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Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 572-576, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987366


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of emotional catharsis on the mental health status, coping style and satisfaction with the intervention among adolescents in Nanchong in the post-pandemic period. MethodsCompletely random sampling method was used to recruit 390 adolescents from 2 general secondary schools, 2 county secondary schools and 2 universities in Nanchong from January 2021 to April 2022. The subjects were divided into study group (n=195) and control group (n=195) by random number table method. The study group received emotional catharsis intervention. The control group received self-regulation and relaxation without any other intervention. Interventions for both groups lasted for 3 months. Before and after the intervention, the mental health status and coping style of the adolescents were assessed using the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ). Also, the participants rated the satisfaction with the intervention via self-made satisfaction questionnaire after the intervention. ResultsAfter intervention, the total SCL-90 score of study group was lower than that of control group (t=68.312, P<0.01). In terms of SCSQ, study group scored higher on the positive coping dimension (t=30.488, P<0.01), and lower on negative coping dimension (t=46.562, P<0.01) than those of control group. There were 190 (98.96%) cases satisfied with the intervention in the study group and 175 (89.74%) cases in the control group, the difference of intervention satisfaction rate between the two groups was statistically significant (χ²=15.321, P<0.01). ConclusionIn the post-pandemic period, emotional catharsis may be conducive to improve the mental health status and coping style among adolescents in Nanchong, and adolescents have high levels of satisfaction with the intervention.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972006


Introduction@#For the past decades, issues on Population Control have been raised. The Philippine government has been addressing these issues for quite some time. However, on the other end of the spectrum on population control, the end users have seldom been asked, understood and talked about.@*Objective@#The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Catharsis-Education-Action (CEA) Method with Family Planning Education in improving the uptake of artificial contraceptive use compared to Family Planning Education alone among women of reproductive age.@*Methods@#This randomized controlled trial was conducted in a primary health center in Batangas City among 176 women of reproductive age with unmet need in family planning. Participants were randomized into either CEA counseling with Family Planning Education (intervention group) and Family Planning Education alone (control group). CEA was conducted individually with the study participants in the intervention group, following a Family Planning Education lecture provided by a midwife trained to disseminate information on family planning methods. The control group received Family Planning Education lecture alone. Outcomes were determined one month after using a Follow-up Questionnaire. Categorical variables were expressed in frequency and percentage. Chi square was used to compare the utilization rate of artificial contraceptive use between the two groups.@*Results@#Baseline characteristics were similar except for the participants’ age (p-value 0.025). There was statistically significant difference in the uptake of artificial family planning method between the CEA group and control group (43% vs 27%; p-value 0.014@*Conclusion@#Catharsis-Education-Action (CEA) Method as adjunct to Family Planning Education is effective in improving the uptake of artificial contraceptive use among women of reproductive age. Utilizing CEA will strengthen existing primary healthcare services and establish a reproductive health plan that will enhance the overall health and well-being of women, their families and the community.

Family Planning Services , Contraceptive Agents , Sex Education
Rev. psicanal ; 27(2): 453-478, Agosto 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1252592


As contribuições teóricas de Winnicott, assim como as de seu antecessor Ferenczi, nasceram da prática e se desenvolveram unicamente em nome de seu ofício como psicoterapeuta. Os dois autores, tendo grande experiência em instituições, consideraram a importância do ambiente tanto no amadurecimento como na sua interrupção, ou seja, no adoecimento. As aproximações entre eles passaram pela retomada do valor do fator traumatogênico na etiologia dos quadros graves. Winnicott e Ferenczi valorizaram os cuidados efetivos dos adultos dirigidos à criança, além de compartilharem o pensamento de que a incapacidade dos adultos em se adaptar, e se tornar um cuidador, colocará a criança frente a exigências para as quais ela está despreparada. Os dois autores se preocuparam em expandir e adaptar a técnica para abarcar casos que poderiam ser considerados não analisáveis. Em concordância com seus pensamentos sobre a teoria do desenvolvimento e teoria do trauma, é natural que ambos tenham incluído, em seus escritos técnicos, o valor da presença real do analista, assim como novas contribuições para a compreensão e uso da transferência e da contratransferência. As possíveis composições entre conceitos de Winnicott e a tradição ferencziana da elasticidade técnica reafirmam que a psicanálise pode e deve vir em auxílio de pacientes que se situam nas fronteiras (AU)

Winnicott's theoretical contributions, like those of his predecessor, Ferenczi, derived from practice and developed solely in the name of his profession as a psychotherapist. Both authors, having great experience in institutions, considered the importance of the environment both in maturation and in its interruption, that is, in illness. The approximations between them involve the resumption of the value of the traumatogenic factor for the etiology of severe conditions. Winnicott and Ferenczi value the effective care of adults directed at the child, share the thought that the inability of adults to adapt, and become caregivers, will place the child in the face of demands she is unprepared for. The two authors were concerned with expanding and adapting the technique to cover cases that could be deemed as nonanalyzable. In line with their thoughts on development theory and trauma theory, it is natural that both have included the value of the analyst's actual presence in their technical writings, as well as new contributions to the understanding and use of transference and countertransference. The possible compositions between Winnicott's concepts and the Ferenczian tradition of technical elasticity reaffirm that psychoanalysis can and must come to the aid of patients who are located on the borders (AU)

Los aportes teóricos de Winnicott, así como su predecesor Ferenczi, nacieron de la práctica y se desarrollaron únicamente en función de sus oficios como psicoterapeutas. Contando con una vasta experiencia en instituciones, ambos autores resaltaron la importancia del ambiente tanto en la maduración como en su interrupción, o sea, en la enfermedad. Desde un punto de vista teórico, los une el énfasis atribuido al valor del factor traumatogénico en la etiología de los cuadros graves. En efecto, Winnicott y Ferenczi valoran los cuidados efectivos de los adultos dirigidos al niño, comparten el pensamiento de que la incapacidad de los adultos de adaptarse y de volverse un cuidador pondrá al niño frente a exigencias para las cuales no está preparado. Los dos autores se preocuparon por expandir y adaptar la técnica para abarcar casos fronterizos. En consonancia con sus pensamientos sobre la teoría del desarrollo y la teoría del trauma, es natural que ambos incluyan en sus escritos técnicos el valor de la presencia real del analista, así como nuevas contribuiciones a La comprensión de La transferência y contratransferência. Las posibles composiciones entre lós conceoptos de Winnicott y La tradición de elasticidad técnica de Ferenczi reafirman que el psicoanálisis puede y debe acudir en auxilio de pacientes que se sitúan en las fronteras (AU)

Transference, Psychology , Countertransference , Symbolic Interactionism
Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 71(3): 152-165, set. -dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1094923


Este artigo, de cunho teórico, pretende refletir sobre a concepção de arte apresentada pelo psicólogo russo Lev Semionovich Vigotski na obra Psicologia da Arte. O estudo destaca a importância da arte como mediação para a expressão e reelaboração emocional humana, por meio da reação estética expressa pela catarse na apreciação artística. A partir das contribuições de Vigotski, enfatiza-se o potencial criativo e transformador do homem sobre a obra de arte, propiciando a ressignificação humana em seu contexto cultural e histórico. Nesse sentido, ressalta-se o papel da arte e da vivência artística enquanto instrumentos essenciais à sociedade moderna para a reconexão com os aspectos sensíveis e subjetivos que integram a psique humana

This theoretical article intends to reflect on the conception of art presented by the Russian psychologist Lev Semionovich Vigotski in the work Psychology of Art. The study highlights the importance of art as mediation for human emotional expression and reprocessing, through the aesthetic reaction expressed by catharsis in artistic appreciation. From the contributions of Vygotsky, the creative and transformative potential of man on the work of art is emphasized, favoring human resignification in its cultural and historical context. In this sense, the role of art and artistic experience as essential instruments to modern society is emphasized for the reconnection with the sensitive and subjective aspects that integrate the human psyche

Este artículo, de cuño teórico, pretende reflexionar sobre la concepción de arte presentada por el psicólogo ruso Lev Semionovich Vigotski en la obra Psicología del Arte. El estudio destaca la importancia del arte como mediación para la expresión y reelaboración emocional humana, por medio de la reacción estética expresada por la catarsis en la apreciación artística. A partir de las contribuciones de Vigotski, se enfatiza el potencial creativo y transformador del hombre sobre la obra de arte, propiciando la resignificación humana en su contexto cultural e histórico. En ese sentido, se resalta el papel del arte y de la vivencia artística como instrumentos esenciales a la sociedad moderna para la reconexión con los aspectos sensibles y subjetivos que integran la psique humana

Art , Psychology , Catharsis
Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 24(2): 38-46, dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-844158


Neste estudo de pesquisa socionômica, verificamos e experimentamos o canto como um instrumento para se atingir a catarse no processo psicodramático nas duas modalidades de investigação: individual, em consultório (no formato bipessoal), e em grupo, por meio de vivência psicodramática de Cantodrama. Abordamos qualitativamente os conteúdos emergentes por meio de uma descrição detalhada desse novo fenômeno gerado pelo cantar. Buscamos analisar fatos e dados de situações particulares para verificar a comprovação da eficácia do Cantodrama na abordagem psicodramática. O ato cantado superou palavras, expressando o Ser que sente. Assim, observou-se que o canto e o drama - Cantodrama -, unidos pela abordagem psicodramática de Jacob Levy Moreno, podem e devem ser utilizados como uma das possibilidades estratégicas terapêuticas.

In this socionomic research study, we have used and applied the singing as a tool to achieve catharsis in psychodramatic process in both types of research: individual, in the office (in bipersonal approach), and in group, through psychodramatic experience of Singingdrama. We have used a qualitative approach to consider emerging content through a detailed description of this new phenomenon generated by the singing effect. We have analyzed the data and the specif situations in order to verify the effectiveness of the Singingdrama in psychodramatic approach. The singing has overcome words, allowing the Self to express what it feels easily. Thus, it was observed that the singing and drama - Singingdrama - united by Jacob Levy Moreno's psychodramatic approach, can and should be consider as a possible and powerful therapeutic tool.

En este ensayo de investigación socionómica, hemos constatado y experimentado el canto como una herramienta para lograr la catarsis en el proceso de psicodrama en los dos tipos de investigación: el individuo en la clínica (en formato bipersonal) y en grupo a través de la experiencia de psicodrama del Cantodrama. Investigamos cualitativamente los contenidos que emergen a través de una descripción detallada de este nuevo fenómeno generado por el canto. Se analizaron los hechos y los datos de situaciones particulares para verificar la evidencia de la eficacia del Cantodrama en el enfoque del psicodrama. El acto cantado ha superado palabras, expresando el interior que se siente. De este modo, se observó que el canto y el drama - Cantodrama - unidos por el método del psicodrama de Jacob Levy Moreno, pueden y deben ser utilizados como una de las posibilidades terapéuticas estratégicas.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 18(1): 75-86, abr. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-791814


O artigo¹ objetiva contribuir com o campo de estudos da participação política desde uma perspectiva materialista dialética, mais especificamente, tendo como referência a psicologia vigotskiana e o pensamento gramsciano. As categorias para o desenvolvimento da proposta são: práxis política, drama e catarse. O texto baseia‑se em uma pesquisa de mestrado realizada no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) de Ribeirão Preto (SP). Dialoga com a construção teórica o corpus empírico produzido a partir de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com quatro militantes do movimento. A análise do corpus aponta para o entendimento da práxis política como uma forma específica de participação política, um processo complexo que articula diferentes esferas sociais e subjetivas. O envolvimento com o movimento social é interpretado como um processo de catarse, no qual ocorre uma reorganização do drama subjetivo dos sujeitos, em seus aspectos cognitivos, afetivos e volitivos.

The article aims to contribute to the political participation field of study from a materialist dialectical perspective, more specifically, with reference to the Vigotskian psychology and the Gramscian thought. The categories for the development of the proposal are: political praxis, drama and catharsis. The text is based on a research conducted with the “Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra” (MST) in Ribeirão Preto (SP). The theoretical construct dialogues with the empirical corpus created from semi­structured individual interviews with four (4) militants of the social movement. The corpus analysis argues that the political praxis is understood as a specific form of political participation, a complex process that articulates different social and subjective dimensions. The involvement with the social movement is interpreted as a cathartic process in which there is a reorganization of the subjective drama of the subjects, in their cognitive, affective and volitional aspects.

El artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al campo de estudio de la participación política desde una perspectiva materialista dialéctica, más concretamente, sobre la base de la psicología de Vigotski y el pensamiento gramsciano. Las categorías para el desarrollo de la propuesta son: la praxis política, el drama y la catarsis. El texto se basa en una investigación realizada con el “Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra” (MST) in Ribeirão Preto (SP). Los constructos teóricos dialogan con el corpus empírico creado a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales con cuatro (4) militantes del movimiento social. El análisis de corpus sostiene la práxis política como una forma específica de participación política, un proceso complejo que articula diferentes dimensiones sociales y subjetivas. La participación en el movimiento social se interpreta como un proceso catártico en el que hay una reorganización del drama subjetiva de los sujetos, en sus aspectos cognitivos, afectivos y volitivos.

Humans , Male , Female , Catharsis , Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 250-253, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-464621


ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effects of gastric lavage with fuller earth combined with QingyiⅡ catharsis in treatment of oral paraquat poisoning in rabbits.Methods Thirty healthy adult Japanese white rabbits were randomly divided into five groups: namely control group, model group, gastric lavage group (lavage of 10%fuller earth suspension), catharsis group (QingyiⅡ catharsis), and combination group (10 minutes after gastric lavage of fuller earth suspension liquid, giving QingyiⅡ for catharsis), with 6 rabbits in each group. All groups were challenged with paraquat (100 mg/kg) diluted to 5 mL with normal saline by lavage to reproduce the model of acute poisoning, while the control group was given 5 mL of normal saline instead. Each treatment group was treated accordingly at 1 hour after gavages of paraquat, and treatment continued for 3 days. The animal survival rate was observed. Venous blood samples were collected from ear marginal vein to determine the plasma concentration of paraquat by ultraviolet spectrophotometer at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours after the poisoning. The animals were sacrificed by intravenous air injection on the 8th day after the poisoning, and the right lower lobe of lung was harvested to observe the lung tissue pathological changes with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining.Results① Survival rate: the surviving rate of the combination group (6 rabbits) was higher than that of gastric lavage group (5 rabbits), catharsis group (2 rabbits) and model group (0 rabbit) on the 2nd day with statistically significant difference (P< 0.001). The survival rate on the 7th day in combination group (5 rabbits) was higher than that of gastric lavage group (3 rabbits), and catharsis group (0 rabbit) with statistically significant difference (P = 0.003).② Plasma concentrations of paraquat: plasma paraquat concentration in all groups peaked at 2 hours after intoxication, and its levels in the gastric lavage, catharsis and combination groups were significantly lower than that of the model group (mg/L: 1.830±0.068, 1.890±0.048, 1.800±0.052 vs. 1.960±0.063, allP< 0.01). As the time prolonged, the plasma concentration of paraquat was lowest in combination group than that of gastric lavage group and catharsis group (allP< 0.01). Gastric lavage and catharsis had interaction at 4 hours in combination group [F = 5.194,P = 0.034; the concentrations of paraquat (mg/L) was 0.670±0.057 vs. 1.010±0.018, 1.210±0.052].③ Lung histopathology: obvious expansion and hyperemia of the alveolar capillary, widened alveolar septum, a large number of inflammatory cell infiltrations were observed in model group and catharsis group. Lung histopathology was more improved in combination group and gastric lavage group, and it was improved more obviously in combination group than that in gastric lavage group.Conclusions Early start of gastric lavage with fuller earth combined with QingyiⅡ catharsis, can reduce the animal plasma concentrations of paraquat in oral paraquat poisoning rabbits. At the same time, it can alleviate the degree of lung injury and significantly improve survival rates compared with the single gastric lavage or catharsis alone. Gastric lavage with fuller earth combined with QingyiⅡ catharsis can improve the prognosis of animal synergistically.

Gerais ; 7(2): [199-207], dez. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-882597


O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar as representações sociais em relação à violência contida nos jogos eletrônicos e, especificamente, verificar se os participantes estabelecem conexões entre a violência contida nos jogos eletrônicos e comportamentos violentos. Foi utilizada a teoria das representações sociais como alicerce teórico, a qual aponta a forma em que os sujeitos de um determinado grupo constituem teorias do senso comum, as quais são construídas e compartilhadas socialmente, permitindo justificar ações e posicionamentos diante de objetos de interesse coletivo. Foram entrevistados vinte usuários de jogos eletrônicos, maiores de idade, sendo dezenove do sexo masculino. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo do tipo categorial-temática de Bardin. Os resultados das categorias e subcategorias apontaram para temas como a diversão, aprendizagem do idioma inglês e catarse. A violência, elemento camuflado na fala dos usuários, não foi considerada uma influência na prática dos jogadores, revelando contradições nos discursos.

The following study had as its general objective the investigation of social representations in accordance to the violence contained in electronic games and, specifically, to verify if the participants establish links between the violence contained in electronic games and violent behavior. The social representations theory as a theoretical basis was used, which shows the way in which individuals of a particular group constitute theories as common sense, which are socially constructed and shared, allowing one to justify actions and positions before objects of collective interest. Twenty users of electronic games, of legal age, nineteen being of male sex, were interviewed. The Bardin thematic-categorical type analyses of content was used. The results of the categories and subcategories indicated themes such as entertainment, learning the English language and catharsis. Violence, a concealed element in the speech of users, was not considered as an influence on the players, thus revealing contradictions in discour

Humans , Male , Adult , Violence , Video Games , Video Games/psychology , Behavior , Catharsis , Pleasure
Agora (Rio J.) ; 17(1): 43-58, jan.-jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-713700


Este trabalho visa discutir entrecruzamentos e dessemelhanças entre a teoria da recepção estética da escola de Jauss, Iser e colaboradores, e a psicanálise freudiana. Os teóricos da recepção estética leram Freud, o que não significa dizer que compreenderam suas posições com relação à leitura da obra de arte. Assim, o ensaio almeja sistematizar algumas das vicissitudes desta relação...

This paper aims to discuss certain intersections and discrepancies between the theories of aesthetic reception, as we can see in Jauss and Iser writings, and Freudian psychoanalysis. As we know, the theorists of the aesthetic reception read Freud, but that doesn't mean that the authors have well understood their positions related to the reading action of the artwork. Thus, this work intends to describe some of this relationship features...

Catharsis , Defense Mechanisms , Esthetics , Identification, Psychological , Psychoanalysis
Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 22(1): 54-64, 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-723020


Este estudo tem como propósito apresentar o espiral psicodramático para aquecimento e verificar sua aplicabilidade por meio da discussão de um caso clínico, à luz dos conceitos e das definições de Moreno e dos psicodramatistas contemporâneos. Buscam-se elementos que estabeleçam interfaces entre o espiral psicodramático com o diagrama de Elaine Goldman, em uma perspectiva complementar e de superposição. Visa-se contribuir para roteiros de sessões em níveis real, imaginário ou de fantasia, e investigar o surgimento das catarses de integração revolutiva, resolutiva e evolutiva. Tendo em vista que a espontaneidade, espinha dorsal da teoria psicodramática, somente é alcançada e mantida mediante o aquecimento em um ponto ideal e adequado, a adoção do espiral psicodramático pode contribuir para o alcance de estados espontâneos.

This study aims to present the use of the psychodramatic spiral in the warm-up process, and to verify its applicability through the discussion of a clinical case, in light of Moreno's and other contemporary psychodramatists' concepts and definitions. It searches for interfaces between the psychodramatic spiral and Elaine Goldman's diagram, looking at their complementary and possible overlaps. It aims to use the psychodramatic spiral for scripts used in sessions, whether working on the level of reality, imaginary or fantasy, and to investigate the emergence of revolute, resolutive and evolutive catharsis of integration. Considering that spontaneity, the backbone of psychodrama theory, can only be achieved and maintained by warning up to an ideal and appropriate level, the use of the psychodramatic spiral can contribute toward achieving these spontaneous states.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438742


Objective To establish the quality standard of Catharsis Tea. Methods Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix and Aurantii Fructus were identified by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). HPLC method was established for the determination of emodin and rhein, performed on SunFire C18 column (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm), with methanol-0.1%H3PO4 (85∶15) as the mobile phase at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, column temperature at 30 ℃, and detection wavelength of 254 nm. Results The TLC was exclusive. Within the range of 0.448-1.344 μg, emodin presented a fine linear relationship, r =0.999 7. Within the range of 0.011-0.077 μg, rhein presented a fine linear relationship, r=0.999 8. The recovery of rhein and emodin was 98.52% and 97.53% with RSD of 1.02% and 1.15% (n=6) respectively.Conclusion The methods are reliable, accurate, reproducible, and can be used for the quality control of Catharsis Tea.

Agora (Rio J.) ; 15(1): 15-31, jan.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-640937


É com uma realidade encoberta, com o pudor e com a vergonha que se articula a visão do corpo do morto; a problemática do fantasma ligado ao morto. Se a sexualidade parece-nos, atualmente, menos velada do que na época clássica, a morte, por sua vez, tornou-se tabu e deslocou-se para a esfera privada, para o território da intimidade psicológica, o que Phillipe Ariès denomina a morte tornada selvagem. Na descrição que Flaubert faz do falecimento de Ema, em Madame Bovary, as imagens da morte e da decomposição do corpo morto mantêm vivas uma iconografia recalcada, aureolada. O processo de censura contra o livro é emblemático da repressão da sociedade sobre a representação da morte.

It is in the hidden visibility, in the modesty and in the shame that the issue of viewing the body of the dead takes shape, going towards the phantasmal aspect (aspect of fantasy) linked to the dead. If sexuality seems less veiled as compared to the classical era, death in itself has become a taboo and withdraws itself into the private sphere, into a psychological intimacy, what Ariès calls the barbarization of death. Concerning Flaubert, writing about the death of Emma Bovary, the imagery of the body's decomposition and of death creates a repressed, halo-ed imagery. The censor process against Madame Bovary is, in this respect, symbolic of society's repression of the representation of death.

Attitude to Death , Catharsis , Fantasy , Postmortem Changes , Repression, Psychology
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-372977


Objective<br>Seventeen patients with FMS were treated with balneo-Morita therapy, which combines the balneotherapy with Morita therapy. After one year of treatment, patients with favorable outcome were compared with those with poor outcome.<br>Subjects and methods<br>The mean treatment period was 4.3 weeks. The outcome after one year of treatment was assessed. Patients who were able to return to work without a relapse of FMS were classified into the responsive group (13 cases, 74.6% in all), and those who showed a relapse or were not able to return to work were classified into the unresponsive group (4 cases, 23.5%). The cases of these two groups were compared in terms of biological (physical), psychological, social and existential status induvidually.<br>Results<br>There was no significant difference in sex or age distribution between the two groups. In terms of disease entity, FMS can be classified into psychosomatic type (hyperadaptation type) and neurotic type (possible presence of psychosocial-existential problems which are difficult to resolve such as great trauma, or the conditions ranging from neurosis to psychosis). Cases of neurotic type were prevailing in the unresponsive group. Patients were assessed to find out in which of the particular features of biological, psychological, social and existential aspects the notable problems proper to each patient lie.<br>The number of patients having psychological problems was higher in the unresponsive group, with a significant difference. In one case of the unresponsive group, the condition changed into ME/CFS (myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome).<br>Discussion<br>In the treatment of these patients, the somatic approaches or physical therapy such as pharmacological therapy or simple balneotherapy, should be given more importance for cases of the psychosomatic type. However, psychological therapy should be added to this treatment for cases of neurotic type. The efficacy of the balneo-Morita therapy was compared between the groups as classified by the type of the disease. The therapy was effective in 91.6% of the cases of psychosomatic type, while the efficacy rate was 40.0% for cases of neurotic type. During the period of the balneo-Morita therapy, a tendency of dependency on therapists may appear in patients. Although involution may be allowed transiently for the purpose of introducing catharsis, autonomy should be enhanced eventually. <i>Yuatari</i> (balneo-phenomenon, or balneo-intoxication) is a phenomenon, that develops in psychosomatic confusion resulting from sudden release from tension after the start of balneotherapy. This phenomenon is regarded as catharsis, from which patients are encouraged to establish a new self. Through this therapeutic experience, the therapists lead the patients from involution to autonomy without being so instructed, finally to cause a change in the way of living. In cases of psychosomatic type, this conversion was relatively easily achieved, but in cases of neurotic type such conversion was difficult. It is considered that difficulty in such conversion is attributable to psychological factors of patients (strength of self, severity of trauma, presence or absence of meaning, autonomy).

Kampo Medicine ; : 787-791, 2006.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368535


Rhubarb has been reported effective in patients with chronic renal failure, especially those patients with a high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) value. Rhubarb, however, is difficult to administer in large quantities because of its purging effect. Thus we prepared heated rhubarb, measured its sennoside A content using high performance liquid chromatography, and administered it to 2 patients.<br>Renal function of the first patient did not improve, following administration of extract derived from decocted rhubarb heated for 4 hours at 100°C.The extract's protective effect on renal function was considered lost by the boiling procedure. Dry-heated rhubarb was also prepared at 130°C for 4 minutes, and administered to the second patient. In this case, the extract's quantity could be increased up to 4.0g per day, and the patient's BUN value gradually decreased.<br>Onpito was later administered, because of increased BUN and creatinine values. Onpito was administered as a Ninjinto extract, Kakobushimatsu and rhubarb. And Onpito had a better protective effect on renal function in the second patient, than rhubarb alone.<br>In conclusion, we believe that dry-heated rhubarb can be effective for the improvement of nitric metabolism in patients with chronic renal failure, because of its low purging effect.