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Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 28(1): 32-38, ene.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013988


Resumen Introducción: La trombolisis farmacológica en el ictus isquémico se asocia a una mejor recuperación. Objetivo: Describir los resultados del tratamiento con r-Tpa regido por un protocolo y código ictus intrahospitalario durante un año de trabajo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal en pacientes con infarto cerebral ingresados en la Unidad de ictus, con seguimiento clínico hasta 3 meses después del alta hospitalaria. Las variables evaluadas se compararon entre dos grupos de pacientes, tratados o no. Resultados: Se estudiaron 107 pacientes: 16 (14,9 %) fueron trombolizados, 29 (27,1%) arribaron en periodo de ventana terapéutica y 76 (71%) llegaron después de las 4.5 horas. La edad promedio fue de 68,8 años y predominaron las mujeres. El mayor impacto de la trombolisis fue sobre la diferencia de puntaje entre la evaluación inicial y al alta en la escala del NIHSS. A los tres meses de evolución, el porcentaje de pacientes con discapacidad leve (Rankin 0-2) casi se igualó en los dos grupos. La mortalidad se incrementó a expensas de los pacientes con discapacidad más severa (Rankin 3-5). Conclusiones: El tratamiento con r-Tpa demuestra beneficios al alta hospitalaria. Se requiere de análisis posterior con mayor número de casos.

Abstract Introduction: Pharmacological thrombolysis in ischemic stroke is associated with a better recovery. Objective: Describe the thrombolysis results after using r-Tpa applying an intrahospital stroke code, during one year. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal study was performed in patients with cerebral infarction admitted to the stroke unit, with clinical follow-up up to 3 months after hospital discharge. The variables evaluated were compared in two groups of patients (only one group received the treatment). Results: 107 patients were studied: 16 (14.9%) were thrombolyzed, 29 (27.1%) arrived in the therapeutic window period and 76 (71%) arrived after 4.5 hours. The average age was 68, 8 years and women predominated. The greatest impact of thrombolysis was on the difference in score between the initial assessment and the discharge on the NIHSS scale. At three months of evolution, the percentage of patients with mild disability (Rankin 0-2) was almost equal in the two groups. Mortality increased in patients with more severe disability (Rankin 3-5). Conclusions: Treatment with r-Tpa shows benefits at hospital discharge. Further analysis is required with a greater number of cases.

China Pharmacy ; (12)2005.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533938


OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Xuesaitong soft capsule on symptoms of TCM in patients with stroke and cerebral infraction. METHODS:112 patients were divided into 2 groups,84 cases for experimental group and 28 cases for control group using CDAS 2.0 software. Experimental group were given Xuesaitong soft capsule and stimulation agent of Yinxingye soft capsule 2 pill at a time for 28 days,tid. RESULTS:100 patients including 75 cases for experimental group and 25 cases for control group had been completed experiment. There were statistical significance in difference between 2 groups in respect of improving half paralyzed symptoms,speech lost,dizziness and quarrel skew. Above aspects of experimental group were better than control group. CONCLUSION:Xuesaitong soft capsule have sound effect on blood stasis in stroke patients in recovery period.