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Psicopedagogia ; 40(121): 103-116, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1449006


O presente artigo busca analisar as representações de professoras presentes no conto "Atrás da Catedral de Ruão" (1947) e no romance Amar, verbo intransitivo (1944), ambos de Mário de Andrade, com ênfase nas questões insertas sobre a noção de velhice e loucura. São textos escritos sob a égide do Modernismo e que tematizaram as respectivas práticas pedagógicas, mas ressaltam também as angústias de mulheres trabalhadoras e itinerantes, que são malvistas por exercerem funções de natureza pública em espaços privados. Se por um lado era emblemático o fato de ser mulher, por outro, eram ainda mais acentuados os destaques feitos pelo escritor, pois a idade estava à mostra e a loucura era vista como condição inata de um gênero supostamente inferior. A literatura no presente estudo significou importante artefato cultural, também serviu como peculiar fonte para interpretação pelos historiadores do presente, de modo que o método aqui utilizado foi aquele sintetizado na noção de operação historiográfica preconizada por Michel de Certeau (1975/2020).

This paper analyzes the representations of female teachers in the short story "Behind Ruão's Cathedral" (1947) and in the novel "To Love, intransitive verb" (1944), both by Mário de Andrade, with emphasis on the questions about the notion of old age and madness. These texts were written under the aegis of Modernism, and they thematize the respective pedagogical practices, but also highlight the anguish of working and itinerant women, who are disliked for performing public functions in private spaces. If on the one hand it was emblematic that she was a woman, on the other, the writer's highlights were even more pronounced, for age was on display and madness was seen as an innate condition of a supposedly inferior gender. Literature in the present study meant an important cultural artifact, and also served as a peculiar source for interpretation by historians of the present, so that the method used here was that synthesized in the notion of historiographical operation advocated by Michel de Certeau (1975/2020).

Interaçao psicol ; 25(1): 385-394, jan.-abr. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512100


O treino em matriz é um procedimento de ensino que implica na organização dos componentes do repertório a ser ensinado em dois eixos. Ele tem sido utilizado para favorecer a recombinação generalizada de repertórios verbais. No entanto, ainda que pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) apresentem geralmente dificuldades na linguagem, verifica-se que poucos estudos investigaram os efeitos do treino em matriz para o estabelecimento de repertórios verbais nessa população. O presente estudo avaliou, a partir de um delineamento de linha de base múltipla entre participantes, o efeito do treino em matriz na indução de recombinação generalizada de relações substantivo-verbo, em português, para duas crianças com TEA. As relações substantivo-verbo de nove figuras foram organizadas em uma matriz 3x3, sendo ensinadas diretamente três relações e testadas as outras seis. Outras nove relações substantivo-verbo foram organizadas em uma segunda matriz 3x3, sendo todas apenas testadas. O procedimento foi eficaz no estabelecimento das relações substantivo-verbo para um dos participantes e ocasionou aumento na emissão de respostas corretas das relações para o outro. Discutem-se a ampliação da validade externa do efeito do treino em matriz para crianças com TEA, questões relativas ao estabelecimento de controle de estímulos e quadros autoclíticos nesse procedimento de ensino.

Matrix training is a teaching procedure that involves the organizing the components of the repertoire to be taught in two axes. It has been used to promote the generalized recombination of verbal repertoires. However, even though people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually present language difficulties, few studies have investigated the effects of matrix training on the establishment of verbal repertoires in this population. The present study evaluated, from a multiple participant multiple baseline design, the effect of matrix training on the induction of generalized recombination of noun-verb relations, in Portuguese, for two children with ASD. The noun-verb relations of nine figures were organized in a 3x3 matrix, with three relations being directly taught and the other six tested. Another nine noun-verb relations were organized in a second 3x3 matrix, all of which were just tested. The procedure was effective in establishing noun-verb relations for one of the participants and produced an increase in the issuance of correct responses of the relations for the other. The expansion of the external validity of the effect of matrix training for children with ASD, issues related to the establishment of stimulus control and autoclitic frames in this teaching procedure are discussed.

Interdisciplinaria ; 33(2): 337-353, Dec. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-841058


Los compuestos verbo-nombre del español presentan la particularidad de carecer de un núcleo que aporte los rasgos morfológicos, de categoría o semántico-referenciales. El acceso al significado depende entonces de la relación que mantienen los constituyentes entre sí y no a partir de la identificación de un elemento nuclear, como ocurre en compuestos que poseen un lexema referencial (telaraña, bocacalle). Dentro del compuesto verbo-nombre, la relación semántica que se establece entre los constituyentes no es única. Si bien la estructura semántica prototípica responde al patrón agente-paciente (cortacésped), existen otras posibilidades argumentales, como las relaciones locativas (pasacalle). El estudio realizado tuvo como objetivo determinar hasta qué punto la estructura argumental proyectada por el verbo tiene una influencia en el procesamiento cognitivo de estas unidades. Primeramente, se llevó a cabo un juicio de aceptabilidad para asegurar que los estímulos se correspondieran con la realidad lingüística de los participantes del estudio experimental. A continuación, se administró una prueba de decisión léxica con compuestos que poseían distintos tipos de estructura argumental: (1) agente / paciente (algo que V a N, abrelatas), (2) agente / paciente menos prototípica (procesos metafóricos, chupasangre) y (3) locativos (lugar donde x hace V a N, guardamuebles). Los resultados muestran que los tiempos de decisión (respuesta) ante compuestos locativos fueron significativamente mayores que ante los prototípicos. Este resultado no puede ser explicado por diferencias en longitud o frecuencia de los compuestos o sus constituyentes, por lo que parecen apoyar la hipótesis de que la estructura argumental juega un rol central en el procesamiento de estas palabras.

Research on the processing of compound words offers important insights on how the mental lexicon is organized. It is a current topic in psycholinguistics if compound words are represented and processed as unitary lexical units (full-listing models) or only as individual constituents analyzed via acombinatorial mechanism (full-parsing models). There is enough experimental evidence that both mechanisms are involved (dual-route models). Several characteristics of the stimuli, like length, morphological family size, frequency of compounds and their constituents are important factors to determine how they are processed. Compound words are meaningful units that contain smaller meaningful units. Therefore, in the domain of compounds' studies, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain how only one interpretation is achieved from two independent meanings. Models that describe the construction of lexical semantic features in compound words, like APPLE - Automatic Progressive Parsing and Lexical Excitation (Libben 1994,1998) or CARIN - Competition Among Relations in Nominals (Gagné, 2000), are based on the notion of a morphological head. According to these theories the recognition of the head would trigger an interpretation of the whole word. In noun-noun compounds (pez espada, 'swordfish', telaraña 'spiderweb'), in which the head has the referential features, the identification of this head and the posterior clarification of the relationship with the non-head lexeme is the way to interpret the whole compound (pez 'fish' and tela 'web', respectively). However, not every compound has a head with the referential attributes inside. Verb-noun compounding is an extremely productive word-formation process in Romance languages. Spanish verb-noun compounds have the particularity of being exocentric: these constructions do not present a categorical, morphological or semantic head. Therefore, access to the meaning depends on the relationship between both of their constituent lexemes. For these units, the traditional distinction between semantically transparent and semantically opaque compounds is not suitable, because it doesn't take under consideration the projection of the argument structure by the verbal constituent. The semantic relationship established between the lexemes within a compound is not unique. While the prototypical semantic structure responds to the agent-patient pattern (cortacésped), there are other semantic possibilities, such as locative relationships (pasacalle). The present study addresses the issue of the comprehension of Spanish verb-noun compounds in order to provide evidence about the role of the argument structure projected by the first lexeme in the whole-word meaning. It is proposed that the argument structure of the verbal constituent has a cognitive influence on the processing and comprehension of these units. Firstly, an acceptability judgment test was administrated in order to identify a group of verb-noun compounds that were adequate for the Argentinean Spanish lexicon. Secondly, a lexical decision task was conducted with the stimuli selected as acceptable. Thirty native speakers (20 females), ranged in age from 19 to 34 years old, with at least 12 years of schooling, participated in the experiment. The lexical decision task included three types of compounds according to their argument structure: (1) Agent / patient (abrelatas), (2) Agent / patient with less prototypical features or metaphorical processes (chupasangre), and (3) locatives (guardamuebles). Stimuli were matched according to the whole-word and constituent frequency and length. For the statistical analysis, ANOVAs were calculated for error rates and response times (RTs) for each condition. Results show that reaction times (answers) to locative compounds were significantly higher than to agent-patient compounds. This contrast cannot be explained by differences in frequency or length, of the compounds or their constituents. Consequently, the present results seem to support the hypothesis that argument structure plays a central role in the processing of these words.

Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 18(2): 155-160, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-693387


A partir do momento em que se transpõe a dialética dos símbolos, rumo à experiência mística, é a força da palavra devidamente potencializada o que vai poder mover o ouvinte, uma vez que há uma força oculta por detrás de cada palavra. A força das palavras aparece, como uma contracção da força da mente, que se 'explica' nas múltiplas palavras que são, no mais fundo delas próprias, núcleos energéticos discursivos e que só podem ser entendidas nesse jogo dinâmico que se estabelece entre as coisas do mundo externo e seu referente interno, isto é, a mente. O discernimento é passado inicialmente, como propõe Nicolau de Cusa, por imagens sensíveis, continuando a proposta de Jesus, que falou inicialmente por figuras, mas disse também que chegaria a hora em que já não falaria por figuras, mas claramente, pois as palavras que de Deus recebeu, ele as deu aos homens cumprindo-se a profecia: no princípio era o Verbo (In principio erat verbum), no qual subjaz o poder criador da palavra. A proposta do Cusano é que nesta teoria do conhecimento se reconheçam as limitações da palavra e do discurso, inscrevendo-se a sua dialética no conhecimento intelectual da trindade, o qual, na unidade, ultrapassa tudo...

From the moment in which the dialectics of symbols is transposed, toward the mystical experience, it is the power of the word duly potentialized that will move the listener, once there is a hidden force behind each word. The power of the words appears as a contraction of the strength of the mind that "explains" itself in multiple words that are, in their deeper selves, discoursive energetic cores and that can only be understood in this dynamic game that is established between the things of the external world and its internal referent, that is, the mind. Discernment is passed initially, as Nicholas of Cusa proposed, by sensitive images, continuing Jesus' proposal that spoke at the beginning through images, however He also said that the time would come when He would no longer speak through images, but clearly, for the words He received from God He[[he gave them to men, thus fulfilling the prophecy: in the beginning was the Word (In principio erat verbum), in which lies the creative power of the word. Nicholas of Cusa's proposal is that in this theory of knowledge the limitations of the word and of the discourse are acknowledged, registering its dialectics in the intellectual knowledge of Trinity which, in the unity, exceeds all...

A partir del momento en que se transpone la dialéctica de los símbolos rumbo a la experiência mística, es la fuerza de la palabra debidamente potencializada, lo que hará hacer estremecer al oyente, una vez que hay una fuerza oculta detrás de cada palabra. La fuerza de las palabras aparece como una contracción de la fueza mental, que se 'explica' en las múltiples palabras que son en lo más fondo de las mismas, núcleos energéticos discursivos y que solo pueden ser compreendidas en ese juego dinámico, que se estabelece entre las cosas del mundo externo y su referente interno, esto es, la mente. El discernimiento es pasado inicialmente como lo propone Nicolás de Cusa, por imágenes sensibles, dándole continuidad a la propuesta de Jesús; que habla inicialmente por figuras, pero también disse que llegaría la hora en que no hablaría mas por médio de figuras, pero claramente, pues las palabras que de Dios recibió, él se las dio a los hombres cumpliendo la profecia: En el pincipio era el verbo (In principio erat verbum) en el cual subyace el poder crador de la palabra. La propuesta del Cusano es que en esta teoria de conocimiento sean reconocidas las de limitaciones de la palabra y del discurso, inscribiéndose en su propia dialéctica, en el conocimiento intelectual de la Trinidad, lo cual en la unidad lo ultra passa todo...

Humans , Speech , Philosophy , Concept Formation , Self Psychology