet bulb and the root system of the Conilon coffee plant is highly important for the correct management of irrigation. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize the wet bulb and Conilon coffee root distribution under drip irrigation. The experiment was conducted in the city of São Mateus, ES, Brazil with five replications of a completely randomized design of a 4 x 6 split-plot scheme, which represents four points located according to plant location and six depths. Two points were located in the plant line and two points between lines. For row spacing, we used a split-plot scheme 5 x 6 with five points in relation with plant location and six depths with five replications. The coffee roots were analysed by volume, superficial area, length and diameter. The wet bulb was measured with tubes located in six points near the plants with two points in the plant row (between two plants) and five points between rows. The measurements were conducted at four depth ranges with three replications. The wet bulb reached a depth of between 0.40 and 0.50 m, providing an excess of water in depth, evidencing the importance of this characterization for the irrigation management of drip-irrigated Conilon coffee. The depth of the radicular system for better irrigation management efficiency of drip-irrigated coffee is 0.30 m, exhibiting 67.4% of root volume and 68.0% of surface area.

RESUMO O conhecimento do bulbo molhado e do sistema radicular do cafeeiro Conilon é de suma importância para o manejo correto da irrigação. Diante disso, objetivou-se caracterizar o bulbo molhado e o sistema radicular do cafeeiro Conilon sob irrigação localizada. O experimento foi realizado em São Mateus-ES, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em parcela subdividida 4 x 6, sendo quatro pontos em relação à planta e seis faixas de profundidade, com cinco repetições. Sendo dois na linha e sete na entre linha com distância entre si de 0,20 m. E na entre linha do cafeeiro em parcela subdividida 5 x 6, sendo cinco pontos em relação à planta e seis faixas de profundidade, com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados volume, área superficial, comprimento e diâmetro de raiz. O bulbo molhado foi determinado usando tubos dispostos em seis pontos em relação à planta, sendo um ponto na linha de plantio do cafeeiro entre duas plantas, e em cinco pontos na entre linha, sendo as medições realizadas em quatro faixas de profundidades, com três repetições. O bulbo molhado atingiu profundidade entre 0,40 a 0,50 m, proporcionando excesso de água em profundidade, evidenciando a importância dessa caracterização para o manejo da irrigação do cafeeiro Conilon irrigado por gotejamento. A profundidade do sistema radicular para melhor eficiência do manejo da irrigação do café Conilon irrigado por gotejamento é de 0,30 m, tendo apresentaram está profundidade 67,4% do volume de raiz e 68,0% de área superficial.

Acta amaz ; 46(1): 1-12, jan./mar. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455289


The soil carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux dynamics and its controlling factors of Amazonian agroforestry systems are poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal variation of soil CO2 efflux in oil palm-based agroforestry systems and the relation between efflux and biotic (microbial and total soil carbon, microbial respiration, fine roots, individual components of agroforestry systems (AFS)) and abiotic factors (soil moisture and temperature). The measurements were taken during the less rainy (December 2010) and rainy (May 2011) periods. The soil CO2 efflux was highest during the rainy season, probably due to increased microbial activity influenced by climatic factors coupled with biotic factors. The soil CO2 efflux correlated positively with soil moisture and microbial biomass carbon and negatively with soil temperature and metabolic quotient, but these correlations were weak. The soil CO2 efflux was sensitive to the type of agroforestry system and to rainfall seasonality.

A dinâmica do efluxo de dióxido de carbono (CO2) do solo e seus fatores controladores em sistemas agroflorestais da Amazônia são pouco compreendidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variação temporal do efluxo de CO2 do solo em sistemas agroflorestais onde a palma de óleo é a cultura principal e sua relação com fatores bióticos (carbono microbiano do solo, carbono total do solo, respiração microbiana do solo, raízes finas do solo, indivíduos componentes dos sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) ) e abióticos (umidade e temperatura do solo). As medições foram realizadas nos períodos menos chuvoso (dezembro de 2010) e chuvoso (maio de 2011). O efluxo de CO2 do solo foi mais alto no período chuvoso, provavelmente, devido à maior atividade microbiana nesse período influenciada por fatores climáticos aliados a fatores bióticos. O efluxo de CO2do solo se correlacionou positivamente com umidade do solo e carbono da biomassa microbiana e negativamente com temperatura do solo e quociente metabólico, porém as correlações foram fracas. O efluxo de CO2do solo foi sensível ao tipo de sistema agroflorestal e a sazonalidade da precipitação.

Soil Analysis , Crop Production , Carbon Dioxide/analysis , Greenhouse Effect , Biomass , Abiotic Factors , Biotic Factors
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175826


Aims: As climate change related rainfall and temperature variability is being increasingly experienced in the SAT regions, we assessed climate change mitigation and adaptation potential of Conservation Agriculture (CA) by studying effects of minimum tillage (MT) and residue management practices on rain water use efficiency (RWUE), soil moisture, runoff, energy use and carbon dioxide emission in two maize-legume cropping systems. Study Design: The experiment was laid out in split-split plot design with four replications. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) farm, Patancheru, Telangana, India during 2010-11 and 2011-12. Methodology: RWUE was calculated as maize equivalent yield divided by rainfall received during the crop season. Integrated digital runoff and soil loss monitoring unit (IDRSMU) was used to measure runoff. Soil moisture content was measured using the gravimetric method (0-30 cm depth) and neutron probe (60-90 cm depth). The soil organic carbon was analyzed following the Walkley-Black method [1]. The diesel consumption in MT and conventional tillage (CT) was estimated following Downs and Hansen ( and emission of CO2 was estimated according to EPA, 2009 [2]. Results: Tillage and residue management practices did not show significant effect on RWUE except; CT having significantly higher RWUE over MT during 2011-12. Effect of cropping systems on RWUE was significant but variable during the two years of study. MT-RT (minimum tillageresidue retained) reduced total seasonal runoff by 28.62% and 80.22% compared to CT-RR (conventional tillage- residue removed) in 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively. Similarly, MT-RT reduced rainwater loss and peak rate of runoff compared to CT-RR in both the years of study. During 2010, MT-RT had higher total soil moisture (v/v) in the 0-90 cm soil depth in sole as well as intercropped maize compared to CT-RR, however, during 2011 MT-RT had higher total soil moisture in sole maize only. As compared to CT, even though, MT improved SOC in 0-15 cm depth but lowered slightly in 15-30 cm depth. RT (residue retained) improved SOC in 0-15 and 15- 30 cm depths compared to residue removal (RR). MT-RT had higher or equal SOC in 0-15 and 15- 30 cm soil depths compared to CT-RR in both the maize-legume cropping systems. MT saved energy corresponding to 41.49 l of diesel per hectare annually compared to CT. Similarly, MT emitted 110.79 kg less CO2 annually on per hectare basis compared to CT due to reduced diesel use. Conclusion: CA, when adopted by following good agricultural practices and refined to suit the local conditions, could emerge as sustainable production system for climate change mitigation and adaptation of dryland cropping systems in semi-arid tropics of southern India.

Acta amaz ; 45(3): 255-264, July-Sept. 2015. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455264


The availability of soil nutrients (especially phosphorus) and soil water strongly influence mycorrhizal symbiosis in forest ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of litter removal and increased soil moisture availability on the spore density and mycorrhizal colonization of apogeotropic and non-apogeotropic roots of a secondary forest stand in eastern Amazonia. We determined the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization of apogeotropic and non-apogeotropic (0-10 cm soil depth) fine roots (diameter 2 mm), spore density, glomalin concentration, and soil phosphorus availability. Litter removal did not reduce soil phosphorus availability. The spore density was not affected by litter removal. In general, the variables varied on a seasonal basis, except the mycorrizal colonization of non-apogetropic roots and glomalin concentration, but were not affected by irrigation. Mechanical damage to the apogeotropic root system, inherent to the fortnightly litter removal, may have contributed to decrease mycorrhizal colonization of both apogeotropic and non-apogeotropic roots and, consequently, soil glomalin. Our results suggest that the reduction of soil cover may have negative impact over the fungus-plant symbiosis.

A disponibilidade de nutrientes, especialmente fósforo, e de água no solo influenciam fortemente a simbiose micorrízica em ecossistemas florestais. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o impacto da remoção de serapilheira e do aumento da disponibilidade de água no solo sobre a densidade de esporos e a colonização micorrízica em raízes apogeotrópicas e não-apogeotrópicas em floresta secundária na Amazônia oriental. Foram analisadas a porcentagem de colonização micorrízica de raízes finas (diâmetro ≤ 2 mm) apogeotrópicas e não-apogeotrópicas (presentes na camada de 0-10 cm do solo), a densidade de esporos, o teor de glomalina e a disponibilidade de fósforo no solo. A remoção de serapilheira não reduziu a disponibilidade de fósforo no solo. A densidade de esporos também não foi afetada pela remoção de serapilheira. De forma geral, as variáveis estudadas variaram sazonalmente, com exceção da colonização micorrízica em raízes não-apogeotrópicas e do teor de glomalina, mas não foram afetadas pela alteração na disponibilidade de água no solo decorrente da irrigação. Danos mecânicos ao sistema radicular apogeotrópico, inerentes à remoção quinzenal da serapilheira, devem ter contribuído para reduzir a colonização micorrízica em raízes apogeotrópicas e não-apogeotrópicas e, consequentemente, o teor de glomalina no solo. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a redução da cobertura do solo pode impactar negativamente a simbiose fungo-planta.

Spores , Forests , Phosphorus/analysis , Mycorrhizae , Soil Moisture
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168493


A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2012-13 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam, Guntur, with an aim to find out the effect of foliar nutrition on water potential, photosynthetic rate, dry matter production and yield of mung bean under receding soil moisture conditions in split plot design with irrigation and no irrigation as main treatments and foliar sprays as sub treatments. Under receding soil moisture condition (moisture stress) KNO3 @ 1% proved superior over other foliar sprays by recording more plant height, leaf area, shoot dry weight, and photosynthetic rate by maintaining high chlorophyll content, high proline and high leaf water potential. KNO3 @ 1% gave higher yields under receding soil moisture condition compared to other foliar sprays. Under irrigated conditions urea @ 2% recorded higher yield. Among all treatments controlled (no spray) under unirrigated conditions recorded lower yields due to moisture stress and nutrient deficiency.

Ciênc. rural ; 44(2): 293-300, fev. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-701365


O trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de metodologia para estimativa da curva de retenção de água, para solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do uso de redes neurais artificiais. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foi montado um banco de dados com informações disponíveis na literatura, de textura e estrutura dos solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para o desenvolvimento das redes, utilizou-se o software Matlab, no qual foram treinadas diferentes arquiteturas, variando os números de neurônios na camada de entrada e camada intermediária. A eficiência das redes foi analisada graficamente pela relação 1:1, entre os dados estimados versus os observados, por meio de indicadores estatísticos. Observou-se, a partir dos resultados, que a arquitetura com melhor capacidade preditiva foi: 4-24-7, com classificação do índice de desempenho "ótimo". Assim, pode-se inferir que o uso de redes neurais, para estimativa da curva de retenção de água no solo, é uma ferramenta com alta capacidade preditiva e que trará grande contribuição ao setor agrícola.

The study aims to propose a methodology for estimating the water retention curve for soils of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, by using artificial neural networks. For the development of the research it was assembled a database with information available in the literature, texture and structure of soils of Rio Grande do Sul. The modeling was developed using the software Matlab, where the networks were trained with different architectures, varying the numbers of neurons in the input layer and the hidden layer. The efficiency of the network was analyzed graphically by the ratio 1:1 between the estimated versus the observed data by means of statistical indicators. It was observed from the results that the architecture with best predictive performance was the 4-24-7, with index classification of "great" performance. Thus it can be inferred that the use of neural networks to estimate the water retention curve of the soil is a tool with high predictive ability which will bring great contribution to the agricultural sector.

Ciênc. rural ; 43(9): 1582-1589, set. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-683145


Hydrophobicity is the phenomenon where the soil has reduced wettability, usually associated with coating of soil particles by hydrophobic organic substances. This study aimed to provide a description of the hydrophobicity occurrence, highlight recent discoveries about the origin of phenomenon and discuss the main hydro-physical properties and chemical processes linked to the development of hydrophobic behavior in soils. Hydrophobicity is associated with other factors such as soil moisture, presence of some fungi species, particle size, soil pH and occurrence of burnings. The causative substances may be provided by local vegetation, through deposition or decomposition. The dependence and combination of different factors that influence hydrophobicity in soils lead to a spatial and temporal variability of the phenomenon, with negative consequences in the processes of infiltration and water percolation, affecting the three-dimensional distribution and dynamics of soil moisture. Thus, the occurrence of a hydrophobic character requires special attention, especially regarding soil use and management.

A hidrofobicidade é o fenômeno em que o solo apresenta dificuldade de se umedecer com a água, normalmente associado ao recobrimento das partículas do solo por substâncias orgânicas hidrofóbicas. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma descrição da ocorrência da hidrofobicidade, ressaltando as recentes descobertas em relação à origem do fenômeno, enfocando as principais propriedades físico-hídricas e processos físico-químicos ligados ao desenvolvimento do caráter hidrofóbico no solo. As substâncias orgânicas responsáveis pela repelência podem recobrir total ou parcialmente as partículas, agregados e paredes dos poros, transmitindo diferentes graus de hidrofobicidade ao solo. Essas substâncias podem ser oriundas da vegetação local, via deposição ou decomposição, porém a hidrofobicidade pode estar associada a outros fatores como a umidade do solo, a presença de algumas espécies de fungos, a composição granulométrica, o pH do solo e a ocorrência de queimadas. A dependência e a combinação dos diferentes fatores que influenciam na ocorrência de hidrofobicidade nos solos levam a uma variabilidade espacial e temporal do fenômeno, com consequências negativas nos processos de infiltração e percolação da água, afetando a distribuição tridimensional e dinâmica da umidade do solo. Dessa forma, a ocorrência do caráter hidrofóbico exige uma atenção diferenciada, principalmente em relação ao uso e manejo do solo.

Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2012 Feb; 49(1): 63-70
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140220


The effect of magnetic field (MF) treatments of maize (Zea mays L.) var. Ganga Safed 2 seeds on the growth, leaf water status, photosynthesis and antioxidant enzyme system under soil water stress was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The seeds were exposed to static MFs of 100 and 200 mT for 2 and 1 h, respectively. The treated seeds were sown in sand beds for seven days and transplanted in pots that were maintained at -0.03, -0.2 and -0.4 MPa soil water potentials under greenhouse conditions. MF exposure of seeds significantly enhanced all growth parameters, compared to the control seedlings. The significant increase in root parameters in seedlings from magnetically-exposed seeds resulted in maintenance of better leaf water status in terms of increase in leaf water potential, turgor potential and relative water content. Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content increased in plants from treated seeds, compared to control under irrigated and mild stress condition. Leaves from plants of magnetically-treated seeds showed decreased levels of hydrogen peroxide and antioxidant defense system enzymes (peroxidases, catalase and superoxide dismutase) under moisture stress conditions, when compared with untreated controls. Mild stress of -0.2 MPa induced a stimulating effect on functional root parameters, especially in 200 mT treated seedlings which can be exploited profitably for rain fed conditions. Our results suggested that MF treatment (100 mT for 2 h and 200 for 1 h) of maize seeds enhanced the seedling growth, leaf water status, photosynthesis rate and lowered the antioxidant defense system of seedlings under soil water stress. Thus, pre sowing static magnetic field treatment of seeds can be effectively used for improving growth under water stress.

Catalase/metabolism , Catalase/radiation effects , Chlorophyll/metabolism , Chlorophyll/radiation effects , Dehydration , Hydrogen Peroxide/metabolism , Hydrogen Peroxide/radiation effects , Magnetic Fields , Peroxidases/metabolism , Peroxidases/radiation effects , Photosynthesis/radiation effects , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Plant Leaves/enzymology , Plant Leaves/radiation effects , Rain , Seedlings/growth & development , Seedlings/radiation effects , Seeds/radiation effects , Soil , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/radiation effects , Water/metabolism , Zea mays/growth & development
Ciênc. rural ; 40(2): 310-317, fev. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-539946


O antraceno e os demais hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) podem ser removidos do solo pela biorremediação, cuja eficiência é limitada se as condições físicas e químicas não forem favoráveis à sobrevivência e à atividade dos microrganismos degradadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência do pH, da umidade e da disponibilidade de nitrogênio, de fósforo, de ferro e de enxofre na biorremediação de um solo contaminado com antraceno. Para tanto, amostras de um solo arenoso foram contaminadas em laboratório com 500mg kg-1 de antraceno e a mineralização desse poluente foi quantificada por respirometria. As maiores mineralizações ocorreram nos tratamentos com as maiores umidades e os pH avaliados. A adição de 100kg ha-1 ou mais de nitrogênio no solo e a redução da relação C HAP-N para valores inferiores a 120:17 diminuíram a mineralização do antraceno. O aumento da disponibilidade do fósforo, do ferro e do enxofre e a presença de amplas relações C HAP:P no solo não influenciaram a mineralização do antraceno. A correção do pH e o adequado fornecimento de água possibilitaram a biorremediação desse solo em curto período de tempo.

The anthracene, as well as the others polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), can be removed from the soil by bioremediation, whose efficiency is limited under unfavorable physical and chemical conditions to the survival and activity of the microbial degraders. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pH, water content, and nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and sulfur concentrations in the bioremediation of a soil contaminated with anthracene. Samples of a sandy soil were contaminated in laboratory with anthracene (500mg kg-1) and the mineralization was evaluated by respirometry. The highest anthracene mineralization was verified in the soil with the highest water content and pH value studied. The addition of 100kg ha-1 nitrogen in the soil and the consequent reduction of CPAH-N ratio to values lesser than 120:17 reduced anthracene mineralization. The increase of phosphorus iron and sulfur availability and wide CPAH-P (120:1 to 120:22) ratios in the soil did not influence anthracene mineralization. The pH correction and appropriate water supply made possible the bioremediation of the soil polluted with anthracene in a short period of time.

Rev. biol. trop ; 57(1/2): 223-234, March-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637714


Soil dehydrogenase activity is a good indicator of overall microbial activity in soil, and it can serve as a good indicator of soil condition. However, seasonal changes in soil moisture content may have an effect on soil dehydrogenase activity, making an accurate assessment of soil condition difficult. In this study, we attempted to determine the significance of soil dehydrogenase activity for assessing soil condition, and we attempted to find a way to account for the influence of soil moisture content on soil dehydrogenase activity. Soils were sampled in dry evergreen forest (original vegetation), bare ground (severely degraded) and Acacia plantation plots established on bare ground in 1986 and 1987 in Sakaerat, Thailand. Soil physico-chemical characteristics and dehydrogenase activity in the Acacia plantation soil had few differences from those in the evergreen forest soil. Soil dehydrogenase activity varied significantly between the bare ground and the forests regardless of the season (wet or dry), while the season did not produce a significant variation in soil dehydrogenase activity, as determined by repeated measures analysis of variance (p=0.077). The physico-chemical data provided the first principal component as a good measure of soil fertility. Values of soil dehydrogenase activity significantly correlated to scores of the soil samples of the first principal component (R=0.787, p<0.001). We found that soil dehydrogenase activity is a useful indicator of the extent of soil degradation and the rehabilitative effects of reforestation in this part of Thailand. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 223-234. Epub 2009 June 30.

Acacia/metabolism , Oxidoreductases/metabolism , Soil Microbiology , Soil/analysis , Trees/metabolism , Seasons , Thailand
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 32(3): 929-937, maio-jun. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-487966


As rodas compactadoras das semadoras-adubadoras têm como principal função, propiciar o bom contato entre o solo e a semente para garantir a germinação das sementes e a emergência das plântulas. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar a influência de três modelos de rodas compactadoras, três profundidades de semeadura e três níveis de carga sobre a roda compactadora sob a temperatura e o teor de água do solo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na pista de ensaios de semeadura, localiza em Uberaba, MG, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, utilizando-se o delineamento experimental de parcelas sub-subdivididas, com 27 tratamentos e quatro repetições. As rodas com maior área de contato com o solo proporcionaram maiores valores do teor médio de água e da temperatura do solo. O nível de carga sobre a roda compactadora não afetou a temperatura e o teor de água do solo.

Press wheels were designed to improve soil-seed contact, thus promoting good seed germination and emergence of plantules. The present investigation was aimed at studying the influence of three models of press wheel, three sowing depths and three load levels on soil temperature and moisture contents. The experiment was carried out in Uberaba, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in split-plot desing, 27 treatments and four repetitions. Results have shown that press wheels with bigger soil contact area provide the highest values of average soil moisture an temperature. However, load level on the press has shown no effect on soil temperature and moisture contents.

J Biosci ; 1993 Mar; 18(1): 149-153
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-160880


The burrow density of sympatric murids in relation to various abiotic factors viz· maximum and minimum atmospheric temperatures, relative humidity, soil temperature and soil moisture was studied in the agro-ecosystem of village Kakrod-Jind (Haryana) Analysis of monthly recorded data on burrow density revealed a biomodal pattern i. e. a peak each during the months of September and March· Of these abiotic factors, soil moisture revealed significant positive correlation with the burrow density whereas relative humidity exhibited invariably the least interaction· However, path co-efficient analysis depicted the direct effects of soil temperature and soil moisture and indirect effect of maximum and minimum atmospheric temperature through soil temperature on the burrow density· The use of path co-efficient analysis in such studies has been suggested·