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Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-652891


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of water infiltration and flexural strength changes in dental porcelain with glazing treatment. The block specimens were prepared as experimental materials, using feldspar type commercial dental porcelain; then, these were fired at 940oC for 1 minute. The fired specimens were polished with a dimension of 40×5.5×5 mm. The specimens were distributed to two experimental groups: with and without glazing treatment specimens (n=5), and they were immersed in a solution of pH 7 for 3, 7, and 20 days at 40℃ after fabrication. To evaluate the flexural strength changes with water infiltration treatment in specimens with and without glazing, the 3-point flexural test was performed, using a universal testing machine until failure occurred. Starting powder and fired specimens consisted of amorphous and leucite crystalline phase. The Vickers hardness of fired specimens was more than 1.6 times higher than that of the enamel of natural teeth. According to porosimeter results, the specimens without glazing treatment exhibited a porosity of about 14.7%, whereas the glazed specimens exhibited the lowest porosity at about 1.1%. The average flexural strength of glazed specimens was higher than the flexural strength of specimens without glazing treatment (p<0.05). The flexural strength of all specimens with and without glazing treatment deteriorated with accelerated aging in the solution. In addition, significant differences between these two treatment groups were observed in all of the specimens treated at various water infiltration periods (p<0.05). The exposure of internal pores and micro-cracks in the surface due to polishing of the fired specimens influenced mechanical behaviors. Especially, the flexural strength in specimens without glazing treatment has shown significant degradation with the infiltration of water. Therefore, this study suggests that glazing processes can improve mechanical properties of dental porcelain.

Aging , Crystallins , Dental Enamel , Dental Porcelain , Fires , Hardness , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Porosity , Tooth , Water
Ciênc. rural ; 45(2): 260-266, 02/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732361


Hydrophobic or water repellent soils slowly absorb water because of the low wett ability of the soil particles which are coated with hydrophobic organic substances. These pose significant effects on plant growth, water infiltration and retention, surface runoff and erosion. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of tension micro-infiltrometer(TMI) and the water drop penetration time (WDPT) methods in the determination of the hydrophobicity index of eighteen soils from southern Brazil. Soil samples were collected from the 0-5cm soil layer to determine particle size distribution, organic matter content, hydrophobicity index of soil aggregates and droplet penetration time of disaggregated and sieved soil samples. For the TMI method the soil samples were subjected to minor changes due to the use of macroaggregates to preserve the distribution of solid constituents in the soil. Due to the homogeneity of the soil samples the WDPT method gave smaller coefficients of variation unlike the TMI method where the soil structure is preserved. However, both methods had low coefficients of variation, and are thus effective for determining the soil hydrophobicity, especially when the log hydrophobicity index or log WDPT is >1.

Solos hidrofóbicos ou repelentes à água geralmente absorvem-na lentamente, devido à reduzida sortividade proveniente do recobrimento das partículas do solo por substâncias orgânicas hidrofóbicas. A hidrofobicidade do solo é uma propriedade com significativos efeitos no crescimento de plantas, infiltração e retenção de água, escoamento superficial e erosão. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho do método do microinfiltrômetro de tensão (TMI) e do método do tempo de penetração da gota (WDPT) na determinação do índice de hidrofobicidade em dezoito classes de solos do sul do Brasil. Amostras de solo foram coletadas na camada de 0-5cmpara a determinação da distribuição granulométrica, o conteúdo de matéria orgânica, índice de hidrofobicidade em agregados de solo e o tempo de penetração da gota em amostras de solo desagregadas e peneiradas. O método do microinfiltrômetro de tensão as amostras foram submetidas a menores alterações, devido ao uso de macroagregados, preservando a distribuição dos compostos no solo. Em função da homogeneização da amostra de solo, o método do WDPT pode apresentar menores coeficientes de variação, diferentemente do método do microinfiltrômetro em que a estrutura do solo é preservada. Contudo, ambos os métodos apresentaram baixos coeficientes de variação e, portanto, são efetivos na determinação da hidrofobicidade do solo, especialmente quando o log do índice de hidrofobicidade ou log WDPT é>1.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(11): 2301-2309, nov. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-569263


A informação do volume de solo molhado pela irrigação localizada é importante para o dimensionamento e manejo da irrigação por gotejamento superficial, bem como para a estimativa da quantidade de água disponível para as plantas. Com o objetivo de avaliar cinco modelos para estimar o volume molhado pela irrigação por gotejamento superficial, foram instalados experimentos em seis tipos de solos (Luvissolo Crômico, Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Cambissolo Háplico, Neossolo Quartzarênico, Latossolo Vermelho e Neossolo Flúvico). A partir desses experimentos, constatou-se que, com exceção do modelo proposto por NARDA & CHAWLA, os demais modelos estimam satisfatoriamente o volume de solo molhado pela irrigação por gotejamento superficial. Além disso, concluiu-se que o volume médio molhado para as mesmas combinações entre a vazão do emissor e o tempo de aplicação de água foram maiores para o Argissolo e menores para o Neossolo Flúvico e que, com exceção do Argissolo e do Neossolo Flúvico, o volume molhado do solo pode ser estimado por uma única equação em função do volume de água aplicado e do tempo de aplicação de água.

The information of wetting soil volume under drip irrigation has great importance in design and management of surface drip irrigation for delivering required amount of water to the plant. This study aimed to describe the wetted soil volume for five mathematic models by water applied on soil surface from drip emitter. For that, six experiments were installed in different soils (Entisol, Ultisol, Inceptisol, Psamment, Oxisol, Fluvent) with the objective of evaluating models which can estimate wetted soil volume in function of emitter discharged and time of water application. It was concluded that except for the model proposed by NARDA & CHAWLA, the other models estimated satisfactorily the wetted soil volume for the superficial drip irrigation. The wetted soil volume for the same combinations of emitter discharged and water application time, were larger for Ultisol and smaller for Fluvent and excepting Ultisol and Fluvent, the wetted soil volume can be estimated for a single equation in function of emitter discharged and time of water application.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(6): 1302-1308, jun. 2010. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-554642


As informações de profundidade e largura do bulbo molhado na irrigação localizada são importantes tanto para o dimensionamento, quanto para o manejo da irrigação, auxiliando na determinação da quantidade de água aplicada para a planta. Com o objetivo de avaliar o modelo de superfície de resposta, para estimar as dimensões do bulbo molhado em função da vazão do emissor e do tempo de aplicação de água, foram instalados experimentos em seis solos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o modelo proposto pode ser utilizado para estimar as dimensões do bulbo molhado.

The information of depth and width in wetted zone soil under drip irrigation plays great significance in design and management in the irrigation system for the amount of water required to the plant. For that, six experiments were installed in different soils with the objective of evaluating the dimensions of the wet bulb in the drip irrigation depending on the emitter discharged and of the water application time, using the power model. The obtained results showed that the proposed model can be used to estimate the dimensions of the wetted bulb for the all soils.