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Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 66(4): 346-350, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-787624


Abstract Objective: The primary outcome of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding sufentanil to hyperbaric bupivacaine on duration of sensory blockade of spinal anesthesia in chronic opioid users in comparison with non-addicts. Methods: Sixty patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia were allocated into four groups: group 1 (no history of opium use who received intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine along with 1 mL saline as placebo); group 2 (no history of opium use who received intrathecal bupivacaine along with 1 mL sufentanil [5 µg]); group 3 (positive history of opium use who received intrathecal bupivacaine along with 1 mL saline as placebo) and group 4 (positive history of opium use who received intrathecal bupivacaine along with 1 mL sufentanil [5 µg]). The onset time and duration of sensory and motor blockade were measured. Results: The duration of sensory blockade in group 3 was 120 ± 23.1 min which was significantly less than other groups (G1 = 148 ± 28.7, G2 = 144 ± 26.4, G4 = 139 ± 24.7, p = 0.007). The duration of motor blockade in group 3 was 145 ± 30.0 min which was significantly less than other groups (G1 = 164 ± 36.0, G2 = 174 ± 26.8, G4 = 174 ± 24.9, p = 0.03). Conclusions: Addition of 5 µg intrathecal sufentanil to hyperbaric bupivacaine in chronic opioid users lengthened the sensory and motor duration of blockade to be equivalent to blockade measured in non-addicts.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da adição de sufentanil à bupivacaína hiperbárica na duração do bloqueio sensorial da raquianestesia em usuários crônicos de opioides em comparação com não adictos. Métodos: Foram distribuídos em quatro grupos 60 pacientes agendados para cirurgia ortopédica sob raquianestesia: Grupo 1 (sem história de uso de ópio, recebeu bupivacaína hiperbárica intratecal juntamente com 1 mL de solução salina como placebo); Grupo 2 (sem história de uso de ópio, recebeu bupivacaína intratecal juntamente com 1 mL de sufentanil [5 µg]); Grupo 3 (com história de uso de ópio, recebeu bupivacaína intratecal juntamente com 1 mL de solução salina como placebo) e Grupo 4 (com história de uso de ópio, recebeu bupivacaína intratecal juntamente com 1 mL de sufentanil [5 µg]). O tempo de início e a duração dos bloqueios sensitivo e motor foram registrados. Resultados: A duração do bloqueio sensorial no Grupo 3 foi de 120 ± 23,1 min, um tempo significativamente menor do que nos outros grupos (G1 = 148 ± 28,7, G2 = 144 ± 26,4, G4 = 139 ± 24,7, p = 0,007). A duração do bloqueio motor no Grupo 3 foi de 145 ± 30,0 min, um tempo significativamente menor do que nos outros grupos (G1 = 164 ± 36.0, G2 = 174 ± 26.8, G4 = 174 ± 24,9; p = 0,03). Conclusões: A adição de 5 µg de sufentanil intratecal à bupivacaína hiperbárica em usuários crônicos de opioides aumenta a duração dos bloqueios sensorial e motor de forma equivalente ao bloqueio avaliado em não adictos.

Humans , Male , Adult , Opium/pharmacology , Bupivacaine/pharmacology , Sufentanil/pharmacology , Substance-Related Disorders/complications , Analgesics, Opioid/pharmacology , Anesthesia, Spinal/methods , Time Factors , Chronic Disease , Drug Therapy, Combination , Drug Users , Anesthetics, Local/pharmacology
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol ; 18(2): 249-258, Mar-Apr/2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-754023


OBJETIVO: Compreender a percepção e os significados que os idosos atribuem a suas experiências relacionadas ao uso prolongado de benzodiazepínicos. MÉTODOS: Trabalho de abordagem qualitativa, de cunho antropológico, realizado junto a idosos participantes do Projeto Bambuí, estudo de base populacional sobre as condições de saúde da população idosa, realizado na cidade de Bambuí-MG. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 22 idosos, sem comprometimento cognitivo e residentes na cidade de Bambuí-MG, que relataram uso de medicação benzodiazepínica. RESULTADOS: No grupo pesquisado, o uso de benzodiazepínicos foi compatível com a definição de "padrão de uso crônico", variando de seis meses a 40 anos, sendo o medicamento mais utilizado o Clonazepam. A coleta e análise dos dados foram guiadas pelo modelo de signos, significados e ações. Emergiram como categorias: a utilização de um remédio "muito bom"; o remédio bom que "parece que vicia"; a (des)obediência à prescrição médica; e o alívio. CONCLUSÃO: Os idosos entrevistados justificam o uso crônico de benzodiazepínicos como um paliativo para lidar com dificuldades existenciais decorrentes de situações culturais, sociais e familiares, as quais precisam ser abordadas nos serviços de saúde.

OBJECTIVE: To understand the perception and meanings that elderly give to their experiences as related to prolonged use of benzodiazepines. METHODS: Using an anthropological qualitative methodology of qualitative approach, the study was conducted among elderly participants in the Bambuí Project, a population-based study on the health status of the elderly, in the city of Bambuí, Minas Geraisstate, Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 elderly without cognitive impairment and residents in Bambuí-MG, who reported use of benzodiazepines. RESULTS: In the study group, the use of benzodiazepines was compatible with the definition of "pattern of chronic use", ranging from 6 months to 40 years, and the most used drug was Clonazepam. The collection and analysis were guided by the model of signs, meanings and actions. These categories emerged: use of a "very good" drug; the good medicine that "seems addictive"; (dis)obedience to the prescription; and relief. CONCLUSION: The elderly respondents justify the chronic use of benzodiazepines as a palliative to deal with existential difficulties arising from cultural, social and family situations, which need to be addressed in the health services.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged , Aging , Anti-Anxiety Agents , Benzodiazepines , Health of the Elderly
Salud ment ; 34(2): 103-109, mar.-abr. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632796


Introduction Inappropriate use and dependence to prescription drugs has been considered as a growing health problem in recent years. It has been recognized that benzodiazepines (BZD) are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs due to their rapid therapeutic effect, high efficacy and favorable side effect profile when compared to other psychotropic medications. Despite the desirable therapeutic actions of BZD, mainly for the treatment of anxiety disorders, concerns about the dependence producing or addictive nature of these drugs have been expressed for decades. BZD dependence, unlike dependence to other substances, is a condition generally circumscribed to a therapeutic framework. It is well known that BZD use generally starts legitimately by a medical prescription for the treatment of anxiety symptoms or insomnia. Persons with psychiatric disorders are at a greater health risk for BZD dependence than other groups as BZD are highly used for the treatment of several psychiatric symptoms. BZD dependence in these patients may have a negative clinical impact in the medical treatment of the primary psychiatric disorder and may also affect patients' quality of life as the BZD dependence is added as a comorbid diagnosis that also requires clinical management. In this way, the need for clinical useful information for the prevention or early detection of BZD dependence emerges. Although inconsistent associations have been encountered in the scientific literature, some sociodemographic variables, such as gender and level of education, as well as the characteristics of BZD use, have been identified as potential risk factors for the development of BZD dependence. This information is of easy access for the mental health professional during the initial or subsequent clinical interview with patients, and if significant findings are obtained in Mexican psychiatric patients, these variables may become useful clinical tools for a closer follow-up of those patients with high risk of presenting BZD dependence. Objective To determine sociodemographic variables and characteristics of BZD use that may be risk factors for the development of BZD dependence in a sample of psychiatric patients from Mexico City. Method Subjects. Subjects were consecutively recruited at the outpatient services of the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente (INPRF) in Mexico City. All patients with BZD consumptions were included indistinctly of their psychiatric diagnosis of attendance in the institution. All patients gave their written informed consent after receiving a comprehensive explanation of the nature of the study. The Ethics Review Board of the INPRF approved the study. Assessment procedure Psychiatric diagnoses were made with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) and BZD dependence was determined with an adapted version of the substance dependence section of the SCID-I designed to assess BZD use exclusively. Sociodemographic features and characteristics of BZD use were registered in a previously designed format and information was obtained by a personal interview with each patient and main caregiver. The Benzodiazepine Dependence Questionnaire in its Mexican version (BDEPQ-MX) is a self-administered questionnaire used to assess the subjective experience with BZD in the last month in three main areas: perceived dependence, BZD pleasant effects and perceived need of BZD consumption. Results The sample comprised 150 psychiatric patients. A total of 70.0% (n=105) were women and 30.0% (n = 45) were men. Their mean age was 45.9±14.1 with a mean educational level of 11.6±3.9 years. Diagnoses of the sample were mainly anxiety disorders (n = 76, 50.7%) and affective disorders (38.0%). According to the SCID-I, a total of 73 (48.7%) patients met the diagnostic criteria for BZD dependence. Sixty seven percent of the men included in the study reported BZD dependence in contrast to 41.0% of the women. Also, patients with BZD dependence exhibited a higher level of education and a longer time consumption of BZD. A longer duration of BZD consumptions was the main indicator for BZD dependence conferring a risk 10.4 higher for its development. Male gender and psychiatric diagnoses different to anxiety and affective disorders were also significant predictors for BZD dependence. Discussion Numerous potential risk factors relating to BZD dependence have been found and our results support the influence of sociodemographic features and characteristics of BZD consumption for dependence development in a Mexican sample of psychiatric patients. In general, it has been described that men are more prone to substance abuse and dependence and our results showed this same pattern. Nevertheless, this result must be replicated in future studies as for BZD dependence men and women may exhibit similar patterns of consumption and dependence. High rates of BZD prescription, coupled with an elevated risk of substance dependence in diagnoses different to anxiety disorders, highlight the need for a careful review of the costs-benefits of BZD use for the treatment of anxiety emergent symptoms, as other additional medications with lower dependence effect can be used to minimize the potential risk of BZD dependence in these patients. One of the biggest controversies surrounding BZD use has been its long-term use, which has been reported and replicated in our studies as the main indicator for BZD dependence development. Treatment with BZD may be useful for short-term periods of time, and specific goals and objectives of their therapeutic benefits must be established since the initial treatment plans for each patient. The clinical relevance of the present study relies in standing out the high prevalence of BZD dependence found in patients treated with BZD and had not been treated for this comorbid condition. It is important to promote in the mental health professional attendance team strategies for the prevention and early detection of BZD dependence in psychiatric patients.

Introducción El uso inapropiado de los fármacos de prescripción y la dependencia a ellos conforman un problema de salud que va en aumento en la actualidad. A diferencia de la dependencia a otras sustancias, la dependencia a BZD es una condición generalmente circunscrita a un marco terapéutico, ya que el primer contacto frecuentemente se presenta en un contexto clínico. Por el es necesario contar con información que pudiera ser de utilidad clínica para prevenir o detectar de forma oportuna la dependencia en pacientes tratados con BZD. Objetivo Determinar las variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con el patrón de consumo de BZD que pudieran ser predictoras de dependencia a BZD en una muestra de pacientes psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. Método Sujetos. Se reclutó a los pacientes que acudieron de forma consecutiva al servicio de Consulta Externa del Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente (INPRF) que presentaron uso de BZD, indistintamente del diagnóstico psiquiátrico por el que acudieron a recibir atención especializada. Instrumentos El diagnóstico psiquiátrico y de dependencia a BZD de los pacientes se realizó mediante la entrevista SCID-I. Los principales datos sociodemográficos y las características del consumo de BZD fueron registrados en un formato diseñado ad hoc. El Cuestionario de Dependencia a Benzodiazepinas en su versión para México (BDEPQ-MX) se utilizó para evaluar la experiencia subjetiva del consumo de BZD. Resultados Se incluyó a un total de 150 pacientes con una edad promedio de 45.9±14.1 años. El 48.7% de los pacientes presentaron dependencia a BZD. Los pacientes con dependencia a BZD fueron con mayor frecuencia hombres, con una mayor escolaridad y presentaron un mayor tiempo de consumo. El ser hombre, presentar un diagnóstico distinto a un trastorno de ansiedad o afectivo y tener un mayor tiempo de consumo de BZD fueron los principales factores predictores de dependencia en el presente estudio. Discusión Los hallazgos del presente estudio sustentan la influencia de variables demográficas y del consumo de BZD en el riesgo para desarrollar dependencia. Se observa un mayor riesgo para el desarrollo de dependencia en los hombres. Para los pacientes con diagnósticos distintos a los trastornos de ansiedad es necesario evaluar el costo-beneficio de utilizar las BZD como parte del tratamiento para el manejo de síntomas relacionados con la ansiedad. El uso crónico de BZD fue el principal predictor de dependencia en la presente investigación, lo que pone de manifiesto la importancia de restringir el uso de BZD a periodos cortos de tiempo, estableciendo metas y objetivos claros de sus beneficios terapéuticos. Es fundamental fomentar en el personal médico y paramédico la prevención y detección oportuna de la dependencia a BZD en pacientes psiquiátricos.