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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550540


Introducción: Estudios previos han reportado que pacientes infectados con el virus del COVID-19, podrían manifestar sintomatologías a nivel de la cavidad oral. Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de manifestaciones orales asociadas a COVID-19 en un segmento de la población paraguaya y determinar cuáles son las más prevalentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Fue realizada una encuesta electrónica de enero a marzo del 2022. Los datos fueron presentados como frecuencias y porcentajes y analizados mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software R versión 4.0.3. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 478 personas. El 79,50 % correspondió al sexo femenino y el 45,19 % tenía entre 25 y 34 años. El 65,48 % informó haber experimentado al menos 1 síntoma o signo oral durante el curso de COVID-19. La pérdida de la sensación de sabores amargos, seguida de la alteración del sabor de los alimentos y la pérdida de la percepción dulce, fueron los síntomas más comunes. Se encontró una proporción significativamente mayor de manifestaciones orales en el rango de 18-24 años (χ²; p= 0,003). Entre las personas que desarrollaron COVID-19 de forma moderada a severa hubo mayor número de manifestaciones de síntomas orales (χ²; p= 0,044). Discusión: Se identificó una alta frecuencia de manifestaciones orales en pacientes con casos de moderados a severos de COVID-19, destacándose los trastornos del gusto como los más predominantes. Los individuos más jóvenes fueron los más afectados.

Introduction: Previous studies have reported that patients infected with the COVID-19 virus could manifest symptoms in the oral cavity. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of oral manifestations associated with COVID-19 in a segment of the Paraguayan population and determine the most prevalent ones. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. An electronic survey was conducted from January to March 2022. The data were presented as frequencies and percentages and analyzed using the chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed with R software version 4.0.3. Results: The sample consisted of 478 individuals. 79.50% were female, and 45.19% were between 25 and 34 years old. 65.48% reported having experienced at least 1 oral symptom or sign during the course of COVID-19. The loss of the sensation of bitter tastes, followed by the alteration of the taste of foods and the loss of sweetness perception, were the most common symptoms. A significantly higher proportion of oral manifestations was found in the 18-24 age range (χ²; p= 0.003). Among people who developed COVID-19 in a moderate to severe form, a greater number of oral symptom manifestations were observed (χ²; p= 0.044). Discussion: A high frequency of oral manifestations was identified in patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID-19, with taste disorders standing out as the most predominant. Younger individuals were the most affected.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 10.out.2023. 106 p. tab, ilus, mapas.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1554822


O câncer (CA) de boca representa um problema de saúde pública a nível mundial, com altas taxas de morbimortalidade. A desvalorização das lesões iniciais pelo profissional, somada à incapacidade técnica de reconhecimento dessas lesões, a demora do atendimento, erros no diagnóstico inicial, assim como a ausência de campanhas sobre a doença e seus fatores de risco, são fatores que diminuem as chances de diagnóstico do CA de boca em seus estágios iniciais. Para realização do diagnóstico precoce das lesões potencialmente malignas ou suspeitas de malignidade, é fundamental contar com uma rede de atenção à saúde estruturada e organizada, com profissionais capacitados para identificar as lesões em estágio inicial e realizar a biópsia para fins diagnósticos e posterior análise em laboratório que possua profissional especializado em anatomia patológica. O presente estudo teve como objetivo discutir o papel e desempenho dos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEOs) em relação ao procedimento de coleta de biópsia de tecidos moles da boca no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com finalidade diagnóstica, considerando seu papel na oferta deste procedimento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória acerca do papel e desempenho dos CEOs com foco na oferta do exame de diagnóstico do CA de boca por estes centros, no período de 2017 a 2019. Os resultados apontam que os CEOs possuem um papel central para o diagnóstico do câncer de boca, mas aquém do que potencialmente poderia ofertar já que não houve produção de biópsias em 47 (57%) dos 82 CEOs existentes, no período analisado. Um dos limites do trabalho foi a incapacidade de avaliação dos sistemas de apoio, assim como a contribuição dos serviços de saúde das universidades para as análises desses exames devido a insuficiência de dados públicos sobre os exames anatomopatológicos específicos para o câncer de boca. Tais resultados buscam fornecer subsídios para que os gestores de saúde possam otimizar o fluxo dos usuários através da organização e do fácil acesso à rede, identificando e solucionando dificuldades enfrentadas por estes centros para a realização destes procedimentos, reduzindo atrasos na investigação diagnóstica e no tratamento desta patologia. (AU)

Mouth cancer (CA) represents a public health problem worldwide, with high morbidity and mortality rates. The devaluation of initial injuries by the professional, combined with the technical inability to recognize these injuries, as well as the delay in public assistance, errors in the initial diagnosis, as well as the lack of campaigns about the disease and its risk factors, are factors that reduce the chances diagnosis of oral CA in its initial stages. To carry out early diagnosis of potentially malignant and suspected malignant lesions, it is essential to have a structured and organized health care network, with professionals trained to identify lesions at an early stage and perform biopsy for diagnostic purposes and subsequent analysis in the laboratory. that has a professional specialized in pathological anatomy. In this sense, the present study aimed to discuss the role and performance of Dental Specialty Centers (CEOs) in relation to the procedure for collecting soft tissue biopsies from the mouth in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with diagnostic purposes, considering their role in offering this procedure. The study is a descriptive and exploratory research on the role and performance of CEOs with a focus on offering diagnostic examinations for oral CA by these centers, from 2017 to 2019. The results indicate that CEOs have a central role in the diagnosis of oral cancer, but below what they could potentially offer as there was no production of biopsies in 47 CEOs (57%) of the 82 existing CEOs in the period analyzed. One of the limits of the work was the inability to evaluate support systems, as well as the contribution of university health services to the analysis of these exams due to insufficient public data on specific anatomopathological exams for oral cancer. Such results seek to provide support so that health managers can optimize the flow of users through the organization and easy access to the network, identifying and resolving difficulties faced by these centers in carrying out these procedures, reducing delays in diagnostic investigation and treatment of this condition. (AU)

Odontol.sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 26(3): e24539, jul.-set.2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538055


El carcinoma mucoepidermoide es el tumor maligno más frecuente de las glándulas salivales menores localizándose por lo general en el paladar. El objetivo del presente reporte de caso es evidenciar en la literatura científica la importancia del diagnóstico precoz de carcinomas orales, así como, el rol fundamental que cumple el odontólogo general para identificar, guiar y derivar al paciente a un especialista. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino que acudió a la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, quien fue derivado por su odontóloga tras percibir un pequeño pero perceptible cambio en la coloración normal de la mucosa y molestias ocasionales en la zona del paladar duro. Al examen intraoral se observó en el paladar duro, a la altura de los premolares en la hemiarcada izquierda, una lesión nodular ovoidea, color violáceo, de 1cm de diámetro, depresible a la palpación. Se realizó una biopsia incisional para su estudio histopatológico, reportando un carcinoma mucoepidermoide. El diagnóstico precoz de este tipo de patologías es un desafío para el odontólogo general, quien debe orientar al paciente, ante cualquier cambio de la estructura normal de la cavidad bucal, para que acuda a un especialista.

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most frequent malignant tumor of the minor salivary glands, usually located in the palate. The objective of this case report is to demonstrate in the Paraguayan scientific literature the importance of early diagnosis of oral carcinomas as well as the fundamental role of the general dentist in identifying, guiding and referring the patient to the corresponding specialist. The clinical case presented is about a male patient who attended the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Asuncion. His dentist referred him after noticing a small but perceptible change in the normal coloration of the mucosa and occasional discomfort in the area of the hard palate. In the intraoral examination, an ovoid nodular lesion, purplish in color, 1cm in diameter, depressible on palpation, observed on the hard palate at the level of the premolars in the left hemiarch. An incisional biopsy performed for histopathological study, reporting a mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Regarding the early diagnosis of this type of pathology, the challenge for the general dentist will continues to be his continuous training in order to be able to successfully guide the patient in seeking care from the right specialist in case of any change in the oral cavity.

HU Rev. (Online) ; 4920230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562628


Introdução: A radiopacidade é um requisito importante para um material odontológico, pois permite que as estruturas dentárias sejam distinguidas do material substituto, facilitando o diagnóstico radiográfico. Portanto, com o surgimento de novas formulações de materiais endodônticos, é fundamental que esta propriedade esteja em conformidade com as normas vigentes. Objetivo: Avaliar as radiopacidades dos cimentos MTA Angelus Branco, MTA Repair HP e Biodentine entre si e compará-las com as das estruturas dentais humanas, por meio de radiografia digital. Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionados cinco corpos de prova para cada cimento estudado. Cada amostra foi radiografada, pelo método digital, juntamente com uma fatia de um dente molar inferior humano hígido e uma escala de densidade de alumínio (Al). Para cada conjunto, três imagens foram obtidas e avaliadas quanto às densidades por meio da ferramenta histograma do software Image J. Em cada estrutura avaliada, foi usada uma região de interesse pré-definida e as densidades foram apresentadas utilizando-se médias, desvios-padrões e medianas. Para avaliar a normalidade dos dados e comparar a radiopacidade dos três cimentos testados, foram aplicados os testes de Shapiro-Wilk e o de Kruskal-Wallis, respectivamente. Foi utilizado o programa SPSS com nível de significância de 5% (p≤0,05). Resultados: Foi observado para o esmalte e a dentina radiopacidades equivalentes a 2 mm de Al e 1 mm respectivamente. Ambos os cimentos MTA Branco e MTA Repair HP, apresentaram radiopacidade equivalente a 3 mm de Al. O cimento Biodentine apresentou radiopacidade inferior aos demais materiais (2 mm de Al). Conclusão: As radiopacidades dos cimentos MTA Branco e MTA Repair HP foram semelhantes entre si e maiores que às da dentina e do esmalte dental. Em contrapartida, a radiopacidade do cimento Biodentine foi inferior às do MTA Branco e MTA Repair HP, e semelhante à do esmalte.

Introduction: Radiopacity is an important requirement for a dental material, as it allows tooth structures to be distinguished from the substitute material, facilitating radiographic diagnosis. Therefore, with the emergence of new formulations of endodontic materials, it is essential that this property complies with current regulations. Objective: To evaluate the radiopacities of MTA Angelus White, MTA Repair HP and Biodentine cements among themselves and compare them with those of human dental structures, using digital radiography. Material and Methods: Five specimens were made for each studied cement. Each sample was radiographed, using the digital method, along with a slice of a sound human lower molar tooth and an aluminum (Al) density scale. For each set, three images were obtained and evaluated for densities using the histogram tool of the Image J software. In each evaluated structure, a predefined region of interest was used and the densities were presented using means, standard deviations and medians. To assess data normality and compare the radiopacity of the three cements tested, the Shapiro-Wilk and Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied, respectively. The SPSS program was used with a significance level of 5% (p≤0.05). Results: Radiopacities equivalent to 2 mm of Al and 1 mm of Al, respectively, were observed for enamel and dentin. Both MTA Branco and MTA Repair HP cements presented radiopacity equivalent to 3 mm of Al. Biodentine cement presented lower radiopacity than the other materials (2 mm of Al). Conclusion: The radiopacities of MTA Branco and MTA Repair HP cements were similar to each other and greater than those of dentin and dental enamel. In contrast, the radiopacity of Biodentine cement was lower than that of White MTA and MTA Repair HP, and similar to that of enamel.

Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 13(2): 87-96, 20230000. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438591


Introducción: el mixoma odontogénico es una neoplasia benigna, poco frecuente, de origen mesenquimal proveniente del órgano dentario, es localmente invasivo y no hace metástasis. Su localización más frecuente es a nivel de la mandíbula y poco frecuente en el maxilar. Objetivo: describir las características que presenta un mixoma odontogénico de larga data en el maxilar. Presentación del caso: paciente de sexo masculino de 23 años de edad, soltero, de profesión comerciante, acude a la Catedra de Patología Bucal de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción por presentar una deformidad en la región facial del lado derecho, presente desde la infancia con crecimiento lento sin sintomatología dolorosa. Se realizó una biopsia incisional, tomando una muestra de más de 1 cm de la capsula tumoral para su estudio histopatológico; a partir de la cual se informa sobre un tumor odontogénico mesenquimal compatible con el mixoma odontogénico. Se realizó el tratamiento de una maxilectomía con márgenes de seguridad y el estudio anatomopatológico de todo el tumor extirpado confirmó el diagnóstico de Mixofibroma odontogénico de 2,5 cm de diámetro máximo. Conclusión: un diagnóstico precoz de tumores como los mixomas, que son de crecimiento lento e infiltrante, podría garantizar terapéuticas menos agresivas e invasivas como las del caso presentado, otorgando así mejor pronóstico como calidad de vida a los pacientes.

Introduction: Odontogenic myxoma is a rare benign neoplasm of mesenchymal origin originating from the dental organ, it is locally invasive and does not metastasize. Its most frequent location is at the level of the mandible and infrequently in the maxilla. Objective: To describe the characteristics of a long-standing odontogenic myxoma in the maxilla. Presentation of the case: Male patient, 23 years of age, single, businessman, came to the Department of Oral Pathology of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Asuncion for presenting a deformity in the facial region on the right side, present since childhood with slow growth and no painful symptomatology. An incisional biopsy was performed, taking a sample of more than 1cm of the tumor capsule, for histopathological study; reporting a mesenchymal odontogenic tumor compatible with odontogenic myxoma. A maxillectomy treatment with safety margins performed and the anatomopathological study of the entire excised tumor confirmed the diagnosis of odontogenic myxofibroma with a maximum diameter of 2.5 cm. Conclusion: An early diagnosis of tumors such as myxomas, which are slow-growing and infiltrative, could guarantee less aggressive and invasive therapies such as those in the case presented, thus providing patients with a better prognosis and quality of life.

Humans , Male , Young Adult
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(2)ago. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386600


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the observers diagnostic performance in panoramic radiography using monitor, tablet, X-ray image view box, and against window daylight as a visualization method in different diagnostic tasks. Thirty panoramic radiography were assessed by three calibrated observers for each visualization method, in standardized light conditions, concerning dental caries, widened periodontal ligament space, and periapical bone defects from the four first molars; mucosal thickening and retention cysts in maxillary sinus; and stylo-hyoid ligament calcification and atheroma. A five-point confidence scale was used. The standard-reference was performed by two experienced observers. Diagnostic values using window light were significantly lower for caries and periapical bone defect and retention cyst, stylo-hyoid ligament calcification detection (p<0.05). For atheroma detection, X-ray image view box, tablet, and widow light had lower accuracy than the evaluation on the monitor (p<0.05). Observers diagnostic performances are worsened using window light as an evaluation method for panoramic radiography for dental, sinus, and calcification disorders, while the monitor was the most reliable method.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el desempeño diagnóstico de los observadores en la radiografía panorámica utilizando monitor, tablet, caja de visualización de imágenes de rayos X y contra la luz del día de la ventana como método de visualización en diferentes tareas de diagnóstico. Treinta radiografías panorámicas fueron evaluadas por tres observadores calibrados para cada método de visualización, en condiciones de luz estandarizadas, con respecto a caries dental, espacio del ligamento periodontal ensanchado y defectos óseos periapicales de los cuatro primeros molares; engrosamiento de la mucosa y quistes de retención en el seno maxilar; y calcificación y ateroma del ligamento estilohioideo. Se utilizó una escala de confianza de cinco puntos. La referencia estándar fue realizada por dos observadores experimentados. Los valores diagnósticos con luz de ventana fueron significativamente menores para caries y defecto óseo periapical y quiste de retención, detección de calcificación del ligamento estilohioideo (p <0.05). Para la detección de ateroma, la caja de visualización de imágenes de rayos X, el tablet y la luz de viuda tuvieron una precisión menor que la evaluación en el monitor (p <0.05). El rendimiento diagnóstico del observador empeora al utilizar la luz de la ventana como método de evaluación de la radiografía panorámica para los trastornos dentales, de los senos nasales y de la calcificación, mientras que el monitor fue el método más fiable.

Radiography, Panoramic/instrumentation , Diagnosis, Oral , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 5(2): 153-158, jul. 22, 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1380076


La caries dental es un problema de salud pública que para el año 2016 afectaba a 3500 millones de personas. En los menores de seis años, la progresión de la lesión es más rápida, exponiéndolos a la caries de la temprana infancia y pérdidas dentales prematuras. Determinar el estado de salud/enfermedad del componente bucal de niños de parvularia de un centro escolar con vulnerabilidad social y económica del municipio de San Salvador, en el año 2018, según el índice y la prevalencia de la enfermedad de caries dental. El estudio es descriptivo, cuantitativo, de corte transversal, prospectivo. Las unidades de análisis son niños de cuatro y cinco años de edad, respetando todos los aspectos éticos y la confidencialidad. Se tomó el total del universo, conformado por 96 niños. Resultados. La frecuencia de caries dental en la población en estudio es del 95 %, el índice de dientes cariados, extraídos y obturados es de 6,38, que según la Organización Mundial de Salud es muy alto. La superficie dental más afectada es la oclusal, en los cuadrantes superiores, con un aproximado del 40 %, y en los inferiores, un aproximado del 20 %. La mayoría de la población en estudio padece de caries dental, siendo una minoría la que mantiene la cavidad bucal en estado óptimo

Dental caries is a public health problem, in 2016 it affected 3500 million people. In children under six years of age, the progression of the lesion is faster, exposing them to early childhood caries and premature dental loss. To determine the health/disease status of the oral component of nursery school children from a school with social and economic vulnerability in the municipality of San Salvador, in 2018, according to the index and prevalence of dental caries disease. The study is descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional, prospective. The units of analysis are children between four and five years of age, respecting all ethical aspects and confidentiality. The total of the universe made up of 96 children was taken. Results. The frequency of dental caries in the study population is 95 %, the decayed, missing and filled caries index is 6,38, which according to the World Health Organization is very high. The most affected tooth surface is occlusal, in the upper quadrants with approximately 40 % and in the lower quadrants with approximately 20 %. The majority of the population under study suffers from dental caries, being a minority that maintains the oral cavity in an optimal state.

Public Health , Minors , Diagnosis , Mouth , Prevalence , Dental Caries , Mouth Diseases
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 138-141, maio 05,2022. fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370824


Introdução: a hiperplasia epitelial focal (HEF) ou doença de Heck, caracteriza-se por ser uma lesão benigna rara da mucosa bucal. Geralmente, está associada a proliferação do epitélio pavimentoso atribuída principalmente ao papiloma vírus humano (HPV) dos subtipos 13 e 32. Objetivo: relatar o caso de um paciente, com suspeita diagnóstica de HEF, descrever suas manifestações clínicas bucais e histopatológicas. Metodologia: homem, 38 anos, melanoderma, compareceu no Serviço Universitário com queixa de ardência em mucosa bucal. Ao exame clínico, apresentava múltiplas lesões papulares, firmes à palpação, de coloração rósea, com pápulas aglomeradas ou isoladas, localizadas em rebordo alveolares, gengiva inserida e livre da arcada superior e inferior, mucosas jugais e labiais, compatíveis com lesões causadas por HPV. Realizou-se biópsia incisional das lesões bucais, o laudo histopatológico descreveu o fragmento de mucosa bucal que estava revestida por epitélio pavimentoso estratificado paraceratinizado com acantose proeminente, projeções focais confluentes para o tecido conjuntivo, confirmando a suspeita diagnóstica clínica. Conclusão: a HEF é uma patologia rara, benigna da mucosa, indolor e que pode se resolver espontaneamente. Portanto, é necessário o diagnóstico adequado através da biopsia e laudo histopatológico.

Introduction: focal epithelial hyperplasia (FEH) or Heck's disease is characterized as a rare benign lesion of the oral mucosa. It is usually associated with proliferation of the squamous epithelium, mainly attributed to human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes 13 and 32. Objective: to report the case of a patient with a diagnostic suspicion of HEF, to describe its oral clinical and histopathological manifestations. Methodology: hale, 38 years old, black, attended the University Service with a complaint of burning in the oral mucosa. On clinical examination, she presented multiple papular lesions, firm to palpation, pink in color, with agglomerated or isolated papules, located in the alveolar ridge, inserted gingiva free from the upper and lower arch, jugal and labial mucosa, compatible with lesions caused by HPV. An incisional biopsy of the oral lesions was performed, the histopathological report described the fragment of oral mucosa that was lined with parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with prominent acanthosis, focal projections confluent to the connective tissue, confirming the clinical diagnostic suspicion. Conclusion: FEH is a rare, benign mucosal pathology, painless and can resolve spontaneously. Therefore, proper diagnosis through biopsy and histopathological report is necessary.

Humans , Male , Adult , Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia/diagnosis , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis , Biopsy , Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia/virology
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(1): [10], abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404898


RESUMEN Fundamento: En escolares de grado están presentes enfermedades bucales y se realizan acciones curativas, mientras que las educativas precedidas de un diagnóstico educativo, son deficientes e insuficientes. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas sobre salud bucal y la eficiencia del cepillado bucodental en los escolares de grado. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal durante el curso 2020-2021 de la Escuela Primaria Pepito Tey del municipio Trinidad, provincia Sancti Spíritus, con la totalidad (71) de los escolares de grado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: conocimientos, prácticas, actitudes sobre salud bucal y eficiencia del cepillado bucodental. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático con la aplicación de un cuestionario y una guía de entrevista, para la eficiencia del cepillado se determinó el Índice de Love. Resultados: Se constató el 71.8 % de los escolares con conocimientos insuficientes, el 74.6 % con actitud desfavorable y el 81.7 % con prácticas insuficientes sobre salud bucal, así como el 93 % con cepillado bucodental no eficiente. Conclusiones: Más de la tercera parte de los escolares tuvo conocimientos insuficientes, actitudes no favorables y prácticas insuficientes de salud bucal y la mayoría un cepillado no eficiente.

ABSTRACT Background: Oral diseases and curative actions are present in 4th grade schoolchildren while educational actions preceded by an educational diagnosis are deficient and insufficient. Objective: To identify the knowledge, attitudes, practices on oral health and the efficiency of Oral brushing in 4th grade schoolchildren. Methodology: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the 2020-2021 academic course at Pepito Tey primary school in Trinidad city, in Sancti Spíritus province, with all (71) of the 4th grade students. The variables studied were: knowledge, practices, attitudes about oral health and efficiency of oral brushing. Some methods from the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used with the application of a questionnaire and an interview guide, for brushing efficiency. Results: 71.8 % of schoolchildren with insufficient knowledge were found, 74.6 % with an unfavorable attitude and 81.7 % with insufficient practices on oral health, as well as the 93 % with inefficient oral brushing. Conclusions: More than a third of the schoolchildren had insufficient knowledge, unfavorable attitudes and insufficient practices of oral health and most brushing is not efficient.

Oral Hygiene/education , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health/education , Health Education, Dental , Dental Care for Children , Diagnosis, Oral/education
Odontol. Sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 25(2): e21606, abr.-jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368300


Objetivo. Identificar y describir las lesiones orales encontradas en los pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV 2. Métodos. Serie de casos con descripción de 11 pacientes confirmados de infección por SARS-CoV-2 por hisopado nasofaríngeo o prueba serológica para confirmar la infección; con la presencia de manifestaciones intraorales de diferentes tipos. A todos los pacientes se les realizó teleconsulta por parte de un estomatólogo y se recopilaron los datos relevantes como edad, sexo, antecedentes de enfermedades preexistentes, tipo de lesión estomatológica presente, sitio y sintomatología, entre otros. Todos los pacientes firmaron un consentimiento informado. Resultados. De los 11 casos positivos para SARS-CoV-2, el 63,63% de los pacientes corresponden al sexo femenino (n=7) y 36,36% (n=4) sexo masculino. El 100% de los pacientes fueron diagnosticados por pruebas moleculares y serológicas; así, el 90,90% se diagnosticaron con PCR viral y 9,09% diagnosticado por prueba para antígeno. Las lesiones ulcerativas predominaron en el 54,54%; seguidas de pseudoplaca y eritema en 18,18% respectivamente. Las vesículas y costras se presentaron en el 9,09% respectivamente. El 72,72 (n=8) presentó ageusia y anosmia, y el 45,45 % (n=5) manifestaron comorbilidades como diabetes, hipertensión arterial e hipotiroidismo. Conclusiones. Esta enfermedad viral cursa con lesiones bucales y muchas veces es la primera e incluso la única manifestación que se presenta durante su curso, por eso es importante tener en cuenta e identificar estas lesiones y saber su relación con el manejo terapéutico, compromiso inmunológico o la propia enfermedad.

Objective. To identify and describe the oral lesions found in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods. Series of cases with description of 11 patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by nasopharyngeal swab or serological test to confirm the infection; with the presence of intraoral manifestations of different types. All patients underwent tele-consultation by a stomatologist and relevant data such as age, sex, history of pre-existing diseases, type of stomatological lesion present, site and symptomatology, among others, were collected. All patients signed an informed consent form. Results. Of the 11 positive cases for SARS-CoV-2, 63.63% (n=7) of the patients were female and 36.36% (n=4) were male. All patients (100%) were diagnosed by molecular and serological tests, 90.90% were diagnosed by viral PCR and 9.09% were diagnosed by antigen test. Ulcerative lesions predominated in 54.54%; followed by pseudoplaque and erythema in 18.18% of patients, respectively. Vesicles and crusts were present in 9.09% respectively. Ageusia and anosmia were present in 72.72 (n=8), and 45.45% (n=5) of patients showed comorbidities such as diabetes, arterial hypertension and hypothyroidism. Conclusions. This viral disease presents with oral lesions and it is usually the first and even the only manifestation during its course. That is why it is important to take into account and identify these lesions, and know their relationship with the therapeutic management, immunological compromise or the disease itself.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392648


Objetivo: Describir los alineadores en ortodoncia y su utilidad en la salub bucal del paciente. Método: descriptiva documental desde un diseño bibliográfico, siendo escrutada una población de 15 artículos científicos tomados de bases de datos publicadas entre 2016 al 2021. Conclusión: Los alineadores dentales sirven para corregir casos simples, nivelar arcos, mantener la longitud de la raíz y cerrar espacios. Estos alineadores se pueden alterar con cambios térmicos físicos sobre todo si es sometido a alimentos calientes. Da la posibilidad de mostrar al paciente cómo será el resultado final, esto se logra mediante las simulaciones digitales que permite este método. Es un tratamiento que requiere de experiencia por parte del profesional.

Objective: To describe aligners in orthodontics and their usefulness in the oral health of the patient. Method: Descriptive documentary from a bibliographic design, being scrutinized a population of 15 scientific articles taken from databases published between 2016 to 2021. Conclusion: Dental aligners are used to correct simple cases, level arches, maintain root length and close spaces. These aligners can be altered by physical thermal changes especially if subjected to hot food. It gives the possibility to show the patient how the final result will be, this is achieved through digital simulations that this method allows. It is a treatment that requires experience on the part of the professional.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392907


Objetivo: Identificar los efectos que producen la utilización de materiales restauradores en los tejidos dentarios luego de utilizarlos como una solución funcional y estética ante los problemas provocados por cualquier tipo de microorganismo es necesario. Método: de tipo bibliográfica mediante una búsqueda de artículos en base PubMed y Scielo. Resultados: Se encontraron 30 artículos, de los cuales solo se pudieron utilizar 15 de ellos, ya que contribuyeron a cumplir con el objetivo de esta investigación y el resto no. Conclusiones: Los materiales dentales son la base fundamental de la odontología restauradora, protésica y de varias especialidades y procedimientos realizados por parte del odontólogo. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener conocimientos de cómo actúa cada uno de estos materiales restaurativos, con base en su estructura interna, para poder ver cuál va a ser su comportamiento físico, mecánico y fisicoquímico en su uso odontológico.

Objective: To identify the effects produced by the use of restorative materials on dental tissues after using them as a functional and esthetic solution to the problems caused by any type of microorganism. Method: bibliographic type by means of a search of articles in PubMed and Scielo databases. Results: 30 articles were found, of which only 15 of them could be used, since they contributed to fulfill the objective of this research and the rest could not. Conclusions: Dental materials are the fundamental basis of restorative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry and various specialties and procedures performed by the dentist. Therefore, it is necessary to have knowledge of how each of these restorative materials acts, based on their internal structure, in order to be able to see what their physical, mechanical and physicochemical behavior will be in their dental use.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220029, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1406503


ABSTRACT Oral amyloidosis is a disease characterized by extracellular and irreversible deposition of amorphous and fibrillar proteins in the oral cavity, being strongly associated with Multiple Myeloma. The objective of this study is to report a case of a 62-year-old woman diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma who, approximately 2 years after starting treatment for the underlying disease, presented a lesion on the lateral border of the tongue with exophytic growth, pinkish color, vascularized, painless, measuring 3cm in its largest diameter. After histopathological analysis through incisional biopsy, a final diagnosis of amyloidosis was obtained. As a local treatment, we opted for complete excision of the lesion. The patient evolved to death due to Multiple Myeloma influenced by the diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis. Oral amyloidosis is usually associated with the systemic presentation of the disease, making it necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of other organs. Its diagnosis is important since the prognosis is directly related and can negatively influence survival rates and treatment of the underlying disease.

RESUMO A amiloidose oral é uma doença caracterizada pela deposição extracelular e irreversível de proteínas amorfas e fibrilares na cavidade bucal, sendo fortemente associada com Mieloma Múltiplo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de uma mulher com 62 anos de idade diagnosticada com Mieloma Múltiplo que, aproximadamente 2 anos após o início do tratamento para a doença de base, apresentou lesão em borda lateral de língua com crescimento exofítico, de coloração rósea, vascularizada, indolor, medindo 3 cm em seu maior diâmetro. Após análise histopatológica através de biópsia incisional, obteve-se diagnóstico final de amiloidose. Como tratamento local, optou-se pela exérese completa da lesão. A paciente evoluiu para óbito por consequência do Mieloma Múltiplo com complicações associadas à amiloidose sistêmica. A amiloidose oral geralmente está associada com a apresentação sistêmica da doença, tornando necessária uma investigação aprofundada nos demais órgãos. Seu diagnóstico é importante uma vez que pode influenciar diretamente no prognóstico e, consequentemente, negativamente nas taxas de sobrevida e no tratamento da doença de base.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220044, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1406509


ABSTRACT The epidermal cyst is a rare, benign lesion, usually asymptomatic and slowly enlarging, more frequently located in the submandibular region. Its etiology is believed to be associated with the epithelial residual tissues retained in the midline during the closure of the first and second brachial arches, in the third and fourth weeks of intra-uterine life. Its clinical characteristics are of a rubbery consistency to palpation, well defined borders, with the absence of skin appendages within their squamous epithelium lined walls. The final diagnosis is confirmed through histopathological examination with stratified squamous epithelium findings in the cystic fluid lumen or keratin. The treatment is usually surgical and without recurrence and the final diagnosis is confirmed through histopathological examination. This paper aims to present a case report of a congenital epidermal cyst in a 5-month-old female patient located in the mouth floor near the sublingual gland duct. The case was treated with excisional biopsy and after follow-up, there was no recurrence.

RESUMO O cisto epidérmico é um cisto de desenvolvimento, benigno, raro, localizado com maior frequência na região submandibular, geralmente assintomático e de evolução lenta. Acredita-se que a sua etiologia esteja associada aos restos epiteliais retidos na linha média durante o fechamento do primeiro e segundo arcos braquiais, na terceira ou quarta semana de vida intrauterina. Suas características clínicas são de uma consistência borrachóide à palpação, bordas delimitadas e sem apêndices de pele no seu interior. O diagnóstico é confirmado através do exame histopatológico com achados de epitélio escamoso estratificado e no lúmen fluído cístico ou queratina. O tratamento é geralmente cirúrgico e sem recidivas. Este trabalho relata um caso de cisto epidérmico congênito de uma paciente pediátrica, do sexo feminino, de cinco meses de idade e localizado no assoalho de boca próximo ao ducto da glândula sublingual. O caso foi tratado com a enucleação cirúrgica e em seis meses de acompanhamento não apresentou recidiva.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 62(1): 56-62, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443420


Introdução: as lesões odontogênicas (LOs) compreendem um grupo heterogêneo de patologias orais e maxilofaciais que apresentam características distintas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as características clínico--patológicas das LOs diagnosticadas em um hospital da região sul do Brasil. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo para levantamento dos casos com diagnóstico histopatológico de LOs no período entre 2007 e 2017. Os laudos dos pacientes foram avaliados para extração das características clínico-patológicas e dos diagnósticos histopatológicos de cada caso. Resultados: um total de 255 casos de LOs foram identificados. Destes casos, 197 (77%) cistos odontogênicos e 58 (23%) tumores odontogênicos foram coletados, sendo que somente um caso (0,39%) possuiu o diagnóstico de neoplasia odonto-gênica maligna. Os diagnósticos mais prevalentes foram cisto radicular (32,5%) e cisto dentígero (31,76%), seguidos de ceratocisto odontogênico (10,98%), odontoma (10%) e ameloblastoma (10%). A maioria dos casos acometeu mandíbula (53,7%), com uma discreta predileção pelo sexo feminino (51%). A média de idade foi de 34±20,53 anos. Discussão: os dados apresentados corroboram com a literatura no que se refere à raridade do diagnóstico de tumores odontogênicos. Conclusão: o presente estudo demonstrou as principais características clínico-pato-lógicas de LOs diagnosticadas em um hospital no sul do Brasil, contribuindo para um maior conhecimento do perfil destas lesões.

Introduction: odontogenic lesions (OLs) represent a heterogeneous group of oral and maxillofacial patho-logies presenting distinct characteristics. The present study aimed to identify the clinical and pathological characteristics of OLs diagnosed in a southern Brazilian hospital. Materials and methods: a retrospective study was performed to evaluate cases with histopathological diagnosis of OLs identified in the period between 2007 and 2017. The patient's medical records were evaluated in order to obtain the clinical and pathological charac-teristics and the histopathological diagnosis from each case. Results: a total of 255 cases of OLs were identified. From these, 197 (77%) odontogenic cysts and 58 (23%) odontogenic tumors were surveyed, with only one case (0,39%) of a malignant odontogenic neoplasm. The most prevalent diagnosis were radicular cyst (32.5%) and den-tigerous cyst (31.76%), followed by odontogenic keratocyst (10.98%), odontoma (10%) and ameloblastoma (10%). The majority of the cases affected the mandible (53.7%) with a slight preference by female individuals (51%). The mean age was 34±20.53 years old. Discussion: the presented data are in accordance with the literature regarding the rarity of the diagnosis of odontogenic tumors.Conclusion: the present study demonstrated the main clinical and pathological characteristics of OLs diagnosed in a southern Brazilian hospital, contrib-uting to a better understanding of these injuries profiles.

Humans , Male , Female , Odontogenic Cysts/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Ameloblastoma , Dentigerous Cyst , Odontoma , Radicular Cyst , Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(3): 1-10, jun. 30, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390691


Introduction: Oral diseases affect some 3.9 billion people worldwide, the most prevalent are dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Untreated dental caries lesions affect 35% of the population. Objective: To determine the level of severity of dental caries lesions in adults treated at public dental services in the cities of Asunción and Pirayú, Paraguay, in 2 017. Material and Methods: Sociodemographic and clinical variables of oral health status were evaluated by means of a cross-sectional study using consecutive sampling. Two dentists were calibrated to perform the oral examination. Caries experience was evaluated using the DMF-T index. The Chi square test and Fisher's exact test were applied, with a confidence level of 95%. Results:333 subjects with a mean age of 35 years participated in the study, 77.2% were females, and 64.0% did not have access to private health care services. The DMF-T index was 11.43 (SD=6.7); 12.6% obtained a very low level, 35.7% low level, 41.7% had a medium level, and 9.9% had a high level in the DMF-T index. The DMF-T index was significantly higher in females (p=0.001), in the age range of 50 to 59 years (p<0.001), in those who did not have access to private health services (p=0.008), in those who reported a negative self-evaluation of their oral health (p=0.04), in those with a normal molar ratio (p=0.023) and a very severe aesthetic index (p<0 . 0 01). Conclusion: The general level of severity of global caries was medium and associated with sociodemographic and clinical variables.

Introducción: Las enfermedades orales afectan a 3,9 billones de personas a nivel mundial, siendo las más prevalentes la caries dental, la gingivitis y periodontitis; afectando al 35% de la población las lesiones de caries dental no tratadas. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de severidad de lesiones de caries dental en adultos que acuden a servicios odontológicos públicos en las ciudades de Asunción y Pirayú, en el Paraguay, en el año 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal donde se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas del estado de salud oral. El muestreo fue de casos consecutivos. Dos odontólogos fueron calibrados para realizar el examen oral. La experiencia de caries fue evaluada mediante el índice CPO-D. Se aplicaron las pruebas Chi cuadrado y Test exacto de Fisher, con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 333 sujetos, con edad promedio de 35 años, el 77,2% mujeres y el 64,0% no tenía acceso a servicios de salud privado. El índice CPO-D fue de 11,43 (DE = 6,7). El 12,6% obtuvo un nivel muy bajo, el 35,7% nivel bajo, el 41,7% tuvo nivel medio y el 9,9% nivel alto del CPO-D, siendo significativamente más elevado en mujeres (p= 0, 0 01), en la edad de 50 a 59 años (p<0,001), en aquellos que no cuentan con acceso a servicios de salud privado (p=0,008), los que relataron una autoevaluación negativa de su salud bucal (p=0,04), los que tenían una relación molar normal (p=0,023) e índice de estética muy grave (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El nivel general de severidad de caries global fue medio, se asoció con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Oral Health , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Paraguay/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies
Dent. press endod ; 11(1): 54-62, Jan-Apr2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348190


Objetivo: O presente estudo avaliou a influência de materiais obturadores endodônticos na produção de artefato de imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), por meio da análise de densidade de imagem em incisivos centrais e dentes pré-molares unirradiculares. Métodos: Os dentes foram submetidos a instrumentação endodôntica e divididos em cinco grupos: um grupo controle (sem preenchimento endodôntico) e quatro grupos teste, cada um preenchido por um material obturador endodôntico diferente (PulpCanal Sealer, AHPlus, Sealer26 e BCSealer). Após a aquisição da TCFC, as imagens foram avaliadas para determinar variações de tons de cinza nos três terços da raiz (análise objetiva). A segunda análise (subjetiva) comparou o grupo controle com dois dos grupos teste, em um processo randomizado. Resultados: Na análise objetiva, o Sealer26 e o BCSealer mostraram diferença estatística para valores mínimos, em comparação com outros materiais obturadores endodônticos, para dentes anteriores e posteriores. Para valores máximos, apenas o grupo controle diferiu estatisticamente dos grupos teste. Ao comparar os valores dos pré-molares e dos incisivos centrais em tons cinza pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis, foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa para os valores mínimos. Na análise subjetiva, para dentes anteriores e posteriores, o PulpCanal Sealer foi o material mais frequentemente apontado pelos observadores como aquele que produziu mais interferência de artefato. Conclusões: Os materiais obturadores endodônticos nos dentes posteriores apresentaram comportamento semelhante; somente o PulpCanal Sealer no terço apical apresentou diferenças estatísticas em relação aos demais grupos. Para os dentes anteriores, o BCSealer apresentou valores mínimos maiores em relação aos outros materiais obturadores endodônticos, o que poderia representar maior interferência do artefato (AU).

Objective: This study evaluated the influence of canal obturation materials in the production of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images artifact, by means of image density analysis and comparison between four materials in central incisors and monoradicular premolar teeth. Materials and Methods: The teeth were submitted to endodontic instrumentation and divided into 5 groups: one control group (no endodontic filling) and four test groups each one filled by a different endodontic sealer (PulpCanal Sealer, AHPlus, Sealer26 and BCSealer). After CBCT scanning, the images were assessed to determine grayscale variations in three root thirds (objective analysis). The second (subjective) analysis compared the control group with two of the test groups in a randomized process. Results: In the objective analysis, Sealer26 and BCSealer showed statistical difference for minimum values, in comparison with another sealers, for both anterior and posterior teeth. For maximum values, only control group differed statistically from test groups. When comparing premolars and central incisors grayscale values by ANOVA analysis, a statistically significant difference was found mainly for minimum values. At the subjective analysis, for both anterior and posterior teeth, PulpCanal Sealer was the filling most frequently appointed by the observers as the one that produced more artifact interference. Conclusion: Endodontic fillings at posterior teeth performed similar behavior. Only PulpCanal Sealer on apical third presented higher maximum values in relation to others groups, which could represent more white brands. For anterior teeth, BC Sealer performed higher minimum values in relation to other endodontic fillings, which could represent more dark bands (AU).

Humans , Root Canal Obturation , In Vitro Techniques , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Artifacts , Endodontics
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 19: eRC5638, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249744


ABSTRACT Peri-implant diseases, caused by bacteria from biofilm related to dental implants, are one of the main causes of late loss of implants. In this sense, peri-implant diseases are divided into peri-implant mucositis, when it affects only the soft tissues, and peri-implantitis, when there is a bone involvement, which can lead to the failure of dental implant therapy. Thus, biofilm removal is essential for peri-implant health, allowing long-term success in implant therapy. To improve the visualization of oral biofilm, which is usually transparent or colorless, disclosing agents have been routinely used. However, disclosing agents have allergenic potential and can cause staining extrinsically in restorative and prosthetic materials, leading to aesthetic impairment. Thus, the use of fluorescence has been studied as an alternative for visualization of oral biofilm. Therefore, this report describes the use of wide-field optical fluorescence for visualization of oral biofilm associated with implants and teeth, in a routine appointment and follow-up of a partially edentulous patient with peri-implant mucositis. In addition, this report showed wide-field optical fluorescence can be used in a clinical routine of care of patients with dental implants. In this sense, wide-field optical fluorescence allowed easy and immediate visualization of the mature oral biofilm for its adequate removal, evaluation of the quality of restoration to sealing of screw access-hole of implant and identification of cariogenic lesions, without risk of allergic reactions or staining of prostheses and restorations.

RESUMO Doenças peri-implantares, causadas por bactérias de biofilme relacionadas a implantes dentários, são uma das principais causas de perda tardia de implantes. Nesse sentido, as doenças peri-implantares são divididas em mucosite peri-implantar, quando afeta apenas tecidos moles, e peri-implantite, quando há comprometimento ósseo, o que pode levar ao fracasso da terapia com implantes dentários. Assim, a remoção do biofilme é essencial para a saúde peri-implantar, permitindo sucesso a longo prazo na terapia com implantes. A fim de melhorar a visualização do biofilme oral, que geralmente é transparente ou incolor, agentes reveladores têm sido rotineiramente utilizados. No entanto, esses agentes têm potencial alergênico e podem causar manchas extrinsecamente em materiais restauradores e protéticos, levando a prejuízo estético. Assim, o uso da fluorescência tem sido estudado como alternativa para visualização do biofilme oral. Este relato descreve o uso da fluorescência óptica de campo amplo para visualização do biofilme oral associado a implantes e dentes em uma consulta de acompanhamento de rotina de uma paciente parcialmente edêntula com mucosite peri-implantar. Além disso, este relato evidenciou que a fluorescência óptica de campo amplo pode ser utilizada dentro da rotina clínica de atendimento de pacientes com implantes dentários. Nesse sentido, a fluorescência óptica de campo amplo permitiu a visualização fácil e imediata do biofilme oral maduro para sua remoção adequada, a avaliação da qualidade da restauração do selamento do orifício de acesso do parafuso do implante e a identificação de lesões cariogênicas, sem risco de reações alérgicas ou manchamento de próteses e restaurações.

Humans , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Mucositis , Peri-Implantitis/etiology , Peri-Implantitis/diagnostic imaging , Biofilms , Fluorescence
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 64(1): 51-55, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252692


La mujer gestante sufre cambios fisiológicos y psicológicos durante los meses de embarazo que pueden derivar en problemas de salud bucal. A través de diversos estudios se observó que múltiples factores actúan como determinantes en lo que a la atención odontológica de la embarazada respecta, entre los cuales se pueden encontrar, la realidad sociocultural de la paciente, su nivel de instrucción educativo, sus conocimientos en cuanto a la atención odontológica, factores de riesgos, entre otros. El profesional odontólogo, tiene en sus manos recursos que pueden ser de gran ayuda por lo que su papel es de suma importancia, desde la educación preventiva, brindando conocimientos técnicos hasta la atención odontológica en sectores vulnerables. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en reunir la evidencia que se corresponda con el análisis de los conocimientos y prácticas de salud bucal en mujeres embarazadas con el fin de organizar los trabajos hallados en un cuerpo de conocimiento fundamentado (AU)

The pregnant woman suffers physiological and psychological changes during the months of pregnancy that can lead to oral health problems. Through various studies it was observed that multiple factors act as determinants regarding dental care of the pregnant woman, among which can be found the sociocultural reality of the patient, her educational level of instruction, her knowledge regarding dental care, risk factors, among others. The dental professional has resources in her hands that can be of great help, so her role is of the utmost importance, from preventive education, providing technical knowledge to dental care in vulnerable sectors. The objective of this work was to gather the evidence that corresponds to the analysis of oral health knowledge and practices in pregnant women to organize the studies found in a well-founded body of knowledge (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy/physiology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health , Comprehensive Dental Care , Diagnosis, Oral , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Health Education, Dental , Risk Factors , Databases, Bibliographic
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(6): 483-489, dic. 31, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178943


Introduction: Oral health can be defined as the absence of pathologies and disorders that affect the stomatognathic system. Objetives: This study aimed to determine the characteristics of self-assessment oral health status, in the clinical experience of dental caries, periodontal status, periodontal fixation loss and to investigate the association between self-reported and clinical oral health status among Paraguayans adults during early 2017. Material and Methods: The design is cross-sectional. Two dentists carried out the oral examinations following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). Results: There were 333 adult participants with a mean age of 35 ± 13 years. Most (77.2%) of the participants were female. Missing teeth (5.32±6), filled teeth (3.56±4), and decayed teeth (2.55±3) were also detected. Almost half (48.0%) of participants had dental calculus, while 5.8% had a periodontal pocket and 48.6% periodontal fixation loss. The self-perception of oral health was poor in 12.3% of participants, fair in 29.8%, normal in 31.8%, good in 16.2%, and excellent in 9.9%. Oral health self-assessment was positive in 58.0% and negative in 42.0%. A statistically significant difference was found when comparing the DMFT index according to self-perception of oral health, the score being higher in those who had negative self-perception; obtaining similar results in the decayed component. Conclusion: Negative oral health self-perception was associated with a high DMFT index, of this, the decayed component was the only one that presented statistically significant differences.

Introducción: La salud bucodental puede ser definida como la ausencia de patologías y trastornos que afectan el sistema estomatognático. Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las características de la autoevaluación del estado de salud bucal, en la experiencia clínica de la caries dental, el estado periodontal, la fijación de la pérdida periodontal e investigar la asociación entre el estado de salud bucal autoinformado y clínico entre los adultos paraguayos a principios de 2017. Material y Métodos: El diseño es transversal. Dos odontólogos fueron calibrados para el examen bucal, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Resultados: Participaron 333 sujetos, el promedio de edad fue de 34.93 (DE=12.64) años, 77.2% eran mujeres. El 21.1% de las piezas dentarias estaban perdidas, el 12.2% obturadas y el 9.2% cariadas. El 48.0% presentó cálculo dental, 5.8% el bolsa periodontal y el 48.6% pérdida de fijación. La autopercepción de salud bucal fue para el 12.3% pobre, el 29.8% regular, el 31.8% normal, el 16.2% buena y el 9.9% excelente. Tuvieron una autoevaluación de su salud oral positiva el 58.0% y negativa el 42.0%. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar el DMFT index según la autopercepción de salud oral, siendo mayor el puntaje en los negativos; obteniéndose resultados similares con el componente cariado. Conclusión: La autopercepción de salud oral negativa se asoció con un elevado DMFT index, de este, el componente cariado fue el único que presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Oral Health , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Paraguay/epidemiology , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Caries/diagnosis