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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(3): e20231595, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568887


Abstract Presented here is a trilingual (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) key to the 44 currently recognized genera and 37 subgenera of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) occurring in the Brazilian Amazon. Photographs of all taxa are included.

Resumo Apresentamos aqui uma chave trilíngue (inglês, português e espanhol) dos 44 gêneros e 37 subgêneros atualmente reconhecidos de besouros rola-bosta (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) que ocorrem na Amazônia brasileira. Fotos de todos os táxons estão incluídas.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1407238


Abstract Introduction: The effects of habitat transformation have been widely studied and the effects are well-known at different levels of biological organization. However, few studies have focused on responses to this process at the level of multiple taxa in diverse taxonomic and functional groups. Objective: Determine the variations in taxonomic and functional diversity of ants, butterflies, and dung beetles, at a spatial and temporal level in a landscape mosaic of the ecoregion of the Colombian foothills. Methods: We assessed amount of natural habitat and landscape composition in four types of vegetation, during the highest and lowest rain periods. We collected butterflies with hand nets and used baited pitfall traps for dung beetles and ants. Results: Habitat loss positively affected ant and butterfly species richness, and negatively affected dung beetles. The abundance of ants and butterflies had a positive effect on the dominance of species in the transformed vegetation, for dung beetles the abundance was negatively affected by the absence of canopy cover. Habitat loss had no negative effect on functional diversity as there is no difference between natural and transformed vegetation. Conclusions: The amount of habitat, habitat connectivity and different types of vegetation cover were important factors in the maintenance of insect diversity in the modified ecosystems of foothills of the Colombian Orinoquia. The lack of a common spatial and temporal pattern shows that studies of multiple insect taxa should be carried out for biodiversity monitoring and conservation processes.

Resumen Introducción: Los efectos de la transformación del hábitat han sido ampliamente estudiados y son bien conocidos los efectos a diferentes niveles de organización biológica. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han centrado en las respuestas a este proceso a nivel de múltiples taxones en diversos grupos taxonómicos y funcionales. Objetivo: Determinar las variaciones en la diversidad taxonómica y funcional de hormigas, mariposas y escarabajos coprófagos, a nivel espacial y temporal en un mosaico paisajístico de la ecorregión del piedemonte colombiano. Métodos: Evaluamos la cantidad de hábitat natural y la composición del paisaje en cuatro tipos de vegetación, durante los períodos de mayor y menor lluvia. Recolectamos mariposas con redes de mano y usamos trampas de caída con cebo para escarabajos coprófagos y hormigas. Resultados: La pérdida de hábitat afectó positivamente la riqueza de especies de hormigas y mariposas y afectó negativamente a los escarabajos peloteros. La abundancia de hormigas y mariposas tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la dominancia de especies en la vegetación transformada, para los escarabajos coprófagos la abundancia se vio afectada negativamente por la ausencia de cobertura de dosel. La pérdida de hábitat no tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la diversidad funcional ya que no hay diferencia entre la vegetación natural y la transformada. Conclusiones: La cantidad de hábitat, la conectividad del hábitat y los diferentes tipos de cobertura vegetal fueron factores importantes en el mantenimiento de la diversidad de insectos en los ecosistemas modificados del piedemonte de la Orinoquia colombiana. La falta de un patrón espacial y temporal común muestra que se deben realizar estudios de múltiples taxones de insectos para los procesos de monitoreo y conservación de la biodiversidad.

Animals , Ants , Coleoptera , Ecosystem , Moths , Colombia
Ces med. vet. zootec ; 17(1): 58-77, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404085


Resumen La ivermectina es el antiparasitario más usado en veterinaria a nivel mundial desde que entró al mercado en 1981. La U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) americana en su valoración de riesgos determinó que, si bien es muy tóxica para organismos acuáticos, es improbable que, con las aplicaciones registradas para uso animal y por sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, se lleguen a contaminar cursos de agua. Sin embargo, los efectos de la ivermectina (IVM) sobre la fauna de invertebrados no blanco si pueden tener gran repercusión en la ecología de los pastizales por los costes asociados a la presencia de las boñigas no degradadas. De hecho, las pérdidas económicas por disminuir la calidad de los pastizales y reducir la superficie de los pastos disponible y apetecibles al ganado se han calculado en hasta 380 millones de dólares para la economía americana. La ivermectina afecta a un grupo muy beneficioso y diverso taxonómicamente que habita las boñigas, incluyendo a moscas coprófagas, avispas parasíticas, y escarabajos coprófagos y depredadores. Algunos estudios muestran que las boñigas de animales tratados con IVM pueden permanecer en los pastizales sin muestras apreciables de degradación hasta 340 días, mientras que las de animales no tratados son degradadas casi totalmente después de 80 días. Además, estudios de campo y laboratorio han mostrado que la sensibilidad de muchos insectos ocurre a concentraciones muy por debajo de las que se excretan con las heces de bovinos tratados con IVM. Los efectos sobre la reproducción y desarrollo de larvas de coleópteros ocurren incluso a concentraciones que son de hasta 10 veces por debajo de las que producen mortalidad. En Colombia se han identificado al menos 68 especies de la subfamilia Scarabaeinae que integran la comunidad de las boñigas del bovino. La mayor diversidad de escarabajos estercoleros se ha asociado a bosques y sistemas silvopastoriles que incorporan arboles nativos y proveen hábitats favorables para su supervivencia.

Abstract Ivermectin (IVM) has been the world most widely used antiparasitic agent in veterinary medicine since it came to the market in 1981. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in its risk assessment determined that, although it is very toxic to aquatic organisms, it is unlikely to contaminate water courses from current applications registered for animal use. However, the effects of IVM on non-target invertebrate fauna can have great impact on grassland ecology due to the costs associated with the presence of undegraded dung. In fact, the economic losses from lowering the quality of pastures and reducing the area of pasture available and palatable to livestock have been estimated in $380 million for the American economy. Ivermectin affects a highly beneficial and taxonomically diverse group that inhabits dung, including dung flies, parasitic wasps, and coprophilus and predatory dung beetles. Some studies show that dung from IVM-treated animals can remain in pasture without appreciable signs of degradation for up to 340 days, while those from untreated animals are almost completely degraded after 80 days. In addition, field and laboratory studies have shown the susceptibility of many insects to occur at concentrations well below those excreted in the feces of cattle treated with IVM. Effects on reproduction and development of coleopteran larvae occur at concentrations that can be 10 times lower of those causing mortality. In Colombia, at least 68 species of the subfamily Scarabaeinae have been identified in dung communities. The greater diversity of dung beetles has been associated with forests and silvopastoral systems that incorporate native trees and provide favorable habitats for their survival.

Resumo A ivermectina (IVM) tem sido o agente antiparasitário mais utilizado no mundo na medicina veterinária desde que chegou ao mercado em 1981. A US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) em sua avaliação de risco determinou que, embora seja muito tóxico para organismos aquáticos, é improvável que contamine cursos d'água a partir de aplicações atuais registradas para uso animal. No entanto, os efeitos do IVM na fauna de invertebrados não-alvo podem ter grande impacto na ecologia das pastagens devido aos custos associados à presença de esterco não degradado. De fato, as perdas econômicas decorrentes da redução da qualidade das pastagens e da redução da área de pastagem disponível e palatável para o gado foram estimadas em US$ 380 milhões para a economia americana. A ivermectina afeta um grupo altamente benéfico e taxonomicamente diverso que habita o esterco, incluindo moscas do esterco, vespas parasitas e coprófilos e escaravelhos predadores. Alguns estudos mostram que o esterco de animais tratados com MIV pode permanecer no pasto sem sinais apreciáveis de degradação por até 340 dias, enquanto os de animais não tratados são quase completamente degradados após 80 dias. Além disso, estudos de campo e de laboratório mostraram que a suscetibilidade de muitos insetos ocorre em concentrações bem abaixo daquelas excretadas nas fezes de bovinos tratados com MIV. Os efeitos sobre a reprodução e desenvolvimento de larvas de coleópteros ocorrem em concentrações que podem ser 10 vezes menores daquelas que causam mortalidade. Na Colômbia, pelo menos 68 espécies da subfamília Scarabaeinae foram identificadas em comunidades de esterco. A maior diversidade de escaravelhos tem sido associada a florestas e sistemas silvipastoris que incorporam árvores nativas e proporcionam habitats favoráveis à sua sobrevivência.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 65(3): e20200100, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288470


ABSTRACT This paper provides a revision of the three smallest subgenera of Deltochilum, all endemic to the Atlantic Forest of South America. Deltochilum (Euhyboma) and D. (Rubrohyboma) are monospecific taxa, composed of D. brasiliense (Castelnau, 1840) and D. rubripenne (Gory, 1831), respectively, whereas D. (Parahyboma) is composed of two allopatric species, D. furcatum (Castelnau, 1840) and D. granulosum Paulian, 1933. Lectotypes for D. brasiliense and D. rubripenne are designated. Each species is analyzed as follows: a detailed literature review, a diagnosis, description, illustrations of key morphological characters, list of material examined, and geographic distribution. An improved identification key to the subgenera of Deltochilum is presented.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 64(3): e20200007, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137754


Abstract Within the subgenus Dichotomius (Selenocopris) Burmeister 1846, D. nisus (Olivier, 1789) and D. superbus (Felsche, 1901) had been historically arranged in the "Nisus" section by Luederwaldt, however, according to the revised classification of the subgenus, the two species now belong to different species groups. In this paper, the taxonomic history concerning the species once included by Luederwaldt in the "Nisus" section is revised and discussed. The following new synonyms are proposed: Pinotus taunayi (Luederwaldt, 1931) as a subjective synonym of D. geminatus (Arrow, 1913), and Pinotus taunayi pilosus (Luederwaldt, 1931) as a subjective synonym of D. nisus. Lectotypes are designated for D. nisus and Pinotus garbei. Redescriptions, diagnoses and updated distribution data are provided for D. nisus and D. superbus. The diagnostic characters of the male genitalia of these species are described and illustrated for the first time.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 63(1): 43-52, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045542


ABSTRACT On the basis of external morphology and genitalia of males, as well as a comparison between different species belonging to other groups of Dichotomius, we propose a redefinition of the "buqueti" species group separated by Luederwaldt (1929). Six species are excluded from this group and transferred to other groups: D. ribeiroi (Pereira, 1954) in the "cotopaxi" group; D. camposeabraiMartínez, 1974 in the "bitiensis" group; D. reclinatus (Felsche, 1901), D. horridus (Felsche, 1911), D. quadrinodosus (Felsche, 1901) and D. nimuendaju (Luederwaldt, 1925) (revalidated species) forming the newly defined "reclinatus" group. The other species kept in the "buqueti" group include D. buqueti (Lucas, 1857) from Brazil (lectotype here designated), D. haroldi (Waterhouse, 1891) from Argentina and D. nutans (Harold, 1867) from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The taxonomic revision of the "buqueti" group are presented, including a history of the included species, a determination key, illustrations of the structures of external morphology, male genitalia and sclerites of the internal sac, and a distribution map.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 254-265, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041908


Abstract Ivermectin (IVM) is widely used for parasite control in livestock in the tropics. Residual IVM in feces conserves its insecticide activity for weeks and can harm dung beetle (DB) species. Attraction to the feces of IVM-treated cattle was tested using the DB species Onthophagus landolti (Harold) and Canthon indigaceus chevrolati (Harold) as models. Experiments were done under controlled laboratory conditions, semi-controlled field conditions and uncontrolled field conditions. Olfactometers were used in the controlled and semi-controlled trials. The control treatment was baited IVM-free feces, and the experimental treatments were the feces of cattle treated with 1 % IVM (subcutaneous administration; single, 0.2 mg/kg bw dosage) and collected at 5, 14, 21 and 28 days post-treatment. The uncontrolled field trial involved pitfall traps baited with IVM-free feces or feces from IVM-treated cattle collected five days post-treatment. Under controlled and semi-controlled conditions, the feces of IVM-treated cattle (at 5, 14, 21 or 28 days post-treatment) attracted more O. landolti and C. i. chevrolati individuals than IVM-free feces (P < 0.05). The same response occurred under uncontrolled conditions. This clear attraction for IVM-containing cattle feces by the studied DB species highlights that incorrect IVM use may pose a risk to DB communities in cattle production systems.(AU)

Resumen La ivermectina (IVM) es ampliamente utilizada para el control de parásitos en el ganado en los trópicos. La IVM residual en las heces conserva su actividad insecticida durante semanas y puede dañar diversas especies de escarabajos estercoleros. La atracción a las heces del ganado tratado con IVM se probó usando a las especies Onthophagus landolti (Harold) y Canthon indigaceus chevrolati (Harold) como modelos de estudio. Los experimentos se realizaron bajo condiciones de laboratorio controladas, condiciones de campo semicontroladas y condiciones de campo no controladas. Se utilizaron olfatómetros en los ensayos controlados y semicontrolados. El tratamiento de control consistió en heces exentas de IVM, y los tratamientos experimentales fueron heces de ganado tratado con IVM al 1 % (administración subcutánea, dosis única, 0.2 mg / kg pv) las cuales se recogieron a los 5, 14, 21 y 28 días después del tratamiento al ganado. El ensayo de campo no controlado incluyó trampas de caída libre o pitfall cebadas con heces libres de IVM y con heces de ganado tratado con IVM recogido cinco días después del tratamiento. En condiciones controladas y semicontroladas, las heces del ganado tratado con IVM (a los 5, 14, 21 y 28 días después del tratamiento) atrajeron más individuos O. landolti yC. i. chevrolati que las heces sin IVM (P < 0.05). La misma respuesta ocurrió bajo condiciones no controladas. Esta clara atracción a las heces de ganado que contienen IVM por las especies estudiadas pone de relieve que el uso incorrecto de IVM puede plantear un riesgo para las comunidades de escarabajos estercoleros en los sistemas de producción ganadera.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Coleoptera , Ivermectin/administration & dosage , Rural Areas , Feces/chemistry , Olfactometry/instrumentation , Mexico
Rev. bras. entomol ; 62(3): 237-242, July-Sept. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045508


ABSTRACT The monospecific subgenus Dichotomius (Homocanthonides) is revised and its single species, Dichotomius (H.) smaragdinus (Perty, 1830) is redescribed and distinguished from other Dichotomius species. Dichotomius (H.) smaragdinus is a polymorphic species and its distribution comprises the Brazilian Cerrado. For the first time, morphological variation and male genital organ are described and illustrated. We believe that this species might be endangered due to extensive deforestation of Brazilian Cerrado by agricultural and pasture expansion. Thus, we highlight the importance of preserving this very unusual Dichotomius species.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(3): 917-924, Jul.-Sep. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897592


AbstractDung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are considered essential for enhancing the physicochemical characteristics of soils, principally by changing organic materials (e.g. dead animals, faeces, fruits e leaf litter). This study compared the species richness and abundance of dung beetles captured using various types of baits, to demonstrate attractiveness differences in variable habitats of the Brazilian Amazon. Samplings were carried out with pitfall traps baited with human faeces, rotten banana, rotten meat and a nonbaited trap, in February, March, June, September and October 2015. Habitats included native forests, agriculture areas, pastures and disturbed forests in different regeneration stages. A total of 13 736 Scarabaeinae beetles were captured, distributed over 98 species. Most individuals were captured using traps baited with faeces (76.7 % of individuals), followed by rotten meat baited traps (17.8 % of individuals), fermented banana baited traps (3.9 % of individuals) and finally by non-baited traps (1.6 % of individuals). A significant difference in attractiveness of the different baits used and habitats types was observed. Most of the captured assemblages were composed by coprophagous (42 %), generalist species (32 %), necrophagous (15 %) and none was classified as saprophagous. Approximately 54 % of the specimens were tunnelers, 25 % were rollers and 12 % were dwellers. The species of Scarabaeinae sampled in the region revealed qualitative and quantitative differences among their assemblages and the phytophysiognomies. The forest environments housed the greatest species richness observed, and a fraction of these is exclusive of those areas. We concluded that some species of Scarabaeinae have an important potential as disturbance indicators in the Amazonian ecosystem. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 917-924. Epub 2017 September 01.

ResumenLos escarabajos peloteros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) son considerados fundamentales para la mejora de las características físico-químicas de los suelos, es decir, para la descomposición de materiales orgánicos (p. ej., animales muertos, heces, frutas y hojarasca). Este estudio compara la riqueza de especies y la abundancia de escarabajos peloteros, capturados utilizando diversos tipos de cebos, para demostrar diferencias en la atracción en hábitats de la Amazonía Brasileña. Se realizaron muestreos con trampas cebadas con heces humanas, plátano podrido, carne podrida y una trampa sin cebo. Los hábitats incluyen bosques nativos, zonas de agricultura, pastos y bosques alterados en diferentes fases de regeneración. Se capturaron un total de 13 736 escarabajos Scarabaeinae, distribuidos en 98 especies. La mayoría de los individuos fueron capturados en trampas cebadas con heces (76.7 % de los individos), seguido por las trampas con cebo de carne podrida (17.8 % de los individuos), trampas con cebo de plátano fermentado (3.9 % de los individuos) y finalmente por las trampas sin cebo (1.6 % de los individuos). Se observó una diferencia significativa en la atracción de los diferentes cebos y hábitats. La mayoría de la comunidad capturada estuvo compuesta de escarabajos coprófagos (42 %), especies generalistas (32 %) y necrófagos (15 %) y ninguno fue clasificado como saprófago. Aproximadamente, el 54 % de las muestras fueron excavadores, 25 % rodadores y 12 % residentes. Las especies de scarabaeinae muestreadas en la región revelaron diferencias cualitativas y cuantitativas entre sus ensamblajes y las fitofisionomías muestreadas. Los ambientes forestales albergaron la mayor riqueza de especies observada y una fracción de ellas es exclusiva de este entorno. Concluimos que algunas especies de Scarabaeinae tienen un potencial importante como indicadores de alteración en el ecosistema amazónico.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 333-345, Mar. 2012. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-657782


The State of Veracruz in Mexico is one of the main cattle producers, and uses several veterinary products for disease and parasite control. For parasite control, ivermectin is one of the most frequently used substances. Nevertheless, even though previous research conducted in other countries has found that this product has negative effects on beneficial coprophagous fauna, no studies have descry ibed its effects on coprophagous insects at a local scale in Veracruz, Mexico. This study evaluated Euoniticellus intermedius survival, fecundity, fertility and preimaginal development under laboratory conditions when ivermectin was added to cattle dung at three different concentrations. The design included two controls (spiked dung), and the following product concentrations: 0.01, 1.0 and 100ppm, which were homogenized with wet cattle dung. 20 female-male E. intermedius couples between five and 15 days old were used and kept at 27°C, 70% RH, and 12h light for 10 days. The survival of all specimens, the fertility of 20 females and the gonadal maturity of 17 males were verified. The larval development in 162 pieces of brood-mass was examined, and a total of 974 larvae developed and reached adulthood. The highest ivermectin concentration was toxic at 1.0ppm dose, the survival of adults was reduced to almost the half, and at 100ppm, total mortality was observed. The effects on specimen reproductive systems showed that the ovary was not affected, that the testicle size increased, and that the fecundity and weight of brood-masses were reduced. Pre-imaginal development increased 0.5 times at 0.01ppm concentration, and the width of the cephalic capsule in third instar larvae diminished. The prolonging of development time may cause a phase lag in the field activity cycle, this lag may reduce the number of E. intermedius individuals and the efficiency of the environmental services that they provide.

El estado de Veracruz en México, es uno de los principales productores de ganado vacuno en México, asimismo utiliza diversas medicinas veterinarias para el control de enfermedades y parásitos. La ivermectina es una de las substancias más utilizadas para el control de parásitos. Sin embargo, se sabe por estudios hechos en otros países, que esta substancia tiene efectos negativos sobre la fauna coprófaga benéfica como los escarabajos del estiércol, pero no se han estudiado sus efectos sobre la fauna coprófaga de Veracruz o de México. Este estudio se realizó en condiciones de laboratorio, en donde se utilizó el estiércol vacuno a tres diferentes concentraciones de ivermectina para determinar su efecto sobre la supervivencia, fecundidad, fertilidad y desarrollo preimaginal de Euoniticellus intermedius. Por lo tanto, las tres concentraciones que se emplearon fueron: 0.01, 1.0 y 100ppm de ivermectina homogeneizada en estiércol vacuno fresco y dos testigos. Además, se utilizaron 20 parejas hembramacho por tratamiento, entre cinco y 15 días de edad y mantenidos por 10 días a 27°C, 70% HR y 12hr luz. Se determinó la supervivencia de todos, la fertilidad en 20 hembras y el estado de madurez gonádica en 17 machos. Se determinó el desarrollo preimaginal en 162 masas-nido y 974 se dejaron continuar el desarrollo hasta la emergencia de los adultos. La ivermectina es tóxica a mayor concentración. La supervivencia de adultos se redujo casi a la mitad a dosis de 1.0ppm y fue nula a 100ppm. El ovario no fue afectado. Los testículos incrementaron de tamaño. La fecundidad y el peso de las masas-nido se redujeron. El desarrollo preimaginal se incrementó 0.5 veces a concentración 0.01ppm y las larvas del tercer estadio redujeron el ancho de la cápsula cefálica. El alargamiento del tiempo de desarrollo puede causar desfase de su ciclo de actividad en campo, lo que podría reducir su número y la eficiencia de los servicios ambientales que proporcionan.

Animals , Cattle , Female , Male , Antiparasitic Agents/pharmacology , Coleoptera/drug effects , Ivermectin/pharmacology , Coleoptera/growth & development , Drug Residues , Feces/parasitology , Fertility/drug effects , Human Coprophagia , Mexico , Sex Factors
Rev. bras. entomol ; 55(2): 283-284, June 2011.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-593264


First report of Oxysternon silenus Castelnau (Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Phanaeini) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. This is the first record of Oxysternon silenus in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Specimens were collected in the Serra Grande landscape, municipality of Ibateguara, in Alagoas State. The samples were done from August 17 to 19, 2007 with pitfall traps. Before the present study, Oxysternon silenus had been reported predominantly in Amazonian region. The finding of this species corroborates the hypothesis of the biogeographical relationships between the Amazon Rainforest and the Atlantic Forest.

Primeiro relato de Oxysternon silenus Castelnau (Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Phanaeini) na Mata Atlântica brasileira. Esse é o primeiro registro de Oxysternon silenus na Mata Atlântica brasileira. Os espécimes foram coletados em Serra Grande, município de Ibateguara, Alagoas. As coletas foram realizadas de 17 a 19 de agosto de 2007 com a utilização de armadilhas do tipo pitfall. Antes do presente estudo, Oxysternon silenus tinha sido reportada apenas na região Amazônica. O encontro dessa espécie reforça a hipótese das relações biogeográficas entre a Amazônia e a Mata Atlântica.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 53(4): 607-613, dez. 2009. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-543417


The knowledge on Atlantic Forest scarab beetle fauna is quite limited. This biome is strongly degraded and these insects can be used as bioindicators since they are sensitive to forest destruction and show distinct organizational patterns in forest fragments or in areas that have been deteriorated by human activity. Thus, a study of the Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) dung beetles fauna that inhabit Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brazil (23º12'-23º22' S and 46º53'-47º03'W) was carried out; the monthly species richness was analyzed in six areas during one year and the vegetation's structural physiognomy was described. The areas included a conserved and a degraded valley, a northward and a southward hillside, a hilltop, and an area of secondary forest growing under eucalyptus trees. The specimens were collected using four pitfall traps baited with human feces, which remained at each spot during 48 hours. Between September, 1997 and August, 1998, 3524 individuals of 39 species were collected; the most abundant were: Canthidium trinodosum, Eurysternus cyanescens, Uroxys kratochvili, Scybalocanthon nigriceps, Uroxys lata, Canthonella sp., Dichotomius assifer, Deltochilum furcatum, Canthidium sp.2, Canthon latipes, Deltochilum rubripenne, Eurysternus sp., and Dichotomius sp.1. The number of individuals and species was greater in the hot, rainy season, when there was a correlation between the number of species and the mean annual temperature [r²= 0.69; p<0.01]. The lower winter richness was most pronounced in the conserved valley, while richness remained relatively constant in the degraded valley; abundance was much higher in the degraded valley. The cluster analysis showed that the valleys and hillsides are the most similar in relation to species composition and abundance, yet different from the secondary forest with eucalypts and the hilltop.

O conhecimento da fauna de besouros escarabeídeos da Mata Atlântica é bastante reduzido. Este bioma encontra-se fortemente degradado sendo que estes insetos podem ser usados como bioindicadores já que são sensíveis à destruição de florestas, apresentando distintos padrões de organização em fragmentos ou em áreas deterioradas pela ação humana. Foi realizado um levantamento dos Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) coprófagos que habitam a Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brasil (23º12'-23º22' S e 46º53'-47º03'W) analisando a riqueza mensal de espécies ao longo de um ano em seis áreas, nas quais foram realizadas descrições fisionômicas estruturais da vegetação. As áreas incluíram um vale conservado e um degradado, uma encosta sul e uma norte, um topo de morro e uma área de mata secundária sob eucaliptos. Através de quatro armadilhas de queda iscadas com fezes humanas, que permaneceram 48 horas em cada área, entre IX/1997 e VIII/1998 foram coletados 3524 indivíduos de 39 espécies, sendo as espécies mais abundantes: Canthidium trinodosum, Eurysternus cyanescens, Uroxys kratochvili, Scybalocanthon nigriceps, Uroxys lata, Canthonella sp., Dichotomius assifer, Deltochilum furcatum, Canthidium sp.2, Canthon latipes, Deltochilum rubripenne, Eurysternus sp. e Dichotomius sp.1. O número de indivíduos e de espécies foram maiores na época quente e chuvosa, havendo correlação entre o número de espécies e a temperatura média mensal [r²= 0,69; p<0,01]. A menor riqueza no inverno foi mais acentuada no vale conservado enquanto no vale degradado a riqueza manteve-se relativamente constante; a abundância foi extremamente maior na área de vale degradado. A análise de agrupamento mostrou que os vales e as encostas são mais semelhantes quanto a composição e abundância de espécies, diferindo tanto da mata secundária com eucaliptos como do topo do morro.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53285


Dung beetles (family Scarabaeidae) are one of the largest families of beetles worldwide. Due to biological behavior of these arthropods, they are considered to play an important role in the life cycle of some helminths. In the present study, dung beetles collected from cattle pastures in rural areas of Ardabil province, north-west of Iran were examined for infection with larval stages of helminths. According to the results, nematodes of 2 genera were identified including Rhabditis and Gongylonema. The more common species was Rhabditis sp. which was found in 9 species of beetles. Out of 15 different species of dung beetles, Copris lunaris was the only scarabaeid to be found naturally infected with the larval stages of Gongylonema sp. Our new findings introduce C. lunaris as a potential biological vector for transmission of Gongylonema sp. to vertebrates in the surveyed region.

Animals , Humans , Arthropod Vectors/parasitology , Coleoptera/parasitology , Iran/epidemiology , Larva/physiology , Rhabditoidea/isolation & purification , Spirurida Infections/epidemiology , Spiruroidea/isolation & purification
Rev. bras. entomol ; 53(3): 422-427, 2009. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-529635


In this study, performed in a remnant of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, three types of dung from animals with distinct alimentary habits were utilized, in order to verify possible differences of attractivity of these dungs to the Scarabaeinae and the influence of seasonality in the attractivity. Three habitats were sampled: edge, clearing and forest core, each with 40 pitfall traps. A total of 2,137 beetles were collected from August 2005 to July 2006. Canthidium sp. 1 (43 percent) and Dichotomius sericeus (41 percent) were the most abundant species. From the total number of beetles collected, 80.5 percent were attracted to human dung, 11 percent to jaguar dung, 7.8 percent to waterbuck dung and 0.7 percent to the control. The species Canthidium sp.1, Canthidium sp. 2, Ateuchus sp., Canthon nigripenne, Canthonella sp. and D. sericeus came to all three bait types. Eight species were found in the baits with human dung, where Canthidium sp.1 (49 percent) and D. sericeus (39 percent) were the most common. A significant difference in attractiveness of the different baits was observed; the highest abundance found in traps baited with human dung (F = 36.59; g.l. = 3; p < 0.0001). A significant difference in richness was observed between rainy and dry seasons (F = 12.29; g.l. = 1; p < 0.001), the highest richness found in the dry season.

Nesse estudo, realizado em um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica Brasileira, três tipos de fezes de animais com distintos hábitos alimentares foram utilizados para verificar possíveis diferenças de atratividade dessas fezes por Scarabaeinae e a influência da sazonalidade nessa atratividade. Três habitats foram amostrados: borda, clareira e núcleo da floresta, cada um com 40 armadilhas de queda ("pitfall"). Um total de 2137 besouros foi coletado de agosto de 2005 a julho de 2006. Canthidium sp. 1 (43 por cento) e Dichotomius sericeus (41 por cento) foram as espécies mais abundantes. Do número total de besouros coletados, 80,5 por cento foram atraídos para fezes humanas, 11 por cento para fezes de jaguar, 7,8 por cento para fezes de cobo e 0,7 por cento para o controle. As espécies Canthidium sp.1, Canthidium sp. 2, Ateuchus sp., Canthon nigripenne, Canthonella sp. e D. sericeus foram aos três tipos de isca. Oito espécies foram encontradas nas iscas com fezes humanas, onde Canthidium sp.1 (49 por cento) e D. sericeus (39 por cento) foram as mais abundantes. Diferença significativa de atratividade por diferentes iscas foi observada; a maior abundância foi evidenciada em armadilhas iscadas com fezes humanas (F = 36.59; g.l. = 3; p < 0.0001). Diferença significativa foi observada na riqueza entre as estações chuvosa e seca (F = 12.29; g.l. = 1; p < 0.001) sendo a maior riqueza verificada na estação seca.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 53(1): 88-94, 2009. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-511776


O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar riqueza, abundância, diversidade e equitabilidade das espécies de Scarabaeinae em dois ambientes no Refúgio Ecológico Charles Darwin (RECD), Pernambuco. As coletas foram realizadas com armadilha de interceptação de vôo entre os meses de Abril e Junho de 2007, totalizando seis coletas. Foram capturados 4576 escarabeíneos, pertencentes a 35 espécies, 15 gêneros e seis tribos. Sete novos registros de espécies foram feitos para Pernambuco, passando de 26 para 33 espécies. As tribos registradas foram Canthonini, Ateuchini, Coprini, Phanaeini, Eurystenini e Onthophagini. Os gêneros melhor representados foram: Dichotomius com 84,6 por cento dos besouros coletados, seguido por Canthidium com 7,62 por cento e Canthon com 2,48 por cento. A espécie Dichotomius aff.sericeus foi a mais abundante com 3889 indivíduos. Em todo o estudo foram verificadas 17 espécies para a área aberta, sendo 11 restritas a esse ambiente, enquanto para mata foram registradas 24, sendo 18 espécies restritas. Grande parte dos indivíduos capturados na mata foi da espécie D. aff.sericeus, enquanto no ambiente aberto nenhum indivíduo desta espécie foi coletado. Os estimadores indicaram uma estimativa máxima de riqueza de 21 espécies para o ambiente aberto e 32 espécies para o ambiente de mata. A curva de acumulação de espécies baseada em valores de riqueza observada média para os dois ambientes do RECD, não apresentou tendência a assíntota.

The objective of this work was to study richness, abundance, diversity and equitability of the species of Scarabaeinae, in two environments in the Charles Darwin Ecology Refuge (CDER), Pernambuco. Sampling was carried with flight intercept trap from April through June 2007, totaling six samples. 4576 scarabaeinaes, belonging to 35 species, 15 genera and six tribes were captured. Seven new species records were found for Pernambuco, whose known fauna increased from 26 to 33 species. The tribes recorded were Canthonini, Ateuchini, Coprini, Phanaeinae, Eurystenini and Onthophagini. The better represented genera were: Dichotomius with 84,6 percent of the beetles collected, followed by Canthidium with 7,62 percent and Canthon with 2,48 percent. Dichotomius aff.sericeus was the most abundant species with 3889 individuals. 17 species were sampled in open areas, with 11 of them restricted to this habitat, while 24 were recorded within the forest, 18 of them found only in this habitat. Most individuals captured in the forest belong to D. aff.sericeus, while in open areas no specimen of this species was collected. The estimators indicate a maximum richness of 21 species for the open environment and 32 species for the forest. The species accumulation curve, based on average richness values for the two environments at CDER, did not show tendency to assintote.

Animals , Coleoptera , Biodiversity , Tropical Climate , Brazil , Ecology , Trees
Acta biol. colomb ; 13(3): 73-84, Dec. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634888


Los escarabajos coprófagos pertenecientes a la familia Scarabaeidae presentan una fuerte competencia por el recurso alimenticio, debido a la baja agregación espacial y al carácter efímero del mismo. Un mecanismo que puede contribuir a diluir la competencia es la segregación temporal, conduciendo a una especialización en las horas de actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la actividad diaria en un ensamblaje de escarabajos coprófagos en un bosque húmedo tropical en la amazonía colombiana. Se establecieron dos transectos lineales de 225 m y en cada uno se montaron diez tram-pas de caída por 24 horas, cebadas con excremento humano de dos investigadores, colectando su contenido cada hora, en la época de sequía. Se registraron un total de 23 especies, contenidas en diez géneros y cinco tribus. La abundancia del gremio de los cavadores fue mayor que la de los otros grupos. Igualmente, los escarabajos diurnos fueron más abundantes que los crepusculares y los nocturnos. Se presentaron algunas especies con horas de actividad muy específicas, evidenciando el problema de tomar tiempos de captura muy amplios donde se pierde el detalle de la restricción horaria. La riqueza y abundancia de especies en los cebos de los dos investigadores mostró diferencias, insinuando que pueden existir variaciones dentro del excremento humano, como cebo. Finalmente, se propone que la restricción en la actividad diaria puede ser un mecanismo importante de dilución de la competencia inter e intraespecífica, que facilita a las especies la coexistencia y repartición del recurso en el tiempo.

Dung beetles belonging to the Scarabaeidae family have strong competition for food resources given the low spatial aggregation and ephemeral character of those resources. Temporal segregation through specialization in hours of activity is a mechanism that can decrease that competition. The objective of this paper is study the daily activity of an assemblage of dung beetles in a tropical wet forest in the colombian amazon. During the dry season, two linear transects of 225 m were established, with 10 pitfall traps mounted for 24 hours, baited with human excrement of two researchers. Trap contents were collected hourly. 23 total species were recorded, within 10 genera and 5 tribes. The abundance of the diggers guild were higher then the others groups. Diurnal beetles were more abundant than nocturnal and crepuscular species. Some species with very specific hours of activity were present, evidencing the problem of allowing a long time between collections, thus losing the detail of restricted activity. Differences existed in the abundance and richness of species on the bait, implying that there can be variations between human excrement. Finally, it was shown that restriction in daily activity can be an important mechanism for diminishing inter and intra specific competition, which facilitates the coexistence of species and the division over the resource in time.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 52(1): 36-40, 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-481209


En este trabajo se presenta información sobre los escarabajos coprófagos del Área Natural Única Los Estoraques (ANUE), Departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia. Los muestreos fueron realizados durante los meses de febrero a diciembre del año 2002 en cuatro sitios con diferente grado de intervención, suministrando la captura de 10,538 individuos. Los sitios muestreados correspondieron a bosque seco premontano y bosque montañoso húmedo con diferentes grados de intervención. 16 especies de Scarabaeinae conformaron el 89 por ciento de las ejemplares colectados, el 11 por ciento restante (3 especies) fue conformado por Hibosóridos. La totalidad de las especies se completo en el quinto muestreo. Se registró diferencia significativa en la riqueza y abundancia entre los sitios (P <0,05), funcionando las zonas de bosque montañoso humedo como un solo ensamblaje. Las abundancias de las especies no muestran correlación con la pluviosidad. Se reportan por primera vez siete especies para el departamento y se amplia el rango altitudinal conocido en Colombia para cuatro.

Information on the diversity and abundance of the coprophagous scarab beetles of Los Estoraques National Park (ANUE) in Colombia is presented. Beetles were collected monthly from February to December 2002 with pitfall traps baited with human excrement. Four environments where sampled including montane dry forests and montane humid forests with different degrees of disruption. A total of 10,538 specimens representing 19 species were collected. All the species were collected by the fifth month. The Scarabaeinae represented 89 percent of the collected species (16); the remaining 11 percent were in Hybosoridae (3). An ANOVA analysis showed significant differences in richness and abundance between some of the sites. No correlation between precipitation and abundance was found for any of the sites sampled. For Norte de Santander, seven species are recorded for the first time, and the known altitudinal distribution in Colombia is expanded for four species.

Animals , Andean Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Coleoptera/classification
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(4): 1197-1203, dic. 2006. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-492162


A two year study of dung beetles and ants acting on scats of two species of opossum (Didelphis spp.) was carried out. Scats were left in the field in order to detect post-dispersal agents. A portion of each scat (30 %) was examined for seeds in the laboratory. Beetles were recovered from burrows (51% of 84 faecal samples left in the field) where they either buried scats of opossums or were attracted, together with ants, to pitfalls (N = 10) baited with opossum scats. Dung beetles were the main post-dispersal agents of seeds found in scats of opossums, rolling the scats away or burying then on the site of deposition. They buried faeces at 4 to 15 cm in depth (N = 22 tunnels). The main dung beetles identified (medium to large size) were Eurysternus (28.7 % in pitfalls) and Dichotomius (13.7 %), Coprophanaeus (seen only directly on faeces), besides small-bodied beetles (< 10 mm; 57.6 %). The ant Acromirmex sp. transported some seeds from scats. This species was present in 25.5 % of all Formicidae samples (pitfall). These post-dispersal agents contribute to avert scat seed predators such as rodents, and to accelerate seed bank formation.

Por dos años estudiamos los escarabajos coprófagos y las hormigas que actúan en las heces de zarigüellas (Didelphis). Se dejaron excrementos en el campo para descubrir los agentes secundarios de dispersión. Una parte de cada excremento (30 %) fue analizada en laboratorio para estimar el número de semillas. Se recolectaron escarabajos del suelo (51 % de 84 excrementos dejados en el campo). También capturamos escarabajos y hormigas con trampas (N= 10). Los escarabajos coprófagos son los principales agentes secundarios de dispersión. Ruedan los excrementos o los entierran a 4-15 cm de profundidad (N= 22 túneles). Los escarabajos coprófagos de mayor tamaño fueron Eurysternus cyanescens (28.7 % en trampas), Dichotomius assifer (13.7 %) y Coprophanaeus saphirinus (sólo visto en madrigueras y directamente sobre los excrementos). Los escarabajos de menos de 10 mm fueron el 57.6 %. La hormiga Acromirmex sp. fue 25.5 % del total de hormigas capturadas en trampas. Hallamos varias especies de semillas en los excrementos, muchos de ellos enterrados por los escarabajos, y algunas fueron extraídas por las hormigas. Estos agentes secundarios ayudan a evitar los depredadores de semillas (eg. roedores) y aceleran la formación del banco de semillas, pues no las comen.

Animals , Coleoptera/physiology , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Ants/physiology , Opossums/physiology , Seeds/growth & development , Feces