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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550535


Introducción: Paraguay asumió el reto de lograr cobertura universal mediante redes basadas en Atención Primaria de la Salud con Unidades de Salud de la Familia (USF) en el primer nivel de atención. Un desafío es la atención integral ante enfermedades no transmisibles, principal causa de mortalidad en el país. Objetivo: analizar la capacidad de las USF para la atención de personas con hipertensión arterial y diabetes en el sistema nacional de salud. El diseño fue no experimental, cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo con componente analítico. Metodología: Incluyó a 761 USF de 12 regiones sanitarias agrupados en 4 ejes territoriales. Se adaptó el método de evaluación SARA de la OMS con 75 variables, aplicando un cuestionario a profesionales de salud entre noviembre y diciembre de 2022. Se calculó índices de disponibilidad y preparación así como un índice que los integra. La medida continua de estos índices se categorizó en 3 grupos: suficiente >0,75 a 1; intermedio 0,5 a 0,75 y bajo <0,5. Resultados: Solo en el 38 % de las USF el índice de disponibilidad fue suficiente, en el 31,5 % para el índice de preparación y en el 31,1 % para el índice integrador SARA DM/HTA. El desempeño se asoció de forma significativa con el eje territorial no así con el área ni con la cobertura a población indígena Discusión: las USF presentaron limitaciones para la atención de personas con diabetes e hipertensión en estas regiones del país.

Introduction: Paraguay assumed the challenge of achieving universal coverage through networks based on Primary Health Care with Family Health Units (USF) at the first level of care. One challenge is comprehensive care for non-communicable diseases, the main cause of mortality in the country. Objective: to analyze the capacity of the USF to care for people with high blood pressure and diabetes in the national health system. The design was non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive with an analytical component. Methods: It included 761 USF from 12 health regions grouped into 4 territorial axes. The WHO SARA evaluation method was adapted with 75 variables, applying a questionnaire to health professionals between November and December 2022. Availability and preparation indices were calculated as well as an index that integrates them. The continuous measurement of these indices was categorized into 3 groups: sufficient >0.75 to 1; intermediate 0.5 to 0.75 and low <0.5. Results: Only in 38.0% of the USF the availability index was sufficient, in 31.5% for the readiness index and in 31.1% for the SARA DM/HTA integrating index. The performance was significantly associated with the territorial axis, but not with the area or with the coverage of the indigenous population. Discussion: the USF presented limitations for the care of people with diabetes and hypertension in these regions of the country.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15(1,n.esp): 1-6, jan. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1531595


Trata de nota técnica sobre Práticas Avançadas de Enfermagem (PAE) no Brasil, elaborada por comissão e submetida à aprovação do plenário do Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (Cofen). O documento aborda conceitos, ações, implementação e regulação das práticas avançadas de Enfermagem, expandindo os limites do escopo da atuação do enfermeiro e reforçando a sua prática clínica. (AU)

This is a technical note on Advanced Nursing Practices (ANP) in Brazil, prepared by a committee and submitted for approval by the plenary of the Federal Nursing Council (Cofen). The document addresses concepts, actions, implementation and regulation of advanced nursing practices, expanding the limits of the scope of nurses' work and reinforcing their clinical practice. (AU)

Esta es una nota técnica sobre las Prácticas Avanzadas de Enfermería (PAE) en Brasil, elaborada por un comité y sometida a la aprobación del plenario del Consejo Federal de Enfermería (Cofen). El documento aborda los conceptos, acciones, implementación y reglamentación de las prácticas avanzadas de enfermería, ampliando los límites del ámbito de actuación de las enfermeras y reforzando su práctica clínica. (AU)

Nursing , Global Health Strategies , Health Care Coordination and Monitoring , Advanced Practice Nursing , Practice Patterns, Nurses' , Strategies for Universal Health Coverage
Acta méd. peru ; 40(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519941


Objetivo : Determinar el impacto del aseguramiento en salud en la economía de los hogares peruanos en el periodo 2010-2019. Materiales y Métodos : Estudio analítico transversal, que utilizó la base de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de los años 2010, 2014 y 2019 para analizar el impacto del aseguramiento en salud en términos de gasto de bolsillo en salud, gasto catastrófico y empobrecimiento de los hogares peruanos, así como determinar qué otros factores se encuentran asociados. Resultados : Durante el periodo de estudio se observó que los hogares peruanos presentaron una disminución del gasto de bolsillo en salud promedio mensual (S/.119,9 en 2010 a S/.107,9 en 2019), así como del porcentaje de hogares con gasto catastrófico en salud (4,06 % en 2010 a 3,47 % en 2019) y del porcentaje de hogares que empobrecen por gastos de bolsillo en salud (1,78 % en 2010 a 1,51 % en 2019). Los factores asociados al gasto catastrófico en salud y al empobrecimiento fueron el menor nivel de escolaridad del jefe del hogar, la presencia de miembros con enfermedad crónica y el área de residencia rural. La ausencia de aseguramiento en salud se asoció significativamente a un mayor riesgo de gasto de bolsillo en salud catastrófico, mas no al empobrecimiento. Conclusiones : El aumento de la cobertura de aseguramiento en salud contribuye a la protección financiera de los hogares peruanos frente al gasto de bolsillo en salud; sin embargo, las barreras para el acceso efectivo a los servicios de salud y otros factores socioeconómicos pueden limitar significativamente su impacto.

Objective : To determine the impact of health insurance in the economy of Peruvian households during the 2010-2019 period. Material and Methods : This is a cross-sectional analytical study that used the database of the National Peruvian Household Surveys from years 2010, 2014, and 2019, aiming to analyze the impact of health insurance in terms of pocket money spending for health issues, catastrophic healthcare spending, and impoverishment in Peruvian households, and also to determine the presence of other associated factors. Results : During the study period, it was observed that Peruvian households reduced their monthly average pocket money spending for health issues (119.9 PEN in 2010 and 107.9 PEN in 2029), as well as the percentage of household with catastrophic healthcare expenses (4.06% in 2010 to 3.47% in 2019), and the percentage of households who became impoverished because of pocket money expenses for health issues (1.78% in 2020 to 1.51% in 2019). Factors associated to catastrophic healthcare expenses and to impoverishment were lower educational level for the household leader, the presence of family members with chronic diseases, and living in a rural area. The absence of health insurance was significantly associated to a greater risk for catastrophic healthcare expenses, but not to impoverishment. Conclusions : Increased healthcare insurance coverage contributes to financial protection of Peruvian households against pocket money spending for health issues; however, barriers for effective access to healthcare services, and other socioeconomical factors may significantly limit this impact.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005173


Background@#Primary health care (PHC) is a central feature of the UHC. Across Asia, health system planners seeking to strengthen PHC systems may be hindered by several factors, including lack of knowledge of what works in the setting. Pressures placed on health care systems of Asian nations caused by epidemiological changes, including COVID-19 pandemic, and other health issues, are amplified by the demands of population seeking for high-quality care.@*Objective@#To determine the implementation of primary health care across the Asian region @*Methods@#This review utilized 9 online databases, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review Guidelines. Inclusion criteria were studies evaluating the policy implementation of PHC in Asia, published from 2002-2022, accessible online in full-text, English or translation, published in peer-reviewed journals. Three reviewers independently evaluated the abstracts, extracted the data, and assessed the quality of the included studies based on the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Descriptive synthesis was undertaken to summarize and report the study findings. @*Results@#Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria out of 815 search results. Four indicators were included: governance, financing, health workforce, and medicines and other health products showed both positive and negative results. However, recurring challenges are still prevalent in the implementation of PHC, especially in health service delivery. Enabling factors for effective implementation of PHC were community behavioral change, committed political will, increased health coverage and free access, health workforce performance and evaluation among others. Barriers included were economic shocks, corruption, preventive health inequalities and inequities, resource misallocation, and health insurance status among others. @*Conclusion@#Much has already been done in PHC implementation within Asia. However, greater efforts are still needed to implement PHC efficiently in the areas of governance, financing, health workforce, and medicines and other health products. Enablers should be modeled, while barriers should be overcome.

Primary Health Care
Pan Afr. med. j ; 462023. figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1524053


The role of civil society in economic development, improving livelihoods and in providing pathways towards achieving health for all has become increasingly evident. By mapping these organizations, the scope and scale as well as existing capacities, gaps, and opportunities are brought to light. This paper describes the implementation of a digital mapping platform for NGOs; an interactive site which collects, analyses, and visualizes data from a variety of sources about NGOs in Tanzania, through a series of interactive maps, graphs, and charts. We describe the approach and the technology used to develop the platform and its potential contribution towards improving health outcomes. A situation analysis and needs assessment exercise was conducted in February 2023. The developed system requirement specification document served as the guiding document in the design and development of new modules. Participatory techniques and agile iterative methodologies comprising regular stakeholder engagement were employed. A distributed revision control system was used to keep track of system revisions. The modules were deployed to the production server at the National Internet Data Center (NIDC) server room, followed by a system commissioning activity in October 2023. The NGO Information System, NGO Digital Mapping tool, NGO Analytic tool, NGO Search tool and NGO Opportunities module were designed, developed, and commissioned to support NGO operations in Tanzania. The platform was launched during the annual NGO Forum in Dodoma, Tanzania, on October 5, 2023. The modules are publicly accessible and are housed within the NGO Information System (NIS) platform. Investment in whole-of-society engagement to build health systems resilience for universal health coverage is crucial. Leveraging the unique positioning of NGOs draws us a step closer to the ambitious goal of achieving health for all. Through this one-stop web application system, information on the near real-time status, existing gaps, and opportunities for collaboration to serve communities is readily available for all stakeholders. Wide dissemination and enhancement of utilization of the platform across all sectors is now needed, for data to truly inform action.

Humans , Male , Female , Civil Society Organizations , Organizations
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1561304


Cet article s'intéresse aux rôlesdes perceptionssocio-économiquesdansl'adhésion et lerecours à la Couverture Maladie Universelle(CMU)à Ziguinchor. En effet, la CMU est un programmenationald'assurance santé lancé en 2013 par le gouvernement du Sénégal. Ce programme s'appuie sur les mutuelles communautaires de santé pour s'étendre et se développer. La CMU offre aux populations exclues du système de protection sociale un accès financier aux soins et structures de santé par le moyen d'une assurance santé subventionnéepar l'Etat.S'appuyant sur une enquête par questionnaire auprès de 150 chefs de ménage, l'étude montre que les facteurs socio démographiques n'ont pas d'effet sur l'adhésion à la Couverture maladie Universelle à Ziguinchor. Au contraire, cette recherche montre d'une part qu'il y a un lien entre l'existence de besoins de soins dans le ménage et l'adhésion et d'autre part, lesdimensions socio-économiquessont très importantes pour l'adhésion et le recours aux services de la Couverture Maladie Universelle.

This article focuses on the roles of socio-economic perceptions in adherence to and use of Universal Health Coverage(UHC)in Ziguinchor. Indeed, the UHCis a national health insurance program launched in 2013 by the government of Senegal. This program relies on community health mutuals to expand and develop. It offers populations excluded from the social protection system financial access to health care and structures through subsidized health insurance.Based on a questionnaire survey of 150 heads of household, the study shows that socio-demographic factors have no effect on adherence to Universal Health Coverage in Ziguinchor. On the contrary, this research shows on the one hand that there is a link between the existence of care needs in the household and adherence and on the other hand, the socio-economic dimensions are very important for adherence. and the use of UniversalHealth Coverage services.

Humans , Male , Female , Surveys and Questionnaires , Universal Health Coverage , Community-Based Health Insurance , Insurance, Health , Senegal , Patient Compliance
Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 21: e00916202, 2023. tab, graf, mapas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424708


Resumo Estima-se um déficit de seis milhões de enfermeiros em todo o mundo. Apesar da importância para os sistemas de saúde, estudos sociodemográficos são escassos devido à ausência de dados sistematizados específicos para enfermeiros. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a cobertura populacional de enfermeiros no Brasil com base em fontes oriundas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), nos anos de 2010 e 2015, e do Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (Cofen), nos anos de 2013 e 2019. Em ambas as fontes, houve um aumento médio de 164 mil enfermeiros em todo o Brasil. A taxa de crescimento para o período das pesquisas do IBGE (15,7% ao ano) foi o triplo daquela registrada nos dados do Cofen (5,3% ao ano). A cobertura nos estados do Brasil permanece aquém da recomendação internacional (40 enfermeiros a cada 10 mil habitantes), com maiores déficits nos estados das regiões Norte e Nordeste. As comparações deste estudo reiteram a importância da disponibilidade de dados padronizados e sistematizados para a Enfermagem no Brasil. Indicadores de saúde acurados subsidiam políticas públicas para a redução de iniquidades em saúde, com destaque para a cobertura de enfermeiros, especialmente em regiões de elevadas vulnerabilidades socioeconômicas.

Abstract There is an estimated deficit of six million nurses worldwide. Despite its importance for health systems, sociodemographic studies are scarce due to the absence of systematized data specific to nurses. The objective of this study was to compare the population coverage of nurses in Brazil based on sources from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in the years 2010 and 2015, and the Federal Nursing Council (Cofen), in the years 2013 and 2019. In both sources, there was an average increase of 164 thousand nurses throughout Brazil. The growth rate for the period of the IBGE surveys (15.7% per year) was triple that recorded in the Cofen data (5.3% per year). Coverage in the states of Brazil remains below the international recommendation (40 nurses per 10 thousand inhabitants), with greater deficits in the states of the North and Northeast regions. The comparisons in this study reiterate the importance of the availability of standardized and systematized data for Nursing in Brazil. Accurate health indicators subsidize public policies to reduce health inequities, with emphasis on the coverage of nurses, especially in regions with high socioeconomic vulnerabilities.

Resumen Hay un déficit estimado de seis millones de enfermeros en todo el mundo. A pesar de la importancia para los sistemas de salud, estudios sociodemográficos son escasos debido a la ausencia de datos sistematizados específicos para enfermeros. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la cobertura poblacional de enfermeros en Brasil a partir de fuentes del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE), en los años 2010 y 2015, y del Consejo Federal de Enfermería (Cofen), en los años 2013 y 2019. En ambas fuentes, hubo un aumento promedio de 164.000 enfermeros en todo Brasil. La tasa de crecimiento para el período de las encuestas del IBGE (15,7% anual) resultó el triple de la registrada en los datos del Cofen (5,3% anual). La cobertura en los estados de Brasil permanece por debajo de la recomendación internacional (40 enfermeros por 10.000 habitantes), con mayores déficits en los estados de las regiones Norte y Nordeste. Las comparaciones de este estudio reiteran la importancia de la disponibilidad de datos estandarizados y sistematizados para la Enfermería en Brasil. Indicadores precisos de salud apoyan las políticas públicas para reducir las desigualdades en salud, con énfasis en la cobertura de enfermeros, especialmente en regiones de alta vulnerabilidad socioeconómica.

Nursing Staff , Public Health
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450284


RESUMEN Hoy en día la equidad es un objetivo central para la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS). Este objetivo es el resultado de movimientos multidimensionales que tienen una historia y que sólo pueden comprenderse a la luz de las relaciones sociales que estructuran los procesos que llamamos de "salud". De una preocupación por el comercio marítimo a un interés por los determinantes sociales de la salud, la OPS ha fortalecido sus esfuerzos por poner en el centro de sus acciones la idea de la equidad en salud como fin último. Se ha pasado de una idea de salud enfocada en el individuo, a una idea de salud para todas las personas, que contemple las diferencias de ser y hacer en el mundo. Estos cambios han producido políticas, análisis y estudios donde el género y la diversidad cultural son ejes transversales que deben ser contemplados en toda planificación y ejecución de políticas de salud en la Región de las Américas. En este artículo se analizan momentos clave en el camino hacia la equidad en salud en la Región desde una perspectiva histórica.

ABSTRACT Equity has become a key objective for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). This is the result of multidimensional movements with a history that can only be understood in the light of social relations that structure the processes we refer to as "health". From an initial concern for maritime trade to a current interest in the social determinants of health, PAHO has strengthened its efforts to make the concept of health equity the ultimate goal of its actions. The idea of health focused on the individual has given way to the idea of health for all people, which considers the differences between being and doing in the world. These changes have produced policies, analyses, and studies in which gender and cultural diversity are cross-cutting themes that must be considered in all planning and implementation of health policies in the Region of the Americas. This article discusses milestones on the road to health equity in the Region from a historical perspective.

RESUMO Hoje, a equidade é um objetivo central para a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS). Esse objetivo é fruto de movimentos multidimensionais que têm uma história e que só podem ser compreendidos à luz das relações sociais que estruturam os processos que chamamos de "saúde". Da preocupação com o comércio marítimo ao interesse pelos determinantes sociais da saúde, a OPAS tem intensificado seus esforços para colocar no cerne de suas ações a ideia da equidade em saúde como objetivo final. Passou de uma ideia de saúde centrada no indivíduo a uma ideia de saúde para todas as pessoas, que contempla as diferenças entre o ser e o fazer no mundo. Essas mudanças produziram políticas, análises e estudos onde o gênero e a diversidade cultural são eixos transversais que devem ser considerados em todo planejamento e execução de políticas de saúde na Região das Américas. Este artigo analisa momentos-chave no caminho rumo à equidade em saúde na região, a partir de uma perspectiva histórica.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450291


RESUMEN En este artículo de opinión y análisis se describen las líneas de acción estratégicas para desarrollar sistemas de salud resilientes y al mismo tiempo promover la recuperación en la etapa posterior a la pandemia de COVID-19, a fin de mantener y proteger los logros de la salud pública. Asimismo, se presenta una contextualización de los desafíos y oportunidades en la Región de las Américas, y se ofrecen recomendaciones para su implementación. Urge impulsar el desarrollo de sistemas de salud resilientes a través de la implementación de cuatro líneas de acción definidas en la Estrategia adoptada por los Estados Miembros de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud en septiembre de 2021. La transformación de los sistemas de salud debe basarse en la adopción de un modelo integral de atención primaria de la salud, un enfoque priorizado sobre las funciones esenciales de salud pública, el fortalecimiento de las redes integrales de servicios de salud, y el aumento en el financiamiento público, sobre todo para el primer nivel de atención. La implementación de estas líneas de acción no solo busca consolidar la respuesta inmediata a las crisis, sino también enmarcarla en los esfuerzos de recuperación y desarrollo sostenible de los sistemas de salud, reduciendo sus vulnerabilidades estructurales y así poder estar mejor preparados para responder a futuras crisis.

ABSTRACT This article offers opinion and analysis outlining strategic lines of action to build resilient health systems while promoting recovery in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period, with a view to maintaining and protecting public health gains. It contextualizes the challenges and opportunities in the Region of the Americas and offers recommendations for implementation of the strategic lines. It is urgent to promote the development of resilient health systems through the implementation of four lines of action defined in the strategy adopted by the Member States of the Pan American Health Organization in September 2021. The transformation of health systems must be based on the adoption of an integrated model of primary health care, a priority focus on the essential public health functions, strengthening of integrated health service networks, and increased public funding, especially for the first level of care. Implementation of these lines of action is focused not only on consolidating immediate crisis response; it is also framed within efforts toward the recovery and sustainable development of health systems, reducing their structural vulnerabilities to better prepare the response to future crises.

RESUMO Este artigo de opinião e análise descreve linhas de ação estratégicas para desenvolver sistemas de saúde resilientes ao mesmo tempo em que se promove a recuperação pós-pandemia de COVID-19 a fim de manter e proteger os ganhos em saúde pública. Além disso, apresenta uma contextualização dos desafios e oportunidades na região das Américas e oferece recomendações para sua implementação. Há uma necessidade urgente de promover o desenvolvimento de sistemas de saúde resilientes por meio da implementação das quatro linhas de ação definidas na estratégia adotada pelos Estados Membros da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde em setembro de 2021. A transformação dos sistemas de saúde deve se basear na adoção de um modelo integral de atenção primária à saúde; na priorização das funções essenciais de saúde pública; no fortalecimento de redes integrais de serviços de saúde; e no aumento do financiamento público, especialmente para o primeiro nível de atenção. A implementação dessas linhas de ação busca não apenas consolidar a resposta imediata à crise, mas também enquadrá-la nos esforços de recuperação e desenvolvimento sustentável dos sistemas de saúde, reduzindo suas vulnerabilidades estruturais para que fiquem mais bem preparados para responder a futuras crises.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 473 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516299


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a efetivação do direito à saúde no Brasil e na Colômbia. Tratam-se de países cujas atuais Constituições foram construídas no mesmo momento histórico - Brasil em 1988 e Colômbia em 1991 - a partir de um processo de ruptura democrática contra um contexto de abusos de direitos humanos e profundas desigualdades sociais. O direito à saúde, no entanto, foi reconhecido de forma distinta nas duas constituições e seus sistemas de saúde assumiram modelos diferentes. O arcabouço teórico-metodológico da investigação se baseou em premissas que visaram guiar o debate e aproximar os dois casos em termos de um cenário externo de forças e interesses e um interno de desigualdades e lutas permanentes por direitos. Foram discutidos os mecanismos de proteção do direito à saúde enquanto um direito humano fundamental; a organização dos sistemas de saúde e sua relação com os sistemas de proteção social e também aspectos relacionados à justiça e à judicialização da política. Ao mesmo tempo, a construção da abordagem metodológica e definição da estratégia comparativa e das categorias de análise buscou contribuições das Ciências Sociais, Ciência Política, Sistemas Comparados de Saúde e Direito Comparado. A coleta de dados e informações envolveu 1) análise documental, revisão narrativa da literatura e busca de indicadores econômicos, sociais, epidemiológicos, de gastos em saúde e da judicialização da saúde; 2) entrevistas com atores-chave dos processos de reforma sanitária e da judicialização da saúde. O tratamento dos dados e informações incluiu a análise de conteúdo de forma combinada à análise crítica do discurso, além da construção de linhas do tempo, gráficos temporais e realização de testes de correlação. Não obstante as especificidades de cada ordem jurídica e os perfis das Cortes Supremas, pode-se afirmar que a judicialização da saúde é tanto um desafio, quanto uma forma de se efetivar o direito à saúde, tornando-se parte do cotidiano dos sistemas de saúde e de justiça e exercendo um papel protetor contra o risco de gastos catastróficos por atenção cirúrgica. As características do fenômeno expressam e refletem questões estruturais da sociedade e a organização e modelo de atenção do SGSSS na Colômbia e do SUS no Brasil. Foi confirmada a hipótese do estudo de que o SUS estaria se aproximando do sistema colombiano. Ambos os países se encontram em direção à cobertura universal, proposta defendida por organizações multilaterais, que envolve o financiamento por meio de um pooling de fundos para se alcançar uma pretensa cobertura de saúde para a população, a partir de seguros de saúde diferenciados pela capacidade pagamento, fornecidos por provedores privados. A Colômbia pode ser considerada como um protótipo desse modelo, pois, embora sua reforma sanitária tenha ocorrido no mesmo momento histórico do Brasil e a partir do mesmo contexto externo, devido a uma correlação de forças internas, a abrangência do direito à saúde foi reduzida e o SGSSS assumiu um caráter privatizante, com predominância de seguradoras e prestadores privados; enfraquecimento dos prestadores públicos e da capacidade regulatória do Estado; segmentação da população em regimes, com acesso desigual; priorização da sustentabilidade financeira das seguradoras privadas e modelo de atenção baseado no asseguramento individual. O Brasil, por sua vez, a partir da força do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária, conseguiu frear as pressões externas e o SUS foi criado como um sistema universal, gratuito e pautado na equidade e na integralidade. As políticas implementadas a seguir, entretanto, descaracterizaram a proposta do Sistema e o recolocaram na trajetória da cobertura universal. O SUS enfrenta um subfinanciamento crônico; baixo investimento na infraestrutura pública; entrada permanente e diversificada da iniciativa privada na prestação dos serviços, com dependência crescente de sua utilização pelo setor público; naturalização da duplicidade de cobertura e acesso e entrada do capital internacional. A proposta da cobertura universal soa eficiente ao prometer a cobertura de toda a população, a redução das desigualdades e do risco de endividamento das pessoas. Ao contrário, o estudo dos casos do Brasil e da Colômbia revela que a chamada "cobertura universal" não garante acesso e que esse modelo leva à privatização dos sistemas de saúde em diversos níveis, aprofunda as iniquidades, reforça um modelo de atenção individualizado, afastando a ideia constitucional de um direito fundamental e universal à saúde.

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the right to health in Brazil and Colombia. These are countries whose current Constitutions were constructed at the same historical moment - Brazil in 1988 and Colombia in 1991 - from a process of democratic rupture in the face of human rights violations and profound social inequalities. The right to health, however, was recognized differently in the two constitutions and their health systems assumed distinct models. The theoretical-methodological framework of the investigation relied on assumptions that aimed to guide the debate and bring the two cases closer together in terms of an external scenario of forces and interests and an internal scenario of inequalities and permanent struggles for rights. We discussed the mechanisms for protecting the right to health as a fundamental human right; the organization of health systems and their relationship with social protection systems and aspects related to justice and the judicialization of politics. At the same time, the construction of the methodological approach and definition of the comparative strategy and analysis categories sought contributions from Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Health Systems and Comparative Law. Data and information collection involved 1) documental analysis, narrative review of the literature and search for economic, social, epidemiological, health expenditure and health judicialization indicators; 2) interviews with key-actors in the processes of health reform and judicialization of health. The treatment of data and information included content analysis combined with critical discourse analysis, in addition to the construction of timelines, temporal graphs and correlation tests. Despite the specificities of each legal order and profiles of the Supreme Courts, it can be said that the judicialization of health is both a challenge and a way of realizing the right to health. It became part of the daily lives of both health and justice systems and play a protective role against the risk of catastrophic expenditures for surgical care. The characteristics of the phenomenon express and reflect the structural issues of society and the organization and care model of the SGSSS in Colombia and the SUS in Brazil. The hypothesis of the study that the SUS would be approaching the Colombian system was confirmed. Both countries are moving towards universal health coverage (UHC), a proposal defended by multilateral organizations, which involves financing through pooling of funds to achieve an alleged health coverage for the population, based on health insurance differentiated by payment capacity, provided by private providers. Colombia can be considered as a prototype of this model, because, although its health reform took place at the same historical moment as Brazil and from the same external context, due to a correlation of internal forces, the scope of the right to health was reduced. SGSSS assumed a privatizing nature, with a predominance of private insurers and providers; weakening of public providers and the regulatory capacity of the State; segmentation of the population into regimes, with unequal access; prioritization of the financial sustainability of private insurers and a care model based on individual insurance. Brazil, in turn, based on the strength of the Sanitary Reform Movement, managed to curb external pressures and the SUS was created as a universal and free system, based on equity and integrality. The policies implemented below, however, mischaracterized the System's proposal and placed it back on the trajectory of UHC. SUS faces chronic underfunding; low investment in public infrastructure; permanent and diversified entry of the private sector in the provision of services, with increasing dependence on their use by the public sector; naturalization of double coverage and access and entry of international capital. The UHC proposal sounds efficient as it promises to cover the entire population, reduce inequalities and reduce people's risk of catastrophic expenditures. On the contrary, the study of the cases of Brazil and Colombia reveals that UHC does not guarantee access and that this model leads to the privatization of health systems at different levels, deepens inequalities, reinforces a model of individualized care, moving away from the constitutional idea of a fundamental and universal right to health.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la efectividad del derecho a la salud en Brasil y Colombia. Se tratan de países cuyas Constituciones actuales se construyeron en un mismo momento histórico - Brasil en 1988 y Colombia en 1991- a partir de un proceso de ruptura democrática frente a un contexto de violaciones de derechos humanos y profundas desigualdades sociales. El derecho a la salud, sin embargo, fue reconocido de manera diferente en las dos constituciones y sus sistemas de salud asumieron modelos distintos. El marco teórico-metodológico de la investigación se basó en presupuestos teóricos e históricos que pretendieron orientar el debate y acercar los dos casos en términos de un escenario externo de fuerzas e intereses y un interno de desigualdades y luchas permanentes por derechos. Se discutieron los mecanismos de protección del derecho a la salud como derecho humano fundamental; la organización de los sistemas de salud y su relación con los sistemas de protección social y también aspectos relacionados con la justicia y la judicialización de la política. Al mismo tiempo, la construcción del enfoque metodológico y la definición de la estrategia comparada y de las categorías de análisis buscaron aportes de las Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Políticas, Sistemas Comparados de Salud y Derecho Comparado. La recolección de datos e informaciones implicó 1) análisis de documentos, revisión narrativa de la literatura y búsqueda de indicadores económicos, sociales, epidemiológicos, de gastos en salud y de judicialización de la salud; 2) entrevistas con actores-claves en los procesos de reforma de salud y judicialización de la salud. El tratamiento de los datos e informaciones incluyó el análisis de contenido combinado con el análisis crítico del discurso, además de la construcción de líneas de tiempo, gráficos temporales y realización de pruebas de correlación. A pesar de las especificidades de cada ordenamiento jurídico y de los perfiles de las Cortes Supremas, se puede afirmar que la judicialización de la salud es un desafío y una forma de hacer efectivo el derecho a la salud, incorporándose a la cotidianidad de los sistemas de salud y de justicia y desempeñando un papel protector contra el riesgo de gastos catastróficos para la atención quirúrgica. Las características del fenómeno expresan y reflejan cuestiones estructurales de la sociedad, la organización y modelo de atención del SGSSS en Colombia y del SUS en Brasil. Se confirmó la hipótesis del estudio de que él SUS estaría acercando al sistema colombiano. Ambos países avanzan hacia la cobertura universal, propuesta defendida por organismos multilaterales, que implica el financiamiento mediante un pooling de fondos para lograr una supuesta cobertura de salud para la población, basada en seguros de salud diferenciados por capacidad de pago, brindados por proveedores privados. Colombia puede ser considerada como un prototipo de este modelo, pues, si bien su reforma sanitaria se dio en el mismo momento histórico que Brasil y desde el mismo contexto externo, por una correlación de fuerzas internas, el alcance del derecho a la salud se redujo y el SGSSS asumió un carácter privatizador, con predominio de aseguradores y proveedores privados; debilitamiento de los proveedores públicos y de la capacidad regulatoria del Estado; segmentación de la población en regímenes, con acceso desigual; priorización de la sostenibilidad financiera de las aseguradoras privadas y un modelo de atención basado en el seguro individual. Brasil, por su parte, con base en la fuerza del Movimiento de Reforma Sanitaria, logró frenar las presiones externas y el SUS fue creado como un sistema universal, gratuito, basado en la equidad e integralidad. Sin embargo, las políticas implementadas a continuación desvirtuaron la propuesta del Sistema y lo reubicaron en la trayectoria de la cobertura universal. El SUS enfrenta un desfinanciamiento crónico; baja inversión en infraestructura pública; entrada permanente y diversificada del sector privado en la prestación de servicios, con creciente dependencia de su uso por parte del sector público; naturalización de doble cobertura y acceso y entrada de capitales internacionales. La propuesta de la cobertura universal suena eficiente ya que promete cubrir a toda la población, reducir las desigualdades y el riesgo de endeudamiento de las personas. Por el contrario, el estudio de los casos de Brasil y Colombia revela que la llamada "cobertura universal" no garantiza el acceso y que este modelo conduce a la privatización de los sistemas de salud en diferentes niveles, profundiza las desigualdades, refuerza un modelo de atención individualizado, alejándose de la idea constitucional de un derecho fundamental y universal a la salud.

Brazil , Colombia , Academic Dissertation
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221873


Introduction: Catastrophic health spending is one of the major factors pushing people into poverty. Reducing “out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE)” on health through health insurance coverage is an effective approach. The objectives of this study are (1) to estimate health insurance coverage among rural and urban households (HHs) and (2) to determine the proportion of income spent on health as OOPE among the selected HHs. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in rural and urban parts of district Faridabad, Haryana. A sample of 374 were taken from rural and urban areas. The unit of the study was HHs in both the areas. The proportion of income spent on health care (both direct and indirect expenses included) as OOPE was taken as outcome variable. Results: Health insurance coverage was higher among urban HHs (58.0%) as compared to the rural (38.5%). The rural population was availing of private consultation, laboratory, and pharmacy services to a greater extent than the urban; hence, they were spending a substantial proportion of their income on health-care services. The majority of the HHs in the rural and urban areas spent up to 20% of their income on health care. Conclusion: Universal health coverage without health insurance is unlikely.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221955


Background: Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana has been launched to provide financial protection expenditure to nearly 500 million vulnerable Indians. For expanding the coverage under the scheme, it is necessary to understand the perspective of health care service providers involved in the scheme. Aim & Objective: To find out the bottlenecks in implementation of PMJAY scheme using empanelled hospitals’ perspective Settings and Design: Cross sectional study Methods and Material: 8 Public and 23 Private hospitals were selected through Simple Random Sampling from the list of PMJAY empanelled hospitals. The PMJAY Medical Officer co-ordinators in the empanelled hospitals were interviewed using a predesigned and pretested questionnaire. Statistical analysis used: Data was analysed using descriptive statistics in Epiinfo software. Results: Among the 31 empanelled hospitals studied, 93.5% were satisfied with the process for empanelment under PMJAY. 64.5% hospitals were not satisfied with the Health Benefit Packages. 77.4% hospitals perceived the PMJAY to be poorer as compared to private health insurance with reasons being poor grievance reprisal, poor claim processing and settlement, denial of reimbursement of health packages, poor rates of health packages and little information about the scheme. Conclusions: Various hurdles are being faced in the implementation of the scheme. There definitely remains a huge scope for further improvements so as to enhance the insurance coverage in the country.

Indian Pediatr ; 2022 Jun; 59(6): 477-484
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225343


Justification: Adolescent health is critical to the current and future well- being of the world. Pediatricians need country specific guidelines in accordance with international and national standards to establish comprehensive adolescent friendly health services in clinical practice. Process: Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) in association with Adolescent Health Academy formed a committee of subject experts in June, 2019 to formulate guidelines for adolescent friendly health services. After a review of current scientific literature and drafting guidelines on each topic, a national consultative meeting was organized on 16 August, 2019 for detailed discussions and deliberations. This was followed by discussions over e-mail and refining of draft recommendations. The final guidelines were approved by the IAP Executive Board in December, 2021. Objective: To formulate guidelines to enable pediatricians to establish adolescent friendly health services. Recommendations: Pediatricians should coordinate healthcare for adolescents and plan for transition of care to an adult physician by 18 years of age. Pediatricians should establish respectful, confidential and quality adolescent friendly health services for both out-patient and in-patient care. The healthcare facility should provide preventive, therapeutic, and health promoting services. Pediatricians should partner with the multidisciplinary speciality services, community, and adolescents to expand the scope and reach of adolescent friendly health services.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221896


Introduction: Mohalla or Community Clinics of Delhi, India, provides free primary care services to the general population, with special focus on the underserved and marginalized. This study was conducted to analyze the perception and experience of target beneficiaries and to understand and document the determinants of people visiting these clinics. Material and Methods: A community-based study was conducted from October 2019 to April 2020. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Correlation and comparative analysis were used. Thirty-seven Mohalla Clinics and their catchment areas were visited. A total of 391 respondents (including 35 health staff and 356 community members) were included. Results: Proximity of clinics, waiting times, age, perceived quality of treatment, and cleanliness at facilities were the factors that influenced the usage of clinics. Lack of first-aid facilities and long waiting time (at a few facilities) were identified challenges. There is a need for wider publicity and awareness about the clinics and regular analysis of data to determine an appropriate mid-course action to further increase utilization. Conclusion: Community Clinics of Delhi, India, have brought people back to government primary healthcare (PHC) facilities. The popularity of these clinics has encouraged a number of Indian states to set up similar facilities. The factors behind their success need to be studied in detail to derive lessons for making urban PHC accessible in other low- and middle-income countries.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221885


Introduction: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is a multidimensional concept and is relatively neglected in both research and practice. Gender equality is a crucial measure of human rights for millions of women and girls around the world. Most postpartum researches have focused on physical complications. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of gender of the baby on the HRQoL of postpartum women at 6 weeks. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in a resettlement colony, Kalyanpuri, located in Delhi, India, with a sample size of 330 postpartum women. The data were collected in the 6th week of postpartum period using the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 Health Survey for HRQoL. Results: The findings showed that the birth of a male baby led to a significantly (P < 0.05) better mean HRQoL score than the birth of a female baby. The mean scores of general health, vitality, social functioning, and mental health domains were significantly less in the case of a female newborn child. Conclusion: The male dominance in the Indian society which leads to financial supremacy and coercion for continuation of family lineage was an important predictor of lower HRQoL of the women in the postpartum period. This demonstrates the need for risk factor for gender equity to and achieve universal health coverage.

Washington; OPS; May 5, 2022. 46 p. ilus.
Monography in English, Spanish, French | LILACS, SDG | ID: biblio-1417942


El objetivo de esta Estrategia y plan de acción sobre la promoción de la salud en el contexto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2019-2030 es renovar la promoción de la salud por medio de acciones sociales, políticas y técnicas que aborden los determinantes sociales de la salud, con el fin de mejorar la salud y reducir las inequidades en el contexto de la Agenda 2030. Este documento está vinculado a la Estrategia para el acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal de salud de la OPS y se centra en el trabajo con todos los niveles de gobierno, en particular el nivel local, para empoderar a las personas y comunidades en sus entornos y territorios. Dada su importancia, la intersectorialidad y la participación social se consideran como dos ejes transversales en todo el plan de acción y deberían reflejarse en las actividades para alcanzar cada línea estratégica (véase el anexo A). El compromiso con los principios del respeto de los derechos humanos, la equidad y la inclusión, teniendo en cuenta específicamente las cuestiones de género, la etnicidad, la interculturalidad y las discapacidades entre otros aspectos, es la base de todas las líneas estratégicas de acción. Cada país deberá adaptar la respuesta nacional, subnacional y local a su propia situación, contexto y prioridades. El presente plan de acción se basa en cuatro líneas estratégicas de acción que se refuerzan mutuamente, a saber, fortalecer los entornos saludables clave; facilitar la participación y el empoderamiento de la comunidad, y el compromiso de la sociedad civil; fortalecer la gobernanza y el trabajo intersectorial para mejorar la salud y el bienestar, y abordar los determinantes sociales de la salud, y fortalecer los sistemas y servicios de salud incorporando un enfoque de promoción de la salud.

The goal of this Strategy and Plan of Action on Health Promotion within the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals 2019-2030 is to renew health promotion through social, political, and technical actions, and addressing the sustainable development goals in order to improve health and reduce health inequities within the context of the 2030 Agenda. This document is linked to PAHO's Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage and focuses on work with all levels of government, but particularly the local level, to empower people and communities in their settings and territories. Given the importance of intersectoral action and social participation, these are considered as two cross-cutting axes throughout the Plan of Action and should be reflected in actions to achieve each strategic line. Commitment to the principles of respect for human rights, equity, and inclusivity, with specific consideration of gender, ethnicity, interculturality and disabilities, among others, underpins all the strategic lines of action. Each country will need to tailor its national, subnational, and local responses to its own situation, context and priorities. This Plan of Action is based on four mutually reinforcing strategic lines of action: strengthening key healthy settings; enabling community participation and empowerment and civil society engagement; enhancing governance and intersectoral work to improve health and well-being and address the social determinants of health; and strengthening health systems and services by incorporating a health promotion approach. The Strategy and Plan of Action on Health Promotion are aligned with the Universal Access to Health and Health Coverage 2014, the Astana Declaration 2018 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Le but de la Stratégie et plan d'action sur la promotion de la santé dans le contexte des objectifs de développement durable 2019-2030 est de renouveler la promotion de la santé grâce à des mesures de nature sociale, politique et technique qui agissent sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé, afin d'améliorer la santé et de réduire les iniquités en santé dans le contexte du Programme à l'horizon 2030. Le présent document est lié à la Stratégie pour l'accès universel à la santé et la couverture sanitaire universelle de l'OPS et est axé sur la collaboration avec tous les niveaux de gouvernement, mais en particulier le niveau local, visant à accroître l'autonomie des personnes et des communautés dans leurs milieux et leurs territoires. Étant donné l'importance de l'action intersectorielle et de la participation sociale, ces deux aspects sont considérés comme représentant deux axes transversaux dans l'ensemble du plan d'action et devront se traduire par des mesures destinées à réaliser chaque axe stratégique (voir l'annexe A). L'adhésion aux principes de respect des droits de l'homme, de l'équité et de l'inclusivité, en tenant compte plus particulièrement du sexe, de l'appartenance ethnique, de l'interculturalité et des handicaps, entre autres facteurs, sous-tend tous les axes stratégiques d'intervention. Chaque pays devra adapter les réponses qu'il met en œuvre aux niveaux national, infranational et local à sa propre situation, à son propre contexte et à ses propres priorités. Ce plan d'action se fonde sur quatre axes stratégiques d'intervention qui se confortent mutuellement : renforcer des milieux sains névralgiques ; permettre la participation et l'autonomisation des communautés et la mobilisation de la société civile ; consolider la gouvernance et l'action intersectorielle en vue d'améliorer la santé et le bien-être et d'agir sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé, et renforcer les systèmes et les services sanitaires par l'intégration d'une approche de promotion de la santé.

Humans , Local Health Strategies , Social Determinants of Health/standards , Sustainable Development , Integrality in Health , Health Promotion/standards
J Indian Med Assoc ; 2022 Apr; 120(4): 52-55
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216534


Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a distinct hepatic condition and one of the most common causes of Chronic Liver Disease globally. In February, 2021, the Government of India had launched and integrated interventions to prevent and control NAFLD in the ongoing National Programme for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). This review was conducted to identify challenges and proposes solutions for effective program implementation. The authors identified that since NPCDCS has been implemented as District-based program and NAFLD being new component, the lack of familiarity of various sub-group of staff could be a major challenge in roll-out. The sensitization of Health Workers, Medical Officer in Primary Healthcare System, the specialist doctors at all levels of care as well as private practitioners, on various aspects of NAFLD (including epidemiology, clinical features, treatment approach and other aspects) should be conducted. The Information Education Communication (IEC) material should be developed and campaigns for awareness generation amongst general public in prevention and management of the disease should be conducted.Ongoing activities to set up Health and Wellness Centres under Ayushman Bharat Program, is a good opportunity to integrate of NAFLD in primary care level. This will help India to accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage

Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;75(5): e20210403, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376597


ABSTRACT Objective: To reflect on advanced practice nursing in Primary Health Care considering the complexity of the Brazilian health system. Methods: Reflective study, based on the document "Expanding the role of nurses in Primary Health Care" and anchored in the literature and critical analysis of the authors. Results: Due to the complexity of the Unified Health System — in terms of infrastructure, human resources, funding — it is important for Brazil to carry out its own systematic process of discussion on the implementation of advanced practice nursing, considering the context of the current health care model, to define the role of this practice according to the characteristics of a universal health system and not a universal health coverage. Final considerations: The expansion of the workforce and the insertion of advanced practice nursing in Brazilian Primary Health Care needs to happen with greater recognition and incentives for the actions performed at this level of care. For example, they must occur through integration between professionals and the community in health promotion actions, with the availability of appropriate technologies for the work, in order to guarantee the quality and resolution of Primary Health Care.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Reflejar sobre la enfermería de práctica avanzada en la Atención Primaria de Salud considerando la complejidad del sistema de salud brasileño. Métodos: Estudio reflexivo, fundamentado en el documento "Ampliación del rol de enfermeros en la Atención Primaria de Salud" y basado en la literatura y análisis crítico de autores. Resultados: Por la complejidad del Sistema Único de Salud — cuanto a la infraestructura, recursos humanos, financiamiento — es importante que Brasil realice su propio proceso sistemático de discusión sobre la implementación de la enfermería de práctica avanzada, considerando el contexto del modelo de atención de salud vigente, para definir el papel de esa práctica conforme las características de un sistema universal de salud y no de una cobertura universal de salud. Consideraciones finales: La ampliación de recursos humanos e inserción de la enfermería de práctica avanzada en la Atención Primaria de Salud brasileña necesitan ocurrir con un mayor reconocimiento e incentivos para las acciones ejecutadas en ese nivel de atención. Por ejemplo, deben ocurrir vía integración entre los profesionales y la comunidad en las acciones de promoción de salud, con disponibilidad de tecnologías adecuadas al trabajo, de modo a garantizar la calidad y resolución de la Atención Primaria de Salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: Refletir sobre a enfermagem de prática avançada na Atenção Primária à Saúde considerando a complexidade do sistema de saúde brasileiro. Métodos: Estudo reflexivo, fundamentado no documento "Ampliação do papel dos enfermeiros na Atenção Primária à Saúde" e ancorado na literatura e análise crítica dos autores. Resultados: Pela complexidade do Sistema Único de Saúde — quanto a infraestrutura, recursos humanos, financiamento — é importante que o Brasil realize seu próprio processo sistemático de discussão sobre a implementação da enfermagem de prática avançada, considerando o contexto do modelo de atenção à saúde vigente, para definir o papel dessa prática conforme as características de um sistema universal de saúde e não de uma cobertura universal de saúde. Considerações finais: A ampliação da força de trabalho e inserção da enfermagem de prática avançada na Atenção Primária à Saúde brasileira precisam acontecer com um maior reconhecimento e incentivos para as ações executadas nesse nível de atenção. Por exemplo, devem ocorrer via integração entre os profissionais e a comunidade nas ações de promoção de saúde, com disponibilidade de tecnologias adequadas ao trabalho, de modo a garantir a qualidade e resolutividade da Atenção Primária à Saúde.

Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 12: e17, 2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1371595


Objetivo: refletir sobre o acesso na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) através de analogias entre dois programas televisivos brasileiros. Método: trata-se de uma reflexão teórica sustentada em elementos da cultura televisiva popular brasileira, a partir dos programas: a porta da esperança e a porta dos desesperados. Resultados: o acesso à saúde no âmbito da APS pode ser analisado na perspectiva de três portas: esperança, na solução de suas necessidades; desespero, voltada aqueles que não conseguem encontrar soluções as suas demandas; e a prioritária, pautada nas atribuições que lhe constitui e no direito à saúde. Conclusão: a APS precisa superar a tipologia de porta da esperança e dos desesperados para efetivação da sua atribuição ordenadora da rede de atenção à saúde.

Objective: to reflect on access in Primary Health Care (PHC) through analogies of two Brazilian television shows. Method: this is a theoretical reflection based on elements of Brazilian popular television culture, based on the shows: the door of hope and the door of the desperate. Results: the access to health within the scope of PHC can be analyzed from the perspective of three doors: hope, in the solution of their needs; despair, aimed at those who cannot find solutions to their demands; and the priority, based on the attributions that constitute it and the right to health. Conclusion: PHC needs to overcome the typology of the door of hope and of the desperate for the achievement of its ordering attribution of the health care network.

Objetivo: reflexionar sobre el acceso en la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) a través de analogías entre dos programas de televisión brasileños. Método: se trata de una reflexión teórica a partir de elementos de la cultura popular televisiva brasileña, a partir de los programas: la puerta de la esperanza y la puerta de los desesperados. Resultados: el acceso a la salud en el ámbito de la APS puede analizarse desde la perspectiva de tres puertas: la esperanza, en la solución de sus necesidades; la desesperación, dirigida a quienes no encuentran solución a sus demandas; y la prelación, con base en las atribuciones que la constituyen y el derecho a la salud. Conclusión: la APS necesita superar la tipología de la puerta de la esperanza y del desesperado para cumplir su tarea de organización de la red de atención a la salud.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Unified Health System , Public Health , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Universal Health Coverage
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(3): 51-60, Dec. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352907


Introducción: Ante el COVID-19 se reorganizaron hospitales en el sistema de salud de Paraguay donde el financiamiento predominante es el gasto de bolsillo. Objetivos: Analizar el gasto de bolsillo en el hospital respiratorio integrado de Encarnación. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo entre agosto 2020 y febrero 2021. Incluyó una muestra no aleatoria de 95 casos. Se aplicó una encuesta telefónica a un informante clave. Las variables dependientes fueron: gasto de bolsillo, razón gasto/ingreso y razón gasto/días de internación. Las independientes fueron: sexo, adulto mayor, ingreso a UTI, seguro médico y diagnóstico de COVID-19. El gasto excesivo se definió como mayor a 0,1 del ingreso y el catastrófico como mayor a 0,25 del ingreso. La asociación significativa se determinó mediante pruebas de Chi2 y Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). Resultados: El 97,8% tuvo gasto de bolsillo principalmente por medicamentos y descartables. El gasto total promedio fue 1,98 millones Gs, el gasto diario promedio 215,4 mil Gs y la razón gasto/ingreso 1,13. En cuidados intensivos el gasto total promedio fue 7,18 millones Gs (el máximo fue 18,41 millones Gs), el gasto diario promedio 666,8 mil Gs (el máximo fue 2,85 millones Gs diarios) y la razón gasto/ingreso 3,83. El gasto fue excesivo en el 87% de los casos y catastrófico en el 52% de los casos. El gasto se asoció significativamente con la edad mayor a 60 años, el haber ingresado a UTI y el diagnóstico de COVID-19, no así con el sexo ni con la tenencia de seguro. Conclusión: Los mecanismos de protección financiera fueron insuficientes para evitar gastos excesivos y catastróficos durante la hospitalización.

Introduction: Faced with COVID-19, hospitals were reorganized in the Paraguayan health system where the predominant financing is out-of-pocket expenses. Objectives: To analyze the out-of-pocket expenditure in the Encarnacion integrated respiratory hospital. Materials and methods: Quantitative, observational, descriptive study between August 2020 and February 2021. It included a non-random sample of 95 cases. A telephone survey was applied to a key informant. The dependent variables were: out-of-pocket expense, expense / income ratio, and expense / hospital days ratio. The independent ones were: sex, elderly, admission to ICU, medical insurance and diagnosis of COVID-19. Excessive spending was defined as greater than 0.1 of income and catastrophic as greater than 0.25 of income. The significant association was determined by Chi2 and Mann-Whitney tests (p <0.05). Results: 97.8% had out-of-pocket expenses mainly for medications and disposables. The average total expense was Gs 1.98 million, the average daily expense was Gs 215.4 thousand and the expense / income ratio was 1.13. In intensive care, the average total expenditure was 7.18 million Gs (the maximum was 18.41 million Gs), the average daily expenditure was 666.8 thousand Gs (the maximum was 2.85 million Gs per day) and the expense / income ratio 3.83. The expense was excessive in 87% of the cases and catastrophic in 52% of the cases. The expense was significantly associated with age over 60 years, having been admitted to the ICU and the diagnosis of COVID-19, not with sex or with insurance. Conclusion: The financial protection mechanisms were insufficient to avoid excessive and catastrophic expenses during hospitalization.

COVID-19 , Health Expenditures , Hospitals , Persons