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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997883


@#Introduction: The gingival phenotype (GP) of teeth at the aesthetic zone often influences dental rehabilitation plans and treatment outcomes. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of GP in the Malay population in relation to gender and age. Methods: The GP of 100 patients were determined using the Probe test method. Other clinical parameters were assessed include crown width/crown length (CW/CL) ratio, tooth morphology and width of keratinised tissue. Periodontal parameters were assessed by two calibrated examiners. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: A higher prevalence of thick GP was found at the maxilla for both genders, whereas a thin phenotype was observed at the mandible. At maxilla, both thick and thin GP were found in all age groups, while the mandible showed a higher prevalence of thin GP. Significant differences in GP were found between males and females for mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth and the mandibular lateral incisor (p<0.05), while no significant difference was found for other parameters assessed; age group, CW/CL, tooth morphology and WKT. Conclusion: Thicker GP is more prevalent in male population and at maxillary anterior. Mandibular anterior GP presented commonly with a thin GP regardless of gender or age-group.

Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 223-231, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780498


Teeth proportions relate to beauty and harmony but aesthetic dental ideal proportion models show inconsistent results. Golden Proportion´s, Preston's, Fayyad's, Snow's, and Ward's models where characterized for best fit in a Colombian mestizo population anterior teeth. Models of teeth´s beauty proportions (Golden Proportion´s, Preston's, Fayyad's, Snow's, and Ward') are analyzed for best fit in a mestizo (mixed race) Colombian population and variables as sex, aesthetic balance or history of previous orthodontic treatments were also analyzed for their probable impact on the distribution of the dental proportions. It was used standardized photographs of anterior teeth on 351 individuals of both sexes with complete erupted and healthy teeth. The measurements were done by calibrated computer software (error of 0.05 mm). A Chi squared test was used to check whether sex, aesthetic balance and previous orthodontic treatment had an impact on the distribution of the dental proportions. Also a nonparametric Wilcoxon test was used to analysis the null hypothesis. A cluster analysis using k means was carried out to search for subgroups, which better explain the distribution of anterior dental proportions in the sample. For the considered results the null hypothesis of the mean equaling to the Golden Proportion was rejected (Wilcoxon test p value <0.001). For the whole population, the Chi squared test did not reject the null hypothesis of equal proportions among the groups with respect to the sex (p value= 0.56), aesthetic balance (p value= 0.98) and history of previous orthodontic treatments (p value= 0.67) variables. For the aesthetically balanced individuals, the Chi squared test also failed to reject the null hypothesis of equal proportions among the groups with respect to the sex (p value= 0.63) and history of previous orthodontic treatments (p value= 0.93) variables. Two Gaussian distributions were found for RED models fitting well in 58 % for RED 70 % (0.7 SD 0.03) and 42 % for RED 75 (0.75 SD 0.025). From the cluster analysis using k means, two groups were identified in the whole sample. No universal model can describe the whole population but is possible to find a set of models for the different population subgroups. Aesthetically ideals are open to interpretation. Clinical aesthetically standards for ideal teeth proportions are open to interpretation in a mestizo (mixed raced) population.

Las proporciones de los dientes se refieren a su belleza y armonía, pero los modelos de proporciones dentales estéticas ideales muestran resultados inconsistentes. La proporción Aurea y los modelos de Preston, Fayyad, Snow, y Ward fueron ajustados para caracterizar los dientes de una población colombiana mestiza. Modelos de proporciones de belleza de dientes (Proporción Aurea, Modelos de Preston, Fayyad, Snow y Ward) se analizaron para lograr alcanzar el mejor ajuste en una población colombiana mestiza (mezcla de razas), y también se analizaron las variables de sexo, equilibrio estético e historia de tratamientos de ortodoncia previos para evaluar su probable impacto sobre la distribución de las proporciones dentales consideradas. Fueron utilizadas fotografías estandarizadas de dientes anteriores de 351 individuos de ambos sexos con dientes completamente erupcionados y sanos. Las mediciones fueron realizadas con programas informáticos calibrados (error de 0,05 mm). Se utilizó la prueba Chi Cuadrado para comprobar si el sexo, el equilibrio estético y el tratamiento ortodóncico previo tuvieron un impacto en la distribución de las proporciones dentales. También se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon para el análisis de la hipótesis nula. Un análisis de conglomerados, utilizando la media k, se llevó a cabo para buscar subgrupos, que explicaron mejor la distribución de proporciones dentales anteriores en la muestra. Para que los resultados fueran considerados, la hipótesis nula de la media que equivale a la proporción áurea fue rechazada (Prueba de Wilcoxon, valor p <0,001). Para toda la población, la prueba de Chi Cuadrado no rechazó la hipótesis nula de proporciones iguales entre los grupos con respecto al sexo (valor de p= 0,56), equilibrio estético (valor de p= 0,98) y la historia de tratamientos de ortodoncia previos ( valor de p= 0,67). Para los individuos estéticamente balanceados, la prueba de Chi Cuadrado tampocó rechazó la hipótesis nula de proporciones iguales entre los grupos con respecto a las variables de sexo (valor p= 0,63) y la historia de los tratamientos de ortodoncia anteriores (valor p= 0,93). Se encontraron dos distribuciones gaussianas para los modelos RED que encajaron bien en el 58% para RED 70 % (0,7 DE 0,03) y el 42 % para RED 75 (0,75 DE 0,025). Con respecto al análisis de los conglomerados a través de las medias k, se identificaron dos grupos en toda la muestra. No hay un modelo universal que pueda describir toda la población, pero es posible encontrar un conjunto de modelos para los diferentes subgrupos de población. Los ideales estéticamente están abiertos a interpretación. Las normas clínicas de estética para dientes con proporciones ideales están abiertos a interpretación en una población mestiza.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Ethnicity , Tooth/anatomy & histology , Colombia
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486032


The left lateral incisor with occlusal soreness of a 30-year old female was examined and treated.Radiographic examination re-vealed periradicular radiolucency around the apical and 3 canals.The 3 root canals were treated by root canal therapy,the tooth was restored by all-ceramic crown for the prevention of fracture.12 month follow-up showed that the treatment was effective.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 12(1): 68-78, Jan.-Mar. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-782787


Introduction:The development of tooth is a complex process wherein there is series of interactions between the ectoderm and ectomesenchyme. The role of genes in determining the shape and form of a specific tooth has already been defined, the alterations in which can lead to a variety of anomalies in regards to number, size, form, shape, structure, etc. Objective: To review the literature on the developmental anomalies of teeth. Literature review: The developmental anomalies affecting the morphology exists in both deciduous & permanent dentition and shows various forms such as gemination, fusion, concrescence, dilacerations, dens evaginatus, dens invaginatus, enamel pearls, taurodontism or peg laterals. These anomalies have clinical significance concerning esthetics, malocclusion and more importantly predisposing the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Conclusion: Knowledge of various diagnostic criteria for identification of these developmental anomalies is significant for early diagnosis and pertinent treatment.