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Entramado ; 17(1): 136-148, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249779


RESUMEN Se presentan los resultados de una investigación cualitativa a nivel de maestría orientada a identificar las perspectivas didácticas y curriculares de las salidas de campo inmersas en las Licenciaturas en Ciencias Sociales en el Caribe Colombiano (Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Cartagena y Universidad del Atlántico) que conlleven a un conocimiento de la realidad del acto educativo en relación con la formación del nuevo maestro, teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos y necesidades del contexto. El estudio implementó como técnica de recolección de la información las entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes, estudiantes y directivos de las Instituciones de Educación Superior y la revisión documental de lineamientos curriculares y disposiciones normativas para los programas de formación de docentes en Colombia. En este sentido, se identificaron siete perspectivas didácticas y curriculares: academicista, sistémica, formativa, integradora, transversal, desarrolladora y transformadora. Las cuales surgieron a partir de las apreciaciones de las voces de los docentes, directivos y estudiantes de las tres universidades participantes.

ABSTRACT This article presents a reflection from a qualitative research at the master's level, focused on characterizing the didactic and curricular perspectives of field trips in training programs in Social Sciences in the Colombian Caribbean (University of Córdoba, University of Cartagena and Universidad del Atlántico), in order to re-signify the foundations of the training process of the new Bachelor of Social Sciences, taking into account the requirements and needs °f the context. The study implemented as a data collection technique, semi-structured interviews with teachers, students and directors of the participating educational institutions and the documentary review of curricular guidelines and normative provisions for teacher training programs in Colombia. In this sense seven didactic and curricular perspectives were identified (7): academic, systemic, formative, integrating, transversal, developing and transforming, which arose from the appreciations of the voices of the teachers, managers and students of the three participating universities.

RESUMO Apresentam-se os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa em nível de mestrado com o objetivo de identificar as perspectivas didáticas e curriculares das viagens de campo imersas nos cursos de Bacharelado em Ciências Sociais no Caribe colombiano (Universidade de Córdoba, Universidade de Cartagena e Universidade do Atlântico) que levam ao conhecimento da realidade do ato educativo em relação à formação do novo professor; levando em consideração as exigências e necessidades do contexto. O estudo implementou entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores, alunos e diretores de instituições de ensino superior, e a revisão documental das diretrizes curriculares e disposições normativas para programas de formação de professores na Colômbia como uma técnica de coleta de informações. Nesse sentido, foram identificadas sete perspectivas didáticas e curriculares: acadêmica, sistêmica, formativa, integrativa, transversal, desenvolvedora e transformadora. Que surgiram a partir da apreciação das vozes de professores, gestores e alunos das três universidades participantes.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e210113, 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346370


O presente artigo aborda os propósitos de regionalização da rede hospitalar portuguesa durante o regime ditatorial do Estado Novo (1933-1974), lançados no após Segunda Guerra Mundial. Almejando um sistema hospitalar coordenado com base regional, o governo português limitou-se a comparticipar a construção e a remodelação de edifícios, relegando as múltiplas tarefas envolvidas no funcionamento hospitalar para instituições particulares, o que dificultou o desenvolvimento e o acesso a cuidados de saúde a uma parte significativa da população. Com base na análise de viagens de estudo realizadas por administradores hospitalares e engenheiros sanitários nas décadas de 1940 e 1950, sobretudo a países europeus como Itália, França e Inglaterra, pondera-se acerca da importância dos contatos com redes internacionais de especialistas e da influência exercida pelos exemplos estrangeiros sobre as medidas de organização da assistência hospitalar em Portugal estabelecidas nos anos seguintes. (AU)

This article analyzes the regionalization of Portugal's hospital network during the "New State" dictatorial regime (1933-1974), launched after the second world war. In an attempt to create a regionally-based hospital system, the Portuguese government limited itself to subsidizing the construction and refurbishment of buildings, relegating the multiple tasks involved in hospital management to private organizations, hampering access to health care for a significant part of the population. Through the analysis of study trips made by hospital administrators and sanitary engineers in the 1940s and 1950s, mainly to European countries such as Italy, France and England, this article reflects on the importance of contacts with international networks of experts and influence of foreign experiences on the approach to the organization of hospital care in Portugal adopted in subsequent years. (AU)

El presente artículo aborda los principios de regionalización de la red hospitalaria portuguesa durante el régimen dictatorial del Estado Novo (1933-1974), lanzados después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El gobierno portugués, que anhelaba un sistema hospitalario coordinado con base regional, se limitó a coparticipar la construcción y remodelación de edificios, relegando a instituciones particulares las múltiples tareas envueltas en el funcionamiento hospitalario, lo que dificultó el desarrollo y el acceso a cuidados de salud para una parte significativa de la población. Por medio del análisis de viajes de estudio realizados por administradores hospitalarios e ingenieros sanitarios durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950, principalmente a países europeos como Italia, Francia e Inglaterra, se pondera sobre la importancia de los contactos con redes internacionales de especialistas y de la influencia ejercida por los ejemplos extranjeros sobre las medidas de organización de la asistencia hospitalaria en Portugal, establecidas en los años siguientes. (AU)

Regional Health Planning/history , Hospital Care , Portugal
Biociencias ; 14(1): 125-150, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1006948


Introducción: Los incidentes relacionados con resbalos, tropiezos y caídas requieren un enfoque de prevención integral y constante para un desempeño sostenible a largo plazo, enfocado hacia la identificación, evaluación y control, para generar una mejora continua. Objetivo: Determinar las causas de incidentesrelacionados con resbalos, tropiezos y caídas en una fábrica pulverizadora de leche en Valledupar, Cesar. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal; se utilizaron como instrumentos, la matriz de riesgos de la Guía Técnica Colombiana 45/2012 y lista de chequeo Anexo1 de Instrucción Técnica Gu-18.007,06/2016. Resultados: Los mayores reportes estuvieron relacionados con desnivel, hueco, rejillas, tapas de registro en piso, escaleras, objeto prominente en rutas peatonales, sustancias derramadas y rampa/Plataforma. El área con mayor número de hallazgos asociados fue condensación con 19%, con 34% Riesgos Altos y 39% Riesgos Medios. Los agentes causales: Suelo arrojó: riesgo Alto 87.4% y riesgo medio 10.3%; Escaleras: riesgo Alto 85.7%, riesgo bajo 14.3%; Rampas/plataformas: riesgo Alto 60% y riesgo medio 33.3% y para Limpieza y señalización: riesgo Alto 52% yriesgomedio48%.Siendo598RiesgosAltos,145RiesgosMediosy28Riesgos Bajos evaluados en la lista de chequeo del Anexo1 de la Guía Técnica Gu-18.007,06/2016. Para valoración y priorización según Guía Técnica Colombiana 45/2012 fue de 16 Riesgos Muy Altos, 116 Riesgos Altos, 122 Riesgos Medios y 57 Riesgos Bajos. Conclusiones: Se concluye que las principales causas de resbalos, tropiezos y caídas están relacionada con Suelo, Escalera, Limpieza y señalización.

Introduction: The incidents related to slips, trips and falls require acomprehensive and constant preventionapproach for long-term sustainable performance, with an effortfocusedonidentifying,evaluatingandcontrollingthemtogenerateasignificant improvement. Objective: Determine the causes of incidents related to slips, trips and falls in a milk pulverizer factory in Valledupar, Cesar. Design: Descriptive type and cross section. Methodology: Instruments: Risk matrix of the Colombian TechnicalGuide45/2012andChecklistAnnex1ofTechnicalInstructionGu-18.007, 06 / 2016. Results: The biggest reports were related to unevenness, gaps, grids, floor registration caps, stairs, prominent object in pedestrian routes, spilled substances and ramp / Platform. The area with the highest number of associated findings was 19% condensation, with 34% High Risksand 39% Average Risks.The causal agents: Soil showed: High risk 87.4% and medium risk 10.3%, Stairs: High risk85.7%,lowrisk14.3%,Ramps/platforms:Highrisk60%andmediumrisk33.3% and for Cleaning and signaling: High risk 52% and medium risk 48%. For a total of 598 High Risks, 145 Medium Risks and 28 Low Risks evaluated in the checklist of Annex 1 of Technical Guide Gu-18.007,06 / 2016. For valuation and prioritization according to the Colombian Technical Guide 45/2012, it was 16 Very High Risks, 116 High Risks, 122 Medium Risks and 57 Low Risks. Conclusions:Conclusions: It is concluded that the main cause of slips, trips and falls is related to Soil, Ladder, Cleaning andsignaling

Humans , Public Health , Occupational Health , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Accidental Injuries
Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 5(3): 50-64, jul.-set.2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-831822


O direito à saúde garantido por intermédio do acesso a medicamentos estratégicos passou por um teste decisivo no início da década de 2000, quando os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia se posicionaram em frontal colisão com países em desenvolvimento, em especial África do Sul e Brasil, sobre a extensão do instituto jurídico da licença compulsória prevista no Acordo TRIPS. O presente artigo insere a licença compulsória e o investimento público em PD&I farmacêutico como instrumentos de estratégias regulatórias que contracenam no palco sociológico do direito ao configurarem mais do que reações pontuais a deficiências de mercado de fármacos ou de crises de saúde pública. Tais medidas de licença compulsória e investimento em PD&I farmacêutico representam atores de um palco regulatório que se descortina como um todo coerente voltado à administração do direito à saúde mediante uso da ameaça de licença compulsória para bloqueio de aumento arbitrário de preços de medicamentos e uso do investimento em PD&I para reforço da medida regulatória de quebra de patentes de medicamentos. A proposta defendida neste artigo é a de que o quadro regulatório da defesa da saúde pública foi melhor esboçado quando a licença compulsória deixou de representar a solução definitiva para se apresentar como a ultima ratio de modelagem regulatória após o reforço da condição de produção local de medicamentos via investimentos públicos em PD&I.

Access to strategic medicines as a guarantee of the right to health was submitted to a decisive test in the first half of 2000s, when the US and Europe positioned themselves in frontal collision with several developing nations, particularly South Africa and Brazil, on the topic of extension of the legal construct of compulsory license inaugurated by the TRIPS Agreement. This paper puts side-by-side the legal construct of compulsory license and RD&I investment in the pharmaceutical sector as regulatory tools prone to interact in the law sociological stage, as they present themselves as acts of an encompassing regulatory scheme. The regulatory stage makes use of off-stage characteristics of the socioeconomic environment to set up those tools in different ways. Compulsory license has been used as a threat that blocks arbitrary price increase of drugs, while RD&I investment has been applied to counteract the big pharma expectations of state inability to produce drugs following specific threats to break patented pharmaceutical inventions. This paper addresses the role of RD&I investments towards drug development to modulate the efficacy of compulsory licenses.

El derecho a la salud garantizado a través del acceso a la medicación estratégica se sometió a una prueba de fuego en la década de 2000, cuando Estados Unidos y Europa se han posicionado en colisión frontal con ciertos países en desarrollo, particularmente África del Sur y Brasil, alrededor de la extensión del instituto jurídico de las licencias obligatorias previsto en el Acuerdo TRIPS. Este artículo inserta la licencia obligatoria y la inversión en I + D + i como instrumentos farmacéuticos estratégicos de regulación que contraseñan en el escenario sociológico jurídico configurando más do que una respuesta puntual a las deficiencias del mercado de las drogas o las crisis de salud pública. Tales medidas de licencias obligatorias y de inversión en I + D + i farmacéutica representan actores de una etapa de regulación que se desarrollan como un todo coherente centrado en la administración del derecho a la salud a través del uso de amenazas de licencias obligatorias para bloquear el aumento arbitrario de precios de los medicamentos y el uso de la inversión en I + D + i para fortalecer la regulación de las patentes de medicamentos. La propuesta presentada en este artículo es que el marco regulador de la protección de la salud pública se ha definido mejor cuando la licencia obligatoria ya no representa la solución definitiva sino la última ratio en la estrategia de regulación basada en inversiones en I + D + i

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 92(3): 276-282, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-785072


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the differences in hospital survival between modes of transport to a tertiary center in Colombia for critically ill neonates. Methods: Observational study of seriously ill neonates transported via air or ground, who required medical care at a center providing highly complex services. Data on sociodemographic, clinical, the Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability (TRIPS), and mode of transport were collected. Patients were described, followed by a bivariate analysis with condition (live or dead) at time of discharge as the dependent variable. A multiple Poisson regression with robust variance model was used to adjust associations. Results: A total of 176 neonates were transported by ambulance (10.22% by air) over six months. The transport distances were longer by air (median: 237.5 km) than by ground (median: 11.3 km). Mortality was higher among neonates transported by air (33.33%) than by ground (7.79%). No differences in survival were found between the two groups when adjusted by the multiple model. An interaction between mode of transport and distance was observed. Live hospital discharge was found to be associated with clinical severity upon admittance, birth weight, hemorrhaging during the third trimester, and serum potassium levels when admitted. Conclusions: Mode of transport was not associated with the outcome. In Colombia, access to medical services through air transport is a good option for neonates in critical condition. Further studies would determine the optimum distance (time of transportation) to obtain good clinical outcomes according type of ambulance.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar as diferenças na sobrevida hospitalar entre os modos de transporte para um centro terciário na Colômbia para neonatos gravemente doentes. Métodos: Estudo observacional de neonatos gravemente doentes transportados por ar ou terra que precisam de cuidados médicos em um centro que oferece serviços altamente complexos. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, clínicos, sobre o Índice de Risco da Estabilidade Fisiológica no Transporte (TRIPS) e o meio de transporte. Os pacientes foram descritos e submetidos a uma análise bivariada e a variável dependente foi a condição (vivo ou morto) no momento da alta. Uma regressão múltipla de Poisson com modelo de variância robusta foi usada para ajustar as associações. Resultados: Foram transportados 176 neonatos por ambulância (10,22% pelo ar) ao longo de seis meses. As distâncias foram maiores pelo ar (mediana: 237,5 km) do que por terra (mediana: 11,3 km). A mortalidade foi mais alta entre neonatos transportados pelo ar (33,33%) do que por terra (7,79%). Não foram encontradas diferenças na sobrevida entre os dois grupos após o ajuste com o modelo múltiplo. Foi observada uma interação entre o meio de transporte e a distância. A alta hospitalar com vida foi associada à gravidade clínica na internação, ao peso ao nascer, à hemorragia durante o terceiro trimestre e aos níveis de potássio sérico na internação. Conclusões: O meio de transporte não foi associado ao resultado. Na Colômbia, o acesso a serviços médicos por transporte aéreo é uma boa opção para neonatos em condições críticas. Estudos adicionais determinariam a distância ideal (tempo de transporte) para obter bons resultados clínicos de acordo com o tipo de ambulância.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Transportation of Patients/methods , Critical Illness/mortality , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/mortality , Risk Factors , Ambulances , Gestational Age , Hospital Mortality , Colombia/epidemiology , Air Ambulances
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 72(1): 45-54, ene.-feb. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-760391


Introducción: La mortalidad neonatal es una de las prioridades de la salud pública, por lo que se debe revisar cómo la inestabilidad fisiológica del recién nacido después de un traslado contribuye al incremento de la mortalidad neonatal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar si el índice de estabilidad fisiológica (TRIPS) en los recién nacidos trasladados a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales de un hospital de segundo nivel sirve como factor predictivo de mortalidad neonatal temprana. Métodos: Se valoró el índice de estabilidad fisiológica de la escala de TRIPS para predecir la muerte neonatal en los primeros 7 días del ingreso de los pacientes. Resultados: Se encontró que la mortalidad neonatal a los 7 días del ingreso está relacionada con la puntuación de la calificación TRIPS. La puntuación de los sobrevivientes y las defunciones presentaron una diferencia significativa (p = 0.009). Para una puntuación de 16 se determinó una sensibilidad del 62% y una especificidad de 84%, con un área bajo la curva de 0.757. Conclusiones: La ponderación del índice de estabilidad fisiológica de TRIPS es un buen predictor de la mortalidad neonatal. Es importante establecer medidas para mejorar la estabilidad fisiológica de los recién nacidos antes, durante y después del traslado, con la finalidad de disminuir la mortalidad neonatal.

Background: Neonatal mortality is a public health priority. We review the physiological instability of the newborn after a transfer, which contributes to increased neonatal mortality. The objective of this work was to determine whether the Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability (TRIPS) in newborns transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a secondary hospital serves as a predictor of early neonatal mortality. Methods: We use the TRIPS to predict neonatal death in the first 7 days after patients' admission. Results: Neonatal mortality at 7 days after admission is related to the TRIPS rating. The score of the survivors and neonatal deaths show a significant difference (p: 0.009). For a score of 16, a sensitivity of 62% and a specificity of 84%; area under the curve of 0.757 was determined. Conclusions: Physiological index weighting using TRIPS is a good predictor of neonatal mortality. It is important to establish measures to improve physiological stability of the newborn before, during and after the transfer in order to reduce neonatal mortality.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150753


The World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) substantially changed the international intellectual property regime by introducing the principle of minimum intellectual property standards. In effect, this principle means that any intellectual property agreement negotiated subsequent to TRIPS among and/or involving WTO members can only create higher standards – commonly known as “TRIPS plus”. The TRIPS-plus concept covers both those activities aimed at increasing the level of protection for right holders beyond that which is given in the TRIPS Agreement and those measures aimed at reducing the scope or effectiveness of limitations on rights and exceptions. Such intellectual property rules and practices have the effect of reducing the ability of developing countries to protect the public interest and may be adopted at the multilateral, plurilateral, regional and/or national level. The TRIPS Agreement addresses a wide range of intellectual property subject matter areas (copyright, trademark, patent, and so forth). It also covers competitive markets, enforcement measures, dispute settlement, and transitional arrangements. This Module provides an introduction to these various aspects of the TRIPS Agreement, and seeks to focus on the kinds of questions that should be asked when approaching dispute settlement. In some areas, the questions are answered, but the entire field of intellectual property rights protection, including enforcement measures, cannot be covered in a single Module or short course. Moreover, the questions will change along with the technologies that form the subject matter of intellectual property rights protection. The objective of this Module is to provide sufficient background so that as specific issues arise, the diplomat or lawyer understands how to approach them.

Educ. rev ; 27(1): 435-458, abr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-590150


Explorar os sentidos de um tom autobiográfico inscrito em relatórios de viagens empreendidas por três professores que integravam a primeira missão oficial de educadores que visitaria o continente europeu, no alvorecer da República, com a finalidade de estudar o sistema educacional de vários países, é o horizonte deste texto. Tais experiências compunham as preocupações com as melhorias na instrução pública no país, em que as viagens para conhecer e estudar o outro, divulgadas e defendidas pela Revista Pedagógica, publicação do Pedagogium, revertiam-se em diferentes modos de intervir e propor mudanças na educação no Brasil. Procura-se, nesta análise, em meio à escrita obrigatória e fadada à impessoalidade, mais do que impressões, conclusões e proposições sobre a organização escolar, a organização do magistério, o material didático, a arquitetura das escolas e os aspectos relativos à remuneração dos professores, mas, sobretudo, os traços da intimidade e dos modos de ver o mundo dos professores viajantes.

This text explores the meanings and senses of autobiographical travel reports written by three professors, members of the first official educators' committee visiting Europe at the dawn of the Brazilian Republican regime. Their goal was to study the national education systems of several countries. This experience reflected concerns regarding the improvement of Brazilian public education. At that time, trips organized by the "Revista Pedagógica" (Pedagogic Magazine), published by "Pedagogium", were organized in order to study the "other", resulting in different ways of intervention and change proposals for the Brazilian educational system. The present work examines - through the mandatory impersonal writing style - more than mere impressions, conclusions and proposals for school organization, or the organization of teaching staff, school material, school architecture and aspects relating to teaching staff wages; above all, it examines the traces of intimacy and world views of the traveling professors.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374148


Until recently, many global health policies and programs were developed and transformed under the influence of world politics and economics. One example is the primary health care strategy established in a political and social context to enhance the sovereignty and human rights of developing countries. However, the initial ideal had to be abandoned after implementation of the structural adjustment policy derived from the context of growing neoclassical economics. The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) policy was developed entirely based on economical reviews the World Bank initiated. Childhood malnutrition in developing countries remains unresolved due to the politically unequal distribution of food and the strategic selling pressures of multinational food companies. The universal access policy of anti-retrovirus drugs for HIV infection has been impeded by the economical battle for intellectual property rights for the manufacturing and purchasing of these drugs. The World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was enacted against the marketing strategies of multinational tobacco companies. This paper aims to measure the effects of the intentions of international financing organizations and multinational businesses on the development of global health policies and to discuss the challenges for global health under them.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-178892


It has been over 20 years since the Korean government liberalized overseas travel on January 1989. This liberalization on overseas travel resulted in the rapid growth in Korean outbound travel. The number of overseas travelers hit over one million (Approximately 1,213,000 people) in 1989 and has massively increased up to 10 million in 2007 (Approximately 13,324,000 people in 2007, 11,996,000 people in 2008). Because of an impact of swine flu outbreak on tourism industry, the number of overseas travelers has decreased to nearly 9,494,000 in 2009. However, travel experts expect that this number could bounce back to 11,180,000 in 2010. Not only major social and economic changes, but also the improvement of air transportation that allows non-stop flying up to 16 hours has contributed to steady growth of the overseas travelers. According to data from World Tourism Organization, nearly 880 million international trips were made in 2009 and 50% of them were travels to developing countries. According to another study, 1~5% of travelers required the general medical treatment, and 0.01~0.1% of travelers needed to have an adequate and immediate medical care. The common travel health problems are motion sickness, jet lag, the decreased concentration of oxygen and low air-pressure in aircraft, infectious disease, blood clot embolism, economy class syndrome, random accident, etc. Travelers with chronic diseases such as diabetics, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, sinusitis disease, liver disease, etc, or those who may require comprehensive medical care should be able to obtain appropriate medical treatment to protect themselves during travel. As the demand of pre/post-travel medical care has grown dramatically, the role of qualified physicians for the safe travel has expanded. To help the patients plan healthy travel, I would like to introduce the most common cases of travel medical care in this paper.

Humans , Aircraft , Chronic Disease , Communicable Diseases , Developing Countries , Diptera , Embolism , Liver Diseases , Motion Sickness , Myocardial Ischemia , Oxygen , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Sinusitis , Swine , Transportation , Travel Medicine , Vaccination
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-505926


O presente artigo analisa o acesso a medicamentos, em especial aqueles considerados essenciais, como parte do direito a desfrutar do mais elevado nível possível de saúde. A partir da estrutura analítica do direito à saúde elaborada nos últimos anos, a primeira parte deste artigo concentra-se nos deveres atribuídos aos Estados. A segunda parte procura nos introduzir à responsabilidade das empresas farmacêuticas.

This article considers the component of the right to the highest standard of health that relates to medicines, including essential medicines. Using the right-to-health analytical framework that has been developed in recent years, the first section focuses on the responsibilities of States. The second section provides a brief introduction to the responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies.

Este artículo analiza el componente del derecho al disfrute del más alto nivel posible de salud que se relaciona con el acceso a los medicamentos, incluyendo los medicamentos esenciales. Utilizando el marco analítico del derecho a la salud que ha sido desarrollado en los años recientes, la primera sección se concentra en las responsabilidades de los Estados. La segunda sección provee una breve introducción a las responsabilidades de las compañías farmacéuticas.

Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-505927


Ao estabelecer altos preços para medicamentos avançados que se encontram fora do alcance de pacientes pobres e estimular a negligência de doenças concentradas nas populações mais pobres, o acordo TRIPS produz em escala maciça doenças e mortes evitáveis. Tal injustiça pode ser evitada através de um Fundo de Impacto sobre a Saúde Global (Health Impact Fund) que oferece àqueles que detêm a patente dos medicamentos a opção de oferecer os medicamentos a preço de custo em troca de uma recompensa monetária anual baseada no impacto deste medicamento na saúde global.

Pricing advanced medicines beyond the reach of the poor and encouraging neglect of diseases concentrated among them, the TRIPS Agreement produces avoidable death and disease on a massive scale. This injustice can be remedied through a Health Impact Fund that gives patent holders the option to price any new medicine at cost in exchange for annual reward payments based on this medicine's global health impact.

El Acuerdo ADPIC/TRIPS, al imponer unos precios sobre los medicamentos avanzados más allá del alcance de los pobres y al fomentar la ignorancia de las enfermedades que más les afectan, produce muertes y enfermedades evitables a una escala descomunal. Esta injusticia puede ser remediada a través de un Fondo de Impacto sobre la Salud que otorga a los propietarios de patentes la opción de establecer los precios de cualquier nuevo medicamento a nivel del costo a cambio de una recompensa monetaria anual en función en el impacto de este medicamento sobre la salud global.

Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-505929


O presente artigo aborda o sistema de proteção à propriedade industrial vigente no Brasil e sua relação com a política de acesso universal a medicamentos para tratamento da AIDS. Ainda, apresenta as principais estratégias de atuação de um grupo da sociedade civil brasileira - GTPI/REBRIP - em relação aos principais problemas e desafios identificados.

This article addresses the system of intellectual property law in Brazil and its relation to the country's policy of universal access to AIDS medicines. It also presents the key working strategies of a Brazilian civil society group - GTPI/REBRIP - to tackle the main problems and challenges that are identified.

El presente artículo aborda el sistema de protección a la propiedad industrial vigente en Brasil y su relación con la política de acceso universal a medicamentos para el tratamiento del SIDA. También presenta las principales estrategias de actuación de un grupo de la sociedad civil brasileña -GTPI/REBRIP- en relación con los principales problemas y desafíos identificados.

China Pharmacy ; (12)2007.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531365


OBJECTIVE: To discuss the limitation of the current TRIPS due to local protection and to seek for a balance between drug patent protection and public health.METHODS: The related clauses in TRIPS in terms of protection on drug patent and public health were introduced,and Nordhaus' model was used to analyze the conflict between drug patent protection and public health.RESULTS: The area with minimum level of drug patent protection can't be enlarged infinitely geographically.CONCLUSIONS: Preferential policies should be given to the developing countries to secure the public health while strengthening the drug patent protection gradually.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-534948


The incidence in 7768 cases of acute craniocerebral injuries was analysed in this article.The analysis showed that there were more cases of acute craniocerebral injuries seen during the period from June to November,especially from June to August.The main causes of injury from June to August were trips and falls (41.7%) and those from September to November were traffic accidents (48.7%).Improvements in rescue orga- nization and measures in prevention during the period of high incidence were sugge sted.