Introduction: Mediastinum is a “Pandora’s box” with many neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions. Clinico-radiological pattern of mediastinal diseases depends on the size, location and etiology. Hence, non-invasive approach to these cases sometimes leads to diagnostic dilemma. Aims: A prospective study was performed over a 1-year period with the objective of evaluation of diagnostic yields and risk of trans thoracic ultra sound (TTUS) and computed tomography (CT) guided fine‑needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and Tru-cut biopsy along with comparison of cost-effectiveness among mediastinal diseases where clinical and non-invasive imaging could not conclude the diagnosis. Materials and Methods: A prospective study of mediastinal diseases of the adult population without having any diagnosis admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India was performed after clearance of the ethical committee of the institute. Fifty cases of mediastinal diseases were seen during the study period. One patient sometimes had undergone more than one procedure. The choice of a procedure depended upon the location of the lesion, nature of disease and complication and cost effectiveness ofthe procedures. During the calculation of diagnostic yield of procedure, conclusive results and concordant results to more invasive procedures were considered. Results: Among 50 patients diagnostic yield of TTUS guided FNA and Tru-cut biopsy were 60% and 63.6% respectively. Diagnostic yield of Thoracic CT guided FNA and Tru-cut biopsy were 85% and 92.3% respectively. As a whole TTUS guided invasive procedure and Thoracic CT guided invasive procedure had a diagnostic yield of 61.5% and 87.9% respectively. Complication is less in CT guided invasive procedures (9.1%) compared to Transthoracic USG guided invasive procedures (11.5%) and complication is more common in Tru-Cut biopsy (16.7%) than fine needle aspiration (5.7%). Conclusion: Tru-cut biopsy if applicable is much superior to FNAC for a definite diagnosis of the mediastinal diseases. TTUS guided invasive procedures are very much cost-effective and have added advantage of real time guidance and is comparable with CT guided invasive procedures in respect to risk and diagnostic yields.
El pseudoaneurisma cardíaco es una entidad poco frecuente, que se produce cuando existe una rotura incompleta de la pared del corazón y el pericardio sella dicha rotura. Se desarrolla una neocavidad comunicada con la cavidad ventricular por un orificio estrecho. El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar un caso de pseudoaneurisma ventricular izquierdo, entidad muy poco frecuente. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 69 años, con antecedentes de infarto del miocardio tres años previos al ingreso, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por dolor torácico y disnea. Se le realiza radiografía de tórax, vista póstero-anterior, donde se observa imagen radiopaca con tendencia nodular que borra el contorno cardiaco izquierdo, se complementa con ecografía transtorácica y tomografía helicoidal computarizada, se visualiza una imagen sacular por adición en la pared lateral del ventrículo izquierdo, con trombo mural en su interior, que comunicaba con este a través de cuello estrecho. Se llegó a la conclusión de que se trataba de un pseudoaneurisma ventricular izquierdo. Esta es una entidad que presenta una alta mortalidad, por lo que es necesario realizar un diagnóstico oportuno, a fin de tomar la conducta adecuada para prevenir las complicaciones(AU)
The cardiac pseudoaneurysm is a rare entity, which occurs when there is an incomplete rupture of the heart wall and the pericardium seals the rupture. A neocavity develops communicating with the ventricular cavity through a narrow orifice. The objective of this study is to report a rare case of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. We present a 69-year-old male patient with a history of myocardial infarction three years prior to admission. The patient goes to the emergency room for chest pain and dyspnea. He underwent chest X-rays for rear-anterior view showing a radiopaque image with nodular tendency that erases the left cardiac line. Transthoracic ultrasound and computerized helical tomography are used to complement the examination. A saccular image is shown by adding to the lateral wall of the left ventricle with wall thrombus inside, a communicating narrow neck. It was concluded that it was a left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. This is an entity that presents high mortality, so it is necessary to make timely diagnosis, in order to take the appropriate medical behavior for preventing complications(AU)