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Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 70751, 2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442880


Introdução: A indústria de alimentos e os pesquisadores têm-se dedicado a desenvolver novos produtos funcionais, com características mais naturais. Assim, estudos que identifiquem a demanda dos consumidores buscando atender seus anseios são importantes. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil e a percepção de consumidores sobre antepastos, probióticos e a intenção de compras de um antepasto de grão de bico adicionado de bactéria probiótica. Método: A avaliação foi realizada de forma on-line, por meio de questionário contendo 33 questões respondidas por 322 participantes. Nuvens de palavras foram elaboradas com os resultados obtidos. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes reside na Região Sudeste, 72,7% são do gênero feminino, 37,3% possuem renda familiar de até três salários mínimos, 75,8% sabem o que é antepasto e mais da metade já consumiu grão de bico e conhece seus benefícios. Mais de 84,0% dos participantes sabem o que são probióticos e 90,1% já consumiram produtos probióticos de base láctea. Entretanto, 78,0% demonstraram interesse por opções de produtos probióticos de origem vegetal. Sobre as características que os participantes consideram que melhor descrevem o antepasto, as mais citadas foram: pastoso, macio, agridoce, salgado e firme. A nuvem de palavras mostrou que os respondentes associam probióticos à saúde intestinal e 36% deles estariam dispostos a comprar antepasto de grão de bico contendo probiótico se o produto estivesse disponível no mercado. Conclusão: O estudo indica que os consumidores têm interesse por grão de bico e probióticos, havendo uma demanda potencial por alimentos de origem vegetal contendo probióticos.

Introduction: The food industry and researchers have been dedicated to developing new functional products with more natural characteristics. Thus, studies that identify the demand of consumers seeking to meet their desires are important. Objective: To evaluate the profile and perception of consumers about antipasti, probiotics and purchase intention of a chickpea antipasti added with probiotic bacteria. Method: The evaluation was carried out online, through a questionnaire sent to 322 participants, containing 33 questions. Word clouds were created with the results obtained. Results: Most participants live in the Southeast region, 72.7% are female, 37.3% have a family income of up to three minimum wages, 75.8% know what antipasto is and more than half have consumed beak and knows its benefits. More than 84.0% of the participants know what probiotics are and 90.1% have already consumed dairy-based probiotic products. However, 78.0% showed interest in options for probiotic products of plant origin. About the characteristics that the participants consider that best describe the antipasto, the most cited were: Pasty, Soft, Bittersweet, Salty and Firm. The word cloud showed that respondents associate probiotics with gut health and 36% of those would be willing to buy probiotic-containing chickpea antipasto if the product were available on the market. Conclusion: The study indicates that consumers are interested in chickpeas and probiotics, with a potential demand for plant-based foods containing probiotics.

Humans , Perception , Consumer Behavior , Probiotics , Cicer , Diet, Healthy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210861


The present study was conducted to study consumption pattern, awareness and hygienic practices adopted for meat and its products in different zones of Ludhiana city through contact survey method. A bilingual (Punjabi and English) questionnaire/interview schedule comprising questions related to meat consumption, processing pattern, awareness of consumers regarding type of meat and hygiene was designed. A total sample size of 800 respondents (256 females + 544 males) was taken for the survey by dividing Ludhiana city into four hypothetical zones, namely; Zone I, II, III and IV by using a random sampling method. The effect of zone of sampling revealed that people from Zone I preferred cold processing while those from zones II, III and IV preferred hot processing of meat. People from the entire four zones were not aware of the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA) in meat industry. Irrespective of the zones, the people were not aware of the government policies for meat production and export in India. The respondents from zone I were comparatively adopting hygienic practices in meat processing than all other zones. It could be concluded that consumers are still not aware about meat processing and hygienic considerations and there is a dire need to educate them about different food laws