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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 23(4): 443-448, Oct-Dec/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-731244


Eared doves (Zenaida auriculata), which are common in urban, rural and wild areas in many regions of Brazil, are frequently prey for domestic cats. Therefore Toxoplasma gondii isolates obtained from doves may reflect greater environmental diversity than those from other hosts. The aim of the present study was to evaluate T. gondii seroprevalence, isolate and genotype strains from Z. auriculata. Serum and tissue samples were collected from 206 doves for use in the modified agglutination test (MAT) and mouse bioassay. The prevalence of T. gondii antibodies in the doves was 22.3% (46/206), with titers ranging from 16 to 4096, and T. gondii strains were isolated from 12 of these doves. Five genotypes were detected by means of PCR-RFLP, including ToxoDB genotypes #1, #6, #17 and #65, and one genotype that had not previously been described (ToxoDB#182). This was the first report on isolation of T. gondii from Z. auriculata. This study confirmed the genetic diversity of T. gondii isolates and the existence of clonal type II (ToxoDB genotype #1) in Brazil.

Pombos silvestres (Zenaida auriculata), comuns em áreas urbanas, rurais e selvagens em muitas regiões do Brasil, são frequentemente predados por gatos domésticos. Sendo assim, os isolados de T. gondii obtidos de pombos podem refletir uma maior diversidade ambiental do que os outros hospedeiros. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a soroprevalência, isolar e genotipar T. gondii de Z. auriculata. Amostras de soro e tecido foram coletadas de 206 pombos para o teste de aglutinação modificado (MAT) e o bioensaio em camundongos. A prevalência de anticorpos contra T. gondii em pombos foi 22,3% (46/206), com títulos variando de 16 a 4096, e T. gondii foi isolado de 12 pombos. Cinco genótipos foram detectados por PCR-RFLP, incluindo os genótipos ToxoDB #1, #6, #17, #65 e um genótipo não descrito anteriormente (ToxoDB#182). Esse é o primeiro relato de isolamento de T. gondii de Z. auriculata. Este estudo também confirmou a diversidade dos isolados de T. gondii e a presença de tipo clonal II (ToxoDB #1) no Brasil.

Animals , Mice , Iron/metabolism , Macrophages/drug effects , Macrophages/metabolism , Nitric Oxide/pharmacology , Phagosomes/drug effects , Phagosomes/metabolism , Antigen-Antibody Complex/metabolism , Cells, Cultured , Ferric Compounds/metabolism , Ferritins/metabolism , Mice, Knockout , Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II , Nitric Oxide Synthase/deficiency , Nitric Oxide Synthase/genetics , Nitric Oxide/metabolism , Transferrin/immunology , Transferrin/metabolism
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 77(2): 317-322, abr.-jun. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1390877


O controle biológico no Brasil vem crescendo devido aos problemas gerados pelo uso indiscriminado de inseticidas químicos. A Musca domestica representa o maior problema em granjas avícolas devido às condições favoráveis para seu crescimento populacional. Sendo assim, foram realizadas capturas de dípteros muscoides em um aviário na região de Montes Claros, MG, usando armadilhas contendo isca química e captura por busca direta e, destas moscas, foram isolados e identificados fungos residentes nestes insetos. Os fungos isolados foram duas espécies do gênero Aspergillus sp., um do gênero Memnoniella sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Paecilomyces sp e um fungo da família Moniliaceae. Foram também requeridos junto ao CENARGEM/EMBRAPA as espécies de fungos entomopatogênicos Beauveria bassiana CG 470 e CG 472; Metarhizium anisopliae CG 34 e CG 312 e o Paecilomyces sp. CG 301. As espécies selecionadas para os bioensaios foram um Aspergillus sp., Memnoniella sp. e os Metarhizium anisopliae CG 34 e CG 312 por terem boa esporulação. Os fungos Aspergillus sp. e o Memnoniella sp. não apresentaram capacidade entomopatogênica, os fungos M. anisopliae CG 34 e CG 312 foram bastante eficientes em controlar a emergência dos adultos de M. domestica, mostrando-se bons agentes de controle biológico.

Use of biological control measures in Brazil has been increasing because of the problems generated from the indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides. Musca domestica represents the biggest problem to poultry farms due to the favorable conditions for its population growth. The present study was therefore conducted, beginning with captures of muscoid diptera on a poultry farm in the Montes Claros region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using traps containing chemical bait and as well as capture by direct search, and the fungi resident on these flies was isolated and identified. The isolated fungi were two species of Aspergillus sp., one each from the genera Memnoniella sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Paecilomyces sp., and one fungi of the family Moniliaceae. Also, the entomopathogenic species of fungi Beauveria bassiana CG 470 and CG 472, Metarhizium anisopliae CG 34 and CG 312, and Paecilomyces sp. CG 301 were requested from CENARGEM/EMBRAPA. The species selected for the bioassays were Aspergillus sp., Memnoniella sp. and Metarhizium anisopliae CG 34 and CG 312. The fungi Aspergillus sp. and the Memnoniella sp. did not present entomopathogenic capacity; the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae CG 34 and CG 312 were sufficiently efficient in controlling the emergence of the adults of Musca domestica, showing themselves good agents of biological control.

Pest Control, Biological/methods , Fungi , Houseflies/embryology , Larva/microbiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964007


Thirty four (34) patients, upon ingesting of the fish Gobius criniger manifested neurologic and gastrointestinal symptoms, resulting in four (4) mortalities due to respiratory paralysis. Two (2) victims were admitted and successfully treated at our hospital. One patient presented with respiratory insufficiency, therefore he was hooked up to a mechanical ventilator. To document the poisoning, analysis of fish samples for toxin isolations was done in Japan, using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) revealing the identity of Tetrodotoxin. Bioassay in rats was done at the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) confirming the high level of toxicity. This report was the first documented case of fish poisoning due to Tetrodotoxin in the country. Close monitoring regarding the toxicity level of the Goby fish should be done in Julugan, Tanza, Cavite, during the spawning period in September to April of each year, when poisoning is observed to be rampant. (Author)