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Hepatología ; 5(3): 183-184, sept. 3, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570316


La trombosis de la vena porta (TVP) en pacientes con o sin cirrosis hepática (CH) se define como una obstrucción de la vena porta debido a la formación de un trombo que puede extenderse a las venas mesentéricas superiores y esplénica. Esta es una complicación común de la enfermedad hepática avanzada. Se creía que la TVP se producía predominantemente debido al potencial protrombótico del paciente con CH, ya que se observaba una mayor incidencia de TVP en CH con una puntuación MELD y Child-Pugh más altas, con una prevalencia informada del 10 % al 25%.

Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in patients with or without hepatic cirrhosis (CH) is defined as an obstruction of the portal vein due to the formation of a thrombus that may extend to the superior mesenteric and splenic veins. This is a common complication of advanced liver disease. It was believed that PVT predominantly occurred due to the prothrombotic potential of the patient with CH, as a higher incidence of PVT was observed in CH with higher MELD and Child-Pugh scores, with a reported prevalence of 10% to 25%.

Hepatología ; 5(3): 185-194, sept. 3, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570323


Introducción. La trombosis de la vena porta es la oclusión parcial o completa de la luz de la vena porta o sus afluentes por la formación de trombos. Se asocia a desenlaces adversos y a un peor pronóstico. La frecuencia de aparición viene en aumento, a menudo de manera incidental, debido al uso cada vez mayor de imágenes diagnósticas. Metodología. Estudio observacional de una serie de casos de pacientes mayores de 18 años a quienes se les documentó trombosis venosa portal en hígado no cirrótico en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2012 y diciembre de 2019 en un hospital de cuarto nivel de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Resultados. Se documentaron 94 trombosis portales, la media de edad fue 44 ± 15 años, el 56 % eran mujeres. El promedio de aparición de síntomas fue de 14 días. La presentación de la trombosis fue aguda en un 41 %, crónica en 44 % y de instauración aguda sobre una trombosis crónica en un 15 %. La presentación clínica fue asintomática en el 33 %, el dolor abdominal fue la presentación más común con el 62 %. La trombofilia adquirida de mayor ocurrencia fueron las neoplasias mieloproliferativas crónicas en un 18 %, seguida del síndrome antifosfolípido en un 6 %. El método diagnóstico más usado fue la TAC trifásica en un 58 % seguido de la ultrasonografía en un 35 %. El 66 % de los pacientes fueron anticoagulados, siendo la warfarina el principal anticoagulante usado en un 56 %. El 16 % presento algún tipo de sangrado, aunque ninguno fue sangrado mayor. Conclusiones. La trombosis portal sigue siendo en muchos casos un hallazgo incidental. Se encontró un número inusual de neoplasias mieloproliferativas crónicas. La anticoagulación es segura y eficaz, aunque los anticoagulantes orales directos aún tienen un uso restringido.

Introduction. Portal vein thrombosis is the partial or complete occlusion of the lumen of the portal vein or its tributaries by thrombus formation. It is associated with adverse outcomes and a poorer prognosis. Its frequency is increasing, often incidentally, due to the growing use of diagnostic imaging. Methodology. This is an observational study of a case series of patients over 18 years old who were documented with portal vein thrombosis in a non-cirrhotic liver between January 2012 and December 2019 in a fourth-level hospital in the city of Medellín, Colombia. Results. Ninety-four cases of portal vein thrombosis were documented. The mean age was 44 ± 15 years, and 56 % were women. The average onset of symptoms was 14 days. Thrombosis presentation was acute in 41 %, chronic in 44 %, and acute on chronic in 15 %. Clinically, 33 % were asymptomatic, and abdominal pain was the most common presentation at 62 %. The most common acquired thrombophilia was chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms at 18 %, followed by antiphospholipid syndrome at 6 %. The most used diagnostic method was triphasic CT at 58 %, followed by ultrasonography at 35 %. Sixty-six percent of the patients received anticoagulation, with warfarin being the main anticoagulant used at 56 %. Sixteen percent experienced some type of bleeding, although none were major. Conclusions. Portal vein thrombosis remains, in many cases, an incidental finding. An unusual number of chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms were found. Anticoagulation is safe and effective, although the use of direct oral anticoagulants remains restricted.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565487


Introducción: La trombosis de plexo pampiniforme es una entidad poco conocida, solo existen 31 casos reportados a la fecha. Objetivo: Presentación de un caso de una patología poco frecuente, descripción de las publicaciones anteriores y revisión de la literatura. Reporte de caso: Paciente de 20 años, sin antecedentes, con trombosis de plexo pampiniforme derecho. Sospecha inicial de hernia inguinal derecha complicada, el diagnóstico se realizó con ecografía Doppler y recibió tratamiento con anticoagulantes. Se complementó con tomografía y estudio de trombofilias. Discusión: El estudio y manejo ha sido variable, antes prevalecía la estrategia quirúrgica. Actualmente, algunos autores recomiendan el manejo conservador y otros proponen diferenciar el tratamiento según segmento anatómico comprometido. Conclusión: Al ser una entidad poco frecuente, el tratamiento es una decisión que debe ser tomada según cada caso, ya que no existen pautas de tratamiento, pero la tendencia es cada vez mayor hacia el tratamiento conservador. El rol de la anticoagulación está por definir. Es importante realizar un adecuado diagnóstico diferencial y búsqueda de causas subyacentes.

Introduction: Pampiniform plexus thrombosis is a rare entity, with only 31 cases reported to date. Aim: Presentation of a case of a rare disease, description of previous publications and review of the literature. Case report: 20-year-old patient, with no history, with right pampiniform plexus thrombosis. Initial suspicion was complicated right inguinal hernia, diagnosis was made with Doppler ultrasound and treatment with anticoagulation. It was complemented with tomography and study of thrombophilias. Discussion: The study and management has been variable, where the surgical strategy prevailed. Currently some authors recommend conservative management and others differentiate the treatment according to the compromised anatomical segment. Conclusion: Being a rare entity, conservative treatment or surgery continues to be a decision that must be made according to each case since there are no treatment guidelines, but the trend is increasing towards conservative treatment. The role of anticoagulation remains to be defined. It is important to carry out an adequate differential diagnosis and search for underlying causes.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 43(1): 42-48, abr. 2024. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559641


Introducción: La presencia de una vena cava superior izquierda persistente, durante el implante de electrodos endocavitarios para la resincronización cardíaca, representa una anomalía poco habitual de gran relevancia, que puede presentarse de forma inesperada durante el abordaje venoso superior habitual. Planteando desafíos técnicos en su implante y dudas sobre su eficacia o seguridad a corto y largo plazo; existiendo aislados casos publicados. Caso clínico: Presentamos un caso complejo con esta inusual anomalía llevado a implante de este dispositivo de forma exitosa, con funcionamiento normal durante su seguimiento de 7 años, llevado posteriormente a cambio de generador. Conclusiones: La vena cava superior izquierda persistente es la anomalía del retorno venoso cardiaco más frecuente, aunque su prevalencia es baja, presenta una gran relevancia en el implante y posicionamiento de electrodos endocavitarios necesarios para la terapia de resincronización cardiaca. Existe una evidencia creciente sobre su factibilidad y seguridad a corto y largo plazo a pesar de sus dificultades técnicas asociadas.

Introduction: The presence of a persistent left superior vena cava, during the implantation of endocavitary electrodes for cardiac resynchronization, represents an unusual anomaly of great relevance, which can occur unexpectedly during the usual superior venous approach. It constitutes a technical challenge in your implant and doubts about its effectiveness or safety in the short and long term. There are isolated published cases. We present a complex case with this unusual anomaly that led to successful implantation of this device, with a normal functio during its 7-year follow-up It was followed by uneventul generator change. Conclusions: Persistent left superior vena cava is the most common cardiac venous return anomaly. Although its prevalence is low, it is of great relevance in the implantation and positioning of endocavitary electrodes necessary for cardiac resynchronization therapy. There is growing evidence about its feasibility and safety in the short and long term despite.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy/methods , Heart Failure
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 43(1): 49-52, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559642


Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 77 años, en quien, durante una cirugía de resección de tumor cutáneo, se observa incidentalmente aumento de volumen cervical derecho de características dinámicas. El hallazgo corresponde a un aneurisma de la vena yugular interna derecha, diagnóstico de mayor frecuencia en población pediátrica, habitualmente de curso benigno.

A 77-year-old woman in whom, during a skin tumor resection surgery, a right cervical swelling with dynamic characteristics was observed. The finding is compatible with an aneurysm of the right internal jugular vein, more commonly obsered in children, usually with a benign course.

Humans , Female , Aged , Jugular Veins/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569869


Introducción: Se reconoce la asociación entre los factores de riesgo aterogénico y las alteraciones microvasculares de la retina, pero no hay consenso sobre si estas afectaciones en la retina preceden o son una respuesta fisiopatológica a dichos factores. Objetivo: Determinar si la presencia de los factores de riesgo aterogénico predice las alteraciones vasculares retinianas, a través del fondo de ojo y la retinografía. Métodos: Estudio trasversal en 55 sujetos mayores de 19 años de edad, de cualquier sexo, sin opacidades en los medios transparentes del ojo. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, dislipidemia, hábito de fumar, consumo de alcohol, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, presión arterial sistólica y diastólica, índice de masa corporal, colesterol, glicemia, triglicéridos, creatinina, lipoproteínas de alta densidad, urea, eritrosedimentación y conteo leucocitario. Resultados: El 65,45 % presentó alteraciones en el fondo de ojo: aumento del brillo arteriolar (53,03 %) y disminución del calibre arteriolar generalizado (52,24 %). La retinografía mostró daño en el 58,18 %: rectificación de los cruces arteriovenosos (65,71 %), tortuosidad venosa (28,21 %) y cruces arteriovenosos con aplastamiento (85,71 %). El aumento del colesterol sérico (p= 0,003) se asoció con la presión arterial sistólica (p= 0,037) en el fondo de ojo, y con el antecedente de hipertensión arterial (p= 0,023) en la retinografía. Conclusiones: El colesterol sérico, las cifras elevadas de tensión arterial sistólica y antecedentes de hipertensión arterial son los factores de riesgo que mejor predicen el daño vascular retinal.

Introduction: The association between atherogenic risk factors and retinal microvascular alterations is recognized, but there is no consensus on whether these retinal disorders precede or are a pathophysiological response to these factors. Objective: To determine if the presence of atherogenic risk factors predicts retinal vascular alterations, through fundus examination and retinography. Methods: Cross-sectional study in 55 subjects over 19 years of age, of either sex, without opacities in the transparent media of the eye. The variables studied were age, sex, dyslipidemia, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, glycemia, triglycerides, creatinine, high-density lipoproteins, urea, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocyte count. Results: 65.45% presented alterations in the fundus of the eye: increased arteriolar brightness (53.03%) and decreased generalized arteriolar caliber (52.24%). Retinography showed damage in 58.18%: rectification of arteriovenous crossings (65.71%), venous tortuosity (28.21%), and arteriovenous crossings with crushing (85.71%). The increase in serum cholesterol (p= 0.003) was associated with systolic blood pressure (p= 0.037) in the fundus, and with a history of arterial hypertension (p= 0.023) in retinography. Conclusions: Serum cholesterol, high systolic blood pressure and a history of hypertension are the risk factors that best predict retinal vascular damage.

Rev. argent. cir ; 116(1): 75-80, mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559270


RESUMEN Durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 evidenciamos un aumento de la morbimortalidad secundario a procedimientos quirúrgicos. Se estima una mortalidad a los 30 días del 19,1% en cirugías programadas y del 26% en procedimientos quirúrgicos de emergencia, y alrededor de la mitad de los pacientes que se someten a cirugía estando infectados con SARS-CoV-2 experimentan complicaciones pulmonares posoperatorias. Los tratamientos oncológicos sufrieron deficiencias en nuestro país debido a las limitantes secundarias a la emergencia sanitaria, en cuanto a capacidad de internación e implementación de los tratamientos quimioterápicos. Informamos la primera cirugía de ALPPS (associating liver partition with portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy) realizada en el nordeste argentino en una paciente con metástasis colorrectales múltiples en contexto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, con buenos resultados.

ABSTRACT During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we observed an increase in morbidity and mortality secondary to surgical procedures. The mortality rate for elective surgery is estimated at 19.1% and is 26% for emergency procedures. Additionally, approximately half of patients who undergo surgery while infected with SARS-CoV-2 experience postoperative pulmonary complications. Due to limitations caused by the health emergency, cancer treatments in our country have been affected in terms of hospitalization capabilities and implementation of chemotherapy treatments. We report the first ALPPS (associating liver partition with portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy) procedure performed in northeastern Argentina on a patient with multiple colorectal metastases during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, with successful outcomes.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202202934, feb. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525294


La pileflebitis es definida como la trombosis supurativa de la vena porta como complicación de infecciones abdominales. En pediatría, la etiología más frecuente es la apendicitis, generalmente de diagnóstico tardío, que se presenta como sepsis, con una elevada mortalidad. Para el diagnóstico son necesarios métodos de diagnóstico por imágenes; los más utilizados son la ecografía Doppler y la angiotomografía. El tratamiento se basa en la intervención quirúrgica, la antibioticoterapia y la anticoagulación. Esta última tiene indicación controvertida, pero podría mejorar el pronóstico y disminuir la morbimortalidad. Se presenta un caso clínico de pileflebitis secundaria a sepsis por Escherichia coli con punto de partida en una apendicitis aguda, en un paciente pediátrico que evoluciona a la transformación cavernomatosa de la vena porta. Es de importancia conocer el manejo de esta entidad, ya que, una vez superado el cuadro inicial, requerirá un minucioso seguimiento por la posibilidad de evolucionar a la insuficiencia hepática.

Pylephlebitis is defined as suppurative thrombosis of the portal vein as a complication of abdominal infections. In pediatrics, the most frequent etiology is appendicitis, generally of late diagnosis, presenting as sepsis, with a high mortality rate. Imaging methods are necessary for diagnosis; the most common are the Doppler ultrasound and computed tomography angiography. Treatment is based on surgery, antibiotic therapy, and anticoagulation. The indication for the latter is controversial, but it may improve prognosis and decrease morbidity and mortality. Here we describe a clinical case of pylephlebitis secondary to Escherichia coli sepsis, which started as acute appendicitis in a pediatric patient who progressed to cavernomatous transformation of the portal vein. It is important to know the management of this disease because, once the initial symptoms are overcome, it will require close follow-up due to a potential progression to liver failure.

Humans , Child , Appendicitis/diagnosis , Thrombophlebitis/diagnosis , Thrombophlebitis/etiology , Thrombophlebitis/drug therapy , Sepsis/etiology , Liver Diseases , Portal Vein , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 52-58, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528829


SUMMARY: In bovines, anatomical observations of the coronary vascular tree describe qualitative characteristics. The objective of this study was to morphometrically characterize the coronary veins and their tributaries in cattle. An arcuate application with 2.0 silk was performed around the ostium of the coronary sinus of 28 bovine hearts and a number 14 catheter was placed, through which semi- synthetic polyester resin and mineral blue color was perfused. In 22 hearts (78.6 %) the great cardiac vein was originated at the cardiac apex. The configuration of the arteriovenous trigone was mainly closed inferior and superior types (50 %). The caliber of the great cardiac vein at the level of the atrioventricular sulcus was 6.7 +/- 1.2 mm. The origin of the left marginal vein was observed in the lower third of the left cardiac margin (53.6 %), its distal caliber was 4.1 +/- 0.8 mm and its drainage was at the level of the great cardiac vein. The middle cardiac vein originated from the cardiac apex in 78.6 % of the samples, emptied mainly into the coronary sinus (82.1 %) and its distal caliber was 4.7 +/- 0.9 mm. Anastomoses occurred in 28.6 % of the hearts, being found in most cases between the middle cardiac vein and the great cardiac vein (50 %), which was significant compared to other anastomoses (p<0.001). The length of the coronary sinus was 42.2 +/- 5.1 mm, its distal caliber was 13.8 +/- 2 mm, and its shape was cylindrical. Myocardial bridges were found in 3 hearts (10.7 %) mainly in the lower third of the middle cardiac vein (66.6 %). Most of the main coronary veins drained into the coronary sinus, with some cases with atypical outlets and the presence of a high percentage of anastomosis that serves to improve cardiac venous drainage in case of venous compression or obstruction.

En bovinos, las observaciones anatómicas de árbol vascular coronario describen características cualitativas. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar morfométricamente las venas coronarias y sus tributarias en bovinos. Se realizó una aplicatura arciforme con seda 2.0 alrededor del ostium del seno coronario de 28 corazones de bovino y se colocó un catéter número 14, a través del cual se perfundió resina de poliéster semisintética y color azul mineral. La vena cardiaca magna se originó en 22 corazones (78,6 %) en el ápex cardiaco. La configuración del trígono arteriovenoso fue principalmente cerrado inferior y superior (50 %). El calibre de la vena cardiaca magna a nivel del surco atrioventricular fue 6,7 +/- 1,2 mm. El origen de la vena marginal izquierda se observó en el tercio inferior del margen izquierdo cardiaco (53,6 %), su calibre distal fue 4,1 +/- 0,8 mm y su desembocadura fue a nivel de la vena cardiaca magna. La vena cardiaca media se originó en el ápex cardiaco en el 78,6 % de las muestras, desembocó principalmente en el seno coronario (82.1 %) y su calibre distal fue 4,7 +/- 0,9 mm. Se presentó anastomosis en el 28,6 % de los corazones, encontrándose en la mayoría de los casos entre la vena cardiaca media y la vena cardiaca magna (50 %), lo cual fue significativo en comparación con otras anastomosis (p<0,001). La longitud del seno coronario fue 42,2 +/- 5,1 mm, su calibre distal fue 13,8 +/- 2 mm y su forma fue cilíndrica. Se encontró puentes miocárdicos en 3 corazones (10,7 %) y en el tercio inferior de la vena cardiaca media (66,6 %). La mayoría de las venas coronarias principales desembocan en el seno coronario, con algunos casos con desembocaduras atípicas y la presencia de un alto porcentaje de anastomosis que sirve para mejorar el drenaje venoso cardiaco en caso de compresión u obstrucción venosa.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Veins , Cross-Sectional Studies , Coronary Sinus/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 71-81, feb. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528835


SUMMARY: This paper's aim is a morphometric evaluation of liver and portal vein morphometry using ultrasonography in healthy Turkish population. This study was carried out with 189 subjects (107 females, 82 males). The demographic data and the body surface area were calculated. The longitudinal axis of the liver for two lobes, diagonal axis or liver span, anteroposterior diameter of the liver and portal vein, portal vein transverse diameter, caudate lobe anteroposterior diameter, and portal vein internal diameters as well as longitudinal liver scans in an aortic plane, sagittal plane, transverse plane, and kidney axis were measured. All measurements were analyzed according to age, sex, body mass index, obesity and alcohol consumption. The mean values of the age, height, weight and body mass index were calculated as 44.39 years, 167.05 cm, 74.23 kg, and 27.06kg/m2 in females, respectively. The same values were 44.13 years, 167.70 cm, 75.93 kg and 26.71 kg/m2 in males, respectively. There was significant difference between demographic characteristics, gender, and alcohol consumption in terms of anteroposterior diameter of the liver, portal vein transverse diameter of the right side and liver transverse scan. Also, some measurements including portal vein transverse diameter, liver transverse scan and at kidney axis longitudinal scan of liver showed significant difference between the age groups. There was significant difference in diagonal axis and anteroposterior diameter of liver, portal vein internal diameter, and longitudinal liver scans of the aortic plane parameters between obesity situation. The findings obtained will provide important and useful reference values as it may determine some abnormalities related liver diseases. Also, age, sex, obesity and body mass index values can be effective in the liver and portal vein morphometry related parameters.

El objetivo de este artículo fue realizar una evaluación de la morfometría del hígado y la vena porta mediante ecografía en una población turca sana. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en 189 sujetos (107 mujeres, 82 hombres). Se calcularon los datos demográficos y la superficie corporal. Se midió eleje longitudinal del de dos lóbulos del hígado, el eje diagonal o la extensión del hígado, los diámetros anteroposterior del hígado y de la vena porta, el diámetro transversal de la vena porta, anteroposterior del lóbulo caudado y los diámetros internos de la vena porta, así como las exploraciones longitudinales del hígado en un plano aórtico. Se midieron el plano sagital, el plano transversal y el eje del riñón. Todas las mediciones se analizaron según edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal, obesidad y consumo de alcohol. Los valores medios de edad, talla, peso e índice de masa corporal se calcularon como 44,39 años, 167,05 cm, 74,23 kg y 27,06 kg/m2 en las mujeres, respectivamente. Las mismas variable fueron 44,13 años, 167,70 cm, 75,93 kg y 26,71 kg/m2. Hubo diferencias significativas entre las características demográficas, el sexo y el consumo de alcohol en términos de diámetro anteroposterior del hígado, diámetro transversal de la vena porta del lado derecho y exploración transversal del hígado. Además, algunas mediciones, incluido el diámetro transversal de la vena porta, la exploración transversal del hígado y la exploración longitudinal del hígado en el eje del riñón, mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos de edad. Hubo diferencias significativas en el eje diagonal y el diámetro anteroposterior del hígado, el diámetro interno de la vena porta y los parámetros de las exploraciones hepáticas longitudinales del plano aórtico entre situaciones de obesidad. Los hallazgos obtenidos proporcionarán valores de referencia importantes y útiles ya que pueden determinar algunas anomalías relacionadas con enfermedades hepáticas. Además, los valores de edad, sexo, obesidad e índice de masa corporal pueden ser eficaces en los parámetros relacionados con la morfometría del hígado y la vena porta.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Portal Vein/diagnostic imaging , Liver/diagnostic imaging , Portal Vein/anatomy & histology , Reference Values , Turkey , Body Mass Index , Sex Factors , Ultrasonography , Age Factors , Liver/anatomy & histology , Obesity
Hepatología ; 5(1): 34-47, ene 2, 2024. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1530759


En los últimos años, la trombosis de la vena porta entre los pacientes cirróticos se ha comportado como una entidad reconocida y cada vez más estudiada, no solo por su creciente incidencia, sino por la asociación con gravedad y mal pronóstico en cirrosis. Asimismo, se hacen objeto de estudio las terapias disponibles para el manejo tanto médico como quirúrgico de estos pacientes, lo que ha dado un papel importante a la derivación portosistémica transyugular intrahepática (TIPS). El uso de TIPS en esta población se posiciona como una alternativa de manejo aceptable, no solo por brindar mejoría en las complicaciones derivadas de la hipertensión portal, sino también por sus resultados prometedores en diferentes estudios sobre el flujo y la recanalización portal, y por su perfil de seguridad. Sin embargo, la eficacia, los efectos adversos a largo plazo y el pronóstico de dicha intervención en la compleja fisiopatología de la cirrosis deben continuar en estudio. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los avances del uso de TIPS en el manejo de pacientes con cirrosis hepática y trombosis portal.

In recent years, portal vein thrombosis among cirrhotic patients has been a well-recognized and continuously studied entity, not only because of its increasing incidence but also because of its association with severity and poor prognosis in cirrhosis. Likewise, therapies available for both medical and surgical management in these patients are being studied, which has given an important role to the transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). The use of TIPS in this population is positioned as an acceptable management alternative, not only because it provides improvement in complications derived from portal hypertension, but also because of its promising results in different studies on portal flow and recanalization upgrade, and for its safety. However, the efficacy, long-term adverse effects, and prognosis of this intervention in the complex pathophysiology of cirrhosis must continue to be studied. The objective of this article is to review the advances in the use of TIPS in the management of patients with liver cirrhosis and portal vein thrombosis.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 115-120, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565139


RESUMEN El curso de anatomía humana es crucial en la formación de los estudiantes de medicina y, debido a ello, la escasez de preparados anatómicos significa una dificultad en la enseñanza. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo realizar un preparado anatómico de la cara visceral del hígado que permita visualizar las ramas de la vena porta hepática mediante la aplicación de las técnicas de repleción, disección y conservación Laskowski. En el preparado, se logró visualizar la distribución de las venas suprahepáticas y las ramas de la vena porta que irrigan sus respectivos segmentos, sin encontrar variantes anatómicas. Mediante este trabajo, se logró crear un preparado anatómico que permite visualizar principalmente las ramas de la vena porta hepática. Se recomienda realizar una inspección de la pieza anatómica antes de realizar el trabajo y realizar pruebas para determinar la cantidad adecuada de tinte vegetal a utilizar.

ABSTRACT The human anatomy course is crucial in the education of medical students, and therefore, the shortage of anatomical specimens poses a challenge in teaching. This study aims to create an anatomical preparation of the visceral surface of the liver, allowing visualization of the branches of the hepatic portal vein using the repletion, dissection, and Laskowski preservation techniques. The preparation successfully revealed the distribution of suprahepatic veins and branches of the portal vein irrigating their respective segments, without encountering anatomical variations. Through this study, successfully, produced an anatomical specimen primarily showcasing the branches of the hepatic portal vein. It is recommended inspecting the anatomical specimen before commencing the work, as well as conducting tests to determine the appropriate amount of plant dye to use.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 469-473, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016914


Establishment of rat models of liver transplantation provides an ideal animal model for resolving the problems of postoperative complications and perioperative treatment of liver transplantation. With in-depth study of the establishment of rat models of liver transplantation, classic "two-cuff" technique has been gradually employed. However, poor surgical field, vascular torsion, biliary tract injury and long anhepatic phase remain unresolved in the process of liver transplantation using traditional techniques. At present, the rat models of liver transplantation at home and abroad are modified mainly from the reconstruction of four vital anatomic structures including the suprahepatic inferior vena cava, portal vein, infrahepatic inferior vena cava and bile duct. Therefore, the latest progress in the reconstruction of the suprahepatic inferior vena cava, portal vein, infrahepatic inferior vena cava and bile duct was reviewed, aiming to provide reference for the establishment of rat models of liver transplantation and promote further development of liver transplantation techniques.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018844


Objective To discuss the application of the"rotating guidewire and correcting the filter recovery hook direction technique"("rotation-correction loop technique"for short),a technique invented by the authors in clinical practice,in the retrieval of complex inferior vena cava filter(IVCF),and to discuss its technical skills and advantages.Methods The clinical data of 417 patients carrying an IVCF,who were admitted to the Department of Vascular Surgery of Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University of China to retrieve IVCF between January 2022 and December 2022,were retrospectively analyzed.Taking the time spent on the retrieval of IVCF and the intraoperative radiation dose as the evaluation indicators,the advantages and disadvantages of the standard filter retrieval technique,the"rotation-correction loop technique"and the other loop-assisted techniques were compared.Results Both the intraoperative radiation dose and the time spent on the retrieval of IVCF using"rotation-correction loop technique"were remarkably lower than those of other loop-assisted techniques(P<0.000 1).Conclusion For the retrieval of complex IVCF,especially for the IVCF which is heavily tilted and/or its recovered hook is attached to the vascular wall,the use of"rotation-correction loop technique"can shorten the time spent on the the retrieval of IVCF and reduce the intraoperative radiation dose.This technique carries high safety and practicability,the device is simple and it can be manipulated by single physician,which is conducive to clinical application and promotion.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,33:289-294)

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019614


Superior vena cava syndrome(SVCS)is a group of clinical syndromes caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava and its major branches from various causes.Pulmonary artery stenosis(PS)is a complication of lung cancer or mediastinal tumours.SVCS combined with PS due to pulmonary metastases from bladder cancer is extremely rare and has not been reported in the literature.Here we reported an old male patient with pulmonary metastases from bladder cancer presenting with swelling of the head,neck and both upper limbs.SVCS combined with PS was clarified by pulmonary artery computed tomography angiography(CTA)and digital subtraction angiography(DSA).Endovascular stenting was used to treat SVCS.Angiography also showed that PS had not caused pulmonary hypertension and did not need to be treated.The swelling of the patient's head,neck and upper limbs was gradually reduced after the procedure.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 456-459,463, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020237


Objective To compare and analyze the application value of domestic Octoparms and imported Celect inferior vena cava filter(IVCF)in the interventional treatment of venous thromboembolism(VTE).Methods Forty patients with VTE were randomly divided into Octoparms group(experimental group)and Celect group(control group)according to the double-blinded method of the central random system.All the patients underwent filter placement,catheter-directed thrombolysis and filter retrieval.The primary end point was the success of filter placement and retrieval,and the secondary end point included indwelling complications such as the occurrence of pulmonary embolism(PE)and filter tilt and migration.Results Forty patients were enrolled in this study,22 patients and 18 patients were divided into the experimental group and the control group,respectively.Among them,11 cases were identified with right lower extremity deep vein thrombosis,29 cases with left lower extremity deep vein thrombosis,17 cases with PE,and 6 cases with inferior vena cava thrombosis.The success rate of IVCF placement was 100%in all participants.Immediately after filter place-ment,the angle of filter tilt was(3.8±2.3)° in the experimental group and(4.9±2.8)° in the control group(t=1.44,P=0.16).Filter retrieval was successful in 21 cases(21/22,95.5%)of the experimental group and 17 cases(17/18,95.5%)of the control group.There was no significant difference between the two groups(t=0.14,P=0.89).The mean indwelling time of filter was(8.0±2.1)days in the experimental group and(9.7±3.1)days in the control group(t=0.73,P=0.47).The angle of filter tilt was(5.3±3.4)° in the experimental group and(5.7±7.7)° in the control group(t=0.19,P=0.85).There was no significant difference for filter placement and retrieval between the two groups(t=0.48 and 2.00,P=0.06 and 0.64,respectively).There were no complications of filter migration,strut penetration or new PE in both groups.Conclusion The application value of domestic Octoparms and impor-ted Celect IVCF is similar in interventional treatment of VTE.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030644


@#Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) with absence of right superior vena cava (SVC), also known as isolated PLSVC, is a relatively rare type of congenital body venous malformation. Isolated PLSVC is asymptomatic, however, it will bring clinical difficulties to the implantation of the totally implantable venous access port (TIVAP). We reported a 41 years, male patient with esophageal cancer, who needed neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy. Through doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and vascular 3D-reconstruction, we found him to be a patient with PLSVC with absence of right SVC before the insertion of TIVAP. Hence, we chose the left approach in which the needle was inserted into the sternocleidomastoid clavicular head lateral notch in left supraclavicular fossa as the puncture point. The depth of the catheter tip from the root of the neck to the puncture point was 21.5 cm and the catheter tip was located at the junction of the PLSVC and the right atrium, at the dilated coronary sinus. The procedure was successful and the patient received expected neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy after operation, and anticoagulant therapy was performed to prevent thrombosis in coronary sinus and superior vena cava. There was no major catheter-related complication during the period of TIVAP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024234


Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy of individualized thrombolysis-assisted comprehensive intervention for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the lower limbs.Methods:This study included 32 patients with acute lower limb DVT diagnosed by angiography who received treatment at the Jianhu Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University from March 2012 to November 2021. These patients first received implantation of an inferior vena cava filter. Then they were divided into a control group and an observation group based on treatment methods. The control group received thrombolytic catheterization and a routine infusion of urokinase. In the observation group, balloon dilation was performed first, and a large lumen catheter was used to draw blood clots. Subsequently, urokinase at a dose based on fibrinogen measurement was injected through a thrombolytic catheter. Swelling reduction, venous patency, and complications of the affected limbs were monitored.Results:In the control group, the difference in thigh circumference before treatment was (4.65 ± 1.06) cm, and after treatment, it was (2.76 ± 1.25) cm. In the observation group, the difference in thigh circumference before treatment was (4.73 ± 1.03) cm, and it was (1.40 ± 0.83) cm after treatment. In the control group, the difference in calf circumference before treatment was (2.24 ± 0.90) cm, and it was (1.56 ± 0.86) cm after treatment. In the observation group, the difference in calf circumference before treatment was (2.40 ± 0.83) cm, and it was (0.80 ± 0.73) cm after treatment. After treatment, the differences in thigh circumference and calf circumference between the healthy and affected sides were statistically significant ( t = 3.58, 2.67, both P < 0.05). After treatment, there was a significant difference in venous patency between the control and observation groups (34.02% [33/97] vs. 68.18% [60/88], t = 3.44, P < 0.05). After 12 months of follow-up, the Villalta scale score, which was used to evaluate post-thrombotic syndrome, was (9.23 ± 4.07) points in the control group, which was significantly different from (5.73 ± 3.39) points in the observation group ( t = 2.62, P < 0.05). Conclusion:Individualized thrombolysis-assisted comprehensive intervention is highly effective in the treatment of DVT in the lower limbs and results in few complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025692


Objective To investigate the value of emergency physician-led focused assessment with sonography for trauma(FAST)combined with serum C-reactive protein(CRP),procalcitonin(PCT),and interleukin-6(IL-6)testing in predicting the clinical outcome of patients with acute chest and abdominal trauma.Methods Ninety-six patients with acute thoracoabdominal trauma,who had been admitted to the Department of Emergency in our hospital from February 2019 to February 2022,were selected for this study.The patients were grouped according to their clinical outcomes,with the individuals who died after 48 h of treatment classified to the death group(n = 14)and all the others to the survival group(n = 82).The general clinical indicators(sex,age,body mass,trauma type,smoking history,alcohol consumption history,and previous chest and abdominal surgery history),CRAMS scores,inferior vena cava-collapse index(IVC-CI),and serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 levels at 0,24,and 48 h after admission were compared between the two groups.Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors that influence the outcomes of patients with acute thoracoabdominal trauma based on statistically significant differences(P<0.05)between the two groups.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves of the IVC-CI combined with serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 detection were plotted to evaluate the value in predicting clinical outcomes.Results The serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 levels,CRAMS score,and IVC-CI in the death group were higher than those in the survival group at 0,24,and 48 h after admis-sion(all P<0.001).The serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 levels in patients in the death group gradually increased from 0,24,and 48 h after admission,and the differences between each time point were statistically significant(all P<0.05).In the patients in the survival group,these serum protein levels increased from 0 to 24 h after admission and peaked at 48 h,and the differences between each time point were statistically significant(all P<0.05).The logistic regression analysis showed that the CRAMS score,IVC-CI,and serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 levels were risk factors affecting the outcome of patients with acute chest and abdominal trauma(all P<0.05).The area under the ROC curve for the IVC-CI combined with serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 detection was greater than that for each individual assessment type alone(all P<0.05),and the use of the IVC-CI combined with serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 detection to predict the clinical outcome of patients with acute chest and abdominal trauma had net clinical benefit.Conclusion The IVC-CI and serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 levels were associ-ated with the clinical outcomes of patients with acute thoracoabdominal trauma.Therefore,emergency physician-led bedside ultrasound FAST combined with 48 h serum CRP,PCT,and IL-6 testing has good value for predicting the clinical outcomes of patients with acute chest and abdominal trauma.

Repert. med. cir ; 33(2): 200-204, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1561158


Introducción: el aneurisma gigante de aorta es una entidad poco frecuente y puede cursar asintomático por años o con manifestaciones inespecíficas. El diagnóstico es imagenológico, siendo la tomografía contrastada y la angiografía por resonancia magnética los procedimientos de elección. Tiene alta mortalidad con pronóstico variable. Reporte de caso: se presenta el caso de un aneurisma gigante de aorta manifestado como síndrome de vena cava superior en una mujer de 88 años con múltiples patologías de base, quien por las características del aneurisma y sus antecedentes patológicos no fue candidata a intervención quirúrgica. Discusión: es relevante considerar esta patología en el abordaje de pacientes con síndrome de vena cava superior, para definir la posibilidad de intervención quirúrgica y mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes. Conclusión: el aneurisma gigante de la aorta es una patología poco frecuente con clínica inespecífica, cuyo tratamiento por lo general es quirúrgico, con alta morbimortalidad a largo plazo si el diagnóstico es tardío.

Introduction: giant aortic aneurysm (AA) is a rare condition which may be asymptomatic for years or present with non-specific symptoms. Diagnosis is by imaging tests such as contrast tomography and magnetic resonance angiography of the aorta, which are considered first line for definitive diagnosis. It carries high mortality and variable prognosis. Case: herein we present a case of giant aortic aneurysm revealed by superior vena cava syndrome in an 88-year-old female patient with multiple underlying pathologies. She was not a candidate for AA surgical repair due to the features of the aneurysm and her past medical history. Discussion: it is relevant to consider AA in the approach to the patient with superior vena cava syndrome, to define treatment by surgical repair for improving prognosis. Conclusion: giant aortic aneurysm is a rare condition with non-specific features, usually treated surgically, carrying high long-term morbidity and mortality if diagnosis is delayed.
