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Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 6(3): 87-91, set.-dez. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1378415


Objective: To show the aesthetic treatment performed in deciduous incisors and in permanent successors in a child with congenital dental abnormalities (conoid and missing teeth), which associated with bone disproportion of the middle third of the face led to a suspicious diagnosis of ectodermal dysplasia. Case report: This report was written following the CARE Statement. A 6-year-old girl attended the Pediatric Dental Clinic complaining about bullying due to appearance her teeth. The reanatomization of the conoid-shaped deciduous incisors was done with direct composite resin using preformed acetate crowns. After 15 months, the deciduous incisors had exfoliated and the permanent incisors erupted also with a conoid shape. For aesthetic rehabilitation, direct composite restorations were performed using the incremental technique guided by a silicone matrix made based on the diagnostic wax-up. Conclusion: In the follow-up, the patient and guardians reported satisfaction with appearance of her smile and an increased self-esteem. The case remains under follow-up and future planning will include orthodontics and prosthodontics.

Objetivo: Mostrar o tratamento estético realizado em incisivos decíduos e em seus sucessores permanentes em uma criança com anomalias dentárias congênitas (dentes conoides e ausentes), que associado a desproporção óssea do terço médio da face levaram a um diagnóstico suspeito de displasia ectodérmica. Relato de caso: Este relato foi redigido seguindo o CARE Statement. Menina de 6 anos de idade compareceu à Clínica de Odontopediatria com queixa de bullying devido à aparência de seus dentes. A reanatomização dos incisivos decíduos conoides foi feita com coroas de acetato pré-formadas e resina composta direta. Após 15 meses, os incisivos decíduos esfoliaram e os incisivos permanentes irromperam também com formato conoide. Para a reabilitação estética, foram realizadas restaurações diretas com resina composta pela técnica incremental guiada por matriz de silicone confeccionada a partir do enceramento diagnóstico. Conclusão: No seguimento, paciente e responsáveis relataram satisfação com a aparência do sorriso e aumento da autoestima. O caso continua em acompanhamento e o planejamento futuro incluirá ortodontia e prótese dentária.

Humans , Female , Child , Tooth Abnormalities/rehabilitation , Ectodermal Dysplasia/rehabilitation , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Abnormalities/psychology , Tooth, Deciduous , Dentition, Permanent , Bullying
INSPILIP ; 2(2): 1-15, jul.-dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-981805


El bullying en la actualidad es un verdadero problema de salud creciente que ha ganado espacio,pero sin embargo es poco denunciado, a pesar de existir leyes en el Ecuador que lo estipulan como delito;la forma de maltrato en la actualidad se ha intensificado debido a la utilización de redes sociales y discriminación de clase. En Ambato, en una unidad educativa privada, se realizó el presente estudio transversal descriptivo en jóvenes de 13 a 18 años deedad, mediante la aplicación de una encuesta, y los resultados mostraron que el 49 % de adolescentes admite ser acosado, identificándosea la provocación, el maltrato verbal como formas frecuentes de intimidación, seguido del maltrato físico y psicológico; el lugar donde se produce el mayor número de intimidaciones es fuera de la unidad educativa y en ausencia del docente; el adolescente intimidado en alto porcentaje no comparte su problema, lo que hace que esta modalidad de intimidación no sea resuelta deforma inmediata y no se tome el correctivo necesario, tanto para el acosador como para el intimidado,lo cual en el futuro traerá graves consecuencias, dentro de las cuales se pueden citar trastornos psicológicos, de conducta, bajo rendimiento escolar, distimia y en el peor de los casos llegar a autolisis. Por todo aquello es necesario realizar campañas de concienciación dirigidas a docentes, padres de familia y estudiantes, con el fin de detectar y corregir a tiempo esta problemática social, evitando consecuencias fatales.

Bullying is in the actuality a real and silent health problem, that has gained ground, however it is little denounced, despite of the existence of laws in Ecuador that report it as a crime, the way to abuse today has been intensified due to the use of social networks and class discrimination. In Ambato, in a private education unit, was made this descriptive cross-sectional study in teenagers between 13-18 years old, and the results showed that 49 % of teenagers admit being bullied, as the main factor was identified the provocation, and as more frequent the verbal abuse, followed by physical and psychological abuse; the place the most number of intimidations where made is in the around of the educational unit and in the absence of teachers; the teenager who is bullied in high percentage does not share their problem, what makes this type of intimidation not be resolved immediately and they do not take the necessary corrective measures, for both the bully as the aggressed, this will bring serious consequences in the future within which we can cite psychological disorders, behavioral, poor school performance, dysthymias and in the worst of case to the autolysis, For this reason, it is necessary to conduct awareness campaigns aimed at teachers, parents and students, in order to detect and correct as soon as possible this social problem, avoiding fatal consequences.

Humans , Adolescent , Child Abuse , Mood Disorders , Social Discrimination , Underachievement , Behavior