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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569877


Introducción: El curso optativo de Farmacoeconomía, impartido en el de cuarto año de la carrera licenciatura en Enfermaría, como parte de su habilitación profesional, pone a consideración de los estudiantes, indicadores internacionales de evaluación farmacoeconómica. Objetivo: Determinar la satisfacción de los estudiantes de la carrera de licenciatura en Enfermería con el curso optativo de Farmacoeconomía. Método: Investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, con enfoque mixto, con todos los estudiantes de cuarto año de licenciatura en Enfermería. Las variables medidas fueron: sexo, edad, fuente de ingreso, situación escolar, asistencia a la asignatura, conocimiento previo y satisfacción. Los indicadores fueron divididos en 2: específicos y generales de la asignatura. La validación de los resultados se realizó mediante el análisis del factor de Bayes y el análisis de la diversidad logarítmica. Resultado: En la valoración general de la asignatura el 78,88 % (n= 71) de los estudiantes refirió estar muy satisfecho, el 20 % (n= 18) refirió estar bastante satisfecho y el 1,12 % (n= 1) refirió estar poco satisfecho. Conclusión: Farmacoeconomía como curso optativo del cuarto año de la carrera de licenciatura en enfermería de la Facultad de Enfermería - Tecnología de Santiago de Cuba es valorada por 7 de cada 10 estudiantes de muy satisfactoria.

Introduction: The optional Pharmacoeconomics course, taught in the fourth year of the Higher degree in Nursing, as part of its professional qualification, puts international indicators of pharmacoeconomic evolution for students' consideration. Objective: Determine the satisfaction of undergraduate Nursing students with the optional Pharmacoeconomics course. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive research, with a mixed approach, with all fourth-year nursing students. The variables measured were: sex, age, source of income, school situation, course attendance, prior knowledge and satisfaction. The indicators were divided into 2: specific and general of the subject. The validation of the results was carried out through Bayes factor analysis and logarithmic diversity analysis. Result: In the general assessment of the subject, 78.88% (n= 71) of the students reported being very satisfied, 20% (n= 18) reported being quite satisfied and 1.12% (n= 1) was not very satisfied. Conclusion: Pharmacoeconomics as an optional course in the fourth year of the nursing degree at the Faculty of Nursing-Technology of Santiago de Cuba is rated as very satisfactory by 7 out of 10 students.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020596


Objective:To investigate how to integrate the ideological and political elements into the teaching of Nutrition and Food Hygiene under the background of new medical science.Methods:Through literature review and teaching discussion,suitable ideological and political elements and cases were selected to be integrated into the teaching of Nutrition and Food Hygiene,and feasible strategies were initially explored,which were implemented and evaluated in the grade 2018 students majoring in preventive medicine in Bengbu Medical College.Results:About 94.65% (124/131)of the students were satisfied with the ideological and political content design of the course,97.71% (128/131)of the students thought that it would be helpful to expand their professional knowledge,93.13% (122/131)thought that it would be helpful to establish morality and cultivate talents,and the overall feedback was good.The ideological and political teaching was generally recognized.Conclusions:It is feasible to integrate ideological and political elements into professional core courses,and to a certain extent.It can enrich the content of professional courses,improve students'interest,and make"foster virtue through education"truly implemented in the cultivation of professional quality.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 94-98, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012856


It is a new requirement of the new era that medical humanities courses and ideological and political courses should go together with each other. There is an inherent logic in the collaborative education of the two courses, which has the consistency of ideas, the commonality of goals, the intersection of contents and the mutual learning of methods. In practice, it is necessary to combine education with talent, theory with practice, indoctrination with penetration, online with offline, so as to improve the effectiveness of collaborative education between medical humanities courses and ideological and political courses.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550229


Fundamento: en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara se ha diseñado e implementado una estrategia metodológica para lograr mayor relación de la superación profesional con el cuadro de salud. Objetivo: exponer los resultados de la superación profesional en correspondencia con los principales problemas de salud en Villa Clara. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo con diseño transversal de la superación profesional vinculada al posgrado en el periodo 2017-2021. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos; la información obtenida se presentó en tablas con valores absolutos y relativos. Resultados: del total de actividades planificadas, el 83,01 % respondieron a los problemas de salud de la provincia. Relacionado con las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles se efectuaron 542; tumores malignos, 179; Programa de Atención Materno Infantil, 1762; y Programa de Atención al Adulto Mayor, 198. Sobre otras enfermedades transmisibles, su mayor número estuvo en el 2019. En el 2020 predominaron las vinculadas a las arbovirosis y la pandemia de la COVID-19 cuando se capacitaron un total de 325 880 profesionales en el 2020 y 5839 en el 2021. Conclusiones: la superación posgraduada de los profesionales de la salud en Villa Clara se ha correspondido con los principales problemas de la salud del territorio en los años del 2017 al 2021 lo cual evidencia pertinencia y progreso en la continuidad de la formación académica del capital humano.

Background: at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, a methodological strategy has been designed and implemented to achieve a greater relationship between professional improvement and health status. Objective: to present the results of professional improvement in correspondence with the main health problems in Villa Clara. Methods: a descriptive study was carried out with a cross-sectional design of professional improvement linked to postgraduate studies from 2017 to 2021. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were applied; the information obtained was presented in tables with absolute and relative values. Results: out of the whole activities, 83.01% responded to the health problems of the province. Related to chronic non-transmissible diseases, 542 were carried out; malignant tumors, 179; Maternal and Child Care Program, 1762; and the Elderly Care Program, 198. Regarding other transmissible diseases, the highest number was in 2019. In 2020, those linked to arboviruses and the COVID-19 pandemic predominated when a total of 325,880 professionals were trained in 2020 and 5839 in 2021. Conclusions: the postgraduate improvement of health professionals in Villa Clara has corresponded to the main health problems of the territory in the years from 2017 to 2021, which shows relevance and progress in the continuity of the academic training of human capital.

Education, Medical, Graduate , Problem-Based Learning , Education, Medical , Training Courses
Edumecentro ; 162024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550228


Fundamento: la calidad de un servicio de salud parte del nivel de la competencia y desempeño de sus trabajadores en el cumplimiento de sus funciones laborales y sociales. Objetivo: elaborar un sistema de competencias laborales para tecnólogos de la salud licenciados en Optometría y Óptica. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico en el campo de la educación médica, durante enero 2021- enero 2022 en instituciones del nivel secundario del municipio Holguín. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos que permitieron la triangulación metodológica de los resultados. Se tuvo en cuenta el criterio de especialistas para la valoración del sistema de competencias elaborado. Resultados: se identificaron insuficiencias para ejecutar procederes óptico-optométricos, limitada participación en actividades científico investigativas, baja categorización docente e investigativa, debilidades en la función profesor-tutor y escasa actividad de superación permanente. Se elaboró un sistema de competencias laborales para tecnólogos de la salud licenciados en Optometría y Óptica diseñadas en correspondencia con el ejercicio de sus funciones. Conclusiones: el diagnóstico realizado demostró la necesidad de un sistema de competencias laborales para contribuir al perfeccionamiento del desempeño laboral de estos profesionales, el cual fue valorado como factible, pertinente y útil de ser aplicado.

Background: the quality of a health service is based on the level of competence and performance of its workers in fulfilling their job and social functions. Objective: to develop a system of job skills for health technologists Bachelors in Optometry and Optics. Methods: a technological development investigation was carried out in the field of medical education, from January 2021 to January 2022 in secondary level institutions of the Holguín municipality. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used that allowed the methodological contrast of the results. The criteria of specialists was taken into account for the assessment of the developed competency system. Results: insufficiencies were identified to carry out optical-optometric procedures, limited participation in scientific research activities, low teaching and research ranking, weaknesses in the teacher-tutor function and little permanent improvement activity. A system of job competencies was developed for health technologists with degrees in Optometry and Optics designed in accordance with the exercise of their duties. Conclusions: the diagnosis carried out demonstrated the need for a system of work competencies to contribute to the improvement of the work performance of these professionals, which was valued as feasible, relevant and useful to be applied.

Optometry , Education, Medical , Training Courses , Professional Training
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 41: e210098, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550255


Objective Considering the psychosocial repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on children, this case study aims to describe the work process involved in the construction and execution of the Children in the COVID-19 Pandemic module, which comprised the National Course on Mental Health and Psychosocial Care in COVID-19, hosted by the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Method Data from the materials that made up the module (booklet, video lesson, forum, and live broadcast), the profile of those enrolled, as well as emerging themes from participants' questions and comments (forum and live broadcast) were analyzed. Results Thirty-one percent of the course participants, who were predominantly female psychologists, completed the module. The booklet, developed with an accessible language, met the general guidelines for the development of manuals aimed at providing guidance on health care, seeking to address emerging demands in order to qualify the care for children in the context of COVID-19. Conclusion There was a great diversity of themes addressed in the material resulting from the forum and the live broadcast, which were discussed in order to contribute to the planning of psychosocial care strategies aimed at mitigating the negative repercussions of the pandemic on child development, as well as to offer a space for sharing knowledge and experiences on professional practice during this major public health emergency.

Objetivo Considerando as repercussões psicossociais da pandemia de COVID-19 às crianças, este estudo de caso tem o objetivo de descrever o processo de trabalho envolvido na construção e execução do módulo Crianças na Pandemia COVID-19, que compôs o Curso Nacional de Saúde Mental e Atenção Psicossocial na COVID-19, promovido pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Método Analisaram-se dados provenientes dos materiais que compuseram o módulo (cartilha, videoaula, fórum e live), o perfil dos inscritos, bem como as temáticas emergentes em questionamentos e comentários dos participantes (fórum e live). Resultados Concluíram o módulo 31% dos participantes do Curso, os quais eram, predominantemente, mulheres psicólogas. A cartilha, desenvolvida em linguagem acessível, atendeu às diretrizes gerais para elaboração de manuais voltados à orientação sobre cuidados em saúde, buscando abordar demandas emergentes, no sentido de qualificar a atenção às crianças no contexto da COVID-19. Conclusão Houve grande diversidade de temáticas abordadas no material decorrente do fórum e da live, as quais foram discutidas com vista a contribuir para o planejamento de estratégias de atenção psicossocial voltadas a mitigar repercussões negativas da pandemia para o desenvolvimento infantil, bem como oferecer um espaço para compartilhamento de conhecimentos e experiências de atuação profissional frente a essa grave emergência de saúde pública.

Child , Mental Health , Training Courses , Pandemics , COVID-19
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569155


Introducción: Las revistas científicas constituyen las principales plataformas para la gestión y socialización del quehacer científico de los estudiantes. Recae en el papel del director desarrollar tan importante misión. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica y gestión comunicacional de los directores de revistas científicas estudiantiles en Cuba. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. En el estudio se incluyeron los 11 directores que accedieron a responder la encuesta aplicada. Se analizaron variables referentes a las características generales de los directores, a su producción científica y gestión comunicacional, y sobre el nivel de conocimiento en materias de investigación. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Predominaron el sexo masculino (54 %) y las edades de 21, 22 y 23 años (n = 3). El 91 % de los directores fueron estudiantes de medicina (n = 10) y el 54 % cursaban el cuarto año. Predominaron los directores con 1 a 5 artículos publicados en cada una de los aspectos analizados. Solo 5 se desempeñaron como miembros del equipo editorial en otras revistas. Destacó la Red Google Scholar (8; 72,7 %). Solo 7 (63,6 %) tenía conocimiento de su índice h y el de la revista. La mayoría de los directores contaba con conocimiento o habían recibido cursos de preparación. Conclusiones: La producción científica y gestión comunicacional de los directores se muestra influenciada por las tendencias actuales en la esfera científico-investigativa. Pertenecer al comité editorial de una revista científica, principalmente llevar el rol de director, tiene un efecto positivo en los estudiantes.

Introduction: Scientific journals are the main platforms for managing and socializing the students' scientific work. It is the role of the editor-in-chief to develop such an important mission. Objective: To characterize the scientific production and communicational management of student journal editors-in-chief in Cuba. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The study included the 11 editors-in-chief who agreed to answer the applied survey. Several variables were analyzed, respectively referring to the general characteristics of the editors-in-chief, their scientific production and communicational management, as well as their level of knowledge in research matters. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results: The male sex (54 %) and the ages of 21, 22 and 23 years (n = 3) predominated. 91 % of the editors-in-chief were medical students (n = 10) and 54 % were in their fourth academic year. Editors-in-chief with 1 to 5 published articles in each of the aspects analyzed predominated. Only 5 served as members of the editorial team with other journals. The Google Scholar Network stood out (8; 72.7%). Only 7 (63.6 %) were aware of their h-index and that of the journal. Most of the editors-in-chief had knowledge or had received training courses. Conclusions: The scientific production and communicational management of the editors-in-chief is influenced by current trends in the scientific-research sphere. Belonging to the editorial board of a scientific journal, mainly in the role of an editor-in-chief, has a positive effect on students.

Rev. ADM ; 80(6): 324-330, nov.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555430


En la presente publicación se consideró la compilación de información disponible en sitios de la red informática al respecto de las diferentes instituciones públicas y privadas oferentes de postgrados en áreas de la odontología, en la intención de presentar un contexto a considerar antes de decidirse por un postgrado en alguna de las diferentes disciplinas estomatológicas disponibles en la República Mexicana. Considerando además las expectativas profesionales, académicas y económicas, vinculadas a la pertinencia, factibilidad y calidad de los postgrados. Material y métodos: se analizó la información disponible de 17 de las principales universidades ofertantes de los postgrados que han obtenido reconocimiento por su calidad académica, considerando sus ubicaciones, costos relativos y posicionamiento en el Ranking Nacional de Universidades en México. Por otro lado, se identificaron las expectativas expresadas por un grupo de estudiantes de licenciatura en Cirujano Dentista de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, al momento de elegir un postgrado, información obtenida de un estudio previo realizado en el año 2018 (AU)

In the following publication, a compilation of information available from various network sites were considered in regards to the different public and private institutions that offer a postgraduate program in the dental field. Also, the information collected was used to format all of the contextual considerations a prospective graduate must acknowledge like feasibility and quality of the program; as well as, professional, academic benefits and expenses, when deciding to enroll and pursue a dental specialty in Mexico. Material and methods: a total of 17 universities in the country were analysed and aspects like their location, general expenses (academic and living) academic quality awards received, as well as, their national ranking were taken into consideration. In addition, the results obtained from a previous study carried out in 2018 concerning a series of expectations expressed by a group of students from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua Dental School with respect to choosing a postgraduate Advance dental program were also included to enrich the following conclusions (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Schools, Dental/organization & administration , Students, Dental/psychology , Education, Dental, Graduate/trends , Socioeconomic Factors , Choice Behavior , Program Accreditation , Mexico , Motivation
Educ. med. super ; 37(2)jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528530


Introducción: La satisfacción de los estudiantes con respecto a la educación que reciben es un elemento clave en la valoración de la calidad de la educación. La enfermedad causada por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 representó una emergencia sanitaria que generó preocupación a nivel mundial por su impacto en la salud, la economía y la educación. Objetivo: Evaluar la satisfacción de los estudiantes con los cursos a distancia del primer ciclo de la maestría Investigación en Aterosclerosis durante la COVID-19. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se utilizó una encuesta, que estuvo disponible, al finalizar cada curso, en el Aula Virtual de Salud. Los datos de la encuesta se obtuvieron del AVS, se introdujeron en una base de datos en Excel, y se procesaron con el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 20.0 para Windows. Resultados: Para todos los cursos los horarios que predominaron fueron en horario extralaboral y los fines de semana y durante la jornada laboral, en horario extralaboral y los fines de semana. Como vías de conexión más utilizadas estuvieron Infomed y los datos móviles. El curso mejor orientado resultó La aterosclerosis, un problema epidemiológico. La evaluación de los aspectos relacionados con el profesor, los contenidos, el material bibliográfico, la comunicación y el aseguramiento tecnológico fue satisfactoria. La computadora y el celular representaron los dispositivos tecnológicos más empleados. Las respuestas en relación con la satisfacción con los cursos se encontraron entre satisfecho y muy satisfecho. Conclusiones: La mayor parte de los aspectos evaluados recibieron calificaciones satisfactorias. Como aspecto positivo se destaca el empleo del aula virtual; como negativos, la dificultad con los dispositivos tecnológicos y la conectividad; y como interesantes, la adquisición y el perfeccionamiento de habilidades con los cursos a distancia y mejorar la calidad de la conectividad(AU)

Introduction: Student satisfaction with the education that they receive is a key element for education quality assessment. The disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus represented a health emergency that generated worldwide concern due to its impact on health, economy and education. Objective: To assess student satisfaction with the distance courses of the first cycle of a master's degree in atherosclerosis research during COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. A survey was used, available in the virtual health classroom at the end of each course. The survey's data were obtained from the virtual health classroom, entered into an Excel database, and processed with the statistical package SPSS (version 20.0) for Windows. Results: For all the courses, the predominant schedules were during out-of-work hours and on weekends and during the working day, during out-of-work hours and on weekends. The most frequently used means of connection were Infomed and mobile data. The best oriented course was Atherosclerosis, an epidemiological problem. The assessment of aspects related to the professor, the contents, the bibliographic material, communication and technological assurance were satisfactory. The computer and the cell phone were the most frequently used technological devices. The responses regarding satisfaction with the courses ranged between satisfied and very satisfied. Conclusions: Most of the assessed aspects received satisfactory ratings. As a positive aspect, the use of the virtual classroom stands out; as a negative one, the difficulty with technological devices and connectivity; and as interesting ones, the acquisition and improvement of skills with distance courses, as well as improving the quality of connectivity(AU)

Humans , Education, Distance/methods , Training Courses , Atherosclerosis , Research/education , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , COVID-19/prevention & control
Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514078


Introducción: Los cambios en la educación médica superior, provocados por la pandemia del virus SARS-CoV-2, impulsaron la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación a la docencia en Cuba y el mundo. La Universidad Virtual de Salud se convirtió en un medio importante para apoyar los procesos docente-educativos, por lo que los profesores tuvieron que afrontar el reto de virtualizar sus actividades formativas. Objetivo: Validar una guía para el diseño y montaje de entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje en la educación médica de pregrado y posgrado. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo innovación tecnológica en tres etapas: diseño de la guía, implementación y validación. Se aplicó una encuesta a los participantes del entrenamiento virtual en Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje. Resultados: Se propusieron seis pasos para el diseño y la implementación de procesos formativos mediante la virtualidad: análisis de los recursos y la factibilidad; diseño del curso o adaptación de un programa existente; producción de contenidos; subida de recursos y configuración de las actividades; acción formativa; y evaluación del curso, mejora y rediseño. Conclusiones: La integración de la tecnología a la docencia en la educación superior es una realidad impulsada por la situación epidemiológica, que se seguirá desarrollando hasta que forme parte de la labor habitual del docente. Esta guía sistematiza y simplifica las acciones para facilitar el proceso inicial de virtualización. Se propone un modelo flexible y escalable para mejorar continuamente la calidad del proceso docente educativo en entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje(AU)

Introduction: Changes in higher medical education, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, prompted the integration of information and communication technologies to teaching in Cuba and the world. The virtual university of health became an important means to support the teaching-educational processes; therefore, professors had to face the challenge of virtualizing their training activities. Objective: To validate a guide for designing and assembling virtual teaching-learning environments in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Methods: A technological innovation research was carried out in three stages: design of the guide, implementation and validation. A survey was conducted to the participants of the virtual training in virtual teaching-learning environments. Results: Six steps were proposed for the design and implementation of training processes through the virtual modality: analysis of resources and feasibility; course design or adaptation of an existing program; content production; resource uploading and activity configuration; training action; and course assessment, improvement and redesign. Conclusions: The integration of technology to higher education teaching is a reality driven by the epidemiological situation, which will continue to develop until it becomes part of the professor's regular work. This guide systematizes and simplifies actions to facilitate the initial virtualization process. A flexible and scalable model is proposed to improve continuously the quality of the educational teaching process in virtual teaching-learning environments(AU)

Humans , Guideline , Faculty/education , Education, Distance/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991581


"Environmental Hygiene" is one of the professional courses for undergraduates majoring in preventive medicine, which plays an important role in cultivating students' patriotism and consciousness of reform and innovation. However, due to the limitations of the traditional teaching mode of professional courses that focus on teaching professional knowledge and skills and pay little attention to ideological and political education, it fails to inspire students' consciousness of reform and innovation, and it is difficult to build a high-quality team of preventive medicine professionals with patriotic feelings. In this study, the classroom teaching and practical teaching of this course are fed back by scientific research achievements, expert's example demonstration, scientific research progress and scientific research practice of scientific researches such as endemic diseases, aiming to cultivate high-quality public health talents with firm ideals and beliefs, patriotic feelings, innovation ability and solidarity and collaboration spirit. This study can also provide reference for the study of ideological and political teaching of relevant professional courses.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 100-103, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023448


Purpose/Significance To solve the problems of understanding the connotation of courses for ideological and political edu-cation and how to integrate the ideological and political elements into the courses effectively.Method/Process The study starts from the analysis of the ideological and political education and the characteristics of the digital image processing course in medical universities and colleges,determines curriculum ideological and political education objectives,formulates curriculum ideological and political implementa-tion strategies.Result/Conclusion The study realizes the teaching content design of digital image processing course integrated the ideo-logical and political elements.Through the online and offline combination,the study explores the implementation of ideological and politi-cal thinking in medical universities and colleges courses.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998262


ObjectiveTo analyze the effect of physical activity in an adaptive physical education program on the psychomotor development of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the school setting. MethodsLiterature related to adaptive physical education programs and psychomotor development for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities were retrieved from EBSCO, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and CNKI, from the establishment of the library to May, 2023, and systematically reviewed. ResultsSeven English literatures of randomized controlled trials were included, from four countries, involving 236 subjects, aged six to 18 years. The main sources were journals in the fields of sport and psychomotor, developmental disorders, adapted physical education, and children's psychomotor, with publication dates centered after 2016. Physical activity components of adaptive physical education programs in school settings primarily included muscle and balance training, perceptual-motor training, walking up and down stairs, aerobic exercise using equipment (e.g., treadmills, steppers, cross-trainers, and stationary bikes), sit-ups, jumping exercises, rhythmic activities, simultaneous static and dynamic balancing activities while focusing on visual inputs, changing positions at different rhythms and moving through space, breathing and stretching exercises, adapted table tennis motor skill training, ball control exercises, and hand-eye coordination exercises, with an intervention of light-moderate intensity, 45 to 60 minutes a time, one to five times a week, for eight to 24 weeks. The health benefit maily included the enhancement of rhythmic perception as well as the improvement of integrated visual, auditory, and tactile perception; improving muscular strength and endurance, total locomotor capacity and fine-motor capacity such as fine-motor integration, running speed and agility, and balance; improving physical flexibility and coordination, such as upper limb coordination, static balance, strength and flexibility; improvement of correct response, sustained response, and theoretical level of reactivity, and motor flexibility and agility; significant improvements in self-care (eating, dressing, and self-direction), increasing in the number of sit-ups to standard, increasing success in jumping for a ball, and improving motor skill proficiency and executive functioning. ConclusionThis systematic review constructed a PICO for the psychomotor development of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities participating in physical activity in the school setting with an adaptive physical education program based on the PRISMA guidelines. The adaptive physical education program may promote psychomotor development in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in five main areas: perception, motor control, coordination, reaction time, and movement planning and execution.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1220-1223, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005584


Taking the current situation and problems of medical humanities education as the background, the concept of narrative medicine was used to sort out and integrate various course materials of medical humanities, explore the multi-link linkage mode of medical humanities education, and organically integrate medical humanities courses scattered in medical education activities such as medical ethics, health law, doctor-patient communication, and health policy science with teaching stages, teaching resources, and teaching methods, forming vivid narrative medical materials throughout the entire process of medical humanities education, and improving teaching efficiency by sharing and optimizing resources. Through questionnaire analysis, it was found that there are many unsatisfactory aspects of medical humanities education. Further analysis of the issues focuses on the contradiction between learning willingness and time allocation, the lack of synchronization between teaching and social development, the lack of integration between courses, and insufficient innovation in teaching methods. Based on these, countermeasures were put forward to integrate narrative medical materials of medical humanities courses and build a platform for the application and communication of narrative medical materials.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 919-925, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005651


The excellent traditional Chinese time concept embodies and highlights the unique whole universe view of Chinese culture, which is harmonious with all things in heaven and earth, the gradual historical development view, and the life struggle view of calm and steady progress, having important value for the formation and shaping of contemporary medical students’ "three views". To organically integrate Chinese excellent traditional time concept, an important excellent traditional cultural resource, into the ideological and political courses of medical colleges and universities, it is necessary to integrate it with time awareness education of cultivating self-control and self-discipline of medical students, with the historical value education of cultivating self-confidence and self-reliance of medical students, and with the enterprising spirit education to strive for progress in stability under the ideological guidance of the Marxist time concept, the theoretical support of the essential statement on "two combinations" by general secretary Xi Jinping, and the mission guidance of the ideological and political course construction for medical colleges and universities in the new era. Promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses of medical colleges and universities from the perspective of time concept can effectively help medical students in the new era build a systematic time consciousness, form a healthy time concept, and practice a scientific time management method, effectively constructing their humanistic rationality, cultural self-confidence, and historic initiative.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 819-823, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005673


The integration of the great anti-epidemic spirit into the teaching of Outline of Modern Chinese History is an important content of the education and teaching reform of ideological and political courses in medical colleges in the post-epidemic era. The integration of them is helpful for optimizing the discourse system of "Outline" course, strengthening the political function of "Outline" course, and deepening the value guidance of "Outline" course. It is necessary to carefully study the teaching content of the "Outline" course, find out its similarities and integration with the great anti-epidemic spirit, and then, by basing on the main position of the classroom, building a large platform for practice, making good use of new network media and other specific paths, "genetically" embedded the great anti-epidemic spirit, the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Marxist standpoint and methods, the remarkable advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the solid national strength of China into the teaching process, so as to improve the effectiveness of the "Outline" course and cultivate medical talents with firm political stance and noble medical ethics in the new era.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 658-664, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005686


The ideological and political construction of medical courses reveals the educational essence of "truth, goodness, and beauty" in medicine. Scientificity and humanity are the embodiment of "seeking truth" and "advocating goodness" in medicine, and the unity of their content and form reaches the highest level of "advocating beauty". Studying the ideological and political construction of medical courses plays an important role in implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, and carrying out the Healthy China initiative. In terms of teaching objectives, the goals of ideological and political education in medical courses should not only include the goals of basic literacy goals, such as political literacy, cultural literacy, legal literacy, and moral cultivation, but also include professional literacy goals, such as medical humanistic cultivation. Thus, a "five in one" model of ideological and political education in medical courses will be established. In the practical path, it is suggested to explore from five aspects that changing the educational concept and strengthening the educational awareness, establishing teaching objectives and clarifying education direction, digging deeply into the ideological and political elements and clearing teaching content, innovating teaching methods and improving teaching effectiveness, and constructing evaluation indicators and evaluating teaching effectiveness scientifically.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015668


Biochemistry is one of the basic disciplines of life sciences‚ and plays an important role in the undergraduate teaching of biology. However‚ the biochemistry course system is huge‚ and the knowledge is numerous. How to improve students' interest in learning‚ improve teaching effect‚ and promote course construction are important questions faced by many biochemistry teachers. Here the authors put forward the " three-dimensional teaching concept based on FACT" ‚ and take the biochemistry course construction of the School of Life Sciences‚ Sun Yat-sen University‚ as an example to analyze the connotation and practice of this teaching concept. " Three-dimension" is inspired by the " seemingly identical but actually different" concept of biological chiral molecules‚ which not only reflects the need for universities to carry out course construction based on their own actual situation and seek truth from facts with distinct characteristics‚ but also emphasizes the construction of a multi-dimensional course construction system. The authors will introduce the concept of " three-dimension" in “form” ‚ “angle” ‚ “content” and “team” in an all-round way. Moreover‚ the authors also conduct in-depth analysis from aspects such as teaching methods‚ second classroom‚ knowledge point logic‚ ideological and political education for courses‚ and teaching team construction‚ which has certain reference significance for peer teachers to carry out biochemistry course construction.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0024, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441328


RESUMO Objetivo Elaborar e validar um curso sobre Ciências Básicas em Oftalmologia. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo metodológico para elaboração e validação de material didático, na modalidade à distância, por meio do desenho instrucional ADDIE. O desenho é composto de três de cinco etapas: análise, desenho e desenvolvimento. Foi utilizada a taxonomia revisada de Bloom para definição dos objetivos de aprendizagem. O curso foi submetido à validação do conteúdo, via remota, por meio de grupo de consenso selecionado pelo modelo de Fehring, segundo as normas da resolução 510/2016. Resultados O curso elaborado e validado tem duração prevista de 15 horas e possui 19 objetivos de aprendizagem distribuído em seis unidades pedagógicas. Contempla o conteúdo programático utilizando diversos recursos tecnológicos interativos e apresenta-se com avaliações formativas de sedimentação do conteúdo ao fim de cada unidade. Conclusão O curso de Ciências Básicas em Oftalmologia na modalidade à distância validado promete democratizar o ensino da Oftalmologia às instituições de ensino credenciadas pelo Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia.

ABSTRACT Objective To develop and validate a course on basic sciences in Ophthalmology. Methods A methodological study for the development and validation of a teaching and instructional material, an online course through the ADDIE instructional design, was prepared at the Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde (FPS). The design consists of three steps out of five: Analysis, Design, and Development. Bloom's revised Taxonomy was used to define the learning objectives. The course was submitted remotely to content validation, through a consensus group of five specialists selected with a score higher than five in the criteria established by the Fehring model, according to the rules of Resolution 510/2016. Results With expected duration of 15 hours, the course has 19 learning objectives distributed in six pedagogical units. It contemplates the programmatic content using several interactive technological resources, such as storytelling videos, simulation with animated cartoons and clickable interactive actors and screens. In addition to having formative evaluation of content sedimentation at the end of each unit. Conclusions The online course of basic sciences in ophthalmology has been validated by specialists and it is expected to provide democratization of ophthalmology teaching to educational institutions accredited by the CBO.

Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448175


Introducción: el progresivo avance en la edad media de la población ha propiciado un incremento de la prescripción del tratamiento anticoagulante oral en la práctica clínica. Objetivo: caracterizar la preparación sobre el manejo de pacientes con anticoagulantes orales en médicos generales de los policlínicos universitarios "Capitán Roberto Fleites", "Chiqui Gómez-Lubián" y "Santa Clara". Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el período enero-diciembre de 2020, en tres policlínicos universitarios del municipio de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción para la fundamentación de la información; empíricos: cuestionario y análisis de documentos; y matemático estadísticos para el procesamientos de los datos. Resultados: el cuestionario permitió valorar los conocimientos sobre el tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales en la categoría Regular en la mayoría de los muestreados; mientras en el análisis del programa se detectaron pocas horas dedicadas al tema investigado y la necesidad sentida de capacitación manifestada por los encuestados. Conclusiones: el diagnóstico realizado confirmó las carencias de los médicos generales en el manejo del paciente en la prescripción del tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales.

Background: the progressive advance in the average age of the population has led to an increase in the prescription of oral anticoagulant treatment in clinical practice. Objective: to characterize the training on the management of patients with oral anticoagulants in general practitioners of the "Capitán Roberto Fleites", "Chiqui Gómez-Lubian" and "Santa Clara" university polyclinics. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from January to December 2020. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction to support the information; Empirical: questionnaire and analysis of documents and statistical mathematics for data processing. Results: the questionnaire allowed to assess knowledge about treatment with oral anticoagulants in the average category in the majority of those sampled; while in the analysis of the program, few hours dedicated to the subject investigated and the felt need for training expressed by the respondents were detected. Conclusions: the diagnosis made confirmed the shortcomings of general practitioners in the management of medicated patients for the prescription of treatment with oral anticoagulants.

Education, Medical , Training Courses , Factor Xa Inhibitors