Objective Lymphedema is a common complication interrupting a large percentage of breast cancer survivors .How to release the breast cancer survivors from the pain of lymphedema remains a question to breast surgeons .The rapid development of the super-microsurgical measurement allows lymphaticovenular anasto-mosis to become a better way to treat breast cancer related lymphedema .Methods We followed a breast cancer related lymphedema case amd offered super-microsurgical lymphaticovenular anastomosis to her .Results The surgery lasted 4.5 h, and contained 11 anastomosis of lymph ducts .Improvement of edema could be seen during the surgery and the measurement of the upper limb became smaller just one day after surgery .Conclusion Su-per-microsurgical lymphaticovenular anastomosis is a safe improvement for extremity lymphedema after mastectomy and it can provide a better prognosis and appearance .