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Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 153-165, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-897532


ResumenPoblaciones endémicas de Hechtiaperotensis se han descrito en Puebla y Veracruz, México. La recolección de semillas de buena calidad permite su uso en conservación, investigación y restauración ecológica. Algunos compuestos para evaluar la calidad de las semillas silvestres y endémicas, como nitrato de potasio (KNO3) y ácido giberílico (AG3), se utilizan para incrementar la germinación de las semillas y disminuir la latencia. La prueba de cloruro de trifeniltetrazolio (tetrazolio) se correlaciona con la viabilidad de las semillas porque se basa en la actividad de las deshidrogenasas de tejidos vivos que catalizan la respiración mitocondrial. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el tamaño y el peso de las cápsulas y las semillas y la germinación y viabilidad de las semillas de H. perotensis recolectadas en Veracruz en 2012 y 2015. Las hipótesis fueron (1) que la germinación y la viabilidad de las semillas son independientes del año de recolecta, (2) que hay una concentración adecuada de tetrazolio para identificar la viabilidad de las semillas y (3) que el pretratamiento con KNO3 o AG3 incrementa la germinación de las semillas. La germinación se evaluó con un diseño completamente al azar con tres tratamientos (testigo y promotores de la germinación KNO3 0.2 % y AG3 500 mg/L), cuatro tratamientos para la prueba de viabilidad (testigo, 0.2, 0.5 y 1.0 % de tetrazolio) y seis repeticiones de cada tratamiento. La germinación se evaluó en 100 semillas y la viabilidad en 25. Los resultados entre y dentro de años se analizaron con ANDEVA y prueba de comparación múltiple de medias de Tukey. La proporción de semillas no germinadas se cuantificó junto con el número de plántulas normales y anormales, semillas con embrión viable o sin él, y con viabilidad baja o sin viabilidad. En promedio la muestra recolectada en 2012 tuvo 36 % de semillas con embrión viable, 7 con viabilidad baja, 24 % no viables y 33 % sin embrión. Este resultado fue significativamente diferente al de 2015, que presentó 87 % de embriones viables, 10 % con viabilidad baja, 0 % no viables y 3 % sin embrión. La germinación también fue significativamente diferente entre los años (22 y 92 %). Los tratamientos pregerminativos no modificaron la germinación. La germinación y la viabilidad de las semillas de H. perotensis varían significativamente entre los años de recolecta.

Abstract:Endemic populations of Hechtiaperotensis have been described in Puebla and Veracruz, Mexico. Good quality seed collections can be used in conservation, research and ecological restoration. To evaluate seed quality of wild and endemic species, some compounds are used as effective promoters of germination, such as potassium nitrate (KNO3) and gibberellic acid (AG3), because they increase seed germination capacity and reduce latency. The triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (tetrazolium) test correlates seed viability because it is based on the activity of dehydrogenases in live tissues that catalyze mitochondrial respiration. The objective of this study was to obtain information on size and weight of capsules and seeds and seed germination and viability of H.perotensis, collected in Veracruz in the year 2012 and 2015. The hypotheses were 1) that seed germination and viability are independent of the year of collection, 2) that there is a tetrazolium concentration that can identify seed viability better than others, and 3) that pretreatment with KNO3 or AG3 improves seed germination. Seed germination was assessed using a completely randomized design with three treatments (control and the germination promoters 0.2 % KNO3 and 500 mg/L AG3), four treatments for the viability test (control, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 % of tetrazolium) and six replicates for each treatment. A total of one hundred seeds for germination experiments, and 25 seeds for the viability test were used. The results between and within years were analyzed with ANOVA and multiple comparison with the Tukey test. The proportion of non-germinated seeds was quantified along with the number of normal and abnormal seedlings, seeds with viable embryo, seeds without embryo, and seeds with low or no viability. On average, for the 2012 collected sample, 36 % had viable embryos, 7 % had low viability, 24 % were not viable and 33 % had no embryo. This result was significantly different from the 2015 sample, for which 87 % of seed showed viable embryos, 10 % had low viability, 0 % was not viable and 3 % had no embryo. Seed germination was also significantly different between years (22 and 92 %) Pregerminative treatments did not improve germination. Seed germination and viability of H. perotensis significantly varied between years of seed collection. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 153-165. Epub 2017 March 01.

Seeds/physiology , Germination/physiology , Bromeliaceae/physiology , Reference Values , Temperature , Time Factors , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Potassium Compounds/pharmacology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Biomass , Bromeliaceae/drug effects , Mexico , Nitrates/pharmacology
Ciênc. rural ; 44(4): 660-665, Apr. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-705307


The aim of this research was to characterize and compare two types of calli from leaf explants of Coffea arabica (cultivar Catiguá). Cells of different types of callus were successfully characterized regarding viability and internal and external morphological characteristics. It was obtained two morphologically distinct types of callus: (i) yellow friable and (ii) transparent watery. The yellow friable calli showed higher cell viability and embryogenic characteristics. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed embryogenic characteristics in cells of the yellow friable calli evidenced by the presence of small and isodiametric cells, while transparent watery calli showed elongated cells and large cytoplasm vacuolization.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e comparar dois tipos de calos de explantes foliares de Coffea arabica (cultivar Catiguá). Células de diferentes tipos de calos foram caracterizadas quanto a viabilidade e características morfológicas externas e internas. Foram obtidos dois tipos de calos morfologicamente distintos: (a) amarelo friável e (b) transparente aquoso. Os calos amarelos friáveis apresentaram maior viabilidade celular e características embriogênicas. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão mostraram características embriogênicas em calos amarelos friáveis evidenciadas pela presença de células pequenas e isodiamétricas. Os calos transparentes aquosos apresentaram células alongadas e vacuolizadas.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(8): 1360-1365, ago. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647783


Os testes de vigor são rotineiramente empregados em programas internos de controle de qualidade por empresas sementeiras. Para tanto, é necessária a escolha de métodos eficientes que possibilitem a obtenção de respostas rápidas para a tomada de decisões relacionadas ao manuseio, descarte e comercialização dos lotes de sementes. A pesquisa objetivou verificar a redução do período de execução do teste de envelhecimento acelerado (EA) em sementes de milho, empregando-se, para a avaliação do desempenho das sementes após o envelhecimento, o teste de tetrazólio - TZ (viabilidade e vigor) em substituição ao de germinação (TG) em 10 lotes de sementes de sete genótipos de milho, com e sem tratamento fungicida. Os dados obtidos com a metodologia proposta (EA+TZ) foram comparados com os valores determinados pelo teste de envelhecimento acelerado realizado com a metodologia tradicional (EA+TG). O uso do teste de tetrazólio (vigor), associado ao teste de envelhecimento acelerado, possibilitou a obtenção de informações semelhantes às fornecidas pelo teste de germinação empregado para o mesmo fim, reduzindo de oito para três dias o tempo necessário para a obtenção dos resultados em sementes de milho.

Some vigor tests are routinely used by seed industry for internal programs of seed quality control. Then, it is requested the use of efficient methods to obtain quick answers to take right decisions related to the management, discard and trade of seed lots. This research was carried out in order to study the possibility to short the period to get the accelerated aging test (AA) results, using the tetrazolium test (TZ) instead of germination test (GT) to evaluate the seed performance after the seed aging. Tem corn seed lots were used, with and without fungicide treatment. The data obtained using the alternative method (AA+TZ) were compared with those determined by the traditional one (AA+GT). There was discrimination among seed lots using the traditional AA test and aging combined with TZ test. The corn seed vigor can be evaluate using the TZ test after seed aging instead of germination test. It allows similar results with the advantage of reducing the test period from eight to three days.