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Enferm. univ ; 17(2): 187-201, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1345984


RESUMEN Introducción: El tutor es fundamental en la formación de estudiantes del posgrado, su trabajo no se enfoca únicamente en la dirección de la tesis; además debe fomentar el desarrollo de otras habilidades en el alumno al incorporarlo al conocimiento tácito en comunidades de investigación. Esto implica que el tutor muestre competencias en la tutoría, de ahí la importancia de reconocerlas y autoevaluarlas tanto en forma crítica como reflexiva para su mejora. Objetivo: Analizar y autoevaluar las competencias de los tutores de un posgrado en enfermería. Método: Los tutores fueron invitados a participar de manera libre y voluntaria en grupos focales, con el propósito de analizar, discutir y autoevaluar sus competencias; se empleó una rúbrica como elemento detonador, que describe cualitativamente diez competencias que deben tener los tutores de posgrado, en cuatro niveles de dominio. Resultados: La discusión sostenida al interior de los grupos focales fue documentada para su codificación y análisis, se obtuvieron categorías que aludieron a: 1) aspectos éticos y el respeto a las autorías de los estudiantes en publicaciones; 2) la relevancia de la transferencia del conocimiento a problemas específicos del campo de enfermería; 3) la relación tutor-alumno destacando vínculos de menor y mayor dependencia. Conclusiones: Se identificó el reconocimiento de las competencias que requieren los tutores en este nivel, se generó una autoevaluación crítica y reflexiva, sobre lo que se ha realizado en la práctica educativa. Los tutores ubicaron sus niveles de competencia en desarrollo y consumado.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Tutors are fundamental in the formation of graduate students and their work is not only focused on the direction of the students' theses. Tutors also encourage the development of other skills, including the integration of students into research communities. This implies that tutors must demonstrate tutoring competencies; and therefore, it is important to recognize and assess these competencies from critical and reflexive points of view. Objective: To analyze and self-assess the competencies of tutors in a nursing graduate program. Method: Tutors were invited to participate in a free and voluntary manner in diverse focal groups with the aim of analyzing, discussing, and self-assessing their own competencies. Ten competencies in four domain levels were qualitatively assessed. Results: The discussion within the focal groups were documented and coded, and the following categories were identified: 1) ethical aspects and the respect of the authorship of students in publications; 2) the relevance of the transference of knowledge to specific problems in the field of nursing; 3) the tutor-student relationship highlighting the different levels of dependence associations. Conclusions: The identification of the competencies which tutors need to demonstrate at this curricular level was acknowledged. A critical and reflexive self-evaluation regarding the education practice was generated. Tutors identified their levels of competency.

RESUMO Introdução: O tutor é fundamental na formação de estudantes de pós-graduação, seu trabalho não se concentra unicamente na direção da tese; aliás deve fomentar o desenvolvimento de outras habilidades no aluno incorporando-o ao conhecimento tácito em comunidades de pesquisa. Isso implica que o tutor mostre competências na tutoria, daí a importância de reconhecê-las e auto avaliá-las de forma crítica e reflexiva para seu aprimoramento. Objetivo: Analisar e autoavaliar as competências dos tutores de uma pós-graduação em enfermagem. Método: Os tutores foram convidados para participar de maneira livre e voluntária em grupos focais, com o propósito de analisar, discutir e autoavaliar suas competências; foi utilizada uma rubrica como elemento desencadeador, que descreve qualitativamente dez competências que os tutores de pós-graduação devem ter, em quatro níveis de domínio. Resultados: A discussão realizada no interior dos grupos focais foi documentada para sua codificação e análise, obtiveram-se categorias que aludiram a: 1) aspectos éticos ao respeito da autoria dos estudantes em publicações; 2) a relevância da transferência do conhecimento para problemas específicos do campo de enfermagem; 3) a relação tutor-aluno evidenciando vínculos de menor e maior dependência. Conclusões: Identificou-se o reconhecimento das competências que os tutores requerem neste nível, gerou-se uma autoavaliação crítica e reflexiva, sobre o que tem sido realizado na prática educativa. Os tutores localizaram seus níveis de competência em desenvolvimento e alcançado.

Agora USB ; 15(1): 137-151, ene.-jun. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776907


Este artículo aborda un tema de especial relevancia en la dinámica académica actual y en el proceso de formación de los estudiantes de pre y postgrado, pues se relaciona directamente con los procesos de enseñanza y evaluación. Por ello este texto aborda dos procesos relacionados directamente con el quehacer investigativo, dado que secentra en la enseñanza de la metodología de la investigación y en la evaluación de trabajos de grado y tesis doctorales y en las habilidades y competencias que deben desarrollar los docentes para realizar estas actividades.

This article discusses a topic of particular relevance in the current academic dynamics and in the process of training of undergraduate and graduate students, as it is directly related to the teaching and evaluation processes. That is why this text addresses these two processes directly related to research activities, giventhat it focuses on the teaching of research methodology and evaluation of research papers and doctoral theses, as well as in the skills and competencies that teachers must develop for carrying out these activities.

Humans , Education , Education/classification , Education/economics , Education/ethics , Education/history , Education/legislation & jurisprudence , Education/methods , Education/organization & administration , Education
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52513


PURPOSE: This study conducted a needs assessment for developing teaching competencies of medical educators by assessing their perceived ability to perform teaching competencies as well as their perceived importance of these competencies. Additionally, this study examined whether there were any differences in needs assessments scores among three faculty groups. METHODS: Hundred and eighteen professors from Dong-A University College of Medicine were surveyed, and the data from 44 professors who answered all the questions were analyzed using IBM SPSS 21. The needs assessment tool measured participants' perceived ability to perform teaching competencies and perceived importance of these competencies. The Borich formula was used to calculate needs assessment scores. RESULTS: The most urgent needs for faculty development were identified for the teaching competencies of "diagnosis and reflection," followed by "test and feedback," and "facilitation." Additionally, two, out of 51, items with the highest needs assessment scores were "developing a thorough course syllabus" and "introducing students to the course syllabus on the first day of class." The assistant professor group scored significantly higher on educational needs related to "facilitation," "affection and concern for students," and "respect for diversity" competencies than the professor group. Furthermore, the educational needs scores for all the teaching competencies except "diagnosis and reflection," "global mindset," and "instructional management" were higher for the assistant professor group than the other two faculty groups. CONCLUSION: Thus, the educational needs assessment scores obtained in this study can be used as criteria for designing and developing faculty development programs for medical educators.

Female , Humans , Education, Medical , Faculty, Medical/standards , Needs Assessment/standards , Professional Competence , Republic of Korea , Schools, Medical , Surveys and Questionnaires , Teaching/standards , Universities
Medical Education ; : 90-98, 2013.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376908


1)The paper reviewed the previous literature on teaching competencies in medical education required for medical educators. The competencies as well as its quality assurance were comprehensively proposed for both current medical teachers and trainers in faculty development programme in Japan.<br>2)Teaching competencies is not just a talent or a character of the physicians and can be aquired and developed through the learning. To clarify of its expertise will enable us to construct the outcome–based programme with appllying it as outcome of the medical educators. It also will enable us to evaluate the level of the teaching competencies and also assure the quality of medical educators which will contribute to the accreditation of medical education.<br>3)The domains of the teaching competencies on medical education are classified as, ability of practical teaching and learning facilitation, evaluation and assessment, desining a curriculum/programme, and management・leadership・development. Scholary activities as an continuing professional development is essential to continue to seek an excellence of teaching.