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Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 208-218, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-858084


OBJECTIVE: To explore the masking efficiency and regularity of bitterness suppressants (BS) to a representative bitterness substance berberine hydrochloride (BBR). METHODS: Some quantitative evaluation methods of BS efficiency were established based on relevant literature and our previous research. Efficiency of respectively added into eight kinds of BS such as acesulfame, on bitter degree 3 BBR solution (0.05 mg•mL-1) were evaluated using the established methods. Bitterness masking regularity of BS on BBR solution were explained by respectively establishing the relationships between tongue tasted bitter decreased value (ΔI), electronic tongue tasted bitter decreased value (ΔIe) with BS concentration (ρ). RESULTS: ①Five tongue taste bitter masking efficiency (calibrated masking rate, bitterness revised standard half effect index and so on), two electronic tongue bitter masking efficiency(first taste reduce and aftertaste reduce) were established. ②Seven kinds of bitterness suppressants efficacy indicators can be used to compare the bitterness suppressants efficacy of BS to BBR solution, and the maximum bitterness reduction of 8 kinds of BS to BBR solution is above 1.8. ③ΔI-ρ Weibull regularity models of eight BS and nine ΔIe-ρ models of six BS were brlilt.HP-β-CD, glycine and crystalline fructose had good response to two sensor, stevioside, soluble soybean polysaccharide and acesulfame had a good response to one sensor and xanthan gum and aspartame had no response to any sensor. CONCLUSION: Seven evaluation indexes and methods are built based on human tongue and electronic tongue taste method. Max standard capability index of BS is suitable for the development of bitterness suppressants in taste method and two indicators of electronic tongue are also can be used as indicative indicators. Masking regularity of BS to BBR solution is exposed which could provide reference for the development and application of more BS.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 60(1): 139-147, fev. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-483269


Avaliaram-se as características qualitativas da carcaça e da carne de 10 tourinhos, de 10 machos castrados e de 10 fêmeas da raça Canchim, terminados em confinamento e alimentados com: 1 - silagem de milho e concentrado contendo farelo de soja, milho e polpa cítrica (SM) e 2 - cana-de-açúcar e concentrado contendo farelo de soja, milho, grãos de girassol e polpa cítrica (CA). O período experimental foi de 105 dias, e o delineamento foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (3 condições sexuais e 2 dietas). Não foram observadas interações e os tourinhos apresentaram maiores (P<0,05) peso da carcaça quente e da área de olho de lombo, maior rendimento de dianteiro e menor rendimento de traseiro em relação aos machos castrados e às fêmeas. Nas amostras de contrafilé, não houve diferença entre tratamentos quanto à força de cisalhamento, pH, perdas totais por gotejamento e capacidade de retenção de água e cor da carne. Os machos castrados e as fêmeas apresentaram carne de melhor textura. As dietas SM e CA podem ser utilizadas na terminação de bovinos em confinamento.

The carcass and meat qualitative characteristics of 10 young bulls, 10 castrated males, and 10 females of Canchim breed finished in feedlot were evaluated. Animals were fed: 1 - corn silage and concentrate containing soybean meal, corn and citrus pulp (CS), and 2 - sugar cane and concentrate containing soybean meal, corn, sunflower grains, and citrus pulp (SC). The data were analized by completely randomized design in a factorial 3x2 arrangement (three sexual conditions x two diets), and the experimental period lasted 105 days. No interactions were observed and the young bulls presented higher (P<0.05) hot carcass weights and loin area, higher hindquarter and lower forequarter yields in relation to the castrated males and females. The samples of loin did not show differences among treatments in relation to shear force, pH, total losses due dripping on capacity of water retention, and meat color. The castrated males and females presented better texture of meat. The CS and SC diets can be used in finishing cattle under confinement.

Animals , Cattle , Diet , Meat , Evaluation Studies as Topic