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Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 132-145, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041900


Abstract Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are important vectors of diverse pathogenic organisms, particularly arboviruses and protozoa. The immature stages of mosquitoes occur in a wide range of natural or human-made aquatic habitats. On this basis, some anthropogenic places such as cemeteries, usually serve as thrive and productive artificial-breeding habitats for mosquitoes. Despite being important foci for vector species, urban cemeteries are frequently overlooked in control and surveillance programs. This study evaluates the association of ecological variables and attributes (type of material, presence of flowers, water availability and height from the ground) of the breeding sites with the levels of infestation of mosquito immature stages. In 2017, an entire urban cemetery in Jarabacoa (Dominican Republic) was sampled at two different climatic periods (March: dry and August: rainy) for the characterization of the artificial breeding-sites, collection of immature stages of culicids and subsequent laboratory rearing for species identification. In total 968 containers were studied, containing 7 758 immature stages in 203 (21.0 %) water-filled containers which accounted for four species: Culex quinquefasciatus (50.5 %), Aedes aegypti (47.1 %), Aedes albopictus (1.9 %) and Culex nigripalpus (0.4 %). The mean of A. aegypti immatures in infested containers was roughly two times higher compared to C. quinquefasciatus and significantly lower compared to A. albopictus. The total Container Index (CI) was 20.9 %, and among the type of materials, those made from rock (cement, ceramic, and mud) and plastic had the highest CI = 25.9 % and 23.4 %, respectively. Almost 95 % of the total infested water-filled containers were made of plastic or rock. No association was found between the type of material of the containers and the density of mosquitoes. However, overall, greater densities of immature stages were found at ground than at higher levels. A weak positive correlation between water volume and density was found in some species of immature stages. Significantly higher number of C. quinquefasciatus were recorded in containers with flowers and large water volume. In contrast, A. aegypti immature stages were more frequent in containers without flowers. A weak negative association between water volume and infestations was found for A. albopictus immatures. As reflected of their opportunistic behaviour and broad ecological plasticity, Culex spp. and Aedes spp. mosquitoes were abundant pests in cemetery habitats where were able to breed in almost any kind of water-filled container regardless the type of material. However, our study showed that some ecological variables have critical impact for the development of the immature stages of some species. The health authorities and cemetery keepers can benefit from these results by focusing on the implementation of detailed plans and integrated strategies for the control and prevention of cemetery infestations by mosquitoes.(AU)

Resumen Los mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) son importantes vectores de diversos organismos patógenos, tales como arbovirus y protozoos. Los estadios inmaduros de los mosquitos pueden encontrarse en un amplio abanico de hábitats, tanto de origen natural como humano. Algunos lugares antrópicos, como los cementerios, sirven como prósperos hábitats artificiales para el desarrollo del ciclo de vida de los mosquitos. A pesar de constituir importantes focos para especies de interés vectorial, los cementerios urbanos son frecuentemente olvidados en los programas de vigilancia y control. Este estudio evaluó la asociación de algunas variables ecológicas (tipo de material, presencia de flores, disponibilidad de agua, y altura respecto al suelo) de los lugares de cría (recipientes) con los niveles de infestación de las fases preimarginales de los culícidos. En 2017, un cementerio urbano en Jarabacoa (República Dominicana) fue inspeccionado durante dos periodos climáticos (es decir: marzo: estación seca y agosto: estación húmeda) para: caracterizar los lugares de cría artificiales, captura de los estadios inmaduros de culícidos e identificación de los adultos emergidos a partir de las fases inmaduras. En total, 968 recipientes fueron examinados, conteniendo 7 758 inmaduros en 203 (21.0 %) recipientes con agua pertenecientes a cuatro especies, Culex quinquefasciatus (50.5 %), Aedes aegypti (47.1 %), Aedes albopictus (1.9 %) y Culex nigripalpus (0.4 %). El índice de recipiente (IR) fue del 20.9 %, y los recipientes fabricados a partir de roca (cemento, cerámica y barro) y plástico tuvieron el mayor IR = 25.9 y 23.4 %, respectivamente. Casi un 95 % de los recipientes con agua infectados estaban constituidos de materiales tipo plástico o roca. No se encontró asociación entre el tipo de material del recipiente y la densidad. En general, mayor densidad de estadios inmaduros fue observada a nivel del suelo que a alturas mayores. Se observó un incremento significativo del número de C. quinquefasciatus en recipientes con flores y grandes volúmenes de agua. Por el contrario, los estadios de A. aegypti fueron más frecuentes en recipientes sin flores. Como reflejo de su comportamiento oportunista y amplia plasticidad ecológica, los mosquitos Culex y Aedes fueron abundantes en los cementerios, siendo capaces de desarrollar su ciclo de vida acuático en cualquier tipo de recipiente, con independencia del material que lo constituya. Nuestro estudio, por tanto, mostró que algunas variables ecológicas tienen un impacto crítico sobre el desarrollo de los estadios inmaduros de algunas especies de mosquitos. Tanto las autoridades de salud pública como los cuidadores del cementerio pueden beneficiare de estos resultados centrándose en la implementación de planes detallados y estrategias integradoras para el control y prevención de mosquitos que infectan cementerios.(AU)

Aedes/pathogenicity , Culex/pathogenicity , Environmental Microbiology , Cemeteries , Dominican Republic
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786646


Excavation (2008–2014) carried out under the Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy) led to the discovery of 75 individuals, mostly buried in multiple graves. Based on Roman minted coins, the graves were preliminarily dated between the second half of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries CE. Taphonomy showed that this was an emergency burial site associated with a catastrophic event, possibly an epidemic of unknown etiology with high mortality rates. In this perspective, paleoparasitological investigations were performed on 18 individuals exhumed from 9 multiple graves to assess the burden of gastrointestinal parasitism. Five out of eighteen individuals (27.7%) tested positive for ascarid-type remains; these are considered as “decorticated” Ascaris eggs, which have lost their outer mammillated coat. Roundworms (genus Ascaris) commonly infest human populations under dire sanitary conditions. Archaeological and historical evidence indicates that Florentia suffered a period of economic crisis between the end of 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries CE, and that the aqueduct was severely damaged at the beginning of the 4th century CE, possibly during the siege of the Goths (406 CE). It is more than plausible that the epidemic, possibly coupled with the disruption of the aqueduct, deeply affected the living conditions of these individuals. A 27.7% frequency suggests that ascariasis was widespread in this population. This investigation exemplifies how paleoparasitological information can be retrieved from the analysis of sediments sampled in cemeteries, thus allowing a better assessment of the varying frequency of parasitic infections among ancient populations.

Humans , Ascariasis , Ascaris , Burial , Cemeteries , Eggs , Emergencies , Italy , Mentha , Mortality , Numismatics , Ovum , Social Conditions
Hacia promoc. salud ; 14(2): 24-38, jul.-dic 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-539809


¿Cómo construir sentidos de pertenencia de y en lugares que socialmente están configurados a partir del dolor y la tristeza? La tristeza y el dolor son, antes que nada, formas de vida. Formas que se objetivan en este texto en el cementerio como el lugar institucional de la muerte, que a través de prácticas y discursos se convierte en una territorialidad intersticial. Se asume la territorialidad como la producción de territorio y los intersticios como lugares que están subsumidos o que son recovecos de territorios mayores. Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es el análisis de las configuraciones y ordenamientos de los cementerios para mostrarlos como una territorialidad intersticial que toma forma en el ordenamiento y planificación del cementerio como lugar. Metodología: para ello, se sigue el método etnográfico desde el análisis de discursos y prácticas cotidianos e institucionales. Resultados: los resultados se dan en dos niveles, uno conceptual y otro social. Conceptualmente se proponen esquemas para modelos comprensivos sobre territorialidades intersticiales. Socialmente, se plantea una lectura que incluye la heterotopía, la topofobia y la topofilia como posibilidades prácticas de concebir y vivir el cementerio. Conclusiones: como conclusión se propone la resignificación que va más allá de ubicar al cementerio como el lugar de la muerte y se lo incluye como una de las unidades territoriales básicas del ordenamiento, gestión y planificación del territorio en las sociedades contemporáneas.

¿How can a sense of belonging be constructed in and of places that are socially configured by pain and sorrow? First off, sorrow and pain are above all life forms. In this text, said forms are objectified in the cemetery as the institutional place of death, which, through practices and discourses, becomes an interstitial territoriality. Territoriality is assumed as the production of territory, and interstices as spaces that are subsumed or recesses of larger territories. The objective of this article is to analyze the configurations and territorial planning of cemeteries in order to present them as an interstitial territoriality, which takes form in the territorial planning of the cemetery as a place. For said purpose, the ethnographic method is used through the analysis of every day and institutional discourses and practices. The results are shown on the conceptual and social levels. Conceptually speaking, schemes for comprehensive models on interstitial territorialities are proposed; while the social level suggests a reading including heterotopia, topophobia and topophilia as practical possibilities of conceiving and living the cemetery. The resignification that goes beyond seeing the cemetery as the place for death and its inclusion as one of the basic territorial units of territorial planning and management in contemporary societies makes up the conclusion of this text.

¿Omo construir sentidos de pertinência e em logos que socialmente estão configurados a partir da dor e a tristeza? A tristeza e a dor são, antes que nada, formas de vida. Formas que objetivam se neste texto no cemitério como logo institucional de morte, que a través de praticas e discursos convertam se numa territorialidade intersticial. Assume se a territorialidade como a produção de território e os interstícios como logos que estão subsumidos ou que são reviravoltas de territórios maiores. Objetivo: o objetivo deste artigo é o analise das configurações e ordenamentos dos cemitérios para amostrar-os com uma territorialidade intersticial que toma forma no ordenamento e planificação do cemitério como logo. Metodologia: para isto se segue o método etnográfico desde o analise de discursos e praticas cotidianas, institucionais. Resultados: os resultados se dão em dois novéis, uno conceptual e outro social. Conceitualmente se propõem esquemas para modelos compreensivos sobre territorialidades intersticiais. Socialmente, se estabelece uma leitura que inclui a heterotopía (Tem que ver com os espaços urbanos), a topofobia (medo a certos logos e situações) como possibilidade práticas de conceber e viver no cemitério. Conclusões: como conclusão propõe se o efeito a posterior que vai mais a lá de situar ao cemitério como o logo da morte e inclui se como uma das unidades territoriais básicas do ordenamento, gestão e planificação do território nas sociedades contemporáneas.

Humans , Pain , Death , Territoriality