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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569239


Objetivo: Validar el contenido de un cuestionario de auto-reporte en español para explorar actitudes, prácticas y barreras de odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia frente al diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas periodontales y criterios para derivar. Materiales y métodos: Seis especialistas en periodoncia de cinco países latinoamericanos construyeron versión#1 de un cuestionario. 21 expertos de tres áreas disciplinares de 6 países valoraron de 1 a 5 (1: totalmente en desacuerdo, 5: totalmente de acuerdo) cada ítem en su pertinencia, relevancia, claridad y coherencia. Según grado de acuerdo se reformuló cada ítem y se construyó versión#2 que fue piloteada en 60 odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia, 3 de ellos fueron entrevistados para evaluar la comprensión y semántica. Luego del análisis se elaboró la versión final (versión#3). Resultados: Los ítems formulados de versión#1 tuvieron una valoración promedio de 4,6 (rango 3.7-5). Fueron reformulados evitando palabras confusas y que tuvieran aceptación transversal en países participantes, se eliminó ítem con menor puntuación de acuerdo de expertos. La aplicación de versión#2 tuvo un tiempo de respuesta de 12 minutos, se reformularon opciones y agregaron 4 ítems para obtener la versión final con 44 preguntas. Conclusiones: Se construyó un cuestionario de auto-reporte con validez de contenido para evaluar actitudes y prácticas en salud-enfermedad periodontal en odontólogos generales o no especialistas en periodoncia de habla hispana.

Aim: T o validate the content of a self-report questionnaire in Spanish to explore attitudes, practices and barriers of dentists non-specialized in periodontics when facing the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal problems and criteria for referral. Materials and methods: Six specialists in periodontics from five Latin American countries constructed version#1 of a questionnaire. Twenty-one experts from 3 disciplinary areas from 6 countries rated each item from 1 to 5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) regarding its appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and coherence. According to the degree of agreement, the item was reformulated, and version #2 was built, which was tested on 60 dentists non-specialized in periodontics. Then, 3 of them were interviewed to assess comprehension and semantics. After analysis, the final version was prepared (version#3). Results: The items formulated in version#1 had an average score of 4.6 (range 3.7-5). Questions and options were reformulated, avoiding confusing words and having transversal acceptance in the participating countries. The items with the lowest degree of expert agreement were eliminated. The application of version#2 had a response time of 12 minutes, options were reformulated, and 4 items were added to obtain the final version with 44 questions. Conclusions: A self-report questionnaire with content validity was constructed to assess attitudes and practices in periodontal health and disease in Spanish-speaking general dentists or non-specialists in periodontics.

Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 39(1): 34-39, 2024. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1554268


Introduction : La vaccination de routine est une stratégie clé dans la prévention des maladies évitables par la vaccination. L'objectif de l'étude est d'apprécier les connaissances, attitudes des mères vis-à-vis de la pratique de la vaccination en milieu rural et urbain. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive comparative qui a eu lieu dans deux aires de santé (urbaine et rurale) sur une période de trois (3) mois d'octobre à décembre 2022. Elle a concerné les mères ou gardiennes d'enfants venus pour la vaccination de routine. Résultats : La moyenne d'âge des femmes était de 28, 76±6,85 ans en milieu urbain et 26,51±7,37 ans en milieu rural. Environ72, 00% et 43,00% des femmes respectivement en milieu urbain et rural avaient donné une bonne définition de la vaccination. 88,00% des femmes en milieu urbain connaissaient au moins une maladie cible du PEV contre 55,00% en milieu rural. Le calendrier vaccinal n'était connu que par 31,00% des femmes en milieu urbain contre 12,00% en milieu rural. La majorité des femmes en milieu urbain (97,00%) et rural (67,00%) trouvaient nécessaire de rattraper un rendez-vous de vaccination manqué les séances prochaines. Elles jugeaient majoritairement d'envoyer les enfants au centre de santé en cas de manifestations post- vaccinale (urbain : 80,00%, rural : 53,00%). Conclusion : Une bonne connaissance et pratique de la vaccination permettrait ainsi de protéger les enfants contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination

Background: Routine immunization is a key strategy in the prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of mothers regarding the practice of vaccination in rural and urban areas. Methods: This is a comparative descriptive cross-sectional study that took place in two health areas (urban and rural) over a period of three (3) months from October to December 2022. It involved mothers or guardians of children who came for routine vaccination. Results: The mean age of the women was 28.76±6.85 years in urban areas and 26.51±7.37 years in rural areas. About 72.00% and 43.00% of the women in urban and rural areas, respectively, had given a good definition of vaccination. 88.00% of women in urban areas knew at least one EPI target disease, compared to 55.00% in rural areas. Only 31.00% of women in urban areas knew the vaccination schedule, compared to 12.00% in urban areas. Majority of women in urban (97.00%) and rural (67.00%) areas found it necessary to make up for missed immunization appointments in next sessions. Majority of them considered it necessary to send their children to the health center in the event of postimmunization symptoms (urban: 80.00%, rural: 53.00%). Conclusion: A good knowledge and practice of vaccination would allow to protect children against vaccine preventable diseases

Humans , Female
Rev. Finlay ; 13(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441015


Fundamento: dentro de las problemáticas que afrontan los cuidadores familiares de pacientes con padecimientos oncológicos está el hecho, que estos asumen el cuidado de sus familiares sin los conocimientos específicos, ni las habilidades requeridas para el ejercicio del cuidado, lo que genera una sobrecarga en ellos. Objetivo: identificar las principales características psicosociales del cuidador familiar del paciente con padecimientos oncológicos en la zona urbana de Niquero, durante el período de noviembre de 2019 a marzo del 2022. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el período comprendido de noviembre 2019 a marzo 2022 en el municipio Niquero en la provincia Granma. El universo de estudio quedó conformado por 305 cuidadores familiares de pacientes con padecimientos oncológicos, escogiéndose una muestra de 255 de ellos por medio de los criterios establecidos. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, nivel de escolaridad, factores psicosociales presentes. Se realizó un muestreo intencional y probabilístico. Resultados: prevaleció el grupo de 50-59 años, el sexo femenino y como nivel de escolaridad, predominó el de secundaria básica, el miedo fue el estado emocional más referido por ellos. En los antecedentes sociales la situación económica desfavorable fue la que prevaleció, así como el nivel de afrontamiento familiar inadecuado ante el rol de cuidador. Conclusión: el miedo, la situación económica desfavorable y el nivel de afrontamiento inadecuado ante el rol de cuidador, fueron las principales características psicosociales que predominaron.

Background: among the problems faced by family caregivers of patients with oncological diseases is the fact that they take care of their relatives without the specific knowledge or skills required for the exercise of care, which generates an overload in them. Objective: to identify the main psychosocial characteristics of the family caregiver of the patient with oncological conditions in the urban area of ​​Niquero, during the period from November 2019 to March 2022. Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in the period from November 2019 to March 2022 in the Niquero municipality in the Granma province. The universe of study was made up of 305 family caregivers of patients with oncological conditions, choosing a sample of 255 of them by means of the established criteria. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, level of education, psychosocial factors present. An intentional and probabilistic sampling was carried out. Results: the age group prevailed in the family caregivers of cancer patients aged 50-59 years, the female sex and as level of education, the basic secondary predominated, fear was the emotional state most referred to by them. In the social background, the unfavorable economic situation was the one that prevailed, as well as the level of inadequate family coping with the role of caregiver. Conclusion: fear, the unfavorable economic situation and the inadequate level of coping with the role of caregiver, were the main psychosocial characteristics that prevailed.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-7, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1525355


Objetivo: Relatar o conhecimento e a percepção dos profissionais enfermeiros e médicos sobre a moralidade do aborto induzido e sua legislação. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, envolvendo 39 Enfermeiros e Médicos de duas Maternidades do sul do Brasil. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado o "Mosaico de Opiniões Sobre o Aborto Induzido" e um questionário complementar. Para análise descritiva e associações foi utilizado o pacote estatístico Data Analysis and Statistical Software. Resultados: Constatou-se que os profissionais possuem adequado conhecimento a respeito da legislação, conhecimento insuficiente a respeito dos documentos necessários para o aborto legal e sobre o direito a objeção de consciência, sendo este último principalmente entre os enfermeiros. Os profissionais defendem outras possibilidades de aborto na legislação, e a respeito do Mosaico, predominam os padrões liberais em comparação aos conservadores. Conclusão: Se faz necessária a discussão sobre o tema, ampliando o conhecimento a respeito dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres e sobre a conduta durante a assistência ao aborto. (AU)

Objective: Report the knowledge and perception of nurses and physicians about the morality of induced abortion and its legislation. Methods: Quantitative study, involving 39 nurses and physicians at two maternity hospitals in southern Brazil. For data collection the "Mosaic of Opinions on Induced Abortion" and a complementary questionnaire were used. For descriptive analysis and associations, the Data Analysis and Statistical Software statistical package was used. Results: It was found that the professionals have adequate knowledge about the legislation, insufficient knowledge about the documents necessary for legal abortion and about the right to conscientious objection, the latter occurred mainly among nurses. Professionals defend other possibilities of abortion in the legislation, and regarding the Mosaic, liberal standards prevail in comparison to conservatives. Conclusion: It is necessary to discuss the topic, expanding knowledge about women's sexual and reproductive rights and about conduct during abortion care. (AU)

Objetivo: Informar el conocimiento y percepción de enfermeras y médicos profesionales sobre la moralidad del aborto inducido y su legislación. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, que involucró a 39 enfermeras y médicos de dos maternidades del sur de Brasil. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el "Mosaico de Opiniones sobre el Aborto Inducido" y un cuestionario complementario. Para el análisis descriptivo y las asociaciones se utilizó el paquete estadístico Data Analysis and Statistical Software. Resultados: Se constató que los profesionales tienen conocimiento adecuado sobre la legislación, conocimiento insuficiente sobre los documentos necesarios para el aborto legal y sobre el derecho a la objeción de conciencia, siendo este último principalmente entre enfermeras. Los profesionales defienden otras posibilidades de aborto en la legislación, y con respecto a Mosaic, los estándares liberales prevalecen en comparación con los conservadores. Conclusión: Es necesario discutir el tema, ampliando el conocimiento sobre los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres y sobre la conducta durante la atención del aborto. (AU)

Abortion, Induced , Physicians , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Knowledge , Nurses, Male
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996356


@#Introduction: Workplace safety culture (WSC) is crucial in providing a safe working environment. Workers need to be reminded regularly of its importance, and therefore effectively, work safety intervention programs need to be identified to be used for this purpose. The main objective is to identify workplace intervention programs to improve WSC among office workers. The specific goals are to determine the types of intervention (knowledge-based, attitudinal, and practices-based interventions), the theories used, and the effectiveness. Methods: Databases such as ProQuest, CINAHL, Medline, and ScienceDirect were used to perform literature searches with the keywords [“safety culture training” OR “safety culture education” OR “safety culture promotion”] AND [“office workers” OR “civil servant” OR “white-collar workers” OR “administrative officers” OR “clerical officer”]. The inclusion criteria set for the search process included research articles, publication between January 1, 2015, and September 10, 2020, which were research articles within five years and eight months of publication to the time of data extraction of this study. Availability of full-text articles, articles published in English, and only articles among office workers. Results: This review includes seven articles and the techniques used for these studies were knowledge, attitude, and practices towards WSC. Conclusion: As the number and scope of intervention of studies on WSC seem scarce, the nature of jobs nowadays and in the future seems to be more office-based; consequently, more of these studies are recommended among office workers.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e123, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528128


Abstract The social isolation measures adopted during the critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic led children to spend most of their time at home. Isolation may alter the pattern of traumatic dental injury occurrences, inasmuch as studies point out that most traumatic accidents occur at home. Considering this scenario and the influence of emergency management on the prognosis of the injury, the aim of this study was to evaluate the experience of traumatic dental injuries in children before and during the pandemic, and the knowledge of this topic by the children's guardians. This cross-sectional study was conducted with guardians of children aged 0 to 6 years, residing in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. The guardians answered an online questionnaire addressing personal information, traumatic dental injury experience before and during the pandemic, and knowledge of this topic. Descriptive and statistical analyses were performed using Pearson's chi-square test at a 5% significance level. The total sample consisted of 343 volunteers. A total of 95 and 92 injuries were reported before and during the pandemic, respectively; the home was the place of greatest occurrence. Most volunteers (88.1%) agreed that traumatic dental injuries are emergency situations, and were aware that the tooth/fragment had to be taken to the dentist after a fracture or avulsion (97.4%). This study revealed that the traumatic dental injury experience was similar before and during the pandemic, and that the volunteers had satisfactory knowledge, especially in recognizing the importance of immediate attention for a more favorable prognosis of these injuries.

Rev. Finlay ; 12(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406851


RESUMEN La esquizofrenia es probablemente el trastorno más enigmático y trágico que tratan los psiquiatras, y quizás, el más devastador. Se manifiesta en la juventud, por lo que los pacientes esquizofrénicos normalmente viven muchos años después del inicio de la enfermedad y continúan padeciendo sus efectos sin poder llevar una vida completamente normal. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para la cual se emplearon los recursos disponibles en Infomed, específicamente en las bases de datos EBSCO, SCIELO y libros de textos de autores cubanos y extranjeros. Se aplicó el método analítico-sintético y se revisaron 18 artículos científicos. Se expusieron los elementos que abordan el desarrollo histórico- cultural de la esquizofrenia desde la perspectiva de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Se realizó esta revisión con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento sobre el desarrollo histórico cultural de la esquizofrenia, teniendo en cuenta las teorías que ha desarrollado el hombre a través de la ciencia para explicar la aparición de la enfermedad y la importancia de los factores sociales en la aparición, evolución y rehabilitación de este padecimiento.

ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is probably the most enigmatic and tragic disorder that psychiatrists treat, and perhaps the most devastating. It manifests itself in youth, so schizophrenic patients usually live many years after the onset of the disease and continue to suffer from its effects without being able to lead a completely normal life. A bibliographic review was carried out using the resources available in Infomed, specifically in the EBSCO and SCIELO databases and textbooks by Cuban and foreign authors. The analytical-synthetic method was applied and 18 scientific articles were reviewed. The elements that address the historical-cultural development of schizophrenia from the perspective of science, technology and society were exposed. This review was carried out with the aim of contributing to the knowledge about the historical cultural development of schizophrenia, taking into account the theories that man has developed through science to explain the appearance of the disease and the importance of social factors in the appearance, evolution and rehabilitation of this condition.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217648


Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-2-novel coronavirus termed as COVID 19 is a major outbreak which was deleterious globally created a rapid cases of pulmonary infectious disease that caused the SARS. Building up confidence in vaccination depends on the interaction between public and doctors. Attitude toward usage of vaccination by healthcare workers (HCWs) is a major factor that is associated with general public acceptance of vaccination, fidelity to schedules, and devoid of hesitation/aversion. In addition, vaccinated HCWs also have a perceptible effect of decisiveness in general public to take a vaccine. Aims and Objectives: To understand the knowledge, attitude and practices on COVID vaccine among HCWs. Materials and Methods: This is a hospital-based, observational cross-sectional study done in Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching hospital, Hassan. A sample of 340 HCWs who have been vaccinated 1st dose of inactivated COVID Vaccine was taken up for the study. A predesigned questionnaire was prepared and given to all the HCWs in the observation period of 30 min after vaccination. The questionnaire had 13 questions, and the data were collected and analyzed. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. Results: This study was done in a district hospital, Hassan, Karnataka with a sample size of 340 HCWs participated in the study and completed the study questionnaire, out of which 146 men (43.4%) and 190 women (56.54%). Willingness to take the vaccine is 96%. 93.4% of HCWs encourage others to take vaccine. Our institution arranged a adverse events following immunization reporting and monitoring team management and 93.9% of the HCWs knew where to report if any adverse events occur in the observation period of 30 min after vaccination and also after going back to their respective homes through a telephone number and also this will help knowing the and acceptability of the vaccines. Conclusion: HCWs play an influential role in general public vaccination program. The information from this study will help to gain more knowledge and also allow the general public to future vaccination acceptability. The approach of HCWs might help in creating awareness and preventing false information about COVID vaccine among general public.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(290): 8029-8044, julho.2022. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379831


Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento da população leiga sobre primeiros socorros no ambiente extra-hospitalar. Método: estudo descritivo, exploratório e quantitativo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética sob protocolo CAAE no47763121.4.0000.5587, realizado com uma população leiga na região Norte de Mato Grosso, avaliando 150 pessoas, utilizando um questionário validado. Resultados: dos participantes; cerca de 78% souberam identificar os sinais vitais, 58% hemorragia interna e 55% hemorragia externa e 55,3% chamam o socorro após essa verificação. Em relação a queimaduras 65,3% acertaram quanto aos cuidados. Em situações de envenenamento 47% sabem que o paciente deve ser levado para emergência, e 11% sabem avaliar os riscos. Quanto ao conhecimento de realizar uma massagem cardíaca, 54% desconhecem o local correto e compressões. Em relação a prestar os primeiros socorros 84,6% não estão preparados, e 72,6% descrevem inaptos, déficit de capacitação. Conclusão: A população leiga possui conhecimento ainda precário, sugerindo cursos de primeiros socorros.(AU)

Objective: To assess the lay population's knowledge about first aid in the out-of-hospital environment. Critical, exploratory study and published protocol CAAE no47763121.587, carried out with a law in the northern region of Mato Grosso, evaluating 150 people, using the valid one method. Results: from the participants; about 78% of internal protection after the help, 58% of hemorrhage and 55.3% call this verification help. In relation to respect, 65.3% were right about care. In poisoning situations, 47% know that the patient should be taken to an emergency room, and 11% know how to assess the risks. As for the knowledge of performing a cardiac massage, 54% are unaware of the correct location and compressions. Regarding the beginning of first aid, 4.6% are not prepared, and 72.6% describe unfit, capacity deficit. Conclusion: The lay population still has precarious knowledge, suggesting first aid courses.(AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de la población general sobre primeros auxilios en el medio extrahospitalario. Estudio crítico, exploratorio y protocolo publicado CAAE no47763121.587, realizado con una ley en la región norte de Mato Grosso, evaluando 150 personas, utilizando el método válido. Resultados: de los participantes; alrededor del 78% de protección interna después de la ayuda, el 58% de hemorragia y el 55,3% llaman a esta verificación ayuda. En relación al respeto, el 65,3% acertó sobre el cuidado. En situaciones de intoxicación, el 47% sabe que el paciente debe ser llevado a urgencias y el 11% sabe evaluar los riesgos. En cuanto al conocimiento de realizar un masaje cardíaco, el 54% desconoce la ubicación correcta y las compresiones. En cuanto al inicio de los primeros auxilios, el 4,6% no está preparado y el 72,6% describe no apto, déficit de capacidad. Conclusión: La población laica aún tiene conocimientos precarios, sugiriendo cursos de primeros auxilios.(AU)

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Knowledge , First Aid , Population Health
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217036


Background: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a rapidly spreading pandemic. Under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme of Govt. of India, community health officer (CHO) trainees undergo 6 months of training to provide comprehensive primary health care to the patients attending health wellness centers. Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAPs) about COVID-19 among CHO trainees in Maharashtra. The relation between sociodemographic factors of CHO trainees and their KAPs was also studied. Materials and Methods: An online study was conducted during September 15, 2020 to October 15, 2020 among CHO trainees of the March 2020 batch undergoing training under health wellness program study centers in Maharashtra using a prevalidated questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. Results: One hundred and sixty CHO trainees participated in this study. The majority of respondents (98 [61.3%]) were females with a mean age of 27.86 years (SD 4.862) and (range 20–43 years). Seventy-five (46.8%) respondents were ayurvedic doctors, whereas 85 (53.2%) were nursing graduates. Overall, 159 (98.76%) had sufficient knowledge, 126 (78.26%) had a positive attitude, and 65 (40.37%) had fair practices toward COVID-19. Age >30 years was associated with good knowledge. CHO trainees with age ? 30 years and using social media to access information on COVID-19 were having a good attitude. CHO trainees with age ? 30 years, working in the civil hospital and those with Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery (BAMS) degrees were significantly (P < 0.05) more likely to have fair practices. Conclusion: Studies involving CHO training centers all over India should be conducted.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 40(1): e6, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394644


Resumen Objetivo: Describir los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas acerca de la toxoplasmosis en dos comunas de Armenia, Quindío, con alta prevalencia de la infección. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo con población de dos comunas de Armenia, Quindío. Se aplicó un cuestionario autodiligenciado tipo conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. Esta herramienta incluyó elementos sobre el parásito Toxoplasma gondii, sus vías de transmisión, aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y de tratamiento generales, así como prácticas para evitar la infección. El instrumento se aplicó antes y después de una intervención educativa. Se describieron las frecuencias en el número de respuestas correctas antes y después de la intervención para cada comuna. Resultados: Participaron 27 personas, con una media de edad de 57 años. El 59 % fueron mujeres. El 48% había completado la educación media y el 40,7 % la primaria. El conocimiento del agente causal antes de la intervención fue del 22 %, mientras que posterior a la intervención fue del 92,3 % en la comuna 1 y del 81,8 % en la comuna 6. Posterior a la intervención, cerca del 90 % de los encuestados reconoció la retina como la principal estructura afectada y todos los encuestados reconocieron el consumo de agua hervida como factor protector. Conclusión: Los conocimientos sobre la toxoplasmosis en las dos comunas eran limitados. Luego de la intervención educativa, se evidenció un aumento en el porcentaje de respuestas correctas en la mayoría de las preguntas. Se recomienda realizar nuevas intervenciones educativas y en salud pública, para evaluar los efectos de estas a largo plazo.

Abstract Objective: To describe knowledge, attitudes and practices related to toxoplasmosis in two districts of high prevalence in Armenia, Quindío. Methodology: descriptive study; the population of two districts of Armenia, Quindío were engaged. A self-administered questionnaire regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices was applied. This tool included elements related to Toxoplasma gondii, its transmission pathways, general clinical, diagnostic and treatment aspects, as well as practices to prevent infection. The instrument was applied before and after an educational intervention. Frequencies were described as the number of correct answers before and after the intervention for each district. Results: 27 people participated, with an average age of 57 years. 59 % were women; 48 % had completed high school and 40.7 % had completed elementary school. Before the intervention, the knowledge of the causal agent was 22 %, while after the intervention, it was 92.3 % in district 1 and 81.8 % in district 6. After the intervention, about 90 % of participants recognized the retina as the main compromised structure and all participants recognized the consumption of boiled water as a protective factor. Conclusion: The knowledge regarding toxoplasmosis in the two districts was limited. After the educational intervention, there was an increase in the percentage of correct answers in most of the questions. New educational and public health interventions are recommended to assess the long-term effects of these interventions.

Resumo Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os problemas, as ações e as práticas sobre a toxoplasmose nas comunidades da Armênia, Quindío, onde se nota alta prevalência da infecção. Metodologia: Este é um estudo descritivo que abrange uma população de duas comunas na Armênia, Quindío. Foi implementada uma ferramenta, que consiste em questionários destinados àquela população e aplicáveis pelos seus próprios membros, que correspondem a conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas. Essa ferramenta inclui elementos sobre o parasito Toxoplasma gondii, suas vias de transmissão, aspectos clínicos gerais, diagnósticos e tratamento, e práticas de prevenção. O instrumento foi aplicado antes e após uma intervenção educativa exata. Foram descritas as frequências do número de acertos, antes e depois da intervenção para cada comuna. Resultados: participaram 27 pessoas, com média de idade de 57 anos, das quais 59 % eram mulheres e 48 % tinham ensino médio completo e 40,7 % ensino primário. O conhecimento do agente causal antes da intervenção havia em 22 %, enquanto que após a intervenção, passou para 92,3 % na comuna 1, e 81,8 % na comuna 6. Após a intervenção, cerca de 90 % dos entrevistados reconheceram a retina como a estrutura mais afetada e todos os entrevistados reconheceram que o consumo de água fervida é um fator de proteção. Conclusão: Desconhecimento sobre a toxoplasmose nas duas comunas. Após a intervenção educativa, houve evidência de aumento do percentual de acertos na maioria das questões. Recomenda-se a realização de novas intervenções educacionais e de saúde pública, para avaliar os efeitos destas a longo prazo na populacão.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217496


Background: Adequate importance should be given to antimicrobial chemotherapy and the antibiotics resistance issues during undergraduate training. For successful and sustained intervention, knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of antimicrobials should be done. So accordingly, this study was planned. Aim and Objective: The aim of the study was to compare KAP of antibiotic use among the 2nd year medical and dental students before and after intervention. Materials and Methods: Questionnaire-based study was done in medical and dental undergraduate students. After taking consent, responses were collected before and after intervention. Each correct response was given a score of 1 and responses were graded as satisfactory and unsatisfactory. Data collected was statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2010 and results were expressed in percentage. Paired t-test was used to analyze pre and post-interventional data. Results: Significant rise in mean knowledge, attitude, practice, and overall scores after intervention in medical and dental students were observed. Satisfactory responses were significantly reduced from 73% to 63% in medical students. Casual attitude towards self-use and irregular use of antimicrobial agents (AMA) was observed which may lead to antibiotic resistance. Significant improvement in overall satisfactory responses was also observed after intervention. Conclusion: Medical and dental students showed improved knowledge about AMA use and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) after pharmacology teaching. However, predominant low scores of attitude and perception indicate the need for further educational interventions such as small group exercises, prescription audits, frequent discussion on rational pharmacotherapy, skillful communication with the patient about prescription. To reduce AMR, students should be trained about AMA use and its adherence by patients as well.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964863


Background@#In our recent times, COVID-19 is an evolving, rapidly changing global health challenge affecting all sectors. Health-care workers (HCWs) are not only the first in defense against this highly contagious infectious disease but also are directly or indirectly affected by it, and the likelihood of acquiring this disease is higher among HCWs compared to the overall population. It is of utmost importance, therefore, that HCWs have adequate knowledge about all aspects of the disease from clinical manifestation, diagnosis, proposed treatment, and established prevention strategies. In this present study, we assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among HCWs toward the COVID-19 and infection prevention during the ongoing pandemic. @*Methodology@#A KAP and infection prevention and control (IPC) questionnaire was adapted and was administered to the recruited labor and delivery room HCWs involved in the COVID-19 response at a tertiary-level hospital. Clinical characteristics, prevention, and management of COVID-19 consisted of the knowledge questionnaire. Knowledge questionnaire on IPC consisted of questions regarding nosocomial infections, hand hygiene, and universal precautions. Assessment on attitudes and practices toward COVID-19 included questions on behavior and change in practices made toward COVID-19 response while attitude and practice assessment on IPC included questions on guidelines, conducts, and trainings. Knowledge scores were considered and associated by demographic characteristics and their attitude and practices.@*Results@#The study included 114 HCWs with a median age of 30 years (range: 22–72), dominated by females, 85.09% versus 14.91%. The majority of the respondents attained doctorate (44.55%) and bachelor (43.56%) degrees. These HCWs mostly assume 8–16 h tour of duty (62.28%). The mean knowledge score of the HCWs on COVID-19 was 87.48 ± 14.17. The correct overall rate of the knowledge questionnaire was 80.7%. The mean attitude was 3.32 ± 0.55. More than half contemplated that the country is not on a good position to contain COVID-19 spread (54.39%) and only 38.60% are confident that they can manage patients with signs and symptoms of the disease when present to them. As for their current health practices, the past 14 days before the time of data gathering, 63.16% admitted that they have never gone to any crowded places. They always wore their masks when contact with patients (99.12%), refrained from doing handshakes (80.70%), cautiously washed their hands before and after handling patients (99.12%), and avoided patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (82.46%). Overall, up to 97.4% of the participants had good practices. Based on the study findings, it was evident that HCWs are knowledgeable in IPC. The mean score for knowledge among nurses in IPC was 86.7. The mean scores for attitude and practices among nurses in IPC were 4.06 and 2.69, respectively. Therefore, nurses had positive attitudes and good practice toward IPC.@*Conclusion@#Our findings suggest that labor and delivery room HCWs have adequate knowledge, and possess good preventive practice to contain the transmission of SARS-COV-2 during the amount of the COVID-19. They even have adequate knowledge and positive attitude and apply appropriate practice on IPC. However, their attitude was less optimistic toward COVID-19 even with better knowledge. Health education schemes geared toward improving COVID-19 knowledge are helpful for encouraging an optimistic attitudes and maintaining safe practices. Continued professional education is suggested among HCWs to enhance the knowledge of HCWs, hence averting negative attitudes and promoting positive preventive and therapeutic practices.

The Philippine Children&rsquo ; s Medical Center Journal;(2): 88-104, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960251


@#<p><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> In this study, the KAP were determined among all medical residents in a tertiary hospital in the Philippines during the pandemic.</p><p><strong>METHODOLOGY: </strong>Questionnaires were completed by the medical residents which contained 14 questions on clinical characteristics and prevention of COVID-19. Assessments on attitudes and practices included questions on confidence in winning against COVID-19 and wearing masks when going out.</p><p><strong>RESULTS: </strong>Among the 63 participants, 90.4% were female, 92 % were single and 69.8% younger than 30 years old. The overall correct rate of the knowledge questionnaire was 85.5%. Most did not have confidence (63.5%) on winning the battle against COVID-19 and most had not visited any crowded place (58.7%) and wore masks when going out (95.2%). Logistic regression analysis showed a significant correlation of knowledge scores and practice rates on going to crowded places (OR 1.72, CI (1.02-2.91) P<0.05)</p><p><strong>CONCULUSIONS:</strong> The medical residents had good knowledge scores on clinical presentation, transmission and prevention control measures on COVID-19. Although attitude rates were poor, practice rates on COVID-19 were good. Furthermore, knowledge on COVID-19 resulted to good practices on not going to crowded places and wearing masks before leaving their houses.</p>

Humans , Male , Female
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 13(2): 1-6, 2022. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1395696


In Togo where malaria is endemic, because main signs of malaria and dengue are similar, the use of malarial drugs first could contribute to a delay in the diagnosis of dengue and the dissemination of the disease. Thus, it is important that healthcare workers (HCW) have a good knowledge of these diseases. To assess the knowledge, and practices regarding dengue infection among HCW in Togo. A cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2020 to March 2021 among HCW in Togo. A pre-tested digital questionnaire was used for data collection. Based on clinical signs of dengue, preventive measures, infection type and disease type, a knowledge score was constructed with eight questions. A total of 334 HCW with median age 32 years, IQR:(28-38) responded to the survey and the sex ratio male/female was 5.9. The majority (94.0%) of HCW have heard about dengue through training (73.3%), internet (38.0%) and media (33.2%). Compared with lower executive HCW, senior manager were more knowledgeable about the causative agent, the symptoms and preventive methods of dengue infection (p<0.001). Globally, good knowledge (score ≥6) about dengue was found for 47.1% of HCW. More than 9 out of 10 HCW (91.3%) reported the lack of dengue diagnostic tools. Providing health structures with dengue diagnostic tools and training health personnel in their use in any febrile patient with a negative or positive malaria test would help prevent dengue epidemic.

Humans , Togo , Dengue , Public Health Practice , Health Personnel , Knowledge
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 26: e20210455, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1384924


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar o conhecimento, a atitude e a prática de universitários intercambistas provenientes do continente africano acerca das Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Método estudo transversal, realizado de dezembro de 2019 a março de 2020, em universidade pública internacional brasileira localizada no Ceará. A amostra foi constituída por 150 estudantes africanos de diferentes cursos de graduação. Utilizou-se do inquérito de Conhecimento, Atitude e Prática. Resultados os universitários apresentaram conhecimento satisfatório acerca da forma de transmissão das Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis, porém, com deficiências a respeito das hepatites virais. Identificou-se associação entre sexo e atitude acerca do uso de preservativo em relação sexual com parceria fixa (p=0,042). No que se refere às práticas, houve associação entre sexo e uso do preservativo na primeira relação sexual (p=0,001), ter mais que um parceiro (p=0,001) e mais que dez parceiros em toda a vida (0,007). No que se relaciona às práticas sexuais nos últimos 12 meses, observou-se associação estatística entre ter relações sexuais com mais de um parceiro sexual e sexo do participante (p=0,001). Conclusão e implicações para a prática enfatiza-se a importância de a universidade pesquisada realizar atividades de educação em saúde que abordem Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis, bem como de extensão universitária, que envolvam alunos imigrantes africanos.

RESUMEN Objetivo evaluar el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica de estudiantes de intercambio del continente africano sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual. Método estudio transversal, realizado de diciembre de 2019 a marzo de 2020, en una universidad pública internacional brasileña ubicada en Ceará. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 150 estudiantes africanos de diferentes cursos de pregrado. Se utilizó la encuesta de Conocimiento, Actitud y Práctica. Resultados los universitarios mostraron conocimientos satisfactorios sobre la transmisión de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, sin embargo, con deficiencias sobre las hepatitis virales. Se identificó asociación entre el sexo y la actitud sobre el uso del preservativo en las relaciones sexuales con pareja estable (p=0,042). En cuanto a las prácticas, hubo asociación entre sexo y uso de preservativo en la primera relación sexual (p=0,001), tener más de una pareja (p=0,001) y tener más de diez parejas en la vida (0,007). En cuanto a las prácticas sexuales en los últimos 12 meses, hubo asociación estadística entre tener sexo con más de una pareja sexual y el género del participante (p=0,001). Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica se destaca la importancia de que la universidad investigada realice actividades de educación en salud que aborden las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, así como actividades de extensión universitaria, involucrando estudiantes inmigrantes africanos.

ABSTRACT Objective to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of university exchange students from the African continent about Sexually Transmitted Infections. Method a cross-sectional study, conducted from December 2019 to March 2020, in a public international Brazilian university located in Ceará. The sample consisted of 150 African students from different undergraduate courses. It was used the survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice. Results the students showed satisfactory knowledge about the form of transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections, however, with deficiencies regarding viral hepatitis. An association between sex and attitude about condom use in sexual intercourse with a fixed partner was identified (p=0.042). Regarding the practices, there was an association between sex and condom use in the first sexual relation (p=0.001), having more than one partner (p=0.001) and more than ten partners in the whole life (0.007). Regarding sexual practices in the last 12 months, there was a statistical association between having sex with more than one sexual partner and the participant's sex (p=0.001). Conclusion and implications for practice the importance of the university researched carrying out health education activities that address Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as university extension activities that involve African immigrant students, is emphasized.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Students , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/transmission , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Black People , Student Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Africa/ethnology , Emigrants and Immigrants
Texto & contexto enferm ; 31: e20210018, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1361172


ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice about Gestational Hypertensive Syndrome among pregnant women, after an educational intervention. Method: a controlled, randomized and longitudinal clinical trial, related to the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey on Gestational Hypertensive Syndrome complications, carried out with 120 pregnant women at a public maternity hospital in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil. Data collection was performed at three moments and the pregnant women were separated into two groups with 60 participants each. For quantitative comparisons, the Student's t test or the Mann-Whitney's test were applied. To study qualitative associations, the Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests were employed. Results: adequate assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice was identified in the intervention group, on the seventh and thirtieth days after the intervention (p<0.05), with an increased chance of adequate knowledge on the seventh (Odds Ratio=6.63 - Confidence Interval: 3.5-12.55) and on the thirtieth (Odds Ratio=6.25 - Confidence Interval: 3.13-12.50) days. In this group, the attitude was adequate on the seventh (Odds Ratio=6.11 - Confidence Interval: 3.28-11.39) and on the thirtieth (Odds Ratio=6.44 - Confidence Interval: 3.49-11.89) days. The practice was also adequate on the seventh (Odds Ratio=3.73 - Confidence Interval: 2.21-6.28) and on the thirtieth (Odds Ratio=4.91 - Confidence Interval: 2.90-8.32) days. Conclusion: the pregnant women who participated in the educational intervention presented more adequacy in relation to knowledge, attitude and practice, when compared to those in the control group. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos, REBEC) RBR-8wyp8j

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica sobre el Síndrome Hipertensivo Gestacional entre mujeres embarazadas, después de una intervención educativa. Método: ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado y longitudinal, relacionado con la encuesta de Conocimiento, Actitud y Práctica sobre complicaciones del Síndrome Hipertensivo Gestacional, realizado con 120 mujeres embarazadas en una maternidad pública de Fortaleza-CE, Brasil. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar en tres momentos y se separó a las mujeres embarazadas en dos grupos de 60 participantes cada uno. Para las comparaciones cuantitativas, se aplicó la prueba t de Student o la de Mann-Whitney. Para estudiar las asociaciones cualitativas, se empleó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado o la prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: se identificó una evaluación adecuada del conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica en el grupo intervención, a los siete y treinta días posteriores a las intervenciones (p<0,05), con un incremento en la probabilidad de conocimiento adecuado al día siete (Odds Ratio=6,63 - Intervalo de Confianza: 3,5-12,55) y al día treinta (Odds Ratio=6,25 - Intervalo de Confianza: 3,13 - 12,50). En este grupo, la actitud fue adecuada al día siete (Odds Ratio=6,11 - Intervalo de Confianza: 3,28 -11,39) y al día treinta (Odds Ratio=6,44 - Intervalo de Confianza: 3,49-11,89). La práctica también resultó adecuada al día siete (Odds Ratio=3,73 - Intervalo de Confianza: 2,21-6,28) y al día treinta (Odds Ratio=4,91 - Intervalo de Confianza: 2,90-8,32). Conclusión: las mujeres embarazadas que participaron en la intervención educativa presentaron más adecuación en relación con el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica, en comparación las participantes del grupo control. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos (REBEC) RBR-8wyp8j

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar conhecimento, atitude e prática sobre Síndrome Hipertensiva Gestacional entre gestantes, após intervenção educativa. Método: ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado e longitudinal, relacionado ao inquérito Conhecimento, Atitude e Prática sobre complicações da Síndrome Hipertensiva Gestacional, realizado em maternidade pública de Fortaleza-CE, Brasil, com 120 gestantes. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três momentos e as gestantes separadas em dois grupos com 60 participantes cada. Para comparações quantitativas, aplicou-se o teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney. Para estudar associações qualitativas, empregou-se o teste Qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher. Resultados: identificou-se avaliação adequada do conhecimento, da atitude e prática no grupo intervenção, no sétimo e trigésimo dia pós-intervenção (p<0,05), com aumento de chance para o conhecimento adequado no sétimo (Odds Ratio=6,63 - Intervalo de Confiança: 3,5-12,55) e no trigésimo dia (Odds Ratio=6,25 - Intervalo de Confiança: 3,13 - 12,50). Neste grupo, a atitude foi adequada no sétimo (Odds Ratio= 6,11 - Intervalo de Confiança: 3,28-11,39) e no trigésimo dia (Odds Ratio=6,44 - Intervalo de Confiança: 3,49-11,89). Prática também adequada no sétimo (Odds Ratio=3,73 - Intervalo de Confiança: 2,21-6,28) e trigésimo dia (Odds Ratio=4,91 - Intervalo de Confiança: 2,90-8,32). Conclusão: as gestantes que participaram da intervenção educativa apresentaram mais adequabilidade em relação ao conhecimento, à atitude e prática, quando comparadas às participantes do grupo controle. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (REBEC) RBR-8wyp8j

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Education/methods , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Socioeconomic Factors , Longitudinal Studies
Poblac. salud mesoam ; 18(2)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386914


Resumen. Objetivos: describir y analizar los discursos sobre alimentación saludable y su relación con las prácticas declaradas de integrantes de hogares con hijos/as que pertenecen a los sectores medios y que residen en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Métodos: se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, un tipo de estudio exploratorio-descriptivo y la técnica de relevamiento de la información fue la entrevista semiestructurada. Se seleccionaron intencionalmente 12 hogares pertenecientes a sectores medios que residen en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, integrados por parejas con hijas/os de diferentes edades. El procesamiento y análisis de la información fue realizado mediante la estrategia de análisis temático cualitativo. Resultados: se evidencia un discurso homogéneo sobre lo que se considera alimentación saludable, en función de las recomendaciones alimentarias vigentes independientemente de la edad y de vivir o no con sus hijos/as. Así como, una diversidad de prácticas de compra, preparación y consumo de alimentos. Esta diversidad se explica por la presencia de otros criterios que compiten con la búsqueda de alimentación saludable. Aunque se reconoce el efecto preventivo de la alimentación en relación con los problemas de salud asociados a esta, como el sobrepeso y la obesidad, emergen como los más enunciados y las explicaciones se asocian con la responsabilidad individual. Dos son las consecuencias más visibles de la divulgación y penetración del discurso médico-nutricional: reenviar al ámbito individual las prácticas alimentarias y del cuidado del cuerpo y omitir el peso del contexto y la responsabilidad colectiva en la explicación de los problemas de salud asociados con la alimentación actual.

Abstract. Objectives: To describe and analyze the discourses on healthy eating habits and their relationship with declared practices that hold middle-class parents who live in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Methods: A qualitative research was conducted, a type of exploratory-descriptive study and data was gathered with semi-structured interviews. Twelve households were intentionally selected, consisting of couples who had children of different age. A thematic analysis strategy was carried out to systematize and analyze the transcriptions. Results: A homogeneous discourse on healthy eating was observed, which is aligned with expert recommendations regardless of the interviewee´s age, whether or not they live with their children, and also their varied food purchasing, preparation, and consumption practices. The diversity observed in these practices can be explained by other criteria which compete with their quest for healthy eating. Even if the benefits of healthy eating to prevent food-related illnesses are recognized, overweight and obesity seem to prevail as the main reasons to choose what to eat, and individual responsibility is articulated. Two are the consequences of the diffusion and incorporation of the medical and nutritional discourse: first, to consider eating practices and body care as issues related to the personal realm; and, second, to leave out the weight that the social context and collective responsibility exert in the explanation of health problems associated with current eating habits.

Humans , Food and Nutrition Education , Diet, Healthy , Argentina
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 47(2): e2770, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341483


Introducción: Con la aparición del nuevo miembro de la familia coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, la humanidad inició una batalla contra una enfermedad hasta el momento desconocida, la COVID-19. Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la COVID-19 al inicio del estado de emergencia en la población adulta dominicana. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, entre el 3 y el 17 de abril de 2020. El instrumento de recolección fue un cuestionario en línea con 4 secciones; características sociodemográficas, conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la COVID-19. La muestra estuvo integrada por 1861 participantes. Resultados: El 45,7 por ciento de los integrantes conocía que en ausencia de fiebre un infectado puede transmitir el virus a otro, 27,7 por ciento consideró suficiente la información circulante en la población dominicana, 32,2 por ciento confiaba que el gobierno dominicano controlaría la pandemia, 91,7 por ciento usaba mascarillas en multitudes. Conclusiones: Los resultados revelan un alto nivel de conocimiento, actitudes optimistas y prácticas adecuadas sobre la COVID-19 durante el brote inicial de la enfermedad en el país. República Dominicana enfrenta un gran desafío para controlar la transmisión del virus, pero a diferencia de otros países, una proporción significativa de los participantes no confían en las capacidades de las instituciones gubernamentales para su control. Aunque se deben realizar otros estudios a nivel comunitario en niveles socioeconómicos más bajos(AU)

Introduction: With the appearance of a new member in the coronavirus family, SARS-CoV-2, humanity started a battle against a hitherto unknown disease, COVID-19. Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning COVID-19 at the beginning of the emergency in the Dominican adult population. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between April 3 and 17, 2020. The data collection instrument was an online questionnaire with four sections: sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning COVID-19. The sample consisted of 1861 participants. Results: 45.7 percent of the members knew that, in the absence of fever, an infected person can transmit the virus to another person. 27.7 percent considered the information circulating in the Dominican population as sufficient. 32.2 percent trusted that the Dominican government would control the pandemic. 91.7 percent wore face masks in crowded places. Conclusions: The results reveal a high level of knowledge, optimistic attitudes and appropriate practices concerning COVID-19 during the initial outbreak of the disease in the country. The Dominican Republic faces a great challenge to control the transmission of the virus; but, unlike other countries, a significant proportion of the participants do not trust the capacities of government institutions to control it. However, other studies should be carried out at the community or at lower socioeconomic levels(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Coronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/transmission , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dominican Republic
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 47(2): e2586, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341491


Introducción: La adolescencia se considera una etapa fundamental para el desarrollo del sujeto. Desde el 2015 en El Salvador se instauró un programa de atención integral para el adolescente. Objetivo: Caracterizar los principales factores asociados a la no adherencia al Programa de atención integral de salud para adolescente de 11 a 15 años, del municipio Santa Ana del El Salvador. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en el primer nivel de atención del municipio de Santa Ana, entre enero y marzo de 2018. Se aplicó un instrumento confeccionado por los autores. La muestra fue de 247 adolescentes que recibieron control e inscripción. Resultados: La mayoría de los adolescentes eran del sexo femenino, el 65,2 por ciento residían en el área rural, el 96 por ciento estudiaba, solo el 32,8 por ciento conocía el programa y de estos lo utilizaban el 48,1 por ciento (15,8 por ciento del total de entrevistados), la vía por la que lo conoció fue el promotor de salud (63 por ciento). Los principales factores relacionados con el no conocimiento del programa fueron; residir en el área urbana, nivel de estudios secundarios, ser estudiante, vivir cerca del centro de salud y no tener promotor de salud. Solo el trabajar resultó significativo (razón de prevalencia 1,71 IC 95 por ciento 1,17-2,51) para no ser adherente. Conclusiones: A pesar de los esfuerzos del Estado, los servicios de salud para adolescente deben ser reorientados de acuerdo con los principios y lineamientos de los documentos regulatorios y el marco legal del país, enfatizando en acciones de promoción de la demanda temprana y prestación de servicios de atención integral(AU)

Introduction: Adolescence is considered a fundamental stage for the development of the individual. Since 2015, a comprehensive health care program for adolescents has been established in El Salvador. Objective: Characterize the main factors associated with non-adherence to the Comprehensive Health Care Program for adolescents aging 11 to 15 years, from Santa Ana municipality, El Salvador. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study at the first level of care of Santa Ana municipality, from January to March 2018. An instrument made by the authors was applied. The sample was of 247 adolescents who were controlled and registered. Results: Most adolescents were females, 65.2 percent lived in rural areas, 96 percent were studying, only 32.8 percent knew about the programme and it was being used by 48.1 percent (15.8 percent of all interviewees), and the way they knew about it was by the health promoter (63 percent). The main factors related to not knowing on the program were: living in the urban area, junior high school level, being a student, living near the health center and not having health promoter. Only work was significant (prevalence rate 1.71 CI 95 percent 1.17-2.51) for not being adherent. Conclusions: Despite the efforts of the State, health services for adolescents should be redirected in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the country's regulatory documents and legal framework, emphasizing in actions to promote early demand and provide comprehensive care services(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Comprehensive Health Care , Advance Directive Adherence/standards , National Health Programs , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , El Salvador