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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226486


Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia is precursor or pre-invasive lesions of cervical squamous cell cancers. These are classified based on the degree of disruption in epithelial differentiation. Sexually transmitted HPV are the most important risk factor for CIN and Invasive cervical cancers. A pre-post interventional study was conducted in Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital for Women and Children, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram, to assess the effect of Bhandira in CIN. Objectives were, to evaluate the effect of Bhandira churna pancake and Bhandira churna yoni pratisarana on CIN, and also to study its effect on HPV infection and associated complaints like discharge per vaginum, vulval itching, burning sensation, lower abdominal pain and dyspareunia. Females of age group 20-50 years with CIN, confirmed by Pap smear and Colposcopy were included. The patients received treatment with Bhandira churna pancake internally and Bhandira churna as Yoni pratisarana for 3 months and follow up was done after 3 months. Outcome variables were changes in Pap smear and Colposcopy findings- regression, persistence or progression and changes in associated symptoms. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test and McNemar’s test. The treatment was effective with high statistical significance in making changes in Pap smear and Colposcopy findings (p<0.01) and also in reducing the associated symptoms.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226514


Shweta Pradara or excessive vaginal discharge is one of the commonest complaints among women of reproductive age group. An increase in the normal vaginal secretion develops physiologically at puberty, at ovulation, premenstrual phase and during pregnancy. Excessive discharge causes irritation and itching in the genetalia. Ayurveda explained this condition as Shweta Pradara. Shweta Pradara is a symptom which is present in most of the diseases or present as a complication. Shweta Pradara is not a disease it produces as a symptom, hence etiopathogenesis of principal disease and Shweta Pradara would be same. It is a Kaphaja disorder at the place of Apana Vayu. A 47 years old female patient suffering from intermittent Yonigata Shwet Strava since two years with aggravation of symptoms from one week presented to Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga OPD. Yonigat Shwet Strava was associated with Yoni Kandu, Katishool, Yoni Daha. On enquiry, it was found that she was the known case of Type II Diabetes Mellitus since 10 years. She was taking medication for the same but her blood sugar levels were uncontrolled in spite of taking medication as per her recent investigations. In this case Shwet Pradar was the Updrava of Madhumeh, thus line of management was planned to control her sugar level by supplementing Ayurvedic drugs along with allopathic medicine for DM II (Madhumeh) and treated her with Yoniprakshalan with Triphala Kwath followed by Cutis ointment tamponing per vaginum for 14 days. She had followed the schedule of Yoni Prakshalana, oral medicines and Pathya-Apathya properly. It was observed that, symptoms were started to reduce gradually which has been depicted by documentation of investigations and local examination in this case study.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226349


Uterine prolapse is a type of pelvic organ prolapse where the supporting pelvic structures of uterus weakens and result in descent of uterus from its normal position. Among them, Prasramsini can be most suitably correlated with 1st and 2nd degree uterine prolapse. The management principle of pelvic organ prolapse includes Vathika yoniroga chikitsa along with Sthanika chikitsa. Treatment mainly aims at Vathasamana, Brimhana, Sandhana, Balya and strengthening of pelvic floor musculature. Sthanika chikitsa like Yonilepana, Yonipurana, Pichu dharana, etc can be done in pelvic organ prolapse. In Sthanika chikitsa, medicines are applied intravaginally. Vaginal wall and adjacent tissues are extremely vascular and this facilitates absorption of drugs through vagina. Anatomically backward position of vagina helps in self retaining of drugs for a longer duration. In the present case, Yonilepa as Sthanika chikitsa was tried. A 56 year old lady was presented with complaints of urinary incontinence, low back ache, dyspareunia and feeling of mass per vaginum. On examination, she was diagnosed with 1st degree uterine descend. USG was done to exclude other pelvic pathologies. Pap smear was done which was – ve for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy. Lodhradi lepa was applied for 7 days in 3 consecutive months. During follow up, she was relieved from symptoms like feeling of mass per vaginum, urinary incontinence, low back ache and dyspareunia. From this case report, it is evident that Yoni lepa is effective for the management of uterine prolapse.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226353


Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat is described as a condition where symptoms like Picchila and Sheetala discharge from vagina occurs with Kandu, Mandaruja, Artava-dushti and Pandu. The symptoms of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat mentioned in Ayurvedic literature appears similar to the clinical features of vulvo vaginal candidiasis. It is the second most common infection among women in reproductive age group with a single incidence of 75%, and two or more episodes in 45% of women. Candida albicans is responsible for 85% to 90% of the vaginal yeast infections. Here an attempt was done to screen, isolate and treat the diagnosed cases of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat w.s.r to Candida albicans through Nimba Twak Kashaya & Triphala Kashayaprakshalana. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Nimba Twak Kashaya Prakshalana and to compare it with Triphala Kashaya Prakshalana in Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat. 63.09% had complete relief from yoni Srava, 97.9% had complete relief from Yoni kandu, 100% had relief from Yoni vedana, 93.99% had complete relief from vulval rashes, 76.88% had normal vaginal pH, 95% had no candida in vaginal wet mount. Overall 88.23% showed improvement in Group A and 87.38% showed improvement in Group B. Nimba & Triphala has Tikta and Kashaya rasa, Kaphahara, Krimighna, Kandughna and Grahi properties. It has anti-fungal & anti-pruritic action also.Thus Prakshalana with above said drugs directly acted on the vaginal mucosa and enabled easier target specific action and did the inhibitory action against growth of candida albicans.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226310


Background: We report a case of primary cervical dystocia managed successfully with Ayurveda therapy. The classical Ayurveda lexicons comprise detailed descriptions regarding Prasava (labor) and its management based on which the present case was intervened which resulted in achieving progressive improvement in cervical dilatation and achieving normal labor. Case Presentation: The case reported in this study is primigravidae, 25 years’ old visited prasutitantra OPD, NIA hospital with 37.2 weeks gestational age complaining of labor pains. Since her contraction and per vaginal findings were suggestive of onset of labor, she was hospitalized for further monitoring and awaited spontaneous progress of labor. Repeated Per vaginal examination revealed no progress in cervical dilatation even after 28 hours and she was diagnosed with primary cervical dystocia. Intervention of Kebuka taila yonipichu-25ml 2 hourly was made which resulted in remarkable cervical dilatation equivalent to mean standard rate following 3 interventions of yonipichu within 6 hours. Conclusion: The status of the cervix during labor is a significant determinant of mode and ease of labor. Ayurveda therapeutic strategy of Kebuka taila yoni-pichu can effectively prime the cervix due to the Garbhashayaka sankochaka and estrogenic properties of Kebuka and the activation of Ferguson's reflex by Yoni-pichu.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226215


Yonishaithilya is a common gynecological problem of women of contemporary era which has very important impact on female’s sexual function. This must not be taken lightly as they can adversely affect the quality of woman’s life. As per Brihatrayi, Yonishaithilya represents as a symptom of Mahayoni Yonivyapada, Vatala Yonivyapada, Phalini Yonivyapada and Karnini Yonivyapada, not as a separate disease. Etiology, sign, symptoms and treatment of Yonishaithilya resembles with perineal laxity. Perineal laxity is the condition where there is loosening of supporting structure of female pelvis, thereby allowing the descent of one or more pelvic organ through the lax vaginal introitus. Data Source: Brihatrayees and Laghutrayees, also from all contemporary textbooks, Relevant journals and Websites; Review method: Literary review; Objective:. This review article summarizes details of Yonishaithilya, current scientific researches and elaborates the various therapeutic procedure and drug formulations suggested in Ayurveda for the treatment of Yonishaithilya. Scope and Conclusion: Ayurveda gives various Panchakarma and Sthanik chikitsa like local application of Pichu, Snehana Swedana which are economical, easy and nonsurgical; many single plants; herbal formulations used traditionally which gives an eminent result in Yonishaithilya. Untreated Yonishaithilya may produces complications like pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and may convert into 2nd or 3rd-degree prolapse where conservative treatment is not beneficial. In some cases, a patient has been advised for a hysterectomy but the patient is reluctant to undergo surgery. So, it is preferred to try Ayurvedic medicine which may be the step to avoid hysterectomy. So, it is necessary to treat it as early as possible.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194852


External genital warts or Condyloma Acuminata is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus subtypes 6 and 11. According to Ayurveda it can be diagnosed as Yoni Arsa. This case report presents a 51 yr old female with the complaints of per vaginal discharge, itching and appearance of progressively increasing number of lesions in the vulva for 6 months. The pathological diagnosis of the vulvar lesion specimen was Condyloma Acuminata. Patient was treated with internal administration and external application of Ayurvedic medicines. Considerable relief for the condition was noted and the follow up visits confirmed the non recurrence of the disease. Ayurvedic interventions can be considered as minimal invasive and cost effective in the management of genital warts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194686


A healthy woman is a promise of a healthy family. In different phases of a woman’s life, from puberty to menopause, the concept of healthy yoni has been mentioned in Ayurveda as well as in modern. Now a days, infection related to yoni is a burning problem irrespective of their age or socioeconomic status. Due to infection, there may be sign and symptoms like vaginal discharge, itching, coldness. in Ayurveda, these types of sign and symptoms are found in Kaphaja yoni vyapad and some of symptoms are similar with Non Specific Vulvovaginitis. Gynaecological disorders have found its immense importance in the field of medicine due to fact that women have a unique function of giving birth. In Ayurveda, women health care is related in separate section, where the term Yoni vyapad includes majority of gynaecological disorders. Before knowing the management, literature of the disease should be known.  Therefore, in this study an effort has been put forth to make a conceptual study covering almost all the aspects of Kaphaja yoni vyapad as per Ayurveda as well as per modern.