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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988700


@#Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with behavioural problems which may affect children’s oral health statuses. Caregivers have crucial roles in caring for these children’s oral health. Thus, this study is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Oral Health Care for Children with ASD (OHASD) Module in improving caregivers’ tooth-brushing difficulties in children ASD. Methods: Quasi-experimental study on caregivers of children with ASD aged 7 to 12 years who were registered at the Psychiatry Clinic Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Kelantan. The sociodemographic data obtained, and behavioural problems were assessed. Tooth-brushing difficulties were evaluated at pre- and six months post-intervention using OHASD Module. Data were analysed using IBM SPSS 26.0. Results: A total of 32 Malay children with ASD including their caregivers participated in this study. Caregivers were mostly mothers (78.1%) and children were mostly boys (84.4%), with mean age (SD) of 39.1 (4.19) and 8.8 (1.52) years respectively. Parent-reported questionnaire using the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) showed 65.6% of children were highly sensitive to noises, 53.1% sometimes stared at nothing or wandered without purpose and 59.4% were unable to imitate caregivers’ faces. Significant differences between pre- and post-intervention for items; children who liked to close their mouths, turn their heads in different directions, did not understand the purpose of tooth-brushing (P<0.05). Conclusion: OHASD Module is useful in assisting caregivers in practising daily tooth-brushing of children with ASD.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204256


Background: HIV is a chronic disease which also significantly affects the behavior. This study aims at evaluating behavioral disorders in children with HIV/AIDS.Methods: This Cross-sectional study utilized the Child Behaviour Check List.Results: The overall prevalence of borderline and clinically significant behavioral problems were 69.3% (n=104). The prevalence of behavioral disorders were observed in the eight categories - anxious/depressed (borderline-7.7%, clinically significant-18.3%), withdrawn/depressed (6.7%, 18.3%), somatic problems (7.7%, 6.7%), rule-breaking behavior (7.7%, 18.3%), aggressive behavior (10.6%, 21.1%), attention problems (15.4%, 2.9%) and thought problems (9.6%, 2.9%). No social problems were observed. Internalizing problems were common in girls and externalizing problems were common in boys. As age advanced a simple linear progression in prevalence of Behavior Problems was found. There were 47.1% of Orphans in study and behavioral problems were more common in them.Conclusions: High prevalence of behavioural abnormalities warrants comprehensive management including Behavioural counselling and therapy and not just drugs for these children.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 14(2): 351-362, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989713


Resumen Estudiar los problemas de comportamiento en los niños resulta complejo y más aún si presentan discapacidad intelectual, ya que se involucran diversos factores etiológicos: contextuales, genéticos, familiares, interaccionales; algunos de ellos pueden ser causa por sí mismos de psicopatología o aumentar el riesgo de psicopatología. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron identificar problemas emocionales y de comportamiento en niños de 6 y 11 años con discapacidad intelectual de diferentes niveles socioeconómico (NSE) de Tucumán, Argentina. Segundo, analizar comportamientos internalizantes y externalizantes en niños con discapacidad intelectual y analizar si existen diferencias en los problemas emocionales y de comportamiento en función del contexto socioeconómico de los niños. Los hallazgos del presente estudio se relacionan con una mayor problemática comportamental y emocional en niños con discapacidad intelectual moderada referida a problemas de atención, sociales y de retraimiento. Además se encontró mayor problemática emocional en niños con discapacidad intelectual de niveles socioeconómico bajo de Tucumán.

Abstract Studying behavioral problems in children is complex, especially if they have an intellectual disability. The aetiology of such problems is diverse: context, genetics, family and interaction, and some of these factors can be themselves a cause of psychopathology or increase its risk. The aims were: to identify emotional and behavioural problems in 6-to-11-year-old children with intellectual disability from different socioeconomic levels (SEL) from Tucumán, Argentina; to analyse internalizing and externalizing behaviour in children with intellectual disability; and to analyse whether there were differences in emotional and behavioural problems depending on the children's SEL. The findings of this study can be related to greater emotional and behavioural problems in children who have a moderate intellectual disability associated with attention, shyness and social problems. In addition, greater emotional problems were found in children with intellectual disability of low socioeconomic levels from Tucumán.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629176


Emotional and behavioural problems among children have been increasing in many western as well as the eastern countries. Although the problem has been given attention and priority in terms of early detection, many children with early symptoms of emotional and behavioural problems has still not been detected at the early stages. This phenomenon is worrying as mental health problems were shown to be stable in the long run and if left undetected it may manifest into various problems in adulthood. This paper explores the issues on emotional and behavioural problems in terms of its definition, prevalence, aetiology, long term consequences and treatment. It also explores on mental health problems in a non-western country, i.e. Malaysia including its prevalence and intervention strategies which has been carried out in overcoming this worrying issue. Finally this review paper stresses the importance of providing a well-designed epidemiological study in Malaysia in assessing the current prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems in young children and adolescent.​​

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 44(2): 39-53, mayo-ago. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-669260


El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la vivencia de los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y los problemas de ajuste emocional y comportamental durante la adolescencia, prestando atención al posible efecto moderador del estilo de afrontamiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 90 adolescentes que fueron seguidos durante seis años, desde su adolescencia media (15-16 años) hasta la adultez emergente (21-22 años). Completaron cuestionarios sobre su vivencia de acontecimientos vitales estresantes, su estilo de afrontamiento y sus problemas de ajuste tanto emocionales como comportamentales. En un diseño longitudinal se analizó la evolución de cada estilo de afrontamiento según el sexo y se efectuaron análisis de moderación de las distintas estrategias de afrontamiento en la relación entre estresores vitales y el ajuste adolescente. Los resultados mostraron que las estrategias más aproximativas (búsqueda de ayuda y resolución de problemas) aumentaron con la edad, mientras que las estrategias de evitación (cognitiva y conductual) disminuyeron, aunque sólo algunas trayectorias fueron estadísticamente significativas. Respecto al sexo, las chicas utilizaron con mayor frecuencia estrategias de búsqueda de ayuda. Por otro lado, los análisis de moderación revelaron que solamente los estilos de afrontamiento de evitación moderaron la relación entre la presencia de estresores y el ajuste, aunque el efecto moderador fue diferente en función del tipo de estrategia de evitación empleada. Estos resultados contribuyen a esclarecer el posible efecto de las estrategias de evitación en la adaptación del adolescente a los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y la importancia de seguir profundizando en su estudio.

The aim of this paper was to study the link between occurrence of stressful life events and adjustment problems during adolescence, paying attention to the possible moderator effect of adolescents' coping strategies. The sample was made up of 90 teenagers, who were studied longitudinally from middle adolescence (15-16 years old) until emerging adulthood (21-22 years old). They completed questionnaires about stressful life events, coping strategies and adjustment problems. In a longitudinal design the evolution of coping strategies over time were analyzed as well as possible differences associated with sex are considered. Also, in the present research moderation effects of different coping strategies in the relationship between life stressors and adolescent adjustment were analyzed. The results showed that the approximate strategies (help- seeking and problem solving) increased over time, meanwhile avoidance strategies (cognitive and behavioral) decreased, although only some trajectories were statistically significant. Related to sex differences, girls frequently used help-seeking strategies compared to boys. On the other hand, the moderation analysis revealed that only avoiding coping strategy moderated the relationship between stressful life events and adolescent adjustment. However, the moderation effect was different for cognitive and behavioural avoidance coping strategies. These results extend the knowledge we have about the impact of avoidance coping strategies over adolescent adjustment and underline the need for deeper study into this topic.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626194


More school children were referred for learning difficutly (LD), especially after the introduction of LINUS sccreening programme by Ministry of Education Malaysia. To study the clinical diagnosis and non-verbal ability of primary-one school children with LD after paediatric assessment, as well as associated behavioural issues and socio-economincal background. Assessment findings by Paediatricians and Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test® (NNAT®) results of all primary-one school children referred in year 2010 with LD were studied retrospectively. Ninety-three children were included (62.4% male), and 72.0% of them failed the LINUS screening programme. The commonest diagnoses were Borderline Intellectual Disability (ID, 37.6%) and Mild ID (19.4%). Other diagnoses included Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD, 11.8%), Specific Learning Disability (SLD, 10.8%), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (n = 5) and Severe Language Disorder (n = 3). Mean NNAT scores were 84.6 ± 11.8 (n = 85), of which 9.4% children scored less than 70 (<2nd percentile), while 63.7% scored between 71 and 90 (3rd-24th percentile). Twenty-three children(27.1%) scored 90 - 110 (25th-75th percentile) and 111-119 (76th-90th percentile). More than two-thirds of the parents never attended school, or only received education up to Form 3. Nearly 80% of mothers were housewife and 78.7% of fathers were labour or semi-skilled workers. A significant numbers of children with ADHD, Borderline ID, Mild ID and Severe Language Disorder / SLD had significant or borderline internalizing and/or externalizing behaviours.Majority of primary-one school children referred for LD do not have intellectual disability. Their clinical diagnosis and non-verbal ability were very variable. A significant number of them have poor socio-economical background and associated behavioural problems. A more realistic education system and targeted program should be offered.

Learning Disabilities , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Intellectual Disability , Diagnosis