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Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0136, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559412


RESUMO: Este trabalho parte de uma aproximação entre estudos realizados no Brasil e em Portugal, cenários em que as lutas pelo reconhecimento das pessoas surdas como participantes de uma comunidade linguística minorizada vêm pautando as discussões em defesa de uma escola bilíngue. Olha-se para os dois contextos a partir do entendimento da escola como lugar do encontro com a diferença, dando atenção no que se aproximam e, também, nas suas singularidades, dadas suas condições históricas, políticas e sociais. Realizaram-se interlocuções entre os movimentos de resistência pela manutenção dos espaços "Escola" - Escolas de Surdos (Brasil) e Escolas de Referência para Educação Bilíngue de Alunos Surdos - EREBAS (Portugal) - como também aproximação aos discursos de estudantes surdos, com o objetivo de olhar as potencialidades desses espaços possibilitarem experiências de ser Escola. Os estudantes — sujeitos da experiência — perceberam que a identificação linguística proporcionada pela Escola de Surdos/ EREBAS está relacionada ao acesso ao conhecimento, que vem sendo negado — ou não garantido — nos espaços da "escola inclusiva". A defesa desses espaços precisa estar atrelada à busca de um lugar que dê significado às coisas do mundo, que abra o mundo e possibilite experiências que só acontecem nesses espaços de encontro com a diferença.

ABSTRACT: This work starts from an approximation between studies carried out in Brazil and Portugal, scenarios in which the fights for recognition of deaf people as participants of a minoritized linguistic community has been the topic of discussions defending a bilingual school. Both contexts are seen from the understanding of school as a place to meet with the difference, with an attentive look into what approximates them and also their singularities, given their historical, political, and social conditions. Interlocutions were held between resistance movements for the maintenance of "School" spaces - Schools for the Deaf (Brazil) and Reference Schools for Bilingual Education for Deaf Students - EREBAS (Portugal) -, as well as the approximation approaching the speeches of deaf students, with the aim of looking at the potentiality of these spaces to enable experiences of being a School. The students - subjects of experience - noticed that the linguistic identification offered by the School for the Deaf/EREBAS is related to access to knowledge, which has been denied - or not guaranteed - in the spaces of the "inclusive school". The defense of these spaces needs to be linked to the search for a place that gives meaning to the things in the world, that opens up the world and enables experiences that only happen in these spaces of encounter with difference.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 25(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565533


La enseñanza del idioma inglés se ha convertido en una necesidad dentro de la educación superior en Ecuador; la demanda de comunicación intercultural y bilingüe hace que se considere como imprescindible que los futuros profesionales adquieran destrezas y habilidades que le permitan un adecuado manejo del idioma inglés, para lo cual es necesario mantener una estructura de aprendizaje adecuada. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar la enseñanza de idioma inglés en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Existe un programa general de enseñanza del idioma inglés en todas las facultades y carreras de la alta casa de estudio. Se identifica que, a pesar de existir una estructura adecuada, donde se prioriza la enseñanza del idioma en varios semestres y que existe como reglamento la necesidad de suficiencia en inglés para titularse, es insuficiente la realización de actividades prácticas fueras del escenario áulico; existe necesidad de mejorar la infraestructura dedicada a la enseñanza del idioma inglés. Los recursos humanos disponibles son suficientes y presentan un elevado nivel de preparación, lo que garantiza la calidad de la enseñanza. Además, Se concluye que se hacen esfuerzos para lograr la suficiencia en inglés y la preparación bilingüe en los futuros profesionales. Sin embargo, existe necesidad de mejorar la infraestructura y de potenciar actividades extracurriculares que consoliden la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas en el manejo del idioma inglés.

The teaching of the English language has become a necessity within higher education in Ecuador; The demand for intercultural and bilingual communication makes it essential for future professionals to acquire skills and abilities that allow them to have an adequate command of the English language, for which it is necessary to maintain an adequate learning structure. The objective of this research is to characterize the teaching of the English language at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. There is a general program of teaching the English language in all the faculties and careers of the high house of study. It is identified that, despite the existence of an adequate structure, where the teaching of the language is prioritized in several semesters and that there is a regulation of the need for proficiency in English to graduate, it is insufficient to carry out practical activities outside the classroom setting; there is a need to improve the infrastructure dedicated to teaching the English language. The available human resources are sufficient and present a high level of preparation, which guarantees the quality of teaching. In addition, it is concluded that efforts are made to achieve proficiency in English and bilingual preparation in future health professionals who are trained in this health home. However, there is a need to improve the infrastructure and promote extracurricular activities that consolidate the acquisition of skills and abilities in the management of the English language.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0049, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529754


RESUMO O contato inicial com uma língua acessível ocorre, para os estudantes surdos brasileiros, frequentemente no ambiente escolar, ao entrar em contato com outras crianças surdas e com interlocutores adultos fluentes em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras). Esse acesso tardio pode ocasionar um certo atraso na aquisição e no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Assim, a educação bilíngue de surdos coloca os professores frente ao desafio de como avaliar a Libras no contexto escolar. Diante das propostas educacionais, ainda há poucos instrumentos que contribuam para avaliar os conhecimentos em Libras dos estudantes surdos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é, por meio de um instrumento ilustrado de investigação de narrativas sinalizadas, contribuir com a avaliação da Libras e com o trabalho pedagógico de professores que atuam na educação bilíngue de surdos. O instrumento de avaliação de textos narrativos mostra-se bastante sensível para detectar o desenvolvimento linguístico dos discursos narrativos sinalizados, contribuindo intrinsicamente para a observação de funções/necessidades comunicativas.

ABSTRACT The initial contact with an accessible language occurs, for Brazilian deaf students, often in the school environment, when they encounter other deaf children and with adult interlocutors who are fluent in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). This late access can cause a certain delay in language acquisition and development. Thus, bilingual education for the deaf place's teachers in the face of the challenge of how to evaluate LIBRAS in the school context. In view of the educational proposals, there are still few instruments that contribute to assessing deaf students' knowledge in LIBRAS. Therefore, the objective of this study is, through an illustrated instrument for investigating signaled narratives, to contribute to the evaluation of LIBRAS and to the pedagogical work of teachers who work in bilingual education for the deaf. The instrument for evaluating narrative texts proves to be quite sensitive to detect the linguistic development of signaled narrative discourses, intrinsically contributing to the observation of communicative functions/needs.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530175


La educación médica superior se enfrenta a un proceso de constantes transformaciones dada por los adelantos científico-técnicos que vienen sucediendo en el campo de la salud. Estos adelantos concluyen en un volumen gigantesco de información en forma de publicaciones científicas que reúnen información valiosa sobre nuevos avances, esquemas terapéuticos y otros elementos relacionados con la enfermedad. La academia y práctica de la medicina se orienta al uso de la medicina basada en evidencia, por lo que los docentes y estudiantes tendrán una preparación y formación con elevado rigor científico, según las exigencias del contexto médico actual. Sin embargo, uno de los mayores problemas a los que se enfrenta la docencia médica universitaria se relaciona directamente con el dominio del idioma inglés, ya que una parte importante de estos documentos se publica en ese idioma. La educación bilingüe, a pesar de estar incluida dentro del proceso docente educativo como uno de los requisitos a vencer por los estudiantes, continúa siendo un desafío para poder lograr una mayor actualización científica que resulte en una mejor preparación profesional. El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer la situación actual de la educación bilingüe en la educación médica superior y cuáles son las necesidades actuales en este sentido(AU)

Higher medical education faces a process of constant transformations given by the scientific-technical advances that have been taking place in the field of health. These advances conclude in a gigantic volume of information that is expressed in the form of scientific publications that gather valuable information on new advances, therapeutic schemes and other elements related to the disease. The academy and practice of medicine is oriented towards the use of Evidence-Based Medicine; Therefore, teachers and students will have preparation and training with a high level of scientific rigor, according to the demands of the current medical context. However, one of the biggest problems faced by university medical teaching is directly related to the command of the English language, since a significant part of these documents are published in English. Bilingual education, despite being included within the educational teaching process as one of the requirements to be met by students, is presented as a current need in order to achieve a greater scientific update that results in better professional preparation. The objective of this research is to expose the current situation of bilingual education in higher medical education and what are the current needs in this regard(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Multilingualism , Education, Medical , Ecuador
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955721


Objective:To explore the application of mixed teaching mode based on small private online course (SPOC) and interactive tool in course of obstetric and gynecological nursing bilingual education.Methods:Nursing undergraduates from Batch 2018 of Chongqing Medical University were recruited in the study, with 336 students in the intervention group and 332 students in the control group. Mixed teaching method based on the SPOC and interactive tool was used for teaching in the intervention group, and traditional teaching methods were used in the control group. At the end of the course, formative evaluation indicators, such as students' academic performance, online study and students' classroom performance were compared between the two groups. SPSS 26.0 was used to perform t test and chi-square test of the data. Results:The final scores of the intervention group were (67.84±8.65) points, compared with the control group [(66.50±7.29) points]; the bilingual section scores of the intervention group were (5.32±1.90) points, compared with the control group [(4.95±1.92) points], with statistically significant differences between the two groups ( P<0.05). The online study and students' classroom performances of the intervention group were better than those of the control group ( P<0.05). Most students of the intervention group believed the mixed teaching method based on the SPOC and interactive tool could develop the ability of autonomous learning, improve the professional achievement and enhance the level of English. Conclusion:The mixed teaching method based on the SPOC and interactive tool can develop the students' ability of autonomous learning and enhance the teaching effect.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 28: e0153, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423128


RESUMO: Atender às necessidades linguísticas e de escolarização de crianças surdas impõe desafos às famílias e à escola. Assim sendo, este artigo está alicerçado nos estudos realizados em uma pesquisa de Mestrado em Educação, a qual teve por objetivo compreender como acontece a aprendizagem da língua de sinais por crianças surdas, desde os primeiros anos de vida, até a aquisição do português escrito nos anos iniciais da Educação Básica. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e para o seu desenvolvimento foram adotadas entrevistas narrativas com famílias de crianças surdas e professores atuantes com esses estudantes. As materialidades empíricas oriundas das entrevistas foram organizadas em agrupamentos temáticos e analisadas pela perspectiva da Análise do Discurso com base em Foucault. As narrativas dos familiares evidenciaram que as crianças surdas passam a ter acesso tardiamente à língua de sinais, somente quando frequentam a escola. Nesse espaço, os docentes seguem um currículo escolar homogêneo, com práticas escolares que são elaboradas de forma independente, sem articulação com os intérpretes ou os professores da Língua Brasileira de Sinais do Atendimento Educacional Especializado. O texto evidencia os desafos das famílias e dos docentes infuenciados pela falta de conhecimento da especificidade de comunicação de crianças surdas e da língua de sinais.

ABSTRACT: Fulfilling language and schooling needs of deaf children challenge families and school. Thus, this article is based on studies carried out in a Master's research in Education, which aimed to understand how deaf children learn sign language, from the first years of life, to the acquisition of written Portuguese in the early grades of Basic Education. The research is characterized as qualitative and for its development narrative interviews were adopted with families of deaf children and teachers working with these students. The empirical materialities arising from the interviews were organized into thematic groups and analyzed from the perspective of Discourse Analysis based on Foucault. The family members' narratives showed that deaf children have late access to sign language, only when they attend school. In this space, the teachers follow a homogeneous school syllabus, with school practices that are prepared independently, without articulation with the interpreters or teachers of Brazilian Sign Language from the Specialized Educational Service. The text highlights the challenges of families and teachers infuenced by the lack of knowledge of the specificity of communication of deaf children and sign language.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700555


Objective To evaluate the quality and application of the Pocket Book of Bilingual Nursing Vocabulary of Fundamental Nursing Skills.Methods Anonymous questionnaire surveys were conducted among 180 nursing students (English orientation) of Nursing Department of Xiamen Medical College to investigate the application effectiveness of the Pocket Book of Bilingual Nursing Vocabulary of Fundamental Nursing Skills.The contents of questionnaire survey included:the students' views on vocabulary difficulty level,content,and layout of the textbook.A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed and 172 valid questionnaires were retrieved.Percentages were used to describe students' evaluation on the effectiveness of the textbooks.Results 89.4% of students' good evaluation of the teaching material was mainly manifested in the following aspects:large and highly targeted vocabulary by 84.9% (146/172),comprehensive and practical vocabulary by 89.0% (153/172),closely linked to nursing by 81.4% (140/172),focusing on English proficiency by 81.4% (140/172),learning aided with phonetic symbols by 93.0% (160/172) and easy memorizing with illustrated pictures by 94.8% (163/172),small and potable by 95.3% (164/172).Conclusion This teaching material is comprehensive,practical,small and portable and is an innovation of content and format with illustrated pictures,has been proved to be in bilingual nursing teaching.It also provides a positive valuable reference to teachers on the other bilingual teaching or compiling other supplementary bilingual textbooks.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 23(1): 21-36, jan.-mar. 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-843528


RESUMO: o presente artigo tem como objetivo contextualizar o processo de construção do primeiro curso superior online de Pedagogia Bilíngue (Libras- Português). Esta iniciativa é resultado de demanda do Governo Federal que instituiu a criação de cursos de Pedagogia na perspectiva bilíngue como parte integrante do Plano Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência. Neste artigo, procuramos evidenciar o posicionamento político-pedagógico do Curso, a dinâmica entre os fundamentos da educação online colaborativa e as especificidades da educação de surdos, criando um lócus de realização capaz de potencializar as interações entre estudantes surdos e não-surdos por meio do círculo de cultura.

ABSTRACT: This paper contextualizes the design process of the first online Bilingual Pedagogy course in Brazilian Sign Language and Portuguese. This initiative resulted from the Brazilian Federal Government's demand for bilingual pedagogy courses as part of the National Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In the present paper, we highlight the political-pedagogical principles that guided this course, the dynamics surrounding the propositions of collaborative online education and the specificities of deaf people. Our goal is to develop a creative locus where interactions between deaf and non-deaf students is catalyzed by a circle of culture.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-601472


The original meaning of Portfolio is briefcase, generally translated as study archives in our country, with learners as the center, through the process of goal setting, feedback learning, self-reflection, steps, to show yourself and target revision form of process evaluation with learners as the center, to continuously promote the personal comprehensive ability through reflective learning progress. Portfolio, introduced in clinical admissions bilingual teaching, through six aspects such as individual learning, classroom display, clinical teaching, practice process and result display and target changes, and through the learning process assessment (fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method) and professional knowledge assessment (mini) method evaluating the clinical practice, evaluates Portfolio, in order to improve the medical students' clinical thinking and their comprehensive ability of lifelong learning,and promote the medical students' all-round development.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-425534


Bilingual education refers to applying a kind of foreign language to the non-language class curriculum,and the foreign language and the professional knowledge are gained in synchronization.Using bilingual education has increased students' study difficulty in the medical course.The object of Taskbased Teaching is that the student must grasp the specialized knowledge and the foreign language.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421374


Morphological examination of blood cells is an important part of the hematology examination course. In order to enrich teaching resources, network of bilingual education resource was established and put into application by the Department of Hematology in Guangzhou Medical College. The repository improved teaching quality of cell morphology, and played a role in training personnel of hematology examination with solid basic skills.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-423127


The implement of bilingual education is an efficient way for high-quality talent cultivation.In this thesis,the teaching content,method and pattern of bilingual education for pharmacognosy were discussed and improvement ideas were also put forward according to our teaching practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-423382


Bilingual teaching is very important to the development of medical education and integration with the advance medicine knowledge in the world.Rich teaching experiences have been summarized during these years.This article summarizes the bilingual teaching experience from four parts including the concept of bilingual education,conditions of bilingual education,methods of bilingual education,results of bilingual education.We have also found some problems during teaching and worked out the improvement methods.

Chinese Journal of Medical Physics ; (6): 1691-1693, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-500232


Bilingual education is an important way to train high-quality bilingual talents,but improvement the quality of bilingual education is a step-by-step process.Combining with the practice of bilingual education,this paper proposed a few points about improving the quality of bilingual education in medical physics from the four respects of improving the cognition,renewing teaching content,using multi-medium CAI software and improving teaching means.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-640795


Objective To prove the application of bilingual teaching in the child health care curriculum. MethodsEnglish dubbing and Chinese subtitling DVD coursewares of child growth and development were played to medical interns.The interns were asked to do questionnaires to examine feasibility and effectiveness. Results In 8-year program medical students,77.8% of them and 64.8% of the 5-year nutrition professional students could understand the contents of more than 90%.If there was no Chinese subtitles,the ratio were only 5.6% and 6.4%.Most students preferred English subtitles and dubbing,and endorsed the model of bilingual teaching. Conclusion DVD coursewares with Chinese subtitles and English dubbing can be widely used in the teaching of child health care.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-529478


With the increasingly strengthening of economic globalization and higher education internationalization,medical imageology as an important intersecting science in life sciences has more and more international communion and cooperation.In China many hospitals and medical colleges require large quantities of medical imageology professionals,and it is very necessary and important to develop the bilingual education in medical imageology,though a series of problems appear in the process.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-977526


@# It has a vital clinical implication in applying the bilingual education teaching approach in physiotherapy of rehabilitation sciences, it is inevitable trend for reforms in teaching approach of school system. The effect of bilingual education in teaching of physiotherapy of rehabilitation sciences was analyzed in this article. The inevitable trend for reforms in teaching approach of school system, the problems and strategies exited when applying the teaching approach of bilingual education were also discussed respectively, the teaching program of bilingual education were planned in detail.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-640751


Objective To explore the feasibility of "immersion program" in French-taught surgical lessons,as to provide multiple educational methods and practical experiences for the application of bilingual education in clinical medicine.Methods Twenty-nine senior students of French-taught class were randomly divided into group A(n=15) and group B(n=14)."Immersion program" and "transitional bilingual education" were employed for group A and group B,respectively for the first half of teaching session,and "transitional bilingual education" and "immersion program" for the second half,respectively.The differences between the two bilingual education models were compared through quiz.Results In the prior 2 of the 4 quiz,the scores of French quiz and the total scores were much higher in "immersion program" group,and there were significant differences between the two groups(P0.05). Conclusion "Immersion program" helps to improve the ability of presentation,comprehension and application of French in the precondition of equal educational content,and it will be more beneficial when accessing the "immersion program" on the basis of "transitional bilingual education".

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-528363


ObjectiveTo study the effects of using bilingual education among different nursing undergraduates in the Nursing Fundamentals, and then make out some proper education pattern. Methods Bilingual education has been implemented for one year in the course of Nursing Fundamentals among 82 nursing undergraduates who have graduated from high school and 81 nursing undergraduates who have graduated from hygiene school in 2003 degree. Results There were significant difference between two kinds of nursing undergraduates in the passed rate of CET 4, P0.05. Conclusion The bilingual education can be implemented in the different nursing undergraduates.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622987


This paper aims to put forward some suggestions on how to deal with the problems about the interface between college English teaching and bilingual teaching,beginning with their definitions,their relationship and the discussion of their present situations.