Background: Several YPV Healing Camp programmes in the past have assisted people of all ages in treating and resolving their current health problems and lowering their chance of developing future chronic illnesses, which typically begin early and get worse with age. This paper presents one such camp and its outcomes successfully conducted at the YPV Ashram in December 2022. Methods: An interventional method for evaluating the outcomes of this camp is used. Patients’ data was collected before and after this camp by a team of 6 YPV healers who performed healing services using YPV protocols. The patient sample consisted of 29 adults (20 female and 9 male) from various places in the country who registered their voluntary participation. Results: Measured parameters such as body weight (Wt.), body mass index (BMI), V Fat, waist circumference, blood pressure (both Systolic and diastolic), and O2 saturation showed statistically significant improvements for the group. The patients experienced considerable improvements in their conditions such as pain in various parts of the body, and other physiological, psychological, and mental health issues. Conclusions: The key success aspects of the YPV healing and wellness camps are the teamwork, preparation and scheduling, expertise, competence, and dedication of the healers. The Yoga Prana Vidya method, as a supplementary and alternative medicine, has had such an impact on the healthcare system that those who have sought this therapeutic system have experienced it well. More research is recommended on this topic utilizing suitable techniques and samples.
Introduction: Hearing loss can occur for various reasons, and infectious diseases account for approximately 25% of all cases of profound hearing loss. When diagnosed early and managed properly, timely treatment can significantly reduce the burden of decreased hearing. This paper presents a case of hearing loss of a young male, who experienced accelerated and successful treatment results using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) as complementary medicine. Materials and methods: This paper uses case study method going through patient records, YPV healer’s account of the case and patient’s relative’s feedback. Results: Within 7days of healing, the patient was able to hear normally from his right ear and the audiology report confirmed that the patient had regained hearing capacity in his right ear by 70%. After another week, he felt complete relief in his ear and his hearing sensitivity in both ears were within normal limits. Conclusion: Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) has been established as a complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of various illness conditions and diseases, including hearing loss. YPV is integrated and holistic and simple to learn and practice without any use of drugs, and YPV energy healing can be applied by skilled healers even from a distance away from the patient. It has been experienced as an effective mode of infection control as is evidenced by the case presented in this paper. Further research using YPV healing protocols may be conducted on appropriate sample size for gaining wider knowledge.