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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(1): 53-66, ene. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-974814


Resumo Dados do IBGE apontam que a população idosa do Brasil que era de 11%, em 2013, passará a ser de 33,7%, em 2060. Este processo de envelhecimento pode ser diagnosticado a partir da capacidade que o trabalhador dispõe para suas atividades laborais. Para realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema, utilizou-se o PROKNOW-C, realizando a análise bibliométrica e sistêmica da literatura. Os resultados levaram a constituição de um portfólio com 29 artigos, destacando-se os periódicos de maior relevância, autores e palavras-chaves. A análise sistêmica proporcionou importantes resultados: a metodologia survey foi aplicada em 26 artigos; 21 estudos são cortes transversais; constatou-se que em 10 estudos a capacidade para o trabalho diminui com o avanço da idade e a prática de exercícios físicos foi associada positivamente com o ICT em 11 estudos. Os resultados confirmam que o ICT é um instrumento que permite diagnosticar a situação da vida laboral dos trabalhadores, e, em caso de baixos índices, a presença de um envelhecimento funcional precoce. O estudo possibilitou ressaltar a importância de avaliar aspectos da vida social do trabalhador, uma vez que estes fatores influenciam positiva ou negativamente na capacidade para o trabalho.

Abstract Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) data indicate that the elderly population of Brazil numbering 11% in 2003, will attain 33.7% by 2060. This aging process can be diagnosed from the capability workers possess for their labor activities. ProKnow-C was used to conduct the review, carrying out bibliometric and systemic analysis of the literature on the subject. The results led to the compilation of a portfolio with 29 papers, highlighting the most relevant journals, authors and keywords. Systemic analysis provided important results: survey methodology was applied on 26 papers, 21 of which were cross-sectional studies; in all the papers the WAI was associated with sociodemographic data; in 10 studies it was found that the work ability decreased while age increased and the practice of physical exercises was positively associated with the WAI in 11 studies. The results led to the perception that the WAI is an instrument that makes it possible to diagnose the situation of the working life of employees, and, in the case of low rates, the presence of early functional aging is detected. The study highlighted the importance of assessing aspects of the worker's social life, since these factors influence the work ability positively or negatively.

Humans , Aged , Work/physiology , Work Capacity Evaluation , Aging/psychology , Research Design , Brazil , Bibliometrics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Factors
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512959


Chuan Ya Wai Bian (External Therapies of Folk Medicine), compiled by ZHAO Xue-min, a medical expert in Qing Dynasty, is abundant in folk external therapies including acupuncture, moxibustion, acupoint sticking therapies, which all have unique features. Folk acupuncture-moxibustion is an important part of acupuncture- moxibustion therapy, playing a role that can't be replaced by conventional acupuncture-moxibustion. It's worth exploring and needs constant improvements to adapt to the requirement of modern medicine, which is also significant for boosting the development of acupuncture-moxibustion therapy.

Investig. psicol ; 20(1): 49-62, abr.2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-761832


La alianza terapéutica representa un concepto central para la investigación y el ejercicio de prácticas clínicas en psicoterapia. En este estudio se presenta la adaptación argentina del Inventario de Alianza de Trabajo en su versión breve y del paciente (WAI-SR-A), junto con el análisis de sus propiedades psicométricas. Se convocó una muestra no probabilística de 153 pacientes que se encontraban realizando tratamientos con una extensión mínima de 5 sesiones. Se condujo un análisis factorial confirmatorio que aportó evidencias en favor de la validez de constructo del instrumento. Los resultados del análisis factorial fueron replicados mediante un procedimiento de Bootstrap utilizando 500 sub-muestras aleatorias. A su vez, se analizaron los índices alpha de Cronbach convencional y alpha de Cronbach ordinal y las correlaciones ítem-total corregidas en las dimensiones del instrumento, mostrando que el inventario y sus tres sub-escalas presentan adecuados niveles de consistencia interna y homogeneidad. Los resultados del estudio posicionan al WAI-SR-A como un instrumento válido y confiable para el análisis de la alianza terapéutica en el contexto argentino. Contar con un inventario de estas características puede favorecer el estudio empírico y seguimiento clínico de los procesos psicoterapéuticos, beneficiando tanto a psicoterapeutas como a investigadores...

Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Psychological Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 26(1): 77-92, ene.-abr. 2015. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-740907


Introducción: Muchas personas, como parte del tratamiento de su diabetes mellitus, prefieren hacer ejercicios alternativos, incluyendo actividades mente-cuerpo empleados en la Medicina Tradicional China.Objetivo: describir algunas formas alternativas de ejercicios utilizados por la Medicina Tradicional China como una opción a considerar en el tratamiento de personas con diabetes mellitus.Desarrollo: se encontraron efectos similares a los reportados con el uso de la actividad física convencional en personas con diabetes mellitus, que al parecer pueden ser obtenidos con los ejercicios utilizados en la Medicina Tradicional China, como es el caso de la práctica del Tai chi chuan, Qigong y Wai tan kung. Ellos constituyen programas de ejercicios útiles, bien estructurados y con miles de años de práctica cotidiana, que, unidos al tratamiento convencional de la diabetes mellitus, pueden facilitar una buena evolución y una mayor calidad de vida de estas personas, pues aportan efectos positivos sobre el control metabólico, la densidad ósea, la función física general y cardiopulmonar en particular, y sobre el estado psicológico y la función inmune del paciente.Conclusiones: los efectos favorables obtenidos durante la realización de formas alternativas de ejercicio físico utilizados por la Medicina Tradicional China en personas con diabetes mellitus, hacen de su práctica una opción a considerar para el tratamiento de esta importante entidad nosológica(AU)

Introduction: As part of the treatment of diabetes mellitus, many people choose to do alternative exercises including mind-body activities used in the Chinese traditional medicine.Objective: to describe some alternative forms of exercising used by Chinese traditional medicine as a choice to be considered in the treatment of diabetes mellitus people.Development: similar effects to those reported with the use of conventional physical activity in diabetic persons were found; it seems that they may be reached with the Chinese traditional medicine exercising as is the case of practicing Tai chi chuan, Qigong and Wai tan kung. These are well-structured programs of useful exercises that have been practiced during thousand of years and that, together with the conventional therapy for diabetes mellitus, could facilitate good progress and higher quality of life in this people. They provide positive effects in terms of metabolic control, bone density, general physical function and particularly, cardiopulmonary function, psychological status and immunological condition of the patient.Conclusions: the favorable impact from the practice of alternative forms of physical exercises in Chinese traditional medicine by diabetes mellitus patients makes practice a choice to be considered in treating this important entity(AU)

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy , Medicine, Chinese Traditional/methods , Exercise Movement Techniques/methods , Motor Activity/physiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456192


Objective]To explore the essence of doubts differentiation from‘Neiwaishangbianhuolun’,the monumental work of the medical practitioner Dongyuan Li in Jin and Yuan Dynasties, and relativity between internal damage and exogenous diseases.[Methods] By means of researching the background of‘Neiwaishangbianhuolun’, analyzing the 13 main differentiations, think about the essence of doubts differentiation; meanwhile, by connecting to the explicate of mechanism of ascending yangqi belonging to exterior-releasing medicine(wind-expel ing drugs) in his representative work‘Piweilun’, discuss the contrary and transforming relationships between exogenous wind-cold and internal damage of the stomach and spleen, comparing to academic thoughts of Zhongjing Zhang’s‘Shanghanlun’. [Results]Realize essence of doubts differentiation from ‘Neiwaishangbianhuolun’ is not exterior or interior of disease location,but deficiency and excess of disease character.By analyzing the functional mechanism of wind-expel ing drugs and relationship among exogenous diseases,wind-expel ing drugs and the stomach and spleen, raise the relativity between internal damage and exogenous diseases. [Conclusions] The revealing of the essence of deficiency and excess differentiations from‘Neiwaishangbianhuolun’, together with knowledge of the functional essence of wind-expel ing drugs and the relevance of internal damage and exogenous diseases, may open the mind partly for syndrome differentiation and medications in the clinic.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2013 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 608-621
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162869


Aims: Validation of the Greek version of Work Ability Index (WAI). Study Design: A cross sectional survey of 943 workers from a shipyard industry. Place and Duration of Study: University of Patras, Medical School, Public Health Department, HSY occupational health department, Greece in 2006-07. Methodology: The translation and cultural adaptation of the questionnaire was performed according to the international standards. The following aspects of the questionnaire were evaluated: construct validity, using factorial analysis, and discriminant capacity, by comparing Work Ability Index scores across variables likely to be related with work ability, like absenteeism; criterion validity, by determining the correlation between self-reported health and Work Ability Index score; and reliability, using Kendall’s tau b coefficient to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaire. Results: A two-dimensional structure model, interpreted as “subjectively estimated work ability” and “ill-health related ability” of the instrument fits better our study population with some of the subscales load on both dimensions. Good discriminating properties of the tool with sickness absence, education level and high criterion validity using dimensions of health status, were evident. High inter-item Kendall’s tau b coefficients were indicative of satisfactory reliability. Conclusions: The Greek version of the WAI showed satisfactory psychometric properties thus constituting an appropriate option for evaluating work ability in both individual and population-based settings.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662046


El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar las tareas de validación del Inventario de Alianza de Trabajo en su Versión Observador para una muestra de pacientes y terapeutas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Para ello se detallan las diferentes tareas realizadas a in de obtener datos sobre los distintos tipos de validez (teórica o estructural, concurrencia y de constructo) involucrados en el proceso general de validación. Se presentan los resultados estadísticos asociados al estudio de la validez de constructo.

The aim of the present paper is to present the tasks for the validation of the Working Alliance Inventory in its Observer Form, in a sample of patients and psychotherapists of Buenos Aires. The different tasks made in order to obtain the data about the different types of validity (theoretical or structural, concurrent and construct) involved in the general validation process are detailed. Statistical results related to the study of construct validity are presented.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;12(2): 217-225, jun. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-518036


INTRODUÇÃO: O Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT) tem sido utilizado para mensurar a capacidade física, mental e social dos trabalhadores. Porém, não há relato de estudos que avaliem o grau de estabilidade do índice na língua portuguesa. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do ICT. MÉTODOS: A população de estudo foi composta por trabalhadores de duas empresas (N= 153) do setor metal-mecânico do município de Caxias do Sul, RS. Os trabalhadores responderam questionários autoadministrados por duas vezes com intervalo de 4 semanas entre eles. A análise dos dados incluiu o coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (CCI), o t-teste pareado e o coeficiente Kappa. RESULTADOS: A confiabilidade teste-reteste (ICT contínuo) apresentou um CCI igual a 0,84 (IC95 por cento0,78 a 0,88, P<0,001) e o teste t-pareado não apresentou diferenças significativas entre as aplicações. O valor do coeficiente Kappa Ponderado para o índice categorizado foi igual a 0,72 (IC95 por cento 0,56 a 0,87). CONCLUSÕES: O ICT apresentou níveis de confiabilidade aceitáveis para a classificação da capacidade para o trabalho na população de estudo. Novos estudos são necessários para melhor avaliar a confiabilidade e validade do índice e a fim de complementar a avaliação e a qualidade das informações fornecidas pelo instrumento.

OBJECTIVE: Several studies have used the Work Ability Index (WAI) to assess physical, mental and social abilities of workers. Despite its common use, there are very few reports on the psychometric properties of the index. The objective of this study was to assess the test-retest reliability of WAI. METHODS: A 4-week-interval test-retest study was carried out with 153 workers from the metal-mechanic industry in a Southern Brazilian city. Data analyses included intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), paired t-test and Kappa coefficient. RESULTS: An ICC of 0.84 (95 percentCI 0.78-0.88) was found for test-retest reliability of the WAI. The paired t-test did not show a significant difference between the 1st and the 2nd applications. Weighted Kappa was 0.72 (95 percentCI 0.56-0.87). CONCLUSION: Data analyses suggest an acceptable test-retest reliability of the WAI in the study population. New studies should be conducted to test the validity and reliability of the index.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-563107


Orthodox Manual of External Diseases is a book giving an exhaustive description on various kinds of external and surgical disease,written by CHEN Shi-gong(1617),the author pay more attention to concept of wholism and syndrome differentiation.He provided the original view on the treatment of disease that combine internal with external therapy,needle with herbs.① All the external symptoms originates from internal causes and all diseases arisen from pathogenetic fire.Carbuncle definitely caused by visceral disorders,addiction to greasy diet,overstrain and exhaustion of sexual activities.② Based on occurrence and development of surgical disease,currency of ebb and flow between pathogenic factors and health qi,he provided three therapeutic methods for surgical disease including resolving,expelling from within,and reinforcing.③ He created and improved some surgical operation and provide the new therapeutic way that expelling the pathogenic factor by opening and drainage.④ He also believed that invigorating and regulating spleen and stomach,harmonizing qi and blood should be put in the first place when treating disease.

Kampo Medicine ; : 335-340, 2001.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368373


After infertility treatment a 24-year-old female became pregnant, but unfortunately ultrasonography and culdocentesis showed that this appeared to be an ectopic pregnancy in the right fallopian tube. Abdominal pain and tenderness were not severe, so she was administered Gong-wai-yun-er-hao-fang. After the administration the HCG titer of a 24-hour urine collection decreased. In 13 weeks it returned to the normal range, although there remained a mass in the right fallopian tube. In 15 weeks the patient's menstruation cycle was re-established, and then the mass disappeared. These results suggest that Gong-wai-yun-er-hao-fang is effective in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. In the Peoples Republic of China many such cases are reported, but in Japan this paper is the first report on this subject.