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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039527


There has been a growing amount of evidence that a balanced blood component transfusion with roughly equal ratio of units of packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets leads to better outcomes in massive transfusion resuscitation of trauma victims. Therefore, the great interest of massive transfusion protocol (MTP) with whole blood was aroused. Low titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) is implemented in routine use for civilian prehospital ambulance services in large trauma centers of most European and American countries nowadays. There is a growing body of evidence to date to support that early use of LTOWB in patients with life-threatening bleeding improve their survival. In view of the current situation of whole blood supply in our country, most trauma resuscitation guidelines still recommend balanced component transfusion for MTPs in the early stage of resuscitation. The research and application of LTOWB abroad will be introduced in this article.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 39(2): e401, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1508724


La transfusión masiva plantea desafíos clínicos, organizacionales y logísticos para el personal de la salud en general y los servicios de Medicina Transfusional en particular. No existe una definición universalmente aceptada de transfusión masiva, las definiciones más comúnmente utilizadas se basan en el número de unidades de sangre administradas dentro de un cierto período de tiempo. La mayoría de los eventos de transfusión masiva ocurren en el contexto de hemorragias graves en pacientes quirúrgicos, politraumatizados, con hemorragia gastrointestinal u obstétrica. La reanimación de control de daños y los protocolos de transfusión masiva son las estrategias más utilizadas actualmente para el tratamiento inicial, seguidas de un tratamiento personalizado, dirigido por objetivos, mediante la monitorización de la coagulación en tiempo real mediante estudios viscoelásticos. Existen una serie de controversias alrededor del tratamiento óptimo, incluyendo el uso de sangre total, la relación de hemocomponentes a utilizar, el uso de concentrados de factores de la coagulación, y la indicación óptima del ácido tranexámico. El estudio de los productos ideales para el tratamiento de los pacientes con sangrado masivo se ha convertido en un área de gran interés de la investigación científica. El contexto clínico en el que ocurrió el evento hemorrágico, el número de hemocomponentes transfundidos, la edad del paciente y las comorbilidades son los predictores más importantes de la sobrevida a corto y largo plazo. Esta revisión narrativa explora el estado actual del conocimiento sobre la transfusión masiva, así como los avances que podemos esperar en el futuro cercano.

Massive transfusion poses clinical, organizational and logistic challenges for the health staff in general, and the Transfusion Medicine Services in particular. There is no universally accepted definition for massive transfusion, the most widely used being based on the number of blood units administered in a certain period of time. Most massive transfusion events occur in the context of severe hemorrhage on surgical or multiple-trauma patients or patients with gastrointestinal or obstetric bleeding. Today, damage control resuscitation and massive transfusion protocols are the most common strategies for initial treatment, followed by personalized therapy, goal-directed, my means of monitoring coagulation in real time with viscoelastic studies. There are disputes as to the best surgical treatment, including using whole blood, the relation of blood components to be used, the use of coagulation factor concentrates and the optimal indication of tranexamic acid. The study of ideal products to treat patients with massive hemorrhage has become an area of great interest for scientific research. The clinical context of the hemorrhagic event, the number of blood components transfused, patient's age and comorbilities are the most important predictors for survival in the short and long term. This narrative review explores the current state of affairs on knowledge about massive transfusion, as well as progress to be expected in the near future.

A transfusão maciça apresenta desafios clínicos, organizacionais e logísticos para o pessoal de saúde em geral e para os serviços de Medicina Transfusional em particular. Não existe uma definição universalmente aceita de transfusão maciça; as definições mais comumente usadas são baseadas no número de unidades de sangue administradas em um determinado período de tempo. A maioria dos eventos de transfusão maciça ocorre no contexto de sangramento maior em pacientes cirúrgicos, politraumatizados, com sangramento gastrointestinal ou obstétrico. Atualmente, a ressuscitação para controle de danos e os protocolos de transfusão maciça são as estratégias mais usadas para o tratamento inicial, seguidos por tratamento personalizado e orientado por objetivos usando monitoramento de coagulação em tempo real usando testes viscoelásticos. Há uma série de controvérsias em torno do tratamento ideal, incluindo o uso de sangue total, a proporção de componentes sanguíneos a serem usados, o uso de concentrados de fator de coagulação e a indicação ideal de ácido tranexâmico. O estudo dos produtos ideais para o tratamento de pacientes com sangramento maciço tornou-se uma área de grande interesse na pesquisa científica. O contexto clínico em que ocorreu o evento hemorrágico, o número de hemocomponentes transfundidos, a idade do paciente e as comorbidades são os preditores mais importantes de sobrevida a curto e longo prazo. Esta revisão narrativa explora o estado atual do conhecimento sobre transfusão maciça, bem como os avanços que podemos esperar no futuro próximo.

Blood Transfusion/standards , Clinical Protocols
Colomb. med ; 51(4): e4014353, Oct.-Dec. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154003


Abstract Damage Control Resuscitation (DCR) seeks to combat metabolic decompensation of the severely injured trauma patient by battling on three major fronts: Permissive Hypotension, Hemostatic Resuscitation, and Damage Control Surgery (DCS). The aim of this article is to perform a review of the history of DCR/DCS and to propose a new paradigm that has emerged from the recent advancements in endovascular technology: The Resuscitative Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA). Thanks to the advances in technology, a bridge has been created between Pre-hospital Management and the Control of Bleeding described in Stage I of DCS which is the inclusion and placement of a REBOA. We have been able to show that REBOA is not only a tool that aids in the control of hemorrhage, it is also a vital tool in the hemodynamic resuscitation of a severely injured blunt and/or penetrating trauma patient. That is why we propose a new paradigm "The Fourth Pillar": Permissive Hypotension, Hemostatic Resuscitation, Damage Control Surgery and REBOA.

Resumen La resucitación en control de daños busca combatir la descompensación metabólica del paciente severamente traumatizado mediante tres ejes: la hipotensión permisiva, la resucitación hemostática y la cirugía de control de daños. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una revisión de la historia de la resucitación en control de daños y la cirugía de control de daños proponiendo un nuevo paradigma basado en los recientes avances de la tecnología endovascular. Un puente ha sido creado entre el manejo prehospitalario y el control del sangrado, descrito antes de la etapa I de la cirugía de control de daños, que es la inclusión y colocación de un REBOA. Esta es una herramienta adicional en el control de la hemorragia y de soporte en la resucitación hemodinámica de los pacientes con trauma severo de tipo cerrado y/o penetrante. Por lo que se propone un nuevo paradigma "El cuarto pilar": Hipotensión permisiva, resucitación hemostática, cirugía de control de daños y REBOA.

Humans , Aorta , Resuscitation/methods , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Balloon Occlusion , Endovascular Procedures , Injury Severity Score , Hypotension, Controlled
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(1): 118-127, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900079


INTRODUCCIÓN: El trauma es una importante causa de morbimortalidad en la población pediátrica, alcanzando el primer lugar en mortalidad en nuestro país, sin considerar las patologías perinatales y las malformaciones congénitas. Un porcentaje importante de las muertes precoces y tardías secundarias a esta causa, así como sus secuelas, podrían prevenirse con una óptima y oportuna reanimación. OBJETIVOS: Revisar -a la luz de la evidencia existente- la atingencia de la reanimación con control de daños (RCD) en el trauma pediátrico grave, con énfasis en el manejo médico. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se usó la base de datos PubMed, Cochrane Library y Google académico, empleando como términos de búsqueda (MeSH): trauma, politrauma, reanimación, control de daños, líquidos de reanimación, hipotensión permisiva, coagulopatía, transfusión masiva y niños. RESULTADOS: El concepto de RCD puede ser aplicado en el trauma grave en niños, teniendo en cuenta sus particularidades anatomo-fisiológicas. El principio se basa en el manejo de la tríada letal (coagulopatía, acidosis e hipotermia) asociado a una cirugía con control de daños. En este contexto se analiza la limitación de cristaloides, la hipotensión permisiva y la reanimación hemostática en el manejo inicial del trauma pediátrico gra ve. CONCLUSIONES: Estudios futuros deberán establecer el verdadero rol de la hipotensión permisiva, la relación óptima de hemoderivados a transfundir y la mejor estrategia para predecir la activación de protocolos de transfusión masiva y su impacto en niños con trauma grave.

INTRODUCTION: Trauma is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. It has the first place in mortality in our country without considering perinatal pathologies and congenital malformations. An important percentage of early and late deaths secondary to this cau se, as well as its sequelae, could be prevented with optimal and timely resuscitation. OBJECTIVE: To review the applicability of damage control resuscitation (DCR) in severe pediatric trauma, with emphasis on medical management. Material and Methods: The PubMed, the Cochrane Library and the Google academic database were used. Search terms (MeSH) were: trauma, polytrauma, resuscitation, damage-control, fluids, permissive hypotension, coagulopathy, massive transfusion and children. RESULTS: The concept of DCR can be applied to severe pediatric trauma, taking into account their anatomical and physiological characteristics. The principle is based on the management of the lethal triad (coagulopathy, acidosis and hypothermia) associated with damage control surgery. Limitation of crystalloids, permissive hypotension and hemostatic resuscitation are reviewed in the initial treatment of severe pediatric trauma. CONCLUSION: Future studies should establish the true role of permissive hypotension, the optimal relationship between blood products and the best strategy to predict the activation of massive transfusion protocols and their impact on children with severe trauma.

Humans , Child , Resuscitation/methods , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Pediatrics/methods , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Wounds and Injuries/physiopathology , Traumatology/methods
Medicine and Health ; : 251-258, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732350


Damage control resuscitation, characterized by hemostatic resuscitation with blood products, rapid arrest of bleeding and when possible, permissive hypotension with restricted fluid load form a structured approach in managing a polytrauma patient. When complicated with traumatic rhabdomyolysis however, permissive hypotension strategy may cause more harm resulting in subsequent ischaemic-reperfusion injury and acute kidney injury. We present a case involving a 20-year-old man who was rolled over by a lorry and sustained an open unstable pelvic fracture with vascular injury and left lower limb ischaemia. Permissive hypotension strategy was pursued for 4 hours prior to bleeding control in OT. This was followed by protracted surgery of 6 hours. Coagulopathy, acute kidney injury and rhabdomyolysis ensued in the post-operative period and patient succumbed to his injury on Day 3 post-trauma. Challenges and pitfalls in managing a complex polytrauma patient and recent evidences on damage control resuscitation is discussed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-694053


Combat casualties can be divided into two types,i.e.,non-survivable (NS) and potentially survivable (PS).According to the data of US army,massive hemorrhage constituted 90.98% of the potentially survivable casualties,and the most important thing to improve the ability of casualty care is hemorrhage control.In this article,the strategies and techniques of damage control resuscitation like surgical hemorrhage control techniques of non-compressive hemorrhage (NCH) in torso and junctional area,the damage control identification of the injured,field transfusion process and fresh whole blood infusion in tactical level and emergency phase were comprehensively illustrated.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-630735


Damage Control Resuscitation and Surgery is the concept of controlled hypotension, haemostatic resuscitation and abbreviated surgical procedures following severe trauma; the practice of which has resulted in improved mortality and morbidity. We describe a rare case of thoraco-abdominal impalement successfully managed based on the concept of Damage Control Resuscitation.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627788


This editorial aims to refine the severe polytrauma management principles. While keeping ABCDE priorities, the termination of futile resuscitation and the early use of tourniquet to stop exsanguinating limb bleeding are crucial. Difficult-airway-management (DAM) is by a structured 5-level approach. The computerised tomography (CT) scanner is the tunnel to death for hemodynamically unstable patients. Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma–Ultrasonography (FAST USG) has replaced diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) and is expanding to USG life support. Direct whole-body multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) expedites diagnosis & treatment. Non-operative management is a viable option in rapid responders in shock. Damage control resuscitation comprising of permissive hypotension, hemostatic resuscitation & damage control surgery (DCS) help prevent the lethal triad of trauma. Massive transfusion protocol reduces mortality and decreases the blood requirement. DCS attains rapid correction of the deranged physiology. Mortality reduction in major pelvic disruption requires a multi-disciplinary protocol, the novel pre-peritoneal pelvic packing and the angio-embolization. When operation is the definitive treatment for injury, prevention is best therapy.

Rev. chil. med. intensiv ; 27(4): 215-223, 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-831361


En trauma, la principal causa de muerte es el sangrado no controlado. Para su prevención es fundamental corregir precozmente la coagulopatía aguda del trauma mediante la reanimación con control de daños. Hay evidencia que la administración precoz de todos los hemoderivados con una relación entre ellos cercana a 1:1, podría mejorar la sobrevida en los pacientes de trauma, aunque estos hallazgos deben corroborarse en estudios clínicos randomizados, junto con determinar cuál es la relación óptima. En pacientes estables una estrategia transfusional restrictiva es segura y adecuada. En el presente artículo se revisará el manejo transfusional de los pacientes de trauma, dando especial énfasis a aquellos que requieren transfusión masiva.

In trauma, the leading cause of death is uncontrolled bleeding. For early prevention is essential the correction the acute coagulopathy of trauma using damage-control resuscitation. There is evidence that early administration of 1:1 transfusion ratios of blood products are associated with increased survival in trauma patients with massive transfusion requirements. Although, these findings must be corroborated in randomized clinical trials, along with determining which is the optimum. In stable patients, restrictive transfusion strategy is safe and appropriate. In this article, we review the transfusion management of trauma patients with special emphasis on those requiring massive transfusion.

Humans , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Blood Transfusion/methods , Blood Coagulation Disorders/etiology , Blood Coagulation Disorders/therapy , Hemorrhage/etiology , Hemorrhage/therapy , Prognosis
Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 620-623, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-388330


Objective To investigate the clinical value of damage control resuscitation ( DCR) in the treatment of severe multiple injuries combined with traumatic hemorrhagic shock. Methods A retrospective analysis was done on 27 patients with severe multiple injuries combined with traumatic hemorrhagic shock treated by DCR. Another 32 patients treated with traditional aggressive/normotensive fluid resuscitation were used as control. Lactic acid clearance time, coagulation, diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) morbidity, and mortality were observed and compared between two groups. Results Compared with traditional aggressive/normotensive fluid resuscitation, DCR had better curative effect, shorter clearance time of lactic acid, more rapid recovery of blood coagulation function and lower incidence of DIC morbidity and lower mortality for patients with severe multiple injuries combined with traumatic hemorrhagic shock. Conclusions In the treatment of severe multiple injuries combined with traumatic hemorrhagic shock, the use of DCR can remarkably improve the survival rate of patients and also provide a new way for resuscitation and rescue of other types of shock patients.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 687-690, 2008.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-398428


After the concept of damage control resuscitation is introduced, in the most severely injured casualties, when the lethal triad of hypothennia, acidosis, and coagulopathy are present, resuscitation prac-tice for damage control usually focuses on rapid reversal of acidosis and prevention of hypothermia, while di-rect treatment of eoagulopathy has been relatively neglected. Recent studies have brought back to light the importance of treating the coagulopathy of trauma at an earlier stage. This review focused on the importance and the right time of treating this disorder, analyzed the methods of addressing the early coagalopathy in damage control resuscitation and gave some advices.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-532704


Objective To explore the effect of damage control resuscitation in the treatment of severe liver injury.Methods We retrospectively analysed the clinical data of 86 cases of severe liver injury who had damage control resuscitation during a period of 10 years.Results In 86 cases of severe liver injury,10 patientsdied with mortality rate of 11.6%,and 76 patients were cured with cure rate of 88.4%.Conclusions Damage control resuscitation should be instituted throughout the whole perioperative process of severe liver injury,and early successful resuscitation is the key to improve the cure rate and reduce mortality.