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Global Health Journal ; (4): 55-60, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036162


Background:The prevalence of pediatric mental illnesses has been increasing in recent years,with a great potential to impact on individual's functionality and adaptation in adulthood.Objective:This study aims to assess emotional and behavioral problems among schoolchildren in Herat City of Afghanistan.Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted on schoolchildren(grade 5-10),between September and November 2021.Sociodemographic data was collected using a paper-based 14-item structured questionnaire.Data on emotional and behavioral problems was collected using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)based on teachers'and children's report.Statistical analyses were performed in IBM SPSS Statistics(version 27).Results:A total of 418 students,including 190(45.5%)males and 228(54.5%)females with a mean age of 14.1±1.7(11-<18)years were included in the study.The prevalence of students'self-reported total difficulties and prosocial problem were 5.7%and 1.2%,respectively.An insignificant difference was observed between mean total difficulties scores between students'self-reported and teachers'reported SDQ.Gender,grade,concern about shortage of food,and concern about losing house were significantly predicting students'self-reported total difficulties scores.Conclusion:This is the first study to report the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems among schoolchildren in Herat City,Afghanistan.This,together with relevant global literature,highlight the need to address pediatric mental health,and provide services aimed at preventing,and treating children with these prob-lems around the world.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 23-43, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387204


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar si los problemas emocionales (depresión y ansiedad) y la Personalidad Oscura eran predictores del sexting y el grooming, y si este comportamiento varía según el género y la edad. Se constituyó una muestra de 728 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años (38% hombres) de tres escuelas secundarias privadas ubicadas en Buenos Aires y Paraná, Argentina. Completaron un Cuestionario de sexting, el Cuestionario de Solicitación e Interacción Sexual a menores online por parte de adultos para evaluar el comportamiento de grooming, la Escala de síntomas psicosomáticos de Rosenberg, el Inventario de depresión de Kovacs para niños y el Dirty Dozen para los rasgos de Personalidad Oscura. Los resultados mostraron que 12% de los adolescentes admitió haber padecido una conducta de grooming. Las formas más frecuentes fueron el envío de mensajes escritos de carácter sexual (11%) y fotos (10%) y luego, en orden de frecuencia, el envío de videos (4%), pero no se detectaron diferencias por género. Los predictores significativos de sexting y el tamaño de su varianza explicada variaban según el género (R² = 47% para mujeres y R² = 12% para hombres, respectivamente). En el caso de las mujeres, mayor edad y puntajes de psicopatía fueron predictores significativos, y en el de los hombres, menor ansiedad fue el predictor significativo. Un modelo estructural explicó una varianza del 6% para el sexting y 21% para el grooming, indicando que no hubo invarianza, según el género. Las regresiones lineales para predecir el grooming a partir del sexting también sugirieron que el género moderaba esta relación.

Abstract The present study aimed to study if emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and Dark Personality were predictors of sexting and grooming, and if this behavior differs by gender and age. A sample of 728 adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age (38% male) from three private high schools located in Buenos Aires and Paraná, Argentina, was drawn. They completed a Sexting questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors with Adults for grooming behavior, Rosenberg Scale of Psychosomatic Symptoms, the Kovacs Depression Inventory for Children and the Dirty Dozen for dark personality traits. Results showed that 12% of adolescents admitted having carried out a sexting behavior. Sending written messages of a sexual nature (11%) and photos (10%) were the most prevalent ways, followed by videos (4%), but no differences were detected according to gender. Significant predictors of sexting and the size of its explained variance ranged by gender (R² = 47% for females and R² = 12% for men, respectively). In the case of females, older age and psychopathy were the significant predictors. In the case of males, less anxiety was the significant predictors. A structural model explained a variance of 6% for sexting and 21% for grooming, indicating that there was no inavariance, according to gender. Linear regressions to predict grooming from sexting also suggested this relationship was moderated by gender.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41(spe3): e203883, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340440


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a associação entre práticas educativas parentais e problemas emocionais de comportamento em adolescentes com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD). Buscou-se também verificar o poder preditivo das variáveis sociodemográficas e das práticas educativas parentais percebidas em relação aos problemas emocionais e de comportamento, além de investigar diferenças entre os sexos. Trata-se de um estudo de delineamento observacional e explicativo, com corte transversal, do qual participaram 14 adolescentes com AH/SD intelectiva, aferidos pela Escala de Inteligência Wechsler Abreviada (WASI), sendo 10 meninos (71,4%) e quatro meninas (28,6%) com idade entre 12 e 16 anos (M = 13,2; DP = 1,4). Todos responderam ao Questionário de Dados Sociodemográficos, às Escalas de Práticas Parentais e ao Inventário de Comportamentos Autorreferidos para jovens de 11 a 18 anos. Os resultados indicaram predominância de práticas educativas maternas, como cobrança de responsabilidade, apoio emocional e incentivo à autonomia. Os meninos apresentaram mais indicadores de problemas internalizantes e total de problemas, superando em cerca de 30% a média das meninas. O total de problemas identificados foi explicado em 17,4% pelo menor incentivo à autonomia por parte da mãe. Por outro lado, os indicadores de aspectos positivos foram explicados em 24,9% pela menor presença de controle punitivo, também da mãe. Os dados apontam para uma maior incidência de indicadores de problemas emocionais e de comportamento em meninos com AH/SD e sua associação com características da família, especialmente as práticas educativas maternas, sugerindo a importância de atentar-se para tais questões.(AU)

This study aimed to examine the association between parental educational practices and emotional/behavioral problems in adolescents with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G), besides verifying the predictive power of these practices and sociodemographic variables on emotional and behavioral problems and differences between genders. This is a cross-sectional, observational and explanatory study conducted with 14 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 13.2, SD = 1.4), of whom 10 were boys (71.4%) and four girls (28.6%), considered as presenting with HA/G according to the Wechsler Intelligence Abbreviated Scale (WASI). Data were collected using the sociodemographic variables questionnaire, the Parental Practice Scales, and the Youth Self-Report Behavior Inventory for Age 11-18. The results indicate a predominance of maternal educational practices such as responsibility demands, emotional support, and autonomy encouragement. Boys presented more internalizing problems indicators and total score problems about 30% higher than the mean value found for girls. Lower maternal autonomy encouragement explained 17.4% of the total problems identified. On the other hand, lower maternal punitive control explained 24.9% of positive aspects indicators. These data indicate that HA/G boys present a higher incidence of indicators of emotional and behavioral problems and that these problems are associated with family characteristics, especially maternal educational practices, point to the need for further looks at such issues.(AU)

Este estudio pretendió identificar la relación entre las prácticas educativas parentales y los problemas emocionales y de comportamiento de adolescentes con altas habilidades/superdotados (AH/SD). También se verificó el poder predictivo de las variables sociodemográficas y de las prácticas educativas parentales percibidas en relación a los problemas emocionales y de comportamiento, además de las diferencias entre los sexos. Este es un estudio observacional y explicativo, con cohorte transversal, en el que participaron 14 adolescentes con AH/SD evaluados por la Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler Abreviada (WASI), siendo 10 niños (71,4%) y cuatro niñas (28,6%), con edades de entre 12 y 16 años (M = 13,2, DE = 1,4). Todos respondieron al Cuestionario de Datos Sociodemográficos, a las Escalas de Prácticas Parentales y al Inventario de Comportamientos Autorreferidos para jóvenes de 11 a 18 años. Los resultados indicaron predominio de las prácticas educativas maternas, como cobranza de responsabilidad, apoyo emocional e incentivo a la autonomía. Los niños presentaron más indicadores de problemas internalizantes y del total de problemas, superando cerca del 30% la media de las niñas. El total de problemas identificados fue explicado en el 17,4% por el menor incentivo a la autonomía por parte de la madre. Por otro lado, los indicadores de aspectos positivos fueron explicados en el 24,9% por la menor presencia de control punitivo también por la madre. Los datos muestran una mayor incidencia de indicadores de problemas emocionales y de comportamiento en niños con AH/SD y su asociación con características de la familia, especialmente las prácticas educativas maternas, lo que evidencia la importancia de considerar estas cuestiones.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Behavior , Child, Gifted , Adolescent , Affective Symptoms , Education , Aptitude , Teaching , Family , Family Characteristics , Personal Autonomy , Minors , Emotions , Problem Behavior , Intelligence
Pensando fam ; 24(1): 113-127, jan.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135465


Objetivou-se avaliar a associação entre indicadores de problemas emocionais e de comportamento percebidos por mães sobre si e seus filhos/as, e a sua inter-relação com o desempenho escolar infantil. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa correlacional, da qual participaram 45 crianças, matriculadas no Ensino Fundamental I, e suas mães, acessadas por conveniência em duas escolas municipais de São Leopoldo/RS, que responderam ao Questionário sobre os Dados Sociodemográficos da Família, Inventário de Autoavaliação para Adultos de 18 a 59 anos, Inventário dos Comportamentos de Crianças e Adolescentes entre seis e 18 anos e Teste de Desempenho Escolar. Os resultados evidenciaram associações positivas entre problemas internalizantes e externalizantes infantis e maternos. Os sintomas de isolamento/depressão e os problemas de pensamento se associariam negativamente ao desempenho escolar, enquanto os problemas sociais relacionaram-se ao baixo desempenho em leitura. Tais achados indicam que aspectos emocionais e de comportamento adulto afetam a saúde mental e a aprendizagem infantil.

The objective of the present study was assessing the association between indicators of emotional and behavioral problems perceived by mothers about themselves and their children, and their interrelationship with children's school performance. A correlational research was carried out, in which 45 children, enrolled in Elementary School, and their mothers participated, accessed by convenience in two municipal schools in São Leopoldo/RS, who answered the Family Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, Adult Self-Report (ASR), Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and School Performance Test. The results showed positive associations between internalizing and externalizing problems for children and mothers. Isolation/depression symptoms and thinking problems would be negatively associated with school performance, while social problems were related to poor reading performance. Such findings indicate that emotional and adult behavioral aspects affect mental health and child learning.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(1,supl.1): 22-26, abr. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002600


Las familias de niños con trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA) pueden diferenciarse en función de indicadores sociodemográficos y del clima familiar caracterizado por el nivel de estrés parental, el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento y la búsqueda de apoyo social. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias conductuales, emocionales y sociales de niños con TEA en relación con distintas tipologías de familias caracterizadas en función de los factores de riesgo como de riesgo alto, moderado y bajo. Los participantes fueron 52 madres y sus hijos de entre 7 y 11 años, con TEA sin discapacidad intelectual, que aportaron información del desarrollo socioemocional de los hijos mediante el Cuestionario de Cualidades y Dificultades, que valora síntomas emocionales, problemas de conducta, hiperactividad/ problemas de atención, problemas de relación con los compañeros y conducta prosocial. Los análisis de comparación entre grupos que se llevaron a cabo, indicaron que los niños con familias de riesgo alto mostraron puntuaciones significativamente más bajas en conductas prosociales y experimentaron un nivel significativamente superior de problemas emocionales que los niños de las familias del grupo de bajo riesgo. Por consiguiente, los resultados mostraron la relación que tiene el contexto familiar con el desarrollo socioemocional de niños con TEA. Subrayan asimismo la importancia del asesoramiento a las familias para potenciar las habilidades de regulación emocional y las conductas prosociales, debido a su impacto en la adaptación social a largo plazo.

Families of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be differentiated according to socio-demographics and environmental risk factors characterized by stress parental, the use of coping strategies and social support. The aim of this study was to analyze the behavioral, emotional and social manifestations of children with ASD, related to different types of families characterized according risk factors as families with "high risk", with "moderated risk" and with "low risk". Participants were 52 mothers and their children between 7 and 11 years old with ASD without intellectual disability. All mothers provided information about children's behavior through the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, which includes the following scales: emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer problems and prosocial behavior. Comparisons analysis showed that children belonging to the high family risk group exhibited less prosocial behaviors and a higher level of emotional problems compared to the low risk group. The findings from the present study illustrate the importance of considering the characteristics of entire family system in the emotional and social development of children with ASD. The role of family counseling to enhance emotional regulation skills and prosocial behaviors is underlined due to their impact on long-term social adjustment.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Social Adjustment , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Family/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Affective Symptoms/diagnosis , Affective Symptoms/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Mothers/psychology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201213


Background: The present research was carried out with an objective to study the behavioral problems and emotional problems of school children as perceived by their parents and teachers.Methods: This cross sectional observational study was conducted on parents and teachers of 304 secondary school children of a metropolitan city. A pre formed semi structured questionnaire was used to assess the socio-demographic profile of the students. Parents and teachers rated Strength and difficulties questionnaire was used to assess their child’s /students behavioral and emotional problems as perceived by their parents & teachers. The analysis was done using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software.Results: Regarding the perception of teachers and parents it was found that parents were not much concerned as the response rate for parent reported SDQ was only 64.8% and response rate among teachers was 100%. Out of 304 study subjects, 22 (7.2%) were having borderline total difficulties on teachers reported total difficulty scale of SDQ and 11 (3.6%) were reported to be abnormal. Parent reported SDQ showed that out of 197 parents, who filled the SDQ, 24 (7.9%) study subjects were having borderline total difficulties, while 33 (10.9%) were found to be abnormal on SDQ scale.Conclusions: Parents, child-care givers, teachers and health care professionals if made aware of symptoms of mental health problems in their children’s, we can restore their mental health conditions in time

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-796577


Objective@#To explore the association between gastrointestinal problems and autism spectrum disorders(ASD) related symptoms, in order to give some clues to the management of ASD children.@*Methods@#Three hundred and thirty-six ASD children aged from 3-8 years old were recruited for the study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.General information about the children, including birth date, gender, food allergy history, gastrointestinal problems in the recent 3 months and social psychological scales, were completed by parents or caretakers.The association between gastrointestinal problems and ASD related symptoms (repetitive and stereotypic behaviors, sensory processing problems, emotional and behavioral problems) were analyzed.@*Results@#Among 336 ASD individuals, gastrointestinal problems were detected in 85 children.General gastrointestinal problem detection rate was 25.3%.ASD children with gastrointestinal problems were more severe in sensory over responsitivity(t=3.172, P<0.05), as well as emotional problems(t=-3.215, P<0.05). According to the regression analysis, gastrointestinal problem was significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity[β(SE)=-0.041, P<0.05, Exp(β)=-0.959], as well as emotional problems[β(SE)=0.375, P<0.05, Exp(β)=1.456]. Specifically, vomit was significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity(B=-14.446, P<0.05), and constipation was significantly associated with emotional problems(B=1.555, P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#Gastrointestinal problems are often seen in Chinese ASD children.Gas-trointestinal problems are significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity, as well as emotional problems, implying that resolving gastrointestinal problems may be helpful to remit these problems.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752297


Objective To explore the association between gastrointestinal problems and autism spectrum disorders(ASD) related symptoms,in order to give some clues to the management of ASD children.Methods Three hundred and thirty-six ASD children aged from 3-8 years old were recruited for the study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.General information about the children,including birth date,gender,food allergy history,gastrointestinal problems in the recent 3 months and social psychological scales,were completed by parents or caretakers.The association between gastrointestinal problems and ASD related symptoms (repetitive and stereotypic behaviors,sensory processing problems,emotional and behavioral problems) were analyzed.Results Among 336 ASD individuals,gastrointestinal problems were detected in 85 children.General gastrointestinal problem detection rate was 25.3%.ASD children with gastrointestinal problems were more severe in sensory over responsitivity (t =3.172,P < 0.05),as well as emotional problems(t =-3.215,P <0.05).According to the regression analysis,gastrointestinal problem was significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity[β(SE) =-0.041,P < 0.05,Exp(β) =-0.959],as well as emotional problems[β(SE) =0.375,P <0.05,Exp(β) =1.456].Specifically,vomit was significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity(B =-14.446,P < 0.05),and constipation was significantly associated with emotional problems(B =1.555,P < 0.05).Conclusions Gastrointestinal problems are often seen in Chinese ASD children.Gastrointestinal problems are significantly associated with sensory over responsitivity,as well as emotional problems,implying that resolving gastrointestinal problems may be helpful to remit these problems.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 14(2): 351-362, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989713


Resumen Estudiar los problemas de comportamiento en los niños resulta complejo y más aún si presentan discapacidad intelectual, ya que se involucran diversos factores etiológicos: contextuales, genéticos, familiares, interaccionales; algunos de ellos pueden ser causa por sí mismos de psicopatología o aumentar el riesgo de psicopatología. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron identificar problemas emocionales y de comportamiento en niños de 6 y 11 años con discapacidad intelectual de diferentes niveles socioeconómico (NSE) de Tucumán, Argentina. Segundo, analizar comportamientos internalizantes y externalizantes en niños con discapacidad intelectual y analizar si existen diferencias en los problemas emocionales y de comportamiento en función del contexto socioeconómico de los niños. Los hallazgos del presente estudio se relacionan con una mayor problemática comportamental y emocional en niños con discapacidad intelectual moderada referida a problemas de atención, sociales y de retraimiento. Además se encontró mayor problemática emocional en niños con discapacidad intelectual de niveles socioeconómico bajo de Tucumán.

Abstract Studying behavioral problems in children is complex, especially if they have an intellectual disability. The aetiology of such problems is diverse: context, genetics, family and interaction, and some of these factors can be themselves a cause of psychopathology or increase its risk. The aims were: to identify emotional and behavioural problems in 6-to-11-year-old children with intellectual disability from different socioeconomic levels (SEL) from Tucumán, Argentina; to analyse internalizing and externalizing behaviour in children with intellectual disability; and to analyse whether there were differences in emotional and behavioural problems depending on the children's SEL. The findings of this study can be related to greater emotional and behavioural problems in children who have a moderate intellectual disability associated with attention, shyness and social problems. In addition, greater emotional problems were found in children with intellectual disability of low socioeconomic levels from Tucumán.

Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 45(4): 100-105, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-961989


Abstract Background: Turkey is the leading refugee-hosting country in the world. However, there are few studies which investigate mental wellbeing of refugee children in Turkey. Objective: The paper aims to examine the prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems and associated risk factors among Syrian refugee minors in Turkey. Methods: The research involved 85 students from 2 th to 8 th grades. We investigated emotional and behavioural problems with parent-reported Arabic form of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Socio-demographical findings and children's war-related experiences were also examined. Results: The study sample consisted of 49 (63.6%) girls, and 28 (36.4%) boys (total 77) from age 7 to 17. Average time after resettlement was 29.8 ± 11.2 (5 to 50 months) months. 66 (85.7%) children reported to had lost at least one familiar person due to the war. The mean experienced war-related traumatic events were calculated as 2.92 ± 1.86. Total difficulty scores of 30 (39.0%) children were above the cut off values. The rates of children whose SDQ problem scores exceeded the cut-off values were as high as 45.5% (35) for Emotional problems, 64.9% (50) for Peer, 27.3% (21) for conduct and 19.5% (15) for Hyperactivity problems. Discussion: Results indicate high prevalence rates of severe traumatic experiences and possible psychiatric disorders among child survivors of Syrian war which in its seventh year now.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 14-18, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892848


Abstract Introduction Vestibular symptoms and damage to the vestibular branch of the eighth cranial nerve is reported in individuals with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). However, the real life handicap caused by these vestibular problems in individuals with ANSD is not studied. Objective The present study attempted to evaluate the dizziness-related handicap in adolescents and adults with ANSD. Method The dizziness handicap inventory (DHI) was administered to 40 adolescents and adults diagnosed with ANSD. The study also attempted to determine if there is any gender effect on DHI scores and its correlation to the reported onset of hearing loss. Results The results of the study showed that adolescents and adults with ANSD had a moderate degree of dizziness-related handicap. The dizziness affected their quality of life, causing emotional problems. There was no gender effect, and the level of the handicap was greater in the cases in which the onset of the hearing loss was reported soon after the diagnosis of ANSD. There could be a vestibular compensation that could have resulted in a reduction in symptoms in individuals in whom the onset of the hearing loss was reported later on. Conclusion Thus, a detailed assessment of vestibular problems and their impact on quality of life is essential in adolescents and adults with ANSD. Appropriate management strategies should be considered to resolve their vestibular problems and improve their quality of life.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 19(3): 256-269, dez. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-895914


O Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH) é muito utilizado para a avaliação emocional de crianças, porém há pouca validade empírica da medida. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar evidências de validade por critério externo para o DFH. A amostra foi composta de 91 crianças (62,6% meninas), com idades entre 11 e 12 anos, que frequentavam instituições de educação básica. Para tanto, utilizou-se o DFH avaliado pelo sistema de dificuldades emocionais e Youth Self-Report (YSR), Inventário de Autoavaliação para Jovens que avalia dificuldades comportamentais e emocionais. Foram estimadas as correlações entre ambas as medidas e comparados os totais e os itens específicos do DFH com as dimensões comportamentais do YSR. Não foram observadas associações entre os totais de indicadores emocionais do DFH e nos totais do YSR. No presente estudo, não foi observada a validade do DFH como medida de problemas emocionais, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos sobre sua validade.

The Human Figure Drawing (HFD) is widely used for emotional assessment of children, but there is little empirical validity of this measure. This study aims at investigating the validity evidence for external criteria of HFD. The sample consisted of 91 children (62.6 % girls), aged between 11 and 12 years, enrolled in elementary institutions. We used the HFD to evaluate emotional difficulties and Youth Self Report (YSR) system in assessing self-perception of psychological difficulties. The Pearson correlations between the two measures were estimated. We have compared the total and specific HFD items with the behavioral dimensions of YSR. We have observed no associations between complete emotional indicators of HFD and the total of YSR. In conclusion, the HFD was not validated as a measure of emotional issues, indicating the need for more studies.

La Figura dibujo Humana (FDH) es ampliamente utilizado para la evaluación emocional de los niños, pero hay poca validez empírica de la medida. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la evidencia de validez de los criterios externos para FDH. La muestra consistió en 91 niños (62,6% mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 12 años, asistiendo a las instituciones de educación básica. Para ello, se utilizó el FDH evaluados por las dificultades emocionales y sistema de Youth Self Report (YRS). Se estimaron las correlaciones entre las dos medidas y comparadas las partidas totales y específicas DFH con las dimensiones del comportamiento de YSR. No se observaron asociaciones entre los indicadores emocionales totales de FDH y el total de YSR. El presente estudio no mostró la validez del FDH como una medida de problemas emocionales, lo que indica la necesidad de más estudios sobre su validez.

Humans , Child , Affective Symptoms , Emotional Intelligence
Psychol. av. discip ; 11(1): 57-70, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-895986


Resumen El objetivo general del estudio es comparar la información aportada por padres, profesores y cuidadores sobre el comportamiento problemático y los problemas emocionales de preadolescentes y adolescentes venezolanos institucionalizados y que viven con sus familias, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre 11 y 16 años. La muestra estuvo constituida por 111 participantes institucionalizados en asociaciones civiles y entidades de protección del Estado, y 111 preadolescentes y adolescentes que conformaron la muestra control y pertenecían a colegios públicos, privados o subsidiados. Se valoraron los síntomas emocionales, el déficit de atención e hiperactividad, problemas con los compañeros, problemas de conducta y comportamiento prosocial. Los comportamientos problemáticos y los problemas emocionales fueron medidos a través del Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades (SDQ), con la información proveniente de padres/cuidadores y profesores, y los problemas de atención fueron evaluados a través de la Escala para la evaluación del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (EDAH) con la información de los profesores. Las conclusiones del estudio permiten afirmar que los participantes que viven en las instituciones presentan mayor nivel de problemas de comportamiento, problemas emocionales y de atención que los preadolescentes y adolescentes que conviven con sus familias de acuerdo a los informes de los padres, profesores y cuidadores.

Abstract The general objective of the study is to compare the information provided by parents, teachers and caregivers about pre-adolescents and Venezuelan adolescents institutionalized and living with their families, whose ages are between 11 and 16 years old. The sample was constituted by 111 participants institutionalized in civil associations and state protection entities, and 111 preadolescents and adolescents who conformed the control sample and belonged to public, private or subsidized schools. Emotional symptoms, attention deficit and hyperactivity, problems with peers, behavior problems and prosocial behavior were assessed. Problematic behaviors and emotional problems were measured through the Capacities and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), with information from parents / caregivers and teachers, and care problems were assessed through the Scale for the Evaluation of Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (EDAH) with information from teachers. The conclusions of the study allow us to affirm that the participants living in the institutions present a higher level of behavior problems, emotional problems and attention than the preadolescents and adolescents who live with their families according to the reports of parents, teachers and caregivers.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Child , Adolescent , Affective Symptoms , Problem Behavior , Association , Attention/classification , User Embracement , Altruism , Research Report , Applied Behavior Analysis/methods
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 471-477, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609106


Objective:To know about the prevalence of depression,anxiety,and suicidal behaviors among newly diagnosed HIV-positive men who have sex with men.Methods:A cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample was conducted in the HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinic of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.A standard set of questionnaires,namely,the Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ9),Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7),and a self-designed suicidal behavior questionnaire were used to assess the subjects'emotional problems.Results:Among 321 newly diagnosed HIV-positive men who had sex with men,the positive rate of depression and anxiety were 41.1% (132/321) and 31.5% (101/321),respectively.The rate suicidal ideation after HIV diagnosis was 27.7% (89/321).Individuals who were living with others,had HIV related clinical symptoms,higher HIV/AIDS related stress,and lower social support were more likely to have positive depressive symptoms.Individuals who were unmarried,had lower HIV/AIDS related stress,and lower social support were more likely to have positive anxiety.The prevalence of suicidal ideation after HIV diagnosis was higher among individuals who were unwilling to join in HIV/AIDS support groups,had HIV related clinical symptoms,higher HIV/AIDS related stress,lower social support,and both positive depression and anxiety symptoms.Conclusion:The prevalence of emotional problems is high among newly diagnosed HIV-positive men who have sex with men.It is warranted to promote mental health service for this vulnerable group.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 48(4): 250-255, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-968058


Los trastornos mentales son considerados como un problema de salud pública, debido a su alta prevalencia. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue obtener la Razón de Prevalencia (RP) de los problemas emocionales y conductuales de acuerdo al sexo en 653 adolescentes mexicanos con un rango de edad de 15 a 18 años, a través de la Escala de Problemas Emocionales y Conductuales validada por Andrade, Betancourt y Vallejo (2010). Los resultados obtenidos reportan que las mujeres tienen el 54% más riesgo de presentar problemas internalizados y externalizados en comparación con los hombres. Finalmente se enfatiza la necesidad de considerar las diferencias de cada sexo al evaluar los problemas emocionales y conductuales, así como en el desarrollo de estrategias encaminadas a la promoción de su salud.

Os transtornos mentais são considerados como um problema de saúde pública devido à sua alta prevalência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma comparação por sexo da presença de problemas emocionais e comportamentais em 653 adolescentes mexicanos com uma faixa etária de 15 a 18 anos, através da Escala de Problemas Emocionais e Comportamentais, validada por Andrade, Betancourt e Vallejo (2010). Os resultados revelaram que as mulheres são 54% mais risco de internalização e externalização de problemas em relação aos homens. Finalmente, é enfatizada a necessidade de considerar as diferenças de cada sexo na avaliação de problemas emocionais e comportamentais, bem como no desenvolvimento de estratégias voltadas para a promoção de sua saúde.

Today, mental disorders are considered as a public health problem due to its high prevalence. Therefore the aim of this research was to make a comparison by gender of the presence of emotional and behavioral problems in 653 Mexican adolescents with an age range of 15 to 18 years, through the Problem Scale Emotions and Behavioral validated by Andrade, Betancourt and Vallejo (2010). The results show that women have a 54% higher risk of internalized and outsourced problems compared to men. Finally, the need to consider the differences of each sex in evaluating emotional and behavioral problems, as well as in the development of strategies aimed at promoting their health, is emphasized.

Psychology, Adolescent , Behavior , Mental Health
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 2(2): 650-664, ago. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706746


Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: determinar si existen diferencias entre padres e hijos en prácticas parentales y problemas emocionales y conductuales de los hijos; analizar el grado de acuerdo entre la percepción de los hijos acerca de las prácticas parentales y sus problemas emocionales y conductuales y las prácticas parentales y problemas de los hijos expresados por el padre y la madre y comparar el nivel de predicción de las prácticas parentales en los problemas emocionales y conductuales de los hijos desde la perspectiva de la madre, el padre y el hijo(a). Participaron 552 niños (52.5% niños y 47.5% niñas), con una edad promedio de 10.8 años; también participaron 395 mamás y 349 papás de los niños. Se utilizó la escala de Prácticas Parentales de Andrade y Betancourt (2010) y la escala de Problemas Emocionales y Conductuales de Andrade y Betancourt (2009). En cuanto el nivel de predicción de las prácticas parentales en los problemas emocionales y conductuales de los hijos, los resultados mostraron mayores porcentajes de varianza explicados cuando los niños y niñas son los informantes que cuando lo son la madre o el padre.

The objectives of this study were to determine whether differences exist between parents and children in parenting practices, and behavioral and emotional problems of children, to analyze the degree of agreement between the perceptions of children about parenting practices and their emotional and behavioral problems, and parenting practices and problems of the children expressed by the father and mother, and comparing the prediction of parenting practices in emotional and behavioral problems of children from the perspective of the mother, father and children. 552 children participated (52.5% boys and 47.5% girls), with an average age of 10.8 years, students from public schools; 395 mothers and 349 fathers of children were also involved. To measure parenting practices Andrade and Betancourt scale (2010) was used, which consists of five dimensions for mother (Communication, Autonomy, Imposition, Behavioral control and Psychological control) and four for father. (Communication/Behavioral Control, Autonomy, Imposition and psychological control). Andrade and Betancourt scale (2009) was used for measuring emotional and behavioral problems; it assesses eight dimensions (rule breaking, somatic problems, depression, attention problems, harassment, friend's problems, aggressive behavior and thought problems). The results showed that significant differences exist between parents and children in the reporting of emotional problems but not for behavioral problems, we also found no significant differences between the assessments made for mothers and fathers in both types of problems. Regarding parenting practices, only significant differences were found between the perceptions of children, and what was expressed by mothers, in the comparison between parents and children no significant differences were found. As for predicting the level of parenting practices in emotional and behavioral problems of children, from the perspective of different informants, the results showed that the percentages of explained variance of emotional and behavioral problems of children when they are informants are higher than, when the mother and father are the informants.

Braz. dent. j ; 23(3): 246-251, 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-641595


Bruxism has a multifactorial etiology, and psychosocial factors have been considered to increase the risk of occurrence of this parafunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior profile of a group of children diagnosed with bruxism. Eighty 7-11-year-old children of both genders (mean age 8.8 years) first recruited as eligible participants. Twenty-nine children (18 males and 11 females) whose parents/guardians reported to present frequent episodes of tooth grinding/clenching while awake or during sleep (at least 3 nights a week) in the previous 3 months were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of bruxism was established based on the parents/guardians' report about the children's behavior, habits and possible discomforts in the components of the stomatognathic system allied to the presence of signs and symptoms such as pain on the masticatory muscles, masseter muscle hypertrophy, wear facets, fractures of restorations, dental impressions on the cheek mucosa and tongue. As part of the psychological evaluation, the Rutter's Child Behavior Scale-A2 was applied to the parents/caregivers (one for each child) and the Child Stress Scale was applied to the children. Data were analyzed descriptively based on the frequency of each studied variable. Twenty-four (82.76%) children needed psychological or psychiatric intervention; 17 of them presented neurotic disorders and 7 children presented antisocial disorders. Six (20.70%) children presented significant physical and psychological manifestations of stress. The findings of the present study suggest that behavioral problems and potential emotional problems can be risk factors to bruxism in children.

A etiologia do bruxismo é multifatorial, e fatores psicossociais têm sido apontados como notáveis potencializadores do risco para a ocorrência dessa parafunção. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil comportamental de um grupo de crianças com bruxismo. Oitenta crianças de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 7 e 11 anos (idade media de 8,8 anos) foram recrutadas como possíveis participantes. Vinte e nove crianças, 18 do sexo masculino e 11 do feminino, cujos pais ou responsáveis relataram que as mesmas apresentavam rangimento dental freqüente (3 noites por semana) ou apertamento/rangimento dental em vigília, nos últimos 3 meses, foram selecionadas para o estudo. O diagnóstico de bruxismo foi estabelecido com base no relato dos pais ou responsáveis sobre os hábitos cotidianos das crianças e possíveis desordens do sistema estomatognático aliados à presença de sinais e sintomas tais como dor à palpação da musculatura mastigatória, hipertrofia do músculo masseter, facetas de desgaste, fratura de restaurações, impressões dentais na bochecha e lingual. Como parte da avaliação psicológica, a Escala Comportamental Infantil A2 de Rutter foi aplicada aos pais ou responsáveis (um por criança) e a Escala de Stress Infantil foi aplicada às crianças. Os dados foram tabelados e analisados descritivamente com base na freqüência de cada variável estudada. Vinte e quatro (82,76%) crianças necessitavam de intervenção psicológica ou psiquiátrica, sendo que 17 crianças apresentavam desordens neuróticas e 7 apresentavam desordens anti-sociais. Seis (20,70%) crianças apresentaram manifestações físicas e psicológicas de stress. Os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que problemas comportamentais e potencialidades para o desenvolvimento de desequilíbrios emocionais podem ser fatores de risco para o bruxismo em crianças.

Child , Female , Humans , Bruxism/etiology , Child Behavior/psychology , Habits , Mental Disorders/complications , Stress, Psychological/complications , Brazil , Bruxism/diagnosis , Masticatory Muscles/physiopathology , Risk Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 40(4): 670-699, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636542


Introducción: La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, la Declaración Mundial sobre Educación y el Decreto 366 del 9 de febrero de 2009, entre otras, reglamenta la organización del servicio de apoyo pedagógico para la atención de los estudiantes con discapacidad y con apacidades o talentos excepcionales en el marco de la educación inclusiva. Esto implica planeación y reparación por parte de las entidades educativas que servirán a este propósito. Objetivos: Describir la apertura y la preparación de los docentes para brindar una atención adecuada a personas con discapacidad en tres establecimientos educativos de Bogotá de acuerdo con la normatividad existente. Materiales y método: Estudio tipo encuesta de corte transversal en docentes de tres colegios públicos de la localidad de Usaquén, en Bogotá. Se elabora un instrumento autodiligenciado con preguntas tipo Likert y se aplica de forma oluntaria, confidencial y anónima a docentes de cada uno de los colegios. Los instrumentos fueron ingresados a una base de datos y se realizaron análisis con frecuencias simples, porcentajes y puntajes obtenidos en el cuestionario. Resultados: Se describen la heterogeneidad de la discapacidad y la dificultad para incluir a las personas en condición de discapacidad de manera homogénea dentro de las legislaciones. Se encuestaron 343 docentes (93,4%) de los 367 previstos, con un promedio de edad de 48,7 años; de los cuales 292 (81,1%) son mujeres. Un 28,9% (97) de los docentes refieren sentirse preparados para educar estudiantes con discapacidad física; un 19,9% (67), para educar estudiantes con discapacidad sensorial; un 19,3% (65), para educar estudiantes con discapacidad mental (cognitiva) y un 45,8% (154), para educar estudiantes con problemas emocionales. Conclusión: El tópico de la discapacidad es heterogéneo y esto se representa en la apreciación diferencial de los docentes respecto a su preparación para atender diferentes problemáticas. Hay pocos...

Introduction: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the World Declaration on Education, and the Decree 366 dated February 9, 2009, mong others, regulate the organization and proper functioning of the educational support service provided to students with disabilities and with exceptional capacities within the framework of inclusive education. This requires an effort in planning and preparation on the part of the educational entities that will provide this service. Objectives: Describe the commencement and training of teachers in order to offer adequate attention and care for people with disabilities in three educational establishments located in Bogotá. Materials and Method: A crosssectional survey was conducted among the teachers of three public schools, in the locality of Usaquén (Bogotá). An anonymous, voluntary, and confidential survey was conducted among the teachers of the three public schools, based on a self-elaborated questionnaire including Likert-type questions. The results were entered in a database and analyzed based on simple frequencies, percentages and scores obtained in the questionnaire. Results: The heterogenic aspect of disabilities and the difficulty of including disabilities as homogenous matter in the local legislation are described. In total 343 teachers participated in the survey, 93.4% of the 367 teachers forming the combined faculty of the three public schools. The average age of the interviewees was around 48 years, and 81% (292) were female. 28% (97) of the interviewed teachers claimed to be trained and prepared to educate students with sensorial disabilities; 19.3% (65) felt qualified to teach students with mental disabilities (cognitive), and lastly, 45.8% (154) considered themselves to be apt to educate and handle students with emotional issues. Conclusion: The topic of disabilities is heterogeneous; this heterogenic aspect is represented or proven by the fact that teachers have a differential appreciation regar...

Disabled Persons , Education/legislation & jurisprudence , Disabled Persons/education
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 20(1): 27-41, jun. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-606137


El propósito de esta investigación es determinar si existen diferenciasde acuerdo con el género de los padres en los efectos del control parental psicológico y conductual en los problemas emocionales y de conducta de los hijos hombres y mujeres. Seseleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 587 estudiantesde secundaria pública de Ciudad de México. El 46,8% fueron hombres y el 53,2%, mujeres, con una media de edad de 13,8 años. Se utilizó la Escala de Percepción de Control Paterno y Materno para Adolescentes y la versión ajustada del Youth Self-Report. Los resultados mostraron que, en general, el control psicológico tanto materno como paterno tuvo una mayor influencia que el control conductual en la presencia de problemas emocionales y de conducta.

The purpose of this research project was to determine whether gender made a difference with respect to the effectsof psychological and behavioral parental control on the emotional and behavioral problems in male and female adolescents. A non-random sample of 587 Mexico City public high school students with a mean age of 13.8 was selected, of which 46.8% were male and 53.2% female. The Maternal and Paternal Control Perception Scale for Adolescents and the adjustedversion of the Youth Self-Report were used. The overall results showed that both maternal and paternal psychological control had a greater influence than behavioral control on thepresence of emotional and behavioral problems.

Adolescent , Adolescent , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Family Characteristics , Father-Child Relations , Mother-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 24(3): 411-418, 2011. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602708


A análise das variáveis que afetam a prevalência de indicadores emocionais no desenho da figura humana foi realizada. A amostra foi composta por 2.206 desenhos, realizados por crianças de 5 aos 11 anos (695 sexo feminino, 408 sexo masculino), que não apresentavam distúrbios clínicos. Dois sistemas de correção foram empregados, o de Naglieri, McNeish e Bardos (avaliação emocional) e o de Wechsler (avaliação cognitiva). A análise da variância demonstrou a influência (p< 0,05) do sexo da criança, idade, tipo da figura desenhada, tipo de escola e interação entre sexo, idade e tipo de figura tanto na pontuação emocional quanto na cognitiva. A pontuação emocional correlacionou-se negativamente (p< 0,01) com a cognitiva. Distintos pontos de corte são recomendados para subsidiar o psicodiagnóstico infantil.

An analysis of the emotional indicators in children's human figure drawings was done in order to investigate variables that could affect their prevalence. The sample consisted of 2,206 human figure drawings made by children (695 girls and 408 boys), aged between 5-12 years old, with no apparent clinical disturbances. Scoring systems by Naglieri, McNeish and Bardos (emotional assessment) and Wechsler (cognitive assessment) were employed. The analysis of variance demonstrated significant effects (p< .01) of children's sex and age; type of figure drawn; type of school attended; and interaction of sex, age and figure type on emotional as well as on cognitive scores. Emotional scores were negatively related (p< .01) to cognitive scores. Different cut-off scores are proposed to provide an adequate psychodiagnostic assessment.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Emotions , Projective Techniques , Psychology, Child