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Acta méd. colomb ; 48(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1549989


Introduction: urticaria has a high impact on the quality of life of patients with this condition. While there are multiple evidence-based guidelines, these tend to be aimed at providing management recommendations for specialists rather than primary care physicians, who are usually the first to care for patients with urticaria. Objective: to develop a consensus document aimed at presenting evidence-based recommendations to help general practitioners, family doctors, pediatricians, internists and emergency physicians provide timely care for patients with urticaria, facilitating its diagnosis and timely care, and thus avoiding delays for the patients. Methods: international urticaria guidelines with recommendations based on the GRADE system were used as the source of information. Delegates of the interested scientific societies were convened, and, through structured meetings, treatment barriers and possible solutions for the application of the recommendations in primary care were identified. Results: the main barriers for primary care physicians in applying the guidelines were identified: confusion in the diagnosis, proper timing of treatment, first-line medications, and management of special situations. Possible consensus solutions were proposed for each identified barrier. Conclusion: this consensus document contains recommendations for the management and treatment of acute and chronic urticaria which help primary care physicians provide timely and effective treatment for patients with this disease. (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 48. DOI:

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975651


IntroductionOver the last few years, the prevalence of aeroborn allergic disease is rising rapidly throughoutdeveloped and developing countries, and one of every four children in Western Europe has had allergy.In any country of the world over the last 10-20 years, studies on airopollinology and aeroallergenshowing increase of allergen rhinitis to pollen. This is catching many scientists and researchersattentions. These studies deemed that geological locations, climate and plant patterns changing as airpollution increases. Studies identified that pollen allergy in Europe is mainly produced by segmentedplants and in north Europe Betulacease type of allergy is dominating [2]. In our country, Mongolia,plant sturctures are relatively well studied geologically and climatically, and 203 species of plants,98 types and 31 families showed plants may cause allergies. Specifically recent years in Umnugoviprovince, with the expanding operations of many mining companies, increased air pollution leadingto a respiratory disease. With the uses of Compositae in medicine, cosmetics and food, sentization toplant of this family has been increasing in Europe as well as in Asia [3].Goal:To determine co sentization allergens to pollen of Taraxacum, columbine and weed, grass plants.Materials and МethodsThe Research has been done under the Biochemistry Department of Bio – Medical School, HSUMwith the help of “Effect” Allergy – Asthma Hospital. During the study of research, one period descriptiveresearch is done by studying the selected 432 patients who are diagnosed positive for the TaraxacumandAquilegia allergens by skin pricking test and these group is chosen from the airborne allergic patients“Effect” Allergy – Asthma Hospital in 2010 -2014 census.Tables and graphs showing study result were processed by using Excel-2013, SPSS-21.0 software.ResultIn this study, in 2010-2014, aeroallergens skin prick test was done on 5601 people and 18% or 1031people were aeroallergen sensitized.ConclusionsFindings from the skin prick tests for airborne allergens show that 8%, 5% of the patient is positive forTaraxacum, Aquilegia allergen. On SPTs taraxacum, aquilegia and mugwort 60% and grass pollen56,90% of population was cosensitized to all pollens.