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Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 11(1): 37-50, 20240601.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556121


A Harmonização Orofacial (HOF) é especialidade odontológica reconhecida pelo Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO) e, no reconhecimento dessa especialidade, discussões internas e externas à classe odontológica surgiram. O presente artigo tem como objetivo levantar reflexões acerca do processo judicial n° 1003948-83.2019.4.01.3400 julgado pelo Tribunal Regional Federal (Seção Judiciária do Distrito Federal - 8ª Vara Federal) referente a HOF enquanto especialidade odontológica. Inicialmente, são discutidos os documentos que norteiam o ensino dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em odontologia. Em seguida, faz-se uma reflexão sobre o processo de reconhecimento da HOF como especialidade odontológica. Por fim, discute-se acerca do citado processo judicial, os principais pontos elencados pelas partes envolvidas no processo e eventuais consequências do desfecho desse processo para a classe odontológica. O reconhecimento da HOF enquanto especialidade odontológica não seguiu os trâmites que outras especialidades odontológicas seguiram e gerou debates educacionais e formativos sob uma perspectiva ética e legal. Ademais, tal reconhecimento fomentou debates relacionados ao conflito dos procedimentos dessa especialidade odontológica com procedimentos de especialidades médicas. Tais conflitos chegaram ao Poder Judiciário, que interveio em favor da Odontologia, contudo, isso não impede que o cirurgião-dentista seja responsabilizado profissionalmente pela realização de procedimentos que fogem ao escopo da odontologia

Orofacial Harmonization (HOF) is dental specialty recognized by the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO) and, in recognition of this specialty, internal and external discussions of the dental class have arisen. This article aims to raise reflections on judicial process number 1003948-83.2019.4.01.3400 judged by the Federal Regional Court (Judicial Section of the Federal District - 8th Federal Court) referring to HOF as a dental specialty. Initially, the documents that guide the teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses in dentistry are discussed. Then, a reflection is made on the recognition process of HOF as a dental specialty. Finally, it discusses the judicial process number 1003948-83.2019.4.01.3400, the main points listed by the parties involved in the process, and the possible consequences of the outcome of this process for the dental class. The recognition of HOF as a dental specialty did not follow the procedures that other dental specialties followed and generated educational and training debates from an ethical and legal perspective. Furthermore, such recognition has fostered debates related to the conflict between procedures in this dental specialty and procedures in medical specialties. Such conflicts reached the Judiciary, which intervened in favor of Dentistry, however, this does not prevent the dental surgeon from being held professionally responsible for carrying out procedures that fall outside the scope of dentistry

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(3): 263-266, May-June 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558331


Abstract Objective: Perfume (Parfum) or fragrance is a natural or synthetic cosmetic ingredient added to emit a pleasant aroma or to improve the odor of a cosmetic formula. It is a mixture of substances, not revealed by the manufacturer, which may contain ingredients with allergenic potential, endocrine disruptors, and other possible harmful effects on human health. This study aims to analyze children's cosmetics labels to assess the presence of Perfume. Methods: The researchers randomly visited points of sale in Curitiba, the capital of a southern Brazilian state; in order to catalog the largest possible number of children's cosmetics items. Results: 398 children's cosmetics were analyzed and found Parfum on 295 (74.1 %) of the labels, including 90.4 and 79,1 % of the shampoos and wet wipes, respectively. Conclusion: Exposure of children's skin to fragrances can lead to local side effects such as allergies, but also to systemic effects, and the lack of knowledge of the general population and health professionals about its possible deleterious effects emphasizes the importance of changes in the regulation of cosmetics aiming to reduce the use of this ingredient.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-7, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525807


Introdução: O mercado de procedimento estéticos cresce exponencialmente no Brasil. Tal crescimento tem despertado o interesse de várias categorias profissionais. A decisão de praticar no setor deve considerar as oportunidades de mercado da localidade na qual se pretende atuar. Entretanto, a área carece de análises comparativas documentando prováveis diferenças regionais no país. O objetivo do estudo é descrever as diferenças de mercado em procedimentos estéticos entre os estados e regiões brasileiras. Um índice de potencial consumo de cosmiatria (IPCC) é calculado para tal análise comparativa. Método: Estudo transversal envolvendo prestadores de procedimentos estéticos não cirúrgicos no Brasil. Buscas no Google®-Google Maps® foram conduzidas usando termoschave e entrevistas telefônicas realizadas para obter informações sobre categorias profissionais, tipo de provedores e serviços oferecidos. Valores preditivos positivos foram obtidos para todas as estratégias de busca e usados para estimar o número total de provedores. O tamanho da população e a renda per capita foram considerados para o cálculo dos IPCCs para os estados brasileiros. Resultados: São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro apresentaram os maiores IPCCs, sendo 524, 210 e 180, respectivamente. Roraima teve um IPCC de 14, o mais baixo do país. A Região Sudeste apresentou, em média, o maior IPCC (242) entre todas as regiões brasileiras. Conclusão: Considerando o tamanho da população e a renda, a Região Sudeste apresenta as maiores oportunidades de mercado em procedimentos estéticos não cirúrgicos no Brasil. Nossos achados podem ser de interesse para profissionais de saúde e investidores que atuam ou pretendem atuar no setor.

Introduction: The aesthetic procedure market is growing exponentially in Brazil. This growth has aroused the interest of several professional categories. The decision to practice in the sector must consider the market opportunities in the location in which you intend to operate. However, the area lacks comparative analyses documenting probable regional differences in the country. The objective of the study is to describe market differences in aesthetic procedures between Brazilian states and regions. An index of potential cosmetic consumption (IPCC) is calculated for such a comparative analysis. Method: Cross-sectional study involving providers of nonsurgical aesthetic procedures in Brazil. Searches on Google Maps® were conducted using key terms, and telephone interviews were conducted to obtain information on professional categories, types of providers, and services offered. Positive predictive values were obtained for all search strategies and used to estimate the total number of providers. Population size and per capita income were considered to calculate the IPCCs for Brazilian states. Results: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro presented the highest IPCCs, being 524, 210, and 180, respectively. Roraima had an IPCC of 14, the lowest in the country. The Southeast Region presented, on average, the highest IPCC (242) among all Brazilian regions. Conclusion: Considering population size and income, the Southeast Region presents the greatest market opportunities for nonsurgical aesthetic procedures in Brazil. Our findings may be of interest to healthcare professionals and investors who work or intend to work in the sector.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-11, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525813


Introdução: O envelhecimento facial é um processo gradual, complexo e multifatorial. É o resultado de mudanças na qualidade, volume e posicionamento dos tecidos. Cirurgiões plásticos têm modificado sua abordagem na cirurgia do rejuvenescimento facial optando pelo plano subaponeurótico (SMAS). O objetivo deste estudo é analisar 100 casos de pacientes operados pela técnica de SMAS profundo, avaliando sua aplicabilidade e eficácia. Método: Foram avaliados 100 pacientes, submetidos a cirurgia plástica facial pela técnica de SMAS profundo - "Deep Smas", e acompanhados por 6 meses. Observou-se a satisfação dos pacientes, número de complicações, número de reoperações, riscos e vantagens da técnica. Resultados: Foram operados 100 pacientes, num período de 3 anos. A idade variou de 41 a 79 anos, sendo 95% sexo feminino. As complicações foram 8 casos (8%) de lesões de ramos do nervo facial, sendo: 4 casos lesão do zigomático, 3 casos de lesão do mandibular e 1 caso de lesão do bucal; houve 1 caso (1%) de queloide retroauricular; 1 caso (1%) de hematoma. Em relação às revisões cirúrgicas, houve 8 casos (8%) de complementação cirúrgica por insatisfação das pacientes. Houve 15% de lesões nervosas entre a 1ª e a 40ª cirurgia, 5% entre a 41ª e a 80ª, e nenhuma lesão entre o 81º e o 100º paciente. Conclusão: O lifting facial profundo ou subSMAS mostrou ser efetivo, proporcionando bons resultados estéticos. Apresenta baixa taxa de recidiva e baixa taxa de morbidade, porém, necessita de uma longa curva de aprendizagem.

Introduction: Facial aging is a gradual, complex, and multifactorial process. It is the result of changes in the quality, volume, and positioning of tissues. Plastic surgeons have modified their approach to facial rejuvenation surgery, opting for the subaponeurotic plane (SMAS). The objective of this study is to analyze 100 cases of patients operated on using the deep SMAS technique, evaluating its applicability and effectiveness. Method: 100 patients were evaluated, undergoing facial plastic surgery using the deep SMAS technique - "Deep Smas", and followed up for 6 months. Patient satisfaction, number of complications, number of reoperations, risks, and advantages of the technique were observed. Results: 100 patients were operated on over 3 years. Age ranged from 41 to 79 years, with 95% being female. The complications were 8 cases (8%) of injuries to branches of the facial nerve, of which 4 cases of zygomatic injury, 3 cases of mandibular injury, and 1 case of buccal injury; there was 1 case (1%) of post-auricular keloid; 1 case (1%) of hematoma. Regarding surgical revisions, there were 8 cases (8%) of surgical completion due to patient dissatisfaction. There were 15% of nerve injuries between the 1st and 40th surgery, 5% between the 41st and 80th, and no injuries between the 81st and 100th patient. Conclusion: Deep facial lifting or subSMAS has proven to be effective, providing good aesthetic results. It has a low recurrence rate and low morbidity rate; however, it requires a long learning curve.

Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 48: e15832024, 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560692


A elevada produção global de Mangifera indica gera uma considerável quantidade de resíduos, como cascas e sementes que são frequentemente descartados. O aproveitamento desses subprodutos promove uma abordagem mais sustentável, reduzindo impactos ambientais e abrindo novas perspectivas na área fitocosmética. A casca apresenta metabólitos secundários conhecidos principalmente por suas propriedades antioxidantes, destacando-se os compostos fenólicos. Esses antioxidantes são capazes de retardar a velocidade de oxidação promovida por radicais livres formados por fatores externos ou fisiopatológicos. Assim, antioxidantes naturais extraídos a partir de espécie vegetal estão sendo cada vez mais estudados para aplicação na indústria cosmética e farmacêutica. O potencial fitocosmético do extrato glicólico da casca de M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins em três bases galênicas (gel de Carbopol®, gel-creme e gel de Estagel®) foi avaliado por meio dos ensaios de atividade antioxidante, pelo método do radical DPPH, e estudos de estabilidade. As formulações com o extrato apresentaram-se estáveis e compatíveis para o uso tópico, pois não foram verificados sinais de instabilidade como alteração das características organolépticas e do pH. Em relação à atividade antioxidante, formulações com o extrato apresentaram potencial antioxidante, porém a formulação com Carbopol® e gel-creme apresentaram melhor desempenho em relação ao Estagel®. Após 30 dias de estabilidade preliminar em diferentes condições de temperatura (40,0 ± 2<0°C, 20,0 ± 5,0°C, 5,0 ± 2,0°C) houve redução de atividade antioxidante somente no gel de Carbopol® armazenado sob elevada temperatura, indicando a melhor forma de armazenamento. Diante disso, os resultados sugerem a promissora incorporação de M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins em bases cosméticas.

The high global production of Mangifera indica generates a considerable amount of waste, such as peels and seeds that are often discarded. The use of these by-products promotes a more sustainable approach, reducing environmental impacts and opening new perspectives in the phytocosmetics area. The peel presents secondary metabolites known mainly for their antioxidant properties, highlighting phenolic compounds. These antioxidants are capable of slowing down the rate of oxidation promoted by free radicals formed by external or pathophysiological factors. Thus, natural antioxidants extracted from plant species are increasingly being studied for application in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The phytocosmetic potential of the glycolic extract from the peel of M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins in three galenic bases (Carbopol® gel, cream gel and Estagel® gel) was evaluated through antioxidant activity tests, the DPPH radical scavenging method, and stability studies. The formulations with the extract were stable and compatible for topical use, as there were no signs of instability such as changes in organoleptic characteristics and pH. Regarding antioxidant activity, formulations with the extract showed antioxidant potential, however the formulation with Carbopol® and gel-cream showed better performance compared to Estagel®. After 30 days of preliminary stability in different temperature conditions (40.0 ± 2<0°C, 20.0 ± 5.0°C, 5.0 ± 2.0°C) there was a reduction in antioxidant activity only in the gel of Carbopol® stored at high temperature, indicating the best form of storage. Therefore, the results suggest the promising incorporation of M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins in cosmetic foundations.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0038, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569739


RESUMO Com o crescimento da indústria cosmética global, a busca pela estética e pelo rejuvenescimento impulsionou o aumento de procedimentos estéticos. A gordura autóloga é o tipo de preenchimento mais comum e mais grave relacionado à cegueira iatrogênica. A oclusão iatrogênica da artéria oftálmica é uma complicação rara (mas devastadora) das injeções de preenchimento facial. Embora diversos tratamentos tenham sido relatados e propostos, até o momento não há eficácia comprovada. Na identificação da oclusão de artéria central da retina, o tempo é de fundamental importância para o prognóstico visual do paciente. Os resultados, em geral, são insatisfatórios, e há pouca ou nenhuma evidência favorável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma paciente que apresentou oclusão de artéria central da retina após procedimento cosmético com gordura autóloga em região nasolabial.

ABSTRACT The global cosmetic industry growth and the desire for aesthetics and rejuvenation have increased the aesthetic procedures. Autologous fat is the most common and most serious type of filling related to iatrogenic blindness. Iatrogenic occlusion of the ophthalmic artery is a rare but devastating complication of facial filler injections. Although several treatments have been reported and proposed, to date there is no proven efficacy. In identifying central retinal artery occlusion, timing is crucial to the patient's visual prognosis. The results, in general, are unsatisfactory and there is little or no favorable evidence. This paper aimed to report the case of a patient who presented central retinal artery occlusion after a cosmetic procedure with autologous fat in the nasolabial region.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(3): 1-6, jul.set.2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512681


Introdução: A demanda por cirurgia para correção de ginecomastia tem aumentado em função da grande quantidade de pacientes submetidos a tratamentos bariátricos. A maioria destes pacientes requerem grande remoção do excesso de pele, tecido gorduroso e reposicionamento do complexo areolopapilar, assim como adequação do volume da aréola. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a técnica de correção de ginecomastia grau III através de cicatriz horizontal sem cicatriz vertical, com reposicionamento do complexo areolopapilar. Método: Estudo prospectivo de 27 pacientes masculinos com diagnóstico de ginecomastia grau III da classificação de Simon, operados em clínica particular, entre janeiro de 2013 e agosto de 2020, pela técnica de cicatriz horizontal com transposição do complexo areolopapilar e sem cicatriz vertical. Resultados: Foram operados 27 pacientes, num período de 7,5 anos, todos ex-obesos, submetidos previamente a tratamento de perda de peso. A idade variou de 17 a 74 anos, média etária de 52 anos. O peso das peças removidas variou de 175 a 758 gramas, média de 376 gramas. As complicações foram: 1 caso de hematoma tardio (3,7%), 1 caso de seroma (3,7%) e 2 casos de cicatriz hipertrófica (7,4%). Conclusão: O tratamento cirúrgico da ginecomastia grau III através da técnica de cicatriz horizontal, sem cicatriz vertical e com reposicionamento do complexo areolopapilar demonstrou ser efetivo, com baixa morbidade e bons resultados estéticos.

Introduction: The demand for surgery to correct gynecomastia has increased due to the many patients undergoing bariatric treatments. Most patients require extensive removal of excess skin, and fatty tissue, repositioning the nipple-areolar complex, and adjusting the areola volume. This study aims to describe the correction technique for grade III gynecomastia using a horizontal scar without a vertical scar, with repositioning of the nipple-areolar complex. Method: Prospective study of 27 male patients diagnosed with Simon grade III gynecomastia, operated in a private clinic between January 2013 and August 2020, using the horizontal scar technique with transposition of the nipple-areola complex and without a vertical scar. Results: 27 patients underwent surgery over 7.5 years, all ex-obese, previously submitted to weight loss treatment. Age ranged from 17 to 74 years, mean age of 52 years. The weight of the removed parts ranged from 175 to 758 grams, an average of 376 grams. Complications were 1 case of late hematoma (3.7%), 1 case of seroma (3.7%), and 2 cases of hypertrophic scarring (7.4%). Conclusion: Surgical treatment of grade III gynecomastia using the horizontal scar technique, without a vertical scar and with repositioning of the nippleareolar complex, proved to be effective, with low morbidity and good aesthetic results.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218055


Background: Over the counter (OTC), drugs are found to be safe and appropriate for use without supervision of a healthcare professional such as physician and they can be purchased by consumers without prescription. The study gains its importance because of the spreading of misuse of antibiotics and various drugs adverse drug reactions in the society. Aims and Objectives: The main aim of the study is to observe as to how many pharmacists/chemists/drug store sellers follow or violate the drug cosmetic act. Materials and Methods: It is an observational and cross-sectional study conducted among pharmacies of Udaipur city, urban areas of Southern Rajasthan. The study includes a sample size of 200 pharmacies selected through convenient random sampling. A detailed semi-structured questionnaire is administered to the pharmacists. The set of questions include types of drugs, reason for dispensing, knowledge, and attitude of pharmacist toward dispensing non-OTC drugs. All the private pharmacies willing to participate were included in the study. Data are entered in Microsoft Excel and statistically analyzed. Results: The results throw light on the behavior and pattern of dispensing habits of the drug store sellers of the city of Udaipur, Southern Rajasthan. It was observed that many pharmacists are in fact in the habit of dispensing non-OTC drugs in almost all the areas. Conclusions: Results give insights about the groups of drugs, logic, behavior, and knowledge level of pharmacists involved in dispensing practices in the city of Udaipur. There should be structured educational campaigns (or use of media, internet, newspaper, radio, television, advertisements, mobiles, etc.) for both pharmacists and public.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 82: e39330, maio 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1524321


A hiperpigmentação da pele, principalmente na região facial, resulta em um incômodo estético que afeta a qualidade de vida do indivíduo, levando a busca por produtos clareadores. Este estudo avaliou a conformidade dos rótulos de cosméticos comercializados como "produtos clareadores de pele", bem como a existência de substâncias clareadoras proibidas neste tipo de produto. Foi realizada uma análise transversal descritiva qualitativa no período de abril a maio de 2022, em busca por cosméticos comercializados em estabelecimentos farmacêuticos e lojas de produtos cosméticos localizadas no município de Juazeiro/BA. Foram selecionados 18 produtos e os desvios de rotulagem identificados com base na legislação utilizada vigente à época do estudo, foram: ausência de informações sobre advertências/restrições de uso e número de registro incompleto, equivalente a 16,7% (n = 3) das amostras. A hidroquinona, proibida nesse tipo de produto, foi encontrada em um cosmético (5,5%). Embora a maioria das amostras analisadas esteja em conformidade com as exigências legais, os resultados evidenciam descumprimentos, indicando a necessidade de uma fiscalização mais rigorosa a fim de evitar possíveis danos à saúde do usuário.

Skin hyperpigmentation, particularly in the facial region, can be an aesthetic nuisance that affects an individual's quality of life, leading them to seek out whitening products. This study evaluated the compliance of cosmetics labels marketed as "skin lightening products", and assessed the presence of whitening substances prohibited in this type of product. A qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional analysis was conducted between April and May 2022 in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil, focusing on cosmetics sold in pharmaceutical establishments and cosmetic product stores. Eighteen products were selected, and labeling deviations identified based on the legislation in force at the time of the study. These included a lack of information on warnings/use restrictions and incomplete registration numbers, affecting 16.7% (n = 3) of the samples. Hydroquinone, prohibited in this type of product by the legislation, was detected in one cosmetic (5.5%). Although most of the analyzed samples comply with legal requirements, the observed non-compliance highlights the need for more stringent inspection to prevent potential harm to user's health.

Hyperpigmentation/therapy , Cosmetic Labeling , Skin Lightening Preparations/analysis , Hydroquinones/toxicity , Brazil
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222454


Introduction: The demand for cosmetic dentistry is a growing trend globally. Increased media coverage, availability of free online information, and the improved economic status of the general population have led to an increase in the patient’s aesthetic expectations. Since no study has measured the relationship between the economic status of people and the choice of cosmetic dentistry in Iran and due to the growing demand for it, this study was designed. Method: In this descriptive epidemiological study, we visited three completely different areas in terms of Socioeconomic status (SES) in Tehran. A checklist was used to record the gender, job, age, education level, maternal status, and source of payment for cosmetic dentistry treatment. Result: The majority of the volunteers for dental cosmetic restoration were 23?26 years. Of 498 cosmetic restoration volunteers, 50 were men and 448 were women. As for the education level, most of the participants had a high school diploma. The cost of cosmetic restoration of 351 patients (70%) was paid by the parents or the spouse, and 147 patients paid the cost from their income. Our study showed that 7% of visits to dental clinics were only for cosmetic treatment demands in Tehran in 2021. Conclusion: Type of job, education level, and marital status had no significant relationship with the choice of cosmetic treatment while age had a significant relationship with the choice of cosmetic dental restoration treatment. In addition, the choice of cosmetic dental treatment was completely related to gender, and women were the main users of it.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995476


Objective:To explore the clinical effect of cosmetic reconstruction for partial defect of distal segment of digits.Methods:Form January 2018 to January 2021, the Department of Hand Surgery of Institute for Hygiene of Ordnance Industry(The 521 Hospital of Weapon Industry) admitted 129 patients with partial defect of distal segment of thumb or fingers with phalange or tendon exposure. The patients were 111 males and 18 females with an average age of 34(17-59) years old. The sizes of nailbed defect were 0.4 cm×1.1 cm-1.8 cm×2.0 cm, the length of phalange defect was 0.4-1.8 cm, and the sizes of the soft tissue defect were 1.6 cm×1.8 cm-3.2 cm×4.8 cm. Great toe tissue flaps were used to reconstruct the partial defect of distal segment of thumb or fingers after debridement. Wounds of fibular flap of great toe in 77 cases were directly sutured in 17 patients. The donor sites in rest 60 great toes were narrowed first and then repaired with skin grafts in 10 cases, with artificial dermis in 28 cases and with transverse V-Y advancement flaps of ipsilateral great toes for 22 cases. Forty-nine of 52 donor site wounds for hallux toenail flap were repaired with artificial dermis and 3 with free peroneal artery perforator flaps. The method was outpatient follow-up. Postoperative follow-up lasted until July 2022. The check-items for follow-up included: occurrence of necrosis, appearance, shape and texture of the flap, appearance of the reconstructed nails, TPD of the reconstructed digit pulps, tolerance to cold on the scars of flaps, flexion and extension of the reconstructed digits. The healing time of phalanges of the reconstructed digits was evaluated by X-rays. The appearance, sensation, the tolerance to cold of great toe and the movement of donor foot were also assessed.Results:Postoperative follow-up lasted for 18 to 24 months, with an average of 21 months. A total of 128 flaps survived. Necrosis occurred in 1 fibular hallux flap, the necrosis was cured with a reverse digital proper artery island flap. Thereafter, all flaps healed well. The appearance, shape, texture and nails of reconstructed digits were close to the contralateral digits. The reconstructed thumb and finger were evaluated according to Zook, 127 cases were excellent and 2 cases were good.TPD of the pulps of the reconstructed digits was 4-10 mm. The mean score of the Vancouver scar scale(VSS) was 0.6 for scars of the reconstructed digits. The mean score of the Visual analog scale(VAS) was 0.3 for the tolerance to cold. Flexion and extension function recovered well in all the reconstructed digits. According to the Evaluation Criteria of Upper limb Function Hand Surgery Society of Chinese Medical Association, the function of hand was excellent in 127 cases and 1 in each of good and fair. X-rays of all digits showed the phalange healing of the reconstructed digits, with an average healing time of 2 months after surgery, without phalange resorption, infection, nonunion nor stress fracture. There was no difference between the length of the donor great toe and the contralateral toe, except the donor site of the great toe nail root. There was no significant visual difference between the appearance of the donor great toe and the contralateral toe. TPD of the pulps of donor great toe was 4-8 mm. The mean score of the VSS was 1.4 for scars in the donor great toe. The mean score of the VAS was 0.7 for the tolerance to cold of the donor great toe. There was no stress fracture at donor site, and the functions of donor foot were not affected when walking, running, jumping and tiptoeing in all patients.Conclusion:It is an ideal method for reconstructing a partial defect of distal segment of digit by great toe flap. It can not only reconstruct the partial defect of distal segment of the digit, but also results in a good appearance and satisfactory functions of the reconstructed digit. Damage to the donor site is minimum. The length of the donor great toe is unchanged, and it has little impact on sensation and appearance of the donor great toe. Meanwhile, there is no adverse effect on walking, running and jumping with the donor foot.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22201, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450502


Resumo Este artigo tem como ponto de partida uma reflexão sobre a produção de imagens e narrativas circunscritas em torno do dispositivo antes e depois. Argumenta que a divulgação de padrões estéticos, especialmente nas redes sociais, opera de modo a prescrever uma necessária transformação e aprimoramento de si. Analisa relatos de experiências de mulheres que realizaram a chamada cirurgia íntima (ninfoplastia ou redução dos pequenos lábios vaginais) com a intenção de melhoria estética. Os depoimentos provêm de um grupo de discussão em torno desses procedimentos na internet. Nos casos em que as intervenções cirúrgicas são avaliadas negativamente, o antes e depois não se realizam da forma prevista. Nesse cenário, as mulheres tendem a ressignificar a necessidade da cirurgia e a reconhecer a imposição, por parte da sociedade, de padrões corporais idealizados. Este processo é discutido por meio do debate acerca do pós-feminismo e constrangimentos de gênero.

Abstract This article analyzes the production of images and narratives circumscribed around the dispositive before and after. It argues that the dissemination of aesthetic standards, especially on social networks, operates in order to prescribe a necessary transformation and improvement of the self. It analyzes reports of experiences of women who underwent the so-called intimate surgery (nymphoplasty or reduction of the labia minora) with the intention of aesthetic improvement. The testimonies come from a discussion group around these procedures on the internet. In cases where surgical interventions are negatively evaluated, the before and after are not performed as expected. In this scenario, women tend to resignify the need for surgery and recognize the imposition, by society, of idealized body standards. This process is discussed through the debate about post-feminism and gender constraints.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como punto de partida una reflexión sobre la producción de imágenes y narrativas circunscritas en torno al dispositivo antes y después. Argumenta que la difusión de normas estéticas, especialmente en las redes sociales, opera para prescribir una necesaria transformación y mejora del yo. Analiza relatos de experiencias de mujeres que se sometieron a la llamada cirugía íntima (ninfoplastía o reducción de labios menores) con la intención de mejorar estéticamente. Los testimonios provienen de un grupo de discusión sobre estos procedimientos en Internet. En los casos en que las intervenciones quirúrgicas son evaluadas negativamente, el antes y el después no se realizan como se esperaba. En ese escenario, las mujeres tienden a resignificar la necesidad de la cirugía y reconocen la imposición, por parte de la sociedad, de patrones corporales idealizados. Este proceso se discute a través del debate sobre el posfeminismo y las restricciones de género.

Humans , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Sexuality/psychology , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Social Media/trends
Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 15: e20230166, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438336


O filtrado de fermentação, (FF), um subproduto de leveduras rico em nutrientes, é usado cosmeticamente no leste da Ásia desde a década de 1970. Revisamos sistematicamente os efeitos deste ativo tópico na saúde da pele e determinamos as limitações nos estudos disponíveis. A literatura recente mostrou evidências na redução do tamanho dos poros, e tambem da aspereza, hiperpigmentação e vermelhidão. No entanto, esses estudos são limitados em eficácia devido ao pequeno tamanho da amostra, muitas variáveis e capacidade limitada de validação externa. Devido ao aumento de produtos cosméticos contendo esse ingrediente, é necessária uma análise crítica da literatura disponível e futura para evitar a desinformação do consumidor

Ferment filtrate (FF), a by-product of nutrient-rich yeast, is believed to be used cosmetically in East Asia since the 1970s. We systematically reviewed the topical effects of ferment filtrate on skin health and determined limitations in the available studies. Recent literature has shown evidence in reducing the baseline fluctuation of pore size, roughness, hyperpigmentation, and redness. However, these studies are limited in efficacy due to their small sample size, their confounding variables, and their limited generalizability. Because of the increase of cosmetic products containing this ingredient, critical analysis of the available and future literature is necessary to prevent consumer misinformation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223057


Camouflage is defined as a combination of materials, colouration or illumination for concealing something. Skin camouflage therapy is the use of specially formulated products to conceal skin diseases and disfigurements, with the goal of giving a temporarily normal appearance. It gives immediate relief in various dermatological disorders, especially those affecting the visible areas, which are known to be associated with profound psychosocial impact. Despite considerable evidence for its emotional benefits, its utilisation among dermatologists in clinical practice remains low. This article is intended to familiarise dermatologists with the use of skin camouflage therapy including its availability, indications, contraindications, techniques, limitations and future trends

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 51(3): 1049-1064, set.-dez. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431780


RESUMO Introdução: ao longo dos anos, a busca pela melhora do autocuidado estendeu-se às farmácias com manipulação, onde o cosmético pode ser manipulado de acordo com as preferências de cada indivíduo. Dessa forma, é necessário prover a estabilidade para cada produto manipulado, garantindo que um cosmético seguro e eficaz será dispensado. O ácido hialurônico é um ativo que tem se tornado popular devido à sua capacidade de realizar a manutenção da elasticidade da pele e exercer função hidratante, além de atuar na redução de linhas de expressão. Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de dermocosméticos manipulados a base de ácido hialurônico de diferentes farmácias com manipulação no município de Campo Grande-MS, através de análises laboratoriais físico-químicas e de rotulagem. Material e métodos: quatro amostras de creme-gel à base de ácido hialurônico 5% foram adquiridas em farmácias magistrais, e realizadas as seguintes análises de controle de qualidade: análise organoléptica, determinação de pH, densidade, teste de centrífuga, espalhabilidade e análise de rotulagem. Resultados: em relação às análises, os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios. A análise organoléptica, o teste de centrifugação e de espalhabilidade se encontraram dentro dos padrões estipulados; porém, destaca-se o ensaio de densidade, em que duas amostras obtiveram valores abaixo do estipulado; e para a análise de rótulos, nenhum produto continha lista de componentes da formulação. Conclusão: ao final das análises, pode ser apontado que os produtos apresentaram desempenho satisfatório em grande parte dos testes propostos e são uma opção segura, de boa qualidade e custo acessível ao público.

SUMMARY Introduction: Over the years, the search for improving self-care has extended to compound pharmacy, where the cosmetic can be manipulated according to the preferences of each person. Thus, it is necessary to provide stability for each product handled, ensuring that a safe and effective cosmetic will be dispensed. Hyaluronic acid is an active that has become popular due to its ability to maintain skin elasticity and exert a moisturizing function, in addition to acting in the reduction of fine lines. Aim: To analyze the quality of cosmetics manipulated with the active ingredient of Hyaluronic Acid from different compound pharmacies in the city of Campo Grande-MS, through physical-chemical laboratory analysis and labeling. Material and methods: Four samples of 5% hyaluronic acid-based cream-gel were acquired from master pharmacies, and the following quality control analyzes were carried out: organoleptic analysis, pH determination, density, centrifuge test, spreadability and labeling analysis. Results: Regarding the analyses, the results obtained were satisfactory. The organoleptic analysis, the centrifugation test and the spreadability were within the stipulated standards; however, the density test stands out, in which two samples obtained results below the stipulated; and for label analysis, no product contained a list of formulation components. Conclusion: At the end of the analyses, it can be pointed out that the products presented satisfactory performance in most of the proposed tests and are a safe option, of good quality and accessible to the public.

RESUMEN Introducción: a lo largo de los años, la búsqueda por mejorar el autocuidado se ha extendido a las farmacias, donde los cosméticos pueden ser manipulados según las preferencias de cada individuo. Por lo tanto, es necesario proporcionar estabilidad a cada producto manipulado, asegurando que se dispensará un cosmético seguro y eficaz. El ácido hialurónico es un activo que se ha popularizado por su capacidad para mantener la elasticidad de la piel e hidratarla, además de actuar para reducir las líneas de expresión. Objetivo: analizar la calidad de los dermocosméticos manipulados a base de ácido hialurónico de diferentes farmacias en Campo Grande-MS, mediante análisis de laboratorio físico-químico y marcaje. Material y métodos: se adquirieron en farmacias magistrales cuatro muestras de crema-gel a base de ácido hialurónico al 5%, y se realizaron los siguientes análisis de control de calidad: análisis organoléptico, determinación de pH, densidad, prueba de centrifugación, untabilidad y análisis de marcaje. Resultados: en cuanto a los análisis, los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios. Las pruebas de análisis organoléptico, centrifugado y untabilidad estuvieron dentro de los estándares estipulados, sin embargo, se destaca la prueba de densidad, en la que dos muestras obtuvieron valores por debajo del valor estipulado y para el análisis de etiquetas, ningún producto contenía una lista de componentes de la formulación. Conclusión: los productos se desempeñaron satisfactoriamente en la mayoría de las pruebas propuestas y son una opción segura, con buena calidad y su costo accesible al público.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226321


Melasma is a skin condition characterized by dark spots and patches on the nose, cheeks, forehead and jaw line. Although it is completely harmless, it causes skin discoloration which is difficult to fade away with routine skin care. Melasma can lead to social isolation and stigmatization adversely affecting the quality of daily life which definitely has a major impact on individual’s psychological state and social relationship. The symptomatology of Vyanga given in various available Ayurvedic classics are Mandala (circular patches), Shyava (brown), Tanu (thin), Niruja (painless), etc. The clinical features of melasma can be correlated with Vyanga and condition can be treated based on the Vyanga Chikitsa. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Haritakyadi Lepa in the management of Vyanga and to review the etiopathology and the clinical aspect of the Vyanga. Result: Based on the collected data, efforts were made to evaluate the efficacy of Haritakyadi Lepa followed by Sadyo Virechana with Manibhadra Guda in the subjects of melasma vis-à-vis Vyanga. Conclusion: In contemporary science, topical steroids have been described in the management of melasma. Alternative to that Haritakyadi Lepa along with Madhu selected for treatment, has shown very effective result in Vyanga.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218461


Introduction: Epidermoid cysts are cystic malformations filled with keratin and lipid rich debris. They generally present as benign, soft, and freely movable, slowly enlarging, and non-tender masses, commonly located on the face, neck and trunk of the body. They are more commonly seen in ovaries and gonads, and less often in head and neck region. Approximately 7% of epidermoid cysts are present in the head and neck region and about 1.6% are found in the oral cavity. They can be either congenital or acquired in origin. Congenital epidermoid cyst occurs at third and fourth intra-uterine life due to entrapment of ectodermal elements entrapped during midline fusion of first and second branchial arches. However, acquired epidermal cysts occur due to implantation of epidermal elements following cystic transformation. Case presentation: In this article, we discuss a case of epidermoid cysts presenting in multiple areas of the face which clinically appeared to as acquired nevi (mole). Management/Prognosis: Based on clinical appearance and provisional diagnosis, treatment of mole was made. The lesions were excised by electrocautery and sent for histopathological evaluation. Conclusion: There was a drastic difference between the clinical appearance and histopathological picture seen. A thorough knowledge about etiology, clinical history and histopathology is needed to reach an accurate diagnosis

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 85(3): 309-319, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383803


ABSTRACT Dermal filler injection is among facial rejuvenation treatments that have been increasingly used. Despite being a minimally invasive procedure, it can lead to severe complications such as blindness. A review of all cases of filler- -induced visual loss in the world literature was conducted to summarize the mechanisms, anatomical considerations, and clinical ophthalmologic course, current strategies of prevention and management, and trends over the years. We identified 233 cases of filler-induced visual loss, and 172 patients had a severe visual impairment in at least one eye. The typical patients are young women who received injections of hyaluronic acid or autologous fat in the glabella or nose, and the typical presentations were sudden ocular pain, ptosis, and ophthalmoplegia due to vascular occlusion. The findings of this study also suggest an increase in the number of unlicensed professionals performing the procedure. Even though the continued development of dermal fillers has improved the treatment options available, further studies and strategies are necessary to reduce the incidence and minimize the consequences of filler-induced visual loss.

RESUMO O uso de preenchedores dérmicos é uma prática bem estabelecida de rejuvenescimento facial. Embora seja um procedimento minimamente invasivo, pode levar a complicações graves como cegueira. Uma revisão de casos de perda visual pós preenchimento facial estético foi conduzida para descrever os mecanismos, considerações anatômicas, quadro oftalmológico, atuais estratégias de prevenção e manejo, e tendências ao longo dos anos. Foram identificados 233 casos, e 172 pacientes tiveram ao menos um olho com baixa visão ao final do seguimento. O paciente típico é uma mulher jovem submetida a preenchimento de ácido hialurônico na glabela ou nariz, apresentando dor ocular súbita, ptose e oftalmoplegia devido à oclusão vascular. Este estudo também destaca um possível aumento de profissionais não habilitados realizando este procedimento. Apesar do contínuo desenvolvimento dos preenchedores dérmicos e aprimoramento das opções de tratamento disponíveis, mais estudos e estratégias são necessários para reduzir a incidência de complicações e minimizar suas consequências.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2022 Mar; 7(1): 54-57
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222696


Cosmetic surgery is defined as any procedure involving a change in the appearance or aesthetics of a normal anatomy where there are no congenital or acquired pathologies. The procedures that can be included under female cosmetic genital surgery are the following: reduction labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, “G Spot amplification”, and miscellaneous. Those who support these procedures could argue that women undergo such procedures as a matter of choice, whereas those opposed could argue that this choice is made because of society’s fascination with physical appearance and feeling young. Prima facie these procedures appear to contradict the Hippocratic principle of “primum non nocere”. There has been an increase in the marketing and conduct of the above mentioned procedures. Practitioners need to be both sceptical and cautious while performing these surgeries. Patients requesting them need to be counseled regarding the lack of data supporting their efficacy, and the potential complications of the procedures.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219815


Background:Usage of cosmetic products has been increased significantly in last few decades. Their usage has increased beyond the purpose of beautification. The definition of cosmetic product varies widely amidst different countries. Increased concern of physical appearance in population throughout the globe has been taken as an advantage by the cosmetic industries. Increased usage of different personal care products for prolonged period of time leads to exposure of the human body to wide variety of chemicals which maylead to adverse effects. Heavy metals have been found in certain cosmetic products which not only lead to dermatological but systemic adverse effects too. Further to this, pharmacologically active agents have been found in anti aging products. These cosmeceutical agents may possess chemical agents which are toxic to human body. Western countries have laid certain regulatory guidelines for manufacturing, labelling and marketing of cosmetic products. Cosmetovigilance ensures appropriate and safe use of cosmetic products. In India, Drugs and Cosmetic Act governs the regulations for the cosmetic products. Need of formal adverse event reporting system as well as strict regulatory guidelines for cosmetic products are required to curtail the adverse health outcomes due to cosmetic products.