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Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e240017, 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564675


Este relato, com linguagens textual e imagética, sistematiza o processo de criação e produção de um material de educação em saúde e popularização científica: a graphic novel "180 graus: minhas reviravoltas com o câncer de mama"1. O livro aborda o câncer de mama por meio da linguagem dos quadrinhos para discutir este problema de saúde pública que, segundo estimativa do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA), em 2023, afetaria mais de 73 mil mulheres no Brasil. O relato está organizado em cinco etapas: articulação de equipe e parcerias estratégicas; pesquisa e pré-produção do material para a história em quadrinhos (HQ); desenvolvimento da HQ; elaboração de materiais pedagógicos complementares à HQ; e edição e divulgação da HQ. Ao final, há também resultados, lições aprendidas e próximos passos.(AU)

Using textual language and imagery, this account systematizes the process of creating and producing an educational tool for health education and science popularization in the form of the graphic novel "180 graus: Minhas reviravoltas com o câncer de mama". The book addresses the issues of breast cancer, which, according to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), affected more than 73,000 women in Brazil in 2023, using comic book language to discuss a public health problem. The account is structured into five sections: coordination of the team and strategic partnerships; research and pre-production of the material for the comic book; development of the comic book; creation of complementary educational material; and editing and publicizing the book. At the end we present the results, lessons learned and next steps.(AU)

Este relato, con lenguajes textual y de imágenes, sistematiza el proceso de creación y producción de un material de educación en salud y popularización científica, la graphic novel "180 grados: Mis idas y vueltas con el cáncer de mama"1. El libro aborda el cáncer de mama por medio del lenguaje de los cómics para discutir un problema de salud pública que, según una estimativa del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (INCA), en 2023 afectaría a más de 73 mil mujeres en Brasil. El relato está organizado en cinco etapas: articulación de equipo y alianzas estratégicas; investigación y pre-producción del material para el cómic; desarrollo del cómic; elaboración de materiales pedagógicos complementarios al cómic; y edición y divulgación del cómic. Al final, hay también resultados, lecciones aprendidas y próximos pasos.(AU)

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e240047, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564685


O processo formativo é considerado a criação contínua de formas somáticas ao longo da existência para fazer presença, para responder aos acontecimentos e para ampliar a função da vida em seu processo evolutivo. Dispõe de uma prática corporal fortemente baseada em imagens, uma vez que se inclui ver e trabalhar em processo e como realidade somática por meio de imagens gráficas e vídeo. Neste texto, discorremos sobre o uso da linguagem das histórias em quadrinhos (HQ) para cartografar o processo formativo de corpos, que emergiu do trabalho realizado pelo Laboratório do Processo Formativo durante a pandemia de Covid-19 em grupos on-line, diante da necessidade urgente de mutação dos corpos devido a confinamento e ameaça à vida e de adaptação a um cotidiano intensamente permeado pelas telas.

The formative process can be defined as the continuous creation of somatic forms throughout existence to establish presence, respond to events and expand the function of life in the evolutionary process. It comprises a heavily image-based bodily practice, since it includes seeing and working on oneself as part of a process and somatic reality using visual image and videos. We discuss the use of comic book language to map the formative process of bodies. This initiative emerged from work developed by the Formative Process Laboratory during the Covid-19 pandemic with on-line groups in response to the urgent need for the mutation of bodies in the face of confinement, the threat to life and the adaption of daily lives intensely permeated by screens.

El proceso formativo se considera la creación continua de formas somáticas a lo largo de la existencia para señalar presencia, para responder a los acontecimientos y para la ampliación de la función de la vida en su proceso evolutivo. Dispone de una práctica corporal fuertemente basada en imágenes, puesto que incluye verse y trabajarse en el proceso y como realidad somática por medio de imágenes gráficas y en video. En este texto trataremos sobre el uso del lenguaje de los cómics, para cartografiar el proceso formativo de cuerpos, que surgió del trabajo realizado por el Laboratorio del Proceso Formativo durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en grupos on-line, ante la necesidad urgente de mutación de los cuerpos frente al confinamiento y a la amenaza a la vida y de adaptación a un cotidiano intensamente ocupado por las pantallas.

Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e91055, Mar. 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1520754


RESUMO Objetivo: Conhecer a participação da criança no cuidado de Enfermagem a partir de uma intervenção lúdica na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica. Método: Estudo qualitativo, realizado entre outubro de 2022 a fevereiro de 2023 na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica com dez crianças entre cinco e 11 anos, no Maranhão, Brasil. Utilizou-se uma história em quadrinhos sobre crianças hospitalizadas. Optou-se pela Análise Temática de Minayo para análise dos dados. Resultados: A participação da criança no cuidado deu-se por liberdade de expressão e estímulo a conhecer a situação clínica de forma própria para a idade. O uso dos quadrinhos mostrou-se uma tecnologia para brincar, educar e cuidar, pois reuniu elementos lúdicos e educativos capazes de intervir nessas três dimensões. Conclusão: A participação da criança no cuidado envolveu escuta sensível, comunicação adequada para a idade, abordagem inclusiva e o permitir ser criança enquanto aprende sobre si e o ambiente.

ABSTRACT Objective: To learn about children's participation in nursing care through a playful intervention in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Method: Qualitative study carried out between October 2022 and February 2023 in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with ten children between five and 11 years old in Maranhão, Brazil. A comic book about hospitalized children was used. Minayo's Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The child's participation in the care took place through freedom of expression and encouragement to learn about the clinical situation in a way that was appropriate for their age. Comics proved to be a technology for playing, educating, and caring, combining playful and educational elements capable of intervening in these three dimensions. Conclusion: The child's participation in care involved sensitive listening, age-appropriate communication, an inclusive approach, and allowing them to be a child while learning about themselves and their environment.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Conocer la participación de los niños en los cuidados de enfermería a través de una intervención lúdica en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos. Método: Estudio cualitativo, realizado entre octubre de 2022 y febrero de 2023 en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos con diez niños de entre cinco y once años, en Maranhão, Brasil. Se utilizó un cómic sobre niños hospitalizados. Para analizar los datos se utilizó el análisis temático de Minayo. Resultados: La participación del niño en los cuidados adoptó la forma de libertad de expresión y estímulo para conocer la situación clínica de forma adecuada a su edad. El uso del cómic resultó ser una tecnología para jugar, educar y cuidar, ya que reunía elementos lúdicos y educativos capaces de intervenir en estas tres dimensiones. Conclusión: La participación del niño en los cuidados implicaba una escucha sensible, una comunicación adecuada a su edad, un enfoque integrador y permitir ser un niño mientras aprendía sobre sí mismo y su entorno.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-149745


The purpose of this study was to develop a risk communication material on artificial food color additives for elementary school students. The development was based on a previous study on the perception and information needs of elementary school students on artificial food colors including that the students usually were interested in artificial food colors, but didn't know about those well, and they wanted to get information on the safety of their intake, function and necessity of food color additives. Based on the above results, a comic book on artificial food colors was developed as a risk communication material for the elementary school students by brainstorming and consultation with experts. The book was titled as 'Variegated artificial food colors! Understanding and Eating'. It contained basic information on food additives focused on artificial food colors including definition, function, calculation of ADI, usage of artificial food colors, quizzes and useful web sites, etc. The results of field evaluation for the developed material by 101 elementary school students were very positive in getting the correct information, understanding artificial food colors and having proper attitude for healthy dietary life. Therefore, the developed material could be used to help elementary school students have proper perception on artificial food colors and facilitate the risk communication on food additives.

Humans , Food Additives
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-216583


The purpose of this study was to develop children-friendly comic books and animation for dietary education of 3rd or 4th grade elementary students. Through a literature review on current dietary problems and dietary education for children, 15 educational themes were chosen on both healthy eating and safe dietary life. Comic books and animation were developed based on the themes by the brainstorming and help of professional animators, and they were applied and evaluated in the field. The developed comic books and animation, with its own characters, proved to be of high quality and effective educational materials for children's healthy and safe eating. Compared with the reference group, the tested group has shown a significant improvement in dietary knowledge and attitude (p < 0.05). And both parents (level of understanding 4.29, level of interest 4.49, level of usefulness 4.46, level of design satisfaction 3.95 in 5-point Likert scale) and children (level of understanding 4.63, level of interest 4.57, level of usefulness of 1st comic book 4.44, 2nd comic book 4.49, level of design satisfaction 4.06, level of usefulness for knowledge pages 4.22 in 5-point Likert scale) have shown high levels of interests and satisfaction. Therefore, these materials could be utilized as effective educational materials for elementary students in school lunch time, extra-curricular activities, or after school programs.

Child , Humans , Eating , Lunch , Parents