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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(5): 1601-1610, Mai. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890573


Resumo A vivência do desamparo no momento da gravidez afeta o estado emocional da mulher dificultando sua disponibilidade no cuidado consigo e com o bebê. O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender a experiência emocional decorrente da violência intrafamiliar vivenciadas pelas mães adolescentes e adolescentes grávidas acolhidas institucionalmente. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório, descritivo e clínico-qualitativo. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a seis adolescentes: uma grávida e cinco mães acolhidas institucionalmente e com a psicóloga da instituição. Os dados mostraram o desamparo vivenciado pelas adolescentes participantes tanto durante a gravidez como ao longo de suas vidas; a instituição de acolhimento foi o único lugar de proteção, acolhimento e apoio às adolescentes no período gravídico puerperal; as mães das adolescentes também vivenciaram situações de desamparo seja pela família ou pelo companheiro, e as próprias adolescentes repetem o desamparo com respeito aos filhos. Concluiu-se que a violência traz consequências na vida das adolescentes, intenso sofrimento, e a repetição que atravessa gerações, demandando um cuidado de toda a sociedade, na prevenção e intervenção.

Abstract The experience of helplessness or abandonment during pregnancy affects the emotional state of women, hindering their disposition in taking care of themselves and their baby. The aim of this study was to understand the emotional experience arising from intra-family violence experienced by institutionally sheltered adolescent mothers and pregnant adolescents. This study is exploratory, descriptive, clinical and qualitive. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a psychologist from the institution and with six adolescents in the institution: one pregnant girl and five mothers. The data showed that helplessness was experienced by participants both during their pregnancy and throughout their lives. The institution was found to be the only place of protection, care and support for adolescents in the puerperal pregnancy period. The adolescents' mothers had also experienced abandonment by either their family members or their partners and the adolescents themselves repeated this abandonment with their own children. This study concludes that violence has consequences for the lives of adolescents, causing immense suffering and a transgenerational repetition of violence, demanding greater prevention and intervention.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Pregnancy in Adolescence/psychology , Domestic Violence/psychology , Helplessness, Learned , Mothers/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Sexual Partners/psychology , Child, Abandoned/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Prospective Studies
Univ. psychol ; 6(2): 309-318, mayo.-ago. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-571882


La presente investigación surge del interés por la comprensión de los mecanismos que subyacen a la transmisión de conductas maltratantes de una generación a la siguiente. El objetivo del estudio se centró en determinar si acciones sociales de rechazo hacia el maltrato infantil, como la institucionalización, propician una actitud crítica hacia esta práctica. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 24 niños de sexo masculino institucionalizados y 17 niños no institucionalizados, todos con historia de maltrato físico. Los resultados determinaron diferencias significativas, p < 0.05 entre los niños institucionalizados y los no institucionalizados, con respecto al sentimiento de autoprotección frente a las agresiones de los padres y al conocimiento que éstos tenían de sus derechos.

This research aims to comprehand the mechanisms that underlie the transmission of maltreatment from one generation to the other. The objective of this study was to determine if certain social actions of refusal toward the child abuse, like institutionalization, reinforce a critical attitude toward this practice. The sample was composed of 24 maleinstitutionalized children and 17 not institutionalized children, with history of physical abuse. The results determineda significant difference p < 0.05 among the institutionalized children and those not institutionalized with regards theirfeelings of self-protection against the aggressions of parents and the knowledge that they had about their rights.

Aptitude Tests , Sex Characteristics , Intelligence Tests