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Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 153-159, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992583


Objective:To construct a core index system of job responsibilities for specialist trauma nurses tailored to the current trauma care system in China and provide a reference for trauma centers to set up specialist trauma nurses.Methods:Literature review and group discussion were used to develop the first draft of the core index system of job responsibilities for specialist trauma nurses. The Delphi method was used to conduct two rounds of consultation among 15 experts from 7 provinces or cities in China to determine the final draft. The two rounds of expert active coefficient, expert authority coefficient ( Cr), Kendal coefficient (Kendall′s W), and average value of the importance and variation coefficient ( CV) of each indicator were calculated. Results:In both rounds of consultations, the expert active coefficient was 100%, and the Cr was 0.953. In the second round of consultation, the Kendall′s W was 0.188 ( χ2 =155.29, P<0.001), and the average value of the importance of each indicator ranged from 4.27-5.00 points with the CV of less than 0.25 points. The final index system consisted of 7 first-level indicators and 49 second-level indicators. Conclusion:The core index system of job responsibilities for specialist trauma nurses is reasonable and comprehensive, which can provide guidance for setting up positions of specialist trauma nurses in China.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy ; (12): 572-574, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958297


In order to clean the endoscopic tube more effectively, a new double-headed endoscopic cleaning brush was used in this study. A total of 130 colonoscopies were selected from the Digestive Endoscopy Center of Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from June 2019 to August 2020. The colonoscopy cleaning sequence was marked with odd and even number. Colonoscopies marked with the odd number were assigned to the conventional group ( n=65) which received back and forth cleaning with the single-headed endoscope cleaning brush. Colonoscopies marked with the even number were assigned to the experimental group ( n=65) which received one-way cleaning with a nylon brush at the head and a dense non-woven brush at the tail. The cleaning methods for endoscopes were in accordance with Flexible Endoscopic Cleaning and Disinfection Technical Specification WS507—2016. ATP bioluminescence tests and bacterial quantitative cultures were applied to evaluate the cleaning effects of the two methods. The results showed that ATP relative light unit (RLU) decreased in both the experimental group and the conventional group [530.63 RLU (26-3 559 RLU) VS 270.87 RLU (20-1 415 RLU)] before and after cleaning the endoscope tube, showing significant difference between the two groups ( Z=-2.894, P<0.05). After scrubbing, the positive rate of bacterial culture on the brush head was 86.2% (56/65) for the double-headed non-woven brush head, 46.2% (30/65) for the double-headed nylon brush head and 32.3% (21/65) for the single-headed nylon brush head with significant differences among the three groups ( χ 2=41.046, P<0.05). The cleaning effect of the new double-headed endoscopic cleaning brush is better than that of the conventional single-headed endoscopic cleaning brush for soft endoscope cleaning. Non-woven brush is better than nylon brush in eliminating bacteria.

Cogitare Enferm. (Impr.) ; 26: e79124, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1350649


RESUMO Objetivo identificar e comparar a percepção dos enfermeiros de cuidados gerais e enfermeiros especialistas sobre o desenvolvimento de intervenções promotoras da autonomia dos idosos Método estudo descritivo-correlacional, transversal. Foi aplicada aos enfermeiros portugueses a Escala de Autoavaliação da Promoção da Autonomia dos Idosos, em setembro e outubro de 2020 Resultados a amostra foi composta por 356 enfermeiros, especialistas e generalistas. Todos tiveram a percepção de promover a autonomia dos idosos, com menos visibilidade no desenvolvimento de intervenções de atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Os enfermeiros especialistas percebem promover mais a autonomia dos idosos, através do desenvolvimento de intervenções físicas e cognitivas (p<0,01), de intervenções de atividades instrumentais de vida diárias (p<0,05) e da capacitação do cuidador (p<0,05) Conclusão este estudo permitiu enfatizar a potencial relevância do desenvolvimento de intervenções promotoras da autonomia dos idosos, assim como a importância da consciencialização dos enfermeiros para a sua realização

RESUMEN Objetivo identificar y comparar la percepción de enfermeros de cuidados generales y enfermeros especializados sobre el desarrollo de intervenciones que promuevan la autonomía de los ancianos Método estudio descriptivo-correlacional, transversal. La Escala de Autoevaluación para la Promoción de la Autonomía de las Personas Mayores se aplicó a enfermeros portugueses en septiembre/octubre de 2020 Resultados la muestra estuvo conformada por 356 enfermeros, especialistas y generales. Todos los enfermeros tuvieron la percepción de promover la autonomía de los ancianos, con menor visibilidad en el desarrollo de intervenciones que involucren actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria. Los enfermeros especialistas perciben promover más autonomía para los ancianos, a través del desarrollo de intervenciones físicas y cognitivas (p <0.01), intervenciones en actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria (p <0.05) y en la formación del cuidador (p <0.05). 0,05) Conclusión este estudio permitió enfatizar la potencial relevancia de desarrollar intervenciones que promuevan la autonomía de los ancianos, así como la importancia de sensibilizar a los enfermeros para que las lleven a cabo

ABSTRACT Objective to identify and compare the perception of general care nurses and specialist nurses about the development of interventions promoting older people's autonomy Method descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional study. The Self-Assessment Scale for the Promotion of Older People's Autonomy was applied to Portuguese nurses in September/October 2020 Results the sample consisted of 356 nurses, specialists and general practitioners. All nurses had the perception of promoting older people's autonomy, with less visibility in the development of interventions involving instrumental activities of daily living. Specialist nurses have a perception of more promotion of autonomy to older people through the development of physical and cognitive interventions (p<0.01), of interventions of instrumental activities of daily living (p<0.05), and in the training of the caregiver (p<0.05) Conclusion this study allowed emphasizing the potential relevance of developing interventions that promote older people's autonomy, as well as the importance of raising nurses' awareness to carry them out

Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 23: 1-12, 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1342033


Objetivo: Identificar as características da Prática Avançada de Enfermagem na atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura para responder o questionamento: "Quais as características da Prática Avançada de Enfermagem na atenção à saúde da pessoa idosa?". A busca ocorreu nas bases LILACS, Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL e Scopusem novembro de 2020. Resultados: Após leitura e análise, 17 artigos compuseram a amostra final desta revisão. Os dados foram analisados por meio de categorias temáticas. Conclusão: A Prática Avançada de Enfermagem no cuidado gerontológico perpassa todos os níveis de complexidade e contempla o planejamento do cuidado com base na avaliação clínica precisa do paciente idoso, a implementação da educação em saúde para melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos e a educação em saúde e capacitação profissional para o cuidado gerontológico, assim como a utilização de teorias e modelos assistenciais para gestão do cuidado.

Objective: To identify the characteristics of the Advanced Practice Nursing in health care for the elderly. Methods: Integrative literature review to answer the question: "What are the characteristics of Advanced Practice Nursing in health care for the elderly?". LILACS, Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL and Scopus databases were used for the research, carried out in November 2020. Results: After reading and analysis, 17 articles comprised the final sample of this review. Data were analyzed using thematic categories. Conclusion: Advanced Practice Nursing in gerontological care encompasses all levels of complexity and includes the planning of care based on the accurate clinical assessment of the elderly patient, the implementation of health education to improve the quality of life of the elderly and education in health and professional training for geriatric care, as well as the use of theories and care models for care management.

Health of the Elderly , Advanced Practice Nursing , Healthcare Models
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(2): e20200262, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1142956


RESUMO Objetivo analisar as facilidades e dificuldades percebidas por egressos de uma pós-graduação em Estomaterapia para atuação no mundo do trabalho. Métodos pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida com 22 egressos de um Curso de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem em Estomaterapia, de uma universidade pública da Região Sudeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, entre janeiro e abril de 2018. As entrevistas foram tratadas com base na análise temática de conteúdo. Resultados apreenderam-se como facilidades: reconhecimento do especialista, autonomia profissional, conhecimentos adquiridos por meio da especialização, disponibilidade de tecnologias de cuidados. Como fatores dificultadores, citaram-se: carência de recursos humanos e materiais, baixa remuneração do especialista, política institucional desfavorável, não valorização do estomaterapeuta. Conclusões e implicações para a prática as facilidades identificadas se relacionaram com o reconhecimento do especialista; a autonomia; a ascensão e o crescimento profissional; os conhecimentos adquiridos por meio da especialização; e a disponibilidade de tecnologias do cuidado para realização da prática profissional. As dificuldades analisadas no estudo estiveram vinculadas predominantemente à configuração do mundo do trabalho, cujos fundamentos se pautam no ideário neoliberal do Estado mínimo e no enxugamento da máquina pública.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar las instalaciones y dificultades percibidas por los egresados de una Postgrado en Estomatoterapia para trabajar en el mundo laboral. Métodos investigación cualitativa, desarrollada con 22 graduados de un curso de Postgrado en Enfermería en Estomatoterapia, de una universidad pública en la Región Sudeste de Brasil. La recopilación de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, entre enero y abril de 2018. Las entrevistas se trataron en función del análisis de contenido temático. Resultados fue aprehendido como instalaciones: reconocimiento del especialista, autonomía profesional, conocimiento adquirido a través de la especialización, disponibilidad de tecnologías de atención. Como factores que obstaculizan, se citaron los siguientes: falta de recursos humanos y materiales, baja remuneración del especialista, política institucional desfavorable, falta de valoración del terapeuta del estoma. Conclusión e implicación para la práctica las dificultades analizadas en el estudio estuvieron principalmente relacionadas con la configuración del mundo del trabajo, cuyos fundamentos se basan en las ideas neoliberales del estado mínimo y la eliminación de la maquinaria pública.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the practicalities and difficulties perceived by graduates of a post-graduate program in Stomatherapy to perform in the world of work. Methods a qualitative research study, developed with 22 graduates from a Postgraduate course in Nursing in Stomatherapy, from a public university in the Southeast of Brazil. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews, between January and April 2018. The interviews were treated based on the Thematic Content Analysis. Results the following were learned as practicalities: recognition of the specialist, professional autonomy, knowledge acquired through specialization, availability of care technologies. As hindering factors, the following were cited: lack of human and material resources, low remuneration of the specialist, unfavorable institutional policy, lack of appreciation for the stomatherapist. Conclusion and implication for the practice the difficulties analyzed in the study were predominantly linked to the configuration of the world of work, whose foundations are based on the neoliberal ideas of the minimum state and the wiping out of the public machinery.

Humans , Professional Practice , Specialties, Nursing , Ostomy/education , Job Market , Ostomy/nursing , Qualitative Research , Education, Nursing, Graduate
Rev Rene (Online) ; 21: 43167, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1087328


Objetivo: identificar a realização de atividades congruentes com os padrões de qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem por enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica, no contexto hospitalar. Métodos: estudo descritivo, concretizado em 36 hospitais, no qual participaram 259 enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica. Para coleta de dados, usou-se de questionário, posteriormente analisado por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: os enfermeiros participantes avaliaram com melhores escores as atividades relativas às dimensões responsabilidade e rigor, satisfação do cliente e prevenção de complicações; e com menores escores, as atividades integradas nas dimensões promoção da saúde, readaptação funcional e bem-estar e autocuidado. Conclusão: embora os achados evidenciem atuação dos enfermeiros especialistas na área de enfermagem médico-cirúrgica que tende a ser coerente com os padrões de qualidade, sinalizaram-se lacunas no exercício profissional e potencialidades que podem subsidiar o processo de qualificação desses profissionais, alertar os gestores e qualificar a assistência de enfermagem. (

Objective: to identify the performance of activities con-gruent with the quality standards of nursing care by expert nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in the hospital context. Methods: a descriptive study, carried out in 36 hospitals, in which 259 nurses specialized in medical-surgical nursing participated. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, later analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: the par-ticipating nurses evaluated activities related to the dimen-sions of responsibility and rigor, customer satisfaction and prevention of complications with better scores; and with lo-wer scores, activities integrated in the dimensions of health promotion, functional readaptation and well-being and self--care. Conclusion: although the findings show the perfor-mance of expert nurses in the medical-surgical nursing area that tends to be consistent with quality standards, gaps in professional practice and potentialities that can support the qualification process of these professionals were signaled, alert managers and qualify nursing care

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Medical-Surgical Nursing , Hospitals , Nursing Care , Portugal , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Self Care , Patient Satisfaction , Health Promotion , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 28: e3297, 2020. tab
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1115732


Objective: to determine the global offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in health and nursing, and to know the characteristics of its content, for continuing education in nursing professionals in Peru. Method: exploratory study was carried out on the websites: Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX and Udacity, Class Central and MOOC List. The courses were classified according to the five nursing areas recognized by the Peruvian College of Nurses (Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú, CEP). From each course, data was collected on institution and country of origin, hours per week and total duration in weeks, audio and subtitle language. Results: a total of 654 courses in this modality are offered in health were found, covering the five areas contemplated by the Peruvian College of Nurses. Fourteen courses were specifically developed for nursing with an average duration of five weeks (3.2 hours per week of activities). Eleven came from Anglo-Saxon institutions, with content in English. Only two courses were offered in Spanish and one in Turkish. Conclusion: Massive Open Online Courses would be a useful tool for the continuing education of the Peruvian nurse given the wide offer, including some specifically for nurses, in the different areas of nursing. The content of the course is mostly in English. Expanding the range of languages or subtitles would facilitate the participation of a larger audience.

Objetivo: determinar a oferta global de Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) em saúde e enfermagem e conhecer as características de seu conteúdo para a educação continuada em profissionais de enfermagem. Método: estudo exploratório realizado nos sites Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX e Udacity, Class Central e MOOC List. Os cursos foram classificados de acordo com as cinco áreas de enfermagem reconhecidas pelo Colégio Peruano de Enfermeiros (Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú, CEP). Para cada curso foram coletadas as variáveis instituição e país de origem, horas semanais e duração total em semanas, idioma do áudio e das legendas. Resultados: foram encontrados 654 cursos nessa modalidade em saúde, cobrindo as cinco áreas contempladas pelo Colégio Peruano de Enfermeiros. Quatorze cursos foram desenvolvidos especificamente para enfermagem, com duração média de cinco semanas (3,2 horas por semana de atividades). Onze procediam de instituições anglo-saxônicas, com conteúdo em inglês. Apenas dois cursos foram oferecidos em espanhol e um em turco. Conclusão: Massive Open Online Courses é uma ferramenta útil para a educação continuada do enfermeiro peruano, dada a ampla oferta, incluindo alguns especificamente para enfermeiros, nas diferentes áreas da enfermagem. O seu conteúdo é oferecido principalmente em inglês. Expandir a variedade de idiomas ou incluir legendas facilitaria a participação de um público maior.

Objetivo: determinar la oferta global de Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) en salud y enfermería, y conocer las características de su contenido, para la educación continua de profesionales de enfermería en Perú. Método: estudio exploratorio se llevó a cabo en sitios web Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX y Udacity, Class Central y MOOC List. Los cursos se clasificaron según las cinco áreas de enfermería reconocidas por el Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú (CEP). De cada curso se recopilaron datos sobre institución y país de origen, horas por semana y duración total en semanas, idioma de audio y de subtítulos. Resultados: se encontró un total de 654 cursos en esta modalidad en salud, que abarcaron las cinco áreas contempladas por el Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú. Catorce cursos fueron elaborados específicamente para enfermería con una duración promedio de cinco semanas (3,2 horas semanales de actividades). Once procedían de instituciones anglosajonas, con contenido en inglés. Solo dos se ofrecieron en español y uno en turco. Conclusión: Massive Open Online Courses es una herramienta útil para la educación continua del enfermero peruano dada la amplia oferta, incluyendo algunos específicamente para enfermeros, en las distintas áreas de la enfermería. El contenido de los cursos se ofrecen mayoritariamente en inglés. Ampliar la oferta de idiomas o subtítulos facilitaría la participación de un mayor público.

Specialties, Nursing , Nurses Instruction , Education, Nursing , Education, Nursing, Continuing , Education, Nursing, Graduate , Nurse Specialists
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 23(5): 617-627, sept.-oct. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088802


RESUMEN Fundamento: la formación continua de los profesionales de enfermería es un mecanismo esencial en la superación personal y su desempeño laboral ya que por medio de la actualización de conocimientos podrán llevar adelante su gran responsabilidad con la sociedad al garantizar la calidad de atención en salud a los usuarios. Objetivo: determinar la necesidad de formación de posgrado en la profesión de enfermería. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal de enfoque cuantitativo, en los profesionales de enfermería que laboran en las distintas unidades de salud pública y del seguro social, de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas desde junio hasta agosto de 2018. El universo de estudio fue de 540 profesionales de enfermería, en los que se aplicó criterios de inclusión y exclusión, la muestra quedó conformada por 418. Resultados: de los profesionales que participaron en el estudio la mayoría trabaja en el segundo nivel de atención en salud, los mismos requieren posgrados ya sea en maestrías o especializaciones, se interesan por el área cuidados críticos y prefieren la modalidad de estudio semipresencial. Conclusiones: se constata la necesidad de formación de posgrado en la profesión de enfermería, misma que aportará a la actualización, profundización, perfeccionamiento de las actividades de los profesionales que influyen en la atención de enfermería y al desarrollo de competencias laborales que cada vez es más exigente.

ABSTRACT Background: continuing education of nursing professionals is an important tool for personal achievement and work performance. Updating one's professional knowledge is essential in order fulfill the social responsibility of offering quality healthcare for patients. Objective: to determine the need for post graduate education in the nursing profession. Methods: a quantitative, cross sectional study was done among nursing professionals working in different areas of public health and social security in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas from June to August 2018. The universe of study was 540 nursing professionals in which inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, with the sample consisting of 418. Results: majority of the professionals who participated in the study work at the second level of health care, these professionals need post-graduate study, which can be a master's degree or a specialization program. Specifically, there is preference for studying critical care and blended learning is the modality of choice by the participants of the study. Conclusions: there is a need for post-graduate studies in the nursing profession. Continuing education will upgrade, broaden and improve the performance of professionals. In addition, it will enhance the quality of nursing care and work competencies of professionals.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 327-329, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-471059


Objective To know the nursing students' willingness engaging in geriatric nursing and analyze affecting factors so as to provide references for nurturing professionals for caring for the aged.Methods 231 nursing students were surveyed.The questionnaire included general information,life experience with the elderly,willingness engaging in geriatric nursing,attitude towards the elderly and cognition of aging.The investigation results underwent analysis.Results Single factor analysis showed that whether ever living with the elderly (x2=6.027),time living with the elderly and relationship with the elderly (x2=4.928) influeced the nursing students' willingness engaging in geriatric nursing.Multiple correspondence analysis indicated that nursing students living with elderly more than one year and having good relationship with the elderly had positive willingness.Conclusions Geriatric nursing curriculum should be optimized and more opportunities should be created for nursing students to be in touch with the elderly.At the same time,we must pay attention to occupation guide and moral education about how to respect and care for the elderly.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1561-1565, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-477441


Objective To explore the relationship of subjective health complaints and health promotion lifestyles among nursing college students.Methods A total of 775 nursing students in a college in Guangzhou city were surveyed using Subjective Health Complaints Scale and Health Promoting Lifestyles-Ⅱ (HPLP-Ⅱ),and then analyzed the datum of the investigation.Results The incidence rate of subjective health complaints was 57.9%(449/775).The symptoms of the top five were fatigue [19.2%(149/775)],eye discomfort [18.5%(143/775)],gastrointestinal upset [18.2%(141/775)],sleep disorders [16.6%(129/775)] and poor interpersonal relationship [11.0%(85/775)].The mean score of the HPLP-Ⅱ was 133.74±19.10,both scores of the HPLP-Ⅱ and the subscales in the nursing students without complaints were significantly higher than the others,P < 0.01.Further multinomial Logistic results suggested HPLP-Ⅱ negatively related with the occurrence of subjective health complaints.Conclusion Health promotion lifestyle can prevent or improve the complaints status common existed among nursing college students.

Enferm. univ ; 8(4): 8-15, Oct.-dic. 2011. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1028582


Objetivo. Analizar, a partir de la percepción de los egresados del Plan Único de Especialización en Enfermería (PUEE), en que medida los estudios realizados han contribuido a su desarrollo profesional. Metodología: Se diseñó un instrumento tipo escala de Likert para evaluar la percepción del desarrollo profesional alcanzado, éste se sometió a validación de contenido, quedó integrado por 24 reactivos correspondientes a cuatro dimensiones: Responsabilidad, Autonomía, Trabajo en equipo y Posicionamiento. Se consideraron además características generales de los egresados y de las instituciones donde se labora; la muestra la constituyeron 417 especialistas de un universo de 1067 egresados del PUEE entre 1997-2007; para el tratamiento de la información se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: Respecto a la inserción laboral la mayoría de los egresados trabaja en Instituciones públicas de 3er nivel de atención, de acuerdo a su percepción tienen remuneraciones acordes al puesto y realizan actividades relacionadas en forma directa con el cuidado; se observó relación entre haber obtenido el grado de especialista y tener la plaza correspondiente o una categoría de mayor responsabilidad; los egresados de las especialidades con mejor posicionamiento son los de Enfermería Perinatal, Cardiovascular e Infantil. Discusión: La inserción laboral de los egresados del PUEE es acorde a las expectativas del Plan de Estudios. De acuerdo a la percepción de los egresados la formación académica recibida les brinda habilidades para actuar con responsabilidad, autonomía y trabajo en equipo, sin embargo no les ha permitido en igual medida obtener reconocimiento institucional, de colegas o mejorar su posición laboral.

Objective: considering the perception of graduates from the Unique Nursing Specialization Plan (unsp), analyze the contribution extent of this program to their professional development. Methodology: a Likert-scale instrument was designed to assess the perceived professional development. The content validated questionnaire included 24 items related to four dimensions: Responsibility, Autonomy, Teamwork, and Working-Positioning. General characteristics and working-place details were also gathered. A sample of 417/1067 graduates from the 1997-2007 generations was formed and descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis. Results: most graduates work in 3rd level attention public institutions and, according to their perception, have position-proportional earnings and perform activities directly related to care. An association between having obtained a specialization degree and holding a corresponding working-position or higher responsibility activity was observed. The best placed specializations turned out to be newly born, cardiovascular, and children nursing. Discussion: labor-insertion of unsp's graduates corresponds to the program expectations, and according to their perception, this academic formation gives them responsibility, autonomy and teamwork skills, but they feel they can receive more institutional and colleagues acknowledgement and thus manage better working-positions.

Humans , Female , Adult , Health Human Resource Evaluation , Education, Nursing, Graduate
Rev. latinoam. enferm ; 16(6): 1042-1048, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-506292


This theoretical study results from the observation and problematization of inexperienced nurses' insertion in technological environments, which requires specialized knowledge and practices. We pose the question if the use of this knowledge leads to a fragmented practice. The objective is to discuss the specialized knowledge necessary for nursing work in this setting, at the light of the principles that guide the new scientific paradigm. A bibliographical survey and literature review were carried out. The discussion is based on the assertion that, although specialized knowledge originates in a reductionist, objective, rational and mechanistic paradigm, its application in specialized nursing practice is not necessarily based on these principles, but on the scientific paradigm that guides them as individuals in the world. This suggests a change in the perspective on this issue.

Se trata de un estudio de naturaleza teórica originado a la observación y problematización de la inserción de enfermeros novatos en ambientes tecnológicos, los cuales presuponen la necesidad de conocimientos/prácticas especializados. Se cuestiona si la utilización de este conocimiento presupone una práctica fragmentada. Se objetiva discutir el conocimiento especializado necesario para la actuación del enfermero en estos escenarios a la luz de los principios orientadores del nuevo paradigma de la ciencia. A través del levantamiento bibliográfico y la revisión de literatura, se construye la discusión en la defensa de que, a pesar de que el conocimiento especializado se origine de un paradigma reduccionista, objetivo, racional y mecanicista, su aplicación en la práctica especializada del enfermero no se guía necesariamente por estos principios; lo hace más bien con el paradigma de la ciencia que orienta el sujeto en el mundo, sugerido así una nueva perspectiva sobre esta cuestión.

Estudo de natureza teórica, originado da observação e problematização da inserção de enfermeiros novatos em ambientes tecnológicos, os quais pressupõem a necessidade de saber/prática especializada. Questiona-se se a utilização desse saber pressupõe prática fragmentada. Objetiva-se discutir o conhecimento especializado necessário para atuação do enfermeiro nesses cenários, à luz dos princípios norteadores do novo paradigma da ciência. Através do levantamento bibliográfico e revisão de literatura, construiu-se a discussão na defesa de que, embora o conhecimento especializado se origine de paradigma reducionista, objetivo, racional e mecanicista, a sua aplicação na prática especializada do enfermeiro não se pauta necessariamente nesses princípios, mas no paradigma da ciência que o orienta, enquanto sujeito no mundo, sugerindo assim , deslocamento do olhar sobre essa questão.

Nursing , Specialties, Nursing , Knowledge