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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 623-630, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564600


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to analyze the potential for compression of the median nerve (MN) caused by the bicipital aponeurosis (BA), the humeral and ulnar heads of the pronator teres muscle (PTM) and the arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (FDS) in recently deceased cadavers. In this analysis 20 forearms of 10 recently deceased adult male cadavers were dissected. Dissections were performed in the institution's autopsy room or anatomy laboratory. The short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle, as well as the BA were identified in all upper upper limbs. The BA received contribution from the short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle. In 12 upper limbs the BA was wide and thickened and in 8 it was supported by the MN. In 5 upper limbs, the BA was wide but not very thick, and in 3 it was narrow and not very thick. We identified the existence of the FDS muscle arcade in all dissected upper limbs. A fibrous arcade was identified in 4 forearms, a muscular arcade in 14 and a transparent arcade in 2 upper limbs. In all of them, we recorded that the arcade was in contact with the MN. We recorded the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all dissected upper limbs, with the presence of fibrous beams between them along their entire length. The MN was positioned between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all upper limbs. In eight upper limbs (40 %), we identified that the BA had thickness and contact with the MN with the potential to cause its compression. Compression between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM by the fibrous connections has the potential to cause nerve compression in all upper limbs (100 %). We did not identify that the anatomical structure of the FDS arcade had the potential to cause compression in the MN.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la potencial compresión del nervio mediano (NM) causado por la aponeurosis bicipital (AB), las cabezas humeral y cubital del músculo pronador redondo (MPR) y la arcada del músculo flexor superficial de los dedos (MFS). En este análisis se diseccionaron 20 antebrazos de 10 cadáveres masculinos de individuos adultos fallecidos recientemente. Las disecciones se realizaron en la sala de autopsias o en el laboratorio de anatomía de la Institución. En todos los miembros superiores se identificaron las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial, así como la AB. La AB recibió contribución de las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial. En 12 miembros superiores la AB era ancha y engrosada y en 8 estaba sostenida por el NM. En 5 miembros superiores la AB era ancha pero poco gruesa, y en 3 era estrecha y de menor grosor. Identificamos la existencia de la arcada muscular MFS en todos los miembros superiores disecados. Se identificó una arcada fibrosa en 4 antebrazos, una arcada muscular en 14 y una arcada delgada y transparente en 2 miembros superiores. En todos ellos registramos que la arcada estaba en contacto con el NM. Registramos las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores disecados, con presencia de haces fibrosos entre ellas en toda su longitud. El NM estaba situado entre las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores. En ocho miembros superiores (40 %), identificamos que la AB era gruesa y tenía contacto con el NM con potencial para causar su compresión. La compresión entre las cabezas humeral y ulnar del MPR, por las conexiones fibrosas, tiene el potencial de causar compresión nerviosa en todos los miembros superiores (100 %). No identificamos que la estructura anatómica de la arcada MFS tuviera el potencial de causar compresión del NM.

Humans , Male , Adult , Forearm , Median Nerve , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities , Nerve Compression Syndromes/pathology , Cadaver , Dissection , Elbow
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1445-1451, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521028


SUMMARY: The teres minor is one of the rotator cuff muscles that comprise the superior margin of the quadrangular space. Quadrangular space syndrome (QSS) refers to the entrapment or compression of the axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery in the quadrangular space, often caused by injuries, dislocation of the shoulder joint, etc. Patients who fail the primary conservative treatments and have persistent symptoms and no pain relief for at least six months would be considered for surgical interventions for QSS. This cadaveric study of 17 cadavers (males: 9 and females: 8) was conducted in the Gross Anatomy Laboratory at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. The cadavers were preserved in a 10 % formaldehyde solution and obtained ethical approval by the ethical commission of the Siriraj Institutional Review Board. The morphology of the teres minor muscle-tendon junction, the bifurcation type of the axillary nerve, and the length and number of the terminal branches of the nerve to the teres minor were documented. Specimens with quadrangular space contents and surrounding muscles that had been destroyed were excluded from the study. The results showed that 47.06 % of the specimens had type A bifurcation, 47.06 % had type B bifurcation, and the remaining 5.88 % had type C bifurcation. It was observed that 58.82 % had nonclassic muscle-tendon morphology, while 41.18 % were classic. The average length of the terminal branches of the nerve to the teres minor in males was 1.13 cm, with the majority having two branches. For females, many showed one terminal branch with an average length of 0.97 cm. Understanding the differences in anatomical variations can allow for a personalized treatment plan prior to quadrangular space syndrome surgical procedures and improve the recovery of postsurgical interventions for patients.

El músculo redondo menor es uno de los músculos del manguito rotador que comprende el margen superior del espacio cuadrangular. El síndrome del espacio cuadrangular (QSS) se refiere al atrapamiento o compresión del nervio axilar y la arteria circunfleja humeral posterior en el espacio cuadrangular, a menudo causado por lesiones, dislocación de la articulación humeral, entre otros. En los pacientes en los que fracasan los tratamientos conservadores primarios y presentan síntomas persistentes y ningún alivio del dolor durante al menos seis meses se considerarían para intervenciones quirúrgicas para QSS. Este estudio cadavérico de 17 cadáveres (hombres: 9 y mujeres: 8) se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio de Anatomía Macroscópica del Departamento de Anatomía de la Facultad de Medicina del Hospital Siriraj de la Universidad Mahidol. Los cadáveres se conservaron en una solución de formaldehído al 10 % y obtuvieron la aprobación ética de la comisión ética de la Junta de Revisión Institucional de Siriraj. Se documentó la morfología de la unión músculo-tendón del músculo redondo menor, el tipo de bifurcación del nervio axilar y la longitud y el número de las ramas terminales del nervio para el músculo redondo menor. Se excluyeron del estudio los especímenes con contenido de espacios cuadrangulares y músculos circundantes que habían sido destruidos. Los resultados mostraron que el 47,06 % de los especímenes presentó bifurcación tipo A, el 47,06 % una bifurcación tipo B y el 5,88 % restante una bifurcación tipo C. Se observó que el 58,82 % presentaba una morfología músculo-tendinosa no clásica, mientras que el 41,18 % era clásica. La longitud pmedia de los ramos terminales del nervio hasta el músculo redondo menor en los hombres era de 1,13 cm, y la mayoría tenía dos ramos. En el caso de las mujeres, mostraron un ramo terminal con una longitud promedio de 0,97 cm. Comprender las diferencias en las variaciones anatómicas puede permitir un plan de tratamiento personalizado antes de los procedimientos quirúrgicos del síndrome del espacio cuadrangular y mejorar la recupe- ración de las intervenciones posquirúrgicas de los pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Axilla/innervation , Rotator Cuff/innervation , Muscle, Skeletal/innervation , Cadaver , Dissection , Anatomic Variation
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 819-824, jun. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514289


SUMMARY: The spread of the idea that the human body should be learned from cadavers, especially under the leadership of Vesalius, and the strong support of this idea among surgeons and medical students of that period, led to the emergence of anatomy theatres, particularly in the rich centres of Western Europe. Anatomy theatres have become prestigious places that make contributions to financial income for the cities they are located in. They have contributed to the importance of universities with the students they attract. Anatomy has become a more visual and international science because of the spread of anatomical drawings in scientific medical books, the newly invented printing press making it easier to print more books and the increasing interest of the people of the period. Learning medicine has become easier with the spread of visual anatomy books and cadaver studies. Cadaver studies and anatomy theatres, which started to become widespread under the leadership of brave science warriors such as Vesalius, who lived in the Renaissance period, became the subject of the paintings of painters of the period such as Rembrandt under the name anatomy activities. It is beneficial and necessary for society to keep in memory what this period brought to the world of anatomy and the present with its historical processes.

La difusión de la idea de que el cuerpo humano se debe aprender a partir de cadáveres, especialmente bajo el liderazgo de Vesalius, y el fuerte apoyo de esta idea entre los cirujanos y estudiantes de medicina de ese período, condujo al surgimiento de las salas de anatomía, particularmente en los ricos centros de Europa Occidental. Las salas de anatomía se han convertido en lugares de prestigio que contribuyen a los ingresos económicos de las ciudades en las que están ubicados y han contribuido a la importancia de las universidades con los estudiantes que atraen. La anatomía se ha convertido en una ciencia más visual e internacional debido a la difusión de los dibujos anatómicos en los libros médicos científicos, la imprenta recién inventada que facilita la impresión de libros y el creciente interés de la gente de la época. Aprender medicina se ha vuelto más fácil con la difusión de libros de anatomía visual y estudios de cadáveres. Los estudios de cadáveres y las salas de anatomía, que comenzaron a generalizarse bajo el liderazgo de valientes guerreros de la ciencia como Vesalius, que vivió en el Renacimiento, se convirtieron en el tema de las pinturas de artistas de la época como Rembrandt bajo el nombre de actividades de anatomía. Es beneficioso y necesario que la sociedad guarde en la memoria lo que este período trajo al mundo de la anatomía y el presente con sus procesos históricos.

Humans , History, 15th Century , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , Anatomy/education , Anatomy/history , Cadaver , Dissection/education , Dissection/history , Europe, Eastern
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 175-180, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430534


SUMMARY: This study aimed to classify and investigate anatomical variations of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, which is commonly used as an anatomical landmark to indicate the correct position for central venous catheterization, in a Thai population. Thirty- five embalmed cadavers from the Northeast Thailand (19 females and 16 males) were systemically dissected to reveal the SCM muscles in both sides for gross human anatomy teaching. Variations in the SCM origin and insertion were observed and recorded. The prevalence of anatomical variations was approximately 11.4 % (4 of 35 cadavers) and was not different by sex. Such variations were classified into 5 types based on origin, insertion, and presence of additional heads, as follows: type I (n=31; 88.6 %), type II (n=1; 2.85 %), type III (n=1; 2.85 %), type IV (n=1; 2.85 %), and type V (n=1; 2.85 %). Clinical considerations and prevalence of variant SCM muscle have also been discussed. Since the incidence of this anatomical variations was more than 10 %, the cervical surgeons should seriously consider this issue before insertion of a central venous catheter to avoid complications.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo clasificar e investigar las variaciones anatómicas del músculo esternocleidomastoideo (MEM), que se usa comúnmente como un punto de referencia anatómico para indicar la posición correcta para el cateterismo venoso central, en una población tailandesa. Se diseccionaron sistemáticamente 35 cadáveres embalsamados del noreste de Tailandia (19 mujeres y 16 hombres) para observar los músculos MEM en ambos lados para la enseñanza de la anatomía humana macroscópica. Se observaron y registraron variaciones en el origen y la inserción de MEM. La prevalencia de la variación fue de aproximadamente 11,4 % (4 de 35 cadáveres) y no fue diferente por sexo. Dichas variaciones se clasificaron en 5 tipos según el origen, la inserción y la presencia de cabezas adicionales, de la siguiente manera: tipo I (n=31; 88,6 %), tipo II (n=1; 2,85 %), tipo III (n=1; 2,85 %), tipo IV (n=1; 2,85 %) y tipo V (n=1; 2,85 %). También se discutieron las consideraciones clínicas y la prevalencia de la variante del músculo MEM. Dado que la incidencia de esta variación fue superior al 10 %, los cirujanos de cabeza y cuello deben considerar este tema antes de la inserción de un catéter venoso central para evitar complicaciones.

Humans , Male , Female , Anatomic Variation , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Thailand , Cadaver , Classification
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 45-51, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997106


Objective@#This study aimed to determine the perceptions of rehabilitation medicine resident trainees on using modified Thiel soft-embalmed cadavers as a learning tool in acquiring knowledge on musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-UTZ) and anatomy. @*Methods@#This descriptive cross-sectional study used total enumeration to recruit residents in training under the rehabilitation medicine department of a tertiary referral hospital. An online survey tool was self-administered to determine their perceptions on the use of MSK-UTZ on Thiel-embalmed cadavers. Pre- and post-test scores were compared to determine if their knowledge has improved. @*Results@#Fifteen participants were recruited, who answered the pre- and post-test, and the online survey. The mean pre-test score of participants was 5.87 (±1.68), and the mean post-test score was 6.87 (±2.00). There was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.20) using a paired t-test. At an arbitrary passing rate of 70%, only 5/15 participants passed the pre-test while 10/15 passed the post-test. A chi-square test of independence showed that there was no significant association between the number of participants who passed or failed on the pre- and posttest, X2 (1, N = 15) = 3.3, p = .0.068. Most of the perceptions of the participants were positive in terms of the use of modified Thiel soft-embalmed cadavers as a learning tool, its relevance in the training of a rehabilitation medicine resident, and the overall experience on its use. @*Conclusion@#Thiel-embalmed cadavers as a learning tool was well-accepted, having generally positive perceptions from the participants mainly in terms of perceived enhancement of the understanding of the anatomical basis of musculoskeletal ultrasound, perceived improvement in skills in performing musculoskeletal ultrasound, and most even recommended that it be part of their training as rehabilitation medicine residents. In terms of acquiring knowledge on musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-UTZ) and anatomy, no significant improvement in knowledge was noted. Further studies with larger sample sizes are recommended to yield more statistically significant improvement in knowledge and to observe trends in the perceptions of participants.

Education, Medical , Anatomy
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 801-807, jun. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385642


SUMMARY: During the Covid-19 pandemic that has marked the last years, while governments tried to control the spread of the virus, many-body donation programs were suspended due to difficulties that could potentially be encountered. Given the low body donation acceptance rates during this period, through this study we aimed to evaluate academics' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in cadaver acceptance and embalming practices during the pandemic. The research population of th estudy consisted of the faculty of 112 universities in Turkey who taught in under graduate and graduate programs in the Anatomy Department in 2020. An electronic questionnaire of 24 items, including demographic data, was distributed to the participants' official e-mail addresses. In addition, support was received from the Turkish Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Society, whose members were also approached through their official group e-mail accounts. Answers were collected from 78 (39 %) out of 200 academics. The findings of the study were under 5 headings (ınformation about cadaver donation and ımported cadavers, attitude towards ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations, precautions against contagion in ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations and thoughts on their adequacy, considerations for adoption of cadavers for post-graduation education, advice on avoiding contagion in cadaver embalming) were collected and analyzed. The study high lights the importance of cadaver acceptance and embalming practices for medical education to minimally continue in the post-pandemic period. It can also serve as a reference for being cautious when faced with similar situations in the future.

RESUMEN: Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha marcado los últimos años, mientras los gobiernos intentaban controlar la propagación del virus, muchos programas de donación de cuerpos fueron suspendidos por las dificultades que se podían encontrar. Dadas las bajas tasas de aceptación de la donación de cuerpos durante este período, a través de este estudio buscamos evaluar el conocimiento, las actitudes y los comportamientos de los académicos en la aceptación de cadáveres y las prácticas de embalsamamiento durante la pandemia. El estudio se realizó el año 2020 en los programas de pregrado y posgrado de los Departamentos de Anatomía de 112 universidades de Turquía. Se distribuyó un cuestionario electrónico de 24 ítems, incluidos datos demográficos, a los participantes por correo electrónico oficial. Además, se recibió el apoyo de la Sociedad Turca de Anatomía y Anatomía Clínica, cuyos miembros también fueron contactados a través de las cuentas de correo electrónico de su grupo oficial. Se recopilaron respuestas de 78 (39 %) de 200 académicos. Los hallazgos del estudio se ubicaron en 5 encabezados (información sobre donación de cadáveres y cadáveres importados, actitud hacia la importación de cadáveres y aceptación de donaciones de cuerpos, precauciones contra el contagio en la importación de cadáveres y aceptación de donaciones de cuerpos y opiniones sobre su idoneidad, consideraciones para la adopción de cadáveres para la educación de posgrado y consejos para evitar el contagio en el embalsamamiento de cadáveres). El estudio destaca la importancia de la aceptación de cadáveres y las prácticas de embalsamamiento para que la educación médica continúe mínimamente en el período posterior a la pandemia. También puede servir como referencia para tenerse presente ante situaciones similares en el futuro.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cadaver , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Human Body , Faculty/psychology , COVID-19 , Anatomy/education , Turkey , Tissue and Organ Procurement , Surveys and Questionnaires , Embalming , Anatomists/psychology , Pandemics
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225576


Introduction: Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) presents a broad range of disorders including abnormal renal parenchymal development, disrupted parenchymal development, abnormalities of lower urinary tract, urinary collecting system. The knowledge of these anomalies will help the clinicians and surgeons during the procedures of kidney. The purpose of this article is to present one of the cases of renal hypoplasia and the review that highlights renal hypoplasia cases. Methodology: A vertical incision has been made in midline from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis encircling the umbilicus, another incision from pubic symphysis laterally up to the anterior superior iliac tubercle along the iliac crest to expose the abdominal cavity. Details of the position suprarenal gland and the upper poles of the kidneys and external appearance of kidneys in situ were noted. The arrangement of the attached structures such as the hilum with structures passing through, ureter, bladder, abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava were also noted and recorded. Observation and Result: The size of the left kidney was found small in comparison to right kidney. Coronal section of left kidney also showed a smaller number of renal pyramids, major calyces and minor calyces. Conclusion: The knowledge of anatomical variations of urinary system has a significant role for clinicians and surgeons for diagnosing diseases including congenital anomalies, radiological interpretations, procedures, surgical interventions and management of clinical conditions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219754


Background:The kidneys are vital organs of urinary system. The primary function of the urinary system is removal of metabolic waste from the body. The blood supply of any organ reflects its functional importance. This is true with the kidneys and its blood supply too. The right and left kidneys receive their blood supply from the lateral branches of the abdominalaorta, that is respectively from the right and the left renal arteries. These renal arteries are known to exhibit variations. These variations are encountered routinely during the dissection of cadavers. The knowledge of such variations is important for the clinicians and the surgeons. The recent advances in radiological techniques (CT scan) allow study of arterial system with good precision. This study is therefore planned with an aim to study and compare morphology of human renal arteries in cadavers andusing Computed tomography scans in living individuals. Material And Methods:The study was conducted on 36 formalin fixed cadavers and on 36 computed tomographic(CT)angiograms of renal arteries.The parameters measured included mode of termination and the branching pattern of renal arteries. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out to find out the mean and standard deviation (SD).Result:68.5% to 86.1%peri hilar mode of termination and 13.8% to 31.4% hilar mode of terminationwas found in cadavers. While both type of mode of termination in CT angiogramswas found to be around 44.4% to 55.5%. In cadavers as well as in CT angiograms43.7%to 70% was P1 branching pattern.Conclusion:The mode of termination of renal artery in cadavers was peri hilar in 77.4% and hilar in 22.5% cases and in CT study mode of termination of renal artery was peri hilar in 50% and hilar in 50%.The branching pattern of renal artery in case of peri hilar division in majority of cases is P1 that is posterior artery was the first branch of renal artery.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198665


Background: Anatomical variations of the hepatic artery are important in the planning and performance ofabdominal surgical procedures. Normal hepatic anatomy occurs in approximately 80% of cases, for the remaining20% multiple variations have been describedPatients and methods: This is an observational descriptive cross-sectional study Conducted in Dissecting roomsof the faculties of medicine in Sudan during the period from June till December 2017. Seventy Well-dissectedcadavers with no disruption of the concerned area were included in the StudyResults: The variations in the hepatic artery were seen in only 4 cadavers (5.7%) ; in two cases (2.85%) anaccessory hepatic artery arising from celiac artery was observed and in the other two cadavers (2.85%)there wasa replacing hepatic artery that arise from the superior mesenteric arteryConclusion: Variations in the hepatic arterial system is uncommon in Sudanese cadavers which is matchingthose reported in the region and are different from those at the international leve

Int. j. morphol ; 37(2): 473-476, June 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002245


Within the framework of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, cadavers have been used to teach anatomy by dissection or by using prosected specimens. To accomplish this, an appropriated preservation process must guarantee that the cadaver is kept safe for harm, destruction, and decomposition. Embalming fluid contains fixatives, disinfectants, surfactants, buffers, salt, and water, making the cadaver safe for teaching anatomy. However, it remains unclear if there is any risk of dissemination of microorganisms during anatomy teaching, research, and dissection procedures on fixed cadavers. The purpose of this study is to identify bacterial and fungal species in fixed cadaveric material used in anatomy teaching. Samples of cadavers and anatomical sections were cultured and biochemical tests and molecular identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were performed to identify the microorganisms. The results indicate that fixed cadaveric material has viable bacteria on its surfaces and almost all these correspond to gram-negative bacilli of the Enterobacteriaceae family. In conclusion, fixed cadavers could be a reservoir of bacteria. This study underscores the importance of generating safe manipulation protocols to avoid eventual contamination and disease.

Dentro del curriculum de los programas de postgrado y pregrado de las carreras de la salud, los cadáveres han sido utilizados para la enseñanza de la anatomía mediante la disección o utilizando preparados anatómicos. Para poder llevar a cabo esto, el cadáver debe pasar por un adecuado proceso de preservación; en el que se utilizan fluidos que contienen fijadores, desinfectantes, surfactantes, buffers, sal y agua, los cuales lo protegen del deterioro y la descomposición. Las soluciones fijadoras y conservadoras contienen desinfectantes, surfactantes, fijadores, buffers, sal y agua, que hacen que el cadáver sea seguro para la enseñanza de la anatomía. Sin embargo, no está claro si existe algún riesgo de diseminación de microorganismos durante la enseñanza, investigación y/o disección en estos cadáveres. El propósito del estudio es identificar especies bacterianas y/o fúngicas en material cadavérico previamente fijado, usado en la enseñanza de la anatomía. Se realizaron cultivos y técnicas de identificación molecular mediante reacción en cadena de polimerasa de muestras tomadas desde material cadavérico para identificar los microorganismos encontrados. Los resultados indican que el material cadavérico previamente fijado posee bacterias en sus superficies, la mayoría corresponde a bacilos gram negativos de la familia de las Enterobacteriaceae. En conclusión, los cadáveres previamente fijados pueden ser reservorio de bacterias. Este estudio destaca la importancia de generar protocolos de manipulación con el fin de evitar una posible contaminación y enfermedad.

Humans , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Cadaver , Fungi/isolation & purification , Anatomy/education , Bacteria/growth & development , Fungi/growth & development
Acta bioeth ; 24(2): 211-217, Dec. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973425


Objectives: Faculty of Medicine students are practicing on a human cadaver in the course of education especially in Anatomy lessons. There are some physical, emotional, and ethical problems that students have experienced with participation in these lessons. In some publications we have reviewed issues regarding these, we aimed to reveal whether ethical issues are being addressed. Methods: We conducted literature searches by writing the clues "Publications relating to the Faculty of Medicine student's reactions to cadavers lessons and ethics" on search engines on the internet. By examining the articles obtained, we investigated whether students are experiencing problems, especially on ethics. Results: 28 articles (90.3%) were original research, 2 (6.4%) were reviews and 1 (3.2%) was a book. Only 6 out of these studies (19.3%) have addressed ethical issues. In our research, quite a few publications (19.3%) have been found that dealt with ethical problems in cadaver lessons. Human body dissection during an anatomy course for the first-year medical students raises questions about invasion of privacy, cadaver sources, dying, and death. Conclusion: Detailed reviews of the situations that causes ethical problems in the studies to be done in this direction are thought to be beneficial to the medical faculties students education.

Objetivos: Los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina practican con cadáveres humanos para la educación, especialmente en lecciones de Anatomía. Existen varios problemas emocionales, físicos y éticos que experimentan los estudiantes al participar en estas lecciones. Después de revisar publicaciones que tratan este tema, nuestro objetivo es evaluar si se abordan los temas éticos. Métodos: Realizamos búsquedas en la literatura mediante motores en internet usando las palabras clave: "Publicaciones relacionadas con las reacciones de estudiantes de Facultad de Medicina a lecciones que usan cadáveres y ética". Al examinar los artículos que se obtuvieron, investigamos si los estudiantes experimentaban problemas, especialmente de ética. Resultados: 28 artículos (90,3%) eran investigaciones originales, 2 (6,4%) eran revisiones y 1 (3,2%) fue un libro. Solamente 6 de estos estudios (19,3 %) abordaban temas éticos en relación con lecciones usando cadáveres. La disección del cuerpo humano en cursos de anatomía de estudiantes de medicina de primer año produce cuestionamientos sobre invasión de privacidad, origen de los cadáveres, el morir y la muerte. Conclusión: La revisión detallada de las situaciones que causan problemas éticos en los estudios a realizar en esta dirección se cree que son beneficiosos para la educación de los estudiantes en las facultades de medicina.

Objetivos: Estudantes de medicina estão praticando ensinamentos em cadáveres humano no curso de graduação, especialmente nas aulas de anatomia. Existem algumas questões físicas, emocionais e éticos que os estudantes têm experimentado ao participar em essas aulas. Em algumas publicações, que nós analisamos estas questões, tivemos como objetivo revelar se questões éticas estavam sendo abordadas. Métodos: Nós conduzimos pesquisas de literatura, buscando em endereços eletrônico de busca por "Publicações relativas à reações de estudantes de medicina a experimentos com cadáveres e ética". Examinando os artigos obtidos, investigamos se os alunos estão enfrentando problemas, especialmente com relação a ética. Resultados: 28 artigos (90,3%) eram pesquisas originais, 2 (6,4%) foram resenhas e 1 (3,2%) um livro. Somente 6 destes estudos (19,3%) abordaram questões éticas. Em nossa pesquisa, foram encontradas várias publicações (19,3%) que tratam de problemas éticos nas lições de cadáver. Dissecação do corpo humano durante um curso de anatomia para estudantes de medicina do primeiro ano levanta questões sobre invasão de privacidade, fontes de cadáver, morrer e morte. Conclusão: Revisões detalhadas das situações que provoca problemas éticos nos estudos são considerados benéficos para o ensino de medicina

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Medical/psychology , Cadaver , Attitude to Death , Dissection/ethics , Anatomy/ethics , Dissection/psychology , Emotions , Anatomy/education
Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 52-55, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840932


This study aimed to investigate the incidence of unusual formation of the median nerve in Thai cadavers. Two hundred and ninety-two upper limbs were dissected and observed. The results showed that 5 out of 292 (1.71 %) arms had unusual splitting of median nerve that supplied the flexor arm muscles. Concomitantly, the musculocutaneous nerve was absent. In 4 out of 5 variant arms (80 % or 1.37 % of total upper limbs), each median nerve was unusually formed by 3 roots; the first and second roots were from lateral cord and the third one from medial cord. The union of the second lateral and medial roots to become a median nerve distantly extended in the arm. The second lateral roots gave off small muscular branches to the upper part of flexor arm muscles. Knowledge of such anatomical variations is helpful for surgeons in performing of brachial plexus surgery.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la incidencia en la formación inusual del nervio mediano en cadáveres tailandeses. Se disecaron y observaron 292 miembros superiores. En 5 casos (1,71 %) se presentó una división inusual del nervio mediano que suministraba los nervios para los músculos flexores del brazo. Concomitantemente, el nervio musculocutáneo estaba ausente. En 4 de los 5 casos (80 % o 1,37 % del total de los miembros superiores), cada nervio mediano se formó por 3 raíces; la primera y segunda raíces procedían del fascículo lateral y la tercera del fascículo medial. La unión de la segundas raíces lateral y medial formaban el nervio mediano distalmente en el brazo. Las segundas raíces laterales daban pequeños ramos musculares a la parte superior de los músculos flexores del brazo. El conocimiento de tales variaciones anatómicas es útil para los cirujanos en la realización de la cirugía del plexo braquial.

Humans , Anatomic Variation , Median Nerve/abnormalities , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Upper Extremity/innervation , Cadaver , Thailand
Int. j. morphol ; 34(3): 1128-1136, Sept. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828997


The azygos venous system is highly variable in terms of its origin, course, communications, tributaries and termination of the associated veins: this study aimed to classify these anatomical variations. Thirty Thiel-embalmed cadavers aged 48­98 years (18 female, 12 male) were examined. The vertebral level of termination and diameter of the azygos, hemiazygos, accessory hemiazygos and the left superior intercostal veins were determined, as well as the termination level of the right superior intercostal vein. The azygos system was classified into 3 types; primitive (type 1), transitional (type 2) and unicolumnar (type 3). Type 2 was further divided into 5 subgroups (A to E) according to the number of retroaortic communications. Type one was observed in 3 % (n=1), type 2 in 87 % (n=26) and type 3 in 10 % (n=3) of specimens. The vertebral level of termination of the azygos, hemiazygos, accessory hemiazygos, right superior intercostal and left superior intercostal veins were between T2 and T3, T6 and T10, T5 and T9, T2 and T4, and T2 and T4 respectively. Identification and understanding these variations are important during preoperative radiological investigations and surgical procedures, especially spinal surgery between T7 and T12 using a left thoracotomy approach, to avoid injuries which may lead to postoperative hematomas.

El sistema venoso ácigos es muy variable en función de su origen, comunicaciones, afluentes y terminación de venas asociadas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo clasificar las variaciones anatómicas relacionadas con el sistema venoso ácigos. Se examinaron treinta cadáveres embalsamados con la técnica de Thiel, con edades comprendidas entre 48-98 años (18 mujeres, 12 hombres). Se determinó el nivel vertebral de terminación y el diámetro de las venas ácigos, hemiácigos, hemiácigos accesoria e intercostales superiores izquierdas, así como el nivel de terminación del lado derecho de la vena intercostal superior. El sistema ácigos se clasificó en 3 tipos; primitivo (tipo 1), de transición (tipo 2) y unicolumnar (tipo 3). El tipo 2 se dividió en 5 subgrupos (A a E) de acuerdo con el número de comunicaciones retroaórticas. El tipo 1 se observó en 3 % (n = 1), el tipo 2 en 87 % (n = 26) y tipo 3 en 10 % (n = 3) de las muestras. El nivel vertebral de terminación de las venas ácigos, hemiácigos, hemiácigos accesoria, intercostal derecho superior e intercostales superiores izquierda se presentaron entre T2 y T3, T6 y T10, T5 y T9, T2 y T4 y T2 y T4, respectivamente. La identificación y comprensión de estas variaciones anatómicas son importantes durante las investigaciones radiológicas preoperatorias y de los procedimientos quirúrgicos, especialmente en cirugía de columna vertebral, entre los niveles T7 y T12, utilizando un abordaje de toracotomía izquierda, para evitar lesiones que pueden conducir a hematomas postoperatorios.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Anatomic Variation , Azygos Vein/abnormalities , Azygos Vein/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 32(2): 678-683, jun. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-714328


Microsurgical vascular anastomosis in reconstructive surgery learning is usually based on rat dissection. But this technique does not allow dissection of the flap, preparing of the recipient vessels training, and suturing in conditions as realistic as possible of the surgery. The aim of this study was to describe a technique of surgical anatomy learning on human fresh cadavers, easy to perform and to evaluate its pedagogic interest. In the first part of the study, six fresh cadavers have been dissected simulating 6 forearm flaps with growing difficulty. In the second part of the study, 30 residents in surgery were evaluated on their ability to recognize main anatomic structures and to perform microsurgical anastomosis, of forearm flaps anastomosed on facial vessels. Concerning the first part of the study, it has been possible to use this method in all cases. The second part of the study showed that all the residents performed the dissection of the flap with success. The main anatomic structures (origin of the radial and ulnar arteries, companion veins of radial artery) have been identified by all the residents. The cephalic vein, the median antebrachial vein and the superficial branch of the radial nerve have been identified by most of the residents. The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve has been identified by only 12 residents. The arterial anastomosis has been performed with success in most cases (11/15 dissections), and the venous anastomosis in only 5/15 dissections. Surgical anatomy learning in the field of microvascular reconstructive surgery on human fresh cadavers is possible, easy to organize in a anatomy department. This method has to be considered as a useful complement of microvascular anastomosis learning on rats.

La anastomosis microquirúrgica vascular en el aprendizaje de cirugía reconstructiva generalmente se basa en la disección de la rata. Sin embargo, esta técnica no permite la disección del colgajo, la preparación de la formación de vasos receptores, y la sutura en condiciones similares a la cirugía. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir una técnica de enseñanza de la anatomía quirúrgica en cadáveres frescos, fáciles de realizar y con el objetivo de evaluar su interés pedagógico. Inicialmente en el estudio, seis cadáveres frescos fueron disecados simulando 6 colgajos de antebrazo con creciente dificultad. En la segunda parte del estudio, 30 residentes de cirugía fueron evaluados en su capacidad para reconocer las principales estructuras anatómicas y realizar anastomosis microquirúrgica de los colgajos del antebrazo anastomosados en vasos faciales. En la primera parte del estudio, fue posible usar este método en todos los casos. Durante la segunda parte del estudio todos los residentes realizaron la disección del colgajo con éxito. Las principales estructuras anatómicas (origen de las arterias radial y ulnar, venas acompañantes de la arteria radial) fueron identificadas por todos los residentes. La vena cefálica, la vena mediana del antebrazo y la rama superficial del nervio radial fueron identificados por la mayoría de los residentes. El nervio cutáneo antebraquial lateral fue identificado por 12 residentes. La anastomosis arterial fue realizada con éxito en la mayoría de los casos(11/15 disecciones), y la anastomosis venosa en sólo 5/15 disecciones. La docencia en anatomía quirúrgica y en el campo de la cirugía reconstructiva microvascular en cadáveres frescos es posible y fácil de organizar en un departamento de anatomía. Este método debe ser considerado como un complemento en la docencia de anastomosis microvascular en ratas.

Humans , Plastic Surgery Procedures/education , Anatomy/education , Microsurgery/education , Cadaver , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152437


Background and Objectives: The residents of gynaecology should have sound knowledge on pelvic anatomy and have to be adequately trained on common surgical procedures. The training programme was conducted in the dissection hall of Anatomy department of Rural Medical college Loni .During residency, they may not receive adequate training on common surgical procedures for various reasons like shortage of cases, infrequent performance of certain procedures, inability of the faculty to give time ,attention for training in OT and fear of possible complications and medico legal litigations. Material and methods: Twelve residents in Gynaecology and two senior faculty members each from the department of Gynaecology and Anatomy participated in training programme. Five training sessions of dissection of a single human female cadaver ,each lasting for two and half hour duration, were conducted. Pretest and post test were performed with prevalidated and pre tested questionnaire and results compared to assess the impact of training. Level of satisfaction of residents about this innovative method of teaching and training was assessed through 7 point Likert scale. Results: Training programme resulted in significant improvement in the residents knowledge on pelvic surgical anatomy and common surgical gynaecological Procedures. Faculty members identified new insights into the interdisciplinary process of teaching . Conclusion: Surgical training using human cadaver was effective and feasible .It made the teaching process interactive and interesting. Residents expressed happiness about the innovative method of teaching.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104699


Four thoracic evacuation techniques for pneumothorax elimination after diaphragmatic defect closure were compared in 40 canine cadavers. After creating a defect in the left side of the diaphragm, thoracic drainage was performed by thoracostomy tube insertion through the defect and a small (DD-SP) or large (DD-LP) puncture created in the caudal mediastinum, or through both the diaphragmatic defect and intact contralateral diaphragm with a small (DI-SP) or large (DI-LP) puncture in made in the caudal mediastinum. Differences in intrapleural pressure (IPP) between the right and left hemithoraxes after air evacuation along with differences in IPP before making a defect and after air evacuation in each hemithorax were calculated. A difference (p or = 0.0835) were observed for the DI-LP, DD-LP, or DI-SP groups. Creation of a large mediastinal puncture or thoracic evacuation through both a diaphragmatic defect and intact contralateral diaphragm can facilitate proper pneumothorax elimination bilaterally after diaphragmatic defect closure in dogs with a small puncture in the caudal mediastinum.

Animals , Dogs , Cadaver , Chest Tubes/veterinary , Diaphragm/surgery , Dog Diseases/surgery , Mediastinum/surgery , Pneumothorax/surgery , Thoracostomy/instrumentation
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227893


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide an actual guideline in determining the shape, diameter, and position of the implant in immediate implantation by the measurement of the thickness of facial and palatal plate, the thickness of cortical bone on the facial and palatal plate, the diameter of the root, and the distance between the roots in the cadavers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The horizontal sections of 20 maxillae were measured and analyzed to obtain the average values. Resin blocks were produced and cut serially at 1 mm intervals from the cervical line to the root apex. Images of each section were obtained and the following measurements were performed: The thickness of the facial and palatal residual bone at each root surface, the thickness of the facial and palatal cortical bone at the interdental region, the diameter of all roots of each section on the faciopalatal and mesiodistal diameter, and the interroot distance. Three specimens with measurements close to the average values were chosen and 3-dimensional images were reconstructed. RESULTS: The thickness of the facial and palatal cortical bone at the interdental region in the maxilla, the buccal cortical bone was thicker in the posterior region compared to the anterior region. The interroot distance of the alveolar bone thickness between the roots increased from anterior to posterior region and from coronal to apical in the maxilla. CONCLUSION: In this study, the limited results of the morphometric analysis of the alveolar ridge using the sections of maxilla in the cadavers may offer the useful information when planning and selecting optimal implant for immediate implantation in the maxilla.

Alveolar Process , Cadaver , Maxilla
Int. j. morphol ; 30(3): 1042-1049, Sept. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-665522


The aim of our study was to verify the prevalence of the sternal foramen in adult cadavers and dry bones, as well as to determine its exact localization and relation to acupuncture points. One hundred eighty sternums fixed and contained in 10 percent formaldehyde solution were examined, of which 100 were dry bones and 80 belonged to adult cadavers. The morphometric measures were expressed in millimeters when measuring the length: 1) from jugular incision to the foramen (JI-F); 2) from sternal angle to the foramen (EA-F); 3) from xiphoid process to the foramen (XP-F). Statistical analysis was performed to compare expected vs obtained foramina frequency, using Fisher's test (p0.05 was considered significant). The results showed 16.6 percent sternal foramina, significant higher than expected (p0.0248). Of the 30 foramina, 53.3 percent were found in cadavers, of which one was a woman, and 46.7 percent sternums were found in dry bones. Of the cadavers with sternal foramen, 10 foramina were at the 5th sternochondral articulation level and 6 foramina at the 4th sternochondral level. Of the 14 analyzed dry bones, 9 foramina were at the space between the 4th and the 5th costal pit level and 5 foramina were at the 5th costal pit level. The mean±SD (mm) total length of the sternums was 151.8+/-34 and the measures JI-F, EA-F, and XP-F were, respectively, 103.8+/-22.1mm, 65.6+/-15mm and 46.9 +/-15mm. Knowledge of this occurrence is important to avoid serious heart injury by needle insertion, especially as this area holds a commonly used acupuncture point and sternal puncture...

El objetivo del estudio fue verificar la prevalencia del foramen esternal en cadáveres adultos y huesos secos, así como, determinar su localización y su relación con los puntos de acupuntura. Fueron examinados 180 esternones fijados en solución de formol al 10 por ciento, 100 eran huesos secos y 80 pertenecían a cadáveres de individuos adultos. Las medidas morfométricas se expresaron en milímetros, efectuándose las siguientes mediciones: 1) desde la incisura yugular al foramen; 2) desde el ángulo esternal al foramen y 3) desde el proceso xifoides hasta al foramen. El análisis estadístico permitió comparar la frecuencia de los forámenes, usando el test de Fisher (p 0,05 ). Los resultados mostraron la presencia del foramen esternal en 16,6 por ciento de los casos, siendo significativamente mayor a lo esperado (p 0,0248). De los 30 forámenes, el 53,3 por ciento se encontró en cadáveres y en el 46,7 por ciento en los huesos secos. De los cadáveres con foramen esternal, 10 forámenes se encontraban a nivel de la 5 articulación esternocondral y 6 a nivel de la 4 articulación esternocondral. De los 14 forámenes de los huesos secos, 9 forámenes se encontraban entre entre el 4 y el 5 espacio intercostal y 5 se localizaban a nivel del 5 articulación. La longitud total del esternón fue 151,8 mm +/- 34 y las medidas desde la incisura yugular al foramen, desde el ángulo esternal al foramen y desde el proceso xifoides hasta al foramen fueron, 103,8 +/- 22,1 mm, 65,6 +/- 15 mm y 46,9 +/- 15 mm, respectivamente. El conocimiento de este hecho es importante para evitar la lesión cardiaca grave por la inserción de agujas, ya que esta zona tiene un punto de acupuntura de uso común en la punción esternal...

Humans , Sternum/anatomy & histology , Sternum/abnormalities , Acupuncture , Cadaver , Prevalence
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57859


OBJECTIVE: To describe an ultrasonography-guided technique for cubital tunnel injection. METHOD: The ulnar nerves from 12 elbows of 6 adult cadavers were scanned, and the cross-sectional areas of the ulnar nerves, cubital tunnel inlets and outlets were measured by using ultrasonography. All elbows were dissected after an ultrasonography-guided dye injection at the inlet of the cubital tunnel. The dissectors evaluated the spread of dye and the coloration of the nerve and remeasured the cross-sectional areas of the cubital tunnel inlets and outlets. RESULTS: After a real-time visualization of an ultrasonography-guided injection, the ulnar nerves were seperated from the medial groove for the ulnar nerve. All the ulnar nerves of the cadavers were successfully colored with the dye, from the inlet to oulet of the cubital tunnel. The post-injection cross-sectional areas were significantly larger than the pre-injection cross-sectional areas. No significant differences were detected in the post-injection cross-sectional areas of the cubital tunnel outlet and the ulnar nerve as compared with the pre-injection areas. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should consider real-time visualization of ultrasonography for guided injection around the ulnar nerve at the inlet of the cubital tunnel.

Adult , Humans , Bays , Cadaver , Elbow , Ulnar Nerve , Ulnar Neuropathies
Int. j. morphol ; 29(4): 1181-1185, dic. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-626985


En la enseñanza de la anatomía humana diversos autores señalan que la base del conocimiento del cuerpo humano es el cadáver. Aprender anatomía con el recurso, cadáver, contribuye en gran medida a la comprensión de la forma, ubicación, relaciones, espacio y distancia de los diferentes órganos y estructuras del cuerpo humano. Los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Frontera Temuco, Chile, tienen la posibilidad de trabajar en laboratorio con cadáveres y modelos anatómicos. Con el propósito de identificar la representación que tienen los estudiantes al trabajar con ambos recursos, realizamos un estudio cualitativo, utilizando la técnica de Redes Semánticas Naturales. La muestra estuvo constituida por 66 alumnos de la carrera de Medicina y 40 de Nutrición y Dietética, Se realizaron dos sesiones con los grupos de cada una de las carreras, en la primera se les entregó una hoja encuesta con la palabra estímulo "Anatomía-Cadáver" y en la otra sesión la palabra estímulo "Anatomía-Modelo Anatómico". En el análisis de los datos se obtuvieron los valores de la técnica: J, M, conjunto SAM y FMG. Para ambos grupos de estudiantes el poder trabajar con el recurso cadáver significó: estudio, cuerpo, aprendizaje y conocimiento, además para el grupo de Medicina se agrega el significado de respeto, ciencia y realizar disección. En relación con el recurso modelo anatómico significó: estudio, irreal, falso, invariable, fácil. Podemos señalar que ambos recursos cumplen con el objetivo de ser un instrumento que les permite estudiar, sin embargo existen diferencias conceptuales relevantes de ambos recursos.

In the teaching of human anatomy various authors have stated that the base knowledge of the human body is the cadaver. Learning anatomy through manipulation of the body contributes greatly to understanding shape, location, relationship, space and distance of various organs and structures of the human body. Faculty of Medicine students of the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile have the opportunity to work with cadavers and anatomical models in the laboratory. In order to identify the representation students have while working with both resources, we conducted a qualitative study based on the Natural Semantic Networks technique. The sample consisted of 66 medical degree students, and 40 nutrition and diet degree students. Two sessions were conducted with students of each career. During the first survey they were given a survey form with the stimulus word "Anatomy ­Cadaver", and in the other session the stimulus word "Anatomy-Model". In the analysis data technique values were obtained: J, M, SAM and FMG set. For both groups of students the ability to work with the cadaver resource meant: study, body learning and knowledge; furthermore for the group of medical students the meaning of respect, science and dissection work were noted. In reference to the anatomical model resource it also meant: study, surreal, false, invariable and easier. We noted that both resources met the goal of being a tool which allows the students to study, however, with important conceptual differences of both resources.

Humans , Anatomy/education , Cadaver , Models, Anatomic , Students, Health Occupations , Data Collection , Qualitative Research