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Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(1): e20230371, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1559455


ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe Nurses' perception of the Nursing Process and its relationship with leadership. Methods: action research conducted between September/2021 and April/2022 with nurses from a medium-sized hospital in southern Brazil. The data investigated, one of the stages of the method, was collected using the Focus Group technique and submitted to Strategic Focus Analysis. Results: three categories emerged from the organized and analyzed data, namely: Nursing Process: a tool that qualifies nursing care; Conditions that weaken the Nursing Process; and Strategies that enhance the Systematization of Nursing Care. Final Considerations: the perception of the Nursing Process and its relationship with leadership are not always understood as complementary themes. Although they recognize that the Nursing Process is sometimes imposed as normative, nurses do not perceive the importance of the role of the leader, who is considered a key player in conducting and boosting the Systematization of Nursing Care.

RESUMEN Objetivos: describir la percepción de los Enfermeros sobre el Proceso de Enfermería y su relación con el liderazgo. Métodos: se trata de una investigación-acción realizada entre septiembre de 2021 y abril de 2022 entre enfermeros de un hospital de medio porte del sur de Brasil. Los datos investigados, una de las etapas del método, fueron recolectados mediante la técnica de Grupo Focal y sometidos al Análisis Focal Estratégico. Resultados: los datos organizados y analizados resultaron en tres categorías, a saber: Proceso de Enfermería como herramienta que cualifica los cuidados de enfermería; Condiciones que debilitan el Proceso de Enfermería; y Estrategias que potencian la Sistematización de los Cuidados de Enfermería. Consideraciones Finales: la percepción del Proceso de Enfermería y su relación con el liderazgo no siempre se toma en cuenta como tema complementario. Aunque los Enfermeros reconocen que el Proceso de Enfermería se impone a veces como normativo, no perciben la importancia del papel del líder, considerado como un actor clave para conducir y dinamizar la Sistematización de los Cuidados de Enfermería.

RESUMO Objetivos: descrever a percepção dos Enfermeiros sobre o Processo de Enfermagem e a sua relação com a liderança. Métodos: pesquisa-ação conduzida entre setembro/2021 e abril/2022 com enfermeiros de um hospital de médio porte do sul do Brasil. Os dados investigados, uma das etapas do método, foram coletados por meio da técnica de Grupo Focal e submetidos à Análise Focal Estratégica. Resultados: dos dados organizados e analisados resultaram três categorias, quais sejam: Processo de Enfermagem: ferramenta qualificadora da assistência de enfermagem; Condições que fragilizam o Processo de Enfermagem; e Estratégias que potencializam a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Considerações Finais: a percepção de Processo de Enfermagem e a sua relação com a liderança nem sempre são apreendidos como temas complementares. Embora reconheçam que o Processo de Enfermagem é, por vezes, imposto como normativo, os Enfermeiros não percebem a relevância da função do líder, considerado ator-chave na condução e dinamização da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3626, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1557376


Abstract Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth was seen to be a viable and alternative solution to provide occupational therapy services in the Philippines. This phenomenological study aimed to describe the lived experiences of Filipino parents and carers in receiving occupational therapy through telehealth for their children with disabilities. We interviewed 10 participants who were considered primary carers of a Filipino child with disabilities undergoing telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. An interpretative phenomenological analysis involving double hermeneutics was employed to analyze the interviews that yielded four themes: "dimensions of telehealth in occupational therapy", "reinforcing family-centered occupational therapy", "emphasizing an occupational therapist's advocacy role", and "telehealth in occupational therapy-today and tomorrow". Our findings suggest that in order for telehealth to be a sustainable service, it should be seen not merely as an alternative in the occupational therapy service delivery process. Although telehealth remains to be an evolving concept and practice within health services, telehealth must be practiced within the principles of family-centered care approaches, interprofessional collaboration, and health accessibility and equitability. This study hopes to facilitate intersections between service providers and service users to cultivate a shared goal of bringing together experiences that will inform a more contextualized occupational therapy and telehealth practice at the tail-end of the pandemic. In conclusion, telehealth in occupational therapy shall not be an alternative, but an integrative tool that occupational therapists can maximize to transform occupational therapy access and equity.

Resumo No contexto da pandemia da COVID-19, a telessaúde foi considerada uma solução viável e alternativa para a prestação de serviços de terapia ocupacional nas Filipinas. Este estudo fenomenológico teve como objetivo descrever as experiências vividas por pais e cuidadores filipinos ao receberem terapia ocupacional por meio da telessaúde para seus filhos com deficiência. Entrevistamos 10 participantes que eram considerados cuidadores primários de uma criança filipina com deficiência submetida à telessaúde durante a situação de pandemia da COVID-19. Uma análise fenomenológica interpretativa envolvendo dupla hermenêutica foi empregada para analisar as entrevistas, resultando em quatro temas: "dimensões da telessaúde na terapia ocupacional", "reforçando a terapia ocupacional centrada na família", "enfatizando o papel de militância do terapeuta ocupacional" e "telessaúde na terapia ocupacional - hoje e amanhã". As nossas descobertas sugerem que, para que a telessaúde seja um serviço sustentável, deve ser vista não apenas como uma alternativa no processo de prestação de serviços de terapia ocupacional. Embora a telessaúde continue a ser um conceito e uma prática em evolução nos serviços de saúde, deve ser praticada dentro dos princípios de abordagens de cuidados centrados na família, colaboração interprofissional e acessibilidade e equidade em saúde. Este estudo espera facilitar interseções entre prestadores e usuários de serviços para cultivar um objetivo comum de reunir experiências que informarão uma terapia ocupacional e uma prática de telessaúde mais contextualizadas no final da pandemia. Concluindo, a telessaúde na terapia ocupacional não deve ser uma alternativa, mas sim uma ferramenta integrativa que os terapeutas ocupacionais podem maximizar para transformar o acesso e a equidade à terapia ocupacional.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521350


Los eSports o deportes electrónicos han ganado relevancia mundial, pero en Latinoamérica hay una brecha de desarrollo respecto a otras regiones. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en analizar la influencia de la cultura organizacional, en el rendimiento de los equipos de eSports de Valorant que participaron en el torneo denominado 88 CUP. El torneo se desarrolló del 19 de febrero al 30 de abril de 2023, con la participación de 35 equipos pertenecientes a Ecuador, Colombia, México, Guatemala, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá, Perú y República Dominicana. Se empleó el instrumento de Cameron y Quinn, adaptado por Ibarra (2019) para evaluar la cultura organizacional, y para el rendimiento deportivo se recopilaron datos de la puntuación media de combate en el torneo 88 CUP; través de esta puntuación, se calculó el índice de rendimiento deportivo en una escala de 0 a 100. El estudio de datos se realizó con el análisis de componentes principales no lineales y ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron un promedio de rendimiento deportivo de 25 sobre 100 puntos y apenas el 10 % de los equipos alcanzaron un rendimiento superior a 70. Además, la cultura adhocrática y clan prevalecen en los equipos estudiados. Se estableció un modelo de relación causal de la cultura organizacional en el rendimiento deportivo, donde las dimensiones adhocráticas, jerárquica y de mercado tuvieron un impacto significativo y positivo; en tanto, la dimensión clan tuvo una influencia significativa y negativa en el rendimiento deportivo.

Os eSports ou esportes eletrônicos ganharam relevância global, mas na América Latina existe uma lacuna de desenvolvimento em comparação com outras regiões. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a influência da cultura organizacional no desempenho das equipes de Valorant eSports que participaram do torneio denominado 88 CUP. O torneio aconteceu de 19 de fevereiro a 30 de abril de 2023, com a participação de 35 seleções do Equador, Colômbia, México, Guatemala, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá, Peru e República Dominicana. Para avaliar a cultura organizacional foi utilizado o instrumento Cameron e Quinn, adaptado por Ibarra (2019), e para o desempenho esportivo foram coletados dados sobre a pontuação média de combate no torneio 88 CUP; por meio dessa pontuação, foi calculado o índice de desempenho esportivo em uma escala de 0 a 100. O estudo dos dados foi realizado com análise de componentes principais não lineares e equações estruturais. Os resultados mostraram um desempenho esportivo médio de 25 em 100 pontos e apenas 10% das equipes obtiveram desempenho superior a 70. Além disso, a cultura adocrática e de clã prevalece nas equipes estudadas. Foi estabelecido um modelo de relação causal da cultura organizacional sobre o desempenho desportivo, onde as dimensões adocrática, hierárquica e mercadológica tiveram um impacto significativo e positivo; entretanto, a dimensão do clã teve uma influência significativa e negativa no desempenho desportivo.

eSports or electronic sports have gained global relevance, but in Latin America there is a development gap compared to other regions. The objective of this research was to analyze the influence of organizational culture on the performance of Valorant eSports teams that participated in the tournament called 88 CUP. The tournament took place from February 19 to April 30, 2023, with the participation of 35 teams from Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The Cameron and Quinn instrument, adapted by Ibarra (2019), was used to evaluate organizational culture, and for sports performance, data was collected on the average combat score in the 88 CUP tournament; through this score, the sports performance index was calculated on a scale from 0 to 100. The data study was carried out with the analysis of non-linear principal components and structural equations. The results showed an average sports performance of 25 out of 100 points and only 10% of the teams achieved a performance greater than 70. In addition, the adhocratic and clan culture prevail in the teams studied. A causal relationship model of organizational culture on sports performance was established, where the adhocratic, hierarchical and market dimensions had a significant and positive impact; meanwhile, the clan dimension had a significant and negative influence on sports performance.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 517-541, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448508


Resumen Este estudio analiza los cambios estructurales experimentados por un equipo interprofesional que implementa un programa de intervención psicosocial dirigido a víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Los equipos están compuestos por psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y facilitadores comunitarios que proporcionan atención a nivel individual, familiar y comunitario. Se aplicaron métodos de evaluación estructural para identificar cambios en la cohesión de las redes de reconocimiento entre profesionales, así como la preferencia para colaborar y el intercambio de información enviada y recibida. La recogida de información se produjo en dos series temporales -tiempo 1 (T1) y tiempo 2 (T2)- con un intervalo de tres meses. Se utilizó una estadística aplicada al análisis de datos relacionales para determinar los cambios en las redes en T1 y T2. En el período de referencia se incrementó la densidad en las redes de reconocimiento [. = 1.7105, (IC 95 %: -.0123 - .185), . < .0444] y de preferencia para trabajar [. = 2.0942, (IC 95 %: .005 - .1521), . < .0218]. Las redes de intercambio de información no experimentaron cambios significativos. Las regresiones múltiples a nivel diádico indican que la preferencia para trabajar e intercambiar información en T1, predicen el intercambio de información relativo tanto a peticiones de información recibidas como enviadas en T2. Se discuten los resultados para optimizar la implementación de programas de intervención psicosocial desarrolladas por equipos interprofesionales.

Abstract The study analyzes the structural changes experienced by an interprofessional team implementing a psychosocial intervention program for victims of war in Colombia. The program is called "PAPSIVI" (Programa de Atención Psicosocial y Salud Integral a Víctimas), which has been operating in Colombia since 2013, thanks to Law 1448 of 2011 to improve the quality of life and repair the damage of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It only served people registered in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), which had 9'165,126 records throughout the country until September 2021. This program follows a comprehensive and restorative approach that defines victims as protagonists of their own process of empowerment and positive change (Laplante and Holguin, 2006; Thompson, 1996). For this purpose, a multilevel intervention is carried out at the individual, family and community levels. The program is implemented by teams of professionals (psychologists, social workers and community facilitators) of varying sizes depending on the number of victims served in the municipalities. Psychologists provide individual psychological care and, to a lesser extent, family therapy is also offered to try to repair psychosocial damage from exposure to situations of violence (Oficina de Promoción Social, 2017). Social workers carry out community interventions to promote the associative fabric and social capital. Community promoters are facilitators and connect professionals with the potential beneficiaries of the intervention. The latter are very important, having themselves the status of victims, which increases the ecological validity of the intervention. Due to the characteristics of the implementation of this initiative, which takes into account the difficulties of the context (with situations of deprivation and vulnerability), as well as the particularities of the participants, it is valid to ask in this research what are the structural changes experienced by the teams of professionals who implement PAPSIVI. For this, structural evaluation methods were applied to identify changes in the cohesion of recognition networks among professionals, the preference to collaborate and the exchange of information sent and received. Data collection took place in two time series (T1 before - T2 after) with an interval of three months. Statistics applied to relational data analysis were used to determine changes in the networks at time T2. In the results it was found that in the baseline period the density in the recognition [t = 1.7105, (95 % CI: -.0123 - .185), p < .0444] and work preference [t = 2.0942, (95 % CI: .005 - .1521), p < .0218] networks increased. Information exchange networks did not experience significant changes. Multiple regressions at the dyadic level indicate that the preference for working and exchanging information at T1 predicts information exchange relative to both information requests received and sent at T2. It is concluded that the results shed light for: (a) optimize the design of psychosocial intervention teams; (b) improve their functioning by introducing horizontal organizational communication tools (among the members of each team), transversal (among the members of the teams implementing the program in different municipalities), and vertical (by promoting communication between professionals and program managers/responsible persons), and (c) achieve that changes in the structure of the teams serve as a diagnostic tool for functional problems of the team associated with the exchange of professional information and the referral of users. Ultimately, better integration of the teams leads to better psychosocial profiles of the users of programs such as PAPSIVI and allows them to better adapt their activities to the needs of the users, which improves the effectiveness of the intervention (Virto, 2021).

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 2645-2649, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027748


To summarize the nursing experience of a patient undergoing laryngeal transplantation due to laryngeal cancer.The case involved the development of a critical care management plan by a multidisciplinary team.By implementing nursing measures such as refined airway care,professional neck wound complication management,precise administration of immunosuppressants,ultrasound monitoring for nutritional management assurance,individualized psychological care,early rehabilitation of swallowing,speech and body function,thyroid function and hyperglycemia monitoring and other measures,the patient stayed in ICU for 23 days post-surgery and discharged after 40 days from admission.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39509, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507094


Resumo As equipes têm se consolidado como unidades estratégicas nas organizações, assim como seus comportamentos de aprendizagem consolidam-se como um dos processos grupais mais efetivos para atingimento de resultados, com o líder exercendo papel fundamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar o papel preditivo dos estilos de liderança transacional e transformacional sobre os comportamentos de aprendizagem da equipe. A testagem foi realizada com 79 equipes, média de 10 pessoas por equipe, integrantes de seis empresas, que responderam instrumentos sobre estilo de liderança e comportamentos de aprendizagem, presencialmente. Os resultados, nível meso, revelaram que a liderança explica 18,4% dos comportamentos de aprendizagem. Depreende-se, então, a importância do líder para criação de ambiente propícios ao compartilhamento e aprendizagem de equipes.

Abstract Teams have been consolidated as strategic units in organizations, as well as their learning behaviors as one of the most effective group processes for results achievement; and the leader has exercised a fundamental role. The aim of this study was to analyze the predictive role of transactional and transformational leadership styles on the team learning behaviors. The testing was conducted with 79 teams, mean of 10 people per team, members of six companies, which responded to instruments about leadership styles and learning behaviors in a face-to-face collection. The results, meso level, revealed that leadership explains 18,4% of learning behaviors. It is understandable, then, the importance of the leader for creating adequate environment for sharing and learning of the teams.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931367


Introducing the multidisciplinary cooperation model into the clinical teaching of residents has gradually been paid attention to, and the relevant multi-disciplinary teaching teams participate in and formulate teaching plan. The Department of Urology of the Peking University Third Hospital carries out multidisciplinary cooperative teaching of residents based on network platform to improve residents' autonomous learning ability and teaching effect. This model has certain advantages in mobilizing students' subjective initiative and cultivating learning interest. It is of great significance for the training of urology residents.

Afr. j. AIDS res. (Online) ; 21(2): 1-6, 28 Jul 2022.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1391077


Initial and subsequent waves of COVID-19 in Uganda disrupted the delivery of HIV care. In rural areas, village health teams and organisations on the ground had to develop strategies to ensure that people living with HIV could continue their treatment. It was necessary to take evolving circumstances into account, including dealing with movement restrictions, constrained access to food and stigma due to anonymity being lost as a result of a shift from health facility-based services to community-level support. Uganda has a long history of community-driven response to HIV, although health systems and response programming have become more centralised through government and donors to address political commitments to HIV treatment and other targets. The delivery system for antiretroviral therapy was vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions and related circumstances. To understand the continuum of challenges, and to inform ongoing and future support of treatment for people living with HIV, interviews were conducted with HIV organisation implementers, health workers, village health team members and people living with HIV. It was found that stigma was a central challenge, which led to nuanced adaptations for delivering antiretroviral treatment. There is a need to strengthen support to households of people living with HIV through improving community capacity to manage crises through improving household food gardens and savings, as well as capacity to organise and interact with support systems such as the village health teams. In communities, there is a need to evoke dialogue on stigma and to support community leadership on pressing issues that affect communities as a whole and their vulnerable groups. There are opportunities to reawaken the grassroots civic response systems that were evident in Uganda's early response to HIV yet were lacking in the COVID-19 context.

Patient Care Team , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell , HIV , COVID-19 , Community Health Workers , Community Participation
Med. j. Zambia ; 49(2): 185-197, 2022. figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1402782


Background:Thereisevidencethatmultidisciplinary healthcare teams can provide better quality of care and treatment outcomes compared to that delivered by individuals from a single health discipline. The project on which this article isbased applied the interprofessional education model to university pre-licensure health students in the management of chronic care conditions in Zambia. Methods:Four distinct but interrelated approaches, name ly desk review; module development workshops; review and validation of modules by experts; piloting and review of the training modules were employed. Results: Severalmodelsofinterprofessionaleducationcurrentlyinexistenceandusedsuccessfully by higher education institutions in other settings were identified. While several models of Interprofessional Education were identified, our project adapted the "didactic program, community-based experience, and interprofessional-simulation experience" models. To apply the models, modules of seven chronic care conditions were developed and piloted. The extent to which the module activities promoted interprofessional education were rated between 74 - 87% (agree or strongly agree) by the students. Conclusion: Three models of Interprofessional Education were identified and adapted in the project and seven modules were developed and administered to the students. The process was effective for putting forth an interprofessional training program at the undergraduate level, with the potential to improve quality of care for patients.

Humans , Patient Care Team , Interprofessional Education , Intersectoral Collaboration , Delivery of Health Care
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387014


Resumen: Objetivo: caracterizar la dimensión subjetiva de los procesos de trabajo en el primer nivel de atención en contexto de pandemia, a través de la descripción y análisis de los discursos de los y las trabajadores/as producidos en el marco del dispositivo de Apoyo a los Equipos de Salud implementado en un municipio del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Metodología: investigación cualitativa, exploratoria y descriptiva. Estudio de caso único centrado en observación participante en 10 reuniones en centros de salud del Municipio de Tigre, durante los meses de abril y mayo de 2020. La sistematización del material se realizó siguiendo técnicas de análisis de contenido y generación de categorías. Resultados: el análisis permitió identificar cinco categorías emergentes: a) cambios en los escenarios de trabajo, b) emociones y actitudes frente a la tarea, c) vínculos al interior de los equipos, d) vínculos con las autoridades y e) vínculos con la comunidad. Discusión: la dimensión subjetiva contenida en las vivencias relatadas está caracterizada por sensaciones de incertidumbre, miedos, tensiones en la relación entre compañeros/as, con las instancias jerárquicas y con la población asistida, pero también por búsquedas activas de alternativas, apoyo entre compañeros/as, participación, motivación en los sentidos del trabajo, cuidados mutuos y acercamiento a la comunidad. De este modo se hacen visibles aspectos que preexistían a la situación de pandemia y aspectos que el contexto introduce. Finalmente, se arriba a algunas reflexiones sobre las implicancias de la inclusión de este dispositivo en el proceso de trabajo de equipos de salud durante la pandemia.

Abstract: Objective: characterize the subjective dimension of the work processes at the first level of care in the context of a pandemic, through the description and analysis of the speeches of the workers produced within the framework of the Health Team Support device implemented in a municipality in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Methodology: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research. Single case study focused on participant observation in 10 meetings in health centers of the Municipality of Tigre, during the months of April and May 2020. The systematization of the material was carried out following techniques of content analysis and category generation. Results: the analysis identified five emerging categories: a) changes in work settings, b) emotions and attitudes towards the task, c) ties within teams, d) ties with authorities, and e) ties with the community. Discussion: the subjective dimension contained in the experiences reported are characterized by feelings of uncertainty, fears, tensions in the relationship between colleagues, with hierarchical instances and with the assisted population, but also by active searches for alternatives, support among colleagues, participation, motivation in the sense of work, mutual care and approach to the community. In this way, aspects that pre-existed the pandemic situation and aspects that the context introduce are made visible. Finally, we come up with some reflections on the implications of the inclusion of this device in the work process of health teams during the pandemic.

Resumo: Objetivo: caracterizar a dimensão subjetiva dos processos de trabalho em primeiro nível de atenção em contexto de pandemia, por meio da descrição e análise das falas dos trabalhadores produzidos no âmbito do dispositivo de Apoio à Equipe de Saúde implantado em município da região metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva. Estudo de caso único com foco na observação participante em 10 encontros em centros de saúde do Município de Tigre, durante os meses de abril e maio de 2020. A sistematização do material foi realizada seguindo técnicas de análise de conteúdo e geração de categorias. Resultados: a análise identificou cinco categorias emergentes: a) mudanças nos ambientes de trabalho, b) emoções e atitudes em relação à tarefa, c) vínculos dentro das equipes, d) vínculos com autoridades e e) vínculos com a comunidade. Discussão: a dimensão subjetiva contida nas vivências relatadas é caracterizada por sentimentos de incerteza, medos, tensões na relação entre colegas, com instâncias hierárquicas e com a população assistida, mas também por buscas ativas de alternativas, apoio entre colegas, participação, motivação no sentido de trabalho, cuidado mútuo e aproximação com a comunidade. Desta forma, tornam-se visíveis os aspectos prévios à situação pandémica e os que o contexto introduz. Por fim, são feitas algumas reflexões sobre as implicações da inclusão desse dispositivo no processo de trabalho das equipes de saúde durante a pandemia.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e235842, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360633


O estágio é um espaço de vivências de integração ensino-trabalho, que pode viabilizar a concretização de conhecimentos em ações profissionais e possibilitar ao estudante trabalhar com pessoas de diferentes identidades. Diante dessa diversidade, a experiência de inclusão no trabalho se relaciona com a percepção dos indivíduos quanto a sua aceitação, respeito e valorização, em função de sua identidade individual e grupal. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou compreender a experiência psicológica de inclusão entre estagiárias de Psicologia. Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio da realização de entrevistas narrativas com 15 estudantes de Psicologia que estagiavam em equipes multiprofissionais de saúde, com idades entre 23 e 57 anos; dentre eles, 14 eram mulheres e 10 eram autodeclaradas negras. Mediante o uso de categorias temáticas, as narrativas foram analisadas, buscando compreender os sentidos que as experiências tiveram para as entrevistadas. A experiência psicológica de inclusão foi vinculada à percepção de pertencimento à equipe e de acesso às informações e aos recursos necessários para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Por outro lado, as estagiárias expressaram que, em algumas situações, não sentiam interação e comunicação construtivas com médicos e trabalhadores da enfermagem. Os resultados afirmaram a importância dos estágios curriculares como dispositivos de inclusão no mundo do trabalho, reiterando que a diversidade abrange elementos como experiência no trabalho e categoria profissional. Entende-se que esses conhecimentos podem promover importantes discussões e, assim, fundamentar a elaboração de políticas e práticas organizacionais mais inclusivas para lidar com uma força de trabalho diversa.(AU)

The internship is a space for teaching-work integration experiences, which can enable knowledge to materialize in professional actions and enable the student to work with people of different identities. Given this diversity, the experience of inclusion at work relates to the perception of individuals regarding their acceptance, respect, and appreciation, according to their individual and group identity. In this sense, our study aimed to understand the psychological experience of inclusion among psychology interns. A qualitative approach was used, with narrative interviews with 15 Psychology students interning with multiprofessional health teams, aged between 23 and 57 years old; among them, 14 women and 10 self-declared black. By using thematic categories, we analyzed the narratives, seeking to understand the meanings that the experiences had for the interviewees. The psychological experience of inclusion was linked to the perception of belonging to the team and of access to the information and resources necessary for the development of the work. On the other hand, the interns expressed that, in some situations, they felt no constructive interaction and communication with nursing workers and doctors. The results affirmed the importance of curricular internships as devices for inclusion in the world of work, reiterating that diversity includes elements such as work experience and professional category. We understand that this knowledge can promote important discussions and, thus, support the development of more inclusive organizational policies and practices to deal with a diverse workforce.(AU)

La pasantía es un espacio para experiencias de integración trabajo-enseñanza, que puede permitir la concreción del conocimiento en acciones profesionales y que el alumno trabaje con personas de diferentes identidades. En vista de esta diversidad, la experiencia de inclusión en el trabajo está relacionada con la percepción de los individuos con respecto a su aceptación, respeto y apreciación, de acuerdo con su identidad individual y grupal. En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la experiencia psicológica de inclusión entre las pasantes de Psicología. Se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo, realizando entrevistas narrativas con 15 estudiantes de psicología, que eran pasantes en equipos de salud multiprofesionales, con edades entre 23 y 57 años, de las cuales 14 eran mujeres y 10 autodeclararon negras. Mediante el uso de categorías temáticas, se analizaron las narrativas, buscando comprender los significados que las experiencias tuvieron para las entrevistadas. La experiencia psicológica de inclusión estuvo vinculada a la percepción de pertenencia al equipo y al acceso a la información y los recursos necesarios para el desarrollo del trabajo. Por otro lado, las pasantes expresaron que, en algunas situaciones, no sentían una interacción constructiva y comunicación con los trabajadores de enfermería y los médicos. Los resultados afirmaron la importancia de las pasantías curriculares como dispositivos para la inclusión en el mundo laboral, reiterando que la diversidad incluye elementos como la experiencia laboral y la categoría profesional. Se entiende que este conocimiento puede promover debates importantes y, por lo tanto, apoyar el desarrollo de políticas y prácticas organizacionales más inclusivas para tratarse con una fuerza laboral diversa.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Patient Care Team , Psychology , Training Support , Social Inclusion , Interpersonal Relations , Training Support , Work , Organizational Policy , Growth and Development , Occupational Groups
São Paulo med. j ; 139(4): 331-340, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290248


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Individuals' quality of working life and motivation are directly related to their satisfaction and wellbeing. Although studies on the quality of life of family health workers have been conducted, there are none correlating these professionals' wellbeing with this work model. OBJECTIVE: To review the scientific literature in order to identify the levels of quality of life, in their dimensions, of Family Health Strategy workers. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review of observational studies developed through a partnership between two postgraduate schools (Piracicaba and Uberlândia). METHODS: The review followed the PRISMA recommendations and was registered in the PROSPERO database. Ten databases were used, including the "grey literature". Two evaluators selected the eligible studies, collected the data and assessed the risk of biases, independently. The JBI tool was used to assess the risk of bias. A complementary statistical analysis was conducted on the means and standard deviations of the results from the WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-bref questionnaires. RESULTS: The initial search presented 1,744 results, from which eight were included in the qualitative analysis. The studies were published between 2007 and 2018. The total sample included 1,358 answered questionnaires. All the studies presented low risk of bias. The complementary analysis showed that the environmental factor (mean score 56.12 ± 2.33) had the most influence on the quality of life of community health workers, while physical health (mean score 14.29 ± 0.21) had the most influence on graduate professionals. CONCLUSION: Professionals working within the Family Health Strategy had dimensions of quality of life that varied according to their professional category.

Humans , Quality of Life , Family Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Personnel
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908903


Objective:To analyze the level and latent categories of the training needs of the nursing staff of the social volunteer teams in Jiangsu Province, and to provide basis for the targeted training.Methods:From March to July in 2018, 224 elderly care teachers from 13 social volunteer teams of 100 Red Cross societies in Jiangsu Province were surveyed for the knowledge of the care for the aged and the needs of training by the self-designed questionnaires. A total of 207 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 92.4%. SPSS 21.0 and Latent GOLD 5.1 software were used for description analysis, hierarchical clustering and latent category analysis.Results:The number of answer of "very need" to knowledge and skills among the aged care teachers for the elderly, such as psychological care, elderly volunteer services and recreational activities for the elderly, was 196, 196 and 193, with a proportion of 94.7%, 94.7% and 93.2%, respectively. Cluster analysis showed that training needs could be divided into four aspects: life care knowledge and skills, health care knowledge and skills, psychological care knowledge and skills, and spiritual comfort knowledge and skills. The results of latent category analysis showed that the aged care teachers could be divided into three groups based on their different training needs: high demand group for overall knowledge and skills, partial demand group for overall knowledge and skills, and high demand group for medical care and psychological care knowledge and skills. The corresponding latent probability of the three groups were 80.2%, 13.0%, 6.8%, respectively.Conclusion:The training for the aged care of social volunteer teams should pay attention to the teaching of spiritual comfort knowledge and skills for the elderly. The training program should be oriented to the multi-level and individualized needs of the teachers, so as to meet the needs of the aged care teachers for their own development.

Medical Education ; : 565-570, 2021.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924490


@#In the second part of the second report, we introduce the Care Colloquium, an inter-university collaborative educational program between the University of Tsukuba and the Tokyo University of Science. The Care Colloquium is an interprofessional education program that uses PBL (Problem-based learning). In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this program was implemented online using Microsoft Teams, with advance preparation including manual maintenance and communication testing. The same learning outcomes were achieved as the face-to-face implementation. Undergraduate interprofessional education tends to be a large-scale program, and the shortage of faculty and classrooms is challenging, but online education could overcome these obstacles. The development of hybrid programs that use the merits of both face-to-face and online education may lead to the promotion of interprofessional education in the future.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354590


El propósito de este estudio fue describir el conocimiento que poseen los fonoaudiólogos colombianos acerca de las válvulas de habla y determinar si las emplean como parte del manejo de usuarios con traqueostomía así como las variables que puedan influir en su uso. Para ello, se distribuyó un formulario digital a fonoaudiólogos egresados en Colombia. Las preguntas se agruparon en cinco secciones a partir de las cuales se ajustaron varios modelos lineales generalizados para determinar la influencia de variables como la ciudad, la experiencia profesional, los posgrados, la población, el escenario de atención y la presencia de equipos de traqueostomía en la adaptación de las válvulas. Las preguntas abiertas se analizaron a partir de tendencias temáticas en las respuestas de los participantes. El cuestionario fue respondido por 27 fonoaudiólogos de distintas latitudes con variedad en el nivel posgradual. La totalidad de los encuestados conoce el insumo; de estos, el 66.66% manifestó haber adaptado válvulas y ratifica su beneficio fisiológico. Solo un 33.33% indica que el proceso administrativo para ordenar el insumo fue sencillo. Ninguna de las variables predictoras fue significativa para explicar la adaptación de válvulas de habla (p>0.05). Este estudio plantea que los fonoaudiólogos conocen las válvulas de habla y sus beneficios. Adicionalmente, advierte que las variables estudiadas no tienen influencia significativa en la adaptación del dispositivo. Por último, ratifica que los procesos administrativos relacionados con órdenes médicas y autorizaciones pueden tener un rol desfavorable para lograr acceder a estos insumos

The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge that Colombian speech-language pathologist have about sepaking valves and to determine whether they use them as part of the management of tracheostomized clients, as well as the variables that may influence their use. To do this, a digital form was distributed to graduated speech therapists in Colombia. The questions were grouped into five sections from which several generalized linear models were adjusted to determine the influence of variables such as city, professional experience, postgraduate degrees, population, setting of care and the presence of tracheostomy teams in the adaptation of the valves. Open questions were analyzed based on thematic trends in the participants' responses. The questionnaire was answered by 27 speech- language pathologists from different latitudes with a variety at the postgraduate level. All of the respondents know the device; of these, 66.66% stated that they had adapted valves and confirmed their physiological benefit. Only 33.33% indicated that the administrative process to order the device was simple. None of the predictor variables was significant to explain the adaptation of speaking valves (p> 0.05). This study suggests that speech- language pathologists are aware of speaking valves and their benefits. Additionally, it warns that the variables studied have no significant influence on the adaptation of the device. Finally, it confirms that the administrative processes related to medical orders and authorizations may play an unfavorable role in gaining access to these supplies.

Speech , Tracheostomy , Language , Patients , Attention , Surveys and Questionnaires , Knowledge , Adaptation to Disasters , Equipment and Supplies
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(4): 1237-1246, Out.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1156848


PROBLEM: Virtual teams with faultlines face challenges due to their dispersion, diversity, and virtuality, which can diminish their performance. To resolve this issue, team emotional management (TEM) interventions foster teams’ collaboration capability, that is, the team’s ability to build and manage relationships based on trust, commitment, and communication. GOALS: This research aimed to analyse whether a TEM intervention can enhance team performance by improving the collaboration capability in virtual teams with faultlines. METHOD: Fifty-two four-member teams participated in an experiment with repeated measures (three measurement times). Teams were randomly assigned to either a TEM intervention or a control condition. MAIN RESULTS: The TEM intervention had a positive effect on trust and commitment, but not on communication. Moreover, trust and commitment fully mediated the effect of the TEM intervention on performance. MAIN IMPLICATIONS: Our findings showed the relevance of a TEM intervention in improving the collaboration capability and performance in virtual teams with faultlines. This study contributes to research on faultlines, affect management in virtual teams, and computer-mediated communication.

PROBLEMA: equipes virtuais com subgrupos enfrentam desafios devido à sua dispersão, diversidade e virtualidade, o que pode diminuir seu desempenho. Para resolver esse problema, as intervenções de gerenciamento emocional da equipe (team emotional management - TEM) estimulam a capacidade de colaboração das equipes, ou seja, a capacidade da equipe de construir e gerenciar relacionamentos com base na confiança, compromisso e comunicação. OBJETIVOS: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar se uma intervenção TEM pode melhorar o desempenho da equipe, melhorando a capacidade de colaboração em equipes virtuais com subgrupos. MÉTODO: 52 equipes de quatro membros participaram de um experimento com medidas repetidas (três tempos de medidas). As equipes foram aleatoriamente designadas para uma intervenção TEM ou uma condição de controle. PRINCIPAIS RESULTADOS: A intervenção TEM teve um efeito positivo na confiança e no compromisso, mas não na comunicação. Além disso, a confiança e o compromisso mediaram totalmente o efeito da intervenção TEM no desempenho. PRINCIPAIS IMPLICAÇÕES: Nossos resultados mostraram a relevância de uma intervenção TEM na melhoria da capacidade de colaboração e desempenho em equipes virtuais com subgrupos. Este estudo contribui com a pesquisa sobre subgrupos, gerenciamento de impacto em equipes virtuais e comunicação mediada por computador.

PROBLEMA: los equipos virtuales con subgrupos afrontan desafíos debido a su dispersión, diversidad y virtualidad, lo que puede disminuir su desempeño. Para resolver este problema, las intervenciones en gestión emocional en equipo (TEM) fomentan la capacidad de colaboración de los equipos, es decir, la capacidad del equipo para construir y gestionar relaciones basadas en la confianza, el compromiso y la comunicación. OBJETIVOS: esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar si una intervención TEM puede mejorar el desempeño del equipo al mejorar la capacidad de colaboración en equipos virtuales con subgrupos. MÉTODO: Cincuenta y dos equipos de cuatro miembros participaron en un experimento con medidas repetidas (tres tiempos de medida). Los equipos fueron asignados al azar a una intervención TEM o una condición de control. RESULTADOS PRINCIPALES: La intervención TEM tuvo un efecto positivo en la confianza y el compromiso, pero no en la comunicación. Además, la confianza y el compromiso mediaron completamente el efecto de la intervención TEM sobre el desempeño. IMPLICACIONES PRINCIPALES: Nuestros hallazgos mostraron la relevancia de una intervención TEM para mejorar la capacidad de colaboración y el desempeño en equipos virtuales con subgrupos. Este estudio contribuye a la investigación sobre subgrupos, gestión del afecto en equipos virtuales y comunicación mediada por ordenador.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(3): 321-327, Jul.-Sep. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131050


Resumen La tromboembolia pulmonar aguda representa una causa frecuente de morbimortalidad cardiovascular, sólo rebasada por los síndromes coronarios agudos y la enfermedad cerebrovascular. El inicio y la intervención de un equipo multidisciplinario de respuesta rápida en la tromboembolia pulmonar son imperantes para mejorar el pronóstico y reducir al mínimo las posibles secuelas en el subgrupo de pacientes más graves. En este artículo de revisión se describe y revisa de manera general el papel actual y potencial que tienen dichos equipos de respuesta rápida, con un enfoque particular en el perioperatorio.

Abstract Acute pulmonary embolism represents a frequent cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, only exceeded by acute coronary syndromes and cerebrovascular disease. The start-up and implementation of a designated pulmonary embolism response team is necessary to improve prognosis and minimize long-term sequelae in the subgroup of patients with significant pulmonary embolism. Herein, we describe and discuss an overview of the current and potential role of pulmonary embolism response teams, with a focus on the perioperative period.

Humans , Patient Care Team/organization & administration , Pulmonary Embolism/therapy , Perioperative Care/methods , Prognosis , Acute Disease , Hospital Rapid Response Team/organization & administration
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(1): 24-34, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131002


Abstract Background: Fast-track worldwide reperfusion programs improve outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction and stroke. Similar programs called Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) focus on submassive and massive pulmonary embolism (PE) excluding deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Methods: PREVENTION-team (Hospital Zambrano Hellion Venous Thromboembolism [VTE] Rapid Response). Primary objective: Fast-track stratification, diagnostics, and treatment (60-90 min) to improve proximal DVT and submassive and massive PE patients care. Secondary objectives: Increase diagnosis rate of low-risk PE and distal DVT; exploration of cause; long-term anticoagulation; identify high-risk profile for chronic complications; community-based support groups and patient education to extend the concept of the thrombosis-free hospital to thrombosis-free home. Structure and organization: The team includes cardiologists, vascular medicine, angiologist, echocardiographer, cardiovascular imaging, and interventional cardiologists. The team will be accessible 24 h a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and base on previous national experience. The cardiology fellow on call will be responsible for activation and evaluation. We will design several tools to accelerate these processes. Risk stratification and therapeutic approach will be based on clinical presentation, echocardiogram, and biomarkers findings. According to PERT stratification based on resources and medical specialties, Hospital Zambrano Hellion has level 1 PERT. PREVENTION-team links physicians with different expertise, provide fast, efficient, and time-saving treatment, potentially saving lives and reducing bleeding and chronic complications in VTE patients. Finally, establishing a network in our hospital and health system to improve VTE patients care. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first rapid response team focused on VTE in Mexico.

Resumen Antecedentes: Programas de reperfusión mejoraron la evolución en infarto con elevación del ST y accidente cerebrovascular embólico. Programas similares llamados PERT para TEP masiva o submasiva excluyen TVP. Métodos: Equipo PREVENTION (Hospital Zambrano Hellion Venous Thromboembolism Rapid Response). Objetivo primario: Estratificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento acelerado (60-90 minutos) para mejorar atención del TVP proximal y TEP masiva o submasiva. Objetivos secundarios: Incrementar diagnóstico de TEP de riesgo bajo y TVP distal; explorar causa; anticoagulación a largo plazo; perfil de riesgo alto para complicaciones crónicas; grupos de soporte en la comunidad y educación para pacientes, y extender el concepto de hospital libre de trombosis a hogar libre de trombosis. Estructura y organización: Incluye cardiólogos, medicina vascular, angiólogo, ecocardiografistas, imagen cardiovascular. Basado en experiencia nacional, el equipo estará accesible 24 horas del día, siete días de la semana, 365 días del año. El residente de cardiología realizará la activación y estratificación. Diseñamos herramientas para acelerar el proceso. La estratificación de riesgo y el abordaje terapéutico se basará en presentación clínica, hallazgos ecocardiograficos y biomarcadores. El Hospital Zambrano Hellion tiene nivel PERT 1 de acuerdo a la estratificación PERT basada en recursos y especialidades. Equipo-PREVENTION en TEV vincula médicos con diferentes capacidades, ofrece rápido y eficiente tratamiento para preservar vidas y reducir complicaciones hemorrágicas y crónicas. En nuestro hospital y sistema de salud establecer una sólida red de trabajo para mejorar la atención. Hasta nuestro conocimiento, en México este podría ser el primer equipo de respuesta rápida enfocado en TEV.

Humans , Pulmonary Embolism/prevention & control , Venous Thrombosis/prevention & control , Venous Thromboembolism/prevention & control , Hospital Rapid Response Team/organization & administration , Pulmonary Embolism/diagnosis , Time Factors , Risk Factors , Venous Thromboembolism/diagnosis , Patient Care/methods , Mexico
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 25, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094415


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the obstacles and challenges faced by managers and coordination professionals in their practices in municipal coordinating centers. METHODS An exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative focus, applied in 40 managers and coordination professionals, from September 2017 to November 2018, with semi-structured interviews, resulting in two categories of analysis: limiting factors and factors that facilitate the management and operationalization of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) coordinating sector. RESULTS Analyzing the statements, we found evidence of the following limiting factors: failure in the criteria of referral, unavailability of beds, high demand, systemic difficulties in relation to the coordinating system, procedures of difficult scheduling and execution, increased repressed demand for elective procedures and difficulties in the flow of information between primary care and coordination. In the category of facilitating factors, the most significant possibilities were: expansion of the capability to know the user's reality, improvement in primary care and increase in health financial resources, health training and education and restructuring, in addition to reorganizing internal coordinating procedures. CONCLUSION The limiting factors of coordination show the need to promote actions that offer all SUS users full access to health services.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar os entraves e desafios enfrentados pelos gestores e profissionais de regulação em suas práticas nas centrais reguladoras municipais. MÉTODOS Estudo descritivo exploratório com enfoque qualitativo, aplicado em quarenta gestores e profissionais de regulação, no período de setembro de 2017 e novembro de 2018, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, resultando em duas categorias de análise: fatores limitantes e fatores facilitadores da gestão e operacionalização do setor de regulação do SUS. RESULTADOS Na análise dos enunciados, foram encontradas evidências dos seguintes fatores limitantes: falha nos critérios de encaminhamento, indisponibilidade de leitos, grande demanda, dificuldades sistêmicas em relação ao sistema de regulação, procedimentos de difícil agendamento e execução, aumento da demanda reprimida de procedimentos eletivos e dificuldades no fluxo de informações entre a atenção primária e a regulação. Na categoria de fatores facilitadores, as possibilidades mais significativas foram: ampliação da capacidade de conhecer a realidade do usuário, melhoria na atenção primária e incrementos de recursos financeiros para a saúde, capacitação e formação em saúde e reestruturação, além de reorganização dos procedimentos internos de regulação. CONCLUSÃO Os fatores limitantes da regulação demonstram a necessidade de fomentar ações que ofereçam a todos os usuários do SUS o acesso pleno aos serviços de saúde.

Humans , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Health Personnel , Case Managers , Health Services Accessibility/organization & administration , National Health Programs/organization & administration , Brazil , Attitude of Health Personnel , Qualitative Research , Health Services Needs and Demand
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(6): 1428-1434, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1042185


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the performance of the modified early warning score (Mews) in a nursing ward for patients in clinical deterioration. Method: This is an analytical, quantitative and predictive study. Mews' parameters (systolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and level of consciousness) were evaluated every six hours. The following events were reported: death, cardiopulmonary arrest and transfer to intensive care. The evaluations were performed in a hospital of reference in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Results: A total of 300 patients were included (57 ± 18 years old, males: 65%). There number of combined events was observed to be greater the higher the score's value (00%; 00%; 01; 09%; 19%; 28%; 89%, respectively, for Mews 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 and 6; p < 0.0001). Mews ≥ 4 was the most appropriate cut-off point for prediction of these events (sensitivity: 87%, specificity: 85% and accuracy: 0.86). Conclusion: Mews properly measured the occurrence of severe events in hospitalized patients of a Brazilian public hospital's nursing ward. Mews ≥ 4 seems to be the most appropriate cut-off point for prediction of these events.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño de la puntuación de alerta temprana modificada (Mews) en una enfermería de pacientes con deterioro clínico. Método: Se trata de un estudio analítico, cuantitativo y predictivo. Los parámetros Mews (presión arterial sistólica, frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, temperatura y nivel de conciencia) se evaluaron cada 6 horas. Se registraron los siguientes eventos: muerte, parada cardiorrespiratoria y transferencia para la terapia intensiva. Las evaluaciones se realizaron en un hospital de referencia del interior del estado de São Paulo. Resultados: Participaron 300 pacientes (57 ± 18 años; sexo masculino: 65%). Se observó un número creciente de eventos asociados según el mayor valor de la puntuación (00%; 00%; 01%; 09%; 19%; 28%; 89%, respectivamente, para los Mews 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 y 6; p <0,0001). Los Mews ≥ 4 fueron el punto de corte más adecuado para la predicción de estos eventos (sensibilidad: 87%; especificidad: 85%; y exactitud: 0,86). Conclusión: Los Mews permitieron estimar adecuadamente la ocurrencia de eventos graves en pacientes hospitalizados en la enfermería de un hospital público brasileño. Los Mews ≥ 4 parece ser el punto de corte más adecuado para predecirlos.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho do escore de alerta precoce modificado (Mews) em uma enfermaria de pacientes em deterioração clínica. Método: Trata-se de um estudo analítico, quantitativo e preditivo. Os parâmetros do Mews (pressão arterial sistólica, frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura e nível de consciência) foram avaliados de 6 em 6 horas. Os seguintes eventos foram registrados: óbito, parada cardiorrespiratória e transferência para terapia intensiva. As avaliações foram realizadas em um hospital de referência do interior do estado de São Paulo. Resultados: Foram incluídos 300 pacientes (57 ± 18 anos, sexo masculino: 65%). Observou-se número crescente de eventos combinados de acordo com o maior valor do escore (00%; 00%; 01%; 09%; 19%; 28%; 89%, respectivamente, para os Mews 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 e 6; p < 0,0001). Mews ≥ 4 foi o ponto de corte mais adequado para predição destes eventos (sensibilidade: 87%, especificidade: 85% e acurácia: 0,86). Conclusão: Mews mensura adequadamente a ocorrência de eventos graves em pacientes hospitalizados em enfermaria de um hospital público brasileiro. Mews ≥ 4 parece ser o ponto de corte mais adequado para predição destes eventos.

Humans , Male , Female , Hospital Rapid Response Team/organization & administration , Clinical Deterioration , Early Warning Score , Time Factors , Blood Pressure , Body Temperature , Brazil , Patient Transfer , Sensitivity and Specificity , Consciousness , Death , Emergency Service, Hospital , Respiratory Rate , Heart Arrest/diagnosis , Heart Rate , Hospitals, Public , Intensive Care Units , Middle Aged